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Old January 2nd, 2013, 05:58 AM
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Morning All!

It's a cold 15 degrees here this morning, the skies are a little lighter gray, but no sun yet, lol. It's a balmy 76 degrees in this friggin office. Capri's and sandals are on.....

Clay and Steve are back, talking sports. Both their heaters are blasting. No phone calls yet this morning. It's gonna be a long 3 days......

Mike, I'm with you, lol! Just one year I'd like to say it was a great one, also! Haven't done that for many many years..... I sure hope you get good news today.

I hear we'll be paying more in social security taxes..... so it won't be there when I need to use it. That makes me mad!!!!!! I'm entitled..... let's hope the rest of the taxes won't be too bad. But don't hold your breath!

I have to go to Scot's favorite place at noon... the post office. I stopped Monday when we got out of work, and they had closed at noon! I have to send back the laptop battery I bought off of E-Bay, it won't fit my laptop. Way too big. So I had to bite the bullet and go directly to Dell and order one - for $116! I was trying to avoid that. It is what it is.....

Clint.... I didn't sleep good either. I went to bed about 11:30 last night and at 12:30ish I was still tossing around. Don't know why. I hate nights like that. I hope your day gets better.

My goals for this year are to stay healthy, to have more patience and understanding with Linda, to try and not smother Nicole as much, lol, and to keep praying for Larry to find some inner peace or whatever he needs. We'll see....

You all have a great start to the new year!
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 07:06 AM
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Mike good luck! Hope your boys come home soon......
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 07:36 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Cloudy but it should fair up by this afternoon hopefully.

Welcome to the Good Mawnin Thread Sampson

I believe Mike has both a male and a female dogs. Best of luck finding them brother.

Sandy I don't mind going to the post office, most of the time I am going there to ship magazines I sold so it's a good thing. Plus I heard that they "relieved" that POS post master from his duties

Speaking of the USPS, I ordered an element for my oven about three weeks ago and it seems that the good ole USPS lost it The tracking info shows it left Atlanta on the 21st of December and no other sign of it anywhere Jamesbo did you get my element in the mail? Anyway I've been utilizing my propane grill, stove and the trusty crock pot to cook our meals but I miss the oven. Especially over the Holidays it was tough without an oven. Oh well we will either track it down or get them to resend another element

Yall have a wondermous 2nd day of 2013
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 08:07 AM
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What a shocker. My wife and son were both up early today. Neither one of them is EVER up early. Well, except when Graeme has to catch the bus for college. Still not sure what's up with this......Oh well, it was nice to have my mawnin coffee with the family.

Glad to see everyone survived the holidays.

Scot - Good luck with the range element. Can't those be bought locally or is it under warranty or something? Is the arbitration hearing anytime soon?

Clint - Don't worry about the tossing and turning. I'm sure you'll fall asleep at work sometime today....

Jamesbo - y'all should cancel de trip to de big city and jess start whackin whitey Mon and Wed...

Mike - you know we're hoping they are safely home with you soon.

Well, gotta go put the biff jerky onto the dehydrator. Gonna smell like a teepee in here purty soon....again....
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 09:01 AM
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Hey everyone.

No luck with animal control. I went to three places today, I'm sort of in the corner of three counties that come together. I walked through the kennels and every dog I saw was my dogs. Barking, scared, lonely, it was heartbreaking. I would have taken every one of them home with me if I could.

Scot it will do nothing but help you that the postmaster has been dismissed. Hope you can get all that over with soon. I do indeed have a brother and sister pair. Oddly enough my boy is the immature one and my girl is the suspicious and conniving one.

Allan why would your beef jerky smell like a teepee?

Jamesbo did you ever go look at that car for the guy in New York? It looked nice in the pictures.

Well thanks everyone for the support. I think I'll go crawl under a rock for a little while.
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 09:57 AM
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Mike, sorry to hear the shelters didn't have the pups. Don't go crawling under a rock bud. Things have a way of working out.

The beef jerky is raw. I cut and marinate the meat myself. When it goes on the dehydrator it takes around 8 hours. The resulting 'aroma' makes the place smell like inside a teepee. Got 2 different batches: Teriyaki and Spice.
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 10:14 AM
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hey guys, its 10am here in washington, so its like 1pm for most of you I imagine, haha!

its like 25 degree's here and snowing!

I wanted to pop in because the other day I had to fix a window in a 79 Delta 88 for a customer, and when I pulled the door apart I found the build sheet! Its a 79 Delta 4 door, so its not really gonna change the value of the car, but I gave it to her and told her to save it for fun.

Have to hand it to whoever made the steel wheels for this car, The most weight I used on any wheel was 1.5 ounces, I had one that balanced without weight! first time I have seen that.

Anyways, carry on gentlemen!
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 10:45 AM
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Welcome to the Good Morning thread. How cool is it that you found the build sheet? Wish I could get to the rest of Teepo's build sheet.

It's up to a whopping 24 degrees here now. I went to the post office at lunch time and sent that battery back. Cost $7.00! God it's expensive to send things back. The Tshirt I got for Nicole and had to return cost me over $9 last week at UPS. Seems I'm losing money on these deals, lol. Also that stupid Tshirt I got her and paid $24 for is now down to $10 after Christmas! figures.......

No word from Jamesbo.... did you survive the big city Jamesbo?

Mike.... I am sooo sorry. I know what you mean about the shelters. It's heart wrenching to go in those places. I sure hope the one I took Emmett to found him a good home. Don't give up hope. I'm praying!!!
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 12:08 PM
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Damn, Jes plain ole Damn Mike, I bet someone has stolen your dogs

Yep, I drove up to Buford to look at de Cuttlass drop top fer that guy from New York/New Jersey whatever [there kinda de same to me] Pretty good mechanically but Earl Sheib paint job is bubbling all over. Las I heared, they're still negotiating.
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 05:27 PM
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Evening everyone.

Day One of three for the week. I guess life must go on, and like I would always say to the dogs, I have to go to work so we can stay living in our house. I gotta tell you my heart just isn't in it. If I get a job that requires too much thinking I'll pass. Don't need to put others in jeopardy.

Cold tonight. But remember the days are getting longer. I haven't noticed it yet but it's happening. It will be summer before we know it.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 05:27 AM
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Good Mawnin All

It's the ole cow & flat rock bit dis mawnin den getting cooler and windier

Mike keep your head up brother, they are bound to turn up. We are praying for their safe return.

My little inside dog Bailey is afraid of anything loud. She shakes like a Chihuahua with DT's and hides under anything she can when fireworks, a jet breaks the sound barrier or anything loud.

Cute ain't she? She is a very sweet dog and smart too. Can you say spoiled? She is rotten LOL, I thought the kids were spoiled till this little doggy came along

Yall have a wondermous day ya hear
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 05:30 AM
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Morning all.

Mike, Still sending positive thoughts your way.

Wow, All the bills got paid last night. Comcast, water & sewer, gas and elect, etc. went up. A lot. Looks like that inflation thingy is rearing its ugly head. I hated to do it, but I had to raise my hourly up to $95. I haven't done an increase since '07. Don't know what else to do. Not like I'll be keepin any more of it, just passing it along.

Sandy, I'd be happy with your balmy weather. We are finally out of the single digits. Hope it starts to melt soon.

Jeremiah, Sampson, Welcome to the morning thread.

Allan, I spose you Canucks have to find lots of things to do inside for the winter. Jerky huh? sounds yummy.

Scot, Hope you get your oven fixed. The USPS sure is a lot cheaper to ship with, But I have a lot less issues with UPS. Besides I gotta support the kid's paycheck. UPS is so backed up right now, they are still using the Pre-loaders as drivers helpers for double shifts, at least thru this week.

WB Ted

Have a great day all.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 06:03 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cold but dry wit a little wind

Mike, I'm just sick over your dogs. I still think someone has them pinned up somewhere. I'd keep checking the pounds. They may escape.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 06:11 AM
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Morning All!

THE SUN IS SHINING!!!!! Seems like years since we've seen it. It's a crisp 10 degrees here this morning. Some places were in the single digits the last 2 nights. It don't matter.... cold is cold! I remember the nice hot June and July........

Mike.... I think you should put up pictures of your dogs now, go door to door around your area - maybe someone took them in? Go to the police station and see if they've had any calls about dogs running loose or anything. Worth a try! I'm praying they come home....

Scot... that's a cute dog you have there.

Jamesbo.... where are you?? You gots a b'day coming up soon....

I sorted through all my old receipts for 2012 last night, so I can shred them. I kept out all the medical bills I paid. Hoping to have spent enough to be able to deduct them. I got a print out of prescriptions that I got from Giant Eagle in 2012. They totaled $870.00! That's alot of friggin medicines. Hope we can use it all. I haven't added up the medical receipts yet.

I saw on my MSN page this morning where beef, poultry, milk, are all going up in 2013, along with a bunch of other stuff. I was on the IRS website yesterday and reading about the social security tax increase to 6.2%. Said employers should start taking this higher amount out as soon as possible. It's not going to be a good year financially, for sure. I can't wait to see how much my health insurance increases....

Well you all have a good day.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 07:15 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Not a bad night, I milked out a lube until 4, which is okay a couple other guys were replacing a pack and didn't get it finished. I started another operation and turned that over, too.

I'm going in a minute to another shelter. I can't believe I didn't think about Clayton County. It's just down the road. I would imagine they would scan animals as well but now that I've thought about it I have to go. Scot that's a cute little pup you got there. Clint how is your Dad doing with his new pupperoo?

Overcast today but not raining. It was spitting rain last night when I went to lunch at 1. Glad it stopped. I get so tired of everyone saying, oh we need rain because Lake Lanier is so low. Well close the flood gates and it won't be low. I think we should use Swan Lake as the basis for drought.

Sandy I need to go through all my stuff from '12 as well, but the stuff I'm going to get rid of will go into the wood burning stove. Heck, I might as well use it to suppliment my heating bill.

Okay here I go! Have a good one everybody.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 07:31 AM
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Morning Olds Mates

Mike, my heart is really out there with your dogs...keep faith

Clint, had to do the same and raise prices-in one hand and out the other-and we have to listen to the complaining from the customer. Somebody has to pay,and if we start subsidizing the business we will not be around for long!I do not like doing it either, some of my customers are hurting. I try and accept post dated cheques and put some on a payment plan when I can.

Allan,BEEF JERKY!! My kids favorite..I will take 10 pounds please..keeps him out of the junk food

Scot, great little dog and they are pretty smart! My yellow lab is the exact opposite....would sleep thru anything and I think we have heard him bark twice..once at the barn and once at my shadow!

Cold and windy here, better get the fires on!

Everybody keep well....

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Old January 3rd, 2013, 08:17 AM
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Y'all have obviously never heared of an Extension
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 09:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Y'all have obviously never heared of an Extension
I've heard of them.

I have lots of different sizes and use them daily. But I don't see how they are gonna help bring back Mike's pups
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 09:03 AM
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Hey everyone I'm back. No luck, which is good because that place is awful! Most of the dogs were pitbulls and nearly all of them's time was up, even though they hadn't been there very long. I volunteer lady was telling me that Clayton County isn't kind in the least to shelter dogs, they only get a couple days and most times they aren't even scanned. Yikes.

ANYWAYS. I thought up a question I bet someone could answer. I've been driving my blue van more this past week than since I've had it. It doesn't have a radio. If I go to the junkyard and get a fancy radio out of a Cadillac or conversion van, how do I get the code out of it to get it to work and not pay a dealer 75 bucks to do it for me? Also, how hard will it be to fab up a harness to get it to work in my dash. This is a 90 Chevy G20 van.

Okay off to bed. Have a good one everybody.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 09:15 AM
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Mike, Get the vin off of the car, and the serial number on the radio, I can call my dealership I buy my parts from and get the code for you.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 10:31 AM
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Jamesbo.... what the heck you talkin about, lol? Well it's up to 25 degrees. The sun was clouded over by 10:00. At least I got to see it for a few minutes, lol. I had me a nice cold icy walk around the complex at noon. Only one lap around today. It's nice to get out in the fresh air!!! I had a big bowl of leftover Jamesbo's tomato hamburger soup for lunch.... yummmmmmmy!

I emailed our accountant this morning asking if we could deduct what we've paid on Nicole's tuition. He said if she is a dependent, we might be able to use some credit, but our income will probably put us over. figures.. I told him that she is living with us again though, so we might be able to claim her as a dependent again. That would help lower what we're gonna owe, some. Anything will help! I don't think she's paid in enough to even get anything back from last year if she does her own taxes anyhow. Well the accountant can do hers and figure out which way would be best. I sure wish we had the money it looks like we have on paper, lol.

Linda got a whopping $11 raise in her SSI disibility check. I told her not to get excited, her rent will go up now since it's subsidized housing. Always something....
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 11:17 AM
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Sandy, I'm talk'in 'bout not fil'in your taxes on April 15. Ya can extend it.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 01:22 PM
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OOOOhhhhhhh! Now that makes sense, lol.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 02:11 PM
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Hi everyone,
Sun's shining here and the temp is rising to the + side! Still lots of snow/ice on most of the roads that should have been scraped off a long time ago but wasn't.

Scot - cute lil pup ya got there. Perfect 'lap' dog.

Clint - yup there's lots to do even when it's cold. But it's nice to go out too. Today was curling practice at the Saville. Got there and a man lift was out trying to de-ice the gutters. So much ice and snow the gutters overflowed, froze and bent into U shapes hanging down. Only making the Beef Jerky because the meat was on sale and I was a little bored.

Mike - The GM theftlock radios you're talking about? I think that you only need the code if the radio has been locked, and you need to code to lock or unlock it. I bought a new AM/FM Cassette/CD player for my (now defunct) 98 and it was straight plug and play. No code needed even when disconnecting the battery. Maybe it's changed now? Wouldn't hurt to get the code from Clint though. I'm not sure that you can re-fab the harness, most of these radios have about 64 pin connectors on the back for all the fancy options. You need the same kind of connector in the van as what was in the donor I think.

Ted - 10 lbs of Jerky?? Are you nuts? I bought 3.7kg of meat and that only yields around 1.5lbs of jerky. I'd have to buy over 20kg of meat to do 10lbs of jerky. Tell you son to go work at Jack LInks or Oberto?? You can't eat this stuff all the time - it's just a quick fix snack. Jerky will rehydrate back to it's normal size inside your body.

Tried some of the Teriyaki batch and it was mmmm, mmmm good. The other batch is going as I type.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 03:00 PM
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Angry Day late and a dollar ahead

Saw an add for a 71 OAI steel hood and origional air cleaner on Craigslist over the weekend. The add came from a town about 75 miles from here. Replied to the add 3 times over the next couple of days. I get a message on my machine from today from yesterday to call the guy back. He sold it an hour after he called and left me a message for $450.00 wA/c. Seems he had 2 442's and 1 W 30 car in a garage hit by tornado and had parted everything out. Of course all the good stuff was gone.........OH WELL
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 03:04 PM
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Ouch! That hurts. Unfortunately those 'next times' don't show up all that often. Sorry you lost out on it.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 04:52 PM
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Mike ,you don't know me,but I read this thread every now and then.But since I read your post about your dogs I have been checking every day.I got to tell you my heart aches for you.If this ever happened to me I don't know what I would do.My Ben is my best friend and I would be lost without him.When I am home he sticks to me like glue.He's sitting here next to me as I type this.Good luck.I hope they come home soon.As you can see,he did get a little carried away on New Years Eve.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 05:27 PM
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Evening everyone.

CTsplicer what a nice thing to say. I gotta tell you, I've gotten more support and well wishes from my friends here. Oddly enough, I've never met any of them but I feel so close to everyone. Your Ben looks like a fine boy. Hug him tight for me.

Well I felt guilty this morning when I went to bed. I thought, this will be the first time in over three years that I can sleep all day and not be disturbed. Trust me, I'd rather be disturbed, but I do feel a lot better and hopefully things will be better at work tonight. Although, about 630 my sister called and woke me up. I think I was sleeping upside down and the room was all dark and I had no idea what was going on.

Allan those are the radios. The big square ones. My van had a square radio at one time, but it's not there now. I thought every time the power was interupted it needed to be unlocked.

Okay time to hit the road. Everyone have a good night and tomorrow is Friday!
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 06:43 PM
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Hey Mike,
I believe I have one in storage that I'm not going to use. Only thing wrong with it is it doesn't always eject the CD. It's an AM/FM with cassette/CD if you know how to fix the CD? I have the security code for the radio. If you want it, you can have it for the cost of the ride to your place. If interested send me your address in a PM and we can take it from there? Oh - it's an Oldsmobile stereo unit and has all the whistle and bells connections for steering wheel controls.

Hope you have a great evening.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 06:53 PM
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what is a Roush Mustang?

Well i guess you had get shopping and quite typing Allan Wow i did not realize that it would lose that much weight when curing meat.Actually, i think i already own Jack Links by now

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Old January 3rd, 2013, 07:04 PM
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Ted, it's a stang that gets a makeover from Roush Performance. I'm not well versed on Ford but I believe Roush is the new leader in Mustang performance. Maybe someone will know if it's a spin off from Shelby? Easier for you to read in this link

LOL, yes the meat loses amost 3/4 of its weight and about 1/3 it's volume in the dehydrator. Maybe I should build a 'supersize' one and use it for an hour a day....
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Old January 4th, 2013, 05:18 AM
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Wow, Allan. Not really sure the rest of the family would want the aroma of 'Allan Jerky' wafting through the house

Morning all.

Mike, some of the Theft lock radios have a list of things you have to do to unlock them. I think they may be called "theftlock II" but I'm not sure.
Here I found this writeup on how to disable the feature.
Dad and 'Ozzy' are 2 peas in a pod now. He won't admit he needed a dog, (at least not to me) but he did confide in my mother how happy that little guy makes him. So I gambled and won this time.

Ted, Roush is a competitor of Shelby and Saleen. They perform all types of hop-ups for the stangs. They have some nice stuff, but mostly what I see is what it looks like after a teen wraps it around a pole or tree.

Allan, I have a north facing roofline on my garage that icedams. But it needs to get above freezing during the day to make it happen. we haven't seen that in a while. spose to hit 46F today. we'll see.

Have a great Friday all.
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Old January 4th, 2013, 05:26 AM
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TGIF Oldsmofriends

A mite chilly in da south dis mawnin but it's supposed to be a great weekend.

Thanks all fer the complements on my pooch

I cooked some homemade "New" potato soup yummy Everybody enjoyed it so I guess it will become on of the cool weather faves.

Mike keep you head up brother, someone is bound to have seen the pups

Sampson that is a bummer about the W-25 hood, someone got a steal.

Well I hope everyone has a safe weekend and I hope Mike finds his pups soon.
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Old January 4th, 2013, 05:48 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Frost on the pumpkin this morning. Actually it was frost on the Saturn when I came out of work. I think 50s today for Atlanta?

Thanks anyway, Allan, I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to fix that CD player. I need to read Clint's article and then go find something that will work in the van. It would have to be an older radio anyway because most of my recorded music is on cassette and try to find one of those at Best Buy.

Happened to mention in passing to a friend of mine about the dogs and he said, look my wife up on facebook and friend her, she's a member of every rescue, volunteers at shelters, lists animals on websites, etc. I said heck if I would have known that I'd have called you first. So I'm hooked up with her now and she's going to add my name to some list. Something's gotta work, I'm running out of options.

Okay gonna hit the sack. Hope everyone has a great day and is ready for the weekend.
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Old January 4th, 2013, 05:54 AM
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Mawn'in all

A mite chili down ere

Mike, I'm wit Scot, Someone has got your dogs. It's just a matter of finding out who/where. If ya find them, I'll send uncle Louie down to werk over their knee caps.
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Old January 4th, 2013, 05:55 AM
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Morning All!

A warmer 27 degrees here this morning. They said we should see some sun, but I'm not holding my breath. Next week is looking like the January thaw already. Temps gonna be in the 40's some days. I'll take it!!

Clay took one of his carry over vacation days today, so he's not here. It's quiet without him. Brian is coughing and sneezing. I brought extra vitamin C to take today, lol. I stayed away from Linda when she had the crap, Nicole is just starting to get over it, now Brian has it! I gotta get more Lysol or Clorox wipes when we go shopping tonight. I gotta keep my imune system up.....

So I added up all the medical bills I've paid and prescriptions I bought for myself and Nicole in 2012.... the total is $5,848!!!!! I don't think I'll be able to use that as a tax deduction, but I'm gonna try!! I think they're supposed to allow what you've paid in health insurance premiums too, but I'll have to go to the IRS website and look that up. If that's the case, my total medical crap paid will be almost $8,000.00. That's a shi*load of money, lol. Sure wish I had that $5 grand in cash.... And if I would have paid off Akron General and Ahuja, it would be even more. I still owe them $900 and $800. It sucks.

I took out the Guardian Dental policy through work last year, but I don't know if I should renew it this year. It was $28 a paycheck, and I've paid over $600 in to it. It paid for 2 cleanings for Nicole and 2 cleanings for me. I know cleanings aren't that much money.... I think Nicole's were $177 each and mine are $98 or so. I was worried I'd have more trouble with my jaw and it would pay some on that. So I guess I'll have to see what the price goes up to this year, how much the health insurance goes up to, and how much my paycheck is going down with the new taxes.

Larry is starting the usual grumpiness about taxes already. I understand, but he needs to stop dwelling on the negative crap and move forward.....

I got the notices in the mail for Tincanio and the Intrigue to be E-checked this year before I get new tags in March. I hate E-check...... Hope the Intrigue passes. She hasn't had any dash lights on lately, so I hope she's running ok enough to pass.

It sure has been a long week for a short one, lol. Back to full weeks next week, no more days off until Good Friday. But at least that's in March this year. This is the long stretch. Nicole goes back to class on Monday.

Well you all have a great Friday!
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Old January 4th, 2013, 09:52 AM
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Mike - the radio has AM/FM AND cassette. That's what most of my music was back then too. It's from a 1995 model Regency if that helps? Little by little I'm upgrading to CD. I got a really nice AM/FM cassette/CD player with equalizer for Joanne's Saturn for around 25.00 at the boneyard 4 years ago. Works really well and doesn't have theftlock. But then again, it will only fit a High or Low Saturn.

Clint - Ba ha ha ha ha ha. Good one! I get the occasional ice dam like that too on my attached garage - it faces north too. Mostly it's just snow built up on the eves area. I guess I should get a rake or something and clean it back about 3' to avoid the ice. Only problem is I think it will take all my lights off the eves when I pull the snow forward?

Jamesbo - That's what I was thinking too. It's why I asked if the glass was broken inward or outward on the lower part of the door. BTW, thank you.

Scot - mmmmm, pass de soup please....
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Old January 4th, 2013, 09:57 AM
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Hey Mike, not sure if you are interested but here is a site that may help. There was a story in the Raleigh paper about a local lady who lost her dog 2 years ago and it was found in Charlotte (120 mi away) this year by a vet who scanned a stray for a chip! As Jimmy Valvano said "DON'T EVER GIVE UP"
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Old January 4th, 2013, 11:17 AM
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Happy 2:13pm!

That guy with the wife who's involved with all the rescues called me about 11 and said someone posted to her facebook that they saw my dogs in my neighborhood. Though they didn't say when. So I got up and was out looking for 2 1/2 hours. Nothing. I wasn't about to go back to sleep, though. I just got back home and am going to have a quick bite then go back to bed. I know that guy is going to call back, I just hope I'm not upside down and disoriented like when my sister called yesterday.

Signs go up tomorrow. That's the last thing I can do. I'm going to look around Sampson's website he just posted more closely tomorrow also. Thanks S.

See ya.
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Old January 4th, 2013, 11:53 AM
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Hopefully the sighting was for real and they were your pups. That would really narrow down the search. Just out of curiosity do you have any neighbors who you suspect would take them or let them loose when you're not there?
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