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Old December 20th, 2018, 06:15 PM
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Sorry to hear about your wife Glenn. She will be in our thoughts. Hopefully like you said you can get a new doctor soon and get the surgery done and remove any trace of it without too many complications.
Take care mate, Adrian
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Old December 20th, 2018, 08:29 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Glenn, Sorry to hear about your wife; - she will be in our thoughts and prayers as well. I hope it works out for you both...

Interesting recipe; - going to have to try it.

Not much going on here; - just winding down for the Christmas break. Work blows, but then again, when doesn't it? If it would be fun then it wouldn't be work.

And now just in case you weren't bored enough, here's another turgid chapter of "The Demented Ramblings of a Frustrated Watch-maker":
So, my education as a watch repairer is continuing. It's been frustrating as the last watch has been an absolute disaster. I spent 15 minutes on the floor with a flashlight looking for a part which had sprung off when the mainspring slipped out of my hands, luckily I found it in the furthest and most secluded part of the room possible, and that after I took the whole room apart and more or less dusted the floor with my body. It just refused to to go together; every stupid little thing that could prevent a watch from running was happening. It also didn't help that I initially installed the mainspring backwards and then wondered for a day or two why it wasn't "catching" and winding. And then the keyless work bound up somehow that prevented me from winding it up; - and it refused to run. Then the safety pinion failed again, and bound it up. I thought that watch was cursed and was ready to throw it across the room. But I persevered; one last time I took it all apart and rechecked the parts and then reassembled it. Last time was a charm.
So finally, I got that little 1912 Elgin that has been giving me so much grief fixed. It started last week when the new mainspring I put in snapped on its initial wind up and took out the safety pinion and required me to strip the whole thing apart. Well, I've done that about 4 times now, and I'm happy to report it's finally ticking away happily on my bench. It's run for 24 hours now and is holding both a wind and time. So now it's all polished up, cleaned inside and out, and serviced. It should last for another 100 years provided no one drops it. Now I'm just waiting on some specialized tools, and then I can finish off the other two on my bench. The other watches I was working on are doing well; - the Olds Service Guild watch looks and functions as new. The Alpina KM 592 "Kriegsmarine" (German Navy WWII) wrist watch recase job worked out well. It's not exactly the correct case but it is period correct and from the same manufacturer. It's only major flaw is that some idiot ground off the stem of the original movement and took away some of the case material, so it's got a noticeable flat spot that wasn't visible in the ad photos when I bought it. That must be why I got it cheap. I'll live with it; the movement came to me in original condition and loose, so now it's protected and serviceable (saleable too) as a watch. Only a real serious WWII watch collector would know that the government service number on the case is wrong for that particular movement. It's actually a cool looking watch, rugged and simple.
Next week I'll attempt to get my 1946 Gruen Pan Am fixed. There's something going on with the balance, probably going to open up a Pandora's Box when I take it apart. It sort of ran, and then it quit entirely once I demagnetized it. Luckily I have a complete movement laying around as spare parts, so between the two I should have enough to make it work. And then there's a mainspring issue in a 1947 Omega bumper automatic; here again, I should have enough parts; - both of these watches are a little more sophisticated and require a bit more of a fine touch than do pocket watches, but after I figured out the Oldsmobile Service Guild watch, I should be able to do them. It just requires patience and a steady hand; so that means laying off the eggnog. And then lastly, there's a crappy old Seiko automatic from 1974 that snapped a ratchetwheel screw requiring the replacement of the mainspring barrel and the spring. It's built like a Toyota, compact and well laid out, simple in function and made exclusively for the job at hand and nothing more. In other words, it's bloody cheap. It has nowhere near the sophistication of the Swiss watches, but it is more robust. And, like most Japanese cars, spare parts while available are expensive and only available through the manufacturer. I will never buy another Japanese watch ever again.

That's it for me; last day of work tomorrow and then two weeks off...
Have a good night!
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Old December 21st, 2018, 06:37 AM
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Glenn, We'll keep your bride in our prayers

Still spitting rain.

I've got markers to install and still wanta put out sum more grass seed

Nailhead. That Boing thingy shooting across the room is what happens every time I put on a new watch band. I really don't have your patience [much less eye sight] I'm afraid, I'd take the whole thing and throw it out the widow

Speaking of food. The lady what cleans this dump for 20 + years is an amazing Mexican cook She often brings me something she's made for her large family. Yesterday it was a big plate full of delicious tamales. I can make enchiladas that are Ok but it looks like a war zone when I'm done. She can make them so fast and neatly it amazes me. She turns up her nose at my canned enchilada sauce cause her's is made from scratch [in about 2 minutes

I may have a few tamales for brunch

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 21st, 2018, 09:39 AM
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Glenn, hope all goes well for your wife. If you need to talk, we're here. So, I went to the Dr. today for my physical and flu shot, plus I was supposed to get the the second shot of the shingles vaccination, which they did not have. They told me to check my pharmacy, as they might have it, ok, I was going to pick up a prescription anyway, so it wouldn't be a problem. so, I stop at the Pharmacy problem, I need a prescription!!! Gee, why didn't the docs office just call it in? So, I call the docs. office and have to go through the phone menu "push this number" nonsense, only to leave a message, because humans apparently aren't needed. Jeesh. Well, my furry friend is trying to get my attention (food, what else). so I gotta go.

Last edited by 1969w3155; December 21st, 2018 at 09:28 PM.
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Old December 21st, 2018, 11:24 AM
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Hi everyone.

Well we're done now until next week. This was a long week. We left work around 11 this morning, nothing earth shattering but hey I'll take what I can get. The lead brought in croissant sandwiches, quiche, and donuts for our breakfast. Hm. Maybe we'd have gotten out sooner if we hadn't taken nearly two hours for breakfast.

Glenn prayers for your wife and you. I don't understand this "we found something else we have to do more tests first" thing. If she's having the procedure anyway, do the tests afterward.

Marc you must have the patience of a saint. I wouldn't last 5 minutes doing that sort of thing. Of course I wouldn't last 5 minutes polishing brass at home, either, yet when I go to the museum in Reno I'm a member of I do it all day long and I love it.

Stopped at the Awful house on the way home. All the workers there are working Christmas and double shifts up to it. It was busy today but not overboard. That's probably all the Awful house I'll have now until I get back. We've got big plans for the weekend being at this house or someone else's and I just tag along.

Okay gonna get things together so we can get going. I'll check in over the weekend, it's a dreary day but shouldn't be too bad of a ride. Have a good afternoon everyone.

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Old December 21st, 2018, 01:04 PM
Frank Ignachuck
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Note to Glenn: I kind of know what you're going through, my friend. My wife of 43 years, Carole, has gone through three different cancers in the last ten years, most recently breast cancer and mastectomy. And last week we got the news that my 32 year old daughter in law (they have a 3 year old and a one year old) was diagnosed with breast cancer. Devastating news, particularly at Christmas.

My mother died of cancer when I was 13.

I give a lot of money to cancer research.
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Old December 23rd, 2018, 10:09 AM
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A rather late worm

but Sum body's gotta do it

Still spitting rain, I got a few markers to install soon as it quits. Gutters still brimming over, and a new rotten facia board that needs to be replaced. It's amazing how my honey do list expands when the super model is off jes one day

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 23rd, 2018, 11:17 AM
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Well Jim, I'm gonna make your chocolate pie for tomorrow, and if they don't like it, I will have to eat it myself. Xmas day will be a white chocolate and peppermint cheese cake. Looks like it will be a snow less Christmas around here, that's ok, makes driving for everyone much safer.
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Old December 23rd, 2018, 12:15 PM
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Hello everyone,
Been a few days so I had to go back a bit to catch up.

Glenn - I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's cancer. You guys will be in my thoughts and prayers. I also have other friends who are fighting the good fight with oncology so I can appreciate how difficult and scary this is for you. This is not the type of thing that should happen at Christmas. I know, because my Dad passed on Dec 15, 1978 and it really put Christmas on the back burner of life for us. I pray her fight and surgeries are successful. Let her know she has a support network here that she's never met.

Adrian - You ever hear the DMV joke about bird strikes on Trucks?? There were such a large number of trucks that were being hit by birds on one section of roadway that the DMV sent down an inspector to find out why. After several days of observation and carnage he reported back to his supervisor and confirmed the bird strike report. Why??WHY in wild world of sports (sounds like Jim was his supervisor ) are only the trucks being hit by the birds axed the supervisor? Well it's like this, explained the inspector. Mostly it's crows that are being hit. They come down to the road for any food items that are left on that section of road. Apparently there's a lot of food litter so there's a lot of crows. They set up a sentry crow on the light post close by and that's their security system. When a car approaches, the sentry lets loose with a loud CAW, CAW, CAW and they scatter to the sky. Unfortunately though the sentry doesn't know how to squawk TWUCK TWUCK TWUCK!!!

Marc - Yep, Mike nailed it. I couldn't do that either.

Dan - Sorry I missed de poke sammiches. Looks like I'm gonna miss de pie too Would you like some snow overnight so it will feel more like Christmas? We had ours but then we had rain too so everything here rocked and rolled to the Neil Simon song "Slip sliding away"....

Jim - Tamales sound good. What kind? Cheekin and chili or Corn n mushroom or Poke? All of em sound much better than the shoe leather that was passed off as beef at the curling windup dinner. It was so underwhelming. I also told that team I was less than impressed with playing with them and I'd be moving on to another club after the holidays. They're nice people but really lousy curlers. I'm feared that if I spent more time there I'd start expecting less of myself on de ice and have lower standards. I like dat flags video but honest it didn't seem to werk fer dat guy what's tryin to pass. Mebbe only as good as de people dat use it huh??

Mike - I'm guessing the morning feasts will stop now that the Christmas season is here. Or is it normal for your workgroup to get fed each morning. Wow! 2 hours for breakfast seems like a really long time.I'd be bored silly after 30 minutes. Is Tiger getting a special gift for Christmas or do avoid putting up a tree just to be safe?

Tis a quiet day here in the land of ice and snow. Might head out to the market to get a few last item things. Currently it's 24° here and thankfully no wind like the past couple days. Ok, that's it for now. Have a good afternoon.
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Old December 23rd, 2018, 02:10 PM
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Good Afternoon Guys:
First thing is my wife. I appreciate everybody's comments and concerns. I may have not been real clear that the test showed the cells to be pre-cancerous. We are going with the assumption they are not cancer. If they turn out to be we will cross that bridge at that time. If they are the real concern is that the cancer has reoccurred after nine years. That will scare the hell out of both of us. Our daughter-in-law who is a nurse speaks very highly of the doctor my wife has been referred to. The doctor she works for is a good friend with this doctor. That is comforting to know that we will not be going to some doctor that is a jackwagon. Again, thanks for everybody's concern and prayers.
Frank, nobody should have that much cancer in their family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hang in their brother.
Jim, I am going to make your chocolate pie. I will probably get my wife to help me with the meringue. I am not topping it with cool whip. I am going to do a cognac prime rib for Christmas dinner since we had turkey at Thanksgiving. It is a recipe I got from Weber and I will do it with the rotisserie on my kettle grill. I will probably use pecan and cherry wood chunks with the charcoal. We will have dinner on Christmas Eve and brunch on Christmas morning. It is a beautiful day out right now and 57 degrees. It is a good thing it is not cold since the fan on my downstairs furnace is out. The joys of home ownership.
Marc, I don't know how you have the patience to do watch repair. I have never understood how anybody can assemble something that small with that many moving parts.
If I don't get on here tomorrow I hope all of you have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.
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Old December 23rd, 2018, 02:41 PM
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Hi everyone.

Had a nice drive to the panhandle yesterday. Yep, decided to forego the trip Friday night, and then my neighbor called and invited me to dinner. Then I sat with him and watched a very trite comedy movie called K9. Funny enough but of course the star was a German Shepherd and he was beautiful. Got up at 3 and was on the road by 5.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day today. About 70 and sunny and no wind. I -finally- got my gate finished, three months later. It looks great and will function a lot better than the old one. And it's more secure for my Mom. And of course I thought up a few more projects to do outside.

Allan I think the catered in food is probably done for awhile, but on January 3 the shop is having steak. I will be off and will miss it, but that's okay because what I'm doing is way more important. I think the steak is about a quarterly thing so I won't be missing it for long.

Tiger isn't getting anything for Christmas, and there is no tree. I haven't had a tree for 20 years. My Max would pee on it and I never gave Sparky the chance. This year my living room is slap full of stuff from the bedroom so there is no decorating at all. My Mom will probably wrap up some treats for him but he doesn't get the present thing. He knows there's something in there but doesn't know how to get it out and loses interest.

Got a couple more things to do before it gets dark, so I'll check in later. Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday.
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Old December 23rd, 2018, 08:50 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Finally ready for Christmas, well, I think I am. We'll stay here this year, some family is coming over. So it'll be lots of cooking and cleaning for the next few days. Took until January 7th off; - I really could use the break. But it's nice to know I don't have to go anywhere for the next little while; I'm done; I've had it.

Believe it or not, I never thought I'd ever build watches either. I'm a big guy, and I have hands the size of toilet seat covers, it's amazing I can do anything with them at all. I used to build models as a kid, the more detailed the better. That's what started me into cars, the fact that I can take anything apart, figure out how it works, and then make it right again. So when I got screwed on the first vintage watch purchase I made about 5 years ago, I swore that whatever it takes I would get it to work again. It took me a couple of years, but it now runs again and still isn't worth anything close to what I paid for it. That started it, and now I'm always looking for more. Believe it or not, it can be relaxing, - provided everything goes right. It's also incredibly frustrating too, when no matter what you try a watch defeats your every attempt to get it working again or you realize you just don't have the right part and have to search and wait again. So far that little Elgin I wrote about above is still working beautifully, so I got it right. That's rewarding, because when I bought it I took a chance that I could fix it.

Like I said, I used to build models, and still do. Every year at Christmas time I build a 1:350 scale ship. Last year I finished the Titanic, the year before that I built the HMS Dreadnought. This year I have a choice; there's either the USS New York or the KMS Graf Spee. Although I love the architecture of the older American design better, it's a Trumpeter kit from China and the parts don't fit well. The Graf Spee is a Japanese made kit and they always fit well. Probably end up as a coin toss...and it usually takes about 2-3 weeks to build the miserable thing due to painting. I have this **** knack to try and actually make it look real. Any preference "out there"?

So that's about it; I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
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Old December 23rd, 2018, 10:56 PM
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Nice one Allan lol
Well yesterday I went over to my mates place and changed out his dead alternator on his Captiva. Ended up having to drop the radiator out the bottom to get enough clearance to lift the old one out the top. Took around 90 min to do the job but it's done now and running well again, until the next thing brakes on it that is
Finished up for the year now, back to work on 4th of Jan. We are having Christmas at a friends place tomorrow then we will be heading down to grandads place for a few days on boxing day. I've already taken a bunch of boxes down to pack up his house, hopefully we can get it packed up so we can move what needs to be moved and have a garage sale for the things we are not keeping. No internet at grandads now either as there was no point paying for the service and no one being there to use it.

Have a great day everyone,
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Old December 24th, 2018, 02:56 AM
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Chili but dry

Got a lot to do today

I like to take a whole beef tenderloin and slit it [partially down the middle and stuff it with a mixture of bone marrow, mushroom ,sauteed garlic and onions , tie it back up and roast it [ The bone marrow comes from the middle of roasted beef bones, Ya can buy them sawed up, Just roast them and push the cooked marrow out with the end of a wooden spoon]]

Nailhead, I remember seeing a model of the USS Constitution [ole Iron sides[ that has a few million tiny metal plates ya had to hammer on. I thought about it but had a flash of sanity. BTW, My friend who did aviation art also built models he made the parts for.One of his battle ships had guns made from different size hypodermic needles. Kinda reminds me on Micromanualist. Those dudes that carve on human hair [between heart beats]

Allan, I've been thinking about one of your comments. Why do people from Ottawa wear red and black check flannel?

Have a great day Olds friends and Merry Christmas
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Old December 24th, 2018, 07:04 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Frosty cold start to the day here but supposedly it's spoda get colder. Yay.....

Adrian - Have fun and enjoy your time off. Hopefully the cleanout of your granddads place goes easily. Lol, changing out the Saturn Alternator is about the same thing, only don't remove the rad, I had to undo the left engine mount and lift the block. PITA.

Marc - I vote for the Admiral Graf Spee. I loved the design of that cruiser. I think there were several ships in that Admiral series of cruisers. Such a sad ending to it also. Is the kit made by Tamiya by any chance? They make absolutely stunning detailed models. One of the biggest ships I ever built from them was the Battleship Yamato. When I got it, the price was a whopping $20.00. That was huge compared the average cost of a model plane being around $1.45. How times have changed.

Jim - Ya know that the majority of people there are French ancestry?? That's all I can think of - nothing about the French makes any sense to me. Bone marrow in a tenderloin? Just doesn't sound right to me. I know what the bone marrow is but never thought about using it ever like that. Good for a puppy though.

Glenn - I'm somewhat relieved to hear that your Mrs doesn't have cancer right now. I'm with you hoping they aren't going to be either. What exactly does 'pre-cancerous' mean anyway?

Planning to watch some episodes of Corner Gas on Crave today. (Canadian sit com filmed in SK) Not Jeff Dunham but still really funny. I like that all the commercials are edited out.
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Old December 24th, 2018, 11:19 AM
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MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you and your families. Ginny and I just got back from Sprouts and left $164 there. $55 of that was for a prime rib so I better not screw it up.
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Old December 24th, 2018, 07:28 PM
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Ok, so with only 1 vote the Graf Spee wins. I just looked at the kit, it's not the Tamiya one, (too bad) it's one from "Academy" in South Korea. So I bought the Hyundai to the Toyota. It looks like it'll be fun all the same. No photo-etched parts in this one. That's OK; I don't have much luck gluing brass bits to plastic with Super Glue, - tend to make a hell of a mess with things. Did I mention I can fix a watch?

So...Please allow me to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!
Stay safe, and don't drink and drive!
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Old December 25th, 2018, 06:41 AM
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Good morning and Merry Christmas everyone.

Hard to top that so I'm not going to try. Cheers!
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Old December 25th, 2018, 10:33 AM
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Merry Christmas for everyone!

Been a tad sad Christmas here, but will do.. Have to.
Friend who lives northern than me, came overnight to us after our work ended at monday, and tuesday morning suffered fatal brain hemorrhage right at us.. Hes alive, but not sure is it the best outcome.. He was only 37 and fit. It dont look for time or place when it hits. Its something i always am going to remember, friend turning to vegetable at our living room..

Anyways, been out of work since monday when we came home from Spain, but had been super busy. Now were back at the "schedule", and when christmas time ends, im going to took on my motor
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Old December 25th, 2018, 11:50 AM
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Jouni - I'm so sorry to hear that happened to him and especially at Christmas. Prayers for you, your family and him. Was he a single man?
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Old December 25th, 2018, 02:45 PM
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Hi everyone Merry Christmas.

Went to the petting zoo last night to see the place decked out in lights. Very pretty. The two little ones really enjoyed it. Today "we're spending the day with everyone at my niece's house." I actually had to come back to Mom's to let Tiger out. Kind of the plan but I didn't phrase it that way. We're having dinner in a couple hours so I'll be sure to be back for that.

Beautiful here today and not too cool. We're in shirt sleeves but it will get chilly tonight.

I've built model cars my whole life. My Dad built the USS Constitution and the Cutty Sark, probably before I was born. Both are in full rigging. My Dad didn't have the patience of a flee, so how he built these things is beyond me. I still have them both. None of my models are displayed; I don't have anyplace for them. But that's high on the list when I get my bedroom finished and other projects. They were on shelves(in alphabetical order) in my bedroom all the time I was growing up.

Sickness at the holidays has got to be the worst. My Granddad died on Christmas Day in 1987. He'd been sick almost a year. That seems to be lost on everyone, even my Mom. Eh, I remember.

Well let me be the one to say, remember the Reason for the Season. Hope everyone has had a good Christmas. Next up, Amateur Night. See you when I get home tomorrow.
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Old December 25th, 2018, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Jouni - I'm so sorry to hear that happened to him and especially at Christmas. Prayers for you, your family and him. Was he a single man?
Thank god he was a single. But two brothers and mom are missing him. And our whole company. Ive tried to be happier due to christmas, but cant. My wife saw it all also.

Have done now total twice my snow-work. Continuous awd with rear lsd is just amazing at snow and ice. Criminally fun.
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Old December 25th, 2018, 06:22 PM
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Jouni, I am so sorry for your friend. What toy are you doing snow work with that has AWD and LSD at the rear wheels?
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Old December 26th, 2018, 02:20 AM
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Feels good to have everything done at last and just relax.

1969w3155 - Eh, thats my wifes "new car", Subaru Forester. Why i have done snow-work only twice is because its not necessary anymore when we have no problems to get up to the hill we live from main-road

Allan R - Been curling lately?

Jamesbo - Smacking whitey still?

Have a nice day everyone
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Old December 26th, 2018, 05:48 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Yesterday we got another 2" of fluffy white snow to make Christmas feel a little more like the season. This morning everything is coated with that pure white blanket that just never seems to stop giving...

Jouni - Yes sir, I curled right up till Christmas. Next game is on Friday but it's a funspiel. A modified version of mixed doubles called mixed triples. You know what that is, right? Slightly modified rules for us older generation though. We get 2 power plays; one in the first 5 ends, the next in the second 5 ends. Gotta have the hammer to call the power play.

The Christmas eve party we went to was really good. Haven't seen George and Carol for a year but they sure do put on a spread. It was great to see them again. Only one of their boys was there this year as the other two had to work. One is a railway conductor and having a blast. The other one is a HD mechanic. Jonathan was the only one home and he flew in from Winnipeg where he's studying to become an aeronautic administrator, whatever that is. He made the 'punch' which was totally non alcoholic.

My son is heading out shortly to get a jump on boxing day sales before heading to work this morning. He has his eyes on a new computer gaming chair, and a computer case to put all the new components he bought into. I'm not planning to join the mayhem.
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Old December 26th, 2018, 06:11 AM
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Happy day after. Now it's time to cleanup the chaos

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 26th, 2018, 11:38 AM
Oh no, not again...
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Good Morning!

Well, it's Boxing Day here. Big deal. Already had to go out and buy some Drano to get the kitchen sink unplugged. Of course, had family and friends over last night, the bloody sink plugged up just as we were finishing the meal preparations, and then it defeated all of my attempts to snake it. So, we needed some "better living through chemistry" help again, and a bottle of Drano later it's flowing like new. But for the overnight the house smelled like leftovers. Now we've got it all cleaned up again. What's Christmas without a little needless drama?

Of course my little issues pale in comparison to losing someone. There are also those who do not get an enjoyable Christmas, such as care-givers. My mother currently is in a situation like that, having to deal with a husband who has Alzheimer's. She was not having a good time and of course, she was getting no help and I couldn't be there. This sort of thing does two things; - 1) Makes you feel lucky for what you do have, because it could always be a lot worse, and 2) Makes you feel guilty because you aren't there to help out.
Yeah, what can one do? Not much it seems.

However, that said, onward and upward; the next few days there is more family coming, so there's more cooking and I'm all stocked up on Drano and cheap booze.

The model building hasn't gone to plan either; the ship is waiting, I'll get on it next week. Right now I'm building a model of a 1938 Lufthansa Heinkel He 111 C. The kit comes from the Ukraine; the company is called "Roden", and it might as well be called "Rodent" because this thing is an absolute rat of a kit. Nothing fits, everything has to be filed, cut down, reshaped or puttied up. It should be pretty once done, I've always loved the 111 (my grandfather was a flight-engineer and mechanic on them during the war, he flew and survived the Battle of Britain in one) and I thought it would be neat to have the Civvy version next to the warbird version on the book shelf.

Everyone's left the house, time to go spray some paint...have a good afternoon!
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Old December 26th, 2018, 04:17 PM
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Hi everyone

Got home a little while ago and already had to go next door to help my neighbor. He must really miss me when I'm gone. He sits around and thinks up things for me to do. I don't mind. His wife makes me some good food.

Traffic was heavy on the interstate. All I can figure is Birmingham must have been empty over Christmas because they all went north when I split off from 65 onto 85. We had a nice visit but I'm sure glad to be home. Tiger is, too. Going to bed early tonight, work tomorrow but only two days. Three if I do overtime.

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Nice is relative. See you's all tomorrow.
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Old December 26th, 2018, 06:45 PM
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Good Evening Olds Friends:
I hope all you guys had a good Christmas. It has been in the 60's here today and I wore shorts and a Tee shirt when Lucy and I went walking this morning. We are having storms right now with flash flood warnings. My wife gave me a Withings Steel HR smart watch for Christmas. I used it the first time on my walk this morning.
Jouni, I am so sorry for you, your wife and your friend. What a terrible thing to happen anytime but even worse right at Christmas. That is not supposed to happen to a 37 year old.
That is about it got the day.
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Old December 26th, 2018, 07:53 PM
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Well, the chocolate pie is gone, as is most of the cheesecake. Too many women though, "oh that looks so good, but I shouldn't have that, just a sliver for me". Fer crying out loud, slab a wedge onto the plate and have at it! Mind you, my sister made a box of goodies for me to gorge on, ya think that she could appreciate what her little brother made. I am getting a small Firebird banner from a guy on the Porcelain Sign Trader page on FB. It is the Firebird used by Pure Oil back in the day. Gonna stick it out in the garage. Speaking of oil, gas is down to $1.97.99 a gallon around here, suppose that I should fill up.
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Old December 27th, 2018, 05:47 AM
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Chili but clear [til this afternoon]

Gonna get up the last of the leaves up then wait for the wind to lay down then burn them

I agree for reasons I don't fully understand tragedy seems to often hit around the holidays, It always did with my family anyway

Well day light burning

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 27th, 2018, 07:18 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Well the boy ended up spending a boat load on computer stuff that was on sale yesterday. The morning trip didn't work out and he ended up going after work instead. Still got some smokin deals.

My new leather computer chair is still exuding some of the manufacturing smells. Different from the new car smell that I like a lot....

Tis a brisk -13C here right now but no wind so it doesn't feel so bad. The cars have a nice coating of frost on them so I'll have to scrape it off when I go out later. Got an appointment with the optometrist. Hahaha, didn't see that coming.....

Glenn - Hmmm, I wonder how that kind of watch would work with curling?? Ooops, I just looked it up and nope, it wouldn't. But it's a really nice gift from your missus. Interesting they show the HR on their site as 62. Mine isn't that low even when I'm not doing anything.

Dan - Yup, wimmen. Carol gave us a goody bag of cookies on Christmas eve when we were leaving. My missus put them down on the counter when we got home. They're still there so I figure they're fair game for me now. I just have to be careful not to eat them all at once. That's tough because I love cookies, but I have to monitor my BG. Cool beans on the banner! Gas here is bouncing around like a yo-yo. The best prices are at Costco where it's 85.9¢/L. Ironically that's the same price it was 2 1/2 years ago. That works out to $US 2.04/gal so pretty close to your price. I just have a feeling that it will go up here as soon as Jan hits.

Mike - Glad you had a safe trip back. Home always feels better no matter where you've traveled to doesn't it?

De trash guy must have slept in. Drat, after I got up early and put out de trash just like normal. Mebbe his trash truck wouldn't start?? I wouldn't want to be werkin out in de cold like him. Prolly has a couple thermos' of coffee in the cab.
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Old December 27th, 2018, 08:30 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Only lunch of the week. Tomorrow is Friday and we should be done by lunch. If I work Saturday for overtime we'll be done by lunch. Been a busy morning, and it sounds like it was a busy day yesterday.

Gasoline by me has been holding at 1.99 for a couple weeks now. Saw it is low as 1.87 yesterday in Alabama. I wonder if I filled the tank in the dogmobile to the tippy top and drove until it was completely empty how far I'd get on that trip. It's 329 miles, and I stop for gas one time. Of course when Tiger is with me I'd stop no matter what. The car has a 12 gallon tank.

Allan I can tell you from experience that people who work outside have a number of ways to keep warm in the winter. They don't always work.

Okay back on our heads. Have a good day everyone.
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Old December 27th, 2018, 09:25 AM
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So you only figure to average around 27 mpg Mike? I get a bit better than that with the Sonata, but it has a 15 gal tank and I can get close to 450 miles out of it on the highway. My sons Malibu gets a very healthy 47 mpg.
Okay back on our heads.
Hahaha, good one. I know that joke.
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Old December 27th, 2018, 12:05 PM
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I wrote a long post, which got deleted, and somehow my new much shorter post ended to newbie forum, and now it wont let me edit it..

To put it it really really short compared to original post; good evening everyone. Too pissed to start typing again with my phone jusst to lose it probably again.

​​Have a day.
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Old December 27th, 2018, 04:04 PM
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Just wow. All day I've been trying to send texts and they've all failed. I thought it was metal building syndrome. This afternoon I got home and tried to log into the internet, nada. So I called my neighbor to see if the trouble was universal, and Verizon reroutes me to Financial Services. They cut my phone and internet off for non-payment! I had the bill right in front of me and it clearly said I had a credit, for the amount they said I was short! Got hung up on twice in the phone tree, so I went into the store. He called the service people and they said a payment had been reversed. Everything I have has cleared. He said the only thing he could tell me was to pay what they want now to get my phone back, and then talk with the bank. I said Track Phone from Walmart was looking better and better. He just rolled his eyes.

Allan the dogmobile gets about 23 in combined driving and 24 mostly highway. Now, that's also me doing 80 and some pretty steep gears to get a fully loaded 4 cylinder moving. Remember this is a delivery truck. I don't think it was advertised to get any more than I do. Well, if I were driving the blue van it gets 16 so I'm ahead of the game. I'd have to see how the price of that extra gas stands up against the payment and extra insurance. I don't want to...

Caught something from someone in Florida and now I'm fully engulfed in coughing, runny/stopped up nose, headache, what have you. How does that work, you can't breathe but your nose still runs.

I don't remember if I told you I have a skin cancer next to my nose, that I'm having taken off next week. Well, it's pretty noticeable and I'm very self-conscious of it. So the F boys printed out a cartoon picture with a huge blemish on its face and wrote "Kenny" on it. That's what they call me, who knows why. I didn't say anything but at the end of the day when everyone left I said to the lead that I didn't appreciate the low class clowns making fun of me all day. I told him that picture was aimed at me, and that I didn't think cancer was very funny. I saw alarm, shock, rage in his eyes all at once. His wife has breast cancer. He said he'd take care of it. I could have called HR myself and that would have been the end of them right there. But what a ****-storm that would have unleashed. He fought to keep their jobs last time they pulled something like this, he may have a few words to the contrary this time. He really looked mad. That's bullying he said.

Okay I really only intended on replying to Allan about my gas mileage, but I guess I needed to purge. Thanks. It's gonna be bedtime early tonight for sure. Have a good night everyone.
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Old December 27th, 2018, 04:42 PM
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Good Evening Guys:
It has been another days in the 60's here today with shorts and a tee shirt. The storms from last night moved out and we had a beautiful blue sky today. But it is dropping and the low tonight is supposed to be 44. Lucy and I had a great walk this morning and measured it with the new watch.
Mike, that is bullshit you are getting at work. It sounds like a couple of those immature pissheads need to be fired. Then if there are any left they will straighten up. I would keep a log of the date of the conversation with the supervisor. If he doesn't do something about it then his *** is on the line. I have no tolerance for that kind of crap. You should have kept the picture or taken a photo of it.
Allan, I am going to make you feel real good about your gas mileage. My 2012 Expedition EL gets about 14 MPG around town. On the highway if I am driving 80 or about it is about 15. Fortunately we don't put a lot of miles on it. It is a Limited with all the bells and whistles and I do love that vehicle. It is the second one I have had and they are great vehicles. I can carry all of us in comfort and put the second and third rows of seats down and put a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood in the back and close the tailgate. I am loving this cheap gas and it will burn E85 which is 5 cents a gallon cheaper and one octane point higher than regular.
That is about all I have from Texas this afternoon. Have yourselves a good one.
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Old December 28th, 2018, 05:17 AM
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Like a cow on a flat rock all night. Spose to rain for several days. Got the dump looking nice before the monsoons arrived

Mike, I can beat ya with yesterdays SNAFU, My property tax check [ in the mountains] got returned saying paid by Regions Bank. a] I don't have a mortgage and b] don't have an account with Region Sooooooooooooo I called the tax office who called Regions to ax WTF is going on. Regions [ in their infinite wisdom] said, This is confidential information [ to the tax officer] Sooooooooooo I text 3 of my neighbors to see if they have a mortgage with Regions. Sure enough, so I call the tax lady back and give her their name, she checks and sure enough, Their taxes haven't been paid But Regions has to launch and internal; investigations to see why they phuqued up. Meanwhile the tax lady says to me sit on your check cause, until this get sorted out I can't credit you because as of now it's paid, She was very nice and thanked me for my detective werk.

Glad everyone liked the pie

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 28th, 2018, 06:27 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Off to the last curling game of the year shortly. Next regular season of champions starts on Jan 4. That's about it for now.
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Old December 28th, 2018, 10:14 AM
Oh no, not again...
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Good Morning!

Well, the big meals are all over and now we can afford to take it easy. Haven't got much on the go for the next few days; it's cool outside and really, unless one is a hockey player or a skier, there isn't a heckova lot to do out there besides freeze.

Started reading a good book; "Selling the American Muscle Car" by Diego Rosenberg. He's over on one of the Buick forums, he's probably around here somewhere too. The book is pretty good, lots of info in it if you want to know about the muscle car era and how the manufacturers teamed up with racing and dealerships to market fast cars. Pick up the book for your automotive library, it's a good one.

Might get started on the ship model today; - so far I'm just planning this upcoming year's restoration budget on the Olds. Yeah, things are a bit more expensive nowadays than when I did my last Buick almost 11 years ago now. This might take longer than originally planned.
I was going to start buying performance parts for the 303; but have decided to hold off until I can fully assess the engine and figure out why the car was parked in 1970. Was it because of a head gasket failure or a cracked head? I know from the last compression test I did a few years ago that I have 2 cylinders that are right next to each other running at exactly the same 60 psi; - that tells me it's a gasket, but until it's opened up, who knows for sure. What I do know is that in 1970 the car was already not worth a whole lot; it would have been 17 years old and probably had over 100,000 miles on it; - so in other words exhausted. I do remember that even in the late 60s, early 50s vintage cars were getting quite scarce around here. For that matter, anything from the 50s was scarce. My dad was flogging two 58 Borgward Isabellas back then, and by that time they had all but disappeared and he was having a heck of a time finding parts. So in retrospect, my car having been dead and abandoned by 1969-70 after a long and useful life isn't much of a stretch. The question will be can I bring it back without breaking the bank? They aren't worth much these days, and the only way I'll ever recoup any money out of it is if I make it a useful driver.

I'm still looking forward to doing it though, I have a soft spot for unloved and underdog cars, remember I drove Buicks long before they became socially acceptable again.

Anyway...gotta run; the wife wants to go to Ikea of all places.
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