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Old January 10th, 2020, 09:38 AM
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Hello gents! Looking forward to tomorrow...making a short drive to Mecum to check out the auction (something I've always wanted to see for myself in person). Unfortunately, they are auctioning off Steve's Bullitt today, but will hopefully get a chance to see it in person tomorrow while there!
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Old January 10th, 2020, 12:58 PM
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Welp, I was wrong, They didn't call, but they came back and bought 6 lots

Good day
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Old January 10th, 2020, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Tim75
Hello gents! Looking forward to tomorrow...making a short drive to Mecum to check out the auction (something I've always wanted to see for myself in person). Unfortunately, they are auctioning off Steve's Bullitt today, but will hopefully get a chance to see it in person tomorrow while there!
I watched the Bullitt Mustang and it was like a mob scene. It went for $3.4 million. Not bad for a $3,500 investment.
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Old January 10th, 2020, 02:14 PM
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Hi everyone.

Glenn! Glad to see you. Please don't go away.

I understand anything McQueen is a gold mine but that's a lot of scratch for a Mustang. The stunt car languished in a junkyard for 40 years. Its condition probably improved being there, the movie was not kind to it. That car was beat on.

Jamesbo was this three families all from the same extended family? You should say your cemetery was once walked over by Steve McQueen, you'd be fighting them off.

Tim have a good time at the auction. Don't wave to anyone.

Well work bit me in the behind again. Everyone was slow as molasses and half the crew left early for lunch. I didn't have a lunch so I left for the Speedline(employee cafeteria). Got back and was told we were done. Some guys stayed and finished up and also the number was lowered. If I would have known that I would have stayed, and now I feel gyped out of Awful house. Oh, and we got out around 1230 and I went to the credit union and talked to my friend for an hour and a half, and got home at regular time. Sheesh.

So guess what. Tiger and I are going to the Awful house for our supper. Big surprise I know.

Looks like rain but that comes tomorrow. I got a can full of firewood ready. It's mostly rotted but it will start quick. Greg would be proud. He hasn't been here again, hope the bro-inlaw is doing okay.

Well have a good evening everyone. Not a school night so we're going to stay up late. What fun.

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Old January 10th, 2020, 02:40 PM
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Mike, I may jes buy a 69 peg leg Rustang and do what Harold did [customrize]
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Old January 11th, 2020, 05:49 AM
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Good morning! Well things are a lot better for my brother in law- Carl. He had open heart surgery to repair a valve that couldn't be done thru a artery so they had to actually open his rib cage, etc. He came thru the surgery just fine and was walking up and down the halls with help and looked good- good color,etc. But his heart was in AFib.- out of rhythm. So they shocked him with those paddles you see on TV- twice. Then after that things went to hell. His chest cavity filled up with blood and couldn't breathe. The Nurse Practitioner made the decision to open him up again. She is not a surgeon and may not have been "qualified" but she did it right there in the ICU room. They figure he would have died right there if she didn't do it. There wasn't time to get him to the operating room. It was a emergency and she is a hero. So then he went to the operating room and got hooked up to a bypass machine. The machine would pump his blood and give him oxygen. He was still opened up. He was being kept alive by the machine. Now he was loosing 7 liters of blood a hour! It wouldn't clot, probably because of all the anticoagulant given to him after surgery. He was bleeding through his organs. They were able to recover some of this blood and filter it and give it back to him. The surgeon came out and talked to us and told us the bad news- he didn't think Carl would make it.
--Then he started to turn the corner. Blood loss started to slow down. Slowly at first. After 6 hours or so he was actually stable.
-- He was going to be sent to Henry Ford in Detroit at first but after much back and forth he was sent to U of M hospital in Ann Arbor. Weather was too risky for medivac so they ended up sending a big ambulance with the Medivac crew from U of M. To get him and all his live sustaining gear. This was not just a ordinary ambulance crew/ ride.
-- After a couple days at U of M he had another 8 hour surgery to replace the failed heart valve and repair another one. The first surgery was to repair a valve and it failed- the surgeon likened it to sewing weak material together- it failed-the tissue was weak. So 2nd surgery they replaced the valve (with a cow heart valve) and repaired another valve.
--OK Wow hunt and peck... Anyway he has been removed from the respirator and is holding his own. Still serious but he can talk and looks like his kidneys, lungs and liver are ok- No stroke..
-- If you're still with me , thanks. I know a long read. Ok enough for me Take care guys- cherish this life- it is fragile...
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Old January 11th, 2020, 06:59 AM
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Wow, I'll keep him in my prayers

Funeral this morning, then headed norte

Have a great weekend Olds friends
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Old January 11th, 2020, 08:07 AM
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Wow, was my first thought, too. May his recovery be swift and complete.
I'm not Catholic but my gal is and I'll have her put Carl's name in the book of prayers, tonight, at Saint Matthews.
I'll make my pleas to God through Christ.
Prayers for you all.
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Old January 11th, 2020, 08:42 AM
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Good morning everyone.

So much for my staying up. Was in bed by 11. Got up at 2 for the dog and couldn't get back to sleep. Eh, hung out until it was time for the Awful house.

Misting and rain off and on. Gloomy out. I keep hearing about a terrible storm that's headed our way, from Texas. I'm no weatherman, but I would think that if a storm was coming all the way from Texas to Georgia it would lose a little strength by the time it got here. We'll see.

Greg I'm glad your BIL is doing better. That's quite a journey for him. Take care of yourself and each other, it's taxing on everyone.

Jonny does your Toro have the barrel speedometer like the 66/67? If it does have you ever had it apart?

No big plans today. This would be the perfect day to sit in front of the TV and do nothing all day. Not gonna do that.

Well see you's all later. Gotta find something to do.

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Old January 11th, 2020, 11:35 AM
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Greg, that is a hell of a lot for you b.i.l. to go through, I hope that he has a fast and healthy recovery. Are you getting the freezing rain in your area or just snow? Just starting to freeze here after raining all night long. Snow to follow.
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Old January 11th, 2020, 01:58 PM
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42/42 Beautiful weather here. I guess rain is coming - so they say. It looks like the front is advancing faster in a Northerly direction than a Easterly direction to me - what do I know.
Greg - That's quite a story about your BIL. Whoah. Hope all turns out well for the gentleman.
I don't feel like doing anything so I am not going to do anything the rest of the day.
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Old January 11th, 2020, 02:10 PM
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Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for Carl, you all. Yep Dan we are getting freezing rain also. Looks like a doozy is coming!
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Old January 12th, 2020, 07:39 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Never did get the big storm everyone was afraid of. A fair amount of lightning and some rain but no wind. Fine by me. It's beautiful out today and supposed to be warm.

A friend of mine called yesterday to make sure I would be at the Awful house today so I could give him a ride home. He had a stroke last week and the doctor said he can't drive. His significant other works at the Awful house so he rode in with her, but he didn't want to sit there all day. He doesn't show any signs of having had a stroke, but he has to take medicine and have no stress.

Did Walmart yesterday so that's taken care of, think I'll tidy up around here today and get ready for the work week. Hope everyone has a good day.

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Old January 12th, 2020, 09:52 PM
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Well, the storm was over rated. We ended up with about 2" of snow, the ice never did much of anything, just coated the trees a bit, but the roads were fine to drive on and no power outages. Funny thing was Saturday morning, I was still sleeping and heard a couple of rumbles of thunder, and went back to sleep. Turns out it was the final stage in the demolition of a power plant, kaboom, used explosives to bring the rest of it down. They had been razing it for the last year or so.
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Old January 13th, 2020, 05:00 AM
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Storm was kinda a dud down here too. Lost power in the mountains for a few hour but that's about it

Mike, I bought 4 battery powered lanterns at Walmart last year, They came in handy

No smacking whitey today, rain + morning funeral.Then tomorrow repeat [cut paste] rain + funeral

My new goal in life is to be the person my dog thinks I am

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 13th, 2020, 05:11 AM
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Our largest threat of this supposed storm was heavy fog. It's been like the UK weather here the past 48 hours. These supposed news agency stations are in competition w/ who can sensationalize the weather (and the news). I go directly to NOAA, then to the local NWS, which gets its data from NOAA. We're currently directly between two small storm systems of this front moving SSW>NNE.

I should be able to get in 18 @ 11:00am.

I've been in the man-cave this morning cleaning & putting away items from the suspension rebuild. Next on the agenda are the rubber hose fuel lines to/from fuel tank.
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Old January 13th, 2020, 08:14 AM
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What a great time Mecum was! Took over 200 pictures and was present during the auction of the 7,000 original mile, unrestored blue W-30 that went for $125,000. Walked about 10 miles I'd guess. Picked up some '69 adverts and an owner's manual. Looking forward to getting the ads into frames. Definitely got me motivated to get to work on my car once I find a house to buy after my move down here in November.
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Old January 13th, 2020, 08:38 AM
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Welcome to the asylum Tim

Glad cha had a good time

Next time I get too close to a bank drive in bollard, I'm gonna get one of these decals and call it a day

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Old January 13th, 2020, 12:44 PM
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Tim - Mecum sounds like a great time.

James - That's a good one.

I managed to get in 12 holes before it dropped like a cow PI$$ING on a flat rock and it came quickly.
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Old January 13th, 2020, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
My new goal in life is to be the person my dog thinks I am
If we would all aspire to that goal the world would be a much, much better place.
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Old January 13th, 2020, 05:09 PM
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Hi everyone.

Bed time. But I just got home. When I got home from work I left to go meet a realtor to see a house. On paper this place was fantastic. In person, not so much. It's been vacant for a couple years and has a damp basement, which makes the whole house smell musty. It had a bunch of weird cut-up rooms, and it had new AC but we weren't sure where it came out. One thing it did have was a huge open basement with a garage door in it, and a shop that had a two cylinder air compressor that looked like it was 50 years old. Big wooded lot. It was all just a shame, really, place was built in 1975 and I think that was the last time it was updated.

Good first day to work. I got my good wall guy back, and we have a good robot guy as well. We completed our own number by 10, and then we signed off and built wheels for other people. Got out around 2.

Rained this morning and was gloomy the rest of the day. Supposed to rain through Wednesday. But Georgia is in a drought...

Okay gonna hit the sack. Hope everyone had a good day.

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Old January 13th, 2020, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Fun71
If we would all aspire to that goal the world would be a much, much better place.
That’s the truth...
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Old January 13th, 2020, 06:20 PM
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James - Has there ever been a burial with two people in the same casket?
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Old January 14th, 2020, 03:23 AM
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Still raining

Norm, Remember, Never wash your ball on a tee that has a water hazard

Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
James - Has there ever been a burial with two people in the same casket?
Nope, but it's not rare for families to [illegally because of stupid laws ] to put the ashes of their pets in a casket. I was "Told' [after the fact] that one lady put her grandson's ashes in her casket but I never know for sure because I never open the caskets and look

I have a sock drawer with several of my former dog's ashes in it, my plan is to break the law and have them buried with me

Ga law says no animal ashes in human cemeteries and it's just STUPID

I have a dear friend that tried to get her mom's crypt opened up to place 'Snoopy's" ashes in it. [The Big corporately owned] cemetery said NO. So when her dad passed she placed them in the casket and said, They're love letters. A funeral director once told me " Never ask what's in the box"

One more funeral today

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 14th, 2020, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Norm, Remember, Never wash your ball on a tee that has a water hazard
James - I just thought about this. We don't have any ball washers on any of our Par 3 holes. Maybe that was done on purpose.

41/42 - I was really hitting the little white thing covered w/ dimples pretty darn nice & my putting wasn't too bad. I believe I was very nonchalant about the game today, however. Most of the morning you could see maybe 100 yards down the fairway the fog was so dense. I think maybe six golfers went off prior to 10:00 am. I found a game with a threesome which took us nearly 4.5 hours to complete - they were certainly nice enough guys to play with but the pace was pretty remarkable. That's fine though, it was an enjoyable 18.
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Old January 14th, 2020, 02:49 PM
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This is not a good way to end the work day. It looks like ~5 propane cylinders under the undercarriage, as well. That could have been far worse. Yikes.

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Old January 14th, 2020, 04:30 PM
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Hi everyone.

Rainy today. Was warm outside but cold in the shop. Glad I brought my jacket.

Norm that's crazy watching that sinkhole open up. Luckily people got close to film it on their cameras. At least we know that China isn't completely uncaring about the environment, if it has propane powered buses.

Jamesbo all my dogs are buried in their respective yards. That's against the law as well. I can pick out where but they aren't marked, so prove it. The vet's office never once asked me if I wanted cremation. I'd have said no anyway.

Think I'll hit the sack a little early. Hump Day awaits. Have a good evening everyone.

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Old January 14th, 2020, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
So when her dad passed she placed them in the casket and said, They're love letters. A funeral director once told me " Never ask what's in the box"
Thank you for this information as it will be invaluable when my time arrives.
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Old January 15th, 2020, 02:04 AM
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Norm, Did you ever notice how easy it is to sink a 50' put when you're lying 10?

My cousin [actually his landscaper] dug up 20 Pride of mobile azaleas. He was gonna toss them but I said, I'd replant at my house. Soooooooooo, I'm gonna meet him half way and buy him lunch and move from his truck to mine. Sure hope the survive.

Mike, In one corner of my farm, I had a dog cemetery, May have 10 buried there but in the last 10 years or so, I've opted for cremation. My beloved black lab actually has a tomb stone "Tar Baby"

I despise robo calls

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 15th, 2020, 03:56 AM
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James - In my 20 years of experience w/ several Azalea varieties at my place I've come to the conclusion it's nearly impossible to kill Azaleas. They're one of the easiest plants to propagate from cuttings. Need more? Just cut a healthy branch, stick in the soil and next year you'll have a new Azalea bush. The Pride of Mobile cultivar is one of my favorites w/ its dark crimson color. I don't have any Pride of Mobile on my property but they're gorgeous. I think tossing in a little acid forming or mildly acidic soil fertilizer when you plant them should help.

Tee time this morning 9:00am.

I'd like to find the human on the other side of each robo call I get & prod him under his nut sack w/ an electric cattle prod.
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Old January 15th, 2020, 04:18 AM
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Norm, In another life, I used to root them. Slice off sum new growth, cut the stem down to the Cambium layer, dip in Rootone and stick in vermiculite.At one time I've had hundreds of cutting

At my ripe old age I'm now more into instant gratification

For my Olds friends that can spell Zamboni w.o looking it up. her's what we're talking about
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Old January 15th, 2020, 03:47 PM
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Hi everyone.

Ended up being a nice day, and warm. That might do it for the rain now. That's my vote.

Work was a little slow today, but apparently we didn't have a lot of wheels so we finished a little early anyway. Two more then a three day weekend. I didn't realize it was Milk Day on Monday. We're not working so I'm going to see my Mom. Three day weekend and I don't have to take a day off for it.

I think azaleas are my favorite shrub, but I don't have luck with them at all. I could kill a plastic azalea. You know what I can't kill? Hydrangea. I do absolutely nothing for them(except mow over them) and they come back more beautiful every year. This is also the first year in 14 that my spider lilies didn't come up. It must have been that time when I dumped motor oil over them.

Gonna clean up a little in the kitchen then hit the sack. Hope everyone is doing well.

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Old January 15th, 2020, 04:18 PM
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Mike - This is not the original version of this song, but it's a very good version, one of my favorite versions & from one of my favorite bands - 'Asleep At The Wheel'. Whenever you post regarding your wheel man, etc. I often think this should be your shop's work song.

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Old January 15th, 2020, 04:22 PM
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41/44 Gorgeous day for playing 18. Tee time tomorrow morning @ 9:00am - temperature expected to be 68*F before a 4-5 day cold front moves into the area.
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Old January 16th, 2020, 04:02 AM
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Waiting for a marker to be delivered, Then headed norte

Gonna make my 93 YO uncle lobster bisque and sum cheese corn chowder

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 16th, 2020, 05:10 AM
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I've been tightening things up on the undercarriage of the CS this morning - back on jack stands for more stuff. Tee time 9:00am. Bang the gong baby.
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Old January 16th, 2020, 06:04 AM
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Family coming then head norte
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Old January 16th, 2020, 05:14 PM
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Hi everyone.

Hurried home from work so I could go to some therapy center for my hip. Their favorite thing was to yank my leg around, does this hurt does this hurt? YES! Stop that! We need to get your range of motion back. I said, if I didn't have pain my range of motion would be normal. They were worried about muscle stiffness, I said I'm worried about the arthritis. I don't have muscle stiffness I have pain! Fix the pain! Oh you'll have to come back twice a week for 6 weeks. Uh, no.

We finished up early at work today and got a good head start for tomorrow. I hope we get done early, as I'm planning on hitting the road when I get home for Florida. I've got most everything ready to go already.

And bedtime. One more to go. Hope everyone is well.

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Old January 16th, 2020, 05:27 PM
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Mike - It sounds like to me you saw a physical therapist. You don't need a physical therapist - you aren't broken, you didn't break anything, you didn't pull a muscle, you didn't tear a tendon, etc.

You need to see a massage therapist. A massage therapist is entirely different than a physical therapist. This person knows how to knead each area of the body in relation to pain. They know the entire skeletal muscular anatomy of the human body. They know how deep to massage, where to massage, etc.

Insurance companies generally no will pay for massage therapy - unless it is of course prescribed by a physician.

Give a massage therapist a try. They're generally ~$70/hr - ~$90/hr

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Old January 17th, 2020, 10:02 AM
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Mike, I'm gonna vote for physical terrorist.

It only hurts for a while

Another family on it's way. My dock ,may never get expanded
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