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Old October 31st, 2018, 12:06 PM
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Same back experience here. 30 years ago Doctor said, do what I tell you to do or get the knife. I laid on my back for 30 days and can tell you EXACTLY what will cause my back to hurt so I don't do it. [Like cold water coming down the back of a wet suit, standing on concrete floors for too long wearing shoe w/o good support etc]
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Old October 31st, 2018, 12:22 PM
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Hi everyone.

Steady at work today, finished up right at the end, no biggie. Had a long lunch today, so I ditched the PBJ and went to Skinny's. Korean woman runs this place, I've been going for years. She has some Korean dishes but also chili dogs, cheeseburgers, egg rolls, and what I always get, fried rice(mine has shrimp).

My back has been hurting today as well, but I think it's actually my gall stones acting up. It will probably stop soon.

Dan my car is a 70 Supreme. As soon as I verify it's an original 4 speed I will proclaim it 1 of five hundred and something 4 speed Supreme convertibles built that year. The engine is not original, and I need to get under it and find the number on the trans, and also look at the little tube the positive battery cable goes through. For some reason it's different on automatic cars.

It is just wonderful out. This will be the third day I say I'm going to paint. I actually was going to do it yesterday but couldn't find the paint. I must have used it on something, so I'll run to the store and get more. Oh, my local PITA Walmart has now locked up the spray paint and apparently done away with anyone that has the key. Auto parts store doesn't have what I want. Hm.

Well have a good afternoon everyone, I'm off to do, something.

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Old October 31st, 2018, 12:22 PM
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Jim - depends on whether you wanna give it back or have enough cashola to buy it for storage. So did Miss news of the day show up with the TV crew right when you were wheeling another load to the dumpster?

Dan - I guess I could do whipped cream. I used to have back problems but nothing really severe. Nowadays the only back problems I have are carrying the front end and skip across the finish line. I need to find better teams to curl with.

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Old October 31st, 2018, 01:24 PM
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Allan, She has changed her appointment from 3:30 to 4:00 to 5. Cutting into cocktail hour REALLY Pi$$ me off, With the traffic, she'll never get here before 6
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Old October 31st, 2018, 07:16 PM
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Good news today and I see my oldest daughter Allison whom is 21 finally happy.Her divorce from her worthless ex husband is final.Plus told me she is going to reenlist in the National Guard next year for 4 more years.Could not turn it down and it was well worth it
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Old November 1st, 2018, 06:09 AM
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Well they showed up about 6:15 not bad for a 3 o;clock appointment.

I hope I'm famous enough to get more people to consider a green funeral

Gotta gp get sum Black jack, I've got a leak in one of my sheds

Elsie's on the way

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old November 1st, 2018, 06:34 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Today is the day that Brian is having his surgery to remove the tumor. The neurologist said that just judging by the size and how fast its grown it's likely malignant. The surgery has already started and should be done around 12:30 (ET) You will know Brian as 69442C on this site. Prayers for his well being are appreciated from the family. If any of you want to follow what his wife posts on Caring Bridge website (created just for him) it's a free registration - here's the link: Brian Monahan

Halloween was quiet last night. To be expected I guess as there are fewer and fewer people going door to door when they can score big treats and stay warm in the malls.

Alex - Congrats to your daughter. Honest, I wouldn't know what divorce is like. My missus is a keeper and I make sure she gets treated right. It's served us well for over 26 years now.

Jim - I don't think it'll put ya on the cover of the Rolling Stone. Hmmm, you'd like my appointments. When I say 3:00 I'm there at least 5 minutes early.

Adrian got a mini earbud. When I saw his picture showing it off I hadn't read his explanation and thought he'd gone deaf in one ear. He thought that was funny...

Anutter day at the rink coming up. Yesterday the skip couldn't find his draw weight. We had a spare playing lead. It was the skips wife. Sorry but there's no way to say this politely - she is a real beach. I feel sorry for Jerome now, I think she beats him at home.

Happy Thorsday
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Old November 1st, 2018, 07:42 AM
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Glenn, had L4, L5 and S 1 fixed back in 2004. Disc were totally gone. 9 inches of cadaver bone and a truck load of titanium screws holding it all together. Down side was told it would take 6 months to a year to start walking without pain, or damage to the surgery. Over time, more disc have collapsed, going up the spine and 2 in my neck are totally gone, so it grinds when I turn my head. we're having cool, rainy weather here now and on days like this I roll out of bed and hit the floor with my knees and pull myself up. did then injections a couple of times, 1st one lasted about 3 days, 2nd, about 3 hours, that's when had to do the surgery. There were days' like "put the cat outside, she's shaking the house to much walking". Can really empathize with your wife and you as her caretaker.

Alan, glad to know you are sharing your sickness with other members of the household. It shows your generous and giving spirit.

Marc, had seen an ad in Hemmings for an Olds steering wheel clock, several years ago (2008?) asking was $300.00 and it didn't work! BTW, really like the info on how watches work.

Jim, good ole red Georgia clay, pushed a lot of it away back in the 60s' at boot camp and jump school. I think just about any kind of concrete block sitting on it, will support a 1/4" steel plate for the jacks under the stove. Oh yeah, that red clay never did move, no matter how hard I pushed.
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Old November 1st, 2018, 09:50 AM
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Had a lot of kids show up last night, ran out of candy, so unfortunately had to turn a couple away. So, I meet with the septic guy this morning, and...they don't do drainfields! When I called the place, the first question that I asked the receptionist was "do you install drainfields?" Sheesh. The person answering the phone really should know what their company does.
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Old November 1st, 2018, 12:58 PM
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Hi everyone.

Copious amounts of rain. Yick. Hope it doesn't last.

It looks as though the Estate came through Halloween unscathed for another year. I heard people on the other side of the neighborhood but really don't think anyone was over here.

I think I will forego my painting and in the spring when the parts have rusted again I'll take them back to work and blast them again. Remember my friend Leo who calls and talks without taking a breath for over an hour? Well he called and I just sat down. No sense in trying to do anything else or think about getting off the phone. Yesterday at about an hour and a half, Tiger made some noise sitting next to me and Leo said oh it sounds like I better let you go. I seized that opportunity but alas, it was too late to paint. Oh well.

Work was slow all day. We had plenty of wheels but no one could seem to get things together. I don't think we even came close to making our numbers. Eh, I don't think the operation will shut down. Hope tomorrow is better, I don't want to stay till the end, I gotta get out. I'm gonna get everything together this afternoon so I'm ahead of the game.

Okay see ya.
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Old November 1st, 2018, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Good morning everyone,

Today is the day that Brian is having his surgery to remove the tumor. The neurologist said that just judging by the size and how fast its grown it's likely malignant. The surgery has already started and should be done around 12:30 (ET) You will know Brian as 69442C on this site. Prayers for his well being are appreciated from the family. If any of you want to follow what his wife posts on Caring Bridge website (created just for him) it's a free registration - here's the link: Brian Monahan

Halloween was quiet last night. To be expected I guess as there are fewer and fewer people going door to door when they can score big treats and stay warm in the malls.

Alex - Congrats to your daughter. Honest, I wouldn't know what divorce is like. My missus is a keeper and I make sure she gets treated right. It's served us well for over 26 years now.

Jim - I don't think it'll put ya on the cover of the Rolling Stone. Hmmm, you'd like my appointments. When I say 3:00 I'm there at least 5 minutes early.

Adrian got a mini earbud. When I saw his picture showing it off I hadn't read his explanation and thought he'd gone deaf in one ear. He thought that was funny...

Anutter day at the rink coming up. Yesterday the skip couldn't find his draw weight. We had a spare playing lead. It was the skips wife. Sorry but there's no way to say this politely - she is a real beach. I feel sorry for Jerome now, I think she beats him at home.

Happy Thorsday
It was not easy,Allison was being cheated on.Caught her ex with an ex best friend of hers.She was not the only one he cheated on Allison with,6 other women and two just found out he got them pregnant.Allison has been in the National guard for 3 years and will be 4 in June of next year.Good thing is it's paying for her schooling.
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Old November 1st, 2018, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by golden rocket
Alan, glad to know you are sharing your sickness with other members of the household. It shows your generous and giving spirit.
Hahahaha, Our household has a policy of sharing Well the good thing is it's short lived. My son drank a bottle of Buckley complete over the course of a week and it cured him. He's young so his antibodies are really strong plus he works out at the gym and is incredibly healthy. I wouldn't even try to arm wrestle him now - he'd kill me. My missus is also getting better. Almost there, she's on the homestretch and should be good as gold by the weekend.

Marc - If you get a cold? I just realized that using regular cough drops is NOT good for diabetics and near diabetics. I suspect you are at the IGT (Impaired Glucose Tolerance) stage of diabetes. Suggestion (and not a plug) is to buy cough drops like Fisherman's Friend, or simply google zero sugar cough drops. Believe it or not regular cough drops spike Blood Glucose incredibly high. The past week I noticed my fasting BG was up to 6.9 mmol/L range, and normally when I'm healthy it's a nice controlled 5.3 mmol/L

Brian came through the surgery well, but there's still the threat of recurrence as the cancer is very aggressive. John Hopkins staff is very hopeful they got all the tumor so now the waiting game and oncology treatment starts. If you can take a minute of your time to offer up prayers for Brian and his family, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Old November 1st, 2018, 01:58 PM
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Alex - that's horrible! Sounds like he's the kind of guy who should have had his nuts cut off a long time ago. I wonder what she saw in him in the first place. Maybe he was a living example of Dr Jeckyl / Mr Hyde ? Well the good news is that episode is over and she can move forward to a new chapter in her life. I hope everything goes well for her. If she's like you and squared away I'm sure she'll steer her course into calm and quiet waters. She sounds like she has a vision for her future and I wish her success.
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Old November 1st, 2018, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Alex - that's horrible! Sounds like he's the kind of guy who should have had his nuts cut off a long time ago. I wonder what she saw in him in the first place. Maybe he was a living example of Dr Jeckyl / Mr Hyde ? Well the good news is that episode is over and she can move forward to a new chapter in her life. I hope everything goes well for her. If she's like you and squared away I'm sure she'll steer her course into calm and quiet waters. She sounds like she has a vision for her future and I wish her success.
She is like me,he was good to her and something changed.I have been there for her including her bio dad whom is still in her life.When Allison turned 18,had her future figured out and one was enlist in the military.I watched her sign the papers the first time when she decided on enlisting in the National Guard.
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Old November 1st, 2018, 05:32 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Halloween was pretty quiet around here last night, all the kids that came around were well behaved and said "thank you". That was nice. The scary thing was that since weed was legalized here in Canada we had to check the kid's "haul" for edibles. Who in their right mind would give kids "edibles"? We didn't find any, but this morning I heard from some parents that their kids were finding edible marijuana products in with their candy. I'm not going to go into what I think about that, it would violate the board's policies on politics, but suffice it to say I'm not a fan.

Allan, - thanks for the tip on cough candies. You're right, I'm at the prliminary phase, and I can feel it when my sugars run a bit high. Yesterday I ate some chocolate and paid for it later. Thoughts and

Alex, - sounds like your daughter has her head screwed on right; good for her!

Golden Rocket;, - I haven't ever seen one of those clocks, and it would sure be neat to find one. Somehow that price doesn't surprise me, everyone who has something that they believe is "old" or "rare" automatically thinks it's in high demand and worth a fortune. The truth is those clocks didn't sell well at all, nobody wanted them then and only a few people would want them now. They look kind of silly in the car; almost like a "suicide ****" and I wouldn't be surprised if they got to be more in the way than not. and, considering they would spin in place to wind, that would become distracting and difficult to read if there wasn't a leveling feature. I'll probably post more about watches, I've got about a dozen sitting here that need work. The truth is, sometimes a guy gets a bit disheartened because things don't work out; last week I created a problem with a watch and had one "blow up" on me. I ruined a hairspring on one watch trying to reset it, and so now it doesn't beat right, and I had the screw that holds down a winding gear on the mainspring snap on a 40 year old Seiko Automatic yesterday. So now I have to replace the hub, screw and probably the mainspring because it probably snapped to cause a quick and abrupt torquing movement which would cause that screw to snap. Of course the screw we're dealing with is 1/16 thick. I'm not a happy camper right now because it is a nice watch and I have to now locate parts and I've never worked with Seiko before. So it could get interesting.
The wheel that broke and the screw head are above, and the spot where it broke is in the lower right hand corner of the movement

Well, back to the parts hunt, hope I don't end up in Japan!
Have a good evening!
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Old November 1st, 2018, 07:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Nailheadcanuck
Halloween was pretty quiet around here last night, all the kids that came around were well behaved and said "thank you". That was nice. The scary thing was that since weed was legalized here in Canada we had to check the kid's "haul" for edibles. Who in their right mind would give kids "edibles"? We didn't find any, but this morning I heard from some parents that their kids were finding edible marijuana products in with their candy. I'm not going to go into what I think about that, it would violate the board's policies on politics, but suffice it to say I'm not a fan.

Allan, - thanks for the tip on cough candies. You're right, I'm at the prliminary phase, and I can feel it when my sugars run a bit high. Yesterday I ate some chocolate and paid for it later. Thoughts and

Alex, - sounds like your daughter has her head screwed on right; good for her!

Golden Rocket;, - I haven't ever seen one of those clocks, and it would sure be neat to find one. Somehow that price doesn't surprise me, everyone who has something that they believe is "old" or "rare" automatically thinks it's in high demand and worth a fortune. The truth is those clocks didn't sell well at all, nobody wanted them then and only a few people would want them now. They look kind of silly in the car; almost like a "suicide ****" and I wouldn't be surprised if they got to be more in the way than not. and, considering they would spin in place to wind, that would become distracting and difficult to read if there wasn't a leveling feature. I'll probably post more about watches, I've got about a dozen sitting here that need work. The truth is, sometimes a guy gets a bit disheartened because things don't work out; last week I created a problem with a watch and had one "blow up" on me. I ruined a hairspring on one watch trying to reset it, and so now it doesn't beat right, and I had the screw that holds down a winding gear on the mainspring snap on a 40 year old Seiko Automatic yesterday. So now I have to replace the hub, screw and probably the mainspring because it probably snapped to cause a quick and abrupt torquing movement which would cause that screw to snap. Of course the screw we're dealing with is 1/16 thick. I'm not a happy camper right now because it is a nice watch and I have to now locate parts and I've never worked with Seiko before. So it could get interesting.
The wheel that broke and the screw head are above, and the spot where it broke is in the lower right hand corner of the movement

Well, back to the parts hunt, hope I don't end up in Japan!
Have a good evening!
Allison knew she had to prepare for her future.Good thing is she has no kids with her ex husband.
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Old November 2nd, 2018, 06:14 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Snowed here overnight. Yay (he said facetiously) and noted that a light mist of snow is still coming down. That'll make the commute to the south side entertaining and probably longer as no one has really adjusted to winter type conditions. Yesterday I was followed by some bimbo in her mini cooper Journeyman. She was literally 3 feet off my rear bumper. Then she'd back off and race up there again. Finally I just slowed down way less than the speed limit to force her to pass which she did. Then played the same thing on the next car in front of her in the fast lane. We both ended up stopped in the same position at a light and I looked at her. She was busy with her head down texting. I think she'll be one of the first at the bodyshop today.

Brian is being moved out of ICU today. Apparently they want patients up and about asap after surgery as it's spoda help with speeding up the healing process.

Alex - not sure if you realize that to post your own thoughts you just have to type in the dialogue box and his Post Quick Reply. When you press the Quote button it doesn't quote you, it captures everything in the post box which you pressed Quote.

Have a good Friday everyone.
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Old November 2nd, 2018, 06:31 AM
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Hope de rain blew out but not sure

Waiting on a new dryer to arrive and a marker shipment, Then Red and I are hede norte

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old November 2nd, 2018, 11:23 AM
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Hi everyone.

Work was a lot easier today. The number of wheel assemblies we needed to do was less, and things seemed to go more smoothly. That was until HR came to visit. There's a few guys that are just a major pain. They'll mess with your lunch, put something in your desk so it goes bad and smells, we got this new tube system for the paperwork(like at a bank drive up) and someone sent a stink bomb through it to the offices upstairs. Someone snitched and those guys got in trouble. Then they started putting pictures up copied from the internet of people that were bruised and beat up, had stitches, etc. and HR got wind of it and came down looking for bullying, violence. It got to be quite the big deal. We finished our work at 11, left at 1. Eh, I got a bit of a nap out of it. I don't like to see anyone lose their jobs, but maybe these clowns will at least get transferred.

I think it rained while we were at work, because the pickup trucks all had water in them, but I don't think it's going to rain anymore. It is rather overcast. Haven't heard what the weather will be like in Florida. Got things to do inside and outside so I'm covered either way.

Have a good weekend in the hills Jamesbo. Waiting on markers, you might make it up there in time to come back.

Okay I'm gonna get myself together and hit the road. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Old November 2nd, 2018, 12:31 PM
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The commute was a premonition of purgatory. an hour and 35 minutes to make a 40 minute trip. Then the skip of the other team decided to be a ******** and insisted that we give up 2 points and hammer just for being late. Needless to say it wasn't an auspicious start to a game. The league we play is Seniors and is supposed to be about sportsmanship and fun. So now Hal Towle is officially in the persona non grata. I even called the rink 30 minutes in advance and asked them to notify Hal I'd be late. What a jerk.

Coming home the roads were heavy wet slop and it seems like every ******** wanted to ride the edge of the slop to spray it onto the car beside. Again - more *********.

Got the snowblower out to clear the drive and sidewalk. I can't do that heavy stuff anymore with a shovel. Spoda be another 3" of same by end of day.

Costco this afternoon. The wife's going for a hearing test. I was spoda grill steak but not anymore. I 'll buy one of the Costco chickens for dinner tonight. By tomorrow or Sunday the temps should be up enough to melt the snow I haven't cleared from the deck yet.
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Old November 2nd, 2018, 02:25 PM
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Good Afternoon:
I have been off here for a couple days. Time can get away. Wednesday was a crappy day. I had been wanting to get my 54 over to Arlington to the transmission shop so my guy can fix the tailhousing leak. It is a lot more than just putting a seal in the housing. I found one of the illusive parts we needed. I wanted to get it done before I make the trip to Bastrop next weekend for the Veterans Day show we go to every year. Bastrop is about 235 miles each way. So rain was in the forecast for Wednesday. It is barely raining and I call my guy in Arlington which is about 40 miles west of us. He says barely raining. So we set out and go about 10 miles and it starts pouring. Fortunately I installed electric wipers. What a fiasco. My wife is following me. When I took the exit ramp the dang car runs out of gas and I coast into a shopping center. I am only about 2 miles from the transmission shop. The damn gas gauge said I had half a tank. My guy brought us a couple gallons but like to have never found us. At this point I am saying boy these old cars sure are fun. My sweet wife remained cool. By now I guess she had gotten use to it. Anyway I should have the car back next week. Yesterday was my wife's birthday. I took her to lunch and shopping. We both went and early voted today. This election scares the hell out of me. I can't get political on here but you can probably read to the right side of the line.
Mike, sounds like you have some guys there that need to grow up.
Allan, it is a beautiful day here but with blue skies and 73 degrees. It is hard to feature snow. The trees (what we have) have really started to turn this week. I hope Brian improves and he will be in our prayers.
That is about it guys. I hope all of you have a good weekend.
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Old November 2nd, 2018, 03:34 PM
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Work went well and did get things done.One was a Kenworth semi truck I had to replace every piece in the DEF system.One of my boss's driver's put in diesel in the DEF tank.Thought I had it done yesterday,2 parts were the wrong parts.Finished preparing for tomorrow morning,one is cash from my safe.Looking at a 1967 Olds Toronado in Indiana I am going to buy.Flying down there,my friend Aaron has his pilot's license and his own airplane.He checked it out for me and said things look good.He knew I was looking for a first gen 1966 to 1970 Olds Toronado.
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Old November 2nd, 2018, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by redoldsman
Allan, it is a beautiful day here but with blue skies and 73 degrees. It is hard to feature snow. The trees (what we have) have really started to turn this week. I hope Brian improves and he will be in our prayers.
Glenn - Imagine looking at a wall that's all white. You get the idea. This stuff is heavy and wet like the stuff that Dan gets in MI I think. So far I've measured 6" of that stuff. it's the equivalent of about 18" of the light fluffy stuff IMO. I guess we shouldn't be too surprised to see it at this time of the year. Thank you for the prayers and well wishes for Brian. I will pass that along to the family - they greatly appreciate the healing circle of friends.

Congratulations and Happy Birthday to your Mrs!! Sounds like you guys are a well oiled team and totally dedicated to each other. Think about that - it's so rare to find that kind of surviving relationship in today's world. You guys should be proud of yourself and your accomplishments.

Good luck with the tail shaft seal. I have to do mine too but it's a much easier job on a TH350. I plan to pull the entire tail shaft off because I also need to install a new drive gear on the output shaft. The one in there is for 2.73:1 and I've changed the rear end to 3.42:1 Fortunately the driven gear is easy to access and replace too. Just have to get the car up to 18" off the ground to do it. You'll be cruising in your 54 long before I get to mine. While it's in the shop I'd have them check the sender in the tank and also the fuel guage to find out which is giving your false reading. I don't know how many ohms your guage should be, but mine is 90. Wonder if it's the same for your car. Sheesh, I just checked RA and they don't have a fuel sender for anything that old.
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Old November 2nd, 2018, 05:39 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Busy day today; - and yes Allan, ********* abound and seem to be all that much more prevalent when the weather changes and the snow starts, anyone with a borderline psychotic or psychopathic personality gets angry and takes it out on everyone. Had similar issues with a class I was teaching, no matter how positive I tried to be there was some Negative Nelly who sucked the life out of the room.
The commute in was interesting. I leave the house at 5:30 so I miss most of guessed it, *********... who couldn't even drive a stiff one into a pail of water. But it was slick out there, and I watched a couple of a$$clowns spin out in their big coal-rolling pick-me-ups.
The rest of the day was tedious and busy; left late, had to go pick up a new set of glasses. So I try them on, they're "progressives", and right off the hop I can see that they suck. Can't see a damn thing through them except at close up and if I concentrate. Distance is ok only if I put my head down. The lady says "it takes 2 weeks to get used to them, you see with your brain not your eyes, give them a try for 2 weeks"...Huh? WTF does that mean? So my prescription has been a figment of my imagination for all these years? Geez...wish I'd have known that earlier, would have saved myself thousands if I could have convinced myself I could see. I'm just going to chill out with a bottle of something nice; - I should get out there and move that miserable white crap that keeps on falling out of the sky, but I don't want to. It can pile up for all I care. it will anyway, shoveling it is an exercise in futility. Yeah...not a great day, maybe I'll feel better in the morning, - not likely though. I'm really beginning to hate this part of the world, I'm tired of snow and winter, and it hasn't even started yet. We've got 8 more months of this s--t to go. Sorry to be a downer...

Have a great weekend!
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Old November 2nd, 2018, 11:07 PM
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This stuff is heavy and wet like the stuff that Dan gets in MI
Sounds about right. I'm in no hurry for it to get here either, it's one of the reasons that I bought the all terrains.
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Old November 3rd, 2018, 06:05 AM
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Good morning everyone,

I heard some really good news from Brian's wife today. He's done so well in recovery they're releasing him to convalesce at home. We all know that home is way better than the hospital anyway. No more hospital food and finally a chance to sleep without the background noise of the hospital that wakes him us every couple hours. Thank you for your prayers, thoughts and well wishes. This isn't over yet and we hope the tumor won't recur. It was a malignant cancer so the positive thought is that the treatments he's scheduled for will help keep it in remission.

Marc - You nailed it. I remember the days when I used to be out the door at those hours and miss 95% of the traffic. Yeah, it does get old in the tooth doesn't it? Especially since we already got that big dump of snow in early September. I guess the Park has no shortage of ********* either? One group I noticed in particular are the ones in cube vans and sport utilities. My son was fortunate; his shift started at 11:30 yesterday. He called me on his brreak (4:00) whilst I was enjoying and sharing some Costco fries with the missus. He said by that time it only took him 20 minutes which is about 5 minutes longer than normal. Sheesh, that same trip took me over 35 yesterday. I don't blame you for not wanting to clear the snow as it's pretty heavy. The COE doesn't enforce snow clearing here on sidewalks unless someone complains about it. Same in Sherwood Forest?

Dan - No punkin pie here. Yesterday I bought a Blueberry with cream cheese special at Costco. They also make a killer lemon cheesecake pie that I have a hard time staying away from. I'm running Goodyear Nordic Winter (Ice snow with the Mountain symbol) on my car. The tires are older so I never changed them past spring and I'll run them till they're worn down enough to replace, which may take a couple years. The RF one tends to leak a bit if the car isn't used so likely a bead. The Malibu has Bridgestone Blizzak WS80's on all four corners and they are really good, plus they're really quiet compared to my Good Years.

I don't figure on being outside much today. On the good side of everything everyone here is getting better. Hahahaha, I bought more OTC cold remedies at Costco just in case we need them later this season. It would be nice if we don't but hey, they don't expire for another 2 years so good chance we'll use em.

Sad note - Clint had to put Ruby down. She was such a nice old donkey.
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Old November 3rd, 2018, 08:23 AM
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A bit of Canadian trivia!
After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, British scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that **their** ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago.
Not to be outdone by the Brit's, in the weeks that followed, an American archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the New York Times:
"American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that **their** ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the British".
One week later, Canadian Dept. Of Mines and Resources in Newfoundland reported the following: "After digging to a depth of 30 feet in Newfoundland, Canada , Jack Lucknow, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing. Jack has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Canada had already gone wireless.

Just makes a guy bloody proud to be Canadian, eh!

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Old November 3rd, 2018, 09:34 AM
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Good to hear about your friend Brian, Allan. Hope that his recovery continues to go well. I went with the A/T's on my Santa Fe, because I want to be able to get through deep snow at the area where I want to take pics. They plow the main roads around the facility for the employees, but the trails where some of the wildlife might be, they don't touch, and as it's in the middle of nowhere, getting a tow would be a major pain if I got stuck. (Note to self, buy another cell phone). Otherwise I would have gone with an aggressive all season or winter tires like your Blizzaks.
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Old November 3rd, 2018, 04:36 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Thanks for the joke Allan, I can relate.

I'm feeling a little better today, I decided to stay away from the 26 oz. therapy, and today we managed to nail down another 2 year contract for our coin show here in Edmonton; we're the largest coin show in all of Canada and the best attended one. We're finally getting some recognition from all the lovelies in the East; - just a bit of trivia, here in Canada there is definitely a thing called "western alienation", where we find that we are completely ignored but heavily tariffed or taxed by central Canada (mostly Ontario, that's where 2/3 of Canada's population lives) so to finally get some credit where they actually acknowledge that there is a place in Canada besides Toronto is a big deal. We're finally getting that. So that's cool.
While doing the contracts, we stopped at an antique show that was in progress there. Guess what I ended coming home with; coins and watch parts, who'd have thunk it?

The one on the upper left is an English penny from Henry 2, dated to around 1180-1189.It was made in London by a guy named Pieres. The one on the lower right is an English Edward I penny, dated between 1280-1307 also from the Tower of London Mint. These are shown much larger than original size, which is about the same as a Lincoln cent. They are both made of silver. They are crude, but considered to be in really good shape for medieval coins.

Sometimes I get the best deals at antique shows, because the dealers generally don't know much about what I'm into so they haven't priced it to the moon. That was the case today, got a great deal on these. We then got all the booze and supplies for the Hospitality Suite for next Saturday's coin show. So preparations are all set, and we're ready for the show. Feels great when a plan comes together. Oh yeah, the miserable snow is melting, and that's good too.

Looked for some good Olds related stuff, there was nothing. Lots of Chevy or Mopar stuff, but nothing Olds. Lots of fake Coke memorabilia and of course, the ubiquitous fake **** stuff. It seems the 3rd Reich cranked off some really unique stuff made out of materials that they would have never used or even had access to. Most of the fakers tend to forget (or never understood) that the ***** were perennially broke and most of their garbage was made cheaply and not expected to survive, let alone exist after 70 years. It's amazing what people will try and sell. It was good for a few laughs anyway.

Have a good weekend!

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Old November 3rd, 2018, 05:27 PM
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Good Evening Olds Friends:
Not a lot going on today. Lucy and I did our walk this morning. Somehow my Map My Walk app on my cell phone got put on pushups instead of walking and though I was doing pushups for 57 minutes. It showed I burned over 1,000 calories. It must have thought I was Hershel Walker. I work out in the garage this afternoon cleaning the grease and oil on the floor the 54 had deposited with the transmission leak even though I had two drain pans with oil dry in them. I found some stuff at Home Depot I am trying. It is supposed to soak overnight. I am being called to dinner so I better go.
Later Guys
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Old November 3rd, 2018, 05:30 PM
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Glenn - spray the stain with brake clean. It works like magic!!
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Old November 3rd, 2018, 06:19 PM
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Thanks Allan. I had not thought about brake clean. I have heard of oven cleaner but have to tried it. I went to get a gallon of muriatic acid and the guy told me about this stuff. It is called Goof Off. It was like $10 a quart which will do 3 square feet. It has not toxic smell and does not have to be rinsed off. You put it on and let it set for 7-8 hours and it draws the stain out of the concrete and then you just sweep it up. It is supposed to remove the stain also. I will let you know how it works.
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Old November 3rd, 2018, 08:40 PM
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I've heard of the "Goof Off" and it's been said it works quite well; - be interested to hear if it worked for you Glenn. Are your floors painted or just bare concrete?
You're right about the "Brake Clean" smell, but even more onerous is the fact that it soaks into skin and is toxic. It's a sensitizer meaning you can develop a chemical allergy or intolerance to it. It's toxicity is right up there with toluene, not something you want to fool around with unless you have good rubber gloves and a respirator. (Sorry, I teach industrial safety for a living)

Back when I was a kid first starting out at a garage we used to use Oxydol powdered laundry soap and water; - you have to scrub like an idiot but once you get it down it cleans quite nicely and isn't as toxic as some other things. It smells like a laundry after you're done too; nothing like the smell of clean shirts.
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Old November 4th, 2018, 04:21 AM
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Glenn, I have cleaned up newly made grease/oil spills with plain old floor dry, kitty litter, or even saw dust. I found that if you spread it on the mess and let it sit or even better walk on it, it grinds into the concrete and cleans it up but you get it in the treads of your boots. I had a bunch of sawdust one time and after sweeping it up I put it on a stain and continued to work on the car or whatever I was doing and it took it right up.
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Old November 4th, 2018, 05:32 AM
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Same here on the grinding in the dry stuff. I usually just step on the floor dry until it is a powder and let it sit overnight, sweep it up and my floor is clean and dry.
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Old November 4th, 2018, 05:59 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Good ol DST kicked in today at 02:00. I don't much care for the principle of spring ahead and fall back. Life worked just fine in the old days when we didn't ascribe to this crap. I say ditch DST and the problems it creates.

Well, sounds like everyone has a different solution to cleaning up spills. I'll stick with my brake clean for oil/trans fluid spills. I haven't noticed it smelling bad and the stuff evaporates really fast plus it cleans those stains instantly. I had oil drip stains on the drive from my old 98 and I'd tried a lot of different techniques including all kind of soaps and degreasers. My mechanic buddy Dale told me to shoot some brake clean on them and voila!! Gone instantly so I'll stick with it. Goof Off? Yep I have some in the garage and Marc - that stuff does smell like toluene. I only use it for tar removal on paint. Remember back in the day when GM had a fabric cleaner that was toluene based? Hahahaha, the warning on the container specifically said not to smoke while using the cleaner. Duh, a double entendre. Which one would kill ya faster? I don't smoke so it's gotta be the toluene, but damn that stuff worked well.

Cold morning start to the day at 32° and freezing rain. Good thing it's Sunday so the road crews can put some sand down. The city has decided to spray the roads here again with a calcium chloride solution. Just another way to wreck the undercarriages of cars and they don't seem to care about that. I'd prefer just sand for traction. Each time we get a big dump of snow this city is so backwards. I guess they never heard of weather monitoring because instead of being proactive and getting things done as it happens they wait for the entire motoring population to drive in chaos and then the next day they get the plows out. I honestly wonder if anyone in the roadways department has any brains at all.

Marc - You almost got it right. Ontario and Quebec, with the later being the ones who get the largest transfer payments. It seems like Quebec and the Maritimes traditionally and historically set the stage for any of the politics though. It will be interesting to see what happens next year when the current PM gets shot out of the skies, after Ontario just elected a PC govt and even Quebec not happy with Liberals.. Ok, that's enough polly ticks.

Hmm, we haven't' heard from Clint, Jouni, or Adrian for awhile.
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Old November 4th, 2018, 09:15 AM
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Allan, thanks for reminding me about Quebec, I've tended to ignore them since they voted that first separatist bunch in back in 1977. Agreed on all other points too, let's leave it there. The only thing that I can disagree with is that I figure JT will be around for another term, they just love him over there, he's rated right up there with his father, I'm sure there's some outfit considering a sainthood for either of them back east.
Ever since they started pouring on the calcium chloride my poor LeSabre has started to rust; - and that after years of keeping it clean. Does it work? Is it effective? I don't know; all I know is that my car starts to dissolve in winter. Yesterday on the Whitemud was like driving through a swimming pool; nothing but airborne water and guck everywhere.
Not sure what I'm going to do today; outside is a washout, and the cars are doing fine and don't require any work I suppose I could do another watch...
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Old November 4th, 2018, 10:36 AM
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Sorry to hear about the LeSabre They're a nice car. IMO they're a softer ride than most of the other GM equivalents. Not sure exactly how i feel about that. I know that I compared my 83 Ninety Eight Regency Brougham to an 84 Buick Park Avenue one time. Lighter color interior trim and different dash but it was very soft oppulent seating - almost too soft. I liked the interior of the 98 better. Both were very close to the same car, but some reason I liked the outside stying of the 98 better. Hmmm, nope. I gotta disagree. Even a lot of the eastern provinces and liberal cabinet are starting to disagree with JT. He's not nearly as popular as you might think, especially after the bonehead things he's done including almost putting us into recession. Most Libs would likely say that his Dad was better. JT is in it for the photo ops and to see how many more campaign promises he can break. Isn't it fun being Canadian? We have our crosses to bear as much as any other country.

More power to you on the watch repair! You must have really good eyes. I know mine would never let me do things with pieces that small. Hey-do you have a 1/64" drill bit??
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Old November 4th, 2018, 11:41 AM
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Hi everyone.

Nice here in the panhandle. Got the gate project almost done, need to get a few more things, but it will look nice and be functional, which is an improvement over the old gate looking like crap and barely functional.

Nice drive here Friday night, after getting out of Atlanta. I decided I should really leave right at rush hour, which probably added almost an hour to my drive. Eh, got here not too late. Gonna leave tomorrow early so I can get a few things done.

Just thought I'd check in. And now, lunch.
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Old November 5th, 2018, 09:18 AM
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Sloshed around smacking whitey this mawn'in 44/.42

Mike, That;s the only think I don't like about going norte. Atlanta traffic goes all the way to Dahlonega

The only thing I know about Canadian politics is the national anthem And thats because i used to have season ticket to the hockey games
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