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Old December 18th, 2012, 07:10 AM
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Howdy everyone.

Jamesbo do I detect that you felt a little slighted you didn't have an easy bake oven as a kid? I don't remember if my sister had one of those. My Mom was always baking(with the real oven) so I guess it wasn't a big deal.

John hope those sniffels go away soon. I've heard of a lot of people being sick these days. The Cadillac is an 87 Brougham. Talk about elegant. I remember when they were new and I just loved them. So I finally got one. Blue, blue leather, 307 Olds, everything works. Just under 87000 miles. It shows up in my signature once in a while.

Sandy I'll be helping my Mom make cookies when I'm there this week. And I'll bring a bunch home with me. When I was young my Mom was a cookie factory at Christmas. Everyone in the neighborhood got cookies and they were renowned. She's toned it down some the past few years but now she makes these plates with the colors on the back and puts them on there.

I'm looking at my boy and one side of his mouth is swollen. Couldn't be a bee sting I hope it doesn't get any worse. He didn't look like that when I left this morning.

Okay! Got lots to do. Everyone have a great day.
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Old December 18th, 2012, 07:59 AM
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but if I had a son I wouldn't buy one for him though.
Can't say that I would either, I started out on the real one when I was about 9 yrs olds, and mom and dad weren't up early enough for me....I survived and nothing was burnt down!
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Old December 18th, 2012, 11:54 AM
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Mike, I hope he doesn't have bad tooth
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Old December 18th, 2012, 12:10 PM
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He doesn't seem to be in any pain, and chews on his bone so who knows. He'll be at the kennel the next few days so I'll tell the vet to keep an eye on him.

I just heard that a team of Golden Retrievers went to Connecticut as "comfort" dogs. Made everyone smile. If you ask me dogs are magic.

Jamesbo one more time, where is the Coffee Cup in Pensacola? I could go back and look it up but the way we go through pages it's probably 20 pages ago.

Beautiful day here. Gonna go put a new battery in the Cadillac now.
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Old December 18th, 2012, 12:30 PM
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520 E Cervantes [Which is de main E/W street downtown]

Goldens are special Red Dog would feel right at home anywhere he has a couch.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 04:46 AM
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Morning all.

Woke up early to get a head start on plowing. The News has been abuzz on this terrible storm named 'Draco'. Yes, they are naming snowstorms now. Well, not a flake when I woke up. It just started to snow and its fairly light at that.

Hope everyone as a great day. I found out yesterday that I'm a leader in medical technology. I've been helping the cure of cancer for years.

Happy Wednesday.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 05:50 AM
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Mawn'in all

Chili Willi dis mawn'in.

Nice wake up Clint. Glad you're do'in your part fer de cause.

My Mother wasn't much of a baker. Guess dat's why I'm not either. I occasionally bake bread but never cookie or cakes [Well almost never] I occasionally make Parmesan crackers.

Maybe it's because I don't eat many sweets. Now De Super model will jump on a stack of Oreos like a hobo on a bologna sandwich.

Well, Need to get mov'in.

Have a Great Day Olds Friends
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Old December 19th, 2012, 06:10 AM
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Morning All!

Cloudy this morning, temps in the 30's. Supposed to be sunny today, rainy and windy tomorrow, then the snow comes blowing in on Friday.

Clint... I haven't heard a name for the storm yet.... I assume it's the same storm cause they showed it coming from your direction? Who knows. I love how dramatic they get anymore. I swear life is all about the drama.... I saw that 'boob squeeze' thing, lol. I'm not gonna believe it, but nice to know millions of men have been helping the cause all these years!

Tonight is Bellacino's! I am looking soooo forward to it!! I asked Larry this morning if he wanted to go with me and he said "no... you go and visit with your men friends." I said - how about my women friends, can I visit with them too? And he said "I didn't know you had any women friends". So I mentioned Pam and Sherri with the truck, etc... He said "All I ever hear you talk about is Ron the old guy and other guys." I said that Ron is my favorite. Then he pipes up with "As long as there aren't any black ones. I'd have to draw the line at that." I said - well black people like cars too.... maybe I can even find some mexican or puerto rican friends. He said - "Well let me know where to send your stuff." I walked away. I'm thinking, Really??? My God I've never seen anything like it in my life. Just when I think I've seen every derogatory side to this guy, he surprises me. Life is too short to be filled with such hate.....

Speaking of idiots, Charlie is giving Nicole a hard time now about getting rid of his stuff and moving and all that. He supposedly has the Army attorney taking their old landlord at that house in Ravenna to court for 'evicting' Nicole, because Charlie is in the Army and the guy had no right to evict her without notifying Charlie, and yadda yadda yadda.... He said he is making payments on that back rent to the apartment place. Maybe he is... the collection agency guy hasn't tried to contact Nicole for about 3 weeks now. Think I'll call them at noon pretending to be her again and find out for sure. He wants his laptop back, so she will give that to him. And the box of stuff I saved for him. I really don't want her around the guy - she sure doesn't have Larry's help in watching her back anymore. I don't trust Charlie's psycho a$$! I told her to meet him in public somewhere. So she has all this stress coming down on her. I feel so bad. She said he called us 'a bunch of civilians' and kept saying how he is in the Army now defending our country and we should all be so grateful to him.... I said - he just completed basic training. It was his choice to join. When he's on the front lines somewhere defending our country, I will thank him. I am not bowing down to someone who just finished basic training.... I'm not impressed. He's not going to be on the front lines anyhow. He's going to Alabama to work on helicopters.

Can this month get any more stressful?? I shouldn't have asked that, lol.

I'm taking off Friday. I made an appointment early morning to take Tincanio to Conrads in Macedonia to get the tires rotated. I can't afford new ones this year. Then I'm gonna get my hair colored, do some shopping, and then take Tincanio to Kent to the Toyota dealer and have the latest recall fixed. The one where the power window motor inside the door can cause a fire. So I'm hoping the roads don't get real bad. I hate to be out driving on Fridays in the snow.... bad juju for this family.

I don't plan on doing a whole lot over the weekend. Some cleaning and that's about it. I just want to sit down. What I'd really like to do is go somewhere and get away from everyone and everything!

Well you all have a good hump day!
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Old December 19th, 2012, 06:23 AM
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Hi goodbye

Morning everyone.

Big solid frost on the cars this morning. So much for the warm weather station. The porch was icy as well and the dogs had all they could do to stand up straight. The sun is out though and everything is melting.

So I'm off to Pensacola today. I look forward to seeing my family, even if it is just for a couple days. Got the car loaded up and the dogs taken care of.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week. See you back here on Saturday.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 09:47 AM
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Hola, Oldsmofolks

Back at the salt mine today. At least the sore throat has abated, but the "swollen head" feeling persists. I guess it just has to run its course.

Thanks, Scot, Sandy, & Mike, for the well-wishes... I can offcially report that I'll live .

Nuttin' too terribly important to report on today. Was a little chilly (41*) this morning; but the system is supposed to come tonight into tomorrow and give us rain and chillier temps.

Hope everybody's ready for Christmas.... I sure ain't...

Have a great humpity, folks.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 09:52 AM
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John, Have you ever read 'bout leaving and halved onion in a room to soak up germs. I read it sumwhar jes can't remember whar. Try it an report back please
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Old December 19th, 2012, 10:15 AM
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Have fun and enjoy yourself, Mike!

Glad you're feeling better, John.

I had to go down to Giant Eagle at noon and get gas cards for Linda for her kids. People are nuts.... went across the lot and ate lunch at Taco Hell.... had me a meximelt and a soft taco. Brian stayed in at lunch so I was leaving anyhow, lol.

Today is the busiest the phones have been for 2 months! I'm lovin it. Brian is whining about all the calls and emails. Poor baby...... I guess people are trying to get things before the holiday now. Everything is a rush!!

I'm soooooo proud of Nicole! She got an A on her final today, and her final grade is 92% for the semester. I sure hope she gets a job in a vet office later in the course when they do their shadowing.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Bee-Oh-Pee
Nuttin' too terribly important to report on today. Was a little chilly (41*) this morning; but the system is supposed to come tonight into tomorrow and give us rain and chillier temps.

Hope everybody's ready for Christmas.... I sure ain't...

Have a great humpity, folks.
well we got you beat.. it was a freezing 23* and now up the projected high of 27* The storm we got yesterday fizzled.. at least here in SLC.. the areas south got it..
they are saying a possible Monday storm.. - I would LOVE that..

No I am not ready but I hope to be shortly.
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Old December 19th, 2012, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
I'm soooooo proud of Nicole! She got an A on her final today, and her final grade is 92% for the semester. I sure hope she gets a job in a vet office later in the course when they do their shadowing.
Congratulations to Nicole!!!
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Old December 19th, 2012, 12:57 PM
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Good Wednesday Afternoon All

Beautimus day here 70*F, but it's supposed to storm tomorrow again. There were 3 confirmed twisters the other day just east and south of us Hopefully it will cloud up early so the heat won't contribute to the storms fury

Congrats to Nicole for doing so good Tell her to keep it up

John it's good to hear you can still fog up a mirror I heard of the onion thing in a room, but a warning is that I've heard that they are very poisonous to eat after sitting out for long periods of time after slicing. Supposedly you take a half of an onion and put it in a jar in the bedroom of the sick patient and it will turn black by "sucking" up the airborne viruses. Then just toss it out and voilla But I've never tried it. I would think that the time it takes to turn it black most people would be well by then anywho

Good deal on the helping prevent cancer Clint
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Old December 20th, 2012, 05:31 AM
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Buenos dias, Oldsmophiles

Whelpt, Jamesbo mus B sleeping in dis mawnin'..... His message will probably be posted when I go to post this.

Another day at the salt mine; but since everything will end tomorrow at about 5 a.m. our time, I might start my Christmas vacation early....

I hadn't had a cup of coffee in about 4 days w/ the cold, and made the mistake of drinking a cup at about 7:30 last night at a little gathering of friends in Hammond.... well, I was in bed for 9 and I remember looking at the clock around midnight and hadn't slept a wink.... so I'll have a drowsy day today, to go along with my other maladies....

Congrats on that super grade, Nicole (and Sandy!) You don't get a grade like that by not studying and being on top your game, that's fer sure....

It was 74 on the S. Shore this morning' (62 on on N. Shore). But it's raining heavily pretty good now and temps are supposed to drop to the 30s tonite . But all this talk about highs in the 20s in Utah make me glad for what we got.... Sure do got me beat, Jef! Good luck w/ the Christmas prep.... I think I've resigned myself to giving Amazon gift certificates this year....

Have a great Thirsty Thursday, friends.
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Old December 20th, 2012, 05:53 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cow on de flat rock down ere

AND LOST ANUTTER F(^)(*&_*&$% post when I hit de wrong key.

Y'all will jes hafta try to figger out what brilliance message ya missed.
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Old December 20th, 2012, 05:54 AM
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Morning All!

Well it's windy here this morning, cloudy and dark, but temps around 40 right now. The winds are supposed to get worse and heavy rain coming in later. Turning to snow tonight.

I sure hope it isn't horrible bad snow tomorrow with all the running around I have to do. I think we're supposed to get the worst of it tomorrow night and in to Saturday. I could really do without any!!!

Nicole went with me to Bellacino's last night. It was fun. Nice to see the folks who were there. Some had been and gone by the time I got there after 6. I took a calendar with me for Ron, but he wasn't there.

My friends Pam and Joe Mazzola, who put on the Ravenna shows, was there, and we sat with them. Pam was saying that Joe's Cuda is on the Summit Racing gift card! It was her Challenger that Summit featured on the cover of their catalog and also did the center fold on this summer. They are both beautiful cars. What an honor.... to have your car put on a gift card! So if you see a Summit Racing gift card, you'll know who's car that is, lol.

It's quiet in here this morning. I loved yesterday when it was so busy!

I will tell Nicole you all said congrats to her! Thanks. Her class is having a little Christmas party at a skating rink today. She made a pineapple upside down cake yesterday to take today. Linda wants her to come up and help her make cookies Saturday, but I don't know how the roads will be......

I got gas last night for only $2.98/gal over in Stow!! I only needed a 1/4 to fill up, but I took advantage of it, lol. Our gas here is still in the $3.25 range.

Well you all have a great day! It's my Friday so it will go slow for me.....
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Old December 20th, 2012, 07:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
John, Have you ever read 'bout leaving and halved onion in a room to soak up germs. I read it sumwhar jes can't remember whar. Try it an report back please
lol , somehow that doesn't sound like a good idea .

Originally Posted by GAOldsman
I heard of the onion thing in a room, but a warning is that I've heard that they are very poisonous to eat after sitting out for long periods of time after slicing. Supposedly you take a half of an onion and put it in a jar in the bedroom of the sick patient and it will turn black by "sucking" up the airborne viruses. Then just toss it out and voilla But I've never tried it. I would think that the time it takes to turn it black most people would be well by then anywho .
mmmmmm , onion soup anyone ?

Last edited by oldsguybry; December 20th, 2012 at 07:08 AM.
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Old December 20th, 2012, 07:55 AM
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I hate when that happens

Jamesbo, what I do when I'm composing is about every 3-4 minutes, select your whole message with the cursor and copy it to the clipboard (<Ctrl> C). That way you're kind of doing backups of yer work. It's helped me a couple times in the past, since losing these miserable posts is so common. That way, the most you'll ever lose is 3-4 minutes worth. If Internet Exploder bombs, you can open it again and just paste in what's on the clipboard.

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Cow on de flat rock down ere

AND LOST ANUTTER F(^)(*&_*&$% post when I hit de wrong key.

Y'all will jes hafta try to figger out what brilliance message ya missed.
BTW, I retract my cool forecast for manana.
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Old December 20th, 2012, 09:59 AM
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John, do you have any idea how hard it is for me to "Think" in the a.m.?
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Old December 20th, 2012, 10:51 AM
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Well the rain arrived here at lunch time. It's very windy now too. It ain't a lookin pretty, lol. Guess Nicole is going up to Lins today after their party to help Lin make cookies.

Houston is shutting down the plant tomorrow at 10 am for their annual Christmas party. The employees bring their families and they even bring in Santa for the little kids. I'd like to go sometime. I don't know what time these guys will get out of here tomorrow. Last year it was 2:00. I get to take however many hours they leave early, in comp time, since I'm taking a vacation day. So if they leave at 2, I can use 3 hrs comp time in the spring..... Works for me!

No Clint so far today.... hope the weather doesn't have them buried or something!
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Old December 20th, 2012, 10:56 AM
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Naw I'm here. Just too much to do and not enough time to get it all done. We only got about 5-6" yesterday. I went and bought a 40K mile truck today. Toyotas with 200K are going for close to the same price. Insane.

I'll read up and get back on later.
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Old December 20th, 2012, 12:47 PM
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Think? Whassat mean?

You do the backups and I'll slice the onion.... ~~

Actually, when I knew I was going to do an epic post, I'd do it in Word first, then cut & paste. But now, I just copy to clipboard every so often; easier.... but if the whole computer bombs, yer out anyhoots . But losin' dem long posts is just too painful....

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
John, do you have any idea how hard it is for me to "Think" in the a.m.?

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; December 20th, 2012 at 12:50 PM.
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Old December 20th, 2012, 01:14 PM
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Well the rain is diminishing But will be windy and cold afterwards

It is way easier to just left click and highlight everything prior to clicking anything then right click on "copy" and it's saved. Then if you accidentally press the wrong button all you have to do is paste and try again
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Old December 20th, 2012, 01:51 PM
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How in the Wild Wild World of Sports do I know when sum of my hen scratch'in will turn into an "Epic Post"
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Old December 20th, 2012, 01:58 PM
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Jamesbo your posts contain wisdom of EPIC proportion

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Old December 20th, 2012, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Jamesbo your posts contain wisdom of EPIC proportion

X2 Always words to live by
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Old December 21st, 2012, 04:06 AM
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TGIF --- especially this one !

Whelpt, unless Rod Serling is looming around my office building while explaining to his viewers some background to my exact predicament, I think the world continues to exist today, thank the Good Lord.

Glad my original weather foreacast seems to have come to fruition, rather than that hi-temp alternate. It was 37 at the Plantation this mornin' and about 44 on S. Shore. But windy as a politician's inagural speech, and dry as a tinder box.

Not much time left to Advent, or in today's culture, "shopping days."
I guess it's time for me to get the better half a little gift, lest I get left in the cold, figuratively and literally.

I'm hopin' all have a great Friday and final Advent weekend.... time for me to take a minute or two to remember the reason for the season .

(And dittos on above 2 posts)
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Old December 21st, 2012, 04:58 AM
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happy Friday everyone.

Gonna go pick up the new pick up this morning. Then we'll (Arney and myself) be cruising in style.

That way we'll be able to go start our shopping for the season and have a nice secure place to store our loot.

Stay warm John, not sure how you handle such frigid temps.

Sorry I been lacking Sandy. I, too would like to congratulate you and Nicole on a job well done. Did you get any good leads on more reasonable upholsterers?

Have a great Friday all.
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Old December 21st, 2012, 05:35 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cold as a well digger's shovel down ere dis mawn'in

Adrian, Why didn't ya give us a heads up on the world not com'in to an end. You shoulda been one of de 1st CO members to know.

Pat/Scot, Many tanks BUT I jes feel like my post are mostly dribble.

Welp, GTG fill up de wood rack

Y'all enjoy anutter day w/o de world ending

Oh Yeah, Gotta take my Toys fer Tots down to Pubics [They're the pic up place fer de U.S.M.C] today is de last day. We didn't do too bad
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Old December 21st, 2012, 05:50 AM
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Morning All!

Its snowy this morning. Roads are just wet but driveways and parking lots are icy from all the rain yesterday. We just have a dusting of snow right now, but the worst is yet to come. Its still very windy too.

I'm sitting at Conrads waiting for them to get Tincanio in for the tire rotation.... Don Joseph Toyota called and rescheduled the recall appointment I had this afternoon until next Wednesday night, cause they did not get their parts shipment in. I guess they want to do both recalls at the same time. I forgot about the recall on the rear control arm or some kind of arm back there, lol. So my afternoon is free now.

I should go in to Autozone while I'm here and get front rotors for the Intrigue, and then see if Conrads or Defer will put them on for Nicole, since Larry isn't talking to her again. When he did the brakes he ground the rotors, but they or one of them must be warped or something cause when she steps on the brake, the car jerks like the antilocks are kicking in. I dunno. Its always something I don't have money for, lol.

Clint.... I have a name of another guy who does upholstery that I got from Jay over at Bellacinos the other night. So I have to give him a call and see what he says. I'm thinking I should just go ahead and order the material and at least I'll have it. I hear SMS can be slow in shipping....

Jamesbo.... we certainly would be lost without all your words of wisdom.... and recipes!

Well you all have a great Friday and stay safe!!
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Old December 21st, 2012, 06:37 AM
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Good Friday Mawnin All

Ditto here Jamesbo on the well digger's er um shovel

A little Civil War history for the week of Christmas for those interested

This week 150 years ago in the Civil War, a Confederate cavalryman with a knack for raiding and disrupting Union rail and supply lines, embarked on his famed Christmas raid into Kentucky. He was Confederate Gen. John Hunt Morgan. Morgan and nearly 4,000 Confederate cavalry troops under his command left Tennessee on Dec. 22, 1862, beginning a mission to harass and disrupt Union troops and supply lines in the key border state. All told, his troopers destroyed miles of railroad tracks, cut telegraph lines, burned supply depots and briefly occupied several Kentucky towns along the way, capturing and then paroling numerous Union troops. By Dec. 28, 1862, he approached a key objective: two tall railroad trestles of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad. After an artillery barrage on two nearby Union stockades, Morgan captured hundreds of prisoners and burned the trestles. Then, after New Year's Eve, his forces retreated into Tennessee. Many in the South would boast of his daring. By May he would be lauded by the Confederate Congress for his heroic service to the secession. Still later in the war, he would be captured and imprisoned by the Union. He would later escape, making his way back behind Confederate lines, only to be shot and killed in Tennessee in 1864.

Yall have a safe weekend ya hear?
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Old December 21st, 2012, 09:12 AM
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Well..... Tincanio needs brakes and rotors all around. I knew I had a brake problem cause she makes noise every once in a while. They want $445 to do it. He said I could also use 2 new tires, the other 2 aren't that bad yet. I cant afford to do any of it right now. I have Teepo insurance due Jan. 1st, then insurance on Tincanio and the intrigue due in Feb. Sure wish I wasn't paying medical bills that I shouldn't have to be paying.... bet Dr. Cha ching Banks can get tires and brakes if he needs them, lol.

I do have the money in my savings but I hate to get into that. I'll have to think about it. I should ask Defer their opinion but I don't want them to know I went to someone else.

I went to Kohl's and got Nicole a nice leather purse and card holder wallet. I forgot to print the 25% off coupon I got in my email yesterday of course! So there went $80 real fast.

Its the most stressful time of the year..... glad I have you guys to vent to!
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Old December 21st, 2012, 11:55 AM
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I need a little help here Olds Friends. Y'all know I own a cemetery right?

Welp, I'm looking fer sum way to attached a plastic brochure stand [You know the ones that hold a 3 fold brochure that fits in a # 10 letter size envelope. ] to a tent pole. Like a funeral tent pole.

The plastic brochure holder is made fer wall mounting an has 2 pre drilled holes in it. Put I'm trying to figger out a way to TEMPORARILY put one on a funeral tent.

I keep thinking 1] Either sum kinda of "S" hook where gravity would keep it held up or 2] sum kinda clip like the ones you hang on a wail to snap a mop/broom into

I'd say [guessing[ the tent pole are 2" thick

Got any helpful hints?
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Old December 21st, 2012, 12:48 PM
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Zip ties
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Old December 21st, 2012, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
I need a little help here Olds Friends. Y'all know I own a cemetery right?

Welp, I'm looking fer sum way to attached a plastic brochure stand [You know the ones that hold a 3 fold brochure that fits in a # 10 letter size envelope. ] to a tent pole. Like a funeral tent pole.

The plastic brochure holder is made fer wall mounting an has 2 pre drilled holes in it. Put I'm trying to figger out a way to TEMPORARILY put one on a funeral tent.

I keep thinking 1] Either sum kinda of "S" hook where gravity would keep it held up or 2] sum kinda clip like the ones you hang on a wail to snap a mop/broom into

I'd say [guessing[ the tent pole are 2" thick

Got any helpful hints?
You could use heavy duty snaps like a person would use on canvas. Mount the male snaps on the post with screws and install the female snap on the placard with pop rivets.

Just finished up my annual bourbon ball recipe now gotta store in a sealed container for a couple on days then yum yum
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Old December 22nd, 2012, 05:29 AM
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Mawn'in all

Dagum it's cold

Scot, I'll try'in to keep this a "Class Act" dat's why zip ties won't werk. Duct tape either.

Pat, Not a bad idear BUT the tents [and poles] aren't mine, They come [and go]with the funeral homes. So dat won't werk either.

As I ponder further, I'm not sure the "S" hook would werk with people [hopefully] pulling up/out brochures

Allan, You're a mechanical kinda guy Whatcha think?
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Old December 22nd, 2012, 06:31 AM
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Good morning everyone!

What a great time I had in Pensacola. Got to see my sister as well as the peeps that live near my Mom. Lots of good food and cookies! I wish I could have stayed longer, but alas my puppies need to be sprung out of dog jail.

Jamesbo we went to The Coffee Cup. Neat place. Good food. Small. It must have been good because Mom said the coffee was good. It was about 6 miles from home so that place is a keeper. Saw a picture of the restaurant circa 1950, with a Packard and Cadillac out front. The building looked the same. I'll make the air museum next time.

Why don't you attach your letter holder to a wooden spike and stick it in the ground next to the tent, and not attach it to the tent at all?

Sunny and 40 right now, and the days are getting longer! I guess we had quite a wind storm yesterday. Got some branches to pick up in the back yard and the cover on my neighbor's boat needs adjusting, again.

Okay gonna get moving. A quick stopover in Awful house and then to get my dogs. Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old December 22nd, 2012, 09:30 AM
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Jamesbo - post a picture of the brochure stand you have. There are a lot of them on the market. Easier to figure out a solution if we can see the item.
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