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Old January 9th, 2015, 07:03 AM
Just an Olds Guy
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Morning Rocketeers

Yesterday was start of the Continental Cup of Curling. It's Europe vs Canada. We had a good start. Kinda like the Ryder Cup of golf.

Had a nice visit with my sister. She showed me pics of their trip and after seeing and hearing boudit I crossed Kooba off my destination list.

Plows came through last night and left a huge windrow across everyone's drive so I called the city and gave em what for. Bobcat showed up 2 1/2 hours later. By then the windrows were like rock. Temp is still hovering around -15 F with a 5 mph wind so it feels a tad chilly.

De boy invited his GF to stay over this weekend.

Jim, HBD! Sorry ta heer ya dint git kake flambay yet. I nose it kin be diskapoyntin wen peeps fergets. Iz dis more eezey fer ya ta reed?

Clint, hope they get some sand down quick. We're still waiting for some to go onto the skating rinks the roads turned into. Peeps up here still don't seem to get how to drive properly in these conditions. They think that high end cars with whistles and bells can stop on a dime in any conditions. Morons.

Enjoy your day.
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Old January 9th, 2015, 07:50 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Colder than an Eskimo's toe down on this end.

Hippy Burpday Jim, again Hope you have a good one brother. What's wrong with the furnace now??

Whelp my tenure at UPS has come to an end, for now that is. Back to the drawing board

Sandy I am glad your surgery went well

Mike I have some red rattle cans to spray the circles on the ice, if you decide to take up curling

Dan I don't see how y'all function up there and not hibernate through the winter
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Old January 9th, 2015, 08:31 AM
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no frost on da' pumpkin, but some on my keister

Mornin', Oldsmobuds. Did my runnin' around at 6:30 a.m. and it was a mite chilly, to coin a phrase. But not as frosty as yesterday, thank goodness.

Sandy, the prayers are working. Sorry you had to burn up your vacation like that, but if all comes out well, it will be worth it.

More in the doctors, hospitals, and operations dept.: (unfortunately):
My aunt-in-law-by-marriage (wiffey's aunt by marriage) in Hayesville, NC (right on GA border) has been having a terrible time for almost a year with lymphedema in her leg after her radiation tx last year for a tumor in her nether regions.... poor girl can now barely walk. Now, they told her they think she has another tumor deep in her groin, and they said she can't have any more radiation, so at the moment, it's essentially inoperable. If anybody has an extra prayer to fire, her name is Mary Claire. (The doctors are looking into the possibility of a laser knife procedure, but they're uncertain.)

Also, the friend Aunt Carmy and I had lunch with yesterday will have a hip replacement on Monday, then as soon as that's fairly healed, she'll come right back for a knee replacement in the other leg.

And last but not least, my good H.S. friend's wife with CHF (for no apparent reason) at only 56 y.o. had her pacemaker "installed" a few weeks back and seems to be holding her own. Now, they have to wait and see whether the CHF might show some signs of retreat.

OK... let me take a breath. On a good note, Jamesbo, I baked you a cake and was going to drive it up to you in Milton, but when Ingles only had 6 boxes of candles on the shelf, I had to pass... Just kiddin', hombre... I'm right behind you. Have a great day; hope Supermodel fixes you something better than a croissant for din-din. (To me, if anybody even boils me an egg, it's a real treat!)

Y'all have a warm day.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; January 9th, 2015 at 08:53 AM.
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Old January 9th, 2015, 09:56 AM
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Jim, make sure that you have a fire extinguisher handy when you light the candles on your cake, ya know, just in case of a flare up . Well, we ended up w/10" of snow, which is no big deal, but the wind blowin' it around was, as we had 50mph windgusts last night. Southern Mi. on I94 had a 115 car pileup, not good, with a rig on fire. The just did an update for that area...evacuation of a 3 mile radius due to one of the semi's carrying hazardous materials!
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Old January 9th, 2015, 10:22 AM
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Hi everyone.

Happy Birthday Jamesbo. Hope your day is a success! Send us all some birthday cake.

Gotta get myself together and then take my friend Johnboy to the junkyard. He's hunting a steering column for his pickup truck.

Hope I'm not gone too long, I have to work tonight. See you all in a little while.
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Old January 9th, 2015, 02:48 PM
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Hi again.

Got Johnboy all straightened out. He should be able to drive his pickup once again after this evening.

Jamesbo I hope you party into the night.

Scot there will be no curling for me. It got up to 40 today and when I took the Zamboni out on the ice to put a swirl on, it fell through.

John is this the aunt and uncle you go to visit when you come to Georgia? Prayers for her and the friend. And the other friend.

Allan I know first hand how maddening it is for the snow plow to cover up the drive, but why do you get all bent about it and call the city? I mean, what else are they supposed to do? Is there some ordinance that they aren't supposed to? Good for you getting them to come dig out your driveway with the Bobcat. Wish I would have thought of that when I lived in the snow region. The last season I lived up there they tried something new. Instead of going down the center and then each side, they started at one side and plowed it all to the other side. Luckily I was on the side they started on so after the plow went past my driveway was clean as can be, but the people on the other side had mountains of snow to cross.

And speaking of three, I don't know if this counts for three famous people dying, but I just read that Milton Hebold has died. He was a famous sculptor with works all over the world. Also Andre Crouch the gospel singer and Rod Taylor an actor from the 50s. Such a happy topic.

First of three tonight. Gonna be colder than a witch's heart tonight. Not looking forward to it.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old January 9th, 2015, 03:23 PM
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Nothing beats a Zamboni when it comes to losing a fishing lure

Don't be like this guy

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Old January 9th, 2015, 03:49 PM
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Evening All!

We got up to a whopping 19* here today, but had lake effect snow early. Then it was blowing. I had Larry call me off work, so I didn't have to go out in it.

I hope you got cake sometime today, Jamesbo!! In honor of your birthday (and just because I wanted it) I made your famous tomato hamburger soup this afternoon! It was delicious!! Nicole told me to freeze her a bowl of it for next time she's here, lol. She loves it! Made some crusty french rolls to go with the soup, and that was supper.

Larry plowed some when he got home. Tractor has a frozen line or something he has to figure out. It stalled on him out in the driveway. It's supposed to be 30 here on Sunday, so he'll have a chance to check it out.

So my friend Bob has to have a double bypass surgery! I'm worried about him. He's only 47. Too young for that crap! I don't know when he's having it, I just found out the other day and haven't talked to him. Tried to call today but he didn't answer. I think we're all falling apart!!

Mike... what my heart is doing isn't A-fib. A-fib causes it to beat really fast. This is like somersaults in there. It 'flops' really hard. Beats real slow for 4-5 beats, flops, beats fast, starts all over. Makes it hard to breathe. It's been doing it all day. Hasn't really stopped since it started Monday night. It's the electrical current misfiring. That's why they do the ablations or 'burning' of heart tissue. The electrical current isn't supposed to be able to 'jump' over the scar tissue they create when they burn it. I don't get it. I don't see how people don't know they're having these things! PACS - premature atrial contractions. Extra beats. But why? What brought them on? I don't care how common they are, I care that they're happening to me and I want to know why! I told Larry he can go with me to the heart doc on Tuesday morning and hear what he says.

I slowly ran the sweeper in here today. I know I shouldn't have.... Laid on the couch and enjoyed listening to Joel all day. I watched a few of his recorded shows too. I didn't take off the bandage on my belly yet. I guess I will later. I wanted to wait until Larry was home. I just don't feel good.

Well I'm going to lay down, so I'll talk to you all later. Have a good evening!
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Old January 10th, 2015, 05:27 AM
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Mawn'in all

Tanks fer all de berfday wishes, but I don't eat most cakes.

De Super model took me out to lunch at a glutton free kinda California kinda ladies lunch place and I did have a small slice of peanut butter cheese cake.

I think I must like glutton. I don't really know WTF it is but de lunch was kinda so so.

If I had known I was gonna live dis long I woulda taken better care of myself.

Welp GTG Got a family coming and den headed to de mountains
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Old January 10th, 2015, 06:58 AM
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Morning Rocketeers.

Crisp and cold here today. The contract ratification vote yesterday went pretty well.

Mike, bent out of shape? I don't think so. It IS a requirement up here for the city to clear windrows left like I described. I called to get some action because last time they plowed, the bobcat never showed and a lot of neighbors were ticked at the mess left behind.

Jim, gluten is different den glutton. A glutton iz jest a body what eats like a pig. Gluten Free food duzzent have sum Wheat grain proteens and is a must have for peeps wit celiacs disease.

Scot, that's what it's like up here all the time. Sorry to hear about the layoff. Maybe something will turn up soon?

Woo hoo! Canada is leading Europe. Next set of match ups starts in half hour.

Enjoy your day.
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Old January 10th, 2015, 12:37 PM
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Weekends on this thread.....

Attachment 160721

Oh well, gotta head out for the rest of the day. See ya tomorrow.
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Old January 10th, 2015, 02:26 PM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful day here, though a tad chilly. Gonna be another chilly one tonight. Luckily I spent most of the night inside last night, do I dare hope for another night like that. There were some USAir guys using our ramp to change an engine. Yikes. Cold, dark, windy, changing an engine. No thanks.

Okay Allan you said you called and gave them what-for, that sounded pretty angry. Is the bobcat a statewide thing or just local? What a great idea. Towards the end of me living up home most times the village wouldn't even plow, they'd just come around and spread salt. All's that did was make a mess.

Not much else going on for the weekend. Rain is coming early and sticking around, so there's pretty much no chance of me getting out and working on the wall or doing yardwork. So it goes.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Time to get ready for work.
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Old January 10th, 2015, 07:51 PM
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Evening everyone. I left on Friday to work a two day conference in upstate NY, about 4 hours north of me. Took me 7 hours to do a 4 hour drive due to snow and traffic accidents. I left early so at least I still made it in time. It was worth the effort since we sold a good amount of migraine product.

Jamesbo - Happy belated Birthday! Hope you enjoyed it.

Scot - great cartoon. I certainly felt that way the last two days. Was 13 degrees today north of Albany, NY.
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Old January 11th, 2015, 07:08 AM
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Beautimus clear crisp blue bird day in de mountains

Allan, When ya get ta my age ya don't wanta get your blood pressue up. Try my Zin "do nothing then rest"
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Old January 11th, 2015, 08:57 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

Didn't get in till 2:00 this morning. The drive out to Teds was nothing more than a controlled skid there and back. Everything was black ice so I kept the speed down to 55mph or less pretty much all the time. Very little traffic which was really nice. Turned into a whIteout every time an oncoming vehicle passed.

Jim, how old are ya eny whey? I purty much do roller dat mantr whenever I Kan.

Mike, it's a municipal thing. Was I upset/angry? Yeah of course I was. Edmonton is a "winter city" and they tax us for all these services. In fact they overtax us to death but don't provide bag for the buck return. How snow removal is handled is different for each city. Only the highways are the responsibility of the province.

Darrell, sounds like a drive from hell. Glad you made it safely and did well with the sales.

Just brewed a fresh pot, so it's koffee time. Enjoy your day.
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Old January 11th, 2015, 09:23 AM
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A little break from the chill today

.... But storms heading our way this evening.

BTW, I'm gonna' get you for plagiarism, Scot! (And Darrell didn't notice, neither.)

Y'all have a great resto'weekend, Oldsmofriends.
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Old January 11th, 2015, 10:54 AM
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Wondered if you'd say anything about that John. BTW I really liked the personalized BD cake you did for Jim. Did you use a website linK to make it or is it something that resides on your puter?
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Old January 11th, 2015, 11:06 AM
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Thaques, Allan... I did it with my 15-y.o. Photochop.

I can't be too hard on anybody 'cause I'm very likely to do something like that myself....
Just a coincidence we saw the same cartoon. ;-)
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Old January 11th, 2015, 01:21 PM
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Hi everyone.

My friend was right. I was at work last night and took tonight off. I said, I have a lot of things I can do, and he said you're not going to do any of it and then complain that you didn't. Well he's right. I got up at noon and haven't done a thing. Not because I don't want to, because if I do anything with concrete it will just get screwed up because of the weather.

Rain all week. This will be my opportunity to get some extra house cleaning done. And fix the dogs' room. I should go to Florida.

Nothing new. Good night at work last night. Worked with said friend, was inside all night, no stress or drama. It was almost a pleasure.

Okay see you. Hope the week starts out good for everyone.
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Old January 11th, 2015, 01:39 PM
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Mike - 2 words. Hydraulic cement.
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Old January 11th, 2015, 07:20 PM
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Good evening all.

The deep freeze has finally ended up here and it is just the normal levels of cold. I can take cold to a point but -40 is too much.

I want to try cooking more different things this year and today was a day to try something new. I tried making chicken chimichangas. They were pretty good.

Have a great week everyone!
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Old January 11th, 2015, 07:31 PM
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Hi Paul! Good to see you back.

Chimichangas? Yup - straight out of the box from Costco. 1 minute on high then take it out of the wrapper. Add shredded cheese and back in the micro for another 45 seconds. Top with salsa, sour creme, tamed jalapenos and chopped chives. Mmmmm, mmmm good.

Our deep freeze is spoda go away around Wednesday. Looking forward to plus temps. Hope your week goes well.
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Old January 11th, 2015, 08:03 PM
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Wow -40? Guess I have nothing to complain about here. Glad to hear that it's gotten warmer there.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 04:13 AM
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Mornin all.

Well cold dark and grey around here. We're hanging right around freezing a little above and a little below. Just enough to keep a little layer f water on top of the ice. makes for a real slippery time. But the end of the wee is looking up. should be in the 50's.

John, hate to hear about all the medical everyone is into. but it does seem to me that winter is harder on peoples health. especially those with more experience.

Allan, I sure wish I was hearing Crickets. That way I know I'd wouldn't be winter any more.

Jamesbo is it wrong if I wish you were busier at work?

Scot hows the pins doing?

Darrell headed down to the springs yesterday. Our racing banquet was yesterday. got another piece of plastic to hang on the wall. sure is a great organization to be apart of.

Have a Monday all. Back to the grind.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 05:18 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Happy Monday. It's kind of warm out, 40-ish, and it's foggy. The lake is as low as it's been since they've been messing with it, I sure wish the sun would come out and dry everything out.

Got a few errands to run after the Awful house. Don't know for sure what's after that. It feels like the sort of day where my neighbor will be calling me twenty times an hour. It's nice to feel wanted. Sometimes.

Okay gonna split. Have a good Monday everyone talk to you's later.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 05:20 AM
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Mawn'in all

Drizzel'in but not too cold

Zo, No Golf today.

WFIW "links" need to be on de ocean.

Allan, I'm offically gettting social security and medicare

Clint, I jes don't know de answer. I'd like mo money but I never heared anyone on their death bed say, " I wish I had spent more time at de office>"

Say, Whar's Adrain been?

Have a GREAT week Olds friends
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Old January 12th, 2015, 06:19 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

Canada won the Continental Cup yesterday. Wasn't much of a surprise though. Crashed and burned at curling last night. Hard to win when only 3 peeps show up and only 2 play.

Clint, my missus would move there in a heartbeat for temps like what you're getting. Later this week we're Spoda get up to around 38. Whoop de do. I'd keep the cooler weather cuz it keeps the buzz worms in hiding.

Jim, dats not so old. Speshully ifn ya keep yer mind aktiv.

Mike, if I had a neighbor whO called 20 times an hour I'd get call blocking.

Only day this week I don't have to do anything. Sort of. Gotta go get some batteries and a new SD card for a dash camera. Review my witness statements for court tomorrow.

Time for a steaming hot koffee. Enjoy your day.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 07:42 AM
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Well, I'm a couple hundred light in the wallet, this morning. Sewer backed up, and had to call the cleaners to root it out. Jamesbo, I thought that you were younger, about me and Allen's age, 57-58 years old.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 08:16 AM
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Good Monday Mawnin All

Rainy here, but I'll take it over subfreezing temps any day Today



Originally Posted by Bee-Oh-Pee
BTW, I'm gonna' get you for plagiarism, Scot! (And Darrell didn't notice, neither.)
Oops John I didn't even see that you already posted that.
Originally Posted by CQR
Scot hows the pins doing?
110% better Clint. Thanks for asking brother.

Whelp off to give my portion to the monthly bill collectors

Have a great day Oldsmofriends
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Old January 12th, 2015, 10:55 AM
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Old January 12th, 2015, 11:19 AM
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Cool video. Very touching reunion too.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 05:52 PM
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Hi everyone.

As I suspected, I got precious little done today. However, I did pick up my friend Johnboy and take him on an errand since he still isn't finished putting a steering column in his truck. A pleasant surprise was that he bought lunch.

I didn't hear a peep from my neighbor until about dinnertime. Then he called at least seven times. All for inane reasons. Eh, if I didn't want to hear from him I know how to make myself scarce.

It's been foggy and dreary here all day long. It's still around 50. Looks like the fog has gone. Everything is a muddy mess.

Well, time to get ready for Starsky and Hutch. Have a good night everyone.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 08:04 PM
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Gotta spend tomorrow in court so I'll say an advance

Morning Rocketeers now.

I'm planning to take a steaming thermos of Koffee as I'm sure I'll be bored to tears waiting for the case to be called.

Hope you all enjoy your day!
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Old January 12th, 2015, 08:15 PM
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Evening everyone. 40 and rain here today. Good thing is that it cleaned all the salt off the roads. Supposed to be clear the next few days so I plan to advantage of that and get the Cultass out for a ride.

Clint - glad to hear that you were able to go to the Springs. Were you able to stop at our barbeque spot to have some good food. That was a good restaurant, we don't get food like that around here.
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Old January 13th, 2015, 04:42 AM
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Mornin all.

Darrell, nope we were up on the north side of the city. Up by the Air Force Academy. That was some really good Barbque.

Allan, Good luck. Hope it turns out well for you.

Mike. We're frozen solid no mud here. yet. We don't usually get freezing rain, but everything around here is covered in a thin clear freezing mist. Cmon Summer!

Dan, thats sounds like a crappy situation. I hate that. Sorry.

Have a Tuesday all.
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Old January 13th, 2015, 04:51 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Not as foggy here this morning and still over 40. Come on summer indeed!

Gonna take my neighbor's car to the mechanic today. He had a bad spot in the floor fixed and now his AC doesn't work. No fan, no nothing. He thinks when they took the seat and carpet out something got bumped. I crawled around and couldn't even see the fan or anything, so who knows.

Awful house, car, and if it doesn't rain I might try to do some work on the wall. If not I might run up to the Delta museum, since I haven't been there since they redid it all and reopened. I've never toured the restored DC3 so that will be nice, if not short. It only seats 26.

So good day to all. See ya's later.
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Old January 13th, 2015, 05:48 AM
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Mawn'in all

Froggy, chili and dank

Allan, Good luck. Want me ta send ya "War and Peace"

Clint, wasn't dat place in de video near you? Kinda

Mike, Yesterday, I tried out a place called Scratch instead of de Awful House.Think I'll go back dis mawn'in to de Awful House.

Scot, De troublesome HVAC unit at de lake is werk'in fine. De bearings in de Squirrel cage at de home/farm/cemetery went TU

Welp, GTG mark a grave den headed to de big city to tak sum food to a friend
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Old January 13th, 2015, 12:05 PM
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Who do we have on here from San Antonio area? Im Looking for someones "eyes" to go look at a car for me thats down there.
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Old January 13th, 2015, 02:55 PM
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Afternoon Rocketeers!

Ya know? I think I found out why only the bailiffs and sheriffs are allowed to wear guns in court. Let's just say that the Canadian court and legal system could easily learn from the American one. The dufus who we were witnesses against got both his charges dismissed on a technicality. The prosecutor asked for a stay to bring in a witness that they'd just found out about. The defendant says no way that should be allowed and the judge agrees. So there's proof that you don't need to be smart to win a case, just be on par with the judge or have something up your sleeve. I couldn't believe this happened. What a colossal waste of time and taxpayer money. The law has too many loopholes that favor the criminals, and penalties for the police officers and public that uphold it and work within it. I'm so embarrassed for our legal system and angry at the same time.

Jim - Nope. Too late. I already saw the movie. BTW it was required reading in middle school.

Tweed - No one on this thread that I know of. Try looking on the Classic Oldsmobile Map.

Clint - We were frozen solid when I went into the court house. When I came out the temps were much warmer and we were getting freezing rain all the way home. Lots of road salt put down so they were pretty wet. Now I have to wash that crap off the car.

Mike - if it's a non AC car have him check the connection at the blower resistor on the heater box plenum. Either that or check the fuse for Heat/AC
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Old January 14th, 2015, 04:49 AM
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Join Date: May 2011
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Mornin all.

Jamesbo. They did quickly mention Colo. Springs. Not sure which base it would be.

Allan, The way it sounds, the canucks have already learned the judicial perversion from us. Sorry it went badly.

Have a Humpday all.
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