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Old April 8th, 2020, 03:06 AM
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Old April 8th, 2020, 09:09 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Rain is upon us. It hasn't started yet but is supposed to. It's overcast here right now but an excellent temperature.

I've never heard of that John Prine guy but I'm sorry he died. I've seen it all over the internet today. Youngish man, such a shame.

Work has come up with something new. They put out a list of health concerns and if you're on this list you're at an elevated risk for the virus. I'm on that list a couple times. Stay home and still get paid. This is different than the voluntary leave. This still helps the company because even though we're still getting paid, the company isn't paying us, it's coming from the people who do our workman's comp, so essentially the government. Sounds tempting, but I don't know if I could stay home -that- much. You keep your seniority and still accrue vacation and all that, but they cancel your flight benefits until you come back. Oh that's another thing. You don't have to come back until you feel you're not at risk anymore.

Guess I'll get ready for work. We stayed almost 3 hours last night. I feel there's going to be a big shakeup about to descend on us. Two guys from my group have taken the medical leave, one guy from the other group took the 90 day leave, my lead has taken the 90 day unpaid leave, and the other lead is taking the 30 day leave. So we have no leads and we're down three mechanics. I gotta tell you I've really enjoyed this separation the last three weeks. I'd hate to go back so soon.

Have a good afternoon everyone.

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Old April 8th, 2020, 09:24 AM
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John played all over Old Town in Chicago when I was in my late teen years and I used to hang in Old Town. Wonderful person. Makes me recall my youth.
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Old April 9th, 2020, 08:58 AM
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Afternoon all. breezy and chilly @41°. At least we won't get hit by that snow event to the west of here.
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Old April 9th, 2020, 10:43 AM
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Hi everyone.

This was the shortest day yet. Fifteen wheels to sign, and we were done in less than an hour. Next week won't be like that, we're going back to one crew and only two mechanics. I suspect that starting at 6 we'll be done by noon. We'll see.

Beautiful out. A bit breezy. I think the pollen is done, but I'm done waiting. I'm gonna start washing cars this afternoon, the stuff that's stuck to the sides of the cars is like paste. I can't stand it any longer.

Well, Thursday. That's it for work for the week. Hope it's nice all weekend, I haven't looked. Hope everyone has a good afternoon.

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Old April 9th, 2020, 12:34 PM
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On a side-note I sold the useless lot I've owned for 50+ years on Big Bradford Lake, Grayling, MI last month to a woman from MI. She contacted me out of nowhere about one year ago, then low and behold she contacted me again about three months ago still interested in the property. Goodbye to that worthless piece of land.
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Old April 10th, 2020, 04:00 AM
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Norm, as far as I know, there is no restrictions in Michigan from going town to town, but I guess I wouldn't swear to that. I know the local Sheriff was on the radio and he sorta recommended taking a car ride with your family as a diversion to cabin fever. Though the Governor has just extended the social distancing requirements to April 30 with tougher rules. After today people with 2 residences aren't allowed to move from one to the other, they must stay in the one they choose. Also big stores that sell everything ( like Walmart) are supposed to be open only in the part of the store that sells groceries, etc. No shopping for clothes or lawn furniture!!
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Old April 10th, 2020, 07:19 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Happy Good Friday. We'd be off anyway, but we'd be getting paid for it. I wonder if this then becomes a holiday we can use as a floater. Hm.

Our governor as well has extended the stay at home order, but along with that is pages of things we can do outside anyway. Like really what's the point. Smart people will do what they need to to keep away from people.

We haven't heard from Jamesbo for a couple days. He must have gotten picked up for his no lights trailer finally.

Greg that's a nice picture you changed to. I think a rear 3/4 view of anything makes it look good.

Norm what made that property worthless? Was it on the lake? Why did the woman have interest, besides her not knowing it was worthless.

Dan a friend of mine in Detroit said it was snowing off and on there all day yesterday.

I've begun what's become my annual hunt for a convertible. I got in the Corvair yesterday and it has so many problems("but it's a top notch car...") I don't even want to mess with it. I want something I can drive and not think about. Not a lot in that category that's under 15K, or something I wouldn't drive anyway.

Well gotta figure out something to do. I wanted to go to a trailer place and buy a tow dolly, but I'm guessing they're closed. I could call and find out. Other than that, it's nice but windy out and gonna be fairly cool today. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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Old April 10th, 2020, 08:04 AM
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Mike, I jes got back from de hills, I sneaked off for a few days [harden criminal]
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Old April 10th, 2020, 08:51 AM
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Mike, it lightly snowed here this morning, more like dandruff falling from the sky. Yesterday afternoon it snowed, even though it read 43° on my cars thermometer. No accumulation.
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Old April 10th, 2020, 10:13 AM
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If I had been pulled over by the cops, I had my excuse ready. I HAD tp go to the mountains to get sum older eggs outa my Frigidaire [they peel easier] and [Singing Fiddler on the Roof" ]TRADITION is always ta have deviled eggs, tater salad, spiced peaches, three bean salad and Ham for Easter Sunday dinner [that's lunch fer yous guys that knows how ta spell Zamboni ]

Norm, I'm not too far from Highlands N.C. and I heard they've got road blaocks going up the mountain to stop people and turn them around.

My take is it seems like sum People need ta leanr ta take the bitter with the sweet. Considering the property taxes paid support the locals Again jes MHO
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Old April 10th, 2020, 11:06 AM
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Mike - You probably missed a much earlier thread several months ago when I was discussing that piece of property w/ Greg. When I purchased the lot, it was supposed to have been developed into a resort community. They installed some ski lifts and I'm not completely certain they ever used them for the resort. Then came my active duty with the military in which I did not pay much attention to what was going on w/ the property other than I was paying it off. During that time period the real estate development company either went Bankrupt or they were forced out for some reason. Evidently several (numerous) land owners filed suit against the real estate development company (unbeknownst to me) and they were forced out for having not met the terms of the development of the property. To shorten up this story - I got PHUQUED. Not quite the same as paying for a dead horse but nearly so. I have no idea why the woman wanted the parcel and I could care less why she wanted it. It's gone - end of story.

James - Road blocks going up the mountain you say? Interesting. I've been through Highlands numerous times. I often ride the Indian via RTE#64 into Cashiers then through Highlands. I often stop in Cashiers for a coffee or lunch.

Well, they have the roadblock completely functioning today as I had to stop & drop my pants for them on entry to my little town after playing 18. Oh well - no biggie. Honestly, I don't mind it one single bit. It's a deterrent to many of the local boys w/ the small dicks driving their pick-em-up trucks around with no exhaust, open headers, no mufflers. Evidently that approach works for them when picking up other small dick guys.
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Old April 10th, 2020, 11:12 AM
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Norm on Ga 246 coming up the Gawga side from Dillard
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Old April 10th, 2020, 11:20 AM
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James I know where you are referring to. I took a wrong turn years ago and headed South on NC 23 into GA 23 before catching GA 76 & heading back up North and over to Murphy, NC. I recall that day rather well to this day - it sorta turned into a ride from hell.
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Old April 10th, 2020, 11:55 AM
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In college I used to date a girl whose family owned and Inn up there. During the summer she would werk at the hospital in Franklin. NC True story A lady came in the ER after trying to push a black bear into her car to take a picture pf it sitting next to her husband.
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Old April 10th, 2020, 03:33 PM
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Norm I don't remember you guys talking about that. Must have been around the time you were talking about the snowmobile up on the post at the general store. Well, whatever she's going to do with the land I'm glad you're done with it.

What a large afternoon. Got me my new tow dolly. Tows real nice empty. Took me forever to get a non-running car up on it, then it wouldn't tilt, then it wouldn't swivel, and on my three mile drive it creaked and moaned like it was going to explode. But the car is safe at the shop. Then the tractor wouldn't start. Jumped it off. I'd say it took me two hours to get the car on the dolly. Once I got the tractor started I pushed the car around with a seat cushion to keep from scratching the bumper. Worked pretty good.

But now I'm beat. I think Tiger and I will go for a ride in the car and see what we can get at a drive thru, and then eat in the car. That should be interesting. He hasn't ridden in the car in quite awhile. It will be fun.

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Old April 10th, 2020, 09:17 PM
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Jamesbo, if ya get tossed into the clink, here's my number to call so's I kin bail you out........
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Old April 11th, 2020, 04:37 AM
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A little nip in the air with thunderboomers headed this way tomorrow

Got everything made fer Easter dinner
Can't wait to have sum poke, [I give it up every year for lint. I'm not Catholic, I jes figger 40 days of self discipline once a year does me sum good

Have a great day Oldss friends
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Old April 11th, 2020, 05:29 AM
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Norm, glad you sold your lot. Everything good here, It's a good thing I have lots of projects after moving to this place. Yesterday and Thursday I built a railing around the stairway going from the garage to the attic. It was a serious accident waiting to happen. The previous owner built this place and never got around to it after 20 years. I quit working on the truck as I want the paint to dry/harden before I paint a little more. I also am half way done with putting the dock in, and also windows need cleaning, trees need trimming, soon lawn will need mowing, etc,etc. But I am glad to have lots of things to do. I feel bad for people who live in a apartment in a large city and the only thing to do during this situation is binge watch netflicks.... Well as the overused phrase says- "it is what it is" We will get thru this. Take care, guys.
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Old April 11th, 2020, 07:23 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Slept great until 3:00, then I was wide awake and couldn't get back to sleep. That is until it started getting light out. Tiger decided we weren't sleeping in too long, which is fine, I want to get a lot accomplished today.

Beautiful out but cold. I actually turned the furnace back on this morning. I doubt it lasts long. Rain coming tomorrow.

Greg you sound like me. Lots of projects. Idle hands, as they say...

Jamesbo I can eat the heck out of deviled eggs. When I was a kid my Mom would make them for Christmas or Thanksgiving or whatever, but she'd have to make twice as many as she really wanted to, because I was an expert at wandering past and grabbing one when she wasn't looking. That's one thing I've never made for myself. Perhaps I should give it a try.

And off to it. Have a good Saturday everyone.

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Old April 11th, 2020, 03:33 PM
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Finished playing 18 @11:00AM (41/43). Did two loads of laundry. Left iPhone in back pocket of pants, went through entire wash cycle. Made it through about 10 minutes of the clothes dryer until I heard this horrendous beating in the dryer drum. Thought for sure I'd left a golf ball in a pocket. Nope, it was the phone - all beat up. I have insurance on the phone. Took a ride on the Indian (15 miles round-trip) to AT&T store only to find out it's temporarily closed due to COVID-19. Sign on door states nearest store in Jacksonville, NC (40 miles away). Oh boy.
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Old April 11th, 2020, 08:42 PM
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Norm, I did that with a phone a couple of years ago, the first time I pulled it apart and set it on a south facing window sill for a couple of days to dry out, and it worked fine until the second time that I did it. Looks like some crappy weather will hit us on Monday and Tuesday, a rain/snow mix, and wind gusts up to 50mph. Should be interesting.
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Old April 12th, 2020, 03:43 AM
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He is risen

Happy Easter Olds friends
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Old April 12th, 2020, 04:17 AM
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--Happy Easter Olds friends!! Sure will go down as a odd one!
--Norm, I got a phone wet one time and got it to work again as Mike said by taking out the battery and chip and setting it in the hot sun. I've heard of people also putting them in sand to draw out the moisture. Though sounds like your's didn't just get flooded but then beat repeatedly in the dryer. Still worth a try if you can't get to the phone store....
--Yesterday I got the dock the in rest of the way. I didn't think I could do it by myself- setting the 10' long planks in place- but I could by just moving them one end at a time and dragging, prying, whatever in place. Not easy to get help in this Social distancing time!! Ordered a new set of Frogg- Togg waders on line and they are nice but about $120.00. I found that the really cheap waders aren't worth anything- they dry rot and crack in storage-even if you store them properly, with no folds or creases. Anyway these were the biggest size( 14) and are big enough around though a little short. They fit but I could use a little more length.
--Finished painting some more color on truck yesterday. Looks OK. A lot better than spray cans and should be more durable, but not perfect mirror reflection as a professional could do. Then went for a quad ride with wife and a buddy. Buddy and I stay 6' apart.
-- Governor extended the stay at home requirements to no power boating!! You can go out in a row boat or kayak, etc. but no power boats!!, I guess the idea is too many people are congregating at the boat landings?? Well so far I haven't heard of any restrictions on quad/motorcycle riding on trails. Also you aren't supposed to go to a store and buy paint or other do it yourself type things. I suppose you could buy paint for your kitchen project on line but what if you forgot a certain brush or something?? Have to go online and order it and wait a few days for it to come?? If there is something good about having to stay at home it would be getting projects done....
-- Well enough punching on this laptop for this morning. Happy Easter!! I'll throw in one more pic of paint progress.

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Old April 12th, 2020, 06:54 AM
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Norm, I always put my wife's in a plastic bag full of rice after removing the battery. Yours may be Tango uniform but it's worth a try
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Old April 12th, 2020, 09:57 AM
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Guys - Just so we're clear on this. My phone is completely Tango Uniform. It is totally Tango Uniform because I assisted in ensuring it got that way. Not on purpose, but as the result of my surely I can fix this $HIT attitude and lack of patience. I did know I had insurance on it so I thought WTF, why not. Got the SIM card out, all was good. Let it set in the sun about 30 minutes - all appeared good except some key pads weren't totaling working. Thought it might work in a couple days if it dried out. Noticed one of the edges was lifting from the sealant. Took it to the man-cave and applied some nice blasts of compressed air from the compressor. That resulted in the entire side of the top of the phone lifting off of the phone and into my hand. OK I thought, let's see if I can blow that moisture out. Well, it turns out there are two really thin pieces of carbon/metal/titanium or whatever material sandwiched inside the phone - those went flying out the phone and the rubber piece for turning the phone ON went flying out with the sheets of carbon/metal/titanium or whatever.

The good news is I don't have to drive to Jacksonville, NC (40 miles away) to get a new phone. I filed an AT&T claim on-line (I pay $8.00/month for Mobile Insurance). I didn't even know there was a deductible, but there is a deductible evidently since it stated I had a $125.00 deductible. Anyways, then they gave me some type of bonus and upgraded my phone from my current iPhone Apple SE 32GB to some new Apple 7 Plus 32GB or something like that, maybe just the Apple 7 32GB, whatever - my phone is getting upgraded to some form of Apple 7 32GB for a cost of $75.00; and I don't have to drive to get a new upgraded phone to replace the phone I just beat the living $HIT out of. At the end of the day I'm calling it a win!

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Old April 12th, 2020, 10:05 AM
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Greg - That buggy is coming along nicely. Good job.
James - I love deviled eggs.
Mike - Learn how to cook.
Dan - That crappy weather is the reason I moved to the South. I really miss the two weeks of summer up North. They speak funny down here though almost like some don't got no sense.
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Old April 12th, 2020, 10:08 AM
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I just replaced the battery in my Apple SE 32GB iPhone, and I just purchased two new charging cables for that sucker. Watch, it will be just my luck this new phone has a completely different type set of charging cables.
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Old April 12th, 2020, 10:11 AM
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Hi everyone Happy Easter.

Rain. And we're supposed to get a real wing-dinger of a storm this afternoon. So far nothing but I hope it misses us.

A friend of mine had a riding mower he was selling cheep so he brought it over to my shop this morning and we stood around talking. Then it started to rain so I came home. Remembered I had some trash I wanted to get rid of over there so when it stopped raining I went back to get the trash and also put some gas in the car. Now I think I'm home for the duration. Don't know what I'll do, I'll think of something.

Greg looking good. Love that color. Green, any green, is my favorite color. Except on a car. Dark blue is best on a car.

Okay have a good afternoon everyone.

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Old April 12th, 2020, 11:03 AM
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Mike - I just re-read what I wrote to you: "Learn how to cook" - it wasn't meant in a derogatory way (although, by itself it appears that way that's why I'm apologizing). What I meant was supposed to have been in context relative to you loving deviled eggs (which you were good at stealing) but which you have never made yourself. Now, learn how to cook some deviled eggs.

I just opened the refrigerator wondering where the hell the Johnsonville Italian Sweet Sausages were I cooked last night in the oven. Yep, I turned the oven off and never removed them from the oven. I tell ya, I'm having a weird couple of days: phone through the washing machine & dryer, yesterday I hit my golf ball from the incorrect set of tees, then I hit my golf ball outside my own tee markers, today I hit from the wrong set of tee markers and now I find the sausages are still in the oven. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!
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Old April 12th, 2020, 11:54 AM
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Mike, They are really easy to make, Boil eggs, peel eggs, split in half Take yoke out, mix yellow with mayo pickle relish and a drop of mustard. spoon into center of halfs

Norm. take dem sausages and make bangers and mash [w/o the crappy bangers] Just make sum mashed taters, and saute sum onions til they caramelize. Re heat the sausages and put them on top of the mashed taters with the onions
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Old April 12th, 2020, 12:00 PM
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James - Are you bossing me around?

Honestly, how in the PHUQ did you even know what I was doing? I absolutely to this near very minute just finished eating bangers & mash. That is seriously some crazy stuff right there!!!
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Old April 12th, 2020, 12:07 PM
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No biggie, Norm. I didn't think anything bad about it. I'm actually a pretty good cook. I just never fix anything because there's no point to making a big mess for something for just one person. And I'd get tired of eating the same thing for a week. I do need to venture out into the culinary world because it doesn't look like I'll be back to my Mom's any time soon, and I need to eat real food, not canned soup or drive up window whatever.

We got a decent rain shower with thunder a little while ago but now it's stopped. Still looks like it could pour, but so far no 50mph winds. Haven't done squat this afternoon except look at the internet.

I need to pay a couple bills, and I need to file my taxes. I won't get my refund for months and months, but if I wait until the extended deadline, in July, I'll completely forget and lose all my stuff. I used to have that filed as soon as I got all the paperwork, because I'd get my refund and use it for Australia in March. When we started getting really good profit sharing I didn't need the refund so much, so I've been letting it get down to the wire before filing. Eh, One of these days the urge will come over me and I'll get it all figured and mailed in toot sweet.

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Old April 12th, 2020, 12:21 PM
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In another life I was a psychic [I think}
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Old April 12th, 2020, 03:23 PM
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I really miss the two weeks of summer up North. They speak funny down here though almost like some don't got no sense.
In another life I was a psychic [I think}
I saw that coming. Watch out for the weather heading your way that hit Louisiana and Alabama. Now I want some deviled eggs, But I'm gonna grill a steak along with sum taters and garlic bread.
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Old April 13th, 2020, 04:21 AM
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Well, It missed us by a frog's hair.Not sure about the mountain house. Since I lost my physic abilities when my voice changed, I need to make a few calls

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 13th, 2020, 06:13 AM
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Weather system (front) should arrive here in ~1 hr. Pleasantly warm - but windy @ 30mph - 40 mph (gusting to 50+ mph). Might be some boomers possibly tornado or waterspout here & there.
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Old April 13th, 2020, 06:25 AM
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Norm, Use your 1 iron for a lightening rod

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Old April 13th, 2020, 06:28 AM
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I'm all about it. I grabbed my 2 iron, don't have a 1 iron. I'm feeling a little tingly.
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Old April 13th, 2020, 07:34 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Did way better than I thought we would this morning. Out before 10, and that's with the weird lead. The other mechanic(there's only two of us now) had car trouble and didn't come in until almost 8. I had computer trouble and things got backed up quick, but things evened out.

Hope everyone did okay with the storms last night. I didn't get hardly any wind at my house, very little thunder and rain. There was a tornado up by the airport and lots of bad stuff up north. I need to go over to the shop and see how things fared there.

Got most of the day now to get stuff done. This might be better than afternoon shift. It's beautiful out now, a little breezy but supposed to get up to 76. I'll take it.

Have a good morning everyone.

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