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Old June 20th, 2019, 01:29 PM
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Good Afternoon Guys:
I guess we are getting ready for the first day of summer tomorrow since it is 95 degrees here. I went for my walk a little earlier today since it is getting so dang hot. It is not the temp as much as it is the sun. I did 3.7 miles this morning. I have taken most of the day off today. I was going to try and get my dirt and sod put out this week but they forecast thunderstorms yesterday. Never happened. I hope to start on that project early next week. The AC guy just got here to service the upstairs unit. It has a very slow leak in it and we have to add Freon every couple years. Both units are original to the house and are 21 years old. I know there is a big deal about Freon being discontinued.
Mike, I know airlines like to fly those widebodies on international flights. I am sure crew and pilot qualifications are a big deal in switching planes. I have several hundred thousand miles on the MD-80's. I hated those planes. I hit over 1 million miles on American. I never flew the 747 or 777 but I did fly the new 787 and that is really a nice plane. I don't miss flying. After 911 it really became a pain.
I remember Pat. He was a really nice guy, knew his Oldsmobiles and was glad to help out. I remember he retired (I believe he was an electrician) and moved to Idaho I think. I believe he had an auto accident. Very unfortunate.
That is about all I have at the moment. I think my wife and I are going out for an early dinner this evening. Nothing fancy.
Have a good evening guys.
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Old June 20th, 2019, 01:57 PM
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Glenn - I didn't know you were a retired pilot. That's a lot of miles under your belt - WOW! You do remember Pat well ( Citcapp ) I never did ask him how he got his screen name but I was always curious. I think he started out in Oregon didn't he?

Making home made pizza tonight. Jim kinda inspired me. It won't be anywhere near round though - more like a square because it's easier to proportion and cut. Extra meat, extra cheese, veggies and red onjuns, black olive slices, mo cheese, mo meat...yummy! I can't put my favorite topping on or the missus and boy won't touch it.
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Old June 20th, 2019, 02:19 PM
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I wish I were a retired pilot. I got a lot of those miles commuting to New York every week for 2 1/2 years. Over the years I travelled a lot going and looking at properties in different states. I think there are only 8 states I have not been in. West Virginia is the only one east of the Mississippi that I have not been in. The rest are all in the mid west. I have not been to Canada. I have been to Oklahoma but I really don't remember (sorry I could not help that).
Pat was from Oregon. He had a 57 he put a 455 in and I think it was a 48 slantback he was building. I don't think it was very far along. Such a shame to get your retirement all planned out and then not live to enjoy it.
The pizza sounds good. I have never made pizza. Enjoy.
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Old June 20th, 2019, 06:23 PM
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Allan, Yeah I may have come off wrong with the guy. I didn't even talk to him before, I just knew from my friend that he wanted $300. I used to buy and sell old cars as a sideline business in the 80's and have offered (and been offered) many lowball prices. I just figure its part of the game. I've had plenty of people say something like "aw come on I can't take that" or similar, but this is the first time I had a guy come unglued. You would have thought I insulted his wife or daughter. That's Ok, I don't need his tank anyway. I drove by his place and it's still there. There was a 500 Gallon tank on Craigslist for $450, but it was 100 miles away. But I did call on it and it was sold. I'm going to a auction that has a 500 gallon one on it, we'll see if I get that one.
Good day today, rainy until about 3 then got sunny. Tomorrow sposta be sunny. I need to mow the yard and cut up a maple tree that fell on a trail on the land. I need a partner to cut wood with a chainsaw. I have some safety chaps but using a chainsaw alone in the woods is insane. Too dangerous. I'm looking forward to doing some outside stuff...
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Old June 21st, 2019, 06:07 AM
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Beautimus day

Headed norte

Have a great weekend Olds friends
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Old June 21st, 2019, 08:14 AM
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Good Morning Guys:
This may be the earliest I have ever posted on this thread. I have already been out for my morning walk. I did 3.7 miles and my pace was slightly over 17 minutes a mile. That is about as fast as these short legs are going to go. I have a little paper work to do today and then go to the bank and make an NTOC deposit. It is going to be so hot that I am not sure what I will do the rest of the day. Allan, we are entering that time of the year where it is your turn to laugh at me because of the heat. The heat index was over 100 yesterday and will be there today. I have a car who tomorrow at a small town about 15 miles east of us. It is one of those fun ones where they line the cars up on Main Street. It is over at 1:00 so that is good. I am going to take my 10x10 canopy and use my new Texas Flag on the back of it.
Jim, have a good weekend at the lake.
Greg, wise move on not going into the woods by yourself with a chainsaw. You can be very careful and those things can still hurt you bad, Don't ask me how I know.
Allan, how was the pizza. Do you make you own dough and toss it up in the air?
Have a good weekend everybody.
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Old June 21st, 2019, 08:20 AM
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Good morning. Yay for Friday! ? It's sometimes so hard to remember what day it is when all of them are blended into one. Retirement sort of does that and for me it's been over 8 years now. I really like the winter when I can measure my days with my curling and practices. Summer isn't the same. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I don't whack whitey or have other meaningful sports or things that need doing that require a daily regime. Funny enough, I measure what day it is in the morning by looking at my pill box to see what day I'm taking stuff out of. That and checking to see if I need to cut the lawns. After 4 days of rain I think that's a given

Greg - Sorry if my comment came across wrong. I get what you mean about the 'game' of buying and selling. Everyone looks for a bargain and the only way to get one sometimes is ask. I have stuff sitting in my shed and downstairs that I should get rid of. It's not new and I guess even 10 cents on the dollar is better than just hoarding it and getting 0. Good luck on that auction; I hope you get it for a price you're willing to pay. I've used chainsaw's by myself in the woods and never had much problems with anything. Just had to remember to keep the chain lube filled and every so often I'd have to run the chain through a sharpening file. But you're right that it's a dangerous piece of equipment to be working with at times.

Glenn - Dang, that's a lot of traveling. I haven't been to many of the states, just Montana, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Texas, California, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, Minnesota and Nevada. But I have traveled all across Canada and that was a car vacation.

The pizza last night turned out really really well! The missus said she didn't like it because it had too much stuff, but I noticed she came back for another slice. So I call that a success.

Pleased to say that my son got a raise and is now in training to become a department supervisor. Good for him! He showed me his review and it was all good. The one thing I noticed was the writing literacy level of his current supervisor is substandard english. Then again he's Asian and talks like that, as I've met him in person.

Gotta hit Costco today and get 2 propane tanks filled. Been so wet the past few days there's been no grilling. Now that the forecast is for dryer weather I suspect I'll need some juice to run the grill as we have several nice rib eyes and some delish burgers in the freezer waiting to be cooked.
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Old June 22nd, 2019, 09:46 AM
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Wowsers, quiet as a church mouse here. At least it's not raining but it's overcast and cool. Might try to cut the lawns again today if it stays nice but forecast is for more wet stuff.

Glenn - Good for you. At first I read too fast and thought you'd done 3.7 miles in 17 minutes and I was seriously impressed! I think you walk at about the same pace I do. How does Lucy like the walks or are you still taking her? Have fun at the car show and no, I won't make fun of you having temps in the 100° range. I actually feel bad for you having to endure that. I think it's hard on everyone and everything when that kind of temperature is raging rampant during the summer. When the missus and I head to Meheeko during the winter, the worst it ever gets is in the high 80's which is plenty for me, and there's always a bar close by that's AC equipped if I need it. And most of the time I need it... Gotta love all inclusive places for catering the way they do.
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Old June 22nd, 2019, 11:15 AM
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Hi everyone.

Been a nice visit here in the panhandle. We all got together for dinner last night, which was a nice time. I am now well on my way to another trip around the sun.

Dug out a bunch of fence posts yesterday. Two of them were ones I put in last time I was here, to prop up the neighbor's failing fence. Come to find out he's putting up a new fence and my posts are not needed. I had no idea I had done such a good job putting them in. But they eventually came out so they will come home with me and I'll do something else with them. Cleaned up the fence line a little since the old fence is gone. Tiger has to go out on a leash, which he doesn't like, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

Greg using the chainsaw in the woods for me would be like using it at home. No one is ever around anyway. It isn't the saw itself that gets me into trouble, it's what I try to cut down that gets me sometimes.

Glenn the widebodies go international partly because of their range. But when there's a route that has a lot of people all the time they'll use one. In the 70s we would fly a 747 between Chicago and Miami. Always full I'm told. Don't know when that route went away, but the planes went away in 1977. I'm sure some computer model says that by overselling the flights by so much they still make more money than if they paid the extra fuel to run the bigger plane. Sorry you had to fly American all those times.

Allan glad the boy got a raise. Maybe he's management material. You know Home Depot is based in Atlanta. Send him down here and set some of the others straight.

Okay gonna go see my sister and then hit the road for home. It's been a heck of a week, I need to get back to work to relax. Actually, no. I could be off a year and not be caught up with all that I want to do.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
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Old June 22nd, 2019, 01:35 PM
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Thanks Mike. Yes I did know that HD is based in GA. I don't think they would like him down there because he knows what he's talking about and plays nice with customers and staff. I'm proud of him for what he's doing and what his goals are.

That's really weird that overselling would make more money. IMO it would just make more pi$$ed of customers. I would suggest that the ticket sales should warrant picking a plane that would be filled to capacity, not over booked to the nth degree. So stupid, I've seen that and they offer people $$ to take a different flight later that day or next day. Good for you to take a stand on your return flight. If they offer an employee incentive and won't stand by it, what's the use in having it all?
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 02:28 AM
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Did an LA Turn around from the mountain and came back to my brother in laws 70 birthday party. Some how spent 80 bucks on Tacos . I had planed on hauling his 53 GMC [that he's stored here for over a year] to the birthday party and presenting him with a towing bill as a present decide better at the last minute

Well, I finally found a front end loader for my Massey Ferguson 135 Only problem is it's in Quebec. NOT part of my travel plans Allan would you assume a loader in Quebec carried sum bad stuff and is probably a :Rust Bucket">? That would make me feel alot better

De Super model is heeded to the beach so it's jes me and Red an the ))))*(_(*)_( cats

I see a full week of golf sneaking up on me, OR make a double anchovies pizza

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 06:53 AM
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Excellent day yesterday Sunny and 70-80. Went to the auction and wifey bought a minnow bucket- that's it! Propane tank sold at 11:30. I knew it wasn't going to be good for me since he said he had a couple people who were going to bid by phone so he was going to do it at 11:30. So I bid the first bid at $500 and then didn't get back in until it was more than I wanted to pay. It sold for $1250.00. I saw a few little things I would like to have but everything was going super high, so we decided life would be better at the lake on such a perfect day so we left.It was a really clean auction- no junk... The rest of the day was great, took a long slow boat ride then actually got in the water to finish up some things on the dock,etc. It was still a little cold but tolerable. Have a good one, guys!
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 08:04 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Beautimus morning, balloo skies and sunshine, birds chirpin in de trees. Almost like having Song o the south goin...

Yesterday was a bust so looks like things here will be vastly improved today getting some yard work done.

Jim - Front end loaders in QC ALWAYS carry some nasty stuff but I'm sure the farmer cleaned it regularly especially if it got stored inside. Does it come with all the hydraulics and PC lever? Double anchovie pizza - Yowsa!!! I'm heading for the closest airport and will be there when it comes outta de oven. I loves dem lil fishes. Mebbe I could swing through QC and pickup dat front loader fer ya on da way...

Greg - Bummer on the tank. Auctions tend to do that though especially when ya get multiple buyers going after it. Makes that other tank for $300 look pretty good right now doesn't it?
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 08:26 AM
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Allan, I'm sure you know that movie is banned [Song of the South"] Not PC We saw it at the picture show as a kid
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 09:15 AM
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Jim - I posted that because I like the song. Ya want I should take it down?? I saw on the web the movie was banned and thought the comments by the narrator were very one sided. I bermember seeing it when I wuz a kid. Also bermember Lil black sambo, brer rabbit, Uncle wiggily, Spanky and our gang to name a few. Part of growing up in the 50's. Ever thing changed.
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 09:31 AM
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No I was jst pointing it out.

I had a Black lab named Tar Baby..
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 10:04 AM
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Tar Baby, IMO, is not a racial slur and has no racial connotations, although this is what the press and ill-informed general public would believe as they conjure up derogatory & malformed pieces of PC information. Tar Baby has a long history of usage other than the story of the Tar Baby & Song Of The South from Uncle Remus. And, IMO, even so if the term was originally used for Indians and/or South Americans and/or Africans, I don't see what makes it a racial slur. I met a guy (~85yo) in the deep Arkansas Ozarks walking/riding an old red mule along a limestone bluff. He told me a story of how his family (when he was much younger as a child) used to catch red birds (which he still did to that day I met him). He said they used the Tar Baby method. First, I had no idea what he meant by 'red birds', then I 'thought' he was talking about some variant of the term 'tar & feather' (someone). As we talked it became more clear. The 'red birds' were Cardinals, and the 'tar baby' was the method they used to capture the red birds; but, they used flour & water instead.

Prior to the sun setting or much earlier than sunrise, they made a pot of four+water slurry. They'd walk into the woods in various locations and spread the flour+water mixture on fallen limbs, branches, logs and the like - much like that tar-baby rabbit he said. They'd come back at night or the following morning and pick up the song birds (including the 'red birds') which were stuck to the flour+water slurry they painted on the limbs, branches & logs. I asked him what they did with the red birds. He said they tasted the best in his opinion. If they caught a bunch of the red birds, they'd gut em, skin em and bake them much like we do w/ mourning doves. He said lots of times they'd make songbird stew; not the modern-day version of some contrived Betty Crocker (sic) version using beef, pork or whatever - they used real song birds. You learn a lot from the old timers.
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 10:39 AM
Oh no, not again...
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Good Morning!
Got back from the island last night, it was a lot of work, but the move went well and my parents are settling into the new digs well enough. Now if we can get the old place sold, life would be much easier. The real estate market on the west coast is in a bit of a slump, especially on the high end properties. So it's going to be a while before it sells.
Mike,Glenn, I understand what you mean about overloaded airplanes, and narrow bodies. They use a 737-600 between here and Victoria; - I think that one has a capacity of only about 100 people tops. They cram people in 3 wide, so 6 total across with an aisle separating them, on a plane that was initially designed for 5 across comfortably. The 737 body is based on the old 707 body, so 1950s specs. On the flight to Victoria the plane was full; - and very bloody uncomfortable for me because my wife forgot to order me an emergency exit seat. Lucky it was only an hour and twenty minutes. On the way back the plane was empty, so I took a row for myself.
Glenn made the point that flying has not been fun since 911. I agree wholeheartedly. I absolutely hate flying nowadays, the security is asinine and geared only at people who play by the rules in the first place. I never thought I'd be forced to walk through a scanner holding my pants up from plummeting earthward because they'd made me take off my belt. And then re-dress and pack oneself up...what a joke. The terrorists and whatever fanatic (idiotic) ideological or political groups have succeeded in turning our oasis of freedom and decency into the same calibre of scared, suspicion ridden s--tholes that they all came from. To those idiots I say; thanks guys, hope you're all happy, you've turned something you've hated for no reason into something that everyone can now despise and feel miserable about. Hope your mothers are all proud of you!
But I digress...
The weather on the coast was great, nice and sunny and reasonably warm, the wife and kid got to spend a lot of time at the beach while I worked. It was worth it though, go a lot of things done, and it wasn't overly hard either. So I did get a bit of a chance to relax.
Didn't see too many old cars out this time; usually there are a lot running around in and around Victoria. Saw a couple of vintage Chevies, a few mid-sixties Vettes, a gorgeous 67 Buick GS, and a 62 Cutlass. And there was this Model A troop on tour in the neighborhood as well. There were 3 1930 or so Model A Ford cabrios running around. Gorgeous little cars.
Anyway, off to mow the lawn; - it's getting pretty thick out there. It must have rained all week or something...
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 10:43 AM
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Hi everyone.

Had a good ride home, got home around 130 last night. Did notice at a fuel stop that the right rear tire was a little low. Air was 1.50 and I wasn't about to pay that. But, once back on the road I overthought the whole thing and could see that tire getting too hot and blowing out. I've changed a tire on the side of the expressway before and I didn't want to do that again. So I got off at the next exit. Thought a buck fifty was better than a tire and bodywork. Stopped at Marathon and they had free air. Wow. So I went in and bought a Coke and some M&Ms. No troubles after that. Now to find out why the tire was low.

My Grandmother used to read me Brer Rabbit and Little Black Sambo as bedtime stories. And also Uncle Wiggily. Never thought anything of it. Of course she could have read me the Sears catalog and I would have been entranced.

Jamesbo I have a fuel line for that tractor if you need it. The lake used to have that tractor and it needed a fuel line, so we got one and never put it on. You guessed it, the tractor is long gone and the fuel line forgotten about.

The idea of overselling flights is statistical. The aforementioned whole department looks at trends and sees that traditionally this many people buy tickets for a certain flight but don't show up. So the company sells those seats again, essentially double dipping. When the original person wants to fly again, they get hit with a change fee, more money for the company. If all the people actually show up, they ask for volunteers and give out whatever, but that's still cheeper than not getting the initial extra money, or flying the bigger plane. By the way, airlines aren't the only ones who oversell. Pretty much anyone in the "hospitality" business does the same thing. Hotels, for one. Ever go to pick up your rented car and they say they don't have one?

Beautiful out. Didn't get up until 10. Have been lollygagging around all day, but I have to go get groceries and do a few things around the house to get ready for work tomorrow. Tiger has claimed a couch and hasn't moved. He was only home for a couple hours on Thursday, I think he's glad to be back now.

Okay have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 10:43 AM
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Good Morning Guys:
I went to a local car show yesterday that had about 100 cars. It was put on my the town of Royce City which is one of those small growing communities about 15 miels east of us. There were some nice cars there but the show is administered by the city and they really know little about putting on a car show although they have been doing it for several years. They group car into groups covering 20 years. I was in the 40's and 50's class and it covers all cars including street rods. They have no class for convertibles or Tri5 Chevies which is common. Good thing I don't worry too much about getting a trophy although I would like to have had one of theirs since they were nice. It sprinkled on us a little and then rained on the way home. I took my canopy and the wind played heck with it. It was very hot. I have one of my favorite car shows next weekend and it will be hot. With all the rainouts I never pre-register anymore.
Allan, I don't take Lucy with me on my walks anymore. Too much danger of heat stroke and the pavement and sidewalks are to hot for her paws. She gets excited when I get ready so I take here to the end of the block and bring her back. It seems to satisfy her. She is such a sweet dog.
Mike, I remember the first time I was ever on an overbooked flight. It was probably back in 1992 and another guy and I were flying back from New York (LaGuardia). There were offering a $200 voucher and needed 5 people. I went up to the lady at the counter and told here the two of us would do it if she would ive us a $300 voucher and upgrade us to first class on the later flight. Done deal. The gate was next to the bar and we sat there and drank beer for about 3 hours. Then we drank more in first class. Good thing my wife picked me up and drove home. The other guy was a hen picked little guy and his wife was not happy with him. He probably blamed it on me which was fine since I didn't like here anyway. Just a few years ago I was coming back from Rochester, NY (might have been Buffalo) on Delta and connected through Detroit. Flight to Dallas was overbooked and they gave me a $600 voucher which my wife and I used to go to Savannah for her birthday.
Being from the deep South and growing up in the 50's and 60's, I could get up on my soapbox and talk about this politically correct BS for several days. The thing that pisses me off the most is how the Confederate Flag has been turned into a symbol of hate. For the most part we can thank the skinheads for this. I attended a high school that Johnny Reb was the school mascot and the school fight song was Dixie. I was in the band that played it. I will stop there since I have one foot on the soapbox already.
Have a good day guys.
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Nailheadcanuck
Anyway, off to mow the lawn; - it's getting pretty thick out there. It must have rained all week or something...
Welcome back Marc. hahahahaha, ya think??
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 03:32 PM
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My buddy talks about when his uncles, back in the day, would go out at night with a bag and grab sleeping sparrows from their nests. You would need a lot of them to make a dinner for a family. I'm pretty sure that the Europeans don't do airport security as half assed as we do. Only in the U.S. would you hire security at low wages, (because profit comes first) to ensure that we are safe from ourselves.
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Old June 23rd, 2019, 04:58 PM
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Talk about a lazy day. I got out of the shower and never even got dressed. Haven't done a thing, haven't gone anywhere. Talked on the phone awhile to my buddy who's birthday is today. Even Tiger doesn't stay out too long, he just wants to chill on the couch and chew on his bone.

When I figured out that I had enough to eat for a couple days, my motivation to go out was severely compromised. Got some laundry going so that's the big excitement for the day. Gonna hit the sack when it's done.

Got some rain this afternoon, with a big thunder and lightning show. Didn't really amount to much. It's pleasant out now, and sadly today will be shorter than yesterday.

Glad you had a good trip Marc. Back years ago I didn't even have to go through security. I mean, why would I, if I were going to cause harm I could do it any day at work, and not when I was getting on the very plane. But now I go through the same security line everyone else does. I don't even know why we have to take our belts off. Is it because they assume they have metal buckles, or has someone tried to hide something inside a belt. We did have the underwear bomber a few years ago...

I've always thought that the next big thing wasn't going to be against air travel. But it occurs to me, we've been doing all this nonsense for so long, if we were to stop the bad guys would surely see this as complacency and try something again.

I can tell you Glenn, you wouldn't have to stop on my account. I agree whole-heartedly about the flag and the statues and everything. People have gone too far, and I wonder if they actually believe what they are spouting off about, or if they are pushing only to see if they can get their way? No common decency anymore.

I texted the lead and he said 4am start time in the morning. Need to get to bed. I can't believe I've done literally nothing today.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old June 24th, 2019, 01:37 AM
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I see my pet peeve has again raised it's ugly head

All this flag/statue nonsense is a Non issue. It won't change one thing. It won't feed one hungry soul, educate one ignorant being or help in anyway. It's a political pacifier stuck in the mouth for no other purpose. If it would help in anyway, I'd be all for it, if it would but it won't

I think I need to watch the chimp video about the seal to calm me down before I go smack whitey

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old June 24th, 2019, 08:11 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Bahahahahaha, mo rain this mawnin. Who woulda guessed??

Jim - I agree. Same thing is happening here in Canada with idiots making decisions about stuff that was an historical past needing to be 'covered up, removed or destroyed' in the name of something or other. I wish they'd leave well enough alone. Can you imagine the outrage they'll suffer when the next generations decide what they have decreed as art or recognition is also replaced because it doesn't fit the social conscience of the current political model? It's almost like today's political circle is scared $hitle$$ of people actually remembering the past as part of their heritage. I'm scared that next on the list is the condemnation of veterans for fighting in wars that preserved the way of life that's now taken for granted by many of these current day practitioners. I also need some soothing so here we go:

Marc - WTH weather did you bring back from the island? Good thing I also got my lawn cut yesterday. BTW, how good are you stabbing distributors?

Mike - You think airport security is a pain there? Try Canada. It's a joke. I have no idea why I can't even take a plastic bottle of water through security. Gee, they see me drinking it and say it's a forbidden item. WTH? Like I'd drink poison or gasoline? Some of the restricted carry on items and sizes make no sense to me at all.When we were in Dominican a few years back, there was no advance warning that umbrellas were restricted from carry on. And guess what? It was pouring at the airport so it was kind of an 'essential' to stay dry. That umbrella is still in the Dominican. Probably a donation to their corrupt gubment. It's such a third world and poverty stricken country, I'll never go back or recommend it to anyone. When we deplaned and were going by taxi to the 'resort' my first and ongoing thought was, :Can we turn around and just go home? By comparison the USA is a palatial destination and by God, everyone there speaks English or a form of it that's easy to understand.

Glenn - Sounds like a good time at the car show. Before your time Sandy (Cutlassgal RIP) used to win trophy after trophy with her beloved Teepo (TPO - The Prettiest One) . I'm not sure but I think she had so many she stored them in the barn with the car. Not an ordinary barn either - it was special and very clean. Good for you knowing that Lucy would feel the heat of the asphalt or concrete through her paws. The Humane Society here has started an awareness campaign about that. Basically it's like this: If you can't walk with bare feet because of the heat, neither can they. Makes a lot of sense. Most of the walks here have grassy areas beside the walks and even in the heat people walk their dogs in spite of the reminder. Dogs, being smarter than people, walk on the grass except for the short distances needed to cross the street. But there are also the idiots who leave their pet or child in the car with closed windows when it's a blistering 85 outside because they'll 'only be a minute' and that turns into 1/2 hour. I think those are the same people who are associated with the issues Jim and I both detest.

Yesterday afternoon I was in the garage and cleaning out some of the drawers. Wow, I have some stuff I didn't remember I had. I had to be brutal in my assessment of some things I'd had there for over 20 years and never used; they found their way into the trash. But it was hard to 'reorganize' what I already had organized by tossing into the appropriate drawer. Doing the cabinets is also going to be a real joy...
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Old June 24th, 2019, 08:29 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Quiet in here this morning. A couple of the clowns are missing so there's less static, and the remaining clowns don't have as much to play off of. Fine by me. Things seem to be slow but they are steady. Good first day back.

Looks like a nice day out. I walked down the hall a little ways and went past a big roll up door, so I saw the sun. Actually, I don't think we're supposed to have rain all week.

Allan the condemnation of vets because they were in war has already happened. It's called Viet Nam. I'm really too young to remember what went on but have heard that when the guys got back they were shunned by society because the war was unpopular. Hey it wasn't their fault, Uncle Sam told them to go, they went. People can really be stupid sometimes. Hm, I wonder if there's ever been a war that was popular.

Jamesbo that never gets old. Perhaps it should be a sticky on the front page.

Lunch is about over then it's back to looking at wheels. Summit tonight, something to look forward to. I haven't been in weeks.
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Old June 24th, 2019, 09:06 AM
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Mike - I agree with you that none of the wars I remember or have learned about in history have been popular. Then again, go back to WW1 and it was amazing how many young people desperately wanted to go to war. IIRC they had tougher enlistment procedures back then but young men would find a work around to get themselves into the respective branches of the military. For many (according to accounts from vets) it was considered 'good form' to join the fray and the war would be over by Christmas. Boy they were wrong, and that's also when we found out how cruel the fighting could be with different types of weapons (including gas). Even WW2 had young men clamoring to get into uniform and pulverize the enemy. Back then (1914-1945) there was a different social support for the defense of freedom as we know it. I feel really bad for the vets of Vietnam; you nailed it saying it was unpopular.I remember rooming with a VN vet when i was training for a job in Dayton. Some of the things he shared were mind boggling and I was amazed that he was even still alive. His name was Gary, and I've never forgotten him. He confirmed that even with the majority of soldiers it was unpopular. That's when draft dodgers headed up here to Canada as a popular escape route. Heck, I can't really blame them. The VN vets did get a bad reception on any return home and were shunned which is a damn shame. So many of them never came back, and the captured ones suffered indignities during capture that were inhuman. And the lack of support many of these vets get once they are discharged from service is criminal IMO . So my stance on those serving or who have served is total respect; they did a job that no one else wanted to do whether voluntary or by conscription. I will never forget that. One of the reasons I always thank soldiers in uniform for their service when I see them in my travels. Many are surprised. I guess not a lot of people do that.

It seems like this world is hell bent on tearing itself apart with some form of ('holy) war or another. It's not something new, it goes back in time to well before the crusades, although that one is the most studied and glorified in film I think.
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Old June 24th, 2019, 10:32 AM
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Since we're on the subject I'm not Fonda Hanoi Jane

Somewhere is a video [that I probably should post ] About a guy going to Yankee stadium, They took away his wife;s knitting needles and his pen knife on the same day they gave out 1000 bats [ not that clobbering someone over the head with a bat would hurt]
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Old June 24th, 2019, 04:02 PM
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No Summit for me tonight. I'm just too tired. I flaked out on the couch and had a bit of a nap, and that just made me more tired. So it goes. Hm. Enter isn't working to make a new paragraph. Jamesbo sometimes people are a little short-sighted. I read an interview of Ms. Hanoi and she had an excuse for everything, save for the notes. That wasn't touched on. She came off as a victim. It read an awful lot like an interview I saw on TV with Frank Lorenzo. "I didn't have a choice" he'd keep saying. We were only about 10 wheels short at the end of work today so a couple people stayed to finish up. Seems the biggest *** clown wasn't there last week(not referring to myself) and they made the number every day. He's back today and we fell short. Hm. Well that's it for me. Tiger goes out one more time and then we'll hit the sack. Two AM comes early. Have a good night everyone.
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Old June 24th, 2019, 09:21 PM
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Just remember guys, history is a great teacher of all things human, and most of all human nature. There are a few things that have never changed, regardless of the period and the circumstances. They are as follows;

1) the books are written by the winners who have all the money or full access to it, no one really cares for a bunch of broke losers.
2) Every war, and I mean every war, can be narrowed down to money or economics. There is not one conflict in human history that can't be traced to an economic root cause, not one. Even WWI, which was supposed to have been a mistake, ( ie alliances tripping because of the belligerent's inaction) inevitably it was all about a calculated risk on the Central Power's side to go after easy riches in the Balkans that got it all started. The other Central Power (Germany) honestly felt that clobbering France and knocking down Russia would help establish them as the supreme European power. Read Bethmann-Hollweg's post war book, he confirms it and lays out the reasoning for it and how they sold the Kaiser on it.
3) Anyone who honestly believes that any conflict is ideologically motivated is misguided and somewhat ignorant. Ideology is fed to the masses by the supposed elite in order to get them to do their bidding.(Ie, shoot other people in the form of being an army)
4) The general public are sheep, and as long as their basic needs of food, intoxicants and sex are met, they can be fed a steady diet of absolute s--t before they do anything about it. Divide and conquer; as long as individuals are wrapped up in their own idiotic lives, there will never be a mass-consciousness to threaten the System.

If you don't believe me, read what was written about some of the localized conflicts that lead to the major wars before anything really started, you get a better feel of what really was going on than in the thick of it. All side write a ton of propaganda. All sides write up rules and start "traditions" regarding their various icons. All sides spend tons of money either glossing over the truth or rewriting it in some Orwellian wormhole. Right now due to our lax and very liberal education system which discourages any Western history as "White Colonialism", we've lost sight of all the things that made our democracies great; - the free and easy exchange of ideas and the idea that the truth has to be told, even if it's unpleasant. There was also a large dose of what was once described as "common decency", ideas about decorum and morality that were taught in schools to the whole class, and not just a select few that have the proper permission slips. A very nasty guy named Goebbels figured out a concept which he called "Volksverdummung", or the dumbing-down of the masses by foisting a falsified version of history on them that is strictly geared to appeal to a person's emotions, and not their critical thought processes.
We've done that here in the Western world very effectively. You can no longer say certain things, believe certain things, certain icons have to be covered up, and bad news has to be dealt with disclaimers and grief counselors or it can't be published.

I could go on, but I'm only going to get myself into trouble and get punted, so I'll stop.

I'm a frustrated history prof, and 20th century history was my specialty, particularly the nastier regimes. I know more about the ***** than people who lived through it, same thing about Soviet Russia. The more I read about what the US has done since 1919 the more scared I get. The one thing history has taught me is to take everything I read or hear with a grain of salt and only make up my mind after I've confirmed it with at least 5 sources. I am not a nationalist by any sort, and if anything could be described as a bit of a libertarian. (Don't confuse that with Liberal, it's the opposite) I don't trust any government or news agency, and will try and find the back story and follow the money. And no, I'm not a conspiracy theorist or a "Truther". I try to debunk them.

'nuff said, probably TMI.

Allan, what do you mean by "stabbing a distributor", if it means replacing one or lining one up and getting an engine running from scratch, I'm pretty good, I've managed to get wrecks that have been dead for 40-50 years running again.

Last edited by Nailheadcanuck; June 24th, 2019 at 09:23 PM.
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Old June 25th, 2019, 03:10 AM
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Old June 25th, 2019, 05:19 AM
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Speaking of golfers

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Old June 25th, 2019, 05:22 AM
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Boy it seems I am getting to be a cinacle (now how do you spell that?) old man. Last night I was with our kids and learned how the young generation texts. "Oh look, Johnny texted back (insert cute saying),when I texted him," bla bla bla. I just don't get it... oh well no one want's to hear it... Parents text kids and the kids better text them back, or they will loose their phone... Ah well life is good I just getting old and out of it. So be it....
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Old June 25th, 2019, 05:42 AM
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You see the world through your cynical eyes
Fooling Yourself
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Old June 25th, 2019, 07:08 AM
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Allan, I;m running low on little salty fishes. Making sum Aglio E Olio with pepper, onions,garlic black olives and fishes tonight
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Old June 25th, 2019, 12:47 PM
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Hi everyone.

Challenging day. I was challenged to stay standing and coherent. I was so tired all day long, things finally picked up though after lunch. I thought I slept fairly well, but getting up at 2am no matter what time you get to bed is what does it.

So how smart am I. I decide not to go to Summit, and just as I'm crawling into bed, the wind picks up and we get a 10 minute downpour. Would have been about the time I would be getting there. Going to work this morning there was a crew a few streets over blocking the road, putting up a new pole because the old one was knocked over by the wind. They must have been there all night.

You know Jamesbo, out of all the years I've been here on terra firma, I think that's the first time I've ever heard Eisenhower speak. I don't really know a whole bunch about that guy. Big Daddy Don Garlits has his 56 Imperial in Florida. I have several Eisenhower silver dollars.

Greg I forget to look at my phone. Everyone is texting and playing games, and I've got the silly thing in my pocket and don't think to look at it. And when I do, it's for about 20 seconds, then I put it back in my pocket.

Marc you'd be a good one to know when a term paper is due. Never thought about books being written by rich people. But you're right, who wants to read what a loser has to say.

It's chiro day. Haven't been in a week and I tell you, I feel fine. I'm pretty sure once round 1 is done with there won't be a round 2.

Okay gonna rest a little.
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Old June 25th, 2019, 01:26 PM
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1]Started the Interstate system [after seeing the autobahn and struggeling with a cross country troop movement is the U.S. ]
2[ Insisted films be made when liberating concentration camps [Said, " no one would believe it"]
3] Never went into combat but was in charge of the largest invasion [D-Day]
4[ Once sent a dive bomber to make an extra sand trap on a golf hole [to make it more difficult on another general]
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Old June 25th, 2019, 01:30 PM
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Good afternoon everyone, I mean quack quack quack...splish splash...

Yeah, you guessed it. Isn't that just the meanest way for the weather God's to welcome ya back Marc?? BTW, check your PM's; I sent ya something.

Jim - I like it!!! Only thing I'd do different is less garlic and mo red pepper flakes. I guess most peeps don't like food dat would make der ars pucker... But I do. Hey, I got some of dem fishes in the fridge if ya wanna borrow sum. I never have a zero supply. Never know when the missus will cook something and I want pizza with salty fishes instead. They're a real bonus for me cuz no one else here will touch em!!

Mike - Why even bother with the physio if you feel fine? Seems everytime you've gone you feel just awful after. First time hearing Ike speak?? I've seen him many times on the History Channel. Most recent was during the Memorial Day broadcasts when they ran a special on "Presidents at War". Of course they focused on the ones who had the most impact on America, but the peanut farmer only got about 1 minute out of the 2 hours special. A lot of it went to JFK, Ike, Reagan, GW Bush and Nixon. Tricky Dick was apparently quite a hustler back then too.

Greg - Yup it's a different world today. Everything seems to be focused on communication by electronics. Case in point - we do this on the site all the time. Some people with phones, others with PC, tablet or laptop. I do agree that there's waaay to much focus on the cell phone as a way of life. I'm guilty of that myself. I use it for lots of things beyond the scope of just a phone though and it's been a huge convenience for me. I especially like some of the apps that allow me to make long distance (international) calls for free simply using wifi. It's really invaluable on trips when I need directions to find a destination, and it charges right in the car. I used to have a garmin for that, but I think it's gone the way of the Dodo with the evolution of the modern electronics. BTW, it's not important on the spelling because you got your point across but if you're curious - it's Cynical.

Marc - I also like the emergency exit seating on the planes. I just hate having to pony up $40 just to reserve that. Such a cash grab (Westjet) and maybe some other airlines. My son and friends are flying to LAX on July 3 which is normally a 3+ hour direct flight. He was flying Bid D (Delta) and they all had seat arrangements booked too. A month ago Delta phoned and said his flight had been cancelled so they have to find 'alternate' carriers to fly them there. Total BS on their selections (this was due to the grounding of the 737 800 max) so now he has to leave YEG at 12;00 am with WJ to go to YYZ (Pearson) and wait 4 hours for the next flight that will fly them direct from YYZ to LAX. And they lose their seat selections too. Total BS; if it was me I'd be yelling and screaming. He's kinda like you - 6'4" ( I know that's 'short' in your books ) and had the E exit seats. Originally I was going to drive them to YEG at around 08:00 in the morning. Now I have to take them on the night of July 2 @ 10:00 pm. So much for my regular bedtime... While he's away I plan to work on the Malibu - change the headlights which means taking off the front bumper. Another GM flash of brilliance. And also replace the front air dam which has become all shmagged up with that low ground clearance on the fron end. I'm debating buying some rustproofing and spraying the bottom of the car too.

Wonder where Kyle went. Same with LondonCutlass and others who have briefly popped into this thread and left... I know where Adrian is, I invited him over for a proper drink when he gets back to Canada.
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Old June 25th, 2019, 03:23 PM
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Allan the reason I keep going is because I've already paid for it. I paid special attention when I walked out this afternoon, and yes I actually do feel better after a treatment. It lasts until I get to the car. Twisting to get into and out of the car makes my hip hurt, and I limp walking into the house. I never had a sore back until this all started, and when I don't go for a few days the soreness goes away. I think it's all a crock.

You've got two different planes rolled into one in that sentence, and neither would be the cause for your son's flight plans to be cancelled. We fly the 737-800, and they are not grounded, and we do not fly the 737 MAX 8. I'm certainly not saying your son is lying to you, but perhaps if his buddies made the reservations they decided on something else and told him a tall tale to get him to go along. Give me a couple flight numbers and I'll look them up. We're not in the habit of giving our money away to the competition, so it seems fishy(the salted ones?) that they were told to find a different carrier. By the way, since when is Seat E a good seat, regardless of it being in the Exit row? Your son must be a string bean. Fat guys like me don't fit, yet that's where the non-revs usually get stuck.

So it's been 10 years that Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson have been gone. I should really get the Farrah Fawcett poster, I know they sell reproductions. I had the Tshirt when I was a lad. Never was an MJ fan. A talented individual, that's for sure.

Okay gonna clean up in the kitchen a little then hit the sack. Onward Hump Day.
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Old June 25th, 2019, 04:37 PM
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Mike - That was my bad on the plane ID, not my son. But I was in the same room when Delta phoned and told him about the changes. Both of us were kind of shocked as the flights had been booked and paid for at least a month in advance. Something happened that they weren't clear about explaining to him - something about the direct flight to LAX had been cancelled. I was really shocked that they couldn't find something that went direct to LAX from YEG instead of going completely across country 2x. My wife and I have flown on the 737 800's many times and I usually prefer the E seats for the leg room. And yes, my son is what you'd call a string bean - sort of. He's 6'4" skinny, but all muscle at 176 lbs. He works out every day at the gym. Honestly I wouldn't be able to win an arm wrestle with him and he can easily lift more than me. I'll get a look at his itinerary and see if I can find those flights for you. It may have already been changed over because he keeps it all on e-files.

I don't know if this will help your hip with getting in / out of the car but here goes. I have the same issues getting in/out of the Malibu. The roof line is just low enough and at that angle for aerodynamics to make getting in/out a pain. I watched my son do it and he slides in without any issues. His secret: sit down facing the door then swing legs into the cabin, which rotates his butt at the same time. Would that work for you? I like my Sonata because it has a tall frame and cabin that I can easily slide in/out of. It's even better than the low Saturn.
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