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Old August 10th, 2012, 09:57 AM
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Finally Friday
I love this song:

Sandy - good luck with everything. About the only time I feel like I always have to go to the bathroom is when I been drinking too much...

Mike/Clint/Jamesbo/Scot - You guys have successfully talked me out of dog ownership!

Shaping up here to be a nice day. Cool this mawnin with a light breeze. Made a nice Ham n Cheese omelette this mawnin. Went real good with toast and coffee. More rain in the forecast - but in the overnight hours.

I wuz just thinkin, Today is a great day to be alive. Something we all take for granted when we go to bed at night
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Old August 10th, 2012, 10:41 AM
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Jeeze, last Saturday it was in the mid 90's 'round here, now at a balmy? 59* and a steady drizzle. Supposed to dry out for awhile tomorrow, hopefully good enough weather for the Del Shannon car show in Coopersville, Mi. Will be riding in my budd's '68 442 now that the '71 is gone.
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Old August 10th, 2012, 11:57 AM
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Wow I feel so rested! I only got woke up once all morning.

Well it's almost 3pm and hopefully Sandy has gotten in and out and the procedure went well. Then she can give Dr. cha ching the heave-ho.

Jamesbo that's funny. I built a huge plywood and metal bar box for my dogs and they chewed/clawed their way out of it in about a month. The only thing left is either concrete or welded plate steel. Or a plywood-clad bedroom. Clint my girl does exactly that, but she can get her foot under something and pull it right apart. She totally anihilated one of those big metal wire crates, just pulled it right apart. Now Allan, we're not trying to talk you out of a dog. All this is actually my fault, because I didn't recognize the needs that my dogs have, and I've been slow to attend to them. 95% of the time they are awesome. The other 5% they are still awesome, just a bit more of a challenge.

Beautiful afternoon here. And cool! I think it's right at 80*. I'm up for the duration so I might do a little something outside before it's time to get ready for work.
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Old August 10th, 2012, 03:26 PM
STOP call'n it a Chevelle
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Adam, did you do any effects with Millie yet? Didn't see anything from ya on de mawnin tread!
By popular demand.......

and in think my favourites so far....

There are more in the album if you click on a picture. I hope this satisfies you Allan.

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Old August 10th, 2012, 05:31 PM
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Scot I think you've created a monster. Adam the cars look great in cartoon form. Bet they look better in person. My favorite one is the black trunk and antenna.

So I'm not the brightest sometimes. I just got finished saying I was slow to react to what my dogs need and then I say I'm going out to work in the yard. Well, instead I went to work on my office, which is the catch-all room that will become the new spare bedroom when the other room becomes dog penitentiary. Got a few things sorted and moved out. My Grandmother used to talk about Fibber Magee's closet. Evidently this guy Fibber Magee would cram stuff in his closet, and then when he'd open the door all the stuff would fall out on him. Sort of a gag I guess. Well, my office is Fibber Magee's room.

So no Sandy yet to tell us of her afternoon? I hope everything went well. She should really give us her phone number so we can all call her repeatedly. That wouldn't be distracting.

Time for work again. I vote for another early one. You guys all have a good night, and a great weekend.
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Old August 10th, 2012, 06:10 PM
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Adam - Yup ya done good there son!

Fibber McGee - better git wit de program and do de doggys prison soon. Udder wise dey will not appreciate how good a warden ya are! An stop holdin stuff up dat's supposta be fallin down!!

Sandy - does the puter keyboard stretch all de way to de bathroom? JK! Hope it all went well. Try to rest a bit.
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Old August 10th, 2012, 06:45 PM
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Yup X2 on hoping everything is okay with Sandy. I'm sure she's resting up so she can make the show she was talking about

Adam that is way cool brother

Now my next request is to see Jamesbo's drop top and vista cartoonized

Then I would like to see a collage of Mike's vast array of a fine assortment of vehicles all cartoonized
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Old August 10th, 2012, 07:29 PM
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Evening All!

I'm here. I survived the procedure. I talked to the doc first, said I really didn't want the thing out - its the first month of no pain I've had since May. He said there are stents that can be left in for 3 months, 6 months, even a year! I said no, we better take it out and see what happens. I asked him if I was going to have bladder spasms or ureter spasms like I've read about, and he said he doubted it but it was possible. He said he was pretty sure the tube would stay open now, since the stent was in for 6 weeks, but it is possible that the tube might go back to normal. I reminded him that normal for mine was almost closed, lol. I told him it's the waiting and wondering if the pain will come back that I hate. It's no way to live. He understands. Sure he does.... Anyhow, he told me if I had pain tonight to call him and he'd put in another stent.

So... the most unfriendly nurse I've ever met came in and got me ready. Then Dr. Banks came in and explained what all the equipment in there was for. I said I probably didn't want to know what some of it was, lol. They didn't numb me at all - he said it would be uncomfortable like having a catheter taken out. I said I've never had a catheter so I don't know what that's like. It kinda burned like, when he went in there. This thing he went in there with squirted water along the way, and he was in the bladder in like 2 seconds. I looked at the monitor then and could see the stent in there. The tool thing had like little fingers on the end of it and I watched him grab the stent and then I turned my head. He watched the monitor the whole time. I could feel the stent coming out, through my side then through the abdomen. Then it was out! I felt like a burning sensation on the outside, and irritated inside.

The stent was good sized in diameter, about a foot and a half long. It was gross, lol.

So I've had some bladder spasms - not bad, but weird feeling. No real pain at this point. I still have that slight pain that's been there all along in the lower abdomen. That's where the tube closes each time. Right where it goes into the bladder. I'm hoping it isn't closing.

I walked around WalMart this evening and we went out to eat, and all seemed ok. I guess time will tell. It does feel like I have to pee all the time, lol. Allan R..... this Kindle is very easy to carry around, lol! But the burning is getting less each time I go, which is nice. I don't have to take any bladder pills, just the antibiotics twice a day for 3 days.

So that's it. Now I just wait and pray.

The weather isn't looking good tomorrow, so I don't know if I'll make it to any shows. Sunday is supposed to be nice. Well I'm gonna watch some TV now, so I'll talk to ya tomorrow.
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Old August 10th, 2012, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
It does feel like I have to pee all the time, lol.
Sandy, I'm no doctor, but I think this is normal for women. Karen and I were starting a cross country trip once. We both went to the bathroom at 8 am before we left. We drive to the city limits and #$*&)@!) she has to go again! Three -four more times along the way too. I went again when we got to a motel at 9 pm.
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Old August 11th, 2012, 01:55 AM
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Mornin all.
Yup I know its purty early. The Missus axed if I would go to north park with her for a load (hay).

I told her I could probably use my beauty sleep, and she said it didnt seem to be workin anywho.

Sandy I'm relieved its over, hope its done with.

Have a great day
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Old August 11th, 2012, 04:06 AM
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Good Saturday Mawnin All

Sheesh Clint when you say early What was it 2 am or 3 am when you guys headed out

Well I promised the bro-in-law (new tenant) that I'd help move him in. I knew he'd take me up on it, but I didn't realize I had to supply the truck and wheel the trailer too Not to mention his house sits about 40' higher than the road and the driveway is close to a 45* incline This will be fun

Sandy glad to hear everything went well. Now take it easy and get some rest.

Well yall have a great Saturday, I've got to grab a bite to eat and a couple of cups of Juan Valdez
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Old August 11th, 2012, 04:34 AM
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Mawn'in all

Got wet las nite. I was gonna bush hog de pasture but need now I need to wait a might.

Sandy, Glad everything came out all right [dat sounds a little funny]

Allan, I'm wit chew. It's good to be vertical..

About women. Please don't tell my Super model dares a deer camera in de woods..................It would end alot of laughter.

Scot, I don't knows how to do de thing wit de drop top cartoon.

A friend would help cha move but a great friends would help cha move a body.

Got to get crack'in

Have a great day
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Old August 11th, 2012, 05:45 AM
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Found these on your album

You must feed the Vista Gran Turismo Omologatos, there's a Tiger in that tank
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Old August 11th, 2012, 06:12 AM
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Happy Linda Vaughn's Birthday everyone!

It rained at my house last night but not really at the airport. I have yet to take stock of the house to see what my little darlings have destroyed.

So it's all set. Monday morning I become the proud owner of a ragged out F85. This will be the fourth Oldsmobile I've owned, and the seventh in my household. I can hardly wait.

Sandy I'm so glad things went okay. Prayers that they stay right and you're done with all this.

Scot you're a good man. You'll certainly get your workout on that steep driveway.

Well I'm wacked. Time to hit the sack. Everyone enjoy their weekend and I'll see you all later.
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Old August 11th, 2012, 06:23 AM
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Morning All!

Sun's not shining, birds are singing though... Life is Good!!!! I feel great today!!! God I hope it lasts!!!!!! Thanks so much for the thoughts - keep em coming. I don't know how long I have to play the waiting game to see if the pain comes back. Lets all just think positive that it won't come back ever!!

In 3 months - if I have no other problems before that I have to see someone for - I have to go have another renal scan done. He wants to see if the kidney is swelling again, or if it's evacuating the fluid to the bladder like it's supposed to now, since the tube was made bigger with the stent. I told him yesterday that if I get that little what I call 'gas' pain in the middle of my chest under the ribs again, that started this whole friggin thing, I'm not saying a word to anyone!!! I'm just gonna eat Prilosec and live with it, lol. He laughed. I think he thought I was kidding.......

So it's yucky outside - misty drizzly rain coming down. Temps only in the 60's. I don't know if that show in Middlefield I wanted to go to has a rain date or if it's a rain or shine show. I'm not taking Teepo out. She's sad. She hasn't been out since last Sunday!! I'm gonna clean her good today. She's dirty from last week. I hate it when I run my finger over her fender and there's dust on my finger! So we shall bond today in the garage. The rain is supposed to be widely scattered today, but a 70% chance is pretty high and I don't wanna be getting caught in any hard down pours. So when the sun comes out later, I'm gonna be kicking my a$$ for not going! Tomorrow is a show in Ravenna at the Elks.

Ken.... I'm fortunate. I'm not one of those women who have to go all the time, lol. I never stopped when I used to go to Michigan to see my sister. Get in the car and go!! My morning coffee goes right through me, but after that I'm usually pretty good. I do drink water constantly. At work I have 5 pint bottles a day, sometimes 6, and when I get home, I fill my insulated cup with ice water and continually sip it all evening. I've always been a water drinker. It's good for the kidneys to keep em flushed out. When I'm at car shows in the 95 degree weather, I really drink a lot of water and Gatorade, and I usually only have to go one time. I never get up at night to go either. I'm good at holding it, lol. I really didn't go much yesterday after the procedure - they just said it would feel like I had to. And it did, some what.

Clint.... you make me laugh, lol! Have fun gettin the hay, lol. My brother in law used to bale it every summer, and we'd load it on the wagon and throw it in the barn. It used to stick to our hot sewaty bodies and itch, lol. I love the smell of hay.

I gotta check out this car cartoon thing, and see if I can do that with Teepo! I like those!!!

Well I better get dressed and get some things done in here so I can go to the garage. You all have a great day!!
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Old August 11th, 2012, 07:08 AM
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Hi all...

Another beautiful Weekend here in Düsseldorf.
I cruise with my Cutlass 40 miles to a nice Car-Show.
As always I made a lot of Pics...

Nice Weekend all...

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Old August 11th, 2012, 07:20 AM
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Well I tried the Cartoonized thingy. How cool is it, lol?? Lets see how she looks!

Attachment 175014

Attachment 175015

Attachment 175016

Attachment 175017
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Old August 11th, 2012, 09:25 AM
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I like the third one the best. Looks like TPO went back in time and got painted into a picture by Vincent!
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Old August 11th, 2012, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
I like the third one the best. Looks like TPO went back in time and got painted into a picture by Vincent!
You may be right, I can't see Teepo's left mirror. Maybe she cut it off before the portrait.

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Old August 11th, 2012, 10:40 AM
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It blends, like in the second picture where the right one does. Cut it off? Did you mean like Henri Toulouse Lautrec? The standing joke with him was when he cut off part of his ear and sent it to his sweetheart with the message " Haven't heard from you in awhile "..... sic.....

He has a similar style of painting; and you'll only find 1 ear in this one....
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Old August 11th, 2012, 12:13 PM
STOP call'n it a Chevelle
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Originally Posted by Allan R
It blends, like in the second picture where the right one does. Cut it off? Did you mean like Henri Toulouse Lautrec? The standing joke with him was when he cut off part of his ear and sent it to his sweetheart with the message " Haven't heard from you in awhile "..... sic.....

He has a similar style of painting; and you'll only find 1 ear in this one...

I took your "Vincent" as Mr van Gogh who cut off his left ear and gave it to a prositute.

On 23 December 1888, frustrated and ill, van Gogh confronted Gauguin (his friend) with a razor blade, but in panic, left and fled to a local brothel. Deeply lonely at the time, he often visited the prostitutes at a brothel on Rue du Bout d'Aeles as his single emotional and sensuous point of contact with other people. While there, he cut off his left ear.He wrapped the severed ear in newspaper and handed it to a prostitute named Rachel, asking her to "keep this object carefully." He staggered home, where he was later found by Gauguin lying unconscious with his head covered in blood.

Sounds like an odd way to pay for some nookie.

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Old August 11th, 2012, 05:30 PM
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Ah good evening ladies and germs!

Well it was a nice day of sleeping. And it's a nice evening. The usual call for thundershowers is upon us but maybe they won't materialize. I'm tired of things being strewn about when I get home in the morning.

So Sandy this is all good news! I hope you stay feeling good and this is all done with. Hopefully you can take in a car show tomorrow without getting poured on.

Nice pictures Udo. I especially like the red 57 Chevy.

Well it's night 4. Perhaps it will be a smooth one and I can get out early and maybe have some fun. Last night a buddy and I went to the Awful house at lunch so that was a nice little interlude in our evening.

Have a good night and nice Sunday.
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Old August 11th, 2012, 07:36 PM
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Evening all!
Adam - yes you are right - that's what I was thinking. Then again for Henri? I have a poster showing him at a old stage of chorus girls kicking their heels up. Caption is " It's hard to can can when your shoes "Toulouse"

Clint - if you're reading this? You should be sleeping.

Mike - One day you'll get the pups trained or contained. You should buy them white/black striped jerseys to wear in the 'cell'.

Sandy - I don't gots to pee anymore. Hope you can feel the same. Don't think you're like Karen....lucky Ken

Well, today was a busy one. Been outside doin stuff most of the day. Got the yard all trimmed up, picked a bushel o beans and maters, weeded de garden and flowers and den watered everything. Grass is looking pretty amazing right now. I made 2 cuts at 90° to each other to give it that nice 'diamond checkerboard' look.

Finally got around to tidying up the side of the house by the garage. It was ok so to speak, but not looking all that good where the grass ended. Back when I built this house, I decided I wanted very little mtce on the sides so I went with high build clay, fabric cloth and rainbow rock. Well the part closest to the garage apparently decided to grow wild and overran the rocks.

Step 1. Remove all the rocks (by hand) from the grown in grass.
Step 2. Lift the fabric and separate out all the grass.
Step 3. Fill in any low spots with clay, pack, and put new landscape fabric down.
Step 4. Cut a new reveal line in the grass and install black plastic edging
Step 5. Fill with new collection of limestone rocks.

Reason I got motivated to do this? My neighbor apparently decided to dump about 10 wheelbarrows of rock he removed from around his front landscape and dumped it on my property - WITHOUT asking me. I was a bit pissed when I found out. So I decided to put them to good use. I figure since they are on my property now? They belong to me. Had to hand pick every one of those suckers because he also dumped some dirt and twigs in with them - still have a lot to pick and distribute though. Each 5 gallon pail weighed in at about 45 lbs and there's 10 pails there. Another 25 to go. Neighbor doesn't look after his yard at all so I have to pull some of his weeds to keep them out of my yard. Damn his lazy *** anyway. That's his white lattice in the background - I shoved it over because it was mostly on my property. Been there over a year. I think it's gonna make a quick exit on Wed (trash day). Its getting cut into disposable pieces and off to de dump! Here's what it ended up looking like. De trash bags are the weeds and overgrown grass I took out.
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Old August 11th, 2012, 09:47 PM
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Thank God I live on a golf course and have a neighborhood association. We don't have to deal with that crap. Sorry Al
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Old August 12th, 2012, 03:05 AM
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Mawn'in all

0 dark 30 but de coolest mawn'in in a long while

Wallpaper down, sanded and skimmed coated, Den is ready fer paint. Which of course make everything else look like poop on a white rabbit. Wonder why I'm do'in spring clean'in in August?

Grass is cut, edges/fences weed whacked.Gonna do de bush hogg'in I didn't get done yesterday.

Scot, Me pics disappeared. WTH happened? No Goat de wagon's got a 455 wit buckets, center console, and 15 " SS II, tilt wheel. I woulda posted it on you Special order thread but it's completely put together after de fact.

De Tiger tail was before your time [as well as de Gulf Horse shoes] It was an Exon thing of de 60's to "Put a Tiger in your tank"

Wonder how Adrian's do'in wit his house/inlaw problems?

Allan, I hates to tell ya dis but dat weed prevent'in fabric is garbage. De weeds jes grow on top on de stuff.

Have a great day Olds Friends. an Happy Berfday Linda [anutter Gawga Girl]
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Old August 12th, 2012, 07:17 AM
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Good Sunday Mawnin All

Well we got my bro-in-law all moved in. THANK GOODNESS Boy am I sore That driveway was murder. The cow brought his trusty rock and his band with him off and on all day yesterday, but it worked with us between loads and nothing got wet that couldn't get wet. Remind me to never start a moving business

Jamesbo hmm I dunno whar dey went But I'll fix 'em up for ya. I made them in a rush and prolly fergot to save them. Yeah I bermember Exxon's slogan. I think they still use something like that now. They have the tiger pass I think for rewards when filling up. That's what made me think about you feeding it Poncho's Remember the GTO Tiger? I'm sure that Vista could eat a few Poncho's for lunch

Sandy those pics are Bad @$$ I hope you aren't sore today and all is well The peaches should be there by Wed at the latest, but I'm thinking Tuesday.

Well I hope everyone has a great Sunday afternoon
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Old August 12th, 2012, 07:30 AM
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Old August 12th, 2012, 10:26 AM
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Good Mawnin all,

Beautiful day up here. Went cool last night but I don't mind. Next couple days is forecast 80% for rain.

Scot - glad you got all that moving done between showers. Nice to be done isn't it?

Steve - you lucky guy. Well for us that aren't so lucky, it's something to help thicken the outer skin

Jamesbo - Yup, I know bout the fabric. The roots did grow into it, but it was like peeling an orange, nothing went 'through' 2 layers of fabric. I don't mind going and pulling the occasional weed that grows there. Besides, that's why they sell 2-4-D. I remember the 'Tiger in the tank'. Do you remember 'Texaco - Fire Chief' red helmets they used to give to kids?
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Old August 12th, 2012, 11:46 AM
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Happy Sunday all.

Beautiful day here. Not hot, not humid, sunny. It got down to the lower 60s last night, seemed downright chilly! It is still August in Georgia, though, so I don't expect it to last.

Did really well this morning. Out the door by 5. Slept good until around 1, now I have some errands to run and later I need to get ready for a quick trip to Florida.

The dogs and I also have to fit in some serious playing. Too nice to pass up!
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Old August 12th, 2012, 11:54 AM
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Afternoon all!

Me and Lin are at the Ravenna Elks show now. I think its wrapping up at 3. The weather is partly sunny today and its in the 70's. I have my usual attire of shorts and an Oldsmobile tank top on. It was chilly this morning so I was glad when the sun came out.

I had a little pain in the usual spot earlier while we were walking around here. I sat down for awhile and am ok now. I think that's just gonna be a problem spot from now on.

I know at least 5 of my friends voted for Teepo, lol. We shall see. A lot of cars here.

I remember the tiger in the tank and the fire trucks, lol. Do you remember the green Sinclair Oil dinosaur?? I had one when I was little.

Yeah, we've found out how well that weed block works too, lol....

Have a great day all.
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Old August 12th, 2012, 02:34 PM
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Ever have that unpleasant sinking anxiety like feeling in the pit of your stomach that just makes you sick? Like when you can't find your wallet???

The Mrs said 'let's go to Costco' so I got ready. Went to get my wallet and it's NOWHERE to be found. We turned the house, garage and cars upside down looking for it.

Got all the usual personal stuff in it. Worst of all tomorrow is the day we have to go pay my son's tuition. Why does this happen?? Last time I went somewhere was Thurs. Have backtracked every place I've been to. I just feel sick.

We phoned in to the credit card companies and they have no reported spending on anything. Ha ha, that's good. If it's been stolen the thief spends less than I do. I'm sure it's got to be here somewhere hiding in plain sight, but WHERE????
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Old August 12th, 2012, 03:29 PM
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Look in the refrigerator.

Look under the dresser. Maybe you dropped it when you were getting dressed and kicked it under there and didn't know it.

Look in your other pants. Because whenever someone gets pulled over by the police and they don't have their wallet, they always say, gee, it must be in my other pants.

Good luck finding it. I lost my wallet once, wasn't a pleasant feeling. Turns out my pocket had a hole in it, and when I went to OReilley's to buy something, it fell right through my pocket and onto the floor. Went back and they had it, gave it to me, and I did exactly the same thing and it fell on the floor. When I got home those pants went in the trash.
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Old August 12th, 2012, 03:43 PM
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Hey while I'm thinking about it, how about some relationship advice.

Remember I've been "involved" with this gal from Boston. I dated her in high school, reconnected with her over the internet a couple years ago. We really hit it off and started some planning of a life together.

Well, I spent the weekend with her in New York in January, then didn't hear from her for FOUR MONTHS! Oh, she says, I was really busy. Heard from her again a month later, called her several times and a few emails, and she calls me back, on my birthday. Yammers on about whatever for two hours, didn't remember it was my birthday. She was supposed to be traveling through town and was going to call the last part of July, never heard. I don't know if she took her trip or not. Now she is supposed to be in Atlanta for that goon fest Dragon Con, and I haven't heard peep. It's over Labor Day, in like two weeks.

So, I'm torn as to whether I should call her. I know I'd get some sort of message device. So here's me now: A) I have other plans I need to consider and would like to know what her plans are, but...B) I'm just mad enough to not want to call her and let her fend for herself when I'm not home because I planned something else because she didn't have the common courtesy to clue me in to what she is doing.

I'm certain there is no malice in her not calling me. She really is that busy. But geez give me a break. Take two minutes and pick up the phone. She lives on the computer send me a damn email.

I have this blog that only a few people read. I posted something about her not knowing it was my birthday and alls I got was, you can't think like that, you should be nice about it(I actually didn't say anything about it). I know I can get better advice here.

I had these problems when I was a kid. Why do they pop up now as an adult? I don't have the energy for worrying about all this.
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Old August 12th, 2012, 04:28 PM
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Good Sunday afternoon everyone

Just checking in, back read several pages trying to catch up. Just replaced the cooling unit in my RV. very large pain in the ****. Couldn't take i out of the door of the RV. Door's to small. Who designs these things anyway?. So rebuild it in a 4' x 6' space. Nice and warm here (mid 70's). I'll soon be able to check in on a more regular bases.

Hope you get better soon Sandy. Chronic health issues are another pain in the ****. I live with one as well.

How's the golf game Jamsbo, and have you had the convert. out lately?

Hope you find your wallet Allen, Just the thought of loosing my gives me the hebi jeebies. A mans whole like is wrapped up in his wallet

Find another gal. Life's to short to play games with relationships. If she cared at all she'd call.

Like that cartoon art
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Old August 12th, 2012, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Hey while I'm thinking about it, how about some relationship advice.

Remember I've been "involved" with this gal from Boston. I dated her in high school, reconnected with her over the internet a couple years ago. We really hit it off and started some planning of a life together.

Well, I spent the weekend with her in New York in January, then didn't hear from her for FOUR MONTHS! Oh, she says, I was really busy. Heard from her again a month later, called her several times and a few emails, and she calls me back, on my birthday. Yammers on about whatever for two hours, didn't remember it was my birthday. She was supposed to be traveling through town and was going to call the last part of July, never heard. I don't know if she took her trip or not. Now she is supposed to be in Atlanta for that goon fest Dragon Con, and I haven't heard peep. It's over Labor Day, in like two weeks.

So, I'm torn as to whether I should call her. I know I'd get some sort of message device. So here's me now: A) I have other plans I need to consider and would like to know what her plans are, but...B) I'm just mad enough to not want to call her and let her fend for herself when I'm not home because I planned something else because she didn't have the common courtesy to clue me in to what she is doing.

I'm certain there is no malice in her not calling me. She really is that busy. But geez give me a break. Take two minutes and pick up the phone. She lives on the computer send me a damn email.

I have this blog that only a few people read. I posted something about her not knowing it was my birthday and alls I got was, you can't think like that, you should be nice about it(I actually didn't say anything about it). I know I can get better advice here.

I had these problems when I was a kid. Why do they pop up now as an adult? I don't have the energy for worrying about all this.
I've never held back so please take this all with a grain of salt. And know that I'm trying to help, I'm not trying to belittle you.

Having said old are you? You had these problems as a kid, and for good reason, you were naive. But now as an adult, you should act like one. Is she EVERYTHING you want in a woman? NO, I can answer that for you. How do I know she isn't everything you want? Because you want more of a relationship than she does and you want more interaction than she does.

So, now that you know she's not everything you've ever wanted in a woman stop wasting your time. You are older, and hopefully more mature than you were at 17, so now it's time to start letting them come to you. It is commonplace to observe that as a man stops chasing women, the women start chasing him. So I encourage you, let her go, forget about her, and you will either find someone else...or this one will find you.

And if it happens that she calls and asks why you haven't called, you should be honest and tell her why you haven't. Something like "well, you didn't seem interested so I moved on. I'm not trying to waste your time and I'm definitely not trying to waste mine." She'll either think you're the biggest ******* in town or a mature gentleman that knows what he wants. Either way, she's going to want you.

Ok, so I've wasted a couple of minutes telling a grown man how to deal with a woman. Now it's time you stop wasting your own time, and ours, and worry about more important things like what car parts you need next

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Old August 12th, 2012, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Ever have that unpleasant sinking anxiety like feeling in the pit of your stomach that just makes you sick? Like when you can't find your wallet???

The Mrs said 'let's go to Costco' so I got ready. Went to get my wallet and it's NOWHERE to be found. We turned the house, garage and cars upside down looking for it.

Got all the usual personal stuff in it. Worst of all tomorrow is the day we have to go pay my son's tuition. Why does this happen?? Last time I went somewhere was Thurs. Have backtracked every place I've been to. I just feel sick.

We phoned in to the credit card companies and they have no reported spending on anything. Ha ha, that's good. If it's been stolen the thief spends less than I do. I'm sure it's got to be here somewhere hiding in plain sight, but WHERE????
Alan, it's in the dirty clothes basket or in the washer or dryer. That's where I left it
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Old August 12th, 2012, 06:42 PM
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Steve that's exactly what I needed, someone to put it so succinctly. You are right, and I suppose I suspected it, she isn't interested in a relationship. She is married to her job. There is a reason I stopped dating her in high school and it's coming back to me.

OKAY! You want a parts list? That's more like it. Fender, core support, front bumper, grille assy for a 65 Cutlass. Floor pan, windshield, hood, decklid for a 70 Cutlass. Now as for a Suburban......

Pat your whole RV was built around the cooling unit. That was the first thing on the line and as it traveled other things were put on around it.

Well Sandy how'd you do at the show? I voted for you, twice, and I had some homeless come in and also some dead people and trees. Oh wait, that was in Chicago.

Did more raking next door. I know I said I wouldn't, but the back yard had a small space that needed it, so I cleaned it up quick. Which wasn't a bad thing because it netted me some Italian Wedding soup.

Well okay, gonna get ready for my trip tomorrow and then hit the sack. Hope everyone's week starts out good.
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Old August 12th, 2012, 06:45 PM
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Glad I could help Sometimes we all need someone to give us a reality check. Like the Drill Sergeants used to say, "drink water, drive on"
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Old August 12th, 2012, 07:14 PM
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Evening All!

Well we had a good time at the show today. I was home by 5:00. We got us a Top 20 plaque!

I didn't do much this evening. Sat on my swing and read some, filled the bird feeders. Mama deer was out walking along the fence line in the back, earlier. She was probably waiting for dark so she could come eat the birdseed!!

Allan R.... sure hope you find your wallet! I hate that sinking stomach feeling you get when that stuff happens. It's hard to say where it will turn up.

Citcapp.... Glad to hear from you! It's been a while.

Mike.... I wouldn't call that girl. And if and when she calls you, I'd tell her nicely just what you think. Sounds to me like she really doesn't care, and only wants to talk or whatever when it's convenient for her. That's not good, dear. Everyone gets busy, but there is always an extra minute or two somewhere in the 7 days a week to send an e-mail.... That's my two cents worth.

Well I'm gonna post pics in the Gen. Discussion forum from the show today, then I gots to get stuff ready for work in the mornin. Have a great evening all.
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Old August 12th, 2012, 07:27 PM
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Evening all,

Thanks for the advice on the searching locations. I had already checked them, 2X in fact. Also checked all the cupboards - even went to the shed and looked there. Strange as it sounds I even looked in the 72. I have one last hope tomorrow morning. Gotta phone Sinister Skinshark - the guy who cuts my hair. I was there Thurs but I'd swear I left with my wallet cause I had to pay the dude. Who knows, maybe I left it on the counter when he was printing my receipt?

Mike - you'll know what to do. If it was me, I wouldn't have the time of day for her. Sounds like she's taking you for granted as a 'convenience' when she has the time.

Pat - You know it! Sounds like that may have happened to you once in your life too! Nice to see you back.

Steve - YOU left my wallet in the dirty hamper?? You rotter! Now it's gonna smell bad. JK - that was one of the first places I looked. Usually it's in one of 3 places. Being retired, I don't have a huge need to be out and about a lot. That's why I didn't notice it was MIA until today. Hopefully the Geneva Accord will prevail and its captor will return it to me unscathed.
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