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Old December 22nd, 2022, 02:02 PM
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Here are two light switches.
NOTE: A single-pole switch has two terminals (not including ground) to accommodate two wires (not including ground). A 3-way switch has three terminals (not including ground) to accommodate three wires (not including ground). One terminal (generally BLACK) is the COMMON (POWER) terminal, the two remaining terminals are TRAVELER TERMINALS (which run between the two switches).

Single Pole Switch - Two Terminals

3-Way (SPDT) Switch - Three terminals

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Old December 22nd, 2022, 02:10 PM
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Mike - TURN THE ELECTRICITY "OFF" - FIRST. This is done by turning the circuit breaker to the OFF position. Next, open the switch box and LOOK at the switch.
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Old December 22nd, 2022, 02:36 PM
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Yep Id listen to Norm
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Old December 22nd, 2022, 04:22 PM
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Hey guys,

Very gusty, blowing snow, and temp down to 2°. We really haven't gotten much snow yet, maybe 2", but it's still coming, and what we do have is drifting. Hard to get the dogs out to do their business. They don't mind the cold so much, but you can tell they really don't like the wind blowing the snow in their faces, and heavy gusts really spook them.

Our power blipped off twice in a matter of about 20 seconds, scared the hell out of me, that would really be the pits. I used to have a large generator, but let my ex have it. Wouldn't have been so inclined to do that except my daughters were still at home at the time.

Everyone stay warm and safe!
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Old December 22nd, 2022, 05:16 PM
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Mike yes if you don't want to get the electrical tickle listen to Norm. Find the circuit breaker that feeds the first switch and open it (turn it off) . then take your 2 new 3way switches (yes buy 2 new ones) and wire them exactly the way they are wired now.

You can see in Norms picture the common screw term is black.

The common is either the feed from that circuit breaker or the connected (same) feed to the device, the travelers alternate via that toggle of the switch the open or closed position of that phase wire.

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Old December 22nd, 2022, 05:40 PM
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Well thanks guys. I've never been good at electricity. Funny, in school they made such a big deal about it and said that's all we'd be doing. When I actually started working on airplanes, I found out there's a group of people who work on the electrical stuff, and the rest of us don't usually. These people are called cone heads. Don't ask me why.

Just got back from seeing Mom. She actually seemed pretty good, she said she enjoyed her OT today, they spent the entire time working with a wheel chair. I said, they aren't teaching you to be an invalid, they should be teaching you to not need that thing. She said they just started there. They also got all her medicine straightened out, but she doesn't like the food so she doesn't eat very much. Well, like Tiger she'll eat when she's hungry.

Bad weather hasn't started yet but it is getting noticeably colder. I really need to move to Ecuador. I moved to Atlanta at the ripe old age of 29, and when winter started that year I thought, my God, I can't go through this again. I found out since that I've been duped. Although we don't get the snow here but it will get damn cold.

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Old December 22nd, 2022, 05:49 PM
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Funny I responded before I looked at page 2. Keith I wouldn't have thought to replace both switches but it makes sense. I used to watch this guy "The House Doctor" he was out of Pennsylvania, he always said on at the switch, off at the breaker. In case something got wired between two breakers. Hm.

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Old December 22nd, 2022, 05:58 PM
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Since neither Keith nor myself know exactly "why" you're replacing a single 3-way light switch, it would be best to replace both 3-way light switches (while in practice this would not be required if the "issue" could be identified). What is "critical" in your specific situation is to follow what Keith stated:
wire them exactly the way they are wired now.
The reasoning is because neither Keith nor myself can identify which leg carries the COMMON from the POWER SOURCE into the device (the POWER SOURCE could run into either of the 3-sway switches (then configured normally); or, as is sometimes the case with homes built in the 70's (etc.) someone may have wired a 3-way switch "loop" (in which case the COMMON feeds the light itself and not a 3-way switch).

In ANY case, hook the wires up exactly as they are now.
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Old December 22nd, 2022, 06:33 PM
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This is why I'm replacing it, we'll call it SW1. It does not have a firm click when flipped either up or down, rather a sort of jerky and vague movement, and the light in the ceiling flickers a little bit. I've been using SW2 exclusively for years. If SW1 is in the up position, SW2 won't work. With the light on, moving SW2 just makes the light blink, and won't turn it off. With SW1 in the down position, SW2 works normally.

I'm gonna go to an electrical suply house for the switches. I'm not convinced of the quality of the switches at a big box store. I watch Mike Holmes on the home channels, and he uses an electrician whose stuff is obviously made out of gold. But he has a point, spend a little and you'll get crap. Spend more and you'll get quality. I don't want any problems just because of trying to save a couple of bucks.

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Old December 22nd, 2022, 07:07 PM
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Good for you to get best switches. They will outperform the cheap stuff. Lowes sells both residential cheap switches & residential quality switches. They (most) sell commercial/industrial switches also - probably why you see so many of them. But an electrical supply house will greatly assist you in buying the best quality switches. It does sound like a bad switch - from your description.
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Old December 22nd, 2022, 07:20 PM
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You know what's funny, this is at Mom's house, and I have several bad switches in my house. And a lot of dimmer switches. Most or all of the dimmer switches are going to be replaced by regular switches. No telling why that guy used so many.

Guess I'll go home and get to bed. Some day I'll be able to use the computer at my house again. If I could ever figure out the signal boosters. That sort of fell by the wayside because Mom's surgery moved to the forefront.

Good night everyone.

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Old December 22nd, 2022, 07:24 PM
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Mike - Here’s the easy part. Within each price range of switch there are basically two things to consider. Switches are white, black or brown (toggles). Also, depending on manufacturer there are silent switches, as well.
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Old December 22nd, 2022, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Just got back from seeing Mom. She actually seemed pretty good, she said she enjoyed her OT today, they spent the entire time working with a wheel chair. I said, they aren't teaching you to be an invalid, they should be teaching you to not need that thing. She said they just started there. They also got all her medicine straightened out, but she doesn't like the food so she doesn't eat very much. Well, like Tiger she'll eat when she's hungry.
Mike - Left the electrical advice to our resident guru's because I knew they'd get it right. I don't feel comfortable messing with electric either, and when I do I always get a second opinion. Sounds like your Mom had a pretty good day, I'm happy for both of you! Hope she's on the path to a full recovery!
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 05:44 AM
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Good morning guys,

0730, -5° F, 15 to 20mph winds, Windchill -26°. Not the coldest we've ever seen here, but still brutal. Plan for today, stay home, try to stay warm, and say several prayers the power stays on.

Hope everyone has a good day! Stay warm and stay safe!
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 06:14 AM
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Dan/Greg/Jeff - I see they're forecasting 10 to 15-inches of snow in Battle Creek today thru Sunday morning. How are you guys fairing so far, and what's it looking like for you the next few days? Greg, I bet you're sitting there feeling pretty smart that you pulled the trigger and had that generator installed! Stay safe guys!
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 06:43 AM
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Well the winds during the night have laid down but its 15 degrees in the sunny south
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 07:02 AM
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Way too cold for your neck of the woods Jim! The only good news about this arctic plunge is it's only going to last 2 or 3-days tops. We actually have highs in the low 60's forecast for middle to end of next week. Just nuts!
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 07:24 AM
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Chris, This Cracker aint going anywhere until the spring thaw. We need a pic of Norms scaffolding with ice cycles hanging off it
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 07:46 AM
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Loving the extra two minutes of daylight hours. No golf Monday. Wednesday, 53°F, & Friday, 65°F, tee-times @ 8:26am. Got in ~2 hrs painting outdoors this morning on scaffolding. Winds picking up. Temps starting to fall. Hoping no one has burst water pipes.

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Old December 23rd, 2022, 08:23 AM
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Good morning everyone.

This isn't Wyoming but the temps fell pretty quickly overnight. It's still a little breezy here and it's blown all my car covers off. One was not doing well anyway and is now shredded.

I love that picture. Provided you could chisel your way into the car, how long do you think it would take the defroster to melt all that?

I get the distinct impression that my sister thinks I'm helpless. Plus she thinks I'm always in terrible pain. Whenever she's around she's asking me do I want to sit down, do I want her to drop me at the door, do you want me to do this for you, can you do this, it gets old. My standard answer is no. I appreciate her wanting to do stuff for me. I tell her I will let her know when I need something.

Quick early lunch is done so now it's time for some laundry. That's probably all I'll get to today. I'm sure not going to do anything outside. Tiger goes out and pulls his usual trick of sitting on the porch instead of going downstairs, I tell him he's out of luck, I'm not standing out there waiting for him.

Okay Happy Friday to everyone. This week went really fast.

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Old December 23rd, 2022, 08:33 AM
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I'd make a mixture of 50:50 Isopropyl Alcohol:Water then fill a couple of sprayers. Isopropyl alcohol freezes @ -128°F. It wouldn't take long to melt the ice from those cars. More or less like de-icing an aircraft.
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 08:40 AM
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Elliott is officially a Bomb Cyclone. FWIW, recall a cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere is a low pressure system which rotates CCW. The extraordinarily fast drop in pressure (millibars) with the passing front resulted in the Bomb Cyclone classification. The water level in my toilets have dropped ~2" in the past hour - the "front" has definitely passed.
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 09:11 AM
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Meanwhile...making excellent progress creating new rock in Hawaii. Estimated time to completion unknown...

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Old December 23rd, 2022, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
Meanwhile...making excellent progress creating new rock in Hawaii. Estimated time to completion unknown...
Wow, that event has kind of fallen out of the news with all the other news events that have been occurring both here in the U.S. and abroad. Don't really know the dates of all that footage, but it appears Mauna Loa is still going strong. Definitely a case of you can't stop Mother Nature!
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 10:33 AM
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Next year's model targeting females I guess?

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Old December 23rd, 2022, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
Next year's model targeting females I guess?

How do you find this $hit??? 🤔 Are you Googling these words???

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Old December 23rd, 2022, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Dream67Olds442
How do you find this $hit??? 🤔 Are you Googling these words???
See if you can follow along....
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
Gotcha, hadn't hit that thread yet today. Now I'm back to thinking you're only mildly perverted, kinda like me!
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 10:54 AM
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I receive an e-mail anytime anyone posts to a thread I subscribe to. By default, when you post to any thread you're automatically subscribed to that thread.
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
I receive an e-mail anytime anyone posts to a thread I subscribe to. By default, when you post to any thread you're automatically subscribed to that thread.
Yes, I receive an email too for the threads I've posted to, I just have never posted to that one. I do however routinely visit it to see what's there.
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 12:45 PM
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Back when dinosaurs ran around, I used to start a new thread with Humor de jour I II II etc. For reason I cant fathom 13 stayed alive and lives today Go figure
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 01:08 PM
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Well, Chris, It's a balmy 4° here, so warmer than you . The drive in to work wasn't too bad, not much traffic @ 5:30am when I left, a couple of spots on the highway where i slowed to about 20mph due to losing site of the road. Took the two lane home, more whiteout conditions, especially along Muskegon Lake, where the wind was just whipping the snow across the road. They are still calling for up 14-15" through tomorrow, but only 3" so far according to my snow gauge. It's the wind and drifting that is the issue. Chris, at one point they said that Kalamazoo would get 25"+ of snowfall, the same for the Ludington area. Gotta go put my thermals on, and clear my drive and two neighbors (seniors), I'll probably have to come inside to thaw out my hands a couple of times as my mittens are the weak link in my attire, Should've gotten the heated handlebasr for my snow thrower.
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Back when dinosaurs ran around, I used to start a new thread with Humor de jour I II II etc. For reason I cant fathom 13 stayed alive and lives today Go figure
I'll tell ya why, because the times we live in today, we can all use more laughs!
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 02:13 PM
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Dan - May have you beat, we reached a balmy high of 5°, although I'm not sure that qualifies as winning. I was just out and shoveled a path from the street to the front door for any deliveries, and then swept off the deck and the steps down to the back yard. We didn't get enough snow to justify getting out the snowblower. Wasn't out very long, but it was damn cold, and it wasn't long before my hands were feeling it. Stay safe buddy!
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 02:18 PM
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We got about 5-6 inches last night, but more may be coming. Bitter cold though and windy, I hope no power outages- I am all set but I am looking after 3 vacant places-UGH....
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Greg Rogers
We got about 5-6 inches last night, but more may be coming. Bitter cold though and windy, I hope no power outages- I am all set but I am looking after 3 vacant places-UGH....
Greg - Glad you're doing ok so far! Since I'm already saying several prayers for myself and loved ones that power doesn't go out around here, I'll throw your name in the mix! Our power has blipped off for a few seconds 4 or 5 times since this morning, and each time I freak out hoping it's not "the big one". I'm just sitting here now using my "living hot water bottle" to warm me up after being out in it.

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Old December 23rd, 2022, 03:23 PM
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It wouldn't be so cold here without the wind. Where is this wind in the summer when we need it? I don't have a temp thing in the truck, so I'm just guessing, but I think the official temperature is "colder than a witch's tit."

Went to the laundromat because my dryer doesn't work right and Mom has a fit about her clothes being crunchy. Also, I had to wash my comforter and it doesn't fit in my machine. After putting 13.50 in the machines it was time for the dryer. First dryer, put in something like 3.00 and it tumbled happily for 48 minutes. Go to take the clothes out, they are still wet and there was no heat that entire time. So I got to play that game all over again. I hate that place anyway so this didn't help with my feelings about it.

Won't have much time to spend with Mom tonight, but I'll make an appearance. My brother-in-law is flying in this evening so my sister has gone to pick him up. I told her I'd go because the airport will suck, but she wanted to so okay.

The sun was out this afternoon. That helps immensely. I so enjoyed the extra daylight this afternoon.

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Old December 23rd, 2022, 03:30 PM
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Mike - Evidently it isn't that cold for you otherwise you'd have said: "Colder than a witches tit in a brass bra face-down in the snow"
The extra daylight is really a wonderful thing. Someone on here recently fixed their dryer - trying to think who it was.
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 03:34 PM
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This extra daylight thing does not make me happy as I know where we will end up.
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Old December 23rd, 2022, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Fun71
This extra daylight thing does not make me happy as I know where we will end up.

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