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Old May 26th, 2019, 07:35 AM
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Good mawnin everyone,

Tis beautimus here and we could even reach a high of 23° or so if we're lucky. Mebbe I'll have to cut de grass and do some trimming. But first a trip to Costco. Yay the money grab is about to commence...

Jim/Greg - My Dad served in WWII and after that he completed his grad school in medicine and became a Dr. He never talked about the war either and like you Greg, I never asked.Maybe I was smart enough not to, or just didn't think of it. Too bad I have these after thoughts about what I could have done and didn't. I think I mentioned this before Jim. I worked with a vet at work/ his name was Harry Hall. He had a senior position behind a desk and was well liked by everyone. He also was in the first or second wave landing on Omaha during Operation Overlord. He never talked about it, but when he saw the movie Saving Private Ryan he couldn't watch it all. He said it was as graphic and accurate as it was in real life and brought back memories he just didn't want to re-live. When he passed 3 years ago, there wasn't even standing room in the church; he was that well liked and known.( His son Billy and I talk every week - he's one of da boyz I go have brekkie wit on Thursdays). I can't imagine the horror those vets lived through. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the job they did so we could have the freedoms we enjoy today.
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Old May 26th, 2019, 08:48 AM
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So Norm, How's the ladies open going?
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Old May 26th, 2019, 09:34 AM
Oh no, not again...
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Good Morning!

She can swing my club any time she wants...

Looks like a gorgeous morning out there today, going to have to mow the lawn and do some yard work. Otherwise, not much else planned; - should get around to swapping out the hold-down clamp on the Electra's top today. I've got one that's pretty loose and when you hit 70-80 mph it starts to whistle as the top tries to float. It's also not holding back any water, it starts raining inside too. Not sure how to do that, but I'm sure I'll figure it out without doing too much damage.

Well; coffee's gone, time to get at it...
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Old May 26th, 2019, 10:21 AM
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Hi everyone.

Man I worked my tail off the first 5 hours of work. Only one inspector today and he was doing something somewhere else. He said most of the wheels I could sign off myself. I thought great, what if I have a problem, gotta go find him every time. Well, he wasn't gone long but I still did the bulk of the work, because most of the wheels had additional inspections that he had to do. We finished up by 9 then he went home and I took care of the machines and then went up front, and just sat. There was little going on and it was slow because all the people who came in for overtime don't normally work in that section and they didn't know what they were doing. I empathized with them. After 7 days in a row of getting up at 2am and then just sitting after a busy morning, not good. I think I slept half way to Awful house and now that I'm home, I'm gonna take a nap. I'll mow when it's a little cooler out. Glad that stint is over.

Jamesbo I was getting what you were saying, I was merely adding to what Allan said about families using the same funeral home out of tradition. My people died in the 80s, so the homes were still owned by the original families. It's too bad that big business has to take over this one facet of life, where people need familiar and friendly service, not hounds.

Marc good luck with the Electra. There was about a 69-70 Electra convertible in the neighborhood that had sat for years and years. I figured it would be a good project but was reluctant to just knock on the door, so I tried to find out who I knew that knew them. The car sat outside next to the house and when we had the epic hail storm a few years ago, the hail made huge holes in the top. I think it sat there more than a year afterward, and I gave up my plans of obtaining it. Then it disappeared.

Ug and that's it for me. Looks nice outside till you go out. Then it's hot as a mother. I like that, but now I want a blanket and a ceiling fan.
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Old May 26th, 2019, 01:04 PM
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Old May 26th, 2019, 03:41 PM
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Hey Jouni, I guess you're right - Finland 3, Canada 1. Now bring on your Curling team and then the tables will turn quite fast. It's ok with me that you guys win at hockey. Keep in mind there will always be new and better competition in the future.

Where have you been hiding? Haven't seen your keystrokes here for quite awhile. Hope everything is ok with you.
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Old May 26th, 2019, 06:46 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Got the new top hold down clamp installed on the Electra. Worst job I've done on that car, who the hell thought up that design? I was able to get the first bolt OK, but the front one was a nightmare. Ended up breaking the old clamp, which wasn't hard, it wasn't doing much anymore anyway. Got the new piece in, scraped up my hands feeding the bolt, but managed to get it in and tight. Road tested the car afterwards, nice and quiet, no top flutter, no whistle, much better. Now maybe the whole thing will keep water out too. I've been caught in too many rain storms in that thing and had water coming in from over the windshield. There's also no flex going up the driveway anymore either, so hopefully that's done it.

It was nice to be able to drive the car around for the whole weekend.

I think I'm going to go back to working on watches for a while; - easier on the hands...

So they're still curling in June? Just as bad as hockey...
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Old May 26th, 2019, 07:43 PM
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So I slept all afternoon. Got up after 5 and puttered around and went out to mow around 7. Glad that's done.

Glenn I was reading about Memorial Day on Wikipedia, and an entry said that people were upset that "the younger generation had a tendency to forget the purpose of Memorial Day and make it a day for games, races and revelry, instead of a day of memory and tears." This was in 1913! So people have been worried about that for awhile.

Dan there's a beautiful Imperial up close to you, in Twin Lake. Is that far? The guy wants a little too much, and it's green. I like green, but an Imperial is a big car and that's a lot of green. Maybe if the interior was the same color as the outside, it wouldn't look so much like a mint.

Marc glad you got the top fixed. That section was probably designed by a guy and that was his only job. He didn't have the rest of the assembly to worry about so he didn't take anything into account. That's how I think they design airplanes.

Think I'll pack it in for the evening. Tiger has been out, and I'm tired. Not sure what I'll do tomorrow, whatever it is will have to be short and sweet. My only day off and I still have to go to bed early for work Tuesday. Ho Hum. Well good night everyone.
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Old May 26th, 2019, 09:55 PM
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Mike, that's a nice looking car for the money. About 10-12 miles form me. A friends mom had one of these in black about 40 year's ago. We called those headlights the floating headlight style.
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Old May 27th, 2019, 02:40 AM
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Welp, Tis Monday and it's gonna be a hot one smacking whitey

Mike, I never knew Imperials came in anything but black

Jouni/Allan, It seems a mite odd y'all talking about ice sports when it's 90 degrees down ere

Have a Great day Olds friends
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Old May 27th, 2019, 05:04 AM
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Mike that is a nice looking car! My Dad was a salesman at a local Chrysler Plymouth dealership when I was a kid. He used to bring home Imperials because they were so nice to drive. I remember riding in them- nice, but not as nice as the Hemi GTX's ,etc. he would occasionally bring home! At least not to my eyes! I remember one Road Runner that was traded in that had headers and just 2 glass packs with no tailpipes. It was so loud in that car- sounded like you were talking (actually yelling) thru a fan. Good times...
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Old May 27th, 2019, 06:46 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Beautiful out, but warming up quickly. When I left the house it was 72* and 5 miles later it was 76. That is getting up to where the do-gooders threaten to break your windows if there's a dog in the car, and what do I see when I get to Awful house but all the cops there with their K9 dogs in their cars. I figured I was okay then. It's only 79 now.

Dan you think that's an okay price for that car? I guess if it isn't rusted and everything works, maybe. Jamesbo I want a black one, but those are far and few between these days. That car there is a Crown, and I really want a LeBaron. But those were few when they were new. What's a guy to do? Haha that all rhymes.

I've been thinking I should get a new flag. I haven't looked, but I'm afraid new ones are going to say made in China. That would be heart breaking. I have the flag my Grandmother had at her house. It's older than I am, but it still has 50 stars(I counted). It's frayed on the bottom corner and I don't put it out anymore because I don't want it to get worse. Flag etiquette says I should burn that flag but I'm not gonna.

Greg I worked at a Chevy place when I was in high school. I didn't get to take the cars home but enjoyed driving the Corvettes and Camaros and 70s and 80s "muscle" from the used car lot. Lots of Trans Am's when I worked there.

My plan for the day is to work on my blue Dodge van. I don't have any plans for it anymore so I need to get it going and get it gone. It's been sitting so I need to get it started and out of the corner it's been grown into. Little trees and whatnot are growing up around it. Anyone need an 86 Dodge shorty? It's got mismatches wheels and most of the paint is falling off. Make you a great deal...

Okay everyone be careful today. See you all later.
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Old May 27th, 2019, 08:33 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Starting out the day with ummm leftover pizza for breakfast??? Not the breakfast of champions but it was ok. Added some extra red pepper flakes to it to spice it up a bit.

Plan for this morning is to return the Weed Eater I bought last week. It under performed so badly I can't believe it. Stupid thing is hard to start, runs only on 1/2 choke and won't stay running. Lowes said it came with a 30 day money back guarantee if I didn't like it, and I don't like it. Even my old Homelite with it's carb issues works better. Definitely a WTH moment.

When I get back I think I'll get the front lawn aerated. I do that myself with my manual aerator. Hey, it's great exercise and I can pinpoint the areas that need it the most with a little better concentration. Should leave plenty of plugs on the lawn. I'm not 100% sure if I should leave them on the lawn like I did last year. They do get in the way of the lawnmower.

Speaking of which, yesterday after cutting the lawns I decided to pressure wash the bottom of the lawnmower deck. It was a real messy job with green crap flying everywhere. I used the power nozzle on the pressure washer and it did a really good job peeling away 2 or 3 years layered grass buildup. Hayden, one of the neighbors little boy, came by and asked what I was doing. I told him I was cleaning up the lawnmower poop. He looked at the wet soggy mess and did the smart thing. 'See ya' and away he went on his scooter. Hayden is only 4 but a great little kid. Anywho, now I can also do an oil change on it. Fortunately for me it still has one of those 3/8" bungs on the bottom of the engine which makes oil changes so much easier. I guess all the new mowers either have to be tipped over, or you never change oil in them at all. Sort of like the thinking of millennials who buy new cars....

We ended up buying yet more plants at Costco yesterday, and some of their huge beef wieners and hot dog buns. I grilled 3 of them for dinner and that's a lot of dog to eat! The plants have already made their way into some nice baskets and are hanging around the yard. I have six hanging ones and 1 long fixed one. In a few weeks everything in the back should be looking absolutely breathtaking.

Oh, the Hojees next door built a C shaped planter across the back yard that comes up part way on my fence. They built it tight to the fence - so tight in fact that I found a screw protruding through my fenceboard by an inch. I can deal with that easy enough with a pair of dikes, but I don't believe these idiots know anything about building. They used OSB for the walls which will last about 2-3 years before it rots out, if not sooner. They painted it gray but left the inside untreated. Smart as refrigerators they are. Must be a Syrian thing....
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Old May 27th, 2019, 03:46 PM
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Okay so I looked at the van, from a distance. I had forgotten there was another van parked in front of it that is also grown in. My plan, if I ever get a weekend to myself again, is to rent one of them big walk behind bush hogs, like a Gravely, and cut as much as I can, then move stuff around and cut some more. Instead what I did was clean up stuff in the bedroom and sort and throw out and hang up... then I went to Walmart.

I think I spent a whole 15 minutes at the shop, and didn't even crawl around in the brush. Over the course of the afternoon I've found three ticks crawling on me. And I was just saying this morning that I didn't think they were that bad this year, yet.

Allan if your fence is wood, and the neighbors built a planter up against it and filled it with dirt, I'd imagine your fence will be rotted by the end of the summer. Are they renting or did they buy the place? Know anyone who partakes of the ganja? Get a few seeds and toss them over, then drop a dime on them.

Well guess what. On my only day off I'm hitting the sack early, for work. I seem to be a slave to the overtime lately. It's an easy gig but I'm back to the old complaint, I don't have any time to do anything during the week. Ah well, always a tradeoff.

Have a good evening everyone.
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Old May 27th, 2019, 04:05 PM
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Mike - these are the Muslims I ranted about before....and yes, they're idiots the way they expect OSB to be a permanent outdoor product. Most of the civilized world knows the difference. I also am worried that they'll rot out the fence, and if they do I'll force them to pay for the replacement.
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Old May 27th, 2019, 04:39 PM
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Allan, let me know how that works for you; - they'd declare a Jihad on you and that would be it. Had some immigrant neighbors once, won't go into the nationality, that's irrelevant, but these people hit one of my cars. Never saw them again for 4 years until after I sold that car. Every time I came out of the house, they'd run in and lock down. After the car was gone, they were all buddy-buddy again. It's the 3rd world mindset, and as much as I don't like the American President his observation of where these people all come from was a bit crude but not far off the mark. I've been to a lot of those places and can concur.

You will never get money out of them. You will never get satisfaction from them. They are never wrong, and our justice system will side with them. You are the oppressor, and the one who doesn't understand. They are trying to eke out a living in a hostile, foreign land. You will be re-educated. The scary part is they believe all of that because our press and others have told them that's the truth.

I'd probably better stop or I'll get tossed off...
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Old May 27th, 2019, 05:31 PM
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Marc - Let them try. If I have to replace some of the fence because of premature rot, I'll do my side and rip apart whatever they have on their side in the process. Let them come after me for that - I'll make life a living hell for them if I have to. Not like these people have any manners or consideration for anyone who isn't Muslim. Hey we should just go for coffee and bitch about them in a civilized way. Wanna take a couple hours off work? I know this wonderful bordello where the coffee is served by topless bunnies..... I wish... my missus would keel me. LMK - send me a PM sometime and we'll set it up.
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Old May 27th, 2019, 06:10 PM
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Nope. uh uhh.. no comment.
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Old May 27th, 2019, 11:11 PM
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Mike, this is where i bought my flag from. Made in the U.S.A.

Last edited by 1969w3155; May 27th, 2019 at 11:28 PM.
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Old May 27th, 2019, 11:29 PM
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Mike, NADA values:
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Old May 28th, 2019, 02:07 AM
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James- Volunteers Appreciation party yesterday. Good food, ice cold beer tasted awesome w/ temperatures hovering @ 93*F. Followed Lexi’s legs a couple holes, watched Stacey Lewis practice chipping, followed the Korda sisters a couple holes, walked/talked w/ Merissa Steen’s father (Toby) ~20 minutes. I found it interesting that many players were practicing on a Monday and Memorial Day, then again it is the U.S. Women’s Open Championship. They cancelled all my Volunteer Marshals fo Hole #7 today because of the extreme heat. I’ll go in but a laid back day anyways since practice rounds are again today/tomorrow. It’s enjoyable watching women who are good at stroking it.
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Old May 28th, 2019, 03:56 AM
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Thumbs up mawn'in

Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
. It’s enjoyable watching women who are good at stroking it.
No comment
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Old May 28th, 2019, 05:18 AM
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What a great Memorial weekend! Weather was great, it rained about 8pm Monday evening which was OK. I did check the Cutlass the other day for critter damage and found none, so that is good. Another type of unwanted critters we are getting lots of are geese. Jack used to run them off but now they are trying to take over. At first I liked them as they look cool. But after they have been around a while-Whoa! LOTS of big slimy turds! As big as a dog. Anyway about the chipmunks and maybe mice in the barn, I have been considering getting a kitten that could be a barn cat. My plan would be to get one, get it spayed or neutered and let it stay in the barn. Of course I would have to figure out how it goes in and out, how to feed it without other critters eating it, etc,etc. But the biggest problem with getting one is I am sure my wife would love it, (and so would I) and soon it would end up as a house cat, which I do not want. You guys have any advice about barn cats??
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Old May 28th, 2019, 07:13 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Going to be a hot one here (for us that is) today. Forecast high is around 85°. And lots of clear blue skies and sunshine. That will be great for the plants and grass, but I have to remember to wear my sun hat.

Greg - Barn cats? Instead of just one - get 2 and then the rodents will never get close to the barn. My cousins used to have around 5 or 6 barn cats; I think they were feral but they never once came inside. They had a small enclosed, and raised 'dog house' with a flap door and it worked pretty well. The inside was lined with straw. I don't know it that helps you any?

Dan - That's a nice flag. Up here the regulation size is a ratio of 1:2 so my flag ends up being 3'x6'. Too bad they don't stay looking new forever. Your pricing looks very reasonable too. I read in several articles that flags used to be discarded through burial, but the commonly accepted method now by the masses is simply to put them in the trash. I believe Mike is right that burning it is proper, as long as it's done in a dignified manner.

Jim - wutchu git yesterday? I'm guessin 44/42

More yardwork planned today. And later, sitting under the big deck umbrella with a couple cold ones...
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Old May 28th, 2019, 09:09 AM
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Allan, Close

What kilt Jesse James / x 2

Mike, You;re welcome to borrow my bush hog, jes bring a trailer

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old May 28th, 2019, 09:45 AM
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Allan, it seems that when I was in the fourth or fifth grade, we were shown how to dispose of a flag. Cut the blue field with the stars from the stripes, this would no longer represent a union, and then burn. Mike, if it makes it any easier the VFW will take old flags for proper disposal. That is where I took my old one. Removed my floor jack, creeper, and plank ramps from under the Olds, so we can push it outside tomorrow when I finally get the garage door replaced.
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Old May 28th, 2019, 01:16 PM
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Hi everyone.

Busy, busy day. I didn't sleep worth peas last night so got up an hour later and thought I'd do 5-130, which is what the inspectors do. Well, 130 came and went and we weren't even close to being done. They stayed and kept working so I did as well. Left there at 3, so I got my two hours of overtime anyway. Busy all day long, I'm beat. And I get to go get beat up by the chiropractor today.

Dan I think I'm gonna cool it on that Imperial. I've been emailing with the guy and it needs a few things, and he's at the top of the money and I don't think it's worth it. Plus it isn't really what I want. If I ever do want to see it, is there an airport close to you with scheduled service?

Looked around the flag website for quite awhile. I think when I have more time I'll order a new flag and a pole to put it up with. The website has flag etiquette, which is quite involved, and it does say to cut the blue field out. Didn't know there were so many days that you were supposed to fly the flag, either. Rather informative.

Thanks Jamesbo. I don't have any way to pull a bush hog, so I'm gonna get one of those you walk behind with the handlebars and hand controls. I used one that belonged to a friend of mine years ago. They really work nice.

Allan I know the neighbors are the muslims but I didn't remember if you said they had bought the place or were renters. Next time you have the grille out cook a bunch of bacon and put a fan up and blow it all their direction. Or get recorded pig noises and play them all day. Or get pigs.

Many years ago there was some deal with the Shiite muslims and it was all over the news for weeks. My Mom said once, I think they are pronouncing their name wrong. I about fell off my chair, that wasn't something I'd expect her to say.

Well, hot as a mother out. No rain in sight. Now I can drop my plans for moving to the desert. Got a quick stop off to make before the chiro and then when I get home that's it. Gotta get ready. See ya's.
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Old May 28th, 2019, 01:35 PM
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What we have is "Failure to communicate" The tractor has the bush hog one it jes bring a trailer

Those walk behinds werk great til ya run over a yellow jacket's nest
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Old May 28th, 2019, 02:02 PM
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Mike - your mom's a funny lady and honestly I think she's spot on.

Just got back from a run to the Eco station to drop off the old puter, dead 49" TV and a bunch of remotes/cords. Outside it's a whopping 84° and likely will get hotter. Nice to see the inside temp is still only 74. I looked at the grill out on the deck and the temp gauge says it's at 220° without the cover on.

My wheel bezels arrived today! I bought them from Scott B here on CO (he's in NC) They look absolutely amazing. The clips and backsides don't look like they've ever been mounted, and the fronts have all been machine polished to a chrome like finish. I can't stop smiling when I look at them.

Time for some ice tea or mint julep..
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Old May 28th, 2019, 03:46 PM
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Allan at 220 a pork chop would be done in no time. Just sayin' …

Got home from the chiro and fixed some beef stew. Well, I heated it up it was already made. Good stuff. I could fall asleep right here right now.

I've been embroiled in an email feud with some guy in Texas about a car he's selling. No Glenn not the Corvair. It's a Valiant and I emailed and asked a couple questions, and he comes back with an attitude. Don't lowball me or I'll go back in the house and finish my coffee. So this was all sport for me, I said you're going to need a lot of coffee. Back and forth he finally tells me he just sold the car for asking price. I'll bet.

And also in the department of things that only amuse me, when the receptionist was out of the office at the chiro, I told Alexa to play Christmas music. So it did. No one noticed. In fact, when I was leaving it was playing some loud weird song about snow! snow! and the Dr. said Alexis turn down the volume. It will probably still be playing when I'm there on Thursday.

Jamesbo you have all the cool stuff. How about a Ditch Witch I need one of them, too.

Okay that does it for me. I hope I can sleep tonight and don't become wide awake as soon as I get into bed. Tomorrow is the last day of wheel inspection, then I can go back to my cushy desk job. But I've got another week coming up the second week of June. Joy. Well have a good night everyone.
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Old May 28th, 2019, 06:09 PM
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Good Evening Guys:
Was a good weekend here. We went up to our sons on Saturday for a cookout to celebrate my granddaughters graduation. Unfortunately we don't get much from her in the way of love and affection. She acts just like her mother which is not good. We don't see here much but will see her even less when she goes off to Texas State in the fall. I worked in the yard yesterday and finished my flower bed I built in front of the fence. It turned out very nicely and the flood lights I put in the bed to shine up on the trees in the bed really looked nice last night. I took my wife for an MRI this morning and was going to work on the other bed next to the house but I pulled my stupid back this morning in the shower. I unloaded two cubic yards of dirt and a pallet of bark mulch and put about half of it out yesterday with no problems. This is the same problem I had back in January. So I did nothing but stay on the heating pad this afternoon.
I have several flags I need to dispose of properly. I have heard you can take them to the fire station and they will dispose of them properly.
Mike, too bad you are not closer so you could borrow my 18' trailer and haul Jim's tractor. Are you still talking with the guy with the Corvair?
It is supposed to rain tomorrow so that will keep me from doing any yard work if my back would even allow it. I took the Olds to the trim shop today. The convertible boot had a couple snaps pulled out. I talked to them this afternoon and they were making some adjustments to the top so it may go down further. If not they will have to add some material to each side and replace the snaps on the side since there is one pulled out on each side. That was one of the things I wanted to get fixed before our NAOC Meet here next week. It is a joint NAOC and NTOC show but I am not having the car judged. Display only.
That is about all for the day. Have a good evening guys.
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Old May 28th, 2019, 08:42 PM
Oh no, not again...
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I was going to write something to help out Allan's neighborhood situation but have thought better of it.

Allan, when I get my next EDO, I'll PM you, we should do coffee somewhere. I do have a very foolproof and "culturally sensitive" way of dealing with your neighbors. It's worth a laugh or two either way.

Mike, I missed the Imperial thing; - what year of one were you looking at?

Greg, barn cats are one step away from being wild, don't do too well with people or kids and tend to be a bit skittish. So no matter how much the wife may want to domesticate one, they usually will not have any of that, they like their barns. They also don't take too well to litter box training, at least not as easy as a very domesticated cat does. As mousers there is no comparison; they're the best. As lap cats, forget it. They only like you if they're hungry, and man, do they stink, especially males. They'll spray absolutely everything unless yo get them "fixed", and if you do, they lose their "edge" and get fat or murdered.

Glenn, sorry to hear you've torqued out your back; - been there done that; I feel your pain. Hope you get better soon.

Have a good evening!
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Old May 28th, 2019, 10:27 PM
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Mike, we have the Muskegon County Airport, that you can fly into. About 10 minutes from me, and 20-25 minutes from the Imperial.
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Old May 29th, 2019, 04:51 AM
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Headed norte,

Jes found out someone's wife left a diamond necklace at my lake house, If it's big enough may not come back,

Pawn Star here we come

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old May 29th, 2019, 08:22 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Been a busy morning so far but not back breaking. They should be done cleaning up the rest of the wheels right after lunch, then I'll go back up with my crew and see how I can help. This is the last day for me in inspection, for awhile.

Glenn that's too bad about your granddaughter. I adored my grandparents and if I came across someone who didn't adore theirs, I'd just look at them like, what is wrong with you? No I haven't talked to the Corvair guy in a couple weeks. I don't think I'm going for it, too many things I don't like about the car and he wants steep money for what it is.

Dan from the looks of it I'd have to fly into Grand Rapids and rent a car to drive over. The only service into Muskegon is United, and then I'd have to connect in Chicago. United in Chicago is a disaster. I don't think I'm gonna be interested in that car, either.

Marc the Imperial I'm looking for is a 62 LeBaron. I'd be okay with a Crown or maybe a Custom. Back when I wasn't serious about buying I saw them all the time. Now that I am serious they're not to be found.

Well I want to walk out into the hangar before lunch is over. Hope the day finishes up good. Might get my ears lowered after work. See ya's all later.
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Old May 29th, 2019, 08:28 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Just finished watering the front lawn; gave it a good drink. I think it's almost time to replace the trim around my oak tree. That sucker is an easy 12" caliper right now. Root feeding it sure seems to have helped. It's already got leaves (albeit small ones) and there's almost 4" of new growth!

Gotta do some shopping with the missus soon as she finishes getting ready. I want to get that done before the heat arrives. Spoda be 32° here today (that's 90°). Probably right in Mikes wheelhouse for being a nice day?

Glenn - That's the way it usually happens, not when you're doing something strenuous but when you least expect it. Is it something that you can treat with OTC like Robaxacet? Sorry to hear about your granddaughters attitude. That really sucks and ruins the visit in a hurry.

Marc - Sounds good. You take Friday's as EDO's? I used to and get a long weekend every 2 weeks.

Jim - Diamond necklace?? What diamond necklace. Nothin here but the fishes and das boat.... Must be zirconium if they got left behind.
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Old May 29th, 2019, 10:53 AM
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Before & after. Shooting into the sun does it no justice.

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Old May 29th, 2019, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Hey Jouni, I guess you're right - Finland 3, Canada 1. Now bring on your Curling team and then the tables will turn quite fast. It's ok with me that you guys win at hockey. Keep in mind there will always be new and better competition in the future.

Where have you been hiding? Haven't seen your keystrokes here for quite awhile. Hope everything is ok with you.
Curling doesnt matter, Finland lives and breathes from Ice-Hockey, its our national sport. New competition? Sure? Better- maybe. But not an annihilation like this with a team who was officially ranked in Swedish media " worst ever". All those teams full of NHL-players against "nobodies" just succumbed

And evening for all. Ive been super busy at work, and on the other hand, ive been having "serious" health issues. First it was traced to hearth, but after various tests it was closed off. Now doctors really dont know what i do have. Good news; its nothing internal, theyve done soooo many tests that their sure about it; its something muscular.
Best quesses so far are either Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, or Tietze syndrome. Its not bad yet, and i got my point - im gonna swap my work. I do continue at asphalt work until they start new course for driving and handling those big mobile cranes like what Liebherr makes, some point of this year. Already have a new job speaken, ill just need the licence for it, and then theyll hire me. Its not long course, approx. 4 months total.
Many old asphalt guys are next to invalids, and ill take this as a "first warning" and call it out for good. My employer is okay with that.
And i dont have any regrets either, i made really good money on the 8 years i did it, got own house, old american car and so on.
And my symptoms are really mild currently. Thats why i chose the mobile cranes, not physical, not that long days, so ill have time for family at last, too.

Hmm, that was the fast of it. Have a day everyone, ill try to participate more. As before, i often read this on phone, but with phone i really rarely bother to write anything. As for now, im at pc.

Last edited by Inline; May 29th, 2019 at 11:22 AM.
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Old May 29th, 2019, 03:32 PM
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Dan - looks good. Nice garage door!

Jouni - Na na na na na na....Hockey is for people who lack the finesse of curling. Sorry to hear you've come down with an illness but hope you will find something that will work for you. Best wishes for a good prognosis and speedy recovery.
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Old May 29th, 2019, 11:19 PM
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Jouni, good to hear from you again. Your health is number 1, getting on top of it early is a big plus.
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