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Old July 24th, 2017, 01:46 PM
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Jim, sorry I didn't get a chance to see that. Must have been some really nice golf shots though. I did see a small bit of coverage on Saturday morning though when the skies were clouding

You gonna have the whole tree taken down? When they split like that there's usually an after effect on the trees health.
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Old July 24th, 2017, 02:03 PM
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Allan, I think they'll repay me. Of course, I have no bite -- only bark. But you have to give folks enough rope to hang themselves. His wife is a worrier and she's on maternity leave for 3 months.

I'm stepping onto the soap box now if anyone would care to change channels

I find it amazing that folks can buy a $270k house (I looked it up on the Parish Web site) accessible via a private road, and can't come up with a few hundred bucks to sit in their air conditioned parlors and have monkeys like me orchestrate the whole road-maintenance shebang. I'll chalk it up to youth and ignorance.

I wish I could pay $300 and have somebody do all the coordination, hole filling, & dirty work! I don't even ask 'em to contribute anything for the crushed concrete I buy to fill the holes, the bushog I have to rent every couple years to tame the overgrowth, or the sweat of my brow to do the work. But ignorance is (often) bliss. And there may be factors other than that & youth. Some folks are just ______ _____. (Fill in the blanks.)

OK, I'm down from soap box!

Jamesbo, you might have a translation job in front of you now. LOL
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Old July 24th, 2017, 02:16 PM
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Good one John, if no one else says it - you sir are a true gentleman and should be recognized for the efforts you contribute to your community . I was tempted to say you were a 'road scholar'... but...

Mind if I give Jim a breather? Jouni, The Soap box is like a preacher standing at the front of the church giving a sermon.
John's saying that some folks in his area seem to be outright lazy. They spend lots of money (which they might not be able to afford) on a house but can't seem to be bothered with the upkeep that's needed to keep the road and side growth properly maintained. It sounds a lot like he's more than a little frustrated with having to coordinate or do all the work on his own and never even gets a thankyou for his efforts. Down from the soapbox means he's finished with his rant.

I remember many times in the past when this topic came up. Seems like he's the only one in his parish who actually cares or has motivation to get things done.
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Old July 24th, 2017, 02:17 PM
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John, Just and FYI

The main reasons this county paves roads is because it's much cheaper to maintain a paved road vs a dirt road

BTW, I think I've forgotten how to translate coona$$
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Old July 24th, 2017, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
John, Just and FYI
The main reasons this county paves roads is because it's much cheaper to maintain a paved road vs a dirt road
BTW, I think I've forgotten how to translate coona$$
Preaching to the proverbial choir -- once I realized the uphill battle it was going to be to maintain the road, I got a price to blacktop the whole "shebang" (word du jour). It was 10 grand. When I approached my loving neighbors, they practically ran me out on a rail. So I guess I could front the whole thing.... Might be worth it. Of course, that was almost 10 years ago, so it's probably 12 grand now.
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Old July 24th, 2017, 02:45 PM
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Have you ever considered up grading neighbor. I know the city had it's problems [hurricanes, floods, gang wars etc] but at least ya didn't have free range pigs

Wait, I've reconsidered, Stay Put and deal with the pot holes, I want cha to live a long healthy life
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Old July 24th, 2017, 02:59 PM
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Thanks... methinks your reconsideration spot on!

I ain't really complaining... there's no heaven on Earth, that's fer sure. Billionaires are often the most miserable of God's creatures. Just expressing my lack of understanding for the supposed plights of others....
I guess if every neighbor was a "good neighbor," we'd appreciate them a lot less....

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; July 24th, 2017 at 03:06 PM.
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Old July 24th, 2017, 03:21 PM
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See there, It don't take John long to closely examine a hot horse shoe

Inline translation, John and his bride used to live in downtown New Orleans, When the hurricane Katrina in 2005 the city was devastate but the crime and looting afterwards made it impossible for them to return to their home. They moved out of town and now have a few minor problems with pigs and pot holes but no one is trying to shoot them
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Old July 24th, 2017, 05:09 PM
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I smell a budding Ernest Hemingway right here on CO... As my ex-neighbors would have said, "Dat's good, hun!"
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Old July 25th, 2017, 02:14 AM
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John. I think you need to invite Jouni over to your place. I'm sure he could put you on some blacktop nice and cheap. It's what he does.
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Old July 25th, 2017, 04:50 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan, We have the trench dug, now everything else we have to do requires the citys blessings. so hopefully the approve our requests.

Have a day all.
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Old July 25th, 2017, 05:01 AM
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"They call me Ishamael " I think that's fairly catchy opening line

GTG another family coming dis mawn'in

This just may catch on

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 25th, 2017, 05:42 AM
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Good mawnin,

Good to hear Clint. If that trench was in my yard right now it would prolly have about a foot of water in it. Didn't the project get pre approval for the changes?
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Old July 25th, 2017, 01:32 PM
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Well, I wish I hadn't but I borrowed a friend's mini chain saw/pole saw attachment that [like alot of stuff] fits on to my Husky weed whacker. It has an extension to reach farther up to limbs [and also makes it heavier] Got a bad case of the MAW and wore my sorry cracker a$$ slap out.

But, I won't have ta duck down on my mower as often. I really wanta trim some more low limbs around the edges of the cemetery but Not sure I've got it in me

Decide it was time to sit a spell and mowed the cemetery, yard and half the road frontage

I really like having those Husky attachments, Un screw One **** along the shaft and out comes the weed whacker and in goes [so far I've got] Blower, hedge trimmer, and [borrowed tree limber] So you've got one 2 cycle engine for several uses

I feel o' rotten potato 30 in my near future
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Old July 25th, 2017, 04:04 PM
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Hi everyone.

We've seen it all today, rain, sun, heat, it's cooled off, but not snow. Cloudy now hope that's it for the rain.

Jamesbo that was rather ambitious. You have a crew for everything else why not a yard crew? Then instead of working you could rest. And then do nothing.

Rotten potatoes make me angry. Don't drink them anymore.

Tis Monday. Only two this week, then off to Ohio for the Amphicar shindig. I never look forward to that and don't really have a good time, but am always glad I went. How odd is that. I thought I'd have to go to Alabama this weekend. My friend that was just here had some chest pains and found out there were three arteries blocked, 90% 70% 50%. They did stents and I guess he's all better now. I asked if he wanted me to come this weekend to help out, he said no they'd be fine. So okay then.

Went yesterday for the new tire for the Cruze, oddly enough they didn't have one. But they did extract 140 from me for it. They said they'd order it and call when it came in, oh and by the way we'll keep your wheel so we can put it right on when it gets here.

Okay off I go. Hope everyone has a good evening.
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Old July 25th, 2017, 11:41 PM
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Good Morning.

Long shift yesterday, now 4 and half an hour for work starting, gonna be partly night-shift. Gonna change oils for my trusty DD. I quess 13k miles is enough for oil interval.

Jamesbo - Thanks for explanation!

Bee-Oh-Pee - Maybe you should let the road just degrade and see when your neighbours start to notice something should be done..

Okay. Is it humpday for once i think it is????! Have a good wednesday anyways
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Old July 26th, 2017, 03:13 AM
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Spose to be nice and hot a-gain

Mike, Over the years I've tried 'crews" They start out OK then get faster and sloppier, Change crews repeat process. Cut, mow and go.

The local transplants with the McMansions all use crews [then go to the gym] The local gas station food store looks like peering over the wall at the Alamo

I also have some help from time to time but there's a real shortage of good help around here. Last kid I hired sent me a text and said, "See ya at 7:00 tomorrow," That was a month ago, he may have gotten lost or kidnapped.

By the time ya hire oversee and help someone get going the way you want it done, you're better off just doing it yourself

Geeze, I soumd like Clint

Today is haul off limbs I cut back, mow other road side and weed wack a little
[read very little]
Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 26th, 2017, 06:02 AM
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London - How'd the wife's birthday go yesterday? I bet she was thrilled that you remembered she wanted that expensive watch. Did she say Oh you shouldn't have?

Jim - Only difference is Clint still has his hire and far as I know the kid still shows up on time.

Jouni - Letting the road deteriorate won't help him. Far as I remember he lives at the end and has to drive through all the rough areas and potholes.

Tis grass cutting day, so of course its forecast to be hot. Nice and cool right now so I think I'll brew some tea to enjoy the quiet.
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Old July 26th, 2017, 08:55 AM
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Allan, her birthday went very well, even though we were traveling back from Italy.
She was surprised with her watch, I don't think she expected me to take the hint so for a while I'm in her good books.

Back to drizzle and cloud and 20 degrees cooler than Italy. But, on the positive side I'm back to the land of much more sensible road users.

I'm back in the papers this week but at least it's for something positive, we held a charity event a few weeks back and the photos are in there.
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Old July 26th, 2017, 09:02 AM
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From my local paper. I'm the big bald one.
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Old July 26th, 2017, 10:58 AM
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For a second I thought you meant the guy in the wheel chair....then I read the captions.
Glad to hear all is going well and the missus was pleased with her present. I have to figure out something for our 25th anniversary coming up later this year.
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Old July 26th, 2017, 03:08 PM
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Hi everyone.

Friday already. I could get used to a two day work week. Got home fairly early this morning and got up and ran a couple errands. Of course that included Awful house. I really got Tiger hooked.

London glad you had a good trip and got home safe. Next stop Indiana. I'm sure Mrs. London will cherish her watch. Nice pictures of the shindig.

Jamesbo I'd come up and help you, I work for food. Though I think you'd do better with a crew. I eat a lot.

Clint I always said if I found a 67 Cutlass or 442 that was built on my birthday I'd buy it for sure. Watch I'll find one that's a 1000 point show winner and a price to match.

Got the tire for the Cruze. I'll put it on tomorrow afternoon when I wake up. Tiger has to go to jail tomorrow and I leave at O'Dark Thirty on Friday.

Well I guess I'll get ready to go. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old July 27th, 2017, 12:46 AM
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Morning guys.

Just woke up, and i should be leaving to work at 15 mins. Last day ( hopefully.. if it rains and ruins our night-work, we just might have a friday-shift too.... ) of this working-week, but at saturday we have a special job. Like i have gotten moneys from the first one yet....

LondonCutlass - Youre a tall guy. Good you got to "good books" for your wife, now you have some points to spend By doing something stupid!

Jamesbo - How about importing few from Thailand? They work for rice- just be careful shutting their mouth that they wont start yelling " asylum"

Okay. Thursday it is. To work->
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Old July 27th, 2017, 02:41 AM
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Welp, Gonna be a busy one today too

I bought gas yesterday and all ready gasses up all the machines

When the sun comes up [before it get too hot] I'm gonna finish trimming the markers and disc [pins] in the cemetery, THEN SS and S and head for town to let someone stick a finger where the sun don't shine and then head to get my teeth cleaned {NO it's not the same guy]

Then, I'm gonna take sum lunch by a dear friends house that's got Parkinson's

Then, I'm gonna head home and do nutting and tomorrow mow the cemetery again.

There's method in my madness, It really looks nice if ya mow after you trim

Mike, I appreciate the offer, but then I would feel obligated to come help you with you retaining wall

London, Ya got it all, looks, fame and fortune

Inline, A] I don't speak Thai and B] there food is too spicy for me and lastly C} I love enchiladas

Have a great day Olds friends

GTG Have a great day
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Old July 27th, 2017, 05:31 AM
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Morning time already, finally
Twas hot yesterday. Too hot. I was fine till the Mrs turned off the AC around 9:30. Didn't sleep all that well. The boy leaves for work shortly so I checked on the rr tire that I put air into yesterday. It was still up at 30 psi so I'm wondering if someone at work let some air out as a prank. Mebbe take it off when he gets home tonight and look for any signs of a nail.

Jim - TMI sometimes. You getting your annual at both ends I guess. That's how I do the whack and cut sequence too. How much did gas go up? It's down to .88/L here.

Jouni - That sucks they still didn't pay what they owe you.

Well, Tis the day of Thor so heading out to see da boys in an hour or so.
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Old July 27th, 2017, 09:50 AM
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Jim -Just think of it as engine work. Getting the intake and exhaust checked and tuned.
Hope all went well.
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Old July 27th, 2017, 01:31 PM
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Hi everyone.

Got home late this morning, slept till 2. Would have liked to sleep longer but there was a nose in my face. So we got up and have been playing pretty much all afternoon.

Time to take Tiger to jail and then start the task of getting ready for my trip. This will be the big test of the new laptop. We'll see how it does on the road and hooking up to wifi. Heck, maybe I'll post while I'm driving.

Don't worry Jamesbo, the wall has been put on sabbatical. Promises of the lake coming down next winter are empty. I wish I could pile up a bunch of Jersey barriers.

Okay gonna hit it. No work for 5 days. Did I say work what's that?
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Old July 27th, 2017, 10:28 PM
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Hi everyone.

A few more minutes and I'll be on the road. Tiger is in jail and the house is tightened up. Went downtown and saw a friend of mine for a little while this evening, had a good time.

Not long ago I had an email conversation with someone I'm rather fond of, and the topic went from, should I move to I should look at my inner self. Well, I came across something that pretty much describes what runs around inside me that I never allow out. Complex, a little whimsical, a bit intense at times, sometimes smooth. One thing though I am not is synthesized. The pictures aside, I could listen to this all day, and oddly enough it isn't my favorite by this guy. I might put that one up another time.

Okay I-75 runs north.

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Old July 28th, 2017, 02:18 AM
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Morning. Just woke up an hour ago. Went sleeping at 4am.
Waiting for wife to get back from work, so we can make food and heat sauna! Thats life.
And its only one week to my Italy trip, too!
Eagerly waiting quality time with my new book which arrived this week, " Selling the American Muscle Car".

Wish you guys all have a good weekend!

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Old July 28th, 2017, 05:40 AM
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Fit as a fiddle with clean ivory

Wanta hear a funny, I bed wetting liberal neighbor is going to run for mayor Soooooooooooooom She's going to "Candidate School" in Washington D.C. I guess they teach ya how to launder money from lobbyist. I mean who in their right mind would go to D.C. to school to learn how to run for mayor [of a very small town] in Georgia

Mike, Safe travels BTW I tend to reflect in a Jungian way

John, Come out come out where ever you are


Have a great Friday Olds friends
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Old July 28th, 2017, 06:54 AM
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Good morning,

Jim - congrats. Good for Anutter year I guess. School for politicians? Sounds like cult material.

Jouni - sounds like a comfortable and uncomplicated life. Why the book on selling?

Clint - how goes the trench warfare? I hope you got all the approvals.

London - so back to the salt mines working out well?

Another hot one here today. Last night a t storm blew in around 9:30 and cooled everything down with wind and rain. It's keeping the grass green and the plants watered. Spoda be repeat tonight. Almost worth selling tickets for the light shows.

Got a rather large shipment due to be picked up this morning. Know what works really well for wrapping the outside? Resinite from Costco. Who'd a thunk it. Beats going out and buying a roll for $20 for basically the same thing. My son suggested it instead of tape and he was spot on. The box was already taped shut.

Enjoy your weekend.
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Old July 28th, 2017, 09:07 AM
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Nudder hot one in da' swamp.... 'Twas 97 both yesterday and Wednesday. But a "coolfront" has moved through and they're only predicting 93 today.

Jamesbo, I'm trying to spend less & less time at the ol' computer and it's amazing how much other stuff gets done! Don't be surprised iffin' I pull a 'Scot' one of these days. I love everybody, but my office chair is wearing out.

Better half is in the state of her nativity (IL) again, tending to Mom. I guess it's all fairly steady as she goes up there. Doctor's appointment today.

Took delivery of my 'remanufactured' battery tray from Rudy this morning (see bottom picture); he did a real bang-up job (Inline, that means "Great!"). And the price was extremely reasonable. Might just send him some more stuff. Been sweating my gonads off last couple days removing undercoat (finally) from the S/F inner fenders and front-end sheetmetal baffles. Here's a sample of what I had to work with. Top is the inner fender that I haven't done yet. Middle is battery tray "before." Soooo.... it's (very) slow, but sure progress. I should have it all back together by 2020. (That's just slightly pessimistic.)

Whelpt, I was going engage in Jamesbo's favorite pastime and mow da' lawn; but they're now saying that there's no real chance of Elsie until tomorrow evening; so I might do it tomorrow morning.

London, I'm all ears for the blacktopping... Great idea! Inline, can you vacation in Ponchatoula next year??? I'll supply the brew. I'm sure the cost of the blacktopping machine rental would be negligible... maybe a year's pay?

BTW, so far, so good with the road. It's got a "rough" texture, but it should turn hard as steel after a couple rains. We dumped over 30 yards of crushed concrete, and it hasn't been better in years.

Also BTW, I think this site has gotten worse as far as adding pictures. The three above took a total of over a half hour and experimenting with 3 browsers. Basically sucks, IMHO, if anybody's listening. Ironic how I'm sitting here plugging away after my rant about spending less time in the orifice....

Y'all have a cool one, Olds friends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; July 28th, 2017 at 09:44 AM.
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Old July 28th, 2017, 10:04 AM
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But but but, You can't go a sabatical John, You're the only one ere that knows what Lagniappe is [ Inline this is your new word for the day AND I'll guarantee ya you'll never hear it over there ]
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Old July 28th, 2017, 10:08 AM
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Candidate school? If you have to go to school in order to learn how to run for public office, maybe you need a hobby, or better yet, stay out of politics. I applied some feed your weeds, er uh, feed and weed a while back on the lawn, nice to see the weeds doing so well.
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Old July 28th, 2017, 10:12 AM
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Not sure if I ever heard of that up here Jamesbo, so I googled it. A former neighbors dog used to leave a gift in the yard time to time, is that the same?
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Old July 28th, 2017, 10:41 AM
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Off from sauna. Tomorrow after work im gonna sauna for loooooong.

Jamesbo - Lappniage? Lol sounds same as Lappland

Allan R - Im not selling mine This is the book, and so far its been GREAT read:

Btw, ill picture my battery tray for you tomorrow

Bee-Oh-Pee - Sure, no problem Rent really shouldnt be that high, but its the asphalt concrete mass which costs. And anyways, at road which is living yearly, it wont last for s*it- it needs really firm ground under it
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Old July 28th, 2017, 12:17 PM
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Evening all

So, this weeks work had finished with a pain in the butt job at work, namely a collapsed drain in a really awkward position. I've got raw sewage seeping onto my neighbours drive and the drain people can't fix it till next week.

Going out with friends tomorrow for a curry. My favourite.

Weather in Londonistan is wet and windy, that's the weather, not me after my curry!
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Old July 28th, 2017, 04:42 PM
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Hi everyone.

Made it to Ohio early this afternoon. Got a ride in one of those Panthers, the Jeep look a like with the retractable wheels. Man that thing is fast. The driver kept telling me it would be faster except for the extra 250 pounds in the back seat.

We just finished dinner and the group is off to the boat ramp near the carnival. I never go, because I don't want to get caught in someone's car who likes to go 90 into the water. I don't like getting wet. I'm surprised I bathe.

Tomorrow is a big car show at the carnival and a swap meet. I'll buy a few parts for my car but not much. Some people come here and spend thousands on parts.

Okay gonna get ready to see fireworks. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old July 28th, 2017, 06:50 PM
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Good evening folks.

Got back into bad habits and got busy with stuff.

Work was keeping me busy and wasn't feeling great the last couple of weeks but starting to feel better now.

Also busy preparing the Cutlass to get to the show in Syracuse NY a couple of weeks ago. I'll update the build thread eventually...

Hope everyone is doing well and TGIF.
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Old July 29th, 2017, 06:21 AM
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Not spose to rain today so I'll finish mowing

Mike, Bring me back an Amphi. Any color is fine just a daily floater not a show car

London, Sorry about your woes, I would think the health dept would put a rush on the work

Car designer, Nice of ya to drop in, don't stay such a stranger

Have a great day Olds friends
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