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Old July 15th, 2017, 08:44 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Got home early, but two hours later than I should have thanks to another department. Eh, they can't touch me now. Slept some and then hit the Awful house.

Got some work on a trailer today. Thirteen days until I get a new one. I'm excited.

Hope I can get some mowing done today. The weeds are as tall as I am and the grass itself is knee-high. Hm, It's after the 4th maybe it's corn.

Sunny, hope the rain stays over John's way. Not for John, just to stay away from here.

Have a good day everyone.
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Old July 15th, 2017, 10:23 AM
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Soon heading to heat sauna, wife and her sister is at local music festival together, offered them a ride there earlier. Taxi to get off, obviously ive drinked beer since its saturday

Finally got my lazy *** to work on my Cutlass. Now its ready to transport to garage and lifting engine off. Exhaust-pipes are off, drive-shaft is off, and everything else minor is done. I soooo wait to get drive it again. As much as slantflat is waiting his new trailer.

Have a evening everyone.
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Old July 15th, 2017, 10:56 AM
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Question for the knowing.

I have an old trailer that only has two lights in the back, how can I add some clearance lights? Can I just splice in to the running light wires? Also, what if I used LED bulbs, will that cause a problem if I'm not using them in the truck?

And, does anyone know of any typical maladies of the Gen Last BBC? I've got this annoying exhaust tick that I can't seem to find when I look for it. My guess is exhaust manifold to head is leaking, but since I also have a weird coolant smell that comes and goes, it could be something else? Who knows. My mechanic is AWOL and I refuse to take it to the local shop. Seven Hundred for a fuel pump and carb rebuild. Two hundred for three V belts. Jesus Chrysler.

Okay thanks.
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Old July 15th, 2017, 11:06 AM
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Dunno whats the standard on US at trailer electric connections; we have an specified "outlet" for clearance lights. But as far as your not exceeding the total max amperage of your fuse for trailer lights, and most importantly your wires, you can just cut on some live-wire, and ground them back to ground-wire.
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Old July 16th, 2017, 01:54 AM
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Morn Morn

you cats
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Old July 16th, 2017, 07:06 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Saw my cousin last night for the first time in eons. Her son moved to Covington to be the main pastor at a church and he's going to seminary at Emory starting in August. Had dinner with the group of them, nice time. I'm having dinner with my sister tonight and my cousin might come also. Family weekend I guess.

Brian I have a hard time thinking that it gets hot in Minnesota. Last time I was there I think there was about a foot of snow on the ground.

The work on the trailer was a bust. I did put some air in the tires. Drug it around all afternoon and took it back to the shop.

Looks like inside stuff today. It looks cloudy like the sky is about to open up, but so far just mist. I should just go back to bed.

Okay have a good Sunday everyone.
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Old July 16th, 2017, 08:53 AM
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Weekends over, and soon to work for sunday/monday night, then again at monday 11am again to work. Hard shift ahead.

Was fun weekend, 3 times at sauna, saw friends, eat well, and it was sunny and warm all the time.

Have a good new week ahead of you guys.
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Old July 16th, 2017, 11:07 AM
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Back from the hills

John. St Joe worked his miracle. Closed Friday afternoon. Thanks for the tip. Now I haveta find him and honor him

Mike, It that my old trailer you're speaking of?

London, I about finished reading "Last Hope Island" by Lynne Orson.You might enjoy it. It gives a different perspective on your home land during WW II than anything else I've ever read

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Old July 16th, 2017, 12:29 PM
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Jim, I've never read that book but I have heard about it, makes you laugh when you think that the UK gave a safe haven for a lot of the ruling Europeans and now they are trying to bankrupt us with this huge divorce bill. But then, we have a lot more in common with the US and Canada than we have with our neighbours, just a shame you have the steering wheel on the wrong side!

Dull but warm day today
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Old July 16th, 2017, 10:47 PM
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Good Morning.

Just woke up, and now back to work soon. Uhh..

Its monday. Its guy number #5 turning up to CMM-side just on my 3 months ive been there. Windy place Truth to be told, theres war coming. Our stupidvisor did few really nasty tricks now around weekend, from one guy living at another side of Finland, he prohibited early leaving to funerals he had, just let him go early enough so he could attend it, not day earlier as was promised. And from second guy he denied one-day daychecks extra's from special work-shift, lying he havent promised anything.
Interesting times to even see do i receive my 1140$ from that saturday i spoke week ago, or do they pay just from hourly rate.. If so..........

Oh the drama.

Anyways, good monday for you guys!
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Old July 17th, 2017, 02:33 AM
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Tis a beautiful Monday, so guess what

Inline, Sorry for your work woes. Life's too short to but up with all that $hit IMHO

London,It' was very complicated situation, We [UK and USA] being the good guys made our share of tragic mistakes. At the end of the book it speaks
about gen Hackett returning to the family that hid him in Arhnem and about the school children still tending the grave of the British and polish paratroopers lost in the failed attempt to capture "A Bridge too Far"

Several years ago I made the drive up the road to Arhnem and was moved by the flowers the children still place on the graves.

American kids have absolutely NO Clue about most of WW II

GTG Have a great week Olds friends
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Old July 17th, 2017, 06:17 AM
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Mike. still employed, but sometimes makes me wonder why. Yes, just splice into the Marker wire(usually Brown) and install your clearance lights.

Raced yesterday. paying for it today.

Have a Monday.
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Old July 17th, 2017, 08:34 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Hit the Awful house early then took the Cruze to have its oil changed. I need to rotate the tires because it's at 10K miles. I really should have done it at 6K.

Yes Jamesbo that's your trailer I'm talking about. Lift is still on it, though the cylinder rolled over and a bunch of oil spilled out of it and made a big mess at the stoplight.

We never learned about WWII in school. Every year, we started out history class with the Continental Congress. Over the year we'd get to, I don't know, Abraham Lincoln, then then next year we'd start at the Continental Congress. You'd think I'd be an expert on that but I don't remember $hit about it nor do I really care.

Thanks you guys for the wiring knowledge. I gotta call the trailer guy in Ohio to reserve one. I'd hate to get up there only to find out he's out of them.

Well, truck tire rotation today, then hair cut, then Summit. My guess, no Oldsmobiles and no Corvairs. Might be a Valiant. Have a good day everyone.
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Old July 17th, 2017, 11:54 AM
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Mike, We never studied WW II either

Somewhere along the line, I decided to listen to all the stories I could from the guys who were there[ Yeah I know I got a few years on ya]

Speaking of which, I had a bud from Scotland who flew with the RAF, that trained [believe it or not] in Albany Ga. Fell in love with a Georgia Girl from Camilla, got married and eventually moved to Georgia. He gave me a photo copy from his long book. "Flew over the channel today, no Jerrys" He actually flew to Arhnem during Operation Market Garden. Course he had no earthly idea WTF was going on. He said, they kept switching orders from "Bomb the Bridge" to "don't bomb the bridge." On his return flight home, they had to make an enormous detour [which he later found out] was the largest air assault in the history of the world [gliders and paratrooper transport] headed for Holland

Anywho, Most of that generation has gone home to glory but I still remember their stories
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Old July 17th, 2017, 05:30 PM
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Good evening

It started out ok and I had a nice post this Mawnin. Then the eye pad decided it would shut down chrome and all its applications. Yay for this stupid software.

Jim - I predicted you would get 45/46. Close to a stogey? There's a lot of history that most kids nowadays just don't know or pay attention to. Seems if it doesn't involve a selfie, it's not worth paying attention to. The kids in school here actually participate in Remembrance Day ceremonies and some schools even sent their students to Vimy this year to commemorate that battle. Tv does have a lot of History unearthed on the History Channel, and it portrays the nastiness of war and the gallantry of soldiers who fought in both wars.

Jouni - Hopefully your stupidvisor will take some smart pills soon and smell the damage he's doing. Sounds like he's made himself extremely unpopular with the crews.

London - No sir, our cars have the steering wheel on the proper side. Only ones here that don't are the imported ricers. Makes me wonder how safe they are having the driver on the wrong side of the road especially when it's necessary to pass on a divided 2 lane highway. I guess they call them motorways or carriage ways there?

Clint - How'd you do in the race? Must have been all out if you're suffering like that. Just make the help work harder while you supervise.

Twas nasty here most of the day with temps struggling to reach 55. On and off rain with brisk 20-25 mph winds. Tomorrow is Spoda be nicer.
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Old July 17th, 2017, 05:49 PM
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Hi everyone.

Well, didn't make Summit. Met a friend of mine for dinner then headed down the highway, and picked up a screw in the left rear tire. Got a message that the pressure was at 21. It was at 10 by the time I got to a gas station. Long story short, I was about 3 miles from home when it went to zero. Called said friend and he came out with a little pump and a tire plug. Still leaked air but held enough to get home. The tire has about an inch cut in it from where the screw went in at an angle, right where the tread and the sidewall meet. That's okay, I have too much money; I need to spend it on something like this.

So question. Tires have 10K on them. Would I be okay getting one new tire or should I get a pair of them? Is there anything the tire store is gonna do that will mess with the tire pressure sensor?

Need to stay up late tonight, work tomorrow night. Have a good night everyone.
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Old July 18th, 2017, 01:29 AM
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Allan, What kind do you smoke? I owe ya one. I'll run down to Havana if ya liek

Allan, I've spent way to much time reading about the "Recent Unpleasantness"
[a.k.a American war between the states] and a good bit of time studying WW II Korea and Vietnam.

There is only one indisputable fact. When the shooting [and chaos] starts NOBODY really knows WTF is going on

Mike, My dad grew up during the depression and was very frugal. I'm sure he rolls over in his grave every time I buy a bottle of water. Anyway, He often bought 3 new tires, kept the best one as a spare and put the unused spare on with the other 3 new tires.

I've never done it but I have often thought how much sense it makes to have a perfectly good new tire never see the light of dayKinda wasteful

GTG the local magazine is coming today to interview me

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 18th, 2017, 06:40 AM
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Good mawning

Don't know wth is going on, it's only 48* here this Mawnin. Spoda rain again later in the afternoon. We can't seem to find the happy medium, always one end or the other on the temp

Jim - Winner winner? I'm jess glad y'all taught whitey what direction de cup was. I'm not a smoker, so ya get off on that one. If I ever golf witchu y'all can repay me by not laughing
There's a new movie coming out called Dunkirk that's Spoda be the rival or better (how can war be better for entertainment? ) than Saving Private Ryan. Some of the WW11 vets I knew who have since passed couldn't watch that because they said it was all too real and brought back memories they had tried hard over the years to suppress.

Your pappy sounds like a smart man. The old tires from the Cutlass don't have more than 2000 miles on them, but they're too old to be considered safe. I'll throw one in the trunk as the spare. I also can't see the point of a perfectly good one never seeing daylight except at car shows. Makes me rethink why car manufacturers no longer offer spare tires as standard equipment.

Adrian is coming to Canada this year! He's leaving Oz on Christmas Day and heading to British Columbia for their first white Christmas. Depends on where he goes, there might not be snow. Other places he might want to rent snow machines instead of motor home. I think he'll be surprised how expensive things are here.

Last edited by Allan R; July 18th, 2017 at 06:43 AM.
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Old July 18th, 2017, 09:53 AM
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Allan, I've seen the ads for "Dunkirk", looks like it might be good, though I'll probably wait until it comes out on DVD. Pretty cool to see that Adrian is headed to The Great White North, hope that they have a good time.
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Old July 18th, 2017, 11:04 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Pretty cool to see that Adrian is headed to The Great White North, hope that they have a good time.
We had lunch a few years ago when he visited "The Promise Land"
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Old July 18th, 2017, 11:36 AM
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Good evening.

More **** hit the fan today.. Its *this* close ive had enough. Found out i was blamed for breaking machine our stupidvisor broke to hundred pieces. And he tought he wouldnt get caught.. Oh, life really is too short for that ****..

Sorry, i read all your writings, but im too upset..

Just tought to sell hello.. And apologises to all for not taking part for the conversation..
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Old July 18th, 2017, 01:23 PM
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Allan, it's no problem driving with the steering wheel on the wrong side in the UK. We are actually quite civilized on our motorways, for example we only overtake on the right, never the left, which is quite unlike when I took a road trip from LA to Dallas. I suppose the biggest problem when I drive the 'yank' is that our roads tend to be narrower than yours.

Jim, I think it's such a shame that kids in school know more about what happened 200 years ago than our recent history. Mind you, when I was at school I never learnt a thing about WW2, it's only that my grandfathers were involved so I read a lot myself, my great x3 uncle was a decorated squadron leader flying Spitfires. I actually read British social and economic history 1770-1905 which never touched on any wars.

Inline, sounds like you need to knock this dude on his butt and cover him with asphalt!

Lovely sunny warm day today low 80s, chance of boomers tonight.
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Old July 18th, 2017, 03:31 PM
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Hi everyone.

Went to bed early last night and still slept till noon. I should be okay at work tonight, there's a few places I could sneak off to for a nap if need be.

Wanted to take care of my flat tire this afternoon, went out with a floor jack and there's no discernable place for a jack. The car didn't come with a jack or a spare. I didn't feel like messing with it so I'll take Tiger's car to work this week and worry about it next weekend. Went and got my hair cut instead.

So I got home and let Tiger out and I was standing on the porch while he was behind the garage playing in the woods and he lets out this loud yelp. I ran down the stairs and he came out of the woods seeming okay, so we went in and I checked him all over and he had a bite inside his back leg. Little bit of blood, big bruise. So we hiked off to the vet for a shot and some medicine. It's been a good couple hours and he doesn't show signs of distress. No clue what bit him, black snake maybe we have a few of them around.

Jamesbo that only works once. After that you have one used tire and three new ones. The latest thing around here is the tire stores try to get you to buy 5 tires when you go in. Funny, most cars haven't had a full size spare in decades. I'm all about being frugal, though.

Work tonight. Haven't heard any negative things so hopefully the company is still intact. Aside from that nut that didn't get her window seat.

Beautiful here, about 90. Supposed to get hotter. Love it.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old July 18th, 2017, 09:53 PM
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Well the Cutlass saw daylight today for the first time in 5 years. More work to do before it hits the road though. Not enough to hold up the enjoyment of driving it again, just little stuff that shouldn't take more than 2 or 3 weeks. Finally got off the procrastination stage of getting to work on it.

Inline - We're here for you if you want to vent. I'd be upset if someone accused me of doing something that was not true. And I can relate because it's happened to me too by someone I once called a friend. Truly, I hope your situation works out and the stupidvisor gets caught in his own deceit. It's hard to cool off from something like what you're being accused of, and beer won't be the answer. Do you have a sign off sheet for leaving the machine and picking it up again? It should record the last operator and hours on the machine. Of course that relies on someone being ethical, which it sounds like the stupidvisor is not.

Dan - I'm tempted to go see it first run. They're advertising it as a 70mm IMAX film and we don't have that many places that show that I think.

London - Just giving ya the gears. You're right, In Canada we have some pretty wide roads and most have enough asphalt on the shoulder to park a car out of traffic. Our motorists though aren't that civilized, especially passing emergency response vehicles on the side of the road or zooming through construction sites. The penalties are pretty severe if caught but too many bozos still treat driving like it's a right, or a game. Sad state of technology in cars makes them feel invulnerable.
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Old July 18th, 2017, 10:09 PM
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We never had any WW2 history when I was in school either, the last history class that I had was American History in the 10th grade, and we never touched it. My dad was stationed in Alaska where he was a fuel truck driver in the Army Air Corp. Frankly, I was surprised that they let him enlist as he had lost an eye when he was seven years old. I had uncle who was a mechanic (not sure where), who worked on B25's. Several years ago, the Willow Run air museum restored a B25, but when they fired it up, it shook like a son of a gun, and did not dare to fly it, and did not know of anyone who could help them. His son (my cousin), was there when they were talking about the problem, and he whipped out his cell phone and called his dad, who came down there, climbed up on the plane with tools in hand, and started making adjustments, smoothed her right out.
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Old July 19th, 2017, 02:09 AM
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Mike, I hope Tigers OK. When I had a bunch of Pointers, I could always tell if they saw a snake, They jump straight up and back, if it was just a turtle in the grass, they'd bark at it

Inline, Vent away

Dan, I bet cha there are more B-25 [left or restored] than there are B-25 mechanics around

John, You OK?

Allan, Don't you have problems with Moose eating your garden?

I'm about to give up. All I'm doing is feeding wildlife

Have a great day Olds frfiends
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Old July 19th, 2017, 06:31 AM
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Good Mawnin

Beautimus Mawnin to start the day.

Jim - Nope Sgt Prescott doesn't let them near it. Sorry ta hear yer the local diner for critters. Did that church ever come back with a better offer on the land or did y'all tell em to pound sand?

Dan - Cool story. I was surprised they took your dad too because they wouldn't accept lots of people for lesser reasons (I think). We have an air show coming up soon and one of the features is selling rides for 4 in a B25. I'm thinking that every takeoff and landing puts stress on the plane. I know they were built to carry a payload, but we're talking about a really old aircraft with God knows how many air hours under its belt. I'll probably just admire it from the ground.

Jouni - You getting there? Don't do anything that will get you fired or in trouble with the law.
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Old July 19th, 2017, 09:01 AM
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Allan, They keep sending me e-mails asking for a meeting. I don't do malls, meetings or movies [walk ins]

Ok half a$$ serious question. I have a FB "friend" [I used to live near one of his cousins so not exactly buddies.] That is on a tirade about people leaving their class 3 trailer hitch receiver in place when not towing. Yes, I have banged my knee n one but IMHO, I need to look where I'm going not blame others for my stupidity

What ya'll think, Remove or No
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Old July 19th, 2017, 09:44 AM
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Interesting. I'm inclined to think it's being stored in the place it was designed to be, so,it doesn't bother me one way or the other. Might make parallel parking in a tight spot interesting though. Sorry to hear ya got banged up by one.
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Old July 19th, 2017, 09:47 AM
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Jim, outta curiosity how do you end up touching base with clients if you don't use those options? Makes me think yer gettin ta be a recluse? i guess ifn it was me I'd open my horizons if it meant a big payola. Besides, you hold the trump cards in any negotiations
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Old July 19th, 2017, 04:01 PM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful and hot out. Got some mowing done this afternoon, it doesn't look good but it does look better.

Thanks Jamesbo Tiger is just fine. He seemed to have slept good last night, he was far too much of a nuisance while I was sleeping, and he's played in the yard quite a bit, so all that points to normal. He's got to take medicine for a week, but the bite area is clearing up and he isn't bothering it.

I generally take my hitch off the truck when not in use, mainly so it doesn't get ripped off. If I had a lock for it I'd probably leave it. A lot of people leave them for those not paying attention at a stop light. Sounds like this guy was walking through Walmart parking lot and connected with one.

Time again. Not a bad night last night, hope it continues. Savannah is on the bid again, almost thinking I might put in for it. I put in for Orlando and didn't get it, and I'm feeling that urge to get out of town again. Eh, we'll see.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old July 20th, 2017, 06:33 AM
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Good Mawnin,

Thursday worm? Wowsers!

Time to get ready and visit wit de boys.
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Old July 20th, 2017, 07:10 AM
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Good day.

One week behind again. Quess did they pay me that special contract? Nope. War is on. Im too old for this s**t. If i wouldnt like what im doing, and not having huge property loan, id be gone now.

Anyways, enough of it. Its thursday, and its weekend for me now! Going to attend one of the biggest car shows at Nordic this weekend, Big Wheels at Pieksämäki.
Been waiting for it whole summer.

Okay, now im gonna make food with my wife, and drink a beer. After food... Sauna-time
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Old July 20th, 2017, 08:20 AM
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Well barely still mawn'in

Y'all know I have a 2 string refill and or 2 tanks of gas [which ever comes first] weed wacking quota. Well dis mawn'in I doubled it

About the last 1000 feet of fence, I thought, I If perish in this heat at least they won't have ta drag my body very far to plant me

Now I'm Fix'in ta [as they say in the south] bush hog the horse pasture and mow the cemetery [and go up on the rent of the horse pasture lady cause she won't do $hit]

I gotta get this place looking good cause I need to beat feet to the mountains. My 90 y.o.. bud an'int doing so hot, and I need to go stay with him and cook up some vittles

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 20th, 2017, 08:56 AM
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Hola, all.... Yeah, Jamesbo, I'm still on top of the lawn... thanks fer axin'.
Been hot as a firecracker down here. Better half & I drove over to Madisonville (about 20 mi. east) for some victuals last night (new restaurant -- pretty good, but I probably wouldn't go back given all the other choices) to rendezvous with a couple former work buddies of mine. Good time had by all. We stopped at Sam's in Covington before and thermometer said 101 when we got back into the Fusion. When we got to Madisonville, it had cooled to 97. Pretty brutal.... Yesterday was first day with no showers in quite a while. Lawn is still soaked, however; so I have to wait out 2-3 more scorchingly dry days before I can mow.

Dentist this morning; "NPF," as the mechanics used to write on the tickets at Gentily Dodge in the 80s. Music to my ears.

Mike, glad Tiger wasn't seriously injured. Do black snakes bite like that? Is that the same as a black racer? That's what we have around here. Get pretty huge....

Inline, sorry to hear of your work experience. I guess once you decide you're going to continue to do it, you need to get your Zen on and just "belly up to the bar" as we say on these shores (and perhaps London's, too). What are your options?

I should do something outside (either trim my landscaping bushes, or whack back the gravel road overgrowth) today; but it's tough for me to brave these temp's.... Maybe I'll work on the S/F in the air conditioned garage. BTW, I managed to get off all the original brake lines without destroying a single tubing end... Miraculous, IMHO, for a geezer car like this. I'll clean 'em up and out before reinstalling in a month or two. I delivered the battery "tray" (it's not really a tray; just the part of the sheetmetal where the battery sits) to my welding guy on Tuesday and he's bolstering it up now. I'm sure it will turn out nice... Probably won't look 100% factory, but I know nobody will ever notice once it's installed -- even some AACA snob.

Y'all have a cool one, Olds friends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; July 20th, 2017 at 09:00 AM.
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Old July 20th, 2017, 10:57 AM
Just an Olds Guy
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Jim - You're overdoing it. I thought all the manwell labor was bred outta ya a long enough time ago to avoid wutchu are doing now. 4 tanks of gas and 4 spools of weed string is a LOT of whackin!! Ok, I'm axing fer it, but what's the story of the horse lady and the pasture?? I know what a bush hog is, unless it's changed from Troy built....

Jouni - Sorry to hear you're being screwed on your hours. It's specially a problem if you have made commitments for that money. You're a good fella making food for the missus. I'm sure she appreciates you more than you know.

John - Sounds like you go from one extreme to the other with your climate. We desperately need some moisture up here so if you want to send it....but leave the heat down there? I ordered new brake lines from ILT for my Cutlass. Most of them were spot on and easy to install. I did keep my old front and rear lines from the center hose, and from the proportioning valve. Good thing because the rear lines leaked a bit and I replaced them with OEM. If you're restoring yours, I only cleaned mine up and coated them with satin high temp clear coat. They look great still. Stay out of the heat and stay well. Good to hear the dentist visit was just a 'Friendly visit'. I like those.
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Old July 20th, 2017, 11:08 AM
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Off from sauna. Soaked there for 1 and half an hour. Great times..

Bee-Oh-Pee - My options? Change Company, i would have spot open from where i left, or then bite the dust and eat the ****. They "said" it " would get payed on next salary".. Will see.............. Despite all the negatives, i like learning new things. And trying to learn driving CMM is really steep curve to perfect it. And what keeps my interest alive, is the thing theres something new to learn every week. And i can see theres something new for many, many years ahead. My former Company dont have that much to teach for me anymore, i already learned what i can on that Company.. Sooo.... Lets see after 2 weeks i quess.. Have they payed or not.. Its not like my life depens on that 1140$ promised, its more about keeping your promises.

Btw, i also took off my battery tray. Goes to swap-list. Somehow, its rusted over, despite the car is in really good shape??? Must've been some leak at battery.
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Old July 20th, 2017, 11:28 AM
Just an Olds Guy
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Jouni - Hang in there. Hopefully the experience you get will offset the bad taste of the managment style. You sound like the kind of guy who they should be promoting instead of pissing off.

Battery trays are notorious for rust and corrosion. Makes me wonder why they didn't make the tray out of a hard plastic to prevent corrosion. What are the dimensions of the tray? I have one in the shed that is in good shape that came out of a 1971 Cutlass Supreme. If it's the right size I would give it to you for the cost of shipping from here. Take a pic and get dimensions, and where the tie down is and LMK? I'll dig out mine and share the pics with you too.
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Old July 20th, 2017, 11:47 AM
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Well, got the weed wacking finished, cemetery mowed, markers trimmed. Filled up the old Massey Ferguson with diesel fuel and about ready to start bush hogging the horse pasture, next door I lease out. Here ya go Allan Troy built makes tillers not bush hogs

But I gots hungry and came in side for a scoop of tater salad and a piece of cold fried chicken and this a/c feels mighty good

There's this FB page around here where the ladies are always axing for advice plumbers, dentist, gardening advice , etc. Many of them are implants from other areas and don't know squat. They're always axing me to help identify snakes they find in their yard. Most of the time it's a rat snake but occasionally it's a coperhead Anywho, my long awaited point, I showed them this snake ID page of Fb where ya can post a pic and location and [because there are sooooo many members] get a snake ID in a new york minute

So just to phuque with them I posted this pic[I snagged of the web]and ax for help identifying the snake. Long story made short, These ladies know their flora a whole lot better than their snakes
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Old July 20th, 2017, 03:51 PM
Just an Olds Guy
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Jim - I don't like spiders or snakes (hmmm, that sounds like a song in there don't it???) but if I was a guessing man, I'd venture its a copperhead? Not very big but about the right color from what I've read.

Here's what I thought you meant at first when you said bush hogg

Then I realized ya had a BIG pasture to cut? And we know the manwell labor has been beat outta ya for a bit now. I shoulda thought of the tractor. Duh....

Just back from a trip to the store of legal money grab. Costco. Hard to leave there without the wallet having a seizure or heart attack.

Hey Jouni - Do you guys have big box retailers like Costco there?
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