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Old March 22nd, 2013, 02:04 PM
Just an Olds Guy
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Keep the faith Spring is on it's way
Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Allan I know Graeme was designing you a house but this one is for you bud Even Pat could appreciate this one
I LIKE IT!! I like even more that there's green grass and nice blue sky....

We got really hammered here yesterday. Very nasty spring storm. You might have seen part of it on the news. A 100 car pileup on the QE 2 south by Leduc. Over 100 people hurt and 60 transported to hospital with injuries. The Hiway was shut down for over 12 hours getting that mess cleared.

Ended up shovelling 3 times yesterday. In total we got over 18" of snow in less than 14 hours. At times it was hard to even see where the road was. I ended up driving Joanne to work and back. What a nightmare. Shovelled one last time when I got home and parked the car. Today was better - no snow and nice blue sky, but bitter cold wind.

Went shopping at Costco to get a few things. HA! You NEVER ever walk out of Costco with just a few things.....

Here's what the neighborhood looks like now. You have to be uber careful backing out of the driveway because the snow's just to durned high to see what's coming. Just a light dusting to clean off the car before leaving this mawnin.

There's a car behind this...

Getting to be difficult to shovel lifting the snow up so high. Very limited visibility when backing up.

QE2 disaster March 21 2013 Alberta Crash pictures
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Old March 22nd, 2013, 03:46 PM
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Man, are you guys ever getting hammered this year! I have plowed my lane way three times..that is it!....Have enough to cover mee boot...
That was a very nasty was all over the news here too...

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Old March 22nd, 2013, 05:32 PM
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Happy Friday everyone.

I thought we were supposed to get rain today but haven't, it's been overcast and about 60. The reason I know this is because my dogs woke me up every two hours. Tomorrow the rain is supposed to set in and I wouldn't mind if it missed us.

Lots to do this weekend. Get things cleaned up, take some pictures, make my long list for the insurance company. And whatever else needs doing.

Allan that snow just sucks.

Scot I've always said I want to build a giant garage and just live in one corner and have the rest for my stuff. I've also said I wanted to buy a house, take out all the non-supporting walls and keep my cars inside, so it didn't look like a garage. This is sort of a balance of the two ideas.

Okay time to HTB. Hope everyone has a good night and a good weekend.
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Old March 22nd, 2013, 06:29 PM
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Preaching to the choir Mike!

Ted - on the positive side? The city crews and plows have FINALLY learned how to get the roads cleared in record time. No parking ban being implemented because Roadways Guru Bob Dunford thinks it will melt away sooner now that it's 'Spring'. He's just adding more ice/snow melt to the crap they're flinging off the back of the trucks.

Sooner than later we'll be back in 'pothole alley'.
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Old March 22nd, 2013, 07:42 PM
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Allan - wow that's a lot of snow. Sorry to hear you're getting hammered again. Spring's here, or so the calendar says.

Thanks everyone with regards to the job situation. It's been a rough few months so it would be great to get a full time job again.

Have a great night.
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Old March 23rd, 2013, 08:44 AM
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Good Saturday Mawnin All

Off and on rain here this morning with temps hovering around the 50* mark. Supposed to get more tomorrow with a thunder boomer or three

Where is everyone?

Anywho that would be a dream home and the kids would enjoy the porch amusement rides

Allan that snow would be fun for a few hours and then it would be miserable. I sure don't see how you northerners can function in that crap I just plain wouldn't want to for sure.

Whelp lots to do so I hope everyone has a great weekend
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Old March 23rd, 2013, 09:53 AM
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Mawn'in all

Jes finished me up a big bowl of grits wit chopped sausage.

Scot, Sum one of facebook posted dis great pic of de Goatman. Are you too young to remember him?
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Old March 23rd, 2013, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Are you too young to remember him?
No I bermember him and his caravan always making the news down 'ere. Never saw him in person, but as he was described his smell was horrible but he was the nicest man on the planet.
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Old March 23rd, 2013, 10:44 AM
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Hi Y'all

Colorful. Goatman. Hmmm. First of all I thought it might have been someone with a GTO...

Scot - no worries brother. It'll disappear soon enough. We got some nice temps heading out way for next weekend. Almost up to 45° will get some of that pack moving to the storm drains.

The graders are finally here! Doing a good job. They only clean the main street and avoid the side streets. That means once you get out of the 'hood' you're ok. But getting there is half the battle.

Did anyone watch the Ford World Women's page playoff this morning? Canada moved on to play Scotland. Right now it's tied at 2 in the 3rd end. Obviously hoping for a Canuck victory. If they win they will go on to the 1-2 game against Sweden tomorrow. For all the marbles and bragging rights till next year.

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Old March 23rd, 2013, 01:25 PM
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Afternoon everybody.

Thunderstorms this morning, nice day to sleep if you don't have two scared dogs trying to sit on your head. It's gone now, but vows to return.

Clint I hope your day was a success yesterday. What's facebook got that we don't? I look at facebook but rarely post anything. How could I, I don't drink coffee.

So this guy Kevin lives near me, we've never met but we email on CO once in a while. He tells me about a 66 Cutlass convertible he saw in McDonough that needs saving and said I should check it out. He gives me directions and I know exactly what car this is. I used to live out that way and this old woman in a wheelchair owns it. She bought it in 67 and stopped driving in the 80s. The car just sits, next to a 70 something Cadillac. She's gonna fix them up some day. In 1997 when I looked this car over real good, it would have been a good project. At this point I don't know. At that point the top was okay but the back window was gone, and the back of the car was under the carport with towels over the window. I'm guessing the flat tires are the best part of the car these days. Hm. I hadn't thought about that car in years. I wonder how many times a day someone stops at her house wanting to buy it.

I guess it will be inside activities this weekend. Besides rain it's supposed to be colder than a well-digger's heel this weekend. At least we don't have snow(sorry Allan). Happy Spring. And that's another thing. For as long as I can remember, the first day of spring has been March 21, the Spring Equinox. Now for the last few years it's either been the 22nd, and now this year they said it was the 20th. I didn't know the equinox was variable. And it seems I'm the only one this bothers. Clearly, I -don't- have too much to worry about.
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Old March 23rd, 2013, 03:21 PM
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Mike - an old lady that stopped driving in the 80's is not going to fix either the Cutlass or Caddy. Chances are with the back window gone the interior is pretty much shot now. If not from being open to the weather, definitely from rodents. I'd be curious to know if she actually will sell it. Sure isn't doing anything for her in the driveway if it's not being driven.

I also don't get the Equinox change. I'm with you on the 21st. Let's start a revolution!
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Old March 23rd, 2013, 03:32 PM
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"Your Majesty, the peasants are revolting!"

I'm in, Allan, a revolution sounds like fun.

I knew the moment she said that she wasn't going to do anything with the car. So provided the old gal is receptive to selling, what's a good amount to offer her on a number 6, probably only good for parts at this point, 66 Cutlass convertible? She's going to think anything less than the amount for a pristine original is an insult. It was a nice car in its day, 330, 2 speed automatic, bucket seats and console, SS1 wheels.

I almost had her talked out of the Cadillac way back when. I didn't want it, but I figured it would be a good start, and if she saw how nice the yard looked without its bullet-ridden doors(yes bullets) sitting there she'd get the bug to keep going. But alas, it was not to be.

Last edited by slantflat; March 24th, 2013 at 02:39 PM. Reason: Needed a comma
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Old March 23rd, 2013, 04:30 PM
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Gee if it's that rough and it's not anything special, 800.00 sounds like a good deal IF it's in decent shape. If it's crap? 500 because you can part it out for way more than that. You know that Ron Roth lives for the dashes of these cars so he can restore them? Buckets will sell at 300.00 all day long. Even more if they're in good shape. The console is easily worth another 300.00. And you still have wheels, body parts, engine/tranny, driveline, trim and wheel/suspension/steering parts out the whazoo!
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Old March 23rd, 2013, 08:07 PM
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Evening All!

We actually had SUN today and temps in the low 40's!! It was nice. Wind was cold though.

The weather girl is on now, we go into a winter storm watch tomorrow night around 8 pm. The snow is supposed to start, and she is saying to leave early on Monday morning for work cause it's gonna be a mess out there. Some areas to get 4-6 inches. Earlier in the week they were saying the storm would stay south of us, but now I guess every where is going to get some.

And she just had to throw in that last year it was 82 degrees today! I really didn't need to be reminded...... I don't know what we did to deserve this friggin winter that just wont let go.

I got the headlight changed in the Intrigue today. I popped the whole thing out and I couldn't get the darned bulb fixture to turn so I could get it out of the socket. Nicole put a little muscle in it and she got it out, lol. I put the new one in and it works good now.

Jamesbo..... no, I don't think the whisperer is Blue, lol. Though its hard to get the sound of a voice through a whisper. I have no idea who it is. I was talking to Katy, who does my hair, today, and she said maybe its one of those recorded phone pranks. I think next time he calls I'm not gonna say anything and see if it just repeats with the same questions like a recording. I don't know.

The big pilested woodpecker was out here eating the suet this afternoon. The friggin squirrels have figured out that if they climb the tree they can jump on the suet cages now. Damned things...

I don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. I was going to get the Easter stuff out and decorate, but since its going to be a snowy week I'm not gonna bother. I'm sure I'll find something to do. I should start my spring cleaning......

Well you all have a good night.
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Old March 23rd, 2013, 08:50 PM
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Jamesbo is this your new cat?

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Old March 23rd, 2013, 09:02 PM
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Great pic Scot, must be all that food Jamesbro likes cooking.

Sandy - I hear ya about the snow, we got more coming here on Monday into Tuesday. Still not sure how much we're getting. More fun.

Otherwise, it's quiet here. Have a great night everyone.
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Old March 24th, 2013, 04:19 AM
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Mawn'in all

De cow on de flat rock cometh.

Scot, Witout sound I can't tell if dats our car er not.

Ya know, I got to think'in 'bout de goat lady in "Cold Mountain" I wonder if she was the great grand mother of the Goat man dat used to travel des parts of de world.

Ok Sandy ere ya got, Poke tenderloin basted wit fig preserves mixed wit balsamic vinegar, steamed rice, bakes onion in evoo and steam asparagus
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Old March 24th, 2013, 08:47 AM
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Good Palm Sunday Mawinin All

Well the cow has came and went Now it is supposed to cool off a bit until the weekend. Hopefully it won't rain next weekend as I have a lot on the agenda. On top of the carshow & swapmeet (Oh and Mike they aren't having it on Sunday because it's Easter ), I have a timing set to change on my nieces car and a guy hopefully coming to buy the altered I have for sale.

Jamesbo that poke looks out of this world yummy

Edit here is the show I missed this weekend

Last edited by GAOldsman; March 24th, 2013 at 08:50 AM.
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Old March 24th, 2013, 10:34 AM
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Hi everyone.

We got rain. We got lightning. We got thunder. We got two scared dogs who were beside themselves all night long. Finally got to sleep around 6. So much for getting up early and running some errands.

Scot I didn't know Big Daddy was having a show this weekend. The Amphicar club is having a show in Mt. Dora I always miss, what a weekend this would have been if I hadn't been in Australia last week. Oh well. Looks like a good one.

Where's John been? Did I miss him saying he was outa here for awhile?

Gonna get something done with the rest of the day. Not sure what.
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Old March 24th, 2013, 11:16 AM
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Sounds like fun weather down there. I wouldn't mind some of that warm stuff though, would you send some up here?

It would be a nice change from the weather here. I have to get my snow shovel ready, more on the way tomorrow.

Oh well, out to the garage I go, I have to replace a transmission TV cable on my Riv.
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Old March 24th, 2013, 05:33 PM
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Found this one on fakebook for Mike

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Old March 24th, 2013, 05:39 PM
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WAAAIITTT a minute - That IS Mike in the red one....
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Old March 24th, 2013, 06:46 PM
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Evening All!

It was cloudy and chilly here all day, temps right at 32. No snow as of yet, but it's coming. I haven't seen the weather all day so maybe they changed the forecast....

I decided to go ahead and start the spring cleaning in here today. So I got our bedroom and bathroom, and the main bathroom all vaccumed and scrubbed down real good, window curtains and shower curtains washed, dried, and put back up. Throw rugs washed and dried. I went ahead and washed the hallway walls, picture frames and such too. My hands and back are sore now, but its a start. Wasn't much else to do today, lol.

I'm looking forward to this week without Brian around! And it's a short week too. Both good things!

Jamesbo.... the poke tenderloin looks delicious! I love those on the grill. Never put one in the oven before.

Well I reckon I better get my crap for work gathered up so I'm ready to leave early in the morning if necessary. Have a good evening all.
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Old March 24th, 2013, 07:27 PM
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Ah good evening all.

Nope Allan, that isn't me in the red car. My car is blue. Oh my poor car. It barely resembles a car or a boat anymore. Thanks for the picture, Scot. I don't know where it's from but the white car has a pretty nasty dent on the left quarter.

Didn't get squat done today. Got plenty to do tomorrow. No rain but cold. What is going on here! By now it should be 80 here in the deep south!

I was outside thinking today. The albatross(RV) is quickly fading in my desire to fix it up. What if I just started dismantling it. What could I do with a giant frame and big block Chevy? Oddly enough, no real damage to the roof of it from that hail storm of last week.

Sandy you have a whole week to systematically take apart Brian's heater.

Well the dogs want ice cream. Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
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Old March 25th, 2013, 04:33 AM
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Mawn'in all

Chili dis mawn'in and de wind is whipp'in up pretty good. Oughta be an interest'in day smack'in whitey 'round.

Sandy, I know ya dont' think I read des post but I do. Let me ax ya sum'in. When ya pack up de shower curtin doesn't water get all over your bathroom?

Mike, I guess ya saw on de news thars a new Awful House downtown at Centenial Olympic park. Open dis mawn'in at 8:30. Didn't see ya on de News.

Have a Great day Olds friends
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Old March 25th, 2013, 05:39 AM
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Good Monday Mawnin All

Yup it is windy as all get out and cooler as frocasted Hopefully it will warm up soon

Mike I am sure there has to be something in your stable that could use that BBC. maybe the rampside????

Well this car is like Mondays because it sucks

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Old March 25th, 2013, 06:22 AM
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Morning All!

Well it's winter once again...... We have about 3-1/2" of heavy wet snow right now, and it's still coming. It's the fine little slick crap right now, but they're saying we will get lake effect later on. Temps are right around 30.

It's sooooo nice without Brian in here! Quiet.... when you open the trash can, it doesn't make you want to puke cause it smells like old wet cigarette butts... no whining or complaining. It's great!! I needed this break.

Jamesbo..... I'm talking about the 'outside' fabric shower curtain, lol. Not the plastic liner thingy on the inside. So no water anywhere, lol.

Mike.... that would be Steve's heater, lol. Brian doesn't have one. Since it's all about him in here, if he gets cold, he just goes out in Clay's office and cranks the thermostat up. If he gets hot in the summer, he cranks on the AC. Regardless of how any of us feel..... It's all about Brian and his comfort. The rest of us realize it's NOT all about us in here, so we have heaters under our desks, and I have my fan for when it's hot.

I had a hard time getting on the forum this morning, the page kept coming up blank! I panicked!! I don't know why it did that. I could get on other threads but not the Good Morning one. I closed my internet, then came back on through Google. I don't know if it's my laptop or what? Strange.... just a blank page with the banner at the top.

Well I better do something, so you all have a good Monday in a short week!
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Old March 25th, 2013, 06:49 AM
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Happy Monday everyone.

Windy is for sure. And cold. The sun keeps peeking out every once in a while, I'd love for it to stay out.

Well Sandy in that case just put a tack on his chair. It sounds like the whole midwest has gotten slammed yet again. It will be good for the summer when we have all that extra moisture, but it isn't doing much good now.

Jamesbo I was at the Awful house on North Henry Boulevard today. Hadn't been there in two weeks. It was the same. I haven't been to a different AH for awhile, the others just don't seem to stack up. And no one calls me by name when I walk in at any other one.

So who knows anything about gasoline octane? I've been hearing that even though most cars run fine on 87, it's good for them once in a while to run the good stuff through them to help clean everything out. Does the high test have more detergents than regular? Is this just a campaign by the oil companies to get more money? Hell they get enough of my money as it is.

Got a day of working outside. Cleaning up limbs is going to be futile today, but I have stuff to do to the cars. Gotta call the insurance company and the trash company today. Not looking forward to either.

Have a great day everyone.
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Old March 25th, 2013, 07:10 AM
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Morning, all... Yep, 'twill be a short week for me. Taking off Good Friday, and I'm takin' the better half to get a little medical procedure (routine, hopefully) done on Wed., so I'm using some sick + some comp time.

Like everybody else it seems, we're unseasonably "chill-why" down here in the swamp. 'Twas 39* this morning, and it's not supposed to hit 60 on either side of the lake today. Tonite they're predick-in' a freeze on my side of the lake.... Brrrr! Mom-in-law had to stay home from her usual school duties today b/c of snow in Peoria.

Whelpt, hope everyone has a HOLY week! ;-)
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Old March 25th, 2013, 01:27 PM
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Well it's certainly unexciting on here today, huh??

John.... hope all is well with your wife! Hope her 'routine' procedure doesn't turn into something like my 'simple scope' procedure was supposed to be, lol.

It finally stopped snowing. It wasn't sticking in the parking lots at noon when I walked. It's 33 degrees, so it was a nice walk today. No cold wind or anything, just the snow coming down. I stopped and watched a Pileated woodpecker pecking away on one of the dead trees out back as I was walking. They are soooo cool! There was a beautiful cardinal sitting in a tree just singing away. His pretty red self against the gray and white.... It was a good de-stressing walk today. I'm really enjoying being in here by myself too!!! Day has gone fast for a change.
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Old March 25th, 2013, 01:51 PM
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Well let me step it up Sandy.

When I got to de golf course it was 37 and de wind was blow'in at 20 mph. I had a "Flash of sanidty" and decide to have 2 poached eggs, hash browns,, toast and bacon and call it a day.

It's still blowing ere like crazy
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Old March 26th, 2013, 05:11 AM
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Mawn'in all

Hum? Must still be my turn?

Chili willi dis mawn'in down ere.

Since Easter falls on April Fools day, I'm gonna get de kids to hunt fer eggs dat i didn't hide.

Speak'in of kids, I'm sick and tired of be'in sick and tired of all this Frigg'in Tex'in. IMHO it is by far the worst way possible to communicate.

Yesterday, # 1 step son sends me a message dat he "thinks" he's exceeded his tex'in limit and will reimburse me by mak'in a depost into my paypal account. In de first place I don't have a paypal acccount and last time "He" took his mother and me out for mother's day brunch, he "frogot" his wallet. I'm still wai'in on de "reimbursment fer dat one.

Welp, Nuff grip'in
Have a great day Oldmo pals.
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Old March 26th, 2013, 05:41 AM
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Good Tuesday Mawnin All

Jamesbo yall gonna celebrate Easter on Monday?

Speaking of April Fool's Day, my eldest is gonna turn 21 that day, I hope she doesn't make a "fool" out of herself

I am with ya on the texting as well, the girls will text a question and by the time I finish replying, they have already sent three more to my phone
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Old March 26th, 2013, 05:54 AM
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What year calendar you lookin' at, Jamesbo?

Happy (chilly) Tuesday, all....

Somebody needs to tell Monther Nature that this is the end of March... it was a nippy 34* in da' swamp dis mawnin'.... and spoze to be even cooler manana.

I hope so, too, Sandy! You never know... but as a hint, this is something everybody's supposed to get after turning 50, and it has the letters "scopy" at the end -- no pun intended..... I had mine a couple years back and the "prep" was the only miserable part; the event itself was practically a "nonevent." Plus, I think I lost 5 lbs that week .

Jamesbo, sounds like the ol' stepson has quite a system... the PayPal thing was good, but he needs to get more creative with the "forgot my wallet" excuse.... I wonder if he ever used the "dog ate my homework" line in school.....

Well, stay warm, all. I hope the poor strawberry farmers down here manage to keep their crops intact with this unexpected (and likely) late freeze... could be devastating. Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival is just a few weeks away, and it's the biggest local event each year.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; March 26th, 2013 at 05:59 AM.
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Old March 26th, 2013, 06:23 AM
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Morning All!

Yep... it's still winter. We had huge snowflakes coming down in the last hour. Don't know if it's lake effect or what. It's lightened up some now. Temps at 31 degrees. This is waaaaayyy past old now!!! Looks like we'll be in the 40's and have some friggin sunshine finally by the weekend.

Jamesbo.... you make me laugh!! I actually love texting. I don't use too many abbreviations, I prefer to spell stuff out. Sometimes I short cut by using "u" for you, "c" for see, etc... it's easier for me to send and get texts here at work and other places, than to have to answer the phone and disrupt other people around me.
I really hope you celebrate Easter on the 31st, Sunday, like you should, lol!

John.... yeah, we had a discussion on here a couple weeks ago about that lovely procedure..... they really need to come up with a better way to prep for that! Nasty nasty stuff... my mom had cancerous polops removed back in the early 90's, so I've had more than my share of those procedures since then. Every 5 years instead of 10. I know I'm overdue now for one, but I'm not calling.

Nicole is working at that Camp Bow Wow today, 6:15 - 1:00. She's all stressed out about starting her externship tomorrow, and trying to squeeze this job in too. I told her she just needs to wait and see what her hours will be at the externship and then talk to the lady at the camp. The externship is the most important thing right now.

It's sooo nice and quiet in here! Yesterday went really fast. When I have to check their emails and such when one of them is gone, the day goes much faster for me. Otherwise, I sit here all day and it just drags......

Well you all have a good day and stay warm!
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Old March 26th, 2013, 12:50 PM
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Boy my eyes are gett'in bad. I rememer say, "Can I jes do it til I have to wear glasses."

What kinda car is dis betwix de 58 cheby Belair an next to de 55 t-bird? Is dat a dodge er desoto er sum'in? BTW, Dat's de ole fillling station at the SE corner of Lenox square back in 59 or so.
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Old March 26th, 2013, 01:03 PM
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Hey everyone.

Nice day to sleep. Overcast and cold, I stayed in bed until almost 330. I'm working tonight so now I won't be a zombie.

Jamesbo are you talking about the car right next to the Tbird in the front row? That's a Pontiac. There was a gas station just like that on the airport property at one time, I guess it was a pretty big deal.

I called my insurance yesterday and my agent gave me claim numbers for everything I need looked at. I called the "catastrophe hotline" to set up an appointment and the unhelpful woman kept trying to get me to admit the damage was done prior to the storm. So of course this morning, while I was sleeping, a recording had to call and give me the same claim numbers five times.

Here's a question I had. I saw a story about a Buick that was restored and had hydraulics and such put on it. Like a low rider. Can stuff like that be taken off and the car returned to normal? Do you have to modify the car so much it couldn't be done? I don't plan on doing this, I just wondered. I see a lot of cars that I think it's too bad something was done to it and wondered if it could be put back.

Guess I'll start the game of getting ready for work.
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Old March 26th, 2013, 01:05 PM
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Mike, Tanks What year Poncho.

de station by de airport was like a sister station to dis architectual wonder
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Old March 26th, 2013, 01:09 PM
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1955. You sure you couldn't make that picture a little smaller?

I read there was a public outcry when the station at the airport was taken down. It seems to me it sat somewhere over by Eastern's hangar. Imagine, the airport doing something that is unpopular.
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Old March 26th, 2013, 01:16 PM
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Tanks Mike, when I was a teenage, I left alot of recycled beer in dat station.
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