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Old December 10th, 2014, 03:01 PM
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Hi everyone.

Colder than a well digger's heal today. I saw entirely too much of the day. Finally got up around 2, hope that doesn't equate to zombie for me tonight.

Friday for me. Gonna go see my Mom on Friday, I haven't been there since June.

Unless things got changed since this morning, I saw that I've got a bad lead tonight. This particular guy stole money from the company a few years ago in the form of cooking the books with overtime. He should have gotten fired on the spot. What saved him and the other two clowns that were in on it was that the foreman wasn't doing his job by approving all overtime. So he said he'd take care of it. And so the foreman wouldn't get in trouble it was all swept under the rug. But do you think that would have changed the way he conducts himself? Nope. Still a *****.

Well okay. One more then they are in my rear view mirror. Hope everyone has a good evening and enjoyed your Hump Day.
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Old December 11th, 2014, 03:51 AM
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Mornin all.

Not much new on this end. yesterday was really nice, I worked out front most of the day. Even took off my coat.Seemed warmer outside than in.

Have a Thursday all.
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Old December 11th, 2014, 04:59 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Worked in a nice warm hangar last night. Got all full of this awful green grease, but that's what showers are for. Gonna sleep a little today then do a bunch of stuff, so I can go to Florida tomorrow.

Today is 10 years I've been without my beloved Max. Sometimes it seems so long, and other times it seems so short. I love my boy and girl I have now, but they are no Max. I saw this once, "There's only one best dog in the world, and every boy has him."

Bright and sunny out, if not cold as a mother. Lake is going down nicely. I can see the porch glider that blew off the neighbor's dock again, as soon as it's dry I'll retrieve it and clean it up for them.

Okay have a good day everyone.
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Old December 11th, 2014, 05:23 AM
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Mawn'in all

A mite chili down ere.

Sure am glad I don't live on de left coast

Sandy, I can't believe ya haven't been in a drug store. Dat jes don't make sense I thought you were takin alota drugs

Mike, It's been my experience dat most leopards don't change their spots

Allan, an AGA 6/4 is a wonderful stove with 4 ovens an 6 eyes. I got one in de mountains and Love it
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Old December 11th, 2014, 03:02 PM
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Wow must be nice weather all over and everyone is outside. It's supposed to warm up here this weekend, almost wish I was staying home. Eh, no real rush to get any of my stuff done, just stuff to get done. And I haven't seen my Mom in months. It will be nice to get away. And like Jerry Seinfeld says, we have to go out so we can get back.

Jamesbo can you control each of those ovens separately, or do they all go to the same temp at the same time? If that's the case why wouldn't you just have one big oven?

Going to grab a bite with my neighbor in a little while. He hadn't called all day so when I saw his garage door up I went over to see if he was still kicking.
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Old December 11th, 2014, 03:18 PM
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Afternoon everyone,
Busier den a one legged paper hanger today.
1. De boys are doin fine (I mean de ones at de koffee house), well so are de other ones.
2. Curling practice went extremely well
3. Paid de bill at Home Creepo
4. Got my new glasses
5. LG repairman showed up. Warehouse picked the wrong parts so it's going to have to wait till Monday. 2 circuit boards need replacing so I'm ahead of the game as far as costs go.

So nice to finally be able to see clearly.

Jim, that would be overkill for here.

It's been unseasonably warm here. 50°F and the parking lots are turning into lakes. Don't know how much longer it will last. Can't remember the last time we had this kind of heat 2 weeks into December.

Enjoy what's left of your day.
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Old December 11th, 2014, 08:24 PM
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Dag nabbit! The new glasses prescription is perfect but the frames are giving me a headache. They will be going back tomorrow and I need to pick something else.
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Old December 12th, 2014, 05:34 AM
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Mornin all.

Sorry I'm late. Had Brekkie with my beautiful bride. She didn't have to go in for chores this morning.

Allan new glasses are like a new windshield huh? Didn't know how bad the old one was until the new ones show up.

Mike Maybe our good weather will head your way. Yesterday was nice and today is spose to be close to 70. Then Snow on Sunday

Have a Friday all.
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Old December 12th, 2014, 05:57 AM
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Amite chili

Mike, they are 4 separate ovens
top left broiler, top right regular, bottom left convection, bottom right warming.

And de gas eyes have an unbelievable range from high flame to almost nothing

Allan, I get all my glasses at Kroger

Welp, GTG call on sum hospices
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Old December 12th, 2014, 06:10 AM
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Good Mawnin All

A mite chilly this morning but should warm up nicely.

My wheel (knee) is still bugging me, zo dey give me a three day weekend Been grinnin' and bearin' it but sleeping is almost out of the question with the constant pain and throbbing

Darrell the accord is the better half's. I wouldn't buy a fereign car if it were me, I'd buy another classic Congrats on picking up two additional lines.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and a safe weekend
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Old December 12th, 2014, 07:17 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Sunny and bright, but cold as a mother. Just got back from Awful house and taking the dogs to jail, and there's still frost on the ground.

Clint you can send your weather this way, all except the snow.

Scot, years ago I had a bad knee. Kneeled on a screw at work and screamed bloody hell. The doctor thought I had a blood clot but it was just swollen. The best medicine I found was Tylenol and Kahlua.

Okay headed to Florida. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
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Old December 12th, 2014, 08:19 AM
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Morning everyone,

Wearing those new glasses for 6-7 hours gave me such a headache I took some Aleve and went to sleep. Just woke up at 8:30.

Clint, it's not the 'windshield' that's the problem. It's the frame is too narrow and is squeezing my temple area and behind my ears. I need a wider frame. The old prescription will have to do for a bit longer. Glad to hear you got to spend some quality time with your bride.

Mike, you need to define what cold is. I looked up Stockbridge weather and it seems quite mild but not cold. We'd love to have your weather up here. It would make de missus very happy.

Scot, IDK a. I trust the imports more for reliability now than NA market. I hear ya on the knee pain. You can try Advil or Tylenol to dull the pain but it's just going to take time before you feel better. Hoping it's a short time.

Jim, dis oven has de same features but onee has 2 sections- warming drawer an main oven/broiler. The burners are fairly easy to regulate once you get used to em. Not sure if I would a gas oven in here.

Canadian open is being held in Yorkton SK if any of you are watching Sportsnet.

Time fer koffee. Enjoy your day.

Last edited by Allan R; December 12th, 2014 at 11:05 AM. Reason: stupid auto correct
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Old December 12th, 2014, 09:42 AM
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Ouch Mike I bet the screw did smart quite a bit

Allan for the better half, it is a matter of reliability 1st and foremost. With Chebby's and the rest of the Gen Mtrs in tow, the shenanigans that go way back to at least 2001 we just couldn't take that chance of the same issues that plagued my daughter's Crapalier. Right Clint?
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Old December 13th, 2014, 05:43 AM
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Mawn'in all

High 30's to low 60's today

Typical Hotlanta weather swing.

Enjoy de weekend Olds friends
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Old December 13th, 2014, 06:58 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

Was so pleasant I hauled out a 25 gallon bucket of nice warm water and washed de grime off de car. I know it's mostly a waste of time but I can't stand having a dirty car. Went out shoppin and bought the missus a new enameled 5 gallon cast iron pot thingy. Crap that thing is heavy.

Didn't want to buy a new hand vac so I fixed the old Shark 15.6 V that quit. Was a bad contact.

Have to go to the bus station in about an hour to pick up de boy so deres nuff time to pot a make uv koffee.

Enjoy tour day.
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Old December 14th, 2014, 06:11 AM
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Mawn'in all

A mite chili but spose to warm up later in de day

Mite as well start Christmas shopping today

Enjoy de rest of de weekend Olds friends
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Old December 14th, 2014, 08:17 AM
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Morning Rocketeers
Want to guarantee a weather change? Do what I did, wash de car. I can't even see the paint this morning under a heavy layer of frost. Prolly should have worn a coat though because now my lower back is stiffened up.

Finals today in the GSC. Not the finalists I expected though.

Curling tonight for me too. We're playing a provincial junior champions team but, meh. Still don't know if the front end will show up or send spares which really ticks me off.

Enjoy your day.
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Old December 14th, 2014, 11:46 AM
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Argh, I'm here. Got together with a dozen friends last night for dinner and drinks, the food and restaurant were good, our server sucked. Eventually the alcohol will wear off....getting too old for that sh#t!
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Old December 14th, 2014, 03:18 PM
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Evuningh, all...

Man, it's like a ghost town around this place on weekends!

Dan, I told myself that almost 22 years ago and did what it took to ensure I'd never tell myself that again ;-) Don't miss it at all now. Now if I could just quit eating.

Been working on the garage pretty steady and getting a few more loose ends tied up. Finally starting to look like the garage I envisioned when I had it built a few years back. Got my big ol' Sinclair clock up that I've been having for almost two years. Had to run a separate outlet for it, so I've been procrastinating on it ...

Whelpt, y'all have a great resto'weekend, Oldsmofriends.

p.s.: one of my H.S. friends sent me his snapshots of the now-famous yacht trip and I posted them... they came out real nice, and yours truly has a few cameos in them. To casual lookers, must just look like a lot of gray hair and beer bellies.

Boat Ride Pic's

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; December 14th, 2014 at 05:27 PM.
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Old December 14th, 2014, 06:48 PM
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Hi everyone.

Got back from Florida a little while ago. Had a nice visit with my Mom and some family. Uneventful yet pleasant drive down and back. Jamesbo I thought we were going to take in the Coffee Cup for breakfast but we stopped at a place down the road.

Got some catching up to do and stuff to put away. It's quiet in here without the dogs, even though they don't make much noise. I don't like it. I'll get them tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.
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Old December 14th, 2014, 09:25 PM
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John, I'm a light drinker, one or two on occasion, just too easy while eating, reminiscing , and generally carrying on to think that a couple more are ok, but when you are a light drinker a couple more is too many, and don't wear off like when we were young.
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Old December 15th, 2014, 04:16 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

Crash n burn last nIght. Couldn't play because I killed my lower back muskels hauling some heavy buckets. Still quite painful which is why I iz up zo early.

Poppin some robaxacet to see if it helps.

With luck the stove will get fixed today. I hope Richard got the right parts this time.

Koffees reddy, and de smell of fresh fried werm in de air.

Enjoy your day.
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Old December 15th, 2014, 05:21 AM
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Mornin all.

Sounds like you need some R&R Allan, Maybe try a smaller wash bucket. I know down here that bucket would weigh about 175 lbs. Not sure what it weighs up there. Hope you feel better.

Scot. Seems every manufacturer has a product line that really sucks. Maybe they should have called it the Chevy Kirby.

Have a Monday all.
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Old December 15th, 2014, 06:30 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Boy did it feel good to sleep in my own bed last night. Didn't get up until 830 this morning. Amazing how easy it is to sleep when no one is there to disturb you.

Gonna go with my neighbor around noon when he sells his bike. Protection I guess. Then I'm picking up the dogs. This afternoon I'll work on the yard and the wall. The lake is really low, I love it.

Okay have a good Monday everyone. Last day off for me, I need to make it count.
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Old December 15th, 2014, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR
Maybe try a smaller wash bucket. I know down here that bucket would weigh about 175 lbs. Not sure what it weighs up there. Hope you feel better.
Yeah, it weighs the same up here. Stupid pride gets in the way sometimes. That coupled with gettin older and having physical limitations de ol brain don't understand. Totally my fault, no excuses.
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Old December 15th, 2014, 12:26 PM
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Had to get up and go early so I could sit around and wait fer de frost to burn off de greens. Played pretty good 42/45 eventually turned out pretty but was 30 dis mawn'in

My experience wit drink'in is, Drinks is kinda like *****, One's not enough and 3's too many

Allan, every time my back starts to ache, I lay on a heat'in pad with my knees up. Seems to take de pressure off de disc. Good luck
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Old December 15th, 2014, 09:24 PM
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Evening everyone. Had some nice weather here this weekend, sunny and in the 40's. Lots of things to do but I did manage to put some windshield time in on my Cutlass and 85 Riv. Seemed like many others had the same idea with all the old cars I saw on the road, especially on Sunday.

On a tennis note, I played my 3rd USTA match on Sunday and managed to pull out another win. I hit my opponent during the match when I smashed an overhead. Was aiming for the feet but instead got him right outside the crotch. Felt bad, well, at least for a minute anyway. Have been playing well so far but it's a long season so I'm not getting too excited yet. I'm registered in a 2 day tournament on the 26th and 27th, so I guess I need to go easy on the beer on Christmas day.

Sandy - don't worry about taking Dulera. It's a combination product, both drugs in it have been around for several years and many doctors were combining them routinely. Merck just put it together to make it easier for patients. (I used to sell asthma and COPD meds)

Jamesbo - I like your analogy about ***** and drinking. Probably about right for me too if I'm driving.

Scot- I understand reliability, I certainly never want my wife getting stuck either. I'm not sure why people still think foreign is better, my friend owns a garage and he's complaining about most of the repair issues he's seeing lately is from japanese cars and how expensive they are to fix.

My experience has been great with Chrysler's products. Over the last 15 years, my wife and I have owned 2 Intrepids, a 300 v6 and Hemi model, a Magnum v6 and Hemi AWD and a Dodge Ram 1500. Not one of those cars/trucks gave me any real issues other than regular maintenance.

Well, off to bed, have quite a few business appointments tomorrow so it will be a busy day. Have a good night all.

Last edited by OLD SKL 69; December 15th, 2014 at 09:32 PM.
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Old December 15th, 2014, 10:10 PM
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My experience wit drink'in is, Drinks is kinda like *****, One's not enough and 3's too many
Pretty good one!
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Old December 16th, 2014, 04:11 AM
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Morning Rocketeers.

Richard showed up,yesterday mawnin around 11:30 and installed de two new circuit boards fer de stove. Werks Jess fine now. In fact I'm broiling up a passel o werm steaks right now.

Took de missus shoppin yesterday, got off light wit less den 200.00.

Darrell, it's a choice everyone makes. I tend to keep cars for a very long time and I've been disappointed by the NA offerings too many times. You've had 7 Chrysler products in 15 years, could be that your reliability is a factor of short term ownership? Most cars will easily last through their warranty period. FWIW I know folks who own Chrysler vans/trucks up here who complain all the time about the unreliability and cost to repair their vehicles. By comparison, my Sonata is now coming on 9 years old and still needs nothing, it's been a fantastic turn key car. It still even has its original brakes and they're still showing 45% pad wear left. I don't count the GOG account against a car, it's an expected cost of ownership. BTW, good to hear you have the Riv back on the road. How'd the repair turn out?

Jim, hope y'all wore yer long johns yestiday on de links. Not a bad score!

Time fer koffee an some other stuff. Enjoy your day.
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Old December 16th, 2014, 04:34 AM
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Mornin all.
Allan, I weren't sure with all that metric/celseeus stuff you got up there. I thought maybe it was like on the moon and lack of gravity or sumpin.

Darrell, You've been lucky. The hardest part about working on Chrysler products is getting parts. Seems if the MFG'r hasn't discontinued the part its on backorder with no ETA. Congrats on the Match.

Jamesbo, I heed the latest study that Alcohol is good for you. But if one drink a night is good then 2 drinks must be better. Actually I've cut myself off to see if I can sleep thru the night better. but it ain't working.

Have a Tuesday all.
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Old December 16th, 2014, 05:09 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR
Mornin all.
Allan, I weren't sure with all that metric/celseeus stuff you got up there. I thought maybe it was like on the moon and lack of gravity or sumpin.
WestJet converts to metric time.

Concerned about guest confusion, airline changes schedule display system.

WestJet announced it is changing the way it displays its flight schedule, switching from its current system of “a.m.” and “p.m.” to metric time effective immediately.

“We hope that by converting our flight schedule to metric time, it will simplify things for our guests and ensure they arrive for their flights with lots of time to spare,” said Richard Bartrem.

How to calculate your flight's departure in metric time:

Take your departure time in 24-hour time. Represented as HR:MIN.
Multiply the HR by 60.
Add the MIN.
Take the total and divide by 1.44.
(HR x 60) + MIN = X / 1.44 = New metric flight time (in milliminutes)

Sample calculation:

5:42 pm = 17:42

(17 x 60) + 42 = 1062 / 1.44 = 737 milliminutes
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Old December 16th, 2014, 05:24 AM
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Mawn'in all

Elsie's ere

Allan, As if life doesn't have enough problems. Sum one's gotta phuque 'round wit de time a-gain.

An no I didn't wear my long handles yesterday. In de mawn'in I needed dem but it warmed up pretty qucik

Scot, How's ya hold'in up?

Clint Sleep? I'll sleep when I'm dead

Welp GTG gonna be on de radio fer an interivew later den head to town to take sum grub to a sick friend.
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Old December 16th, 2014, 07:45 AM
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Allan I'll file that metric nonsense along side my left handed hammer.
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Old December 16th, 2014, 09:47 AM
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Mernin', all.

I like dat, Jamesbo! If two would have been "just right" for me, 'tho, I prolly would never have quit drinkin' in '93. I finally learned my multiplication tables just to keep track. I must have bovine genes in me...
Originally Posted by Jamesbo
My experience wit drink'in is, Drinks is kinda like *****, One's not enough and 3's too many
Whelpt, gettin' ready to head for the hills for the holidays... rotated the tires on the Fusion, fresh oil in crankcase; and will wash 'er when better half returns from her errands this afternoon.

Darrell, glad to hear somebody I respect likes Mopars. I was a crazy Chrysler guy in my yoot... but we grew distant. Now, I can honestly say if I were gonna' buy a new truck, I'd be torn b/w the Tundra and the Ram. My friend has one I drove a couple times ("It's got a hemi"!) and I really liked it. The old Mopars I loved were from another era; just not familiar enough with the new breed to make a judgment nowadays. I sure loved my '69 Newport, tho'. Then, of course, I worked at the Chrysler-Ply dealership in the late 70s -- which was good. Once Chrysler got the "lean burn" thing out of their system in '79 or so, the 318s and the 360 Thermoquad's ran nicely. But the era of the Horizon seemed to dominate. The motors really weren't bad (I think they were VW motors, actually); but the bodies and hardware (most notably, doors, latches, & locks) left a little to be desired. And quality control in general for Chrysler was weak. Some of the things we got as new cars really required a fully warranty ticket to put into shape for delivery.

On another note, how hard is it to get parts for Mazdas these days, Clint? That facet of ownership soured me on the brand after trying to get parts for 3 different cars in three different decades. I gave up even considering a Mazda for that one issue.

Whelpt, let me keep trying to tie all the loose ends together, which seems to be my chief occupation these days. I'm still trying to find an audio solution for the Avalon. I have an old iPhone with about 20 albums that I'm just using as a bluetooth playback device; but I want to get an MP3/4 player that ain't an Apple. I'm just not an Apple guy -- at all. Apple always seems to want to take over not only your computer, but your life. Way too intrusive for this old timer.

Y'all have a great day of Tiu, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; December 16th, 2014 at 07:51 PM.
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Old December 16th, 2014, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Allan I'll file that metric nonsense along side my left handed hammer.

Here's the video that 'splains it all'. An Jim? No, we're not dat backwoods - it wuz a prank!

Last edited by Allan R; December 16th, 2014 at 01:07 PM.
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Old December 16th, 2014, 03:01 PM
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Hi everyone.

Rained last night but was nice all day. I think that's it for the rain for the rest of the week. Now it will just be cold.

John I've been a closet Mopar fan for a long time. Several I would own if I could afford to, so for now I stick to 4 door, 1968 Plymouth Valiants. One of these times I'll buy a car in Australia and have it shipped back.

First night back for work. Have no idea what's been going on, always a surprise. Another week of only two, so they can't hurt me too much.

So I was getting ready for work a little while ago and my sort of nuts neighbor comes by with a black lab in tote. Asks me if I knew anything about him. Nope. Not sure what the neighbor was doing with him, but was going to call the pound because someone will surely adopt him. I said, the dogs that have the worst time in animal control are the black ones. He thought I was making an off-color joke. Uh uh. Black dogs are passed over because 1) they look mean and 2) their dog hair shows up more when they shed. Actually I disagree with both points to a degree, but this is what the animal shelters say. This dog was most likely dumped when some renters got booted. Dog's in good shape, well behaved, not fixed, no collar. I hope there's a special place in Hell for people who dump their dogs.

Okay enough rant, I gotta get going. Hope everyone enjoys their evening.
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Old December 16th, 2014, 07:38 PM
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Evening everyone. Busy work day, did not get home until late tonight. I hate the damn traffic around NYC. It was worth it though, I opened up another wholesale account and brought onboard a big headache center with 4 providers. So much to do, I feel like I need 3 more of me out there selling but I'm not ready to hire anyone else yet.

Allan - The Riv still has not been fixed but it is completely driveable. Since the other party admitted negligence, I am waiting for their insurance company to appraise the damage. Hopefully I will meet with them Wednesday or Thursday.

Yes I have had 7 Chrysler products in 15 years, however I guess I should have explained why. 3 of them were work vehicles that were on company leases. I had each one of them for 2 to 3 years and racked up at least 70-90k on each one of them.

My wife leased a 300 limited with a V6, again for 3 years and we turned it in due to the lease buyout being too high. I owned the Magnum RT AWD for 4 years and traded it in on the RAM. Still miss that car, fast and go anywhere in any weather. Traded it in only because I needed something bigger. I've had the RAM now for 3 years. The 300C we currently own we've had for 5 of its 7 years of being registered.

Both the 300C and the RAM are still squeak and rattle free, much more than I can say about the Silverado and F-150's I've previously owned.

The only problems I can remember I had was a fuel rail on one Intrepid and an outer tie rod on a Magnum. Really nothing when you consider that was 7 cars and probably more than 300k miles in that time driven. Of course, I'm not counting brakes, tires, tune up's and a seat belt recall on one of them.

John - Yea I love 60's Mopars too however I never owned one. Always was a GM fan of anything 80's and earlier but became a fan of newer Mopars over the last 10 years.

Clint- I guess both vehicles are still too new for me to have issues finding parts at this point. My wife took off the passenger side mirror of the 300 last year, I went on ebay and found at least 30 listings for a factory replacement.

Have a good night all, going to go to bed early tonight.
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Old December 16th, 2014, 08:58 PM
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Allan, I was already aware of the airline prank, mebbe you were the one who posted it last summer? Lucky for me, I have ambidextrous tools, and smash my fingers equally well with either hand!
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Old December 17th, 2014, 05:17 AM
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Mawn'in all

A little frosty on de punkin dis mawn'in

Mike, You're right 'bout black dogs not getting adopted. De super model volunteers at a no kill shelter and dat what she said.

I've had a few Mopars in my day aand jes don't care much for most od dem. Mighta been de dealership dat gave me a bad taste.BUT, I'd love to have Petty Blue Road Runner.
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Old December 17th, 2014, 05:21 AM
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Mornin all,

Not much new. Still trying to figure out what this state guy is smokin. Calling people who work for the agencies to find out the the actual rules are and they don't know either. How am I spose to know?

Have a Humpday all.
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