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Old June 7th, 2019, 05:07 AM
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Ok, There is a 67-68 Olds 88 3 or 4 ahead of that truck. Is that Jim? I love that picture, amazing how much cars have changed. Seems like the only thing that looks the same as now is the rear view of the truck trailer.
Yesterday I had to do KP. Wife and I peeled 75lbs of potatoes for potato salad she is taking to the granddaughter's graduation open house this Saturday. It's Friday again, wow weeks go by fast! I think I will take the Olds to meet with the group for dinner which we usually do on Fridays. I want to
make sure it's all OK before I take off with it for the Westphalia car show on Thursday and then the homecoming next Saturday. What happened there? Don't know why it skipped down.?? That Westphalia car show is amazing, Westphalia is a small one corner farm town in the middle of nowhere. They drew over 1000 cars last year and expect as many this year. Cars are parked everywhere! Have you ever heard of it Dan? It's quite a way from you but maybe you've heard of it. It's north of Lansing maybe 10-15 miles. Have a good weekend all.
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Old June 7th, 2019, 05:29 AM
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Tell your bride, the "secret" to making yummy tater salad is after she cooks the taters and pulls them out to cool, leave sum in the pot to cook longer, the mash them up and mix with the mayo,relish etc. It makes for creamy tater salad
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Old June 7th, 2019, 07:48 AM
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Okay since Jamesbo can't even see himself, I'll go ahead and tell you. Outbound side, middle lane, there's a Torino, a Bug, an Imperial that's curiously towing a ratty trailer, a Camaro, a Galaxie, then Jamesbo in his Opel Rally. Sticking out plain as day. Five cars further back is the nose of a Cutlass-type wagon. Can't tell if it's a Vista Cruiser or not.

Jamesbo your earlier message you corrected, and the reason you gave was spalling. That's the act of making big rocks into smaller ones, sort of like what they do in prison. It's rather humorous, actually.

There's wheels all over the place but oddly enough none are ready to be signed off. My hopes of getting out of here early are fading.

Greg, George Costanza would say, I'm cancelling the father-son picnic. I don't know what we're going to do with all that potato salad! I thought maybe you were taking your car to Germany.

Man I'm hungry.
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Old June 7th, 2019, 08:01 AM
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Mike, Ya sure got good peepers, When ya retire ya could always become a forecaddie
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Old June 7th, 2019, 08:23 AM
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Good morning everyone,

No way in hell anyone could start a fire in our area if they tried now. It's been solid rain for 2 days and this mawnin I was awakened to the torrential downpour that lasted over an hour. It's still raining lightly and this afternoon there's spoda be even more with a possibility of snow flurries. I kid you not. Maybe the weather dude was smokin something funny but that's what he said.

Mike - So the MG is Jim? I remember him talking about one he owned back in the day. I think it was green? That hiway sign is baffling. Maybe they were trying to get people to move along at a good speed instead of 'creeping' along slowly? Only thing I can think about that makes any sense. Unless of course they were just trying to pi$$ off a lot of motorists with a subliminal message? Nothing the DOT does makes a ton of sense to me. Almost like they are all politicians trying to figure out the best way to not make sense.

Jim - You is jess full o sprizes!! I like yer idea. Store bought tater salad jess sucks. Best stuff I ebber had was home made. Y'all has inspired me; I'm gonna go out and have some unhealthy poutine fer lunch.

Dan - An extra $2 mil? Must be to cover the costs of those catered lunches Yeah, everyone wants their pockets to be more full.

Greg - Wow! 75 lbs of taters?? And that doesn't cover the eggs or other ingredients either. How on earth does she cook all that stuff? Multiple huge cauldrons?

Tis Friday, sooooo ( I just LOVE this song; it never gets old for me )

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Old June 7th, 2019, 08:58 AM
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Greg, that is a lot of mashing to do, dang! I've never heard of the Westphalia show. That's a big one. I was down there once, about a decade ago, for a high school football playoff game.
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Old June 7th, 2019, 09:29 AM
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No Jamesbo is in the Opel about three cars ahead of the MG. I'd even venture to say that this car is yellow. I found a better picture. It shows a Cadillac about to eat the Opel's lunch.

I don't know why this picture fascinates me so much.

We finished up a few minutes ago and now just waiting for the lead to offer us his benediction. As soon as he does I'll be Awful house bound.
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Old June 7th, 2019, 05:08 PM
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I love looking at old pictures; - they were a snapshot into a now forgotten time, and in pictures like this it spurs dozens of old memories from the period. I find these types of pictures fascinating too. It's a mundane event, the evening commute home or whatever, but there's something about it that you will never see in this day and age; - open road. I'll bet that same stretch of road is a parking lot most of the time. These old shots colourized are even more interesting to look at; - somehow those of us who were born in the colour film era get this impression that the world was black and white prior to about 1970; and it's really weird to see old pictures in colour, especially the 19th century stuff.

Well, it was a busy week at work, as Allan says, the weather sucks, and I hope it has rained itself out by 3 PM tomorrow; the coin club has its annual BBQ (yeah, I know, wrong usage of the word, my apologies to the Southerners who know the difference, but we're in Canada where anything that involves frying steaks or burgers over an open fire is referred to as a BBQ). The point is, I'm buying all the meat, I have to pick up 60 steaks tomorrow and pay for it, (I get paid back) and there'd be nothing worse than having to fill up my freezer with stuff I don't really own.

Now to think about some supper...
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Old June 8th, 2019, 10:00 AM
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Mike, The Opal Rallies that year were gold with black hood stripe [the year before they were silver with back stripes ]
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Old June 8th, 2019, 10:38 AM
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Hi everyone.

Tons of rain today. And I missed most of it because I was in the bunker. I swear the world could end and anyone in that shop wouldn't know it. It did rain pretty hard as I drove home.

Good day today, things seemed a little slow, but we got all done and were out by noon. Awful house was jam packed. Glad I'm home.

So that's not you Jamesbo? Maybe it was Norm driving through. Was his a Rally as well? You know what strikes me about that picture, the Equitable building is still there. Buildings in Atlanta don't usually last 50 years, they don't usually last 20.

Tell me if you think this is weird. I look at a Chrysler A-Body forum, because I love my Valiants, and this guy who lives maybe 30 miles from me, is giving away a 1960 license plate for free, just pay the shipping. I said I'd take it, and I'd come pick it up. But since we worked today, I said he could just send it. It wouldn't be more than a couple of bucks. Didn't hear back from him for a couple of days, so I said, why don't you just send it and when I get it I'll send you what it cost. Or, I'll send a few bucks and he can send it, the difference would be minimal. He says nope, he's going to take it to the Post Office and find out. Hm.

Looks like it's clearing up, but everything is a muddy mess. Gonna be an inside day today. Might take a nap, then stay up late. Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday.
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Old June 8th, 2019, 06:09 PM
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Now I'm curious how much it costs to send that license plate.
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Old June 8th, 2019, 06:37 PM
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Mike - I was a junior in H.S. (Elgin, IL) in 1969 & at that time I would have been driving my first car, 1967 Olds 4-4-2. I did own a red Opel Rallye Kadett but that wasn't until 1981.
The one item I think is cool is the vehicle (Dodge, Chrysler, Ford?), center lane next to (I believe) the Riviera, pulling the converted pick-up truck box bed trailer w/ the canvas tarp. Now that's classic home-style ingenuity. I see them w/ some frequency yet around this area, as well. I love the towing mirror mounted on the passenger side front fender.
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Old June 8th, 2019, 07:02 PM
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Norm the car towing the pick up trailer is an Imperial. I can't imagine why such a prestigious car is towing that ramshackle trailer. Well, it does have a 440.

Got lots of rain this afternoon. I'd say a month's worth all at once. I had water in the yard but the lake wasn't actually over the top of the wall. Not far from it. It's gone down quite a bit by now. Tiger of course made a bee line for the water and tromped around in it. It's cleared up and turned out to be a nice evening.

Did quite a few little things around the house this afternoon. Gonna continue that tomorrow after Awful house. I'm starting to wish I had more time off, this working early and Saturday can be a real drag. Of course today was payday, and the usual deposit looked like it was on steroids.

Gonna take Tiger out one more time and then hit the sack. Man it's 10pm. I haven't been up this late in a long time. Have a good night everyone.
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Old June 8th, 2019, 07:18 PM
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Mike I had to look up the Imperial. Quite the mother ship of the Chrysler Corporation. While looking it up, I came across this 1970 Imperial & saw what I haven't seen in a gazillion years - those anti-static strips some folks used to put on their cars. Now, tell me if I'm wrong about this. I understand the principle & theory behind them, yet, weren't these types of anti-static strips really only good for when and if you parked curb-side where the metal would touch the curb and discharge before you opened the door? I could never understand how they would benefit anyone unless you were parked on the street next to a curb. They bring back some memories.

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Old June 8th, 2019, 07:25 PM
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Ha, curb feelers. I didn't know they were to discharge static, I thought when you got too close to the curb you heard them scrape so you didn't scuff your white wall. I think they went the way of the porta walls. Though I remember in the 80s they made a brief comeback because people thought they were decorative, and put them at all four corners. Odd.
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Old June 8th, 2019, 07:28 PM
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Oh, they were feelers? I didn't know this. I always thought they were anti-static discharge wires. They were an odd novelty whatever their purpose.
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Old June 8th, 2019, 07:53 PM
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Old June 8th, 2019, 07:56 PM
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Well, the BBQ was a success. Got rained on twice, and it got really stupidly cold for about an hour. Ended up coming home with 10 vacuum packed 9 oz sirloin steaks. Cooked up 40 of the wretched things, and now I smell like beef fat. The cat is eyeing me up suspiciously right now. I'm probably going to end up in the shower otherwise that animal may start nibbling on me tonight.

Mike, I love cars and anything automotive, much like you do, but I've never been a fan of Chrysler cars since I first learned auto mechanics on them. My first job was swapping out blown engines and trannys in anything Mopar. Learned to absolutely hate them as a result. That said, about the only Mopar I would even look at would be a 61-62 Imperial or a 55-56 300. Other than those cars, I would never even get out of my car to look at one. I had the displeasure of having to appraise a 71 Cuda a few years back, and it brought back a lot of bad memories of ugly swaps. It was a tough one to write. The funny thing is most of my clients had me appraise cars that I couldn't stand or have no use for. On the one hand, it allows me to be completely dispassionate about a car and allows me to look at it with a very critical eye on restoration quality and originality. I also as a result know more about Shelby Mustangs than I've ever cared to know. The one thing I do know for sure is I don't fit in them and can't drive one. And yeah, I don't really like Mustangs of any sort. I don't really get excited about them, and one of my clients has just acquired a 64 + 1/2 Mustang that is a pre-production car that was on display at the World's Fair when the line was introduced. It has a 289 D-code 4bbl in it along with a 4 speed long before they were offered in production cars. It is a true barn find, I guess it was in a barn in Wisconsin since the late 70s. It's undergoing a full resto now, and I'll probably have to do the write up after it's done. So he's gushing over this wreck and I'm kind of like "meh", but then again I showed up in a 66 Electra convertible. So I envy your ability to look at just about any car and see the merits of them, wish I had that.

Man, am I sore today; went to the Chiropractor yesterday and felt like a million bucks, and this morning, couldn't turn my head. $50 down the flippin' drain...
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Old June 9th, 2019, 06:57 AM
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Curb feelers aren't just for cars. They are also used on buses to help reduce premature wear on front tires by drivers pulling too close to the curb. Anti static straps are typically attached to the chassis and are rubber hangers that touch the ground UNDER the car.

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Old June 9th, 2019, 07:43 AM
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Yeah, I was wrong about thinking they were anti-static devices. I looked up a bunch of stuff on the feelers & anti static devices.

What's that device on the front of the ETS bus? It almost looks like something which drops down to hold a couple bicycles?
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Old June 9th, 2019, 09:10 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Almost not morning. Slept till after 9 this morning and then lollygagged around and finally got to the Awful house around 1030. Busy when I got there but not so much when I left. The church people were just starting to get there so it was sayonara for me.

That article mentions that curb feelers are used on buses. Also hot rods, RVs, and heavy equipment. Hm. Norm I'd say that's exactly what that rack is on the front, for bicycles. I've seen lots of city buses with bicycles on the front. My only thought is, if you already have a ride, why do you need a ride?

Marc besides a Valiant, my MOPAR of choice is a 62 Imperial. The Chrysler people say the 63 is a better car(disc brakes for one) and looks the same, but the 62 I think is trimmed out nicer and has a more elegant look. I'm more of a closet MOPAR fan, I like a lot of the stuff but admittedly have not worked on very much of it. Now, I do have a lot of prejudice about cars. I'm working through not liking Fords(because they are Fords), but I don't pay any mind to an Asian car. I wouldn't drive a Toyota on a bet. And Allan will go on about the superior design and technology of the Hyundai, about the cam throttle and the Kanewton valve and the slide orifice. Not having one. KIA? Kia who. I'll take an air-cooled VW any day of the week, but a water pumper, not likely. Maybe an early Rabbit. It goes on.

No rain right now but still muddy. The lake has returned to normal. Gotta hit Walmart at some point today and I'll probably move some tree parts out of the road out front that fell from the storms. Other than that, inside work today.

Hope everyone is doing well.
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Old June 9th, 2019, 09:17 AM
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1]if ya have curb feelers ya need a Brody ****

The only Mopar I'd like to hae is a Road Runner [in Petty Blue of course]
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Old June 9th, 2019, 10:09 AM
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I have a number of friends in Europe whom I visit regularly - everyone rides a bicycle & mass transit is the norm. In particular, the bus and train lines in the Nederlands have designated areas for bicycle storage. Many people work in neighboring towns. Many people ride their bicycle to the train/bus depot, store their bicycle on the bus/train, get on the bus/train, grab their bicycle, get off and ride to work. I love the entire idea of mass transit.
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Old June 9th, 2019, 10:11 AM
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I love those steering wheel Brody *****. I had one on each of my most recent boats. You brought a great idea back to me. I think I'm going to get one for the CS. I love 'em.
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Old June 9th, 2019, 11:34 AM
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The rack on the front of the ETS bus is exactly what you thought it is. It latches and folds down to accommodate up to 2 bicycles. It's the bikers responsibility to fold it down and stow their equipment. If the bike is damaged in any way, ETS does not accept any responsibility for that. No extra charge to have a bike on the front of the bus. No bikes allowed inside though so if the front rack is full, too bad. The inside of the bus has 2 large areas to accommodate strollers and such, and have tie downs that again are the passengers responsibility. ETS trains also have designated areas where bikes can be stored inside while the system is being used. There is a prohibition for bikes on trains during rush hours though, when space is needed for standing passengers. Mike, Norms answer to your question about bikes on transit is correct.

Just information for you Norm. That bus also will 'kneel' (lowers the front end where the door is) and has a ramp that deploys to the curb to accommodate mobility impaired passengers. When either feature is used, it interlocks the accelerator, and locks the brakes to prevent it moving. The interior is low floor design which unfortunately reduces the amount of space available and limits passenger seating. But it does meet overall requirements of today's society's expectations. They're comfortable to ride in, and fairly quiet too. ETS has only just started to equip their buses with AC, which is why there are upper windows on that unit that open.

Brody *****?? Never heard that one. We call em ''suicide" ***** up here. They're also illegal here, so check your local state to see if you'd be in violation by installing one.
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Old June 9th, 2019, 11:42 AM
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Yeah, I've been on a couple buses which kneel and have the lock down floor and side attachments for the handicap. Pretty damn nice, IMO. I've never seen a bike rack on the front of a bus though - that's cool. I did a check on the legality of suicide ***** and they are legal in every state in the USA. Good point to check though, but they are legal. Kind of makes the idea of the 10 & 2 hand positions a thing of the past; although, the majority of suicide (Brodie) ***** I began seeing as a teenager were on farm tractors, but many cars had them during the same time frame my driver education instructor evaluated us on the 10 & 2 steering wheel positions (which is how I still generally always make a turn); and, my turns are square - none of this B.S. about cutting someone off making those huge turns into their lane. I don't believe we have enough LEOs to enforce driving (I guess) because today's drivers are all out of control IMO.
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Old June 9th, 2019, 11:49 AM
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Well you'll love this idea then. The ETS trains also have ramps that lower to the exact height of the platform so wheelchair passengers can board easily. There's a button that's pressed (either inside or outside) that is two-fold. First the doors open, then the ramp lowers. It has 2 sensors that detect the height of the platform, and stop the ramp at that point. As long as the passenger is still between the photo cell detectors for the door open operation, the ramp will stay deployed. Once they're clear, it waits about 5 seconds and then returns to normal floor height. 5 more seconds and the doors automatically close and lock. Again, if the door is open the train can't move.
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Old June 9th, 2019, 11:55 AM
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And, if we can accommodate this type of technology for the loading/unloading of passengers and handicap equipment, I surely don't see the merit of metal curb feelers - put a bloody laser photo cell detector on the bus, integrate it w/ the software, and warn the driver if they're trying to minimize front tire wear.

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Old June 9th, 2019, 01:38 PM
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Way cheaper and effective to put the curb feelers. They're pretty noisy when they touch a curb. This is about the least expensive method to alert a driver there is. Most of the buses I've ridden on the drivers are really good about not touching curbs. The idea is to keep the side of the bus about 8" from the curb. No matter what system is in place, nothing is perfect or will totally eliminate rubbing the front tire on the curb. BUT, this curb feeler does a good job eliminating about 85% of the wear that typically was present prior to their installation. Consider the cost of the tires on these units, and each new bus is about $850K, over $1,500K for articulated. And, now the ETS fleet is introducing totally electric buses which will be housed at the new Cathy Andrews Garage. They cost a lot more than an articulated bus but have (obviously) zero emissions. That doesn't make it a totally green footprint on the environment though because the electricity to charge those units comes from a gas/coal fired generating station out by Wabamun. No wind power up here like they have in Calgary / Pincher Creek.
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Old June 9th, 2019, 03:26 PM
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Old June 9th, 2019, 04:21 PM
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I wish I'd have had curb feelers on my 46 Buick when I owned it; I put on a nice new set of wide whites and went to the St Albert car show with it, and while I was registering, I had to park in the roundabout before going in. Yup, scuffed the new wide whites, and deep too. Man, was i pissed! The car was a totally original, dead stock 1946 Buick Super sedan. Here's a shot of it...

The reason I didn't photograph the passenger's side was because of the scuffs in the tire.
I kinda miss this car; I traded it off on my Wildcat 3 years ago now; I hope the new owner has actually restored it.
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Old June 9th, 2019, 04:44 PM
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Marc that's a nice looking car. I need a Buick. So the scuffs to the whitewall never came out at all?

Tiger has been one royal pain today. He found a snake in the yard, and won't leave it be. It's a black snake, not going to hurt him, but he still doesn't need to get bit. Or, maybe he does so he'll learn to leave it alone. When he's not messing with that snake he's eating whatever he can off the ground. Yuck. And as soon as he comes in he wants to go right back out again, well, that's a Shepherd.

I've always called that **** a spinner. Had a big aluminum one on my VW Bus. It didn't do much good, that steering wheel was so big, and the steering so heavy, I needed both hands to turn and the spinner just hit my wrists as the wheel returned.

I read that Chrysler paid Warner Brothers next to nothing for the license to use their characters in advertising and on the cars. They also used the Tasmanian Devil on the Duster. It was called the Twister. I'd put a Beep Beep horn on every car I had.

Early tomorrow. I was supposed to do the inspection thing this week, but I traded with the other guy so he could go out of town in a couple weeks, so I only have to do it Thursday and Friday. But then I have to do it Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday when I get back. Two more guys are supposed to go through the class and get checked out, so maybe by the end of summer my time for doing that will be greatly reduced.

Okay off to bed. I hear the creepy ice cream truck. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old June 9th, 2019, 11:12 PM
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Ah yes, necker ***** and curb feelers. Norm, nice Buick. The city buses here have bike racks as well. Rain, rain, rain. The Great Lakes are reaching record levels. When that happened in the past, homes were either washed into the big lakes, or the sand dunes washed away, and the houses slide into the water. Yesterday, it was supposed to rain through Monday, and then be clear through the rain for Homecoming. Now they have it everyday all week. Weathermen suck.
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Old June 10th, 2019, 03:47 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Norm, Marc, nice Buick.
I agree, it is a nice looking Buick.
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Old June 10th, 2019, 04:14 AM
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Beautiful Buick

Like a cow on a flat rock down ere, No golf today

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old June 10th, 2019, 06:07 AM
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Dan, yup about the weather guessers, but to their defense, a state surrounded by water has to be a tough one.
It is Monday morning and rained like crazy all night. Saturday was the grandaughter's open house and the day was perfect, sunny and warm but just enough breeze not to be hot. It was catered with pulled pork and shredded chicken and coleslaw from the caterers and the 75+ lbs. of potato salad from us. Of course we made too much... About half of it is left. Now we are pushing tatersalad on all the neighbors. If you guys come see me I'll give you all you want!!
Friday night we took the Cutlass to a local bar/restaurant with the neighbors. I asked them if they wanted to ride with us because the top was down and it would be windy. He replied of course they would love to, they drive their Miata convertible all over and love the top down. Well the back seat of a 71 Cutlass is a lot different than the front (only) seats of a Miata. The girls rode it the back and were cold . Really couldn't drive slow enough on the state highway part of the trip. Anyway car runs good. It was all dusty (mostly saw dust from the barn project) but I didn't clean it as it would get dustier in the gravel/sandy parking lot.
Weather guessers said it would rain on Sunday after 2PM. So we decided to take Olds up town to get stuff at hardware store I needed. Yup, you guessed it, It rained and the top was down. Didn't get too drenched though.
Speaking of weather, just now the forecast came on TV, rain all week... I guess we won't go to Westphalia if it's raining. I hate to say it but we won't take the Olds to homecoming either if it's raining, just take the truck and park outside. I know, I know.... I have changed after last years Nationals in Gettysburg.... Have a good one guys!!
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Old June 10th, 2019, 07:13 AM
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Good morning everyone,I learned on Friday that Poutine doesn't kill on the spot. It was a special day so the missus and I went out for a nice lunch. I chose the place and it was called The Canadian Brewhouse. Surprise! I didn't pick it because it serves Brew, I chose it for the 5 different offerings of poutine. In all honesty I can say that I've never had poutine before and wanted to experiment with Artery Clogging 101. The server said the offerings weren't all that big and generalized with a graphic representation using her hands. Hahahaha, her version of small and large were out to lunch. I ordered a large Braised Beef Poutine. The missus ordered a small side and also a Philly Cheese steak sandwich. Both were incredibly tasty BTW, but my order came in a basketball sized half bowl and the Philly was about a foot long. There was no way I was able to eat that much so we had to put 1/2 of it in a woof bag.

Neither of us really wanted to go back out to the car as it was raining like a bastage and the wind was blowing making the 50° feel more like 40°. But we did and since Costco was just a few blocks away we stopped while I ran in to get the ONE thing my missus wanted. Guess where all the people in St Albert were that day? DId you guess Costco?? Yup. Lineups like crazy but they sure have a quickness to processing everything. Likely because nothing gets bagged.

There's been a steady decline in the price of gas here lately. With my gas discount card I can now get regular for 87.9/L (about $2.16/US gal). That's pretty decent considering the rest of Canada is paying through the nose.

Comparing notes on the weather forecast? It's been changeable here too. Every single day for the past week we've had rain. Yesterday afternoon I looked outside and could see dark gray rain clouds heading in. I figured I had just enough time to fertilize the front and back lawns. I was right. Got it done just as the rain started. 2 medium showers will water that in really nice, especially since the ground was already damp and I aerated recently. Yeah, that will definitely create a grass cutting agenda of once every 3-4 days now.

Today the garage ceiling is being insulated, so my son and I had to cut a 4'x4' access hatch in the drywall for them to get up there. When all is said and done that space will be packed from end to end and the R value will be upwards of around 80+.. Should make a heck of a difference this winter.No whacking whitey?

When did a cow ever stop ya Jim???
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Old June 10th, 2019, 08:16 AM
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Good Morning Guys:
We got back from the NTOC/NAOC event yesterday. I didn't take the Olds over until Saturday morning and did not have it judged. It was a great show and lots of nice cars. We actually had two 53 Fiestas at the show. One was from Florida and one from Michigan. The guy with the one from Florida had owned it since 1956. They were outstanding. There were lots of nice folks here for the event. The lady from our club that did 99% of the work did an awesome job.
I am going to add a very funny story to the curb feeler talk. I am not a fan of curb feelers. I remember my dad putting them on several cars in the 50's along with the headlight visors with the marbles in them. We have a guy in our club with a very pristine 55 Super 88 convertible. He has curb feelers on it. He told me a millennial asked him why he put is radio antenna down by the wheels. I cracked up at that one. Never heard it before. We had a pretty quick thunderstorm here yesterday. We did not have any damage here but several areas did and are without power. There was a construction crane that fell on a parking garage by an apartment complex with one fatality.
I have to get back to my walk this morning since I only walked one day last week. I then have to get back to my landscaping projects. Have a good day guys.

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Old June 10th, 2019, 08:32 AM
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Good morning everyone.

I bet I didn't sleep 10 minutes last night. I was awake a little before 2 and reset the alarm for 4. No way I was going in early. I've done okay so far this morning, after drinking pop and eating donuts.

Been a slow morning so far. My wall guy usually does something else and he's training a new guy. Not sure how well the new guy is picking it all up, but when I inspect the wheels I don't find anything wrong. Hope he works out.

Glenn that story got a good laugh out of me. The millennials can be an odd group. I had said something about an old movie and one guy said, I don't know anything about that, it was before I was born. I said, it was before I was born too but I know about it. It's like the can't, or just won't know anything prior to a set date with them.

Allan the poutine sounds good. I had to look it up. I'd eat rocks if they had brown gravy on them.

Don't know if it's raining because we're in the bunker. I really think we've had enough rain. Probably no Summit cruise in tonight.

Okay back to work. Hope Monday is treating everyone fairly.
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Old June 10th, 2019, 08:48 AM
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I agree, it is a nice looking Buick.
Ooops! Oh well. The all day rain here had the opposite effect yesterday Allan. I went grocery shopping, and there weren't too many people at the store. I suspect that the rain kept them home. We are still at about $2.89 gal for gas here. Went south on Saturday, and everybody was 20-25¢ cheaper. by south I mean a mere 15 miles, though I went 50 or so, but 15 miles south to Grand Haven, where the price is always cheaper than here.
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