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Old May 21st, 2014, 04:11 AM
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Mornin all.

Got to get with it early today Need to get a tahoe down to my tranny guy.being at the shop alone I don't have time to pull it myself. busy busy busy.

The kid has Jury duty today. And Sandy, She was at the vet with my dog on Monday, and they hired her to be a vet tech. She''l work a little inside with the small animals, then help one of the vets with calls for the large animals when needed.

Have a Humpday all.
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Old May 21st, 2014, 05:05 AM
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Hippity Happity Humpity

Salt mine greetings, folks. Missed y'all yesterday. Finally got everything hooked up in the garage, but ran down to S. Shore to meet with a real estate agent who's prolly going to list the Metairie home for me & my brothers. We have a long row to hoe.... We're planning on having it cleaned out and spiffed up in about 6 weeks. She said this was the "hot" real estate season, so the sooner the better.

Clint, we were cartoon junkies when we were kids. I think we watched Deputy Dog, Huck Hound, Yogi, & Quick Draw pretty much every day, not to mention Hercules & Newt. Good memories. Funny, though, cause we were often "punished" by keeping us inside.... we'd be in the back yard pretty much whenever the weather was good, and start fighting (mostly verbally) like Turks ... with my apologies to anyone from Turkey. We'd have to come in to "cool off." Mom ran a tight ship

Sorry your whackin' bit the big one, Jamesbo. There's always next week.

I'm not much for lying on my back either, Mike... although I've done my share of it thru the years. My absolute favorite is having exhaust rust and car fluids dripping in my face and hair... when I had hair

Whelpt, let me get to minin' some salt. Y'all have a great Humpity, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; May 21st, 2014 at 05:11 AM.
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Old May 21st, 2014, 05:56 AM
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Mawn'in all

Nice day to whack weeds

Whack whitey, whack weeds Wonder what's next ?

John/Mike, My all time favortie is under de dash werk. Kinda like waterboarding.

Scot, So de new HVAC guy comes by yesterday and says, " It isn't de coil, it's de cicruit board WTF

BTW a "Fried egg" is usuallyy a burried ball in de sand trap. In my case it [they] were right under de lip of de bunker. Tiger may be able to get one out but I didn't stand a chance.

John, Good luck. When my dad passed away in 2000, I was tossing out 1952 tax returns and check stubbs. Finally when I had given away tons of stuff, I went to a flea market and got the names of some of de ladies that had booths. De trash pickers cane over and bought a bunch of plunder. to resell in their booths

Clint, Be thankful your busy, de good ole cemetery buz is 'bout to drive me to drink [It's a very short trip]

Welp GTG Have a great day hump'in Olds friends
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Old May 21st, 2014, 07:43 AM
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Morning All!

Cloudy here and temps in the high 60's now. Thunderstorm chances all day so it isn't looking good for Chick Fil A later. Again.
Muggy as heck too...

Turned on the AC at home last night. Humidity is up there!! It's yucky in here today. Steve has his heater blasting and Brian has the AC set way up to 74! Good God. Brian has been complaining about Steve's heater all morning but I don't think he's sincere.

Well the speaker on my phone started working yesterday. I get crackling sounds though like when I'm playing games, or during a video, and when I am pressing keys to send a text or something. But music plays without any crackling. The 'alert' light at the top of the phone is lit up a steady red, so I have no way of knowing when someone sends me a text or I have a missed call or when the battery is charged. It used to flash blue for an alert, red when battery was charging, and green when battery was charged. Im going to call Samsung and see what it would cost to get it fixed. I put it in a bowl of rice last night and covered it, but it didn't help. Same thing this morning. First time I've ever done this in all the years I've had a cell phone so I guess that's not too bad. Larry has wrecked 3 of them lol. At least its working.

Got most of my packing done last night. Duffel bag is ready to go! Guess I'll fill all my little lotion containers and stuff tonight and put in the ziplock bag. I am sooooo ready!!

Clint... congrats to your daughter. I thought she was working for UPS? I'm sure she'll like this better lol. Nicole really likes it.

We went to Walmart last night and I got some Hostas for in my big flower bed and some other plants. Got a flat of petunia's and marigolds and some gerbera daisies. Have to make the planters up when I get back and get out to the cemetery and plant. I still have green peppers a d 2 maters to get in the ground! My bean plants are doing well. I will have to send Nicole reminders to water stuff... yeah right!

Well have a good humpday all!
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Old May 21st, 2014, 08:10 AM
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Morning all. Good weather ahead, I plan on hitting a car show Sunday in Greenville, Mi. 'bout an hour or so from me. Gotta head to the store to get the ingredients to make a tollhouse pie, (and ice cream) as it's time for the monthly birthday gorging at work, plus a sort of goodbye to our boss, who is going to another dept. on another shift.
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Old May 21st, 2014, 03:00 PM
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Howdy all.

Beautiful day here, almost got to 90. Next chance of rain, Sunday. Wouldn't mind if that pushed back a little.

Dan if we had a party for our boss, it would be -after- he left.

It seems that the moment someone "ascends" to lead mechanic or higher they suddenly forget where they came from, or how they acted when they were mechanics.

Remember Sandy, no scissors, nail clippers, screwdrivers, knives, flame throwers, etc in your carry on bag. And only check things you don't really need, in case it doesn't show up at your destination. Bags are never lost, they are just "misdirected." Who are you flying?

Usually when I'm working under the dash of the car, I'm upside down with my head under the dash, and my legs draped over the back of the front seat. Silly cars.

John how's the visit going up in P-town?

Once when I had my dog in to the vet, they asked me if I wanted to work there. I guess as the guy that shoveled out the runs. I said no thanks. I kinda wish I would have taken it. When I go there with my dogs now I want to stop and pet every dog I go past.

Night Two. Last night didn't go so bad. The plane didn't get in till 10 and we were done by 6. If tonight goes that smoothly I'll be happy.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 03:51 AM
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Kwik worm

Morning, all.... not too shabby a morning at the Plantation: 64* and rather pleasant and dry. Salt mine a little muggier, but I'll take it. Clint, I heard some place in CO was 25* this morning . Wow!

Mike, P-town visit seemed to go swimmingly, thanks for axe-ing. Usual family turmoil, but that just lets us know everybody's feeling well and normal. One sister won't talk to the other, the neice won't attend events where the aunt is, etc., etc., etc. But D's Mom is doing well, and that's why D travels up there... to see her. She made 89 this year and is still driving and getting around -- without glasses, a walker, cane, or false teeth, I might add.... I hope I do as well at that age.

I'll check back in later, boys & girl. But in the mean time,

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; May 22nd, 2014 at 03:56 AM.
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 04:27 AM
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Mornin all

John I don't see that. The lowest temp I see is 32*. Here its a nice 52*

Sandy, Thanks. She'll do fine. She quit UPS at the beginning of the year when she found out the title of manager meant same hours but half the pay (salary= no overtime).

Jamesbo, in your biz, talking to the clients is ok, but if you are out having full on conversations, you may want to see someone about that.

We're into a nasty weather pattern for sure. tornado's and hail 2 days in a row, Looks like some parts got 5" of hail and were getting stuck at stop lights.

Have a Thursday.
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 05:17 AM
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Mawn'in all

Howdy from de dog house. As usual, I haven't a clue why I'm residing ere but I is.

John, D's family would hold a candle to de Super model's 8 siblings

I read de utter day dat FB was closing down and de were predicitng all the users were wandering de streets showing strangers pics and ax'in dem in de "Like" dem.

Can't make up my little mind what to do today. Maybe, I'll get my ears lowered, den rest

Have a safe trip Sandy

Carpe Diem Olds friends
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 06:13 AM
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Jamesbo, I know when I'm bested.... I've gathered the S.M. is in a league of her own My only issue is that it burdens poor Mom. You'd think when a lady has tried to raise her kids to the best of her ability, when they're all in their 50s and 60s, they might all at least talk to each other....

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
John, D's family would hold a candle to de Super model's 8 siblings
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 06:30 AM
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Yeah, You'd "think" ..............but
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 06:50 AM
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Morning All!

Sun and clouds here temp at 60*. Only going to be in the 60's today but no rain. It was a hot stuffy 76* in here this morning. I turned the fan on to 2! Brian got the hint and took his manual out to the thermostat. The 'hold' button was somehow off so it wasn't holding the 73* temp. Steve has his heater blasting....

I didn't go to chick fil a last night. I could have. No rain, just clouded up occasionally. I planted my other 2 mater plants and my 4 green pepper plants. The green bean plants are getting new leaves. Then I put all my lotions and oils into 3oz bottles and put them in a ziplock. Gathered up more stuff to take. I know I'm taking too much. Will probably downsize tonight.

Mike.... We are flying Southwest. We have a stop in Hotlanta to pick up people, but no plane change or anything. I think coming back we have a plane change in Denver.

I looked up the Phoenix weather..... sun and 102,104!!!!!! I be loving it!!

I'm going to Bellacinos tonight so I won't be home till 9ish. Another late night. We're getting up at 3am... Larry worries so much about missing the plane... seems like we always have to sit and wait.... So I'm going to be tired tomorrow,especially with the time change.

Someone took Brian's outside ashtray apart last night and didn't put it back together right, so he was all concerned this morning. Probably someone looking for butts. The top wasn't put back on it correctly... lets lose sleep over it tonight ... I'm so glad there are no more smelly cigarette buffs in the trash. Heck, that ashtray stinks if you get close to it. Yuck!!

So slow and boring in here this morning. Thinking of all I could be doing at home lol.

I'm sooooo happy that my feet aren't hurting as bad and I should be able to walk without getting worn out right away. This DoTerra stuff works! I have a lot more stamina since I've been taking the supplements and have noticed much improvement in my fingernails and such. Its a wonderful thing!

Well you all have a great day!!
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 07:49 AM
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Good mawnin all

Wramer than two squirrels whispering in each others ears in a wool sock 'ere Well least it ain't rainin

So Jamesbo you got your A/C fixed way less than expected being it was just a board? If so that's always a welcome find. BUT... if hey changed the evap coil and then realized it needed a board, then not so good. Irregardless it needed to be done I suppose.

Clint I saw where y'all were catching it Specially around the Denver airport Stay safe brother!

Whelp gotta stay movin, it's already hot out there Oldsmobilefriends
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 08:16 AM
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Nope, Didn't change de coil, Didn't renew my service contract wit de SOB's De sent me a service bill [Even though I paid dem las year] Zo I told dem to take their bill, roll it up in a conical shape [lubrication optional] and stick it
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 09:11 AM
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Bwahahahaha You tell 'em Jim
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 10:04 AM
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Morning all, it's Friday!!! Been one slow week here for me so I am glad it is almost over, nothing different just one of those weeks.

Bet your looking forward to your trip more then summer Sandy We hope you have a great time down there. Just remember you have to go back home to pick up Teepo

Congrats on the new job for your daughter Clint, bet she will love it. Stay safe in that wild weather your getting at the moment.

Time for work, have a great day oldsmomates,

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Old May 22nd, 2014, 11:14 AM
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Friday??? Ohh, forgot that down under is a day ahead...Had me worried there that I'd lost a day. Mebbe de space aliens beducted me an held me fer a day studyin what dey don't want to look like after dey invade.

Clint - Thank you for those scans! That 70 build sheet and cowl tag matched up perfectly. Check box 9 and 10 against the lower number codes on the tag. They're spot on. I've had this discussion with 'others' that claim the numbers aren't even closely related to the Build sheet when it's clear that they are. Getting the build sheets deciphered is tedious but interesting.

Jim - FB closing down?? That would start a world catastrophe when dem yung uns have no social page anymore... Best change yer eflay passwurd too as it got hackd

John - WTH is this Thors Day thing??

Anyone check the price of propane lately??
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 11:24 AM
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Allan, Thank goodness our propane burning season is over. Maybe by next winter, I'll have de bandits paid off.
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 01:21 PM
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Whelpt, almost time... depart the salt mine. Nice!

Sandy, if you's ain't left yet, have a safe trip and stay cool! Blow the plane's horn from Hartsfield Jackson and Jamesbo might hear it....

Alan, it's the origin of the word, Thursday.... nuttin' else. Just a (very) little joke on my part....

Havin' another appraisal done on the Metairie house tomorrow. That means another round trip to the S. Shore for me. Whoopee!!! But at least it ain't work.

Whelpt, let me get things wrapped up here.... lookin' forward to that Indy 500 on Sunday. I've verbally committed to go with a couple friends next year --> 2014 marks 20 years since my last attendance (that's 1994 for those in Rio Linda). Hard to believe. That year, I drove my '89 Stang LX 5.0 up there. But I'll be flying next year.

Hasta luego, amigos y amiga.
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 02:18 PM
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Good day all.

Guess what it's Friday. Well deserved I should add. Gonna be nice this weekend so I might get something done, anything is possible.

Sandy safe trip for you and Larry, I know you'll have a great time.

John where is Rio Linda and why do they not know what year it is?

Turns out last night started AMT Day. It honors Charles Taylor's birthday. He was the Wright Brothers' mechanic and the first airplane mechanic. So we had a big dinner, and lots of vendors came and set up for us to look at stuff. Not bad, it will still be going on when I get there this evening, so maybe I'll get more free stuff. Eh, the free stuff isn't worth a hoot, but I guess it makes them feel good. Seeing as how the whole shindig is set up in our area, there isn't much work to be done. Got out at ten till 4 this morning, maybe I'll be that lucky again.

I lost interest in the Indy 500 when the Pace Car was the Corvette 800 times in a row. It wasn't all that long ago that the race took pretty much all day, and now it's done in a few short hours. Last year for Gomer to sing.

I'm running a little early today. Looks like the dogs will have some extra time outside before work. I hate that they are stuck in their room all night, but I know what they are capable of when they are left loose when I'm not home. This is a good compromise. Though they have tried their level best to escape the room but so far have been unsuccessful.

Well have a good evening everyone. One more then the long weekend. Hope everyone has some good plans made.
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Old May 22nd, 2014, 08:23 PM
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Evening everyone. Spent most of the past two days doing yard work. Got most of it done but I still have two bushes I want to move from in front of my house that are overgrown. Also, my driveway cracked really bad over the winter and probably should be replaced. A friend of mine turned me onto a product called cold patch and I put that down yesterday. Filled in a large area (2x8), put some plywood over it, drove the car over it a few times and it came out great. Have to wait a month before I can seal it, hopefully I can put this big expense off for a few more years.

Hope to get most of this finished by the weekend so I can go back to detaling the Cutlass. I have some more underhood detailing to do: painting the radiator support, brake booster, hood hinges, etc. Also, I have a question about the steering shaft color. Does anyone know what color it should be? Gloss black , Semi-Gloss black, Flat black, bare steel? I can't find any information on it.

Mike - I agree with you about the Indy 500. Not really a big fan of it anymore either. Here's a story I think you would appreciate.

I remember when I was a little kid, going the the Chevrolet dealership with my Mom when she picked up her brand new 78 Corvette Pace Car. The owner of the dealership gave her the box with all the Indy decals because she did not want them on the car. That's when I learned what the Indy 500 was and became hooked on cars.

Clint - Are you anywhere near Colorado Springs? Going to be there next month for the Riviera Owners Assocation national meet. Possibly we could meet up if our schedules work out.

Have a good night all.
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Old May 23rd, 2014, 04:43 AM
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I cant be the first poster this morning? we just landed in Hotlanta. Thought of Mike seeing all these Delta planes sitting here. Has been a cloudy flight so far. Couldn't see the ground hardly at all. Hopefully it will be clear headin on into Phoenix! I want to see. I had a good time out here in Hotlanta last Oct. Hope to do it again one day. ok, well have a great Friday all!!
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Old May 23rd, 2014, 05:01 AM
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Ha Sandy gets the worm! Glad you had a good flight to Atlanta. Wish I could have met you this morning, I know you didn't have a long stop. Safe flight to Arizona!

What a rotten night at work. I got home I could hardly move. I know the whole company isn't as bad as my stupid department, but some of the people I'm stuck with make me want to tell the whole place to shove it.

It is funny how the bad night melts away the closer I get to home. My dogs are the best therapy there is. I'm gonna sleep a little this morning then enjoy my weekend off.

Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. Hope everyone enjoys it.
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Old May 23rd, 2014, 05:04 AM
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Mornin all

Sandy. Happy worm day. Hope your flight is smooth over the rockies. With all the storms, I'd bet they have to really get up there to be above the turbulence.

Darrell, I'm about 1.5 hours away. let me know and we'll see about meeting up.

Mike, I never did get into the roundy rounds. I thought it was fun watching Bill Elliot race the Thunderbirds, back when they actually had a body that looked like the actual car. Now it's just creative painting.

John, Hope you have a good time, remember to wear a hat.

Allan, You're welcome. Thats a pretty complete build sheet. And the guy is happy with his purchase, we are now on the road to getting some things done on the car, and then he'll come back to take her home.

Adrian, Thanks. She'll do well I'm sure. She's headed out to Nebraska for the weekend to hang out with some friends. Her first real road trip (6 hr drive) by herself. Her mom won't admit it, but it is tearing her up.

Have a Friday all.
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Old May 23rd, 2014, 05:39 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter clear hot one

Sandy, Congrats on de worm. Have a fun trip and stay safe

Mike, I kinda know whatcha mean. I find myself lately jes shak'in my head in disbelief of what sum people get paid to do.

I have been to a round race since Kennedy was in office. De beer mixed wit de fumes of de infield and de ole AIR [Atlanta International Raceway] gave me de worst head ache I've ever had. I'm sure I've told cha de last drag race I went to was de disaster at Yellow river back in de late 60's.

Let see ere, Don't race, don't go to car shows [cause I spent 30 years managing shooping ceneter and not crazy 'bout park'in lots] Don't go to drag races or oval tracks. WTH am I do'in ere?

I'll have to ponder dat one fer a spell

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old May 23rd, 2014, 08:30 AM
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Sandy, where'd ya leave the keys for Teepo, and does she have limited slip? I might want to burn the carbon out while you're gone....ya know, go all Dukes with it! :O
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Old May 23rd, 2014, 09:13 AM
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Mornin', good peeps

Nudder nice one here in da' swamp. Got my brother to meet the appraiser in Metairie, so I'm off the hook 'til tomorrow.

Mike, the Rio Linda thing is a Rush Limbaugh joke. I guess he's a pariah now, but I still find him entertaining. He always pokes fun at Rio Linda (CA), I guess from when he lived in Sacramento.

Scott, the one in my GS was bare metal, including the rag joint. I would think this would apply to Oldses as well, especially those built at GMAD assembly facilities.

As far as the Indy, although it's not everybody's cuppa'tea, "being there" is certainly a different experience than watching it on TV. The history element and the incredible traditions are similar to the Kentucky Derby. It's over in a flash (not quite the flash of "The Derby"), but it keeps 300k folks coming back year after year. Like what you said about Gomer, Mike. It's sad he has to bow out. But at 83 -- and a newlywed-- he's given it over 40 years... so all good things have to come to an end. I do agree that greed, the almighty dollar, and the CART vs. IRL dispute put a deep dent in the fan base and the sport. But most of the magic still remains near Gasoline Alley every year.

Have a great Friday, Oldsmofans...
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Old May 23rd, 2014, 04:33 PM
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Ah happy weekend everyone. Amazing what a little sleep does for the soul.

Woke up around 1 this afternoon and still couldn't move. A nice hot shower later and things were a little better. Moving around this afternoon and things are better. Been to the mechanic, Awful house, and Walmart. That's a pretty good afternoon if you ask me.

John I'm not a Rush fan. He must talk about Rio Linda like we(up home) talk about the cheese heads. I had to look up pariah.

Looks like Sandy made it out west okay. Hope she checks in with some nice pictures. Wonder how many car shows are on the schedule?

Got some Amphicar business to take care of tonight. The annual flotilla is coming up quick. There's a guy who wants to do the newsletter but doesn't want to pay his dues. ??

Have a good evening everyone. Drive safe, the cops are out in force. You know, because everyone driving one mile over is obviously drunk.
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Old May 23rd, 2014, 06:11 PM
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Hewwwooo evewyone...

Today it's up to 82° here. Vewwwy Unuzuwall. So this is what it feels like for most of you down southerners. Hmmm, you can keep it. Not much of a heat freak, I like it at around 70 with a nice gentle breeze. Mebbe de Cap'n and I will sail out on de porch in a bit.

Got a few projects to work on now. Replace a hip roof shingles. Don't need to do them all - I found some DIY vids on that and should be ok with maybe just 4-5 bundles of shingles to do what I need. Other project is rebuild the deck. My son has about 8 different elevation drawings, including the structural framing, and stairs that I need to print and take to the Planning/Development peeps for a permit. Chances are they never see this from homeowners or deck builders much. Oh well, I'm going to make this legal since we don't plan to live here a lot longer. When buyers look at property they'll try to find anything and everything they can that's not 'approved' and negotiate a discount yada yada..I'm dotting my I's and crossing my T's early.

Jim - if that's your course where y'all whack whitey? Ya can keep it. I'd call anything that lands close to any of them thar hazards a lost ball en fergetaboudit.

Mike - I'd love to have a good nights sleep bud. The meds I'm taking now make me more tired than ever before. Seems like I spend most of my semi conscious state dreaming. According to de Doctor that means I'm not getting enough 'real' sleep. I'm just about ready to tell them to stuff the meds where the sun don't shine and risk the consequences.

Clint - Yup, I now have a few of them that match up cowl tags. I'm really glad the owner is happy with the car and now has some real provenance of his ride. Enjoy working on it. Don't forget to test drive it regularly to make sure it doesn't get too dusty...What all are you doing to it?
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Old May 24th, 2014, 04:19 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter pretty one dis mawn'in

Sandy, I see one FB you've landed safely. Have a great trip

Allan, Now ya hit on sum'in I can help wit. I know how to hammer and cut out steps. Remember, measure twice saw once

Mike, Show dis pic to de bosses. Is de Amphi flotila anywhere near by?

Scot, De HVAC bill [dat now resides in de trash] says
"Precison Tune" Yesterday, I discovered de breaker pulled and sitting on top of the compressor outside shut off. Dat's one heck of a "precission tune" ain't it

GTG Olds friends Have a great weekend
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Old May 24th, 2014, 05:21 AM
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Ah good morning to all.

Bright and clear so far, but now I'm hearing there might be rain this afternoon. I really need to move to the desert. Oh Sandy....

Jamesbo the flotilla is the annual Amphicar Swim In in Celina, OH at the end of July. If you're in the neighborhood stop on by.

Allan you sound like my neighbor. He takes about 20 pills a day. He has about the same number of doctors, all prescribing things, but never un-prescribe anything. So one doctor says, oh you have this I want you to take this. The next doctor says, no I want you to take this. But now my neighbor is taking both. And it compounds. He can't sleep but he can't stay awake. He can't walk but he can't sit still. He has anxiety and depression. He's completely wacked and I tell him, stop taking everything and try a positive attitude for once. His wife says I'm crazy he needs to take all this to function. I love them both but think they're nuts. Allan don't go nuts.

John how are things with the Buick these days? What happened to buying your old car back? Now's the time when there isn't anyone around to say no.

Clint there's a guy in the Corvair club named Bill Elliot. Everyone thinks he's the race car driver. There's also a guy named George Jones. Anyway on the Corvair forum people always ask why Bill Elliot never talks about his racing career.

Well it's Awful house this morning then the old junkyard. If the rain holds off I'm gonna start mowing. Have a good one everybody.
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Old May 24th, 2014, 06:42 AM
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May's almost gone already

Quiet and nice Saturn's Day this morning... Going to pick up Aunt Carmy this evening and take her out to eat and take her to church, since my brother & SIL are out camping in AR. She wants to go to Cane's, and I've never been, so that will be fine with us.

Will mow da' lawn today, and hopefully trim and spray a bit so it will look like somebody lives here...

Mike, Coppertone is sitting comfortably in the garage, excreting tranny fluid at an alarming rate. Also, the jackasses at the LA DMV haven't even shipped me my antique plate yet, so I'd be driving 'er at my own peril even if she was perfect. As soon as I get the Olds out from under the lift, I'll get 'er up there and see what's going on. I suspect the modulator O-ring is shot or missing, but not sure. The guy I bought it from swears that was the only place it was "slowly dripping" from.

The only thing left to having completely functional air in the garage is the bolting down of the compressor. I bought an $18 3/4" masonry bit and stuck it in my 1/2" hammer drill, and the concrete laughed at it! I spent almost 2 hours on two holes, and neither is complete. So I will run the air just as needed for now and be sure the unit doesn't "walk" on me, and figure out how to get these holed drilled in a while. I think the problem arises 'cause there's so much gravel and aggregate in the slab. All the bit does is bounce off the gravel. Besides taking forever, it winds up making the hole wider. So I'm declaring a truce for now....

I'm not planning on get my old one back. After driving it and being with it a few hours, I decided it would be yet another ton of things to go on my "to do" list, which honestly AS IS has no chance of completion before I become horizontal. So I'll work on Coppertone when I get to it, and cross any bridges after than when I get to them. I'm not crazy about a few things he's done to the car, of which the wheels are probably highest on the list. So right off the bat, I'd need to spend a couple grand on wheels and tires. The repro Goodyear RWL bias belted tires -- which that car deserves -- are over $300 apeice. And the repro 15x7 rallye wheels (all of which Ol' Red came with) are about the same. The work and money would only increase from there. The motor would prolly even have to come out again at some point, and I detest the way the tranny shifts. Just don't need the overhead at this time, as pretty and cool as it would be. Tim was very gracious and his lovely wife fixed us a fabulous Kentucky lunch, and overall we had a really nice reunion (hadn't seen him or the car since 2005).

Any, to get to more mundane issues, today's the day the wiffey and I are are officially switching to iced coffee... that will certainly put a good ol' New Orleans gris gris on the warm weather...

Clint, y'all warming up a little over there? Hope all that hail I heard about didn't put a dent in things for you guys.

Y'all have a fab weekend, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; May 24th, 2014 at 06:52 AM.
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Old May 24th, 2014, 07:02 AM
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Saturn Day? Good one John, I see a pattern here. Can't wait for the rest of them!
Windier here than a pack of pollytishuns in de campaign trail. Last night was a doozy. Gusts around 40mph. Not as warm today thnk God, but supposed to ran the next few days.

Clint, I'll take some of that cold an moisture off your hands. You know my address so just bundle it for USPS and have me pick it up?

Jim, anytime you want to come up and swing yer hammer, yer always welcome!

Mike, no plans to go nuts. I just have one Dr. I just don't have much faith in her anymore ad don't like being used as a Guinea pig.

Have a great Saturn day!
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Old May 24th, 2014, 07:44 AM
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Any of you play 2048? It's really addictive. My high score is just over 70,000. Play on a 5x5 board for more frustration.
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Old May 24th, 2014, 12:58 PM
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Okay group it's about 85 and partly sunny. That's it, see ya.

Actually, I went to two old timey junkyards and didn't find what I wanted. I thought that would be my last ditch effort for blue van parts, but then I remembered LMC. They're website sucks for vans(and they include Ford and Dodge in the same catalog) so I requested their free catalog on all things van and I'll look at it when it comes.

So here's the real question. I find myself vacuuming the engine compartment of the Cadillac and I'm thinking about getting the hood and the deck lid de-dented and painted. Does Cadillac still use the special heavy paint and requisite special equipment to paint cars, like what's on Scot's car? My car is an 87, so if there's a different way of doing business at the Standard o' Excellence, when did it change? I guess I could spend all afternoon looking this up, but I know Scot will know and I want him to come out and play. Something tells me the Cast will be descending this weekend.

John that's a sweet looking car. It would look better with real Torque Thrusts and would really look better with Buick mags. I hear you on the repro tires. Goodyear GT Radials reproduced, albeit to today's specs, are 350 apiece.

Okay back to vacuuming.
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Old May 24th, 2014, 01:47 PM
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Hey everyone!

My what a gorgeous day it is in the sunny South Hot but not too hot, humid but not too humid. Just right for a fine day.

I got the yard sprayed for insects and weeds. Next I need to mow again LOL

Mike from what I've gathered is that very few Caddy's had the heavy Firemist paint due to it was an extra cost option. Even back then. As of yet I am waiting on a guy to contact me in regards to actually using Firemist. Anywho chances are that your Caddy wasn't sprayed with Firemist Poly even though some Firemist colors were used in '87.

Here is a link to all GM colors in 1987 (Be sure to check all four pages and look for CAD, that stands for Caddy ) Also the GM Heritage center can ship you a build sheet of your model, for a price that is... Hopefully this will help.
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Old May 25th, 2014, 05:21 AM
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Good morning all.

Beautiful here this morning but I think the rain is coming. I hope it bypasses us.

Scot thanks for the info. My car doesn't seem to have the white label with the codes on it, and all the data plate says is Laquer on it. I found the code for the gold stripes but so far haven't found out what color blue it is. Looking through the paperwork I got with it the owner said it was Firemist paint, but that's it. He could have just heard that word and wrote it down. I might just spend the 50 and get the printout from GM.

Going up to Marietta for pizza tonight. And I'll be enjoying the company of a young lady. Wow, a date and pizza on the same night.

This guy is a friend of mine. Doesn't that look fun?

Okay time for Awful house. Have a fun day everyone.
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Old May 25th, 2014, 05:35 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan, The furnace just went off this morning. And the thermostat is set at a balmy 66F* We had a little hail last night and was forced inside by the tornado sirens for about an hour too. No issues tho. We kind of were on the tailing edge of the cell. We have had an extraordinary amount of moisture tho. People around here for the past few years keep saying "we need the moisture" well, ma nature is delivering and with the flooding and hail, and more flooding Those people may want to reconsider. Heres a buddies house. Thats all hail. It busted the vent covers on the new trailer and as you can see is halfway up the wheels.

Blurry pic sorry.

John, We've been lucky. I was sure we were gonna get pounded last night since the missus bought out the local nursery and planted flowers everywhere.

Allan, On the vert, we are gonna do some front end work, and new taillights, and lots of odds and ends.

Mike, I like when they used to run the true stock cars (at least bodies and run then on courses other that ovals. We may go watch the races up at Colorado national tonight. I think the legends are running.

Mike I hope you're feeling a little better,

Sandy, Hows that sunburn coming along?

Have a day all.
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Old May 25th, 2014, 07:47 AM
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Still waiting to see if this is El Sol day.
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Old May 25th, 2014, 09:18 AM
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Good Afternoon Mawnin Peeps

Small chance of rain, but I don't believe we'll see any. Other than that it is a fine weekend to honor our bravest. I have a slab of hand rubbed babybacks to grill this evening YUMMY!

Mike that is cool that it is a Firemist color I bet the Caddy dealership may know where or who can handle the task of spraying Firemist

Clint the last time I was out that way it rained golfballs LOL I bet Jamesbo would've had a field day whacking whitey The biggest hail we've had here to my knowledge is a little bigger than "shooter" marbles. Anywho you guys have been getting pounded out there

I've been keeping an eye with a new website that tracks all of the strom chasers and they have live webcams www. It's pretty cool and not only can you see the radar nationwide, every strom chaser's position but also watches and warnings live. Definitely worth bookmarking.

Whelp we are about to head to town to grab some adult beverages for later. TTFN Oldsmofriends
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