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Old December 25th, 2014, 06:02 AM
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Mawn'in all

Beautimus day

Merry Christmas Olds friends

Mike, De party was kinda like an air plane landing. If ya walk away from it, it was a good landing.

I cooked 16 pounds of whole beef tenderloin and I guess I did Ok cause there wasn't a shred left. De Cast of Spartacus descends of grub like there is no tomorrow

Red Dog got sum snausages in his stocking an was most pleased
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Old December 25th, 2014, 07:41 AM
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Merry Christmas Rocketeeres.

Ditto on everyone's well wishes and seasons sentiments. I don't think there's anything politically or religiously wrong with putting Christ back in Christmas. This is after all a celebration of His life, which somehow got changed to recognizing the existence of Santee Klause.

Mike, I'm sorry you'll spend Christmas mawnin at de AH, but glad you'll spend the afternoon with your warm hearted neighbors.

Scot, I'm witcha all de way.

Jim, Wow. Sum landings are more smooth den udders ifn ya know what I mean. Yay fer Red dog.

John, you and Scot nailed it. Right back at ya my friend!

Time fer a slurp of koffee before things bust loose here. Enjoy your Christmas Day.
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Old December 25th, 2014, 08:27 AM
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Yuletide greetings to all, and a Merry Christmas.
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Old December 25th, 2014, 11:26 AM
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If ya hadn't been to an Awful House on Christmas day ya missed it. Since it's de only place open 24/7/ 365. They're packed.

I went by 3 before me and de Super model settled fer a 30 min w3ait fer a spot at de counter. Insted of the usual 44/5 people werking there. There we 14 people werking 2 in front of the counter jes taking names.

Mike's de expert but I have to imagine everyone who werks fer de Awful House werks on Christmas day.
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Old December 25th, 2014, 06:01 PM
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Good evening everyone.

Just got home from the neighbors. She fixed a beautiful ham and lots of other stuff. Man I'm gonna think I'm rich, eating these fancy meals every day. After dinner they had family presents to open so that was a good time for me to split.

Allan I couldn't wait to get to the Awful house this morning. They weren't too busy when I got there but things sure picked up quick. Didn't do very much else today. I turned on the TV and that was it. Watched a lot of Mike Holmes.

Gonna run up and see John and Daria tomorrow. I hope the trip is long enough to knock all the rust off the Mustang's rotors.

My sincere wish is that everyone enjoyed their day and were (are) as blessed as I am. I appreciate being able to interact with each of you every day and I hope I can meet a lot more of you in person in the coming year.

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Old December 25th, 2014, 07:49 PM
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Merry Christmas my friends!

Sounds like everyone had a nice day. Good food, friends and family!!

It was gray here but 41* which was nice. The sun even peeked out for a few seconds a couple times. No rain or snow. Last evening we had some really high winds and gusts and heavy rain come through.

It was a strange Christmas.... we didn't open anything, waiting for Nicole to get here Saturday and we'll do it then. Jr came over for dinner. It was just the 3 of us. I sent a ton of ham and other leftovers home with Jr. Still have plenty for Nicole and Jon.

Her Christmas wasn't great, she said. Jon didn't get her the workout video that she really wanted. He told me at thanksgiving that he was getting it for her so I didn't get it. She said he got her a hoodie that he wrapped sloppily this morning with duct tape! I felt bad for her. She loves Christmas so much. She was always sad growing up here because we always had to wait for Jr to decide to show up - what kid wants to wait until 1 or 2:00 to open their gifts? Larry was always impatient and rushing to cook and such. Then comments would be made about how much I got for her. It was really never a joyous time. I learnedly to hide most of the things I got her and would take them to moms, and when we'd go up for our get together on Christmas eve, she would tell Larry the gifts were from mom or my sisters. Sad but true. I was hoping Jon would be festive but I guess not. They didn't go to his folks house for dinner either. She said his mom got mad cause they weren't there before 6 or something. I don't know. Messed up day all around I guess, lol.

My heart didn't do a whole lot of flopping around this morning, but it felt like someone in my chest throwing a bowling ball this afternoon and on and off this evening. Very weird. I was reading about these things, and some say fish oil helps them. I used to take the capsules but I stopped for some reason a few years ago. I just hope they don't screw up my surgery. I'm going to call my cardiologist tomorrow.

I watched It's A Wonderful Life, Frosty, the Grinch and Rudolph this evening. I enjoy those shows.

I'm glad we didn't have our girls get together yesterday, as usual. I got home from work around 12:45 and started wrapping what I had left, had to make the stockings, and we sorted all the food for the poor boxes. I didn't sit down until like 9:30!

Thanks for the Rock Auto tip. I'll tell Jean and she can have one of her grandsons look it up. That poor old car is on it's last leg, but she's trying to make it through the winter.

I'll probably go see what after Christmas bargains I can get tomorrow. I'm sure it will be a madhouse out there!

Well I guess I'll get off here. Have a good evening all!!
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Old December 25th, 2014, 08:57 PM
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Not much time tonite, but wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas while it was still Christmas day.

Merry Christmas!

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Old December 26th, 2014, 04:08 AM
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Mornin all. Merry Belated To everyone.

We got snow (actually its still snowing. Probably about 6" so far) So I need to get out and do some plowing. Have a day all.
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Old December 26th, 2014, 05:36 AM
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Mawn'in all

Spose to be a beautiful day

Mike, How long ya gonna be in de mountains? I may head up tomorrow.
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Old December 26th, 2014, 07:10 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Headed up to see John. Getting a bit of a late start, hope I'm not too late. Jamesbo I'm just going to be up there this afternoon. I can't leave the dogs all afternoon and all night.

Looks like a nice day. The lake is still up and things haven't dried out since the rain, so no working on the wall this weekend. And it's supposed to rain Saturday night. Hope January dries out a bit or I'm not going to get much done.

Okay have a good day everyone.
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Old December 26th, 2014, 07:58 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

Mmmmmm, mmmmmm,mmmmm. Christmas dinner was delish! Didn't eat very much though cause I just wasn't very hungry. So much leftover I think that will be the meal theme here for a couple of days.

Clint, sounds like you're getting more than us. We only got 2" last night but it's stopped and temps are down to -1F. Have to go out on the highway today so I hope everyone is driving smart.

Jim, dose ads at de bottom are seeabraytin ol Red Dog!

Mike, enjoy the mountains. Johns prolly going to stuff you full of food too.

Paul, WTH? You have no snow there at all! Nice bow on the Delta.

Slept in so time to make a pot o koffee. Enjoy your day.
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Old December 26th, 2014, 07:02 PM
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Good evening everyone!

Happy Boxing Day to the Canadians

Had a great Christmas day with family finished with a delicious dinner. Today was a nice day of relaxing.

Yesterday, we had the first ever recorded thunderstorm on Christmas day here. We also had 55mph wind gusts and some rain. They are predicting more light rain tomorrow. I can't remember a Christmas like this.

Allan, we do still have some snow on the ground. That picture was from a couple of years ago when I put the Delta in a Santa Clause parade in November.

Have a great weekend everyone.
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Old December 26th, 2014, 09:47 PM
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Paul, hate to break it to you but it's Boxing Day pretty much everywhere today - not just Canada

Yeah Boxing Day was a snoozefest here. I stopped in at Costco in St. Albert after dropping the boy off in Morinville. I didn't need much so I headed into the lineup with my 7 items. Oh, did I say lineup? My bad - there were no lines anywhere. Walked right up to the till. Budda bing budda bang budda boom. Thanks and here's the cash! Outta there in less than 2 minutes. Longest wait I had was for the checkers as I left the store and that was quick too since there were 2 of them. They must have put extra staff on expecting a flood of people. Hmmm, maybe going at noon was a good idea.

Just got back in after picking de boy up. De GF will be coming in tomorrow afternoon for a few days visit. Should be interesting to see how much the refrigerator holds in 2 days. Both of them eat like they have hollow legs.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 04:22 AM
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Morning after Rocketeers!

Got werm frying on the stove and fresh. Koffee brewing. Don't know why I'm up so early cause I stayed up late last night.

Not too much goin on, check in later. Enjoy your day.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 05:18 AM
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Mawn'in all

Chili but spose to warm up den rain tonite into tomorrow

Mike, I'm on my way up. If I see a Mustang with rusty rotors, I'll wave

Happy Boxing day What ever dat is


Enjoy de day Olds friends
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Old December 27th, 2014, 05:23 AM
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Jim?yer kiddin right? Boxing Day was yesterday. It's the day when peeps typically go crazy stupid spendin on stuff retailers couldn't sell before Krimmitz or on Black Friday.

Hope de mountains are nice. Yew vizitin wit John? If yare say hi to him fer us.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 06:57 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Very nice time with John yesterday. Such a nice day and Allan you're right, lots of good food.

Slow to get going today. Think I'll hit the Awful house and then the bank. Both places will be jammed by now, but for some reason I'm feeling patient. We'll see how long that lasts.

Allan you're quite the forward thinker letting the GF spend days at your house. Around my house that would mean they're married. When I was young my mother wouldn't have let my girlfriend stay over any more than the man in the moon. Good for you.

Bright and sunny out. Don't know what I want to do this afternoon, gotta make it count because this is the last day off. I ought to go to the shop and see if it's still there. I haven't been there in a couple weeks.

Okay time to get moving. Have a good day everyone. Onward to New Years.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 07:13 AM
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Allan, Nope, I'm going to my house in de mountains. John won't tell me where his is. I might jes follow a mustang one day
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Old December 27th, 2014, 08:56 AM
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Too wet out to do an oil change on the DD, so I'll wait until tomorrow, when the temp drops 15 degrees!
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Old December 27th, 2014, 12:12 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Allan you're quite the forward thinker letting the GF spend days at your house. Around my house that would mean they're married. When I was young my mother wouldn't have let my girlfriend stay over any more than the man in the moon. Good for you.
It's all good, and thank you for your kind words. I'd much rather be my sons best friend in this situation. We're close and talk openly about anything that he wants to. Lots of times he asks about my early life and how I handled relationships. Prolly not the best role model advice from back in the day, but the more I can let him know about my mistakes may help him make good decisions of his own. Times change and so do a lot of societal 'rules'. Married? No sir. He still has to finish his last year of college and get a job, get financially settled before that comes up and he's fully on board with that idea. He did give her a 'promise' ring for Christmas. It's not an engagement ring. Her family is ok with her being here with us so that's cool too. Besides, the missus and I like her and respect both of them.
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Old December 27th, 2014, 09:10 PM
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Evening everyone. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas. Weather here hasn't felt like it though, been in the 50's to 60 the last 3 days, feels more like Spring.

Clint - sounds like you had a white one and hopefully the plowing was lucrative.

Sandy - hope you're feeling better. We enjoy all the Christmas movies too. Home Alone, Elf, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, and Jingle All The Way are the favorites around here. I think I've been made to watch them all at least twice so far.

My kids had a great one. My daughter got a doll house and my son got Star Wars action figures and a Millenium Falcon. Needless to say, it's been flying around my house the last two days, lol. My wife gave me a few items for the fleet which always comes in handy.

I played in the tennis tournament last night. Started at 7:30 and went to 1:30. Was on the court for about 5 1/2 hours. Didn't win, but it was fun. Was feeling a little beat up this morning, I wonder why.

Welp, off to bed, have another match tomorrow morning.
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Old December 28th, 2014, 09:32 AM
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Morning Rocketeers.

Yowsa, ghost town here today. Hafta dodge tumbleweeds to post this. Check back later alter the noon stage rolls through.

Gonna head over to Slicks fer a kuppa red eye dark roast. Enjoy your day.
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Old December 28th, 2014, 01:23 PM
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Jes rolled in from de mountains.

Hope sum of dis rain slacks up so I can go smacky whitey in de mawn'in
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Old December 28th, 2014, 01:31 PM
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Got the oil changed on the DD, a bit nippy, but at least the sun was out, of course if it's clear tonight it'll be colder. Saw the movie "Unbroken" last night, pretty good, but the cost of snacks...fer crying out loud! A large bag of popcorn, and about a 24 oz Diet Mountain Dew was $11.50!!!
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Old December 28th, 2014, 02:54 PM
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Hi everyone.

Nice day to sleep, been overcast all day but no rain. First night back tonight.

Dan I think it's written down somewhere it's required that movie theaters make an enormous amount of money off people.

Paul if this is the first ever recorded Christmas that you had thunder, then you wouldn't remember another one.

Allan I was just mocking my neighbors. More than a couple trailer parks in the Greater Stockbridge area, and the living arrangements are more than one generation of family crammed in the trailer, married/not married or otherwise. I'm glad the boy has a decent girl they're tough to find these days.

Time to hit the road. The dogs need to go out one last time and then off I go. Hope everyone's week starts out good. Another IROP this week, two in a row takes a lot out of me. Hard to get stuff done.

Okay have a good night everyone.
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Old December 29th, 2014, 03:57 AM
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Mornin all.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas.

Heading back into work today. will still be closed but trying to get paperwork all done.

It's about 20F right now and its all downhill from here. 5-10 below tonight is forecast. Also gonna get more snow. Darrell, I only plow for myself, and the wifes businesses.

Have a Monday all.
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Old December 29th, 2014, 04:42 AM
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Mawn'in all

Unseasonably warm but froggy and wet

But tis Monday an duty calls

Have a great week OLds friends
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Old December 29th, 2014, 07:12 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

WTH? The trash collection day changed to Monday? Missed the recycle guy but got the trash out for the second guy. No warning or nothin!

Clint, at least it should be quiet while you get caught up. We were -8F last night and got another 2" of white stuff.

Jim, enjoy whackin whitey. Up here you'd be doin dat witcher gloves an parka an usin color *****. Might get some good distance on some uv doze bounces!

Mike, WTH is an IROP? I know what IHOP but I doubt it's even close.

My brother is coming over tomorrow for din din. Gonna make onJun zoop, tossed salad an Shepherds Pie. Krimmitz fruit cake fer dessert!

Time fer kuppa koffee. Enjoy your day.
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Old December 29th, 2014, 09:32 AM
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Went in for my 6 month dental cleaning/xray/checkup, went smooth, my dentist is going to replace a two year old crown, I have had sensitivity in the gum area there for awhile, even before I got him as a dentist (about 3-4 years), he will replace at no charge.
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Old December 29th, 2014, 09:33 AM
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Got the news on while I'm here, they are reporting gas at $1.66 gal in Grand Haven, Mi. about 15 miles south of here.
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Old December 29th, 2014, 02:39 PM
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Hi everyone.

Not a bad night last night. Got home and in bed by 530. Of course once I got home there was drama.

I guess we must have had some fairly heavy rain here, but I was inside most of the night and didn't know it. I knew it was drizzling some here and there. The dogs(read my girl) jumped four feet up the metal wall in the corner and knocked a hole through the drywall into the next room. There was nothing for them to climb on or stand on. Smashed a leather covered lamp that my Granddad made that is older than I am. I wasn't happy but refrained from freaking out. So this afternoon I screwed a big piece of plywood over the hole. No rain for tonight so that should buy me some time until my next days off and I can make it further dog proof.

Allan an IROP is an IRregular OPeration. It is sort of like IHOP because it would be irregular if I went there.

Clint I don't envy you the snow or cold. Stay bundled up! Hope you don't have to walk to work uphill both ways.

Dan I haven't been to the dentist in I don't know how long. Bad experiences as a kid but you'd think that I'd be smart enough to realize that as an adult I have more say in what concerns me. Guess I haven't gotten to that point yet. Good luck with the crown. I'd like to have a Crown, but an Imperial.

Atlanta used to have the cheapest gas but now we are far lagging in that department. I need to fill the black pickup with gas tonight and gas is about 50 cents cheeper than the last time I filled it. Great. It will only cost me 80 to fill it instead of 100.

Jamesbo a guy at work asked if we knew what pot licker was. I was the only one. He wants to go into business selling it. I said, what will you do with all the stuff? He said feed it to his dog.

And it's that time again. Just a couple more then we start putting the wrong date on our checks. Have a good night everyone.
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Old December 29th, 2014, 07:18 PM
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Evening all!

Cloudy and cold here today. Temps around 29*. They said this is our 3rd least snowy December on record, we usually have over a foot by now. Fine with me!!

Quiet at work today. Nice without Brian there for the week!! His **** customers were busy.

I called my heart doc's office early and told the girl everything that's went on with me. She had nothing from the hospital in the computer. She was going to have the other girl who handles the faxes and stuff to get everything together and then give it to the doc and have him call me. Well I never heard from him. I told her I'm going to the Clinic for pre op testing tomorrow morning and I'm going to have to tell them about these extra beats, and I really don't know what to say! She said he might want to see me before my surgery date next week. I said that would be good. I told her I'm still having episodes. She seemed surprised! Told her I went home from the hospital with them, and they haven't stopped! They were mild most of the day, but around 2:30 they kicked in strong for about an hour or so.

So I don't know what the clinic people will say tomorrow. I go to sleep with them, at least if I get them while under anesthesia I'm in the best place, lol. I don't know....

We went shopping Friday. Got some bows and gift tags. Most of the stuff was pretty much picked over.

Nicole and Jon got in about 3 am Saturday morning. It was nice to see them. I miss her. They only had a few issues while they were here. Jon got upset when his sister texted him and said they were having a get together on his dads side of the family that afternoon, and he's in Ohio! He said they could have reminded him. I agreed. I'd have been upset too! I felt bad for him.

We broke our tradition of all girls only and took him up to Lins with us for our get together Saturday evening. We had fun!! I ordered pizza and breadsticks, Lin made her swedish meatballs. Jean got me a new finch feeder sock and seed and thistle seed for it, and a Wal Mart gift card. Diane got me the prettiest little ceramic bird and a picture made with dried flowers. Lin got me a hummingbird metal stand that you put a flower pot in, a hummingbird spinner thing that you hang outside in the summer, and a cup, saucer and bowl with Monarch butterflies on them. I cried when I opened Nicole's gift. She bought a pretty red jar with a little fake candle in the bottom of it and an old timey looking metal band around the top - it's really pretty - and she filled it with little pieces of paper that she wrote cute sayings on, and old memories and things like that, and told me to take one piece out each day and read it. That really touched my heart! It was so sweet of her. Larry got me lots of bath salts and things like that, a $100 gift card to Tractor Supply where I buy bird seed, and a $100 Wal Mart card, and he got me a ton of scratch off tickets, even a $30 one!! I scratched them today and won $101.00!! He also got me a neck massager thing. I haven't tried it yet. Jr got me a gift card too. So I made out real well!

Jon hooked up Lin's new flat screen TV that Larry and I got her, and the new dvd player. She was so thrilled with it! I thought she would cry, lol. Diane loved all the Walking Dead stuff I got her. Darryl socks, a calendar, and the autographed pictures from my friend zombie Mike in Senoia. Everyone was very pleased. It was great. I got Nicole and Jon a ton of gift cards each, got Jon a backyard metal firepit and gaming headphones, we got them a set of pots and pans. Got Joel cd's for Nicole and a game and a movie, and too much to remember, lol.

Larry bought me one of those $20 scratch off ticket books that have 6 different tickets in them on Friday when we stopped at the gas station, and darned if I didn't win $200.00!!!! Every game in the book was a winner. One was a $125 winner! God showed me his favor for sure! I won $25 on two scratch offs last night too. Joel says you gotta believe big, lol. And I was!!

So it was a great weekend. Jon and Nicole left early yesterday morning. I got up at 6 and woke them. Loaded the car and gave them a huge bowl of ham to take, and their cookies and fudge. They made it back safely.

Larry and I took all the food we bought for Lin up to her yesterday, and spent time going over her TV and dvd player, showing her how to work everything. I wrote it all down for her so she'll have instructions. Came home and I started un decorating the yard. Pulled up all the signs and took all the red bows off the little pine trees and such. I haven't taken down any of the lighted stuff yet. I have to make room in the breezeway, lol. It's a full mess out there. Tonight I took off the Christmas tablecloth and place mats. Got the tablecloth in the washer now. Brought in some more yard stuff. I have to bring in the containers and take the tree down and put all this stuff away in here. Then I can take the containers back to the garage and have some room in the breezeway. I plan on working on it New Years eve - I'm sure we'll get off around 2, and finishing on New Years day. We work on Friday. Steve is taking off.

I have to take Lin shopping this weekend and I want to take the gifts out for Tina's kids too. They're saying we might get snow this weekend too, so my plans might change. I'll see. I don't like to go out if it's bad.

I'm glad it's all over, but I'm so glad that I enjoyed it this year and Larry wasn't mean! It's the little things, lol.

Well I better get off here. Have a great night all!

Last edited by cutlassgal; December 29th, 2014 at 07:22 PM.
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Old December 30th, 2014, 04:50 AM
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Mornin all.

Sandy sounds like a wonderful time. I hope the ticker starts to behave itself.

Mike I assume an IROP isn't a normal A,B,or C check? Sounds like the world has a new bermuda triangle.

Dan thats getting down to the price it should be. I think we are around 1.77 around here. Our winter fuel is more expensive due to all the extra special blends for our stupid emission programs around here.

Allan, we got another 1.5" last night. Sitting at -18C right now. It doesn't seem to matter that the shop is closed up like a drum. people still beat on the doors and look thru the windows. and go around to see if they can find a way in. I need about 6 months to get caught up I think.

Jamesbo, howd the links treat you?

Have a Tuesday all.
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Old December 30th, 2014, 04:59 AM
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Mawn'in all

warmer and dry dis mawn'in

Mike, Remember when Sandy ax me what they served de new comers at Mary Mac's. Yep pot licker and crackl'in corn bread Personally, I'd rather have fried Okrie I think it would go good at a Walk-in Theater instead of pop corn.

Played OK yesterday slosh'in around 43/44

Sandy, Congrats, Can I borry sum money

Clint, I'm glad sum body is busy. De Cemetery bus is abouty to drive me to drink. Not one call alst week den I got 2 on the 1st tee yesterday. I need to get more consider people dying.

Yep Happy new years eve eve Olds friends.
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Old December 30th, 2014, 05:46 AM
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I was at the bar the other night with my buddy having some beers. We had been there a while when two large girls came up to the bar and ordered some drinks. I noticed when they ordered they both had strong accents so I said ‘Hi, are you two girls from Scotland?’ One of them spoke up, with quite an attitude and said ‘it’s WALES you idiot!!!’ So I immediately said ‘Sorry, are you two Whales from Scotland?’
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Old December 30th, 2014, 06:04 AM
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This Welch rugby player told me this joke years ago.

The Irish man is a passenger on an airplane and de pilot has a heat attack. So the Irishman jumps in the pilots seat and radios for help. "The pilot has had a heart attack and I'm flying the plane and don't know how to fly. The planes upside down.I need some help" So the tower radios back " How do you know the plane is upside down?" So de Irish man says, " I've got $hit coming out of my collar"
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Old December 30th, 2014, 06:22 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

Had enough of rhe TV / phone service yesterday and changed to another company. Free install on Friday. Free HDPVR and 2 wireless cable boxes and the cost for both phone and cable goes down to 65/month from a whopping 193.00 I can't wait.

Gonna make shepherd pie for din din tonight. Along wit some onJun zoop, dinner roll and salad. Gotta head out to de market in a couple hours to get the meat and fresh rolls.

Clint, I always loved that one. Thanks-it made me smile first thing in the mawnin. We're in the same boat as you with temps. Spoda warm up to only -5 today, then it's gonna tank again for New Year. In a way it's good to have people beating the door down to get good service. Think of it as a success indicator.

Jim, good luck wit dat. Pipples jest do t unnerstan yer Monday routine. No dyin allowed till after de 18th.

Mike, I see Michigan is down to 1.66 in a lot of places. That works out to .59/L which is a long way still from what we're paying at .77/L. Our gubment relies on oil revenue to be stable, so now they're talking about a 6 billion hit on the coffers which ultimately has to come from somewhere else. Gee, I bermember back in 92 when oil was 40.00/barrel and pump prices were .39/l or about 1.52/gallon. Back then my Caddy would slurp gas purty fast and when prices started to go stupid I ditched it pronto. It only got about 6 mpg.

Dan, almost 42 meelyun and counting.

Koffee is kalling so time to git at it. Enjoy your day.
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Old December 30th, 2014, 03:01 PM
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Hi everyone.

Running really late. Got up at 4 and it was cold in the house. No furnace. Called my neighbor the heating and air guy and he was out, and got to my house at 530. Simple enough to reset the rollout switch, so now the heat works. It was only 60 in here so it wasn't so bad.

So now hurrying to get ready for work and heading out. Friday tonight. Hope everyone is good.
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Old December 31st, 2014, 04:02 AM
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And hi again.

Not a bad night, though it ended working on a lav. Here is a plea/rant. Please Please Please do not throw trash in the toilet when you are on an airplane! The lav last night had been locked out for three days. That means that an airplane that usually has 150 people on it had two lavs working instead of three. Lav problems are an inconvenience and a leading cause of delays. The trash gets under valves and keeps things from working, and that costs money. Costs go up, so do ticket prices. No one wants that. Well, I do.

Clint an IROP isn't a check. It's an event. Thunderstorms will cause an IROP. Holidays, an unscheduled cancellation, a flag stop of a flight are all IROPs. Just whenever something isn't go as planned.

So resetting the rollback switch didn't help. Got home and the house is 53 inside. My neighbor said we can bypass it, but I'm not sure what that would do. It must be there for a reason. He also said it might be an indication that the furnace is worn out. Great.

Someone was nice enough to give me their cold. Felt something when I went in to work but everything was fine. By the time I left I was congested and achy. Well, I have a few days off to recover.

Well gonna clean up and hit the Awful house. Need to go to the bank and then get some cinder blocks. By the time I get home I'll be a zombie, but I'll take a little nap and be good to go for the Peach Drop.

Have a good day everyone, see you all later.
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Old December 31st, 2014, 04:29 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike you are making it sound that I encounter an IROP everyday.
Hope you get to feeling better.

Allan. WHat about interweb service. Is that thru the phone? or separate? I'd like to switch, But I don't have any good choices. I'd like to get rid of Cable all together and just go the HD and online stuff.

Jamesbo. It's either feast or famine. I really need to try and hire one more tech. but I'm too damn cheap and I don't like having to find and train someone.

Had a sick hen last night and Ruby was shaking like a leaf. I figured I'd have 2 dead critters this morning. -11f overnight. but Ruby was really pissy this morning so I only have to dispose of a dead chicken today.

I think I'm done posting on here for the year. Here's wishing you all well until we meet again next year.
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