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Old January 2nd, 2019, 09:42 AM
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Greg, watching the local news, it appears that we have had one of the cloudiest Decembers on record. The good is that it is still pretty mild for the most part. 30's today, 40's for the weekend.
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Old January 2nd, 2019, 11:58 AM
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Good Afternoon Guys:
It is 36 degrees here and raining. It is a cold and nasty day. I have an HVAC guy here repairing my downstairs air which has been out for about 4 days. Fortunately we have had the gas fireplace going and I put an electric heater in our bathroom lastnight. The fan motor is bad and the motor is $400. The house is 21 years old and it is time for some of the items to go out. Most of the kitchen appliances and the hot water heater have already been replaced.
Jim, the stew got pretty good marks. I think I should have put a little more garlic in it. After I am done my wife tells me she is not a big fan of the meat shredded it was. I thought it was good and went well with the black eyed peas and cornbread.
Greg I am with you on the TV piece. I spent 4 years in the USAF from 1966 to 1970 with the last in Viet Nam. I doubt I would be able to serve in the military today. My appetite for all the political correctness BS is very limited. If they are going to allow gays in the military then they should go to coed barracks. What is the difference? I am a lot more tolerant than I used to be but just having this stuff in your face all the time gets old. CBS is one of the fake news networks so I am not surprised.
Mike, it addicting when I start watching Jay Leno's Garage. When you finish an episode the utube menu pops up with more episodes and you have to watch another and then another episode. He had a cute young girl on there recently who was driving her late father's ******. Come to find our she is the sole owner of the In & Out Burger chain. Here dad was the Flying Dutchman and she is also a drag racer. There are like 148 restaurants in the chain and they just expanded to Texas a few years ago. She is very wealthy and probably one of the few people who has more money than Leno.
That is about it for the start of the year. If I had not been forced into early retirement last March, today would be my first day of retirement. It worked our well for me.
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Old January 2nd, 2019, 12:30 PM
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Happy January the twoth.

Glenn - Our house is 20 years old in March. We custom designed and built it to our needs at the time. Now that I know more about what building codes are and how builders like to cheap out on things like furnaces etc, I would insist on control over the things like that, water tank and sump pump. You're right that it's about the time things start to go. We also had to have our roof done 4 years ago when we found out the builder had used cheapo 15 year shingles instead of the 20 yr specified in the contract. Too late to go after that one though. I must say the new HVAC system is proving to be exceptional. We keep a constant 71° in the house and the humidifier (waterfall type) keeps it a very comfortable 34% humidity. Today is stellar! Sun is shining and we're headed for a high of around 47° so I've taken out some nice bratwurst sausage to throw on the grill later this afternoon. Kind of tired of Turkey and Ham lately....

Jim - No suh, no possums in dis neck of de woods. I think they got coons east of us though, does that count?? We does have wood pussies though. Y'all know wut a wood ***** is dontcha? Too bad that sketch doesn't air on TV now, it would really be a nice jab at GM.

Mike - Nice to see Sandy's banner flying again. I know you miss her a lot. That's a nice tribute.

Marc - close doesn't count. Ya gotta nail it to claim it... Amazing how tall those suckers are isn't it? If it did hit your car it would be real car-nage. But also deadly.If you watch this video of a moose strike you can see how sturdy those beasts are. Watch after it flies into the ditch - it simply gets up and runs away !!!
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Old January 2nd, 2019, 12:55 PM
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My house was built in 1896 and instead lf constantly werking at renovating it, I should burned it down

But the new crap they're building around me is JUNK with a capital J, It;s not unheard of for a couple to spend 6,7,8 hundred k and then another 100 k after they move in
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Old January 2nd, 2019, 12:55 PM
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Been snowing for few days. As some guys here have told before, it gets old quickly when it takes 1.5-2hr per showeling. Not much else, been watching tv. Tomorrow ill head to fabricate my towing hitch, ill have all the materials for it.

New houses and materials are joke. I bet my 81 year old is still there after 2 which just got built near us on half-a-year from starting. Key is to not follow todays ridicolous building codes. If i repair something, i do it exactly as it was done 80 years back, even by matching materials. Sure, it wont fill any todays codes, but it also outlasts those.

Okay, im way too tired. Heading to bed. Have a day.
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Old January 2nd, 2019, 05:00 PM
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Today's Update:
We got the downstairs heat fixed. It was a capacitor and the fan motor. Got it fixed for $485 all in. I have some guys that are just a small shop with the two of them and are very reasonable and reliable. I called the guy this morning and he was here in about two hours. He troubleshot the system then went and got the motor and only charged my $85 labor and $400 for the fan. I was pleased. Then my daughter was going to use the Expedition and it was in the driveway and would not start. I knew it was a bad battery but I had AAA come check it. New battery from Walmart and it is good to go. After the guy jumped it off I went straight to Walmart to get the battery. It did not change gears on the way there or back home. It is not very far so no harm done. I didn't panic but didn't want to have trouble out of this 6 speed automatic. It cleared itself up after I changed the battery. I guess the computer had to clear itself or some BS like that.
Had warmed over stew for lunch and added a little garlic powder. It is always better the second day. No question the building materials today are junk compared to yesteryear. There are a few things like hardyplank that I think are improvements. The stuff will never rot but for the most part the stuff today is inferior. Just look at some of the stuff when you are at Home Depot. Jouni where do you find stuff they used 80 years ago? Most of that is not available here.
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Old January 2nd, 2019, 05:56 PM
Oh no, not again...
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I suppose it's amazing what one can do with bricks and plaster. As for the old fashioned wiring, the fabric braided **** and tube stuff is absolutely dangerous.

Pretty slow day here, finally got into the chiropractor and wasted $50. It's still not any better. Worked on my boss's old mantle clock. It appears someone butchered it before I got to it. The Westminster chime isn't working because someone warped, filed and distorted the crap out of the levers and timing mechanism. There's solder in it, so what I think happened was that a mainspring (it has 3) had failed at one point and destroyed the mechanism. So someone with a bit of ingenuity but not that much skill put it together and sort of got it running. Gonna have to see how much my boss wants to throw into this thing, I can buy a new mech for $300, and solve all of the problems. If I spent the $30 or so for the parts I think need replacing it could be the tip of the iceberg, or I could get it right. Chime sounds like crap on it right now anyway.

So, back to the article, and recuperation for my back. Tried to keep as active and upright as possible today, but sitting just feels the best. I hope that's not a sign of things to come. This "Golden Years" thing is nothing but a golden shower as far as I'm concerned.

And Allan, yes, thankfully I didn't hit that moose. It would have probably killed me, that car has a rigid steering column with only one place to go, up and through. And full frame cars are notorious for coming apart during a wreck, and hitting a moose is like hitting a brick wall. That video is impressive though, and the driver was very, very lucky. So was the moose.

My house is 8 years old, and we haven't had to replace anything yet. The appliances are starting to go, but I guess that's expected nowadays. Tell that to my old 1951 "Ideal" pop cooler in the garage. It works better than the modern fridge does. As for the rest, I'd never build new again, it was such a hassle right from the word go. Had to be on top of those idiots who built it 24/7. And then the idiot chick in the sales office had no idea how to write up a builder's contract for a mortgage. Oh yeah, it was fun.
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Old January 2nd, 2019, 08:51 PM
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That was mild damage for a moose strike, but frankly, the driver should have seen him. Speaking of backs, gonna get an MRI on Monday to see if they can find what ails me.
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Old January 2nd, 2019, 10:01 PM
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Two cups of coffee to get the day going is my norm. Doing some porridge too, now.

Nailheadcanuck - Lucky you missed it, wouldnt been been sight for sure

Allan R - Im sorry, we wiped your a** on hockey too.. Tho TSN went a little over the top on their news about it, the picture..

Gwenn - I need to just walk on local hardware-store to get 95% of stuff used 80 years back. For more rare stuff, there are already companies producing them for niche-market, since somehow renovating old houses have gotten some kind of "vintage" status here. They even reproduce old light-switches, for example. My house is still insulated with cutter between walls.

Okay, have a day all.

Last edited by Inline; January 2nd, 2019 at 10:10 PM.
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Old January 3rd, 2019, 03:11 AM
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Headed to the quackopractor a-gain for my elbow. I need to try something else cause this jes isn't helping. Gonna try a real doctor next week.

Then headed norte cause I got 3 families coming on Saturday and won't be able to make it this weekend

There's a retired doctor that lives on the lake that's writing a book about the history of the lake [since 1924.] We spoke yesterday and he's coming by to look at some old pictures I have that he may want to include in his book. Some of you may remember [most not] that my house was part of a boys camp I went to for 4 years back in the 50's . When the camp closed, I bought the property and subdivided it keeping my lot and the old house which I added on to
Anywho there was a camp storage building on my property loaded with pictures, camp records and assorted junk. Maybe it will be immortalized in the Dr's new book

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 3rd, 2019, 07:49 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Well today was it. I just got home from having that skin cancer removed from my face. Everything went well and he said it was the non-bad kind(if there is such a thing), nothing to worry about. A little nip and tuck here and there, and in two weeks the stitches come out and I'll be as good as new. What a relief.

Yet another dismal day here in the Greater Stockbridge Area. I swear we're never going to dry out. Got plenty to do inside, though, so we'll be busy. Probably spend most of the day looking at the internet. More Jay Leno's Garage for sure. Glenn you're sure lucky to have In & Out by you. Love that place. Used to go all the time when I went to California.

Jamesbo is that going to be one of those Images of America books that are all pictures with the history as the captions? I have a book like that for the town I grew up in, also Midway Airport, once the busiest airport in the world, and Quad City International Airport, third busiest in the State of Illinois.

Okay gonna think about lunch. I didn't have much breakfast and I'm hungry. He said not to chew hard things today and also not to talk very much. I'll have to text Tiger when I want him to go out. Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old January 3rd, 2019, 08:01 AM
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Dang!! Anutter post lost to cyber space. I'm not liking this crap much. Not typing it again.

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Old January 3rd, 2019, 09:12 AM
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It sounds like you may have to keep a word document open where you type your response and then copy and past it into the text box.
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Old January 3rd, 2019, 04:08 PM
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Yeah, there seem to be issues with the reworked format. I keep getting the "see what's new" pop-up thingy that I can't seem to kill. Granted, I am computer illiterate compared to most, but some things...
Quiet day around here, took advantage of the absolutely gorgeous morning to take down the Christmas lights. Now they don't have to hang there discolouring until May. Went to a specialist today, and found out that a lot of things in my medical history are related. Great. Well, hopefully I won't have to worry about it in ten years.
Hope all your days' went well...
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Old January 4th, 2019, 06:54 AM
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Good morning everyone,
Running a bit late. Heading off to the Saville to do battle for the first time this year. Playing the top seeded Pallett rink.
See ya later.
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Old January 4th, 2019, 08:08 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Rain. I don't think it will stop. Quiet at the Awful house this morning. Not much going on anywhere that I can see.

And that's about it. Maybe I'll have something to report on later. Eh, quiet is good.

Have a good morning everyone.
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Old January 5th, 2019, 05:44 AM
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Good morning everyone,

We got more (oh yay...) snow yesterday. It really came down heavy as I hit the Henday but cleared up well before reaching the Saville. I thought maybe an isolated storm cell but twas not to be. When i got out a little over 3 hours later the snow was coming down heavier and there was quite an accumulation. The Henday was covered and traffic was putzing along at around 60-70 km/hr which was completely ridiculous. I took the fast lane and cruised along at a little over 100. Ezpz.

When I got home there was an accumulation of over 5" at our place so I parked on the street and cleared the snow before parking in the drive. I also put down some Alaskan Premium Ice Melt and wow! That stuff works like magic. It had the drive completely clear of snow and ice in less than an hour.

Well today is the day I'm making Jambalaya. My son asked for scallops instead of shrimp so WTH, I'll make it with scallops. Really hard to find Andoulie sausage here so I'm using Chorizo. I usually make a BIG pot of the stuff and it lasts 2 days.

Jim - did the quackopractor kill ya??

Mike - yup, it's quiet. Only you and me on the page yesterday. Hope everyone is ok.
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Old January 5th, 2019, 08:36 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Yes I noticed it was slim pickings yesterday. The sun finally came out and I was going to post just that. I was so excited. But then my neighbor called and wanted me to take him to the urgent care place. Why his wife couldn't take him I don't know, well yes I do, but they do a lot for me so if he wants to go to the doctor I'll take him to the doctor. It was a 2 hour wait and when he finally gets back there he's there for a few minutes then they tell me they're taking him to the hospital. So off he goes in the ambulance, I went home. There was nothing I could have done anyway and I'd been away from home for about 4 hours. So I parked his car on his driveway and went in to talk to his wife and she was just getting ready to go up there. Hard telling what's wrong with him, his a bit of a hypochondriac. But if the place thought he needed to go, he must have really needed to.

So the sun is out again today, but it's cold. Temp says 50 but I don't believe it. At least it isn't raining. I spilled gravy on my coat at the Awful house this morning so when I find a new coat I'll go out and do something. I get cabin fever real bad.

The dermatologist didn't say anything about keeping things covered so I just go out with this jagged wound and stitches. It must not look that bad because people don't recoil in horror. Wonder what cartoon they'll come up with at work on Monday.

Jamesbo are you coming back today?

Okay gonna go do something. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Old January 5th, 2019, 09:50 AM
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ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg lost the whole post
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Old January 5th, 2019, 10:03 AM
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Good Morning Guys:
It is currently 59 degrees here and the sun is shining. My wife and I worked on getting inside decorations down yesterday. We still have to get the 9 foot tree down and then get all this stuff in the attic. I should be able to get all the outside lights down today and tomorrow. The yard probably needs to dry out a little more which it should today. Seems we are all having that problem with post disappearing. Very aggravating.
Have a good one everybody.
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Old January 5th, 2019, 10:37 AM
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Personally I think if the F boys start a new cartoon of you they've sunk to an all new low. There's absolutely nothing funny about cancer. Fortunately the kind you had was benign (not harmful) instead of malignant (bad and can kill). I'm wondering if it might have been caused by your exposure to the sun? Has anyone else in your family had this happen to them? Hopefully it will heal quite nicely. Since the Dr put in tiny stitches the slight scar should be almost invisible. Do you have to go back to get the stitches out or are they the kind that dissolve?

So weird, you get rain, we get snow and it starts and stops around the same time... But we're spoda get more coming. With luck you won't get any more rain. That was nice of you to take your neighbor to the Dr. Have you heard anything more about him yet today?

Just cleared the small 1" of snow that fell overnight and put more ice melt down on the walks and drive. I'm going through that stuff like crazy but I don't care. It works so well and keeps the pavement clean so anyone has good traction. I need to talk to my son again about driving on the lawn. He doesn't seem to get it that he can back up about 10' before starting to turn the wheels, and that would keep him off the lawn, but nooooo. SMACK! he takes out the snow pile that's on the corner of the lawn and spreads it all over the walk. I went over to him before he drove away and told him that he likely has some good scratches on his fender now because that pile was pretty solid. Either he learns of he's going to have to park on the street. I don't have much tolerance for this anymore. I've only told him about 3 times now..

On the bright side I'll be starting the Jambalaya in about 3 hours. Can't wait.
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Old January 5th, 2019, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg lost the whole post
Been there. Felt like that too

Hey Glenn - don't fall off the ladder taking down the lights. You don't want a repeat of that last time. 59°? That's bathing suit weather up here... and grilling weather for sure!!
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Old January 5th, 2019, 11:26 AM
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Sunny and mild, 44°. Not too shabby for this time of year. Not much going on, washing a pair of Levi's that I ordered online from Kohl's after yet another "not really a sale" on the LL Bean website. They always send me an email promoting a sale and 25% off at checkout, but, nothing that I put in my cart is eligible for the discount. I sent them an email and told them that I cancelled my purchase and went to Kohl's instead. Gotta call a buddy and go visit with him. talk cars and politics.
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Old January 5th, 2019, 11:42 AM
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These are nylon stitches that come out in two weeks. The nurse said, be careful shaving so you don't shave them off. I laughed. She said you'd be surprised at how often that happens. At this point I don't really care what the scar looks like, but I don't think it will be very noticeable. I'll call it character.

My neighbor's sister called me this morning and said he had asked her to call and give me the hospital room's number. I've been trying to call but the phone's been busy all day. Not surprising. I see the car is gone from next door, maybe his wife went to get him. Or she ran away.

Beautiful out and almost 60. There's a breeze that makes it seem cooler. I'm gonna do a little painting in here then run over to the shop. If our good fortune keeps up I need to change the trans fluid in the dog mobile tomorrow.

Dan are you and your friend on the same side politically or will it be more of a debate? Well, you did say talk and not shout.
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Old January 5th, 2019, 06:34 PM
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Morning and a belated Happy new years to you all.
There are 3 types of skin cancer Mike. I had a safety day at work late last year and we had a lady come in and tell us all about it. Turns out Queensland is the skin cancer capital of the world and Australia as a country has the highest skin cancer rate in the world as well.
Glenn I work for James Hardie and we make the hardiplank you mentioned. I would use there stuff to make a house any day. A lot of houses here are made with plasterboard on the inside. You look at that stuff the wrong way and there is a hole in it it's that weak.
Still having that heat wave down here Allan, mid 30's everyday with high humidity daily to top it off.
Time to go to bed, first night shift tonight.
Take care everyone,
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Old January 5th, 2019, 07:08 PM
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Adrian, We have the Hardie planking as siding on the outside of the house; - it's indestructible, unlike that vinyl siding they put on every other shack around here. The nice thing about Hardie-board is you never have to paint it. It cost us a fortune when we ordered it, but compared to the neighbors, our house still looks new and theirs as already weathered and looks shabby.

Mike, if your F-boys come up with a new cartoon then they deserve to be fired, and with extreme prejudice, there's no hope for them. To do something like that would be probably one of the most a$$holic things I could think of, and is beyond the pale. If those are the type of clowns you work with, I wouldn't care if they got themselves fired, that sort of behaviour is just wrong on so many levels.

Jamesbo, I've had the posts vanish too; never figured out why either.

Allan, be careful with that icebreaker stuff; - it's somewhat caustic, and it'll kill the calcium that's holding your driveway together. And considering that no one in Alberta knows how to properly make or pour concrete, it's a very expensive bill to replace it. As for the thought of more snow, oh yeah, goodie...whoopie... I'm overjoyed at the prospect. (Himmelkruzituerken) (German, unprintable as well as unpronounceable for those of you with Anglo-Saxon backgrounds)

Well, have a good Sunday!
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Old January 5th, 2019, 07:36 PM
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Mike we think very similarly, when it comes to politics, cars etc. probably why we have been friends for almost 50 years. I had seen an article on this movie a few weeks ago, unfortunately it was only a two day release, and not in my area. I hope that it will come to dvd. My buddy, his nephew, son and brother went and seen this at a theater outside of Detroit on Dec. 27th. This was done by Peter Jackson, director of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He is a WWI history buff, and owns many artifacts from that war. My buddies son and brother are also history buffs (his son has a Masters degree in History), and will point out the inaccuracies in WW I & II movies (weapons, uniforms used by the armies involved, that Hollywood got wrong). He said that it was well done, and worth watching.
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Old January 5th, 2019, 07:48 PM
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Just in case anyone would like a little more background on the restoration and creation of the movie.
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Old January 6th, 2019, 04:59 AM
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Let's try thus one more time

Cool and clear Blue bird skies

I'm giving up on the quackopractor and going to an orthopedic Dr. on Tuesday

Ok now for a little esoteric WW i trivia. Pederson device, I've seen exactly one in my years and years of playing with guns
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Old January 6th, 2019, 09:08 AM
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Hi everyone.

Decided that since it was my last day to sleep in I'd take advantage. And wouldn't you know it we got to the Awful house the same time as a buddy of mine, so I had someone to talk to. Hadn't seen him in awhile.

Beautiful out, seems like it might get a little warmish today. I wouldn't mind. Gonna work on the dogmobile and go over to the shop for a little bit.

Marc I'm done with those twits. Anyone else I might have found some humor in it but those guys are just arrogant and think they run the place. That's okay, they'll do something again and that will get them, I have no doubt. I want you guys to know that, this is just a small group of guys and the majority of the people are awesome. Every job has their little clique of people who are troublesome.

Dan that looks like a good movie. I didn't hear anything about it around here, must have been a Detroit only thing. I remember seeing a thing on some commander's Cadillac that said that was the car that started WWI. The chauffeur had taken an alley and got ambushed and someone shot the commander as he sat in the car and that's what started it all. Maybe he was a king or something. I wonder what the people in that footage would think if they knew people were seeing them 100 years later.

Adrian that's weird about Queensland being skin cancer capital. Aren't you guys lucky. I'm very thankful that what I had was the least harmful. I don't know if I would have left it go if it would have turned into one of the others.

Okay gonna get something done. This is it for my goofing off, I have to become responsible tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old January 6th, 2019, 09:17 AM
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Spend few days at my friends. Good times. Bad hangover, Typical weekend with boys

So, we whipped both Canadien and US a**es on our way to victory at ice-hockey
Thankfully hasnt snowed for two days. Got tired when i had to do snow-work 5 days in a row, get old fast. Car is getting done now with nice pace, it really gives some new drive to work on it when you know you can finally get it done.

I can relate to losing whole post.. It just plain ……….

Okay, have a day all. I quess ill head to sofa watching tv. Btw, writing finally from new comp. We didnt have one working for 3 months. Didnt need it to anything, i could browse forums ( tho writing with phone is horrible sometimes), pay bills, etc, all where you would use your Computer. Wife finally insisted for new laptop. So here we are.
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Old January 6th, 2019, 10:01 AM
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Jamesbo, quite an interesting device. Mike, I only heard about it due to my buddies nephew posting a segment on FB, He talked about it when I stopped by for a few hours yesterday. Gotta head out this afternoon to pick up a disposable pan to put charcoal briquettes in, gonna use them in my '69 to control humidity and odor. I used baking soda in the past, thought that I would give this a try.
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Old January 6th, 2019, 12:01 PM
Just an Olds Guy
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Good afternoon everyone,

Sort of a nice day here so far; meaning it hasn't snowed - yet - and the temps are reasonable. Spoda get quite windy tonight and then freezing temps will settle in. Yawn, nothin to see here, move along folks....

Dan - I haven't seen that show up here yet but when it does I'm going to go watch it for certain. The trailer seems to portray it as the grand adventure and we know it turned into the the vacation from hell. From what I read
The immediate cause of World War 1 was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June 1914 by a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand
Jouni - Umm, I don't think you can classify a well played game that had to go to overtime as 'whipping' the Canadian team. Finland got lucky, and you know it. If Finland hadn't slashed Canada in the second period on the way to the net (penalty called on Eeli Tolvanen) Canada would likely have been up 2-0. And the Canadian shot on net that hit the cross bar? Lucky for Finland. The OT goal was a good one but it was hardly what you can legitimately call a whipping. Both teams played extremely well and since these are Juniors, you know they're only going to get better. Now, when it comes to curling?? Ya, Canada wipes Finland's (Aku Kauste) *** buddy, on a regular basis. The USA has come into it's own with John Shuster and he's a force to be reckoned with. Even Canada knows that and respects his shot making and ice calls. These stats don't lie, but good for Finland. Enjoy the victory for the next year. You'll have to earn it back and it's not gonna be easy.

Hockey (World Juniors)

Jim - Dontcha just come up wit some of de darndest things?? BTW, the Jambalay was a huge success yesterday. Only a small tupperware container left which de boy took for lunch today. I was impressed with my culinary ability to not turn it into chili

Marc - The Alaskan Ice melt is labelled as croncete friendly. But, I know that Calcium choride isn't exactly friendly to grass or concrete. Don't worry I used it as directed and the good thing is that as the snow came down and melted on contact the melt water/CC dissipated and ran down the drive to the sidewalk and off into the gutter. We have about a 2% driveway grade so there's a good drainage path for it to run off.

Adrian - Bet you wish you were back here right now. You're right - 30° is a beach. I didn't realize you made Hardiboard. We have vinyl on our place and I've often wondered what it would cost to have it ripped off and redone with an extra layer of Styrofoam SM and hardiboard or parging.
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Old January 6th, 2019, 12:24 PM
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The only Jambalaya cook and curler I believe I've ever known

it;s a crying shame ya don't care fer crayfish
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Old January 6th, 2019, 12:47 PM
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Jim - don't fret. I probably would love crayfish only we don't have em up here. They're kinda like mini fresh water lobsters aren't they??
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Old January 6th, 2019, 12:56 PM
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Kinda but they;re usually cooked in spicy water, They got a little kick and ya don't eat the claws only the tail
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Old January 6th, 2019, 12:59 PM
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Well I'll be horn swaggled! Apparently there are some here but they're considered an invasive species that were illegally released in some ponds. Kinda puny little things. How in the wild world of food are ya sposed ta eat em??
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Old January 6th, 2019, 01:02 PM
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K, I jess giggled it and found dis video. Ever thing looks fine except the part abaout sucking its brains out

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Old January 6th, 2019, 01:10 PM
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Alot of them ya see in de store are raised in China and they don't have the flavor of a true Louisiana mud bug But sometimes ya can jes buy the [frozen ] tails so [if it offends you ] ya don;t have to suck their brains out
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Old January 6th, 2019, 01:12 PM
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Nebber seen em in de store Jim. Only lobsters and I know they came from de East coast, not china. Canada has a purty good fishery even on de west coast. Ever eaten a whate??
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