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Old December 21st, 2014, 06:04 PM
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Good evening everyone!

So its been a while... again.

Life is just keeping me real busy but with the holidays coming, it should actually slow down.

First, the Mustang club has been taking up quite a bit of my time. The club has changed its name and recently created a new logo. That takes more work than I thought.

I've been putting in some extra hours at work due to workload and deadlines.

The Oldsmobiles have been parked for a while now and I'm left driving the Ford, which is requiring another visit for warranty work. The paint on the hood is starting to bubble and the car isn't 2 years old yet. But I have been rustproofing it every year.

But with all that, Christmas is only 4 days away!!! I can't wait. Even though right now they are calling for rain

I've got a "few" pages to get caught up on. I'll try to post more frequently, but I think I've said that in the past.

Have a good week everyone!
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Old December 22nd, 2014, 05:02 AM
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Mawn'in all

Tis a cold Monday so I gotta wear my flannel lined kakis's to go smakc whitey 'round

John, Sorry bout de Saints/ dirty birds game. I think de birds got a golden horse shoe sum where

Welp GTG

Have a great week Olds friends
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Old December 22nd, 2014, 07:19 AM
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Mawnin Rocketeers

Was A really good game last night. Won quite easily 8-1. Puts us tied for second in the round robin standings for this league. But we're dead last in the other one. Denise hurt her knee last night in the second end and didn't make any of her shots after that. Kathy refused to throw up weight shots so it was up to George and me to keep the house clean.

Jim, I kin hardlee bleeve y'all are still smackin whitey kupple daze bfoe de fleece ov navidad.

Paul, nice to hear from you. Hope you're having fun with the mustang club. You guys have any snow left down there?

De boys GF is coming over around noon and will stay over a couple days then head home for Krimmitz with her family. Guess I better hit the market for more food to feed both of em. I don't bermemder eating that much when I was younger, but both of em seem to have hollow legs.

Time to slurp some koffee an rabble rouse a bit.

Enjoy your day.
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Old December 22nd, 2014, 11:49 AM
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A mite breezie and chili on de links but had to go cause it's MONDAY
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Old December 22nd, 2014, 02:51 PM
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Hi everyone.

Rain, rain. Gonna keep this up all week, but be nice for Christmas. So much for getting more of the wall worked on this weekend.

Paul glad to hear from you. Don't be a stranger. My Mustang has almost 2000 miles on it, having just got back from Florida.

Got some heartburn over a certain someone who buys cars that need precious little to be good drivers, only to part them out. And then brags about it. I thought this was the old car hobby, not the old car scrapping. Okay scrapping wasn't the first word I had in there. That's it for the venting.

Work tonight. Not looking forward to it, for a variety of reasons. Eh, it is what it is. This is my last week of two days, next week I go back to my regular schedule. Ah, how nice it's been.

Okay gonna hit the road. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old December 22nd, 2014, 08:20 PM
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Evening all!

I'm here Jamesbo! We had SUN today!! What a beautiful thing to see! Haven't seen it in about 2 weeks. Of course I didn't get to enjoy it any, but it was there!

It was in the low 40's today. Going to be in the 50's next couple days but rainy. Then the rain turns to snow on Wednesday and Christmas day is supposed to be windy and yucky.

Nicole works until 1:00 on Wednesday so they will leave for here on Friday night and we'll do our thing on Saturday. I told her not to try to come in the snow storm, it's not worth the risk. This will be my first Christmas day without her. Kind of sad. I mailed her and Jon nice cards. They're getting along and not getting along......

So I got all my cookies and fudge made last week. Tiring, lol. Larry helped me ice the sugar cookies last night when I got home. I went up to Jean's yesterday and we went and decorated the graves. Then we went out to eat. Tonight I planned on packing up the cookies for the family and friends but.....

I'm over at good old Ahuja hospital tonight instead. What started out as a great day went downhill mid morning, lol. I turned on my fan around 10:45ish to circulate the 74* air in the office. I had on a Christmas light sweatshirt and I had put on my skort when I got there this morning as usual. Well Brian goes out to have a smoke and he stands in the shade where it's cold. He comes in and asks me "Sandy, why do you wear a sweatshirt if you're hot"? I said 'Brian, I turned the fan on to move the 74* air, I'm not hot, I'm having a hard time breathing.' And I walked away. So I sat there stewing about it, and all of a sudden my heart is doing strange things. It feels like its somersaulting and I got the cold sweats, light headed, tingly arms etc.. I waited about 15 minutes to see if it was going to stop what it was doing and beat right. Well it didn't stop so I figured I better go to the ER and get it checked. So I told Steve my heart was acting funny and I was going. Brian said 'oh really?' I thought to myself, I hope you feel bad now you ***! So I took myself down to Twinsburg and got right in. I really didn't want to sit in that packed waiting room where everyone was coughing....

This nurse guy couldn't get a friggin needle in my arm until the 3rd try! I was shaking like a leaf. I have a bruise in between my elbow and wrist on the inside of my arm, and another big hole below my elbow on the outside of my arm! I told him I wasn't a pin cushion!!!! God did he hurt me! He finally got one in on the side of my arm above the wrist. They gave me 4 baby aspirins to chew to thin the blood in case of stroke. They did an ekg - normal. Kept me wired to a monitor, did a chest x ray. Finally the ER doc tells me I'm getting extra atrial heartbeats! Don't know why. Many years ago I got the extra ventricular heartbeats or PVC's. These they call PAC's. They haven't stopped yet! So I told the Dr to talk to my cardiologist and see what he said,cause I really didn't want to go to the hospital. 2 hrs later the Dr comes back in and he hasn't talked to my cardiologist yet! He asked me what hospitals he practices at and I said Bedford and I'm nit sure which other ones. He said, Ahuja? I said I don't know. It's University Hospitals, so probably. Larry is there by that time slowly running out of patience. They call an ambulance to take me. Says it will be about 45 minutes. I called Cigna to see if the ride would be covered. Well.... the one they called is not in Cignas network. So I told them I wouldn't go in that one. I called Cigna again to ask what companies were in their network. Got a list and gave it to the nurse. Well she had to call the higher ups because they are "contracted" with the company they called and she didn't know if she could call another service. That's enough to give a person a heart attack, I'll tell ya! So she was allowed to use someone else and called a service in Ravenna. So I got over here around 6:00 tonight. Hadn't had anything to eat since a bowl of cereal at 8:15 this morning, and that was long gone! The cafeteria here closes at 6:30. Really???? So Larry went to Bob Evans and got me a burger and fries at 8:00! What a day!

A couple hours ago a fellow came in to get blood and I showed him my arm from this morning and told him how scared I was. But he was a regular phelobotomist and he got in and out before I knew it! Didn't feel a thing!

I'm told I am having a stress test in the morning. Guess I'll be doing it in a hospital gown and bare feet since I only have a pair of dress pants and dress shoes. Didn't know I'd need sweats and tenny shoes when I left home this morning lol. They didn't order any of my meds tonight. Guess it won't hurt to skip a night.

I don't know what can be done about these PAC things. Probably another medicine. I worry more about the A Fib..... guess I'll be told. I haven't been stressed any, other than Brian, lol. At least not that I'm aware of. I'm happier now then I've been in a long time. I don't get it.

So there's the extent of my day! Hasn't been very joyful. Brian is gonna kill me, lol. Guess I'm just going to have to start telling him off. But he argues every point you throw at him! He doesn't stop. He has to have the last word and hes never wrong. Larry went to the office to get my stuff I left there, and he told them that I need air circulation. He has learned to live with fans on at home. He said hopefully Brian picked up on what he was trying to say. Doubtful.

I had to call Akron and tell them I cant do the sleep study tomorrow night. Didn't break my heart any.

So I reckon I'll sort cookies tomorrow night and finish wrapping.

Darrell... I haven't used this new $75 inhaler for the last few days. It is also making me clear my throat all the time. I hate that! I thought $40 was bad for the Symbacort..... I'm putting on a DoTerra oil to help with breathing now. Seems to be working so far. Glad your business is taking off.

Well I'm tired so I guess I'll call it a day and try to get some sleep. This place is loud and busy so.....

Have a good night!
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Old December 22nd, 2014, 08:59 PM
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Holy cow Sandy, what a day you had! just keep being scrappy.
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Old December 22nd, 2014, 09:42 PM
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Evening everyone. Another busy weekend here. It was my wife's birthday and I had plans to take her into NYC however we changed our minds with all the protesting going on there. Things obviously have not calmed down after 2 NYPD officers were killed. I have to work in Manhattan tomorrow so hopefully it won't be a problem.

Clint - hope you enjoyed your commercialized shopping. I know I did on Saturday. Lines were long and I didn't think the prices were that great either.

Sandy - good to hear from you.

Well, off to bed, have a good night everyone.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 04:14 AM
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Mornin all.

Sandy. If it takes you ending up in the hospital to post here. you don't need to post no more Hope you're feeling better.

Darrell, I got what needed to be got, and thats it. I'm not much of a shopper, I'm more of a buyer.

Paul good to hear from you.

Jamesbo, is that the only way to put a bright spot on Mondays?

Allan, You know you enjoy the company. Thank you.

Snowed a couple inches yesterday. They weren't really calling for it. Windy too.

Have a Tuesday all.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 05:04 AM
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Mawn'in all

Elsie's ere dis mawn'in

Sandy, Glad to ere from ya. jes keep pitch'in

Mike, Seen any AK's or Glocks on any planes lately?

Not to be too political but isn't dis spose to be the season fer Peace on Earth, Good will to men.

I've decide to include de cops in my mawn'in prayers
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 05:43 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

Yowsa! One more day till Krmmitz eve. Still not really feeling it in spite of wrapping and putting presents under the tree. We usually put the presents there a couple days before the big day. Gettin harder. To find hiding spots till wrapping day.

Spoda be beautimus here today. Unseasonably warm at 20 right now and warming up later to 32. Saw some penguins waddle by with no tuxedos, just swim trunks....

Hmmm, no trash collection this week. I should tell the neighbors who already put theirs out.

My sister and her fambly went to Kooba for a warm Krimmitz. First time they've had a warm country winter vacation. Hope they're enjoying veradero, it's a pleasant 80* there today.

Clint, you're right, and you're very welcome. I feel bad that's the best I can do for now.

Jim, wut goes "whack whack whack whack?" Flock o ducks wit a cold. Eder dat or me tryin ta git outta de tall grass.

Sandy, I'm sorry to hear about your cardio issues. I feel your pain. BTW the stress test is not much fun, but seeing that you walk at noon an such it shouldn't be too bad. They'll be monitoring you all the way through and taking BP readings as you go. They also will want to know whether you feel any palpitations and what your level of discomfort is. Wishing you success and a healthy prognosis. This is not what you need so close to Krimmitz.

Mike, did you decide on which model of humvee to pick up from the surplus sale?

John, where are ya?

Scot, are things with UPS still nuts? Do you keep the job after the holiday season or do they lay off their seasonal hires? Crossing my fingers for ya brother.

Shoot! Still friggen dark for Anutter couple hours. Need to fuel up the cars today. Since we don't drive a lot any more the fuel bills have gone way down. Now it's only one fill per car every 3-4 weeks. Gas here is down to around 2.95/US gallon. That's almost like a giveaway compared to what it was. My BIL on the island says its 'down' to only 3.70/US gallon there. Funny that diesel isn't dropping.

Oh well, nuff pontificating. I got some new dark roast arabica koffee just brewed. Nectar o de Gods!

Enjoy your day.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 06:12 AM
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Allan, I've went hunting in Cuba in 1977 flew into Valerado and had lunch wit de heard of Cubatour [and others] in the Empty DuPont mansion.

We stayed in Havana fer one nite den took a bus out to far west Cuba [it's a BIG island] and hunted ducks in an ole hunting lodge Batista had set up. De were kind enough to fly a biplane around in de mawn'in to keep de ducks [patos] flying.

We also shot Palomas [Doves] in rice fields an misquite groves

Beautiful place but poor as all get out. Kinda looked like Miami in 1959 dat no one had kept up
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 07:29 AM
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Morning all! Thanks for the well wishes!

Been awake for hours. I didn't sleep well at all. But that was expected. Gray and rainy here of course, temps in the 40's.

I'm waiting for the phelbotomist to come take blood. Nurse tried in 2 places this morning with no success. So add 2 more painful holes in my arm. Waiting for the stress test. Waiting to see a cardiologist....... would like to be able to drink some coffee! I'm sipping hidden water they don't know about, lol. They don't want me having anything until the stress test is done. I've had them before in late afternoon after I ate in the morning, so I don't know why this is different.

I'm bored. Not much on TV. Lin called a while ago.

Larry called earlier. He sounds pissy which is no surprise. He said Jr doesn't have Elyse on Christmas day and he wanted to bring her over. He told Jr that I said Nicole would be here on Friday. I said No, I told you they were going to leave Friday night and be here Saturday. So he argued with me. This man has his phone in his hands constantly since he got on Facebook months ago. He doesn't listen to me. He's worse than one of 'these kids today ' on facebook! Seriously, the only time he doesn't have his phone in his hands is when he's driving! So now he's irritated with me because he didn't hear what I said. Whatever. Usual holiday mood starting I guess. I was hoping this year would be better.

Our plan was to gather at Lins when Nicole got here like all us girls usually do on Christmas Eve and open our gifts from each other, but now I don't know what's going to take place. I'm going to try to not get upset.......

Clint... I'll be back on once this hustle and bustle is over. I haven't been taking my laptop to work like I usually do, and I don't like typing on this Kindle much, and I'm just too tired at night when I finally sit down to get out the laptop. So therefore I get way behind! I promise to do better!

I'm not feeling the extra beats as much as yesterday, but they're still there. Watching the monitor, it's amazing! The line is very fuzzy looking after the line that goes up into a peak with the heartbeats. And when the extra beats kick in it really looks weird lol. This monitor shows 12 rooms of patients heartbeats. Some of these poor souls are in A-Fib, one persons rate is 145 beats a minute right now. Very interesting.....

Well I think I'm going to take a walk down the hall and try not to catch any germs from people coughing! I hate hospitals.....

You all have a great day!!!
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 07:32 AM
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Is it bad to wish a STD on someone?
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 07:39 AM
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It's fine as long as they're dicks. Especially if they're elected.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 07:58 AM
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It's fine as long as they're dicks. Especially if they're elected.
LOL! hey, no politics!! it just struck me funny, my laugh for the day.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 08:29 AM
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Sandy, Don't drink toooooo much water or your stomach will slosh when de do de stress test

Please don't ax me how I know dis
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 10:08 AM
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Hey, Y'all

Funky mountain weather... but got to a "hot spot," so's at least I can check my email.

Sandy, so sorry to hear of your latest (mis)adventure. The better half would have some advice for you, since she was diagnosed with A-Fib a few months back, and she's been controlling ("managing") it herself! Unless you have a few ablation operations (trial and error) or take pills for the rest of your life, with side effects out the wazoo, the medical profession won't do anything for you.

Christmas blessings to all Oldsmofriends.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 10:32 AM
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John's silence 'bout de Saints is/was thunderous
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 11:34 AM
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Well dats cause de dirty birds ate dem fer din din. 30-14. Sorta like de hulk (green guy?) would say 'It's clobberin time!'
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 02:58 PM
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Hi everyone.

Running really late today. Didn't get up until a quarter to five. Oh but did it feel good.

Light rain off and on all day kept the dogs from wanting to go out too much. The lake was coming back up and I asked the guy if he'd open the valves again. He not living on the lake didn't realize it and said someone else must have shut them. So the lake is coming back down.

Sandy I hope things are getting better and you feel better quick.

Allan still shopping for the Humvee.

Jamesbo I try not to look for things like that.

Okay gotta scram, and pick up some cookies my neighbor made for me. Have a good night everyone.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 07:21 PM
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Good evening everyone!

My record is improving, 2 posts in 3 days!

Sandy, I'm sorry to hear about your heart issues. I hope things get sorted out soon.

Allan, we still have snow for now, but it's been raining/freezing rain here all day and they are calling for regular rain all day tomorrow with a high of +4*C tomorrow (39*F) and a high of 3*C on Christmas day So who knows how much will still be around.

Mike, now a Humvee? Well, it would go good with the Deuce.

Have a great Christmas Eve everyone. And if I'm not on tomorrow, Merry Christmas!
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 07:59 PM
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A new attendance record??

We've got it good right now but on Christmas it's supposed to go down to -13°C. Nicola boom boom says that the western side of the province will get hit with up to 45 cm of snow, and Jasper/Banff will get only about 10.

I was just out getting some last minute groceries and the store was almost deserted. Great time to go shopping but that also meant that some stuff was sold out. On the way back I noticed the PetroCan had dropped its price for Reg to 78.4/L. Half hour earlier it was 79.9 Hmmm, you know that can't last, right? Oh, Diesel is down to 1.05/L. For the rest of the folks used to US gallons, that's 2.96/US gallon Reg and 3.97/US gal for diesel. Ever wonder why diesel is so expensive?

And, on the off chance that we don't hear from you soon? Merry Christmas to you and your family, from your family here on the NGMT!

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Old December 23rd, 2014, 08:25 PM
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Hi everyone. Rainy here today and in the 40's, not the nicest of days but it could have been worse.

Last day of work this week but I made it count. Opened up some new accounts and got to see all the important people I needed to see. I had to park in a parking garage today in midtown manhattan for two hours. When I went to pay the fee, I was told it was $50! I said, "Really?" He said, "Well that's what it costs to park in this part of Manhattan!" Wow.

Took me two hours to get home (60 miles)because of all the traffic. I have seen it worse than that though.

Allan - gas here is $2.69/gallon. Still dropping but it still should be lower.

Clint - nothing wrong with wishing that on someone if they are an a$$#@!e.
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Old December 23rd, 2014, 08:53 PM
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Well gas here is $1.93 gal, over in Grand Rapids 30-35 miles away it's in the mid 1.80's
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Old December 24th, 2014, 05:17 AM
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Mawn'in all

Rain'in like a cow on a flat rock

Welp, Sum body volunteered me to cook fer de Super model's family get together

Den sum body else volunteered my house to keep the 2 beagles from hell

Den sum body volunteered me to go to de stow. Last minute chaos seems to be de norm 'round ere.


Have a Mery Christmas and send me sum bail money, I'm gonna need it before de days done.
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Old December 24th, 2014, 08:22 AM
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Morning all!

Cloudy and a little rainy here but its 54*!! I'll take that!

Got home from the hospital about 7:30 last night. Sorted all the cookies and fudge for the family and friends. I sat down about 10:15 to watch some TV and went to bed around 11 which is early for me.

Heart is still flopping around - a little better I think, though. Once in a while it really feels like it's going to come out of my throat...

So get this..... earlier after Steve has his heater running for about an hour and it gets stuffy in here, I say " I'm going to need some air pretty soon". Brian says "TURN ON THE FAN"! I whipped around in my chair and looked at him in astonishment! He then goes on to say that he was reading about "people that need air circulation to breathe easier" I said "you really researched that"? He said "yes, and it's a real thing". I said "yes it is, Brian. I don't just turn on the fan to irritate anyone. I haven't been lying when I say I need air circulation". Of course he didn't apologize, but he was amazed at the blogs online of people talking about how they need air movement. So maybe he has an understanding now! He must have paid attention to what Larry said when he was in here lol, and had to go home and look it up and see it for himself. Whatever! The Lord works in mysterious ways and I'm thankful! It's up to 76* back here now and man is it hot......

We're out of here at noon today! I'm supposed to take Lin out to Tinas and take the gifts I got for her kids later today, but I dontknow if I will or not. I have to finish wrapping a few things too. I'll see how I feel.

John... good to here Daria is able to keep her A fib under control with no medicines. The Bystolic works for mine. These extra beats I just don't understand though.

I got gas for $2.06 Sunday night around Ravenna. It's still in the 2.20's around us, but has dropped to $1.99 in Stow.

Jamesbo... sounds like the usual Christmas for you, lol. I'll keep some money available, lol!!

Well I guess I better do something. It's sooo dead in here. Brian is the only one with anything to do, and he's complaining away and all stressed! I think we will have a mess on our hands with his stuff next week when he is off.

Have a Merry Christmas all and I wish for us all a healthy and blessed 2015! Talk to ya later!
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Old December 24th, 2014, 08:32 AM
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Im back!!!!!! Forgot to ask about this! Here's a question for those of you with manuals or books....

My sister's 84 Delta 88. Has the 305 or 307 engine in it..... she needs the "flange that has pipe in it, that bolts onto the cadalliac (sp) converter". No one knows what to call this, lol. She said the flange rotted out and broke apart. She said theres a lot of tailpipe that goes from this flange back into the muffler.

She was told this could be a dealer item? She needs to know where to get this piece or if it could be made? Muffler shops can't help her they're saying.

So help me out please, so I can let her know!! Thanks much!!
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Old December 24th, 2014, 08:37 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

Tis quiet here this mawnin. Bun ha the nieghbors had parties last night but we're really considerate.

Had to go to de store last night fer onjuns. Boy it was dead at the market but that's a win for me.

Hope it's a short day for y'all. Time to break out the eggnog.

Enjoy your day.
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Old December 24th, 2014, 08:59 AM
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Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Raining here and going to be 60 today. Certainly not going to be a white Christmas here.

Sandy - saw your post. Tell your friend to go on They list two different flanges that are available as well as the pipe that connects to the catalytic converter.

Cheers everyone.
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Old December 24th, 2014, 09:06 AM
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Good Morning from the Northwest everyone! Somewhat cloudy out no rain or snow yet, you never know though. I am actually at work but its slow today, hoping we take off early so I can work on the fender for my omega which is sitting 10 feet from me!

Been busy lately and haven't been on, so I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and get lots of time with your families!
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Old December 24th, 2014, 10:03 AM
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catalytic converter. She has to determine what engine 305=Chevy, 307=Olds. this is in the vin, which the parts store can determine, then if they can't help, go to Rockauto like Darrell said. Rock Auto only shows the Olds engine:307. You will have to determine by looking at the pics on Rock Auto, what piece(s) you will need.

Last edited by 1969w3155; December 24th, 2014 at 10:10 AM.
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Old December 24th, 2014, 10:41 AM
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Merry Christmas guys and gal(s) coffe cup and I are with you every AM.
Here is t a good year ahead

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Old December 24th, 2014, 10:53 AM
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Gee Ted, sort of like we are brothers. Same routine in the mawnin.

Police arrived an hour ago with another summons. Same dude that caused the damage in the summer - this one was for Graeme since he was driving with me. Should be a slam dunk guilty charge for him. What a waste of the court systems time and tax payer money.
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Old December 24th, 2014, 11:08 AM
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Hi everyone.

Ho ho ho. I wonder if Santa is mad that the Green Giant stole his tagline.

Dismal day out. Although no rain. It rained like a mother last night at the airport. Glad I was working inside. By the time we moved the plane outside it was down to a drizzle. Supposed to be nice tomorrow.

Allan this is a perfect opportunity to show a young man first hand how the court system works. If/when the guy loses, will he have to pay court costs, or pay back what this has cost the taxpayers?

Sandy that's odd that a muffler shop can't help your sister. I would think they could do it as long as she wasn't asking them to remove the converter. Here is her chance to put on a set of custom duals with high flow converters and glasspacks.

Jamesbo good luck with the party. My neighbor is having dinner at 5, and I called to ask her if she needed anything from Walmart. Don't go she said, it will be a madhouse.

Okay gotta run to the madhouse. Hope everyone has a nice evening.
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Old December 24th, 2014, 11:12 AM
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Far as I know if he loses he pays court costs - and he will lose. I believe that includes the cost the court incurs with subpeona's, officer time, meals, travel expenses etc. This guy is a real dirt bag. If I said he should go to jail, that would be too good for him and that would also be an added weight to the taxpayers providing him with a warm accomodation, leisure and recreation, + free meals. Peeps like him are the real leeches on society. I think it could be handled better but that would become a political discussion.
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Old December 24th, 2014, 12:12 PM
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New/old article on Hemmings, Delmont 88, this is what my '68 Delta Custom looked like on the outside, same color and body style.
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Old December 24th, 2014, 09:06 PM
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Merry CHRISTmas Oldsmofriends

Rain is gone for a few days... Woo Hoo

Originally Posted by Allan R
Scot, are things with UPS still nuts? Do you keep the job after the holiday season or do they lay off their seasonal hires? Crossing my fingers for ya brother.
Yes sir. Our next day air has been screwed up so bad that we've had to run our routes twice. Not to mention late nights into the 11 - 12 hr days As far as "In Like Flynn" I dunno... Although I am very liked and congratulated often for my service, way over the competition so to say I appreciate the support and have done 110% +, so lets just say I am hopeful...

Anywho I hope everyone has a safe, prosperous and Merry CHRISTmas
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Old December 25th, 2014, 04:11 AM
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Christmas Worm

Merry Christmas to all Oldsmofriends! Remember the reason for the season.

Thanks be to God for another year and another Christmas season with my online friends. So abundant Christmas blessings to all.

Glad you made it home, Sandy. Hope those extra beats are vanquished real soon. Perhaps some dim light did go off in Brian's head. May it continue to brighten.

I'm on a pirated hot spot, so let me get off before I'm discovered....
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Old December 25th, 2014, 04:43 AM
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Merry Christmas everyone.

As the sun comes up it looks like it will be a beautiful day. Don't have any real plans, just Awful house.

Had a wonderful dinner last night next door. She fixed Prime Rib which was to die for, and lots of stuff to go with. And then she says, dinner will be at 5 tomorrow as well. I can't tell you how much I appreciate these neighbors, who are so giving and take such good care of me.

I'm wondering if Larry helped install the dim light in Brian's head somehow. Sandy hope you're feeling better.

Scot I hope you get to keep on after the holiday season. After all, people send packages all year... I don't think we're going to get rain for awhile up here, either, so maybe things will dry out a little.

Jamesbo how was the party?

Dan that's a nice looking car. You can't beat a big car, that's for sure.

Well time to get this show on the road. Hope everyone has a good day.

Last edited by slantflat; December 25th, 2014 at 04:45 AM.
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