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Old May 30th, 2019, 06:25 AM
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Pics of barn 2nd floor.

Hi, guys hers some pics of the 2nd floor of the barn. Its almost done, still need to go back and screw it down, add hand rails for stairs,etc.
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Old May 30th, 2019, 06:35 AM
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Nice job Greg!! That's a nice huge space. Be careful or you could easily turn into a hoarder
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Old May 30th, 2019, 06:50 AM
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Sorry those pics are so big. Thanks for the thoughts on barn cats. A grumpy/skittish cat would be good, maybe that would keep the wife from loving it. I saw a mouse in the barn yesterday, I have seen many chipmunks.
Dan, nice door, nice house.
Went to a baseball game last night at the MSU ball park. My grandson plays on the Williamston, Mi. High School Team. They played the Mason, Mi team. It was a special competition called the Diamond . Unfortunately our team lost. That's one bad thing about those playoffs/finals, there is only one champion. All the others end their run in a defeat. Your team can be undefeated until the last game then you lose and are in 2nd place. But still better than 99% of the teams, I guess...
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Old May 30th, 2019, 06:52 AM
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Good Morning Guys:
Greg, what a barn. Man it would be neat to have a space like that. One thing you might think about is installing one of those cheap electric hoist. I actually have one in the attic of my garage. If you are going to store anything heavy up there it makes it a lot easier. I have a Muncie 4-speed in my attic along with some cylinder heads and lots of other parts. Of course I am limited to a pull down staircase and could not hold those things above my head to get them up there.
Jouni, good hearing from you. I hope you are feeling better soon.
We had some pretty heavy storms around here yesterday. There were several tornados scattered around. There were none close to us but we did have lots of rain. The back was better yesterday and I did go for a 4.5 mile walk. It is getting too hot and humid to take Lucy so I took her to the end of the street and back since she gets so excited about walking. I really missed her on the walk. I have to take my wife for her MRA at one this afternoon. The back is aching some this morning. I wanted to get my walk in before we go. The back is going to have to limber up some before I go.
Have a good day Olds friends.
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Old May 30th, 2019, 09:52 AM
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Allan & Greg thanks. Greg, I've always wanted a barn. That loft is going to hold a lot of Olds parts.
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Old May 30th, 2019, 12:22 PM
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Hi everyone.

Busy day at work. One guy wasn't there so I sat at his desk, and let Mr. Annoying work by himself all day. He must have had about a dozen fits. It was nice being back at my desk job and not inspecting the wheel halves. Still not convinced, though, that I want a desk job forever.

Greg now that's a space! I agree with the lift idea. Make sure you install a bathroom in there so you don't ever have to leave.

Dan the door looks great. Gives the house a whole different look.

Sunny and hot, as usual. That's nice, saying as usual. Too many times rain is the usual. No rain in sight still.

Well guess what day it is. I realized this this morning. Before I started going to the chiropractor I didn't have any trouble. Now that I've gone for how many weeks I have trouble getting in and out of the car, I have trouble standing and walking if I've been sitting more than a couple minutes, and the original complaint, my hip, I still have pain! They can't help arthritis. So why do I keep going back? I'm not too bright.

Okay got a couple things to do before I go, Glenn hope the test shows something you can work with. See you all later.
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Old May 30th, 2019, 03:24 PM
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What a difference 12 hours or so makes. I woke up and the sky was overcast and grungy looking. I checked the morning sun and it was blood orange (if that's a color). It's the smoke from the High Prairie wildfire that's now out of control. Makes the colors look more vivid - like the grass - looks positively verdant. But this afternoon? Holy Shnikeys! the ash and smoke are so thick it's like fog. Air quality here is dangerous and anyone with COPD would be definitely screwed if they went out. I'm glad the Sonata has not only a cabin air filter, but the high end particulate scrubber that comes with the Limited model. Hardly smelled anything on the drive to see da boyz this mawnin.

The missus asked if I was going to grill dinner tonight. I just looked at her like she was absolutely insane. I think she got the message.

And yesterday - 32°. Today 17°. Feels positively cold by comparison. What in the world is happening to this part of the world? I'm pretty sure even the golf courses here are seeing cancellations by the boatload. Not only can't ya breath, but ya can't see where the ball went either. Yeah, it's that bad...

Glenn - we could use some of those heavy storms here to help with things. Send them on up! Hope the wifes MRA turns out ok, and your back improves. I know how little fun it is trying to hobble around with a sore back.

Mike - Lucky for me I've never had to go to physio or a chiro. From what I've heard about them though, there's a definite trend. Physio makes people wish they'd never gone. Chiro is a 50/50 split on whether it's helpful or not. Good luck with your appt. Did they turn off the Christmas music?
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Old May 30th, 2019, 04:40 PM
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I felt unusually bad after leaving the chiro today. I'm gonna have to say something. I mean, I ain't no sissy but this $hit is starting to hurt. No the Christmas music was gone, and there was a room full of people so I couldn't turn something else on. Maybe next time. I'm thinking Liberace.

Went next door and got ice cream and frozen pizza. My neighbor is cleaning out her freezer and didn't want this stuff. She's had a house full of company for two weeks and she looked beat. This might sound funny, but I'm kinda glad she feels bad about Tony's passing. When he was around all's they did was fight and bicker and she never let on that she cared for him at all. I figured it was just their relationship. But now she actually misses him and it makes me think she actually might have liked him.

So I've got my favorite James Blundell playing in another window. Maybe it will draw Adrian out. Funny, Adrian never has anything to say about the local to him guy. I get the impression from reading about JB that he's a bit of a flake when it comes to politics. People are probably tire of him up that way.

Time to hit the sack. Tiger is all wound up so I might not get to sleep right away. Friday tomorrow. It promises to be a full day. The fat man and his minions are doing their best to sandbag and not reach the number. The clowns think they can manipulate the leads into lowering the number. Not how it works. Eh, I've got plan b if I need it.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old May 30th, 2019, 04:52 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Not having a great day today, I've got COPD, and that damn wildfire is not nice. The disease is a result of inhaling way too much Ammonia and Sulphur Dioxide, which loves asthmatics. Had no idea I had asthma until I almost died one day a few years back. And yeah, the company's "out" on this whole mess is that I used to smoke cigarettes. Right now everything tastes and smells like smoke, - though it's a good thing that the house has A/C and a few filters. Makes it a bit more bearable.

Looking outside it reminds me of what Fort Saskatchewan used to look like when I was growing up; - we'd get the chlorine from Dow and the ammonia from Sherritt and that would form a yellow mustard gas over town, - and then we'd have to live in it when they threw us out for recess. Some things have actually changed for the better, that doesn't happen anymore. Now it's just these idiotic wild fires.

Started another phase of my watch making education last night; I actually changed out a balance staff. It's on an old Rolex Unicorn wristwatch from 1915. The piece I swapped out is 5mm long. Now tonight I'm going to try and sort out what else went wrong with that watch. If I'm successful, I'll shoot pictures of the completed product. If I'm not, I'll have a good cry as I toss all the pieces into the garbage. These things are worth a surprising amount of money when they run; - and only if they run. It's slow and tedious work, all done with magnifiers on and using a jeweler's loupe to see just what is going on. Good thing I got into this hobby just as my vision starts going to hell.

Not sure I'm going to do anything tonight though; it's tough to lay in parts between coughing fits.

Greg, that is a fantastic space, - provided there isn't any livestock crapping the downstairs area full, - then it would be intolerable in summer. That will be one heckova cool Man-cave when done.

Mike, a 62 Imperial is a cool car; - a family friend used to have one. It was his baby, we were never allowed into it. That thing is the epitome of Virgil Exner's warped mind; probably one of the wildest looking cars to grace a road. Hope you get one, but make sure it's a really nice one, you don't want to have to fix one!
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Old May 31st, 2019, 12:18 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Figured I'd pop in since this is the rare occasion I have the computer on when I'm getting ready for work. What's funny is last week when I was working on the weekend I would be driving out of the neighborhood and people would be driving in, presumably coming in from be out the night before. Hm, 3 or 330 is a bit late to be out...

Well like I said, I figure I'll be at work all day. Doesn't bother me. One of the inspectors is going to be on his Super Friday today, he's got the next two weeks off. So he wants to leave early, and I told the other guy that if things get too busy for them, with just two of them there, to come get me and I'd fill in. I know first hand that with having only two inspectors things can get hectic.

Time to get going. One good thing about driving in this early is there's hardly any traffic. One bad thing is sitting for a full minute at a red light/left turn arrow for Burger King.

Have a good morning everyone.
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Old May 31st, 2019, 06:21 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Damn idiot next door is up at 5:30 out watering his lawn in his pajamas and yelling into his cell phone. Almost time for me to start my own Jihad...

Marc - Sorry to hear you have COPD and I can appreciate how bad it must have got yesterday. That smoke and ash was incredible; I've never seen it this bad here even last year when we got the smoke from BC. Thank goodness this morning it's cleared up a lot. That's funny what you said about vision and watch making/repair. Good luck with that watch.

It's pretty cool here this morning but spoda head up to around 74 or so later. Good news (probably temporary) is that AB no longer has a carbon tax. Yesterday gas prices came down around 7¢/L (26¢/gal US) at most places although some are still holding out at 113.9/L this morning. That's some welcome relief at the pumps till the Feds try to implement their own carbon tax before they get out for recess in June. Everything here is a tax grab from this gubment who now sees everything as a climate emergency. They've been likened to Joseph Goebbels who was a master of propaganda.

Not much on the radar for today. I'll play it by ear. Good way to start the weekend.
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Old May 31st, 2019, 12:09 PM
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Finished up a little after noon today. We had a reduced number. Stopped at the Awful house on the way home. Just a couple people were there.

So Tiger is going to jail today and I'm flying up to Pittsburgh tomorrow to drive back with a friend who has to tow a car home. That's going to be a long day. He had mentioned a few little things that needed to be done on the way out of town, but maybe he's gotten them all done. We had to pick the car up at the airport and get it to the Honda place, he's already done all that. I hope we can hit the road as soon as I get there. Not sure why he needs me, but hey, I don't mind helping out a friend.

Allan write down what the neighbor is saying into his cell phone and then google translate it. It might be that he's planning an attack on a guy who spies on him all the time.

Marc there's a town in NW Indiana, Whiting to be exact, that had a huge refinery for Amoco. It was there for decades. I know a guy who is from there and he said the ground is about saturated with gasoline and the whole place smells like it. Such is the life of living next to industry. I was at one time thinking about moving to New Orleans, and John who used to be on here sent me a bunch of articles about "Cancer Alley," all the industry along the southern part of the state by the airport and how the towns had way higher than average cases of cancer and other despicable things. I was thinking gee, I must be moving to Love Canal. Then I would read in the articles they'd mention Love Canal. Sheesh. I ended up not moving there, not necessarily because of the pollution, but it didn't thrill me.

Well gotta get transformed from work Mike to weekend Mike. Might stop back at Awful house and get Tiger a hamburger on the way to the kennel. See ya's later everyone.
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Old May 31st, 2019, 01:14 PM
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Mike - you try writing down something that's being spouted in Arabic - it all sounds like acchhh kkkkk eccchhkkk. And I hardly think you'd appreciate being woken at that time by someone shouting outside your house. I'll take Tiger for the weekend if you want. And I'll even let him loose outside at 5:30 in the morning. He might come home smelling like something foreign though..Oh, as far as anyone spying on him? He has security cameras installed all around his house. No doubt in case border security, police or immigration shows up.
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Old May 31st, 2019, 08:33 PM
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Allan, obviously Achmed or Hassan or whatever he's called doesn't realize there's a noise bylaw that states that you can't be disturbance until after 10:00. I'm sure a well articulated "Go back to bed, you stunned f--k!" accompanied by a forcibly thrown old shoe would probably fall on deaf ears but it's worth a try. Using a dog would only get the dog shot.

At my old house, my neighbor was an Asian, didn't speak much English, and she had this nauseating habit of laying into her horn to get her kids up to go to school. Very politely at first, I informed her I was a shift worker and that didn't help my sleep. She'd quit for a day, and then start up again. So the protests got louder, and more forceful. Finally, it was one summer morning, and she was at it again. So I put on a housecoat and walked over to her car, opened the driver's door, bade her a polite "good morning" as I popped her hood release, and then I ripped out her horn cables and handed them to her. "You won't be needing these, have a nice day!" and then closed the door and went back to bed.
It stopped, but the next fall she started up again. With some people, you'll never win.

Airbrush a picture of you arm in arm with Bashar al-Assad and then on the back in Arabic, as a Canadian representative of the Mukhabarat invite them over for coffee and a "discussion". I guarantee you they'll move inside 48 hours.
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Old May 31st, 2019, 09:26 PM
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Good Late Evening to you guys:
It has been an eventful afternoon. The trim shop put some new snaps in the top boot on my Olds and called me that it was ready. It is probably going to have to have a new cover to ever be completely correct. So my wife and I stop for lunch and then hear over to get the car. Henry had it parked out front to get some free advertising. My wife ask me if I wanted her to follow me and I said no, go ahead. I talked with Henry a couple minutes and then headed home. I to about three blocks and then turn left on the street that runs all the way back to Rowlett. It is a busy 4 lane street with lots of traffic lights. Just as I am making my turn, my wife calls me to tell me there was an accident. A damn concrete block fell off a trailer in front of her and she hit it. It took out both right tires on the Expedition and bent the hell out of the right rear wheel. She made it into a parking lot and was not injured. That is the most important thing. She did have a witness who followed the boneheads to the intersection and took a picture of the company name on the door of the truck and of the two guys latching the tailgate on the trailer. So, I get there shortly after it happened. I call AAA and they dispatch a wrecker to take it to the nearby Ford dealer. Called the police and they came but said they would not file a report since no other vehicle was involved. When I got home I called my insurance company (USAA) and got that process started. I have a $500 deductible. They will try and recover from the responsible party but I don't have a lot of hope for that. They will probably just say sue us and since it is a small claim that won't happen. The claim for two tires, a wheel (20" aluminum about $900) and a front end alignment will probably be about $1,600. AAA give me a free rent car for one day and USAA will pay for a rent car. I have to get that taken care of tomorrow since we are leaving Sunday to go to Austin. Keaton the oldest grandson is competing in the state solo competition on Monday and plays a solo at University of Texas that afternoon. I will have to upgrade above the car they will pay for. Since both of the boys are over six feet tall it is impossible for them to ride that far in the third seat of the Ford Flex we have. I will probably wind up with a minivan. I am going to be out $500 and it is just a pain in the *** to have to deal with this crap. Other than that it was a great afternoon. Thanks for letting me vent guys.

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Old June 1st, 2019, 05:51 AM
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Glenn, geez bad deal about the wife's accident. Here in Michigan there is (or at least was) a "mini-tort" law. Once the wife was following a delivery truck in our '78 88. The truck stopped in the road and she stopped behind him and he backed right into her, breaking the front header and crumpling up the hood. We didn't even have "collision" coverage on the car but we were paid $400.00 from my insurance co. which was the max of the mini-tort at the time. I think the insurance co. then got the $400. back from the delivery company. Anyway maybe Texas has such a rule to cover your deductible??? Just glad she wasn't hurt...
Dan, I am going to have a garage overhead door installed in my barn. I have put in doors in my old place but that was a new pole barn. This opening in the barn is not standard so I think I will have someone with experience do this one. Do you think your guys would come over to Harrison? Do you recommend them?
Thanks for the nice comments about the barn, guys. It's not really going to be a Man Cave as there is no heat up there and in the summer it gets crazy hot up there. The main reason for doing the 2nd floor actually was to provide a ceiling for the shop area I am setting up on the main floor, and one thing lead to another.
I planned to put in the boat finally today but now the forecast is for rain and storms, oh well at least it's warm.
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Old June 1st, 2019, 09:47 AM
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Finally, after 2 weeks, im feeling normal. At monday, back to work. Really grateful about it. Thanks for well-wishes. I didnt even know i can be so sick as i was, and the main reason is Still a questionmark, what caused it

Today i sold my Hedman shorty headers. Wasnt worth the hassle in my opinion, it was just a leak waiting to happen in my opinion. Quality was severely lacking. And since noone is supposedly making headers that fit 73-77 A-body, i quess ill buy just those Thornton manifolds. My originals are cracked.

Allan R - I first time ever heard about even whole hurling when Group of nobodies from here took part to some lousy challenge Havent heard either since then, until i met you
Hmm, i wake up 0430am every Morning, expect weekends when i just might to stay in bed to 0600am. Winter is a whole another story of course, when im not in work

Greg Rogers - Nice!!! Good work

redoldsman - Quite a story… Hope it turns out well..

Nailheadcanuck - Good story, worth a few laughs

Okay, have a day all!
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Old June 1st, 2019, 10:15 AM
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Jouni - Google Aku Kauste. Then compare him to Thomas Ulsrud or Niklas Edin. That's the European side of things. In Canada we can't keep track of how many great curlers we have, and more join the fray all the time. Our Juniors program is leading the way with new players that will keep Canada in the forefront for years to come. When the Nuclear war hits, we'll have an advantage of preparation with all the time we spend in the snow and cold.

Those Thornton Jrs are crap. You'd be better off buying a set of stock exhausts and turning them into the N10 option. Problem with stock is they're heavy. Same with Thornton - they're heavy. I think you could score some old stock exhausts really cheap since no one really wants them anymore. Either way you're going to pay with your left nad for the shipping.

Marc - So that's why you moved? Good reason. The Jihadi's next door like to use their car as a babysitting crib for their kids. Even on hot days they'll take the kids and put them in the car with the windows up. Kids play musical horn a LOT. I've talked with Jihad Jesus about this and if it keeps up I'll call the cops. They're teaching the kids that the car is a toy.

Glenn - I feel your pain. That $500 deductible is the same as what I'll be forking out for the damage to the Malibu. There's no way I can get away with a lower amount unless I change the level of coverage to something I don't need. Even things like glass insurance are covered by my policy (except the front wind screen). And to upgrade to full glass coverage costs more per year than the cost of replacing the front wind screen anyway. Go figure. I know because I've done that a year and a half ago. Glad to hear your missus is ok. You're lucky it was just minor damage. You sure there's no damage to the lower section of the Expedition?

Greg - I noticed in those pictures that the upper floor area is also ventilated. It appeared that where the rafters make their first 22.5° turn, the corrugated sheet metal has gaps going from vertical to angled. Unless you insulated all that, I bet it would be easily over 100 in there during the summer. Too hot for me, and it wouldn't be great for storing parts either.

Well before it got anywhere close to warm I was out and planting some hanging baskets. I bought a load of Bacopa and Ivy to go along with some Geraniums. I love the smell of Geraniums. The secret is not using just the potting soil. I also mix some garden soil in with it and add some moisture. Seems to work well in the past and no reason to change. Yesterday when I was at HD buying this stuff, I checked out their Homelite timmers. At $118 they're a decent buy. I go to pay for everything and ..... and...... and... where the heck is my wallet?? I called home and the missus said I'd left it by the puter. I asked Jarrod to hold the order and I'd be back in 35 minutes with the money. No problem he says. 35 minutes later I'm back and now Jarrod is nowhere to be found. But Cole is there. Nice young fella. Turns out Jarrod didn't pass along the information and they'd put my entire order back. DRAT!! I had to go get everything back together and come back to the cash. Cole discounted the plants to 4 for $10 instead of $12, and then he gave me $10 off the trimmer for the inconvenience.

I unboxed the new trimmer and tested it. Started on the third pull and ran perfectly. It's a keeper, and when the new carb arrives for the old one, I'll have 2 of them I can use. Maybe overkill but always good to have a spare. Now all I need is a barn like Greg to store all this stuff.
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Old June 1st, 2019, 11:18 AM
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Whats the problem with Thornton JR's? Casting itself? Everyone seems to praise them for what they are; cast iron manifolds with "capped" crossover. Im really open to suggestions and opinions. Id only need drivers side.

Uhh... Homelite... Brings some bad memories.. About their chainsaws.. Not sold here anymore, and for a reason! Ill lean to my Husqvarna as a chainsaw, and trimmer too.
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Old June 1st, 2019, 12:28 PM
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Jouni - Obviously you can spend your hard earned $$ any way you want. There's no advantage to the Thornton product other than cosmetics. Same angle of downturn on both sides as OEM. Plus a lot more expensive. Buy a good RS manifold and a block off plate. I bought my block off plate from ILT and it's not expensive; it is made of very substantial steel and comes with 2 bolts to secure it. Here's a link to a thread (that also has links to the Thornton discussion) for you. Thornton - Decoded by Joe Padaveno I'm curious to hear what you think after reading that. I know several sellers I could refer you to for the manifold you would need.

Weird that Homelite doesn't work for you. I tried other gas trimmers and they were crap. My Homelite trimmers start perfectly and they do a great job. Even my Poulan leaf blower is reliable as hell. I was told Poulan was a horrible product and I'd always have trouble starting it. No way. It starts the same in +30 and -40. I've had it for 7 years and it's a definite keeper. Sometimes I think it's me, then I realize it's gotta be the product. In all honesty I haven't bought a chainsaw or had to use one since I was 17; and that ship sailed a looonnnngg time ago. IMO there are some brands that build superior products in a specific range and not others. Husqvarna is on the $$$$$ end here so I don't buy them.
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Old June 1st, 2019, 04:36 PM
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Greg, I recommend this guys, but I'm not sure that they would go that far. It never hurts to ask. A-1 Garage Door in Muskegon. Round two of crappy weather coming through right now, they got golf ball size hail in Battle Creek. Time to go pick up the pizza that I ordered!
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Old June 1st, 2019, 04:37 PM
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Yikes, you got real nasty weather there Dan. We would love for you to send some of that heavy rain (keep the hail) our way.
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Old June 1st, 2019, 08:03 PM
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Been a busy day today. I picked up a Suburban for a rent car. The upgrade cost me about $8.00/day out of pocket but well worth it. We are doing a trip to Austin tomorrow and coming back Sunday and it will be worth every dime. I then went to the Ford dealer body shop and signed the paper for them to do the work. I talked to an adjuster this morning and it will probably be Monday before he makes it there. They will have to get the wheel and then mount the two new tires and align the front end. They will put it up on the lift to check for any damage underneath. It is just a pain in the butt. We have the national show of the National Antique Oldsmobile Club of America here next week. NAOC is sponsoring it and it starts with a reception Wednesday evening. I volunteered to shuttle folks to the DART station a few miles away since I have a big SUV. That is on Friday. I should have the Expedition back by then. I volunteered to go to the hotel and help setup on Tuesday. I may be a little late getting there.
I worked out in the yard today and finished my flower bed by the house. I already had the dirt I added. I put in landscape fabric and 7 plants and then finished it off with 11 bags of red bark mulch. I did not get my path lights installed. Shortly after I finished it came a nice rain. I was really glad to get this one finished. This flower bed had been neglected and looked like hell. Now it is very nice and my wife is happy. Week after the coming week the sod project starts in the front yard. Fortunately the back gave me no trouble today.
Hope all you guys have a nice evening, at least what is left of it. I will be out for the next two days.

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Old June 1st, 2019, 08:57 PM
Oh no, not again...
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Glenn, sorry to hear about the accident, that really sucks. What's the worst is the person who isn't at fault still ends up paying, so what do we have insurance for? Things that are classed as single vehicle ones are the worst, because you have to fight with your own insurance company.

Dan, scary weather; - hope you get through alright without any damage.

Jouni, good to hear you are on the mend. Any illness that lays a person low that doesn't have an explanation (unlike a hangover) is scary. Hope you figure it all out. And yes, the guy who said hard physical labour doesn't kill you was a liar, it does, that's how I wrecked my body and eventually had to do a staff job. Otherwise I'd be forcibly retired on a pittance for a pension. The best advice I can give you based on my experience is go into training, - train others to be safe and do the work. It's worked out well for me.

Greg, if you insulate the ceiling of the Quonset part and popped in some dormers for cross-drafts you could probably cool it down enough to turn that upstairs into a heckova man-cave. But, it'll make great parts storage for the shop below, which is also something most guys forget about when they build a shop; - where to put all the big parts to keep them out of the way.

Mike, the pollution and the damage to one's body are the price one pays for not getting an education and wanting to earn the big bucks. The outfit I work for has provided a good living to my family for 2 generations. Yes, my dad is suffering from weird ailments too, he hasn't got too much more time left and the life expectancy of any of our retirees is only about 75 and he's 78. So according to that, I've got about another 20 years and after that the pension isn't going to matter. Right now I'm trying to decide whether to pull the pin at 60 or go until 65, and I'm leaning to 60. The wild card is whether the company sticks around or not, they're 2 seconds away from broke thanks to your esteemed President and others before him back to 1962.

Just giving the Rolex Unicorn a bath, I think I have a balance that will work. The acid test will be once it goes back together. Here's hoping....
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Old June 1st, 2019, 10:17 PM
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No damage here from the storm, but east of me had trees down. I can confirm that a physical job will wear you out, and you'll pay for it later in life. I went to Community colllege for classes in machine technology, but the companies that would have employed me disappeared. Sealed Power, Muskegon Piston Ring and others. Started taking criminal justice classes, but was threatened with job loss by my manager, because the classes weren't work related. We were encouarged to take classes by our company president. The classes did not have to be work related. Re-imbursed by the company as long as we got good grades. Of course if you did get a new job elsewhere, and gave them a two week notice, they waliked you out of the company on the spot. So much for furthering your education working there.
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Old June 2nd, 2019, 07:34 AM
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Afternoon. Just came from sauna. Yesterday was first time in two weeks i could fully enjoy it, so re-heated it today.
Tomorrow back to work. Hope my body makes it.

Allan R - Thanks for the links. Hmm, thats true that Thorntons really dont give anything over stock ones. I even have a hunch, by looking stock SBO manifolds, that the center divider may be more of an restriction than benefit given the cramped space inside the manifold. Sanderson shorties are one option too. I had personal problems with Hedmans, because they come so low thqt even with tight-radius mandrel bent collector extension, they would be low, weldings were bloody awful, collectors didnt fit out-of-the-box without massaging, and they had warped flanges to start with

1969w3155 - Good to hear you remained unscatched by the storm. Great corporate politics btw..

Nailheadcanuck - Life expectation for guys done asphalt-work for their whole life seems to be somewhere around 60...65.
Im bailing out to something else when ill get a chance. Ive earned and aquired already what i want, so i can settle to less income atleast when wife gets back to working-life ( second and hopefully last baby to born in july this year)

Hows everyone else?
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Old June 2nd, 2019, 07:38 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Looks like a reprieve in the weather here. Allegedly we got a small amount of rain around midnight last night but I wouldn't know because I was happily in la la land. It's a lot cooler and windy right now - about 60° and a 10-15 mph breeze. Overcast too and the high will only be around 68 or so. I can live with that. Gotta get the back lawn cut; it's growing really well since I aerated and watered it.

Marc - You're right. Get into training was the same decision I made. The only hard work was dummying down the information to a grade 8 level so people could read and understand it. Key is to talk to the expectation of the audience; so if you have engineers baffle em with bullshit; talk fast, use quick diagrams, and they'll eat it up. For the common worker, talk like you were on lunch with them. Thank God for the Flesch-Kincaid Readability index. Took awhile to get used to that, and a few courses in writing for results and comprehension. You're looking at 60? I was looking at 55 and that was the number that stayed on the whiteboard in my office from the day I decided to the day I retired. I don't miss the BS that was flung around one bit. Some of the PC and social intimidation that still exist are common themes of today's society. Honestly I do miss the old days when people were forced to be accountable for what they did. Now it seems everything is someone or something elses fault.

Dan - Ummm, still waiting for that rain my friend.... Well it seems your past employer had a double standard for education and termination. Not sure I understand how the 2 actually were related. I wasn't encouraged to take classes, but mgmt was. Every week it seems they were off on some kind of paid junket or course or beer drinking exercise. The minions were simply expected to learn on their own, or else. Ah the famous 'or else' tag along. And you have to know that when the minions do well and are super productive and efficient - well it was the management team all along that was the root cause of that, right??? Don't you just love when others take credit for the work you do? Bahahaha, finish the criminal justice classes and then stand your ground with what you learned. Companies usually have some sort of documentation about sponsored learning (maybe in their SOP's) that you could use to your advantage.

Glenn - I guess you won't read this till you get back. Most insurance rentals offer unlimited mileage. At least mine does. They're providing a similar size car but what kind I won't know till tomorrow morning. I could take that hoopty for a jaunt across Canada and they wouldn't care as long as it came back with a full tank of gas. BTW, nice timing on the flower bed. I bought some mulch last year - about 18 bags. It was Scotts brand and what I found was some of it was old fence boards that still had blue paint on it. I wasn't a fan of the mushrooms that popped up from the mulch layer in the fall.

I think grilled cheese sammich is gonna be the brekkie of champions today. Maybe put a layer of ham in between the cheese and call it better.
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Old June 2nd, 2019, 08:49 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Long, long day yesterday. Got up at 4, got to the airport and flew up to Pittsburgh. I had it in my head that my friend would have all the loose ends tied up and we'd be on the road by noon. Nope. On the road by 3. To my surprise, he wanted to start out driving. So I buckled in and hoped for the best. It was clear he has no/next to no experience driving a 15' Uhaul towing a trailer. Got to his house a little after 3, got the car unloaded, then he took me down to the airport to get my car and I was home by 430. Ended up being an uneventful trip, which I was glad of.

Too late for Awful house, the church people should be arriving right about now, so it will be packed. I think I'll take it easy this afternoon, need to go to Walmart and get some things done around the house. And of course turn in early for work tomorrow. Ah, work. Not always pleasant but necessary. And a unique side is that my work allowed me to fly on an airplane 700 miles away to help my friend and it didn't cost me anything.

Okay I'll catch up then go do my stuff, hope everyone has a good afternoon. Glenn safe trip. You can't beat a Suburban.
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Old June 2nd, 2019, 09:27 AM
Oh no, not again...
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Good Morning!

Still waiting for rain; - may have to break out the sprinklers again after I mow it all down later.

The Rolex Unicorn from 1915 is running; - like a toilet. I think they sold me the wrong size balance staffs. Too many funny adjustments I shouldn't have had to make, it was like setting up an old fusee, it seems the staffs are 1/2 mm too short, and about a 1/4 mm too narrow. So I got one of the original balances to run, but only in one position on it's face. It's probably the first time in a very long time that the watch has run, but still more work needs to be done. For instance, both balance jewels are in bad shape, the upper one is cracked and the lower one is ground out. The legacy of some really hard use or bad conditions. Since this is a WW I trench watch, it's pretty safe to assume it went to war. Judging by the over all condition of it, the owner (a G. Tate, according to the engraving) got knocked around a bit and had the thing serviced by hacks. Mr. Tate preserved the dial, but there are quite a few dents in the case, and the glass is missing, and when opened up, every screw looks bludgeoned.

I have 2 other "parts" movements of the same manufacture but likely at least a year newer, and they all have the same problem, a busted balance staff. Seems it was a problem with those things. I measured them all off, and yes, it seems the staffs I got are probably wrong. So I'm going to have to find another source. Then to top it off, one of the local Rolex collectors gave me another one to fix, in hopes that I could get it going again. And guess what; the one part it's missing is the damn balance, the rest is all there. If I get this thing running, I get a 1915 AS (Schild) trench watch in payment, also a non-runner but complete, - not a bad trade considering I've already figured out what's wrong with it and will have it running within the hour. It's actually a better and more robust design.

Allan, - so you did training too? Cool. I went back to school at age 50 and got a diploma in Adult Education. The company did pay for it. And yeah, you nailed it with regards to working to audiences. I'd have retired by now if we didn't have kids, for reasons that are lost to time and not that I regret it, I had a son at age 45, that coupled with the fact that his bedroom furniture didn't fit so we had to move changed everything. My retired life was going to be all about getting a history degree and writing books that no one would ever read; - I've had to postpone that. I think when I do retire I'll be doing both the watch making and the history degree; so I'll be fixing watches that nobody wants and while they wait, they can read my books that nobody else would. I'm inspired by a professor that I met last year, he spent his working life as a vocational teacher in Austria, and when he retired, pursued a history degree, which they allowed him to challenge by just doing the papers, and then he got his doctorate in history and numismatics (old coins). He wrote a couple of books on obscure medieval currencies and coins, and now does the rubber-chicken tour of universities, - he's 76 now and going strong.

Dan, we have a similar policy where I work. They'll pay for stuff that's company related, but not for non-company stuff. Years ago when I took flying lessons and became a pilot, the company refused to kick in a dime. I got laughed at when I told them I wanted to become the corporate pilot. In the end it was probably a good thing anyway, the flying jobs evaporated when I graduated, and the company has since sold the plane and laid off the pilot. The other thing they denied me was my 3rd class Power Engineering certificate. I had the course completed, just needed to go for a few months to the powerhouse and do time on a steam boiler and then I'd have had the 3rd class steam ticket. My boss said no, I was paid to drive heavy equipment and nothing more, they weren't going to give me the time because the chances were very good I'd never come back. I have to admit, I couldn't argue their logic, I wanted out. They eventually conceded to let me into the building where they did train me to be a chemical plant operator.

Jouni, get the hell out of that business; surely there has to be something else that isn't as hazardous.

Well, the Unicorn is still "running"...that's a start...
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Old June 2nd, 2019, 02:34 PM
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Afternoon gentlemen. Been busy planting garden, dealing with engine rebuild and yard maintenance.
Will have to catch up on some reading!!!!!
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Old June 2nd, 2019, 04:45 PM
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I literally got nothing done today. I never even got dressed. I'd get up to do something, then sit down for a minute and fall asleep. For like an hour or better. Finally I just laid down on the couch and that was it. I got up at 430 and made a sandwich, called my Mom, now I'm going back to bed. Yesterday must have been more stressful than I thought.

I was afraid that moving to the shop I'm in would be detrimental to good health. We are in the same shop as the brake people, and they break down the worn brake assemblies and create a lot of dust. It's not something you can smell and there's no clouds of dust hanging in the air, but every morning I wipe down my desk and there's always a layer of yuck that comes up. There's guys in the shop that have been there 25 years and they don't seem to be affected so who knows.

Thought we were going to get some rain a little while ago. It clouded up and the wind picked up, but then nothing came of it. It's still a little cloudy.

Okay back to bed. Regular week this week, hope it's a smooth one. Good night everyone.
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Old June 2nd, 2019, 06:08 PM
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Got the back lawn cut and watered. It's starting to look a lot better Hmmm, the keyboard is acting funny. Ahhhh, I changed it's batteries and now it seems to be fine. Small price to pay for a wireless keyboard I guess.

Found 2 slightly immature RLB's today on the lilies. Darn my clumsiness. I went to grab them and they fell to the ground where they lie on their back and camouflage perfectly with the soil and leftover vegetation from last year. So I trotted over to the shed and got the expensive spray of Chrysanthemum I bought from the garden center and doused the area where I last saw them. This stuff is spoda be lethal to immature RLB and the eggs/larvae. I guess I need to keep a vigilant eye out. Just to be safe I put a small plastic container out with a rock to weight it down so it doesn't blow away. In the future I'll just sweep them into the container and take them over to the wooden planter rail and smersh em with my thumb. While I was out I also did some light weeding and removed some quack grass from the edge of the fence.

Such a lovely evening so I grilled again today. I think this week I've grilled every day so I best be checking the tank to see how my propane level is doing. Likely another trip to Costco for a cheap refill.

Mike - I would suspect that big D has SOPs and such to protect the workers doing the brakes as well as those in the nearby vicinity. I would also hazard a guess that the brake linings on most of their aircraft are carbon fiber because they are lighter and are able to withstand higher heat. I was curious about aircraft brakes so I googled them and was a little surprised, but pleased to see how beefy they really are. If those veteran guys of 24 years are still hoofing it that close to the brake shop, you'll be fine. Unless of course you develop COPD. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Kyle - Tuesday Bud! Maybe earlier since it's only about 3 hours away in Winnipeg. I'm running into some pests that are eating my beans as they poke up. I might just yank them and plant something else. What would **** off bugs....not broccoli or cabbage....or turnips....mebbe some more Swiss chard or beets? Probably some cawwots and lettuce. Everything else seems just fine though.

Got lots to do tomorrow. Drop the car at the body shop, rip down some drywall in the garage, get the front bumper off the Cutlass. That's my plan so we'll see how it goes.
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Old June 2nd, 2019, 07:21 PM
Oh no, not again...
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It was a nice day today, but it was also one of those days where everything you touch turns to s--t.

I stopped my fiddling with watches, because things were just not working out and I could see the frustration coming which would only further the problem. The Unicorn ran for a bit and then gave up the ghost again. The balance is truly no good, I have to get another one. This computer is doing screwy things too; my Outlook has decided to start scrambling or corrupting messages. It refuses to download any attachments properly. All of that started after a Microsoft update; - of course, run the diagnostics, and everything is "OK". If I see that "We couldn't find any problems here" again I don't know what I'll do. There still is a problem, I just don't know where to look or what to look at to fix it. And of course, reloading isn't an option because it's all internet or cloud based and has to come from somewhere and if your machine doesn't download all that well, what says once you find a safe link that you won't corrupt it. It was far easier to own the disc and then just reload and reboot.

I'm giving up...I'm going to go to bed and hope tomorrow is better. But it won't be, because I have to go to work.
Have a good night!
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Old June 2nd, 2019, 09:17 PM
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Allan, about the rain. As it went east of me, probably at the east coast by now, you are just going to have to wait until it comes around the earth again. Shouldn't be more than a few weeks. Jouni, your wife has bun number two in the oven? Good for you. I saw a beauty of a '55 Buick convertible yesterday. I am guessing a Roadmaster or Rivera as it had four venti ports. Two tone, red & white. Cool tomorrow, 60's, but it looks like a week of mid to upper 70's. Hope it stays around for a while. Two weeks until Homecoming, can't wait.
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Old June 3rd, 2019, 04:44 AM
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Good Morning, I haven't done anymore on the barn in a while. My buddy, Dave, who I've known since high school came up but we did some other stuff. I always feel like I take advantage of his helpfulness, but he says he enjoys it. Anyway I thought since he was coming up for the weekend we could have a lake type fun weekend. So it was nice and sunny and we decided to put the pontoon in. As soon as it was out of the barn it clouded up and started to sprinkle.By time the boat was off the trailer and in the water it poured! Wife drove boat as Dave and I took trailer back to barn. By time we got back, wife was at house with the boat tied up at dock. Dave and I were wet, but poor wife and boat was completely soaked. Bad timing. Every year it happens... Rest of the day was cold and rainy. Next day was cool and windy but sunny. We put up boat cover frame but it was too windy to put on the canvas cover. Hopefully will do that today.
Dan -oh you are right Homecoming soon! I need to get the Cutlass out and cleaned up. I may go alone this year as wife said she may not go. Now that we moved to Harrison we are about 100 miles from Lansing, still a easy day trip, just leave here early.
Thanks for nice comments on the barn, guys. Yeah in the pics it looks like a really cool spot to hang out but it's really not- just a storage area. I won't try to make it a living area or man cave. Have a good one!!
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Old June 3rd, 2019, 06:57 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Cool and overcast, but the birds are singing. Shadow (neighbors cat) came over for a morning belly rub. She's an old cat but very friendly.

Not much exciting happening. Off to the body shop in about an hour or so. Just have to wait for the rush hour traffic to finish up first.

Greg - Have fun cleaning the Cutlass. Our annual all Olds show is 130 miles away, so a nice chance to put some hiway miles on the old girl. The missus usually goes with me even though it's that far away.

Dan - No worries. The weather Gods have decided to tease us with the probability of rain tomorrow and Thursday at 40%.

Jim - I perdic y'all got 44/43 an one lost ball. Swallowed by Mr. No shoulders thinking it was an egg.
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Old June 3rd, 2019, 10:35 AM
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Now have a 2019 Toyota Camry to jaunt around town in. I didn't like the Ferd Fusion they offered first - the A pillar hit my head when trying to enter, and it smelled smoked in. So they offered the 2019 Yota. It's brand spanking new. Only 101 km on it and the floor mats still in the trunk. It's the ES model and crammed with technology but I honestly feel like it's underwhelming in the performance division. Oh well, it's much easier to get in and out of and it's spoda be a fairly fuel efficient car too. Gotta go test drive it some more.
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Old June 3rd, 2019, 11:43 AM
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Jes checking to see if ya missed me

45/44 and didn't go in de bushed looking fer Mr. No shoulders

Y'all make me glad I don't have any neighbors
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Old June 3rd, 2019, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Jes checking to see if ya missed me
Didja go sumwhere?? I think w'er all usta knowin ya head norte ever weekend. Hows das boot?
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Old June 3rd, 2019, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Didja go sumwhere?? I think w'er all usta knowin ya head norte ever weekend. Hows das boot?
Allen, part showed up today. Looks great,

Will catch up with you boys later
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