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Old July 11th, 2017, 11:41 AM
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Evening guys.

What a day. I knew it would end up in conflict with my supervisor, because the job he gave/ únderestimated resources to complete it at any reasonal time. We didnt complete it, but i managed to make my supervisor to make the final mistake prohibiting completing it.
Sure, im gonna hear about it tomorrow, but it was well worth it

Allan R - Actually i dunno. I think its the dust/ heat which breaks them. And ive tried many different manufacturers. Same story with any of them. Year and its trash. I rate high battery-life most when i choose my phone

LondonCutlass - Okay. Well, it sure was a no-brainer

Bee-Oh-Pee - So sad to hear about that We have two cats also, 10 and 11 years. My wife was really sad to hear about your cats fate, condolences from her ( and me ofc)

Okay. Tuesday evening. Off from sauna, and have to admit, a bit drunk. Was so upset from todays work which was put to my fault, when in reality it was the insufficient resources given to complete it at given time. But tomorrow i need to be only at 01.30pm at our station. So plenty of time.

Have a good evening everyone!

Last edited by Inline; July 11th, 2017 at 11:44 AM.
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Old July 11th, 2017, 12:16 PM
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John, so sorry for your loss
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Old July 11th, 2017, 02:24 PM
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Thanks, guys... yeah, we've jumped thru innumerable hoops for that girl over the years.... But it was worth it!
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Old July 11th, 2017, 04:03 PM
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Hi everyone.

John I'm so sorry about Feeney. That just sucks. I thought you had her maladies licked last week. Tell BH I'm thinking about her.

Went back to bed when I got home from the airport this morning. Slept pretty good, got a little of the house back to normal this afternoon. Been spitting rain all afternoon, and thunder. Doesn't look like it will get serious, though.

And now, my Monday. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old July 11th, 2017, 04:43 PM
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John, my condolences to you and the better half. I appreciate how much it hurts and how much you'll miss her. I went through this myself with our beloved Mew and can relate. Godspeed and RIP Feeney.
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Old July 12th, 2017, 02:31 AM
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O dark thirty

If it doesn't rain, I'm gonna drag this ole body out a weed whack before the sun gets too hot

I am now the proud owner of 2 Husqavarna weed whackers. [one's a back up]

The "help" I hired last week sent me a text, he'd be here in 20 minutes. since he hasn't shown up yet, I don't believe he's gonna make it

I think he musta missed work 101 SHOW UP

Mike, Have ya ever given Tiger a sausage an biscuit? Red and I split one every morning. Actually, we split whatever I'm having. Chicken biscuit, bagel and Nova, cheese eggs whatever I decide on he's fine with


Have a great one Olds friends
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Old July 12th, 2017, 04:55 AM
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Mornin all.

John. Sorry about the cat.

Mike, If they look good and no cracks I'd say run em.

Well, off to go open up the Romper room. Ugh.

Have a day.
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Old July 12th, 2017, 05:53 AM
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My weed whacking quota de jour is 2 tanks of gas or 4 string refills. I'm done. Only problem was my safety glasses are tinted so it's hard to see what's what before day light.

Clint, your silence about your help is thunderous

Now I get to do the easy stuff and mow the road
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Old July 12th, 2017, 06:21 AM
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Mernin', all... thanks, Mike, Clint, & Allan. Today's a new day.

Yesterday the grass here was so hi, I thought I was cutting for hay. I had to take advantage of the dry "snap" and mount my Deere lawn steed. 'Twas so high, I took out the mulch plug and just let it spit out the clippings. Just bogged down otherwise travelling anything over a slow crawl. So the grass is cut & whacked, but it looks awful with all the "hay" on the lawn; so next time I'll put the plug back in (with the height more manageable) and it'll be like nothing happened.

Big city today --- Yeeha! Clint, you & I could have an enthusiasm contest today.

Have a great Humpity, Olds friends.
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Old July 12th, 2017, 07:03 AM
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Good Mawnin
Yesterday we finished walking through all the granite slab warehouses. Some of the products are very similar, but the way they were racked out in some warehouses made access a bit awkward. I guess now it's up to the missus to make the final decision on which slab she likes best. We also looked at sinks and faucets. Yikes are they ever expensive. When we got home we looked online and found a lot of the exact same stuff for considerably less and with free shipping.

Jim - Did the help show up? Sounds like a lot of weed whacking so early in the day. Do yer neighbors get upset witchu making noise so early?

Clint - Ever changed a center brake light in a 06-09 Sonata? They sure make it interesting. Takes about half hour and awkward as heck. They should build that housing to pop of easily some of the other imports.

Dan - I'm sorry to hear about your loss too. Not something that we easily get over.

Jouni - That's why we used to call them "Stupidvisors" at work. Nothing should come,back to you if it was his mistake. Some of them are good at admitting they goofed, others are not.

John - Sounds like a big job. You're right it will even out with the next couple cuttings.

Aw crap. The roadway crew is back ripping up some of the fresh pavement. I wonder what kind of agenda they work on

Enjoy your day
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Old July 12th, 2017, 07:40 AM
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No help
No neiighbors
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Old July 12th, 2017, 08:20 AM
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Jim, you an red dog deserve a treat. Take de rest of the day off and rest up a bit. Mebbe some libation ta parch yer thirst...
Wonder if dat hired help turned left 3 times and headed right back to bed. Label him undependable. Y'all might have to use Clints method of mowing and fertilizing.
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Old July 12th, 2017, 08:36 AM
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Thanks Allan, undecided as whether to get a dog (been 20 years) or another cat. The new yard is smaller then the old one, so I wouldn't really be able to have a medium size dog, nor do I care about picking up after one, so another cat will probably be my choice. We'll see.
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Old July 12th, 2017, 09:00 AM
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I've also been toying with another kitten. I'm the one who alway fed, cleaned it's box, played with it and rubbed her tummy which she really loved. In winter when I was upstairs with fireplace going she would always come up and stretch out in front of it and fall asleep. That cat and I had a special bond. I thought about a toy size dog, but like you and John, I'm more a cat person.
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Old July 12th, 2017, 10:00 AM
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Allan, I either drink and do nutt'in else of do something and don't drink.

I'm catching a second wind ere, and thought about weed wacking the other 1000' of fence on the west side of the house but [no offence London] but this thing popped into my head about mad dogs and Englishmen and I had to sit down and rethink this. Naw, I'll catch it tomorrow at first light while it's cool
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Old July 12th, 2017, 10:36 AM
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Jim, Good call. In case London hasn't seen or heard that ( ) I'm sure this was around before Joe Cocker Just substitute the English stuff for Gawja stuff and yer golden

and also remember....

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Old July 12th, 2017, 02:04 PM
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Allan, love it. Can't beat a bit of Noel Coward. It's true I love going out in the midday sun, that's why my bald head always has a slightly burnt tinge, also my dog loves sunbathing, so I suppose it must be true.

Spent the day buying stuff for my new cook at work, it's always good to help the kitchen staff as much as you can, that way she always makes me something tasty for lunch.

Talking of cats. My cat has a nasty habit, she likes to catch mice, then eats them apart from the head then vomits to whole lot up. Not very pleasant.

Nice day mid 70s and sunny.
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Old July 12th, 2017, 03:58 PM
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Hi everyone.

Hot as a mother here, over 90 and sunny. But I like it. I just talked to my neighbor in Jersey and he said it was 97. Yikes.

Jamesbo I share everything with Tiger. He might not get a very big bite depending on what it is, but he always gets a taste.

I need to get out and mow, I can get a section done a day during the week, but I've been trying to make a path so that I can get my big roll around tool box from my neighbor's garage to my house. Trouble is I need to get it in the house and I have to have a straight path because it's heavy as hell. Got the convertible started up today after a few weeks of it lying dormant, so just have to move another car tomorrow and that should be good.

London I'm glad your dog is still around. How's he doing?

Well it's night 2. Got home early this morning after a smooth night, hope tonight is the same.

Have a good evening everyone and hope you all had a good Hump Day.
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Old July 12th, 2017, 09:11 PM
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A good laugh there Allan, with the pics & prose.
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Old July 12th, 2017, 09:17 PM
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Back in April.
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Old July 13th, 2017, 03:16 AM
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Welp, Gonna try and finish weed wacking the last fence section before the sun gets too high

Spose to have 3 families coming by today and One church that "Says" they want to buy a section of a few hundred lots. Keep your fingers crossed for that one. I "need: a new Lambo

We have 3 cats, 2 inside that drive me crazy and my favorite that lives in an outbuilding [heated and cooled] Pebbles [the outdoor one] follows me and Red around on our walk, would never get near the road and generally hangs around and murders chipmunks. Wish I could get her to take on ground hogs but no such luck She was a stray that the SM caught and had fixed and had one ear clipped [I think that's how ya know a stray has been fixed]


Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 13th, 2017, 06:32 AM
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Good Mawnin

Since we're done at the quarry time to go back to the fabricator to find out the potential bad news for the bank account. We decided on Silgranite kitchen sink and matching faucet. Retail is horrendous and we can get the same products on line for close to $500.00 less. QuIte a market for fixtures.

Jim - Makes me curious what a plot goes for. I can use some Lamborghini cash too.....

Dan - Sweet picture. Coloring reminds me of our cat. The pose is all too familiar.

London - **** can make or break a place, so keeping her happy goes a long way.

Spoda be hot here today so I guess no mowing or spending long time outside. Well it's Thorsday so time to get ready to head out for brekkie wit de boys.

Enjoy your day.
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Old July 13th, 2017, 06:44 AM
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Allan, They're cheap $1,895.00 each but "supposedly" this group wants to buy one acre worth of lots about 1080 when ya take out land for roads.

I'm not gonna brush up on my I-talina jes yet.

Money talks and B.S. Walks
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Old July 13th, 2017, 09:46 AM
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I hope it's not just talk. That would be a nice 401K contribution. Plus we could all come to your place for the big partay after it goes through. Y'all could build the varmint trap from hell with that kind of loot. I'm guessing you'd lose a chunk though to taxation....
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Old July 13th, 2017, 11:39 AM
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Afternoon all.

Jamesbo, Mama always said if you don't have anything nice to say...

Allan, Not that I can recall. but many of those are less than fun to change.

Cooler now, and more humid. have a day all.
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Old July 13th, 2017, 02:00 PM
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Evening all

Jamesbo, hope your little deal comes off, send us a pic when you get your Lamborghini!

Mike, yes my poor little pooch is still hanging in there, he's literally a bag of bones now but he's not suffering so we take each day as it comes. He actually looks like one of these adverts for dogs that have been locked up without enough food but he's eating as much as ever but it just goes straight through him.

Allan, so much for keeping the cook happy, she getting sacked tomorrow, she can't cook for ****, still, she did last a whole week.
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Old July 13th, 2017, 02:31 PM
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Well, we just bought the granite slab and the fabricating contract. Not too bad a deal. Now we have to order the fixtures, and contract the backsplash tile. So far we figure the total will be about 60% of what an all in contractor already quoted us.

London - WTH?? A cook who can't cook? How'd she slip that past ya? You sure she's not trying to make you eat less to bolster your weight loss? I'm sure you'll find someone who's qualified soon. Too bad it didn't work out.

Clint - Fun n games. Remove rear seat bolsters (1x12mm bolt lower on each side) remove sail panels, disconnect electrical connector in trunk, remove 5 parcel shelf screws and move parcel shelf forward and flip. Replace bulb, reverse process. About 20 minutes. Retarded design.

Hot out right now, close to 90 so the AC is on. I didn't water this morning so I'm going to have to go out there. It was cool the last 2 days so things didn't get watered and I imagine they are praying for a nice cold drink. Pitter patter....
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Old July 13th, 2017, 02:45 PM
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If ya gonna low ball me.Don't drive up in a Porsche, Rent a Hugo for the occassion
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Old July 13th, 2017, 03:57 PM
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Hi everyone.

Over 90 today. But now it's clouding up and cooling off. Methinks we'll have some rain. Hope not though.

Jamesbo let me guess. The church is reckless with the parrishoner's money. No station wagon for the pastor.

So Clint is the young man still in your employ or are you the one man band again?

London maybe you should have a working interview. Ask the applicants to make something and the one who does the best job gets the job. Sort of like on TV.

Night 3. Last night we all finished around the same time and went to the lead, but he was nowhere to be found. He finally showed up around 5 and was so gracious to tell us to leave. Now, we don't take a break during the night and we'd leave at 5 anyway. I remember this guy as a mechanic. He was a slickboy.

Okay time to hit it and quit it. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old July 14th, 2017, 02:54 AM
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Good friday for everyone.

Today wouldnt have been alot of work, so i told my stupidvisor ( thanks Allan, im gonna use this ) that i dont mind spending a day at home if thats the case, no need to try figuring out how to spend atleast 8 hours at work. That is, because no matter if were just an 1 hr at work, our minimum payment is 8 hours per day. Were maybe even getting one week off, kinda short summer vacation. That would be great. Also drove Wirtgen W200i for first time yesterday. That was a hoot. They even flashed the idea that they would totally teach me to it. It would be awesome, bigger the machine, bigger the grin.

Soo, im happily at home. Thinking about getting my Cutlass ready to transport for garage, so i could finally start on it? Then some cleaning of junk etc.

Jamesbo - Tell us about how did it went? No pics of Lambo & you i suppose

LondonCutlass - That one was a fast, just a week. 2 weeks for next?

Okay, have a good weekend everyone!

Last edited by Inline; July 14th, 2017 at 02:56 AM.
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Old July 14th, 2017, 03:44 AM
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My work is done around here so I'm headed norte

I didn't really want a Lambo anywho "Let them eat fish heads and rice"

Have a great weekend Olds friends
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Old July 14th, 2017, 06:44 AM
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Good Mawnin

Bit of a storm rolled through last night which dumped a bit of much needed rain. Not really enough but it also cooled down the temps a lot. Back in the oven today and tomorrow.

Jim - I'm guessing the low ball was less than half price and that they had relatives offshore? Btw dat was funny toon y posted for me. Had a good laugh. Safe travels to de mountains.

Jouni - Cool that you got to take the day off. Wow, minimum pay for even a one hour is = to 8 hour day? That's pretty good wage negotiations, but how does it affect the overall cost of production? I just looked up Wurtgen 200 i. Now I understand your signature line. Here I though you worked at a CNC station in a plant. The machine that did our neighborhood was about the size of a Wurtgen 250. Amazing how fast it works and how versatile it was cutting curves.

London - Big all olds show here tomorrow. Usually about 75 + Oldsmobiles at it, but lots of attention from the other brands who want to have a look. I constantly am amazed when the walk through crowd professes to be subject experts when they know squat. Like calling a Cutlass a Chevelle even when the nameplate on the car spells it out. Not sure if I'll go this year because the forecast is for around 93*. I'd need Mr Freezes cool suit.

So Nice out right now. Construction a block away ruins the quiet though.

Enjoy the day.
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Old July 14th, 2017, 08:39 AM
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Have a great and dry Friday, Olds friends. Jamesbo's "Hugo" comment reminded my warped sense of humor of this one.

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Old July 14th, 2017, 10:27 AM
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LOL! You're a sick puppy. By the way, that is Crown Motors in Holland Mi., I've been there.
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Old July 14th, 2017, 11:36 AM
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Allan - Yes. No matter if i spend even just a minute at work and they tell me theres no job for you today, they have to pay 8 hours. But at our job you can count it with one-hand fingers per season how many times you benefit from that. Usual length of day runs somewhere around ~12 hours.
About how fast - W200i, and W250i ( the W200i has a drum width of 220cm, and w250i, i suppose, is 250cm) can cut usual thickness of pavement thickness, 5cm for final layer, used on motorways/ highly used roads ( atleast the normal here in Finland) on rate of 20..23 meters per minute, so 20 meters per minute * 220cm width * 60mins = 2640m2 per hour on ideal ( read = straight road) situation. Just to give you and idea how much they can cut.
Im operating Wirtgen W100i, which is, truth to be told, harder, since im operating it alone. At bigger machines, like W200i or W250i, theres atleast 2 guys operating it. My machine, if not in really dire need, is used for under 1000m2 working sites, yards, and such, and for finishing worksites after bigger machines

Bee-Oh-Pee - Thanks for laughs Ive actually seen plenty of Yugos on flesh on our summer trips

Just came from sauna, 1,5 hours at there. Thats life.

Last edited by Inline; July 14th, 2017 at 11:38 AM.
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Old July 14th, 2017, 03:07 PM
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Evening all

I'm laying in bed while the wife who has a bit of a head cold is snoring at about 130 decibels, it's gonna be a looong night.

Good news I've found an excellent new chef with 30 years experience, made me a great Spanish omelette as part of his interview.

Yugo is a great car manufacturer, half of Eastern Europe swear by them. I'm lying. The Yugo was and is possibly the worst car ever made. I drove a friends Zastava years ago and it was plain awful.

Allan, I've never seen more than about 5 Olds in one place before.

Weather today is a bit changeable low70s
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Old July 14th, 2017, 03:48 PM
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Hi everyone.

Friday for me. Funny, it now seems like the week has gone quickly, but while I was in the midst of it I thought things were dragging painfully. Eh, the weekend is ahead.

London hope you both recover quickly.

John where do you come up with this stuff?

Need to start thinking about the big Amphicar shindig at the end of the month. First up, getting the annoying exhaust tick fixed on the black truck. I'm driving it up there and don't want to listen to that for 9 hours straight. Each way.

Well gotta take Tiger out one last time then hit the road. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Old July 14th, 2017, 11:36 PM
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Morning guys. Saturday. What a great day to do nothing?

LondonCutlass - That happened fast. You just fired one and got new one. Hope shes(?) good, atleast she bribed you with omelette. Was it her or your idea?
Ps. I can see good Yugo fitting to your collection

Ookkay. Have a day.

Edit: Wow, look what i found!!!! Sale-ad from my car when it was for sale on US and bought to Finland!

Funny, that tach wasnt there when i bought it, and i happened to install mine on the exact same spot!

Last edited by Inline; July 15th, 2017 at 01:26 AM.
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Old July 15th, 2017, 06:11 AM
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Good Mawnin,

'Twas a shopping day for new flooring yesterday. Some really amazing products on the market nowadays. Now to decide whether to,go,all in on the main floor and just do everything instead of just the kitchen.

Jouni - Cool beans. I don't know if they ever take those ads down. Isn't that where you found the car to start with?

London - There's a phone app to measure decibels. Ever think about ear plugs? Sorry to hear she's not well. I know what you're experiencing. Good luck with the new cook. Hope he works out.

I think it's going to be too hot to do that car show today, and it's about a 300 mile round trip. Yesterday when I took the bbq cover off it was already reading 175 on the gauge. Hotter today.
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Old July 15th, 2017, 07:28 AM
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Hola, all... Looks like yet another wet one in da Swamp, and should last all weekend.

It's Middendorf's today with the seldom-seen Louisiana Cajun relatives.... Should be nice, both food & family wise. It's actually 3 of my Dad's 1st cousins + their spouses + my 2 brothers & 1 SIL. Will be a full table....

Mike, I used to work with a Yugo guy (almost 30 yrs ago) and I ribbed him no end -- and he deserved it. I won't get into politics and social theory, but let's just say we didn't agree on much. I have to say, though, he was funny has hell and I liked him. I saw that Shanklin video ages ago somewhere and never forgot it.

Y'all have a great weekend, Olds friends.
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