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Old January 26th, 2020, 07:38 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Decided to forego the Awful house this morning. Just wasn't feeling it. Egg salad on toast was way better anyway.

Gonna be nicer than yesterday, which is a good thing. It was damn cold out with the breeze and I didn't get a lot done. Though it doesn't take a lot for me to not get a lot done. Patiently waiting on summer. I need to cut some trim today for the bedroom. If I'm really motivated I'll go get a power miter saw. Otherwise I'll get out the box and saw it all by hand. That's not a bad job actually. Might not get to stain it today but progress is progress.

Yesterday my dryer went tango uniform. Getting a new one would be a no-brainer but I can't get the old one out and I can't get a new one in. It's in the basement and the stairs are too narrow and the outside door is jammed in with big chunks of concrete. I've got enough to wear for about a week. After that, I'll have to string a clothes line across the basement.

Took the big truck out for a ride yesterday. It's almost time for me to spend a lot of money on it again. This year it only needs a top and a speedometer. I also want the guy to put some extra lights on the back for better visibility. Though knowing him I'll end up with something to rival a carnival ride. At least I won't blend in.

Okay off I go. Last week of the month, I hope the coldest part of the season is over. February can be iffy. Have a good day everyone.
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Old January 26th, 2020, 08:53 AM
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Mike, Re Man holes/ I have no idear but since drain water [and sewage] flows down hill, Drain pipes location have nothing to do with where the road is. It's more a matter of land contours

Have ya ever thought of using you vast Aweful House influence ta see if they might put chicken fried steak on their menu

Had ta do an LA turn around and beat feet back to the cemetery to meet 2 families this afternoon

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 27th, 2020, 03:53 AM
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Looks like the rain is blowing outa here and headed towards Norm

Gonna try and smack whitey

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 27th, 2020, 09:38 AM
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Not much to post. We are 2' below average in snowfall this year, not that I'm complaining.
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Old January 27th, 2020, 11:58 AM
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Amite chili on the course today 45 wet and windy

Played like a goat but it was still good to get out

The 2 familes that were sposed ta come yesterday turned into 3 [very close to cocktail hour but duty called.] Sold six lots
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Old January 28th, 2020, 12:58 PM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful out, and almost warm. Rain tomorrow. I hate that I'm so conditioned for rain that it doesn't even phase me.

Dan you'll catch up, all at once...

Good day at work. The slow wall guy actually turned out all the wheels I needed today. Not any more than that, but our own expected number. I was really pleased. Spent a lot of time reading about the Grand Ole Opry and related things.

Okay want some opinions. I want to move. I hate my house, I hate my neighborhood. I need room to put all my stuff indoors. There are no options here at the house to put a lot of stuff in. I own 2.4 acres across town. I can't put up a building unless there's a house there, and I'm not building a house. I found a nice-ish place about an hour from here, I can get a lot(not all) inside but the house is weird. This is what I have to work with now. Anything glaring stand out to you? Should I keep looking? Any other ideas? This all is driving me bonkers.

Hope everyone is having a good afternoon.
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Old January 28th, 2020, 01:03 PM
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If you don't like your house - move.

Next question.
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Old January 28th, 2020, 01:51 PM
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Mike, I think ya should build out by the Hanger. I would at least plan to and do a little bit as time and cash allow. That way ya don't have a 30 year mortgage on a bunch of appliances that may have a 5 year life

Real-estate agents will drive ya to drink
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Old January 28th, 2020, 03:19 PM
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Mike - Do not purchase a house which does not meet your minimum standards of happiness - whatever those might be. Don't be hasty - spend a little time having a 'look-see'. You don't like your current house and location - so, get the heck out of there and find some happiness. You only get one chance down here on terra firma, baby. Live within your means, don't over-extend; but find someplace you really enjoy going home to. Buy what you need (to make you happy) - this doesn't always equate to what you want. For the most part, neighbors are always going to be a PITA - some things you must reach a compromise. Learn to lovingly endure "Bless His/Her Heart" (A$$HOLE).
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Old January 28th, 2020, 03:35 PM
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X 2

Ya gotta kiss alot of frogs to meet a prince
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Old January 28th, 2020, 06:32 PM
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My intentions @ 9:00AM tomorrow morning are to knock the living $HIT out of the 352 dimples on that white round object. This past Sunday while walking down the 6th fairway my gut felt like I had just inherited a PHUQING bowling ball. By the time I reached the green on #7, I was almost doubled-over about to lose my eye sight. When I reached the 8th green I darted off to the water closet - this proved uneventful. At the end of the 11th hole, I folded up my push cart, stuffed it into the back of a member's riding cart (who was playing in our foursome), put my golf bag in the back of his cart and began riding. When we reached the 15th tee box, I made another run to the nearest water closet - another uneventful trip. When we hit the 18th green I grabbed the guys riding cart and said you can putt out my ball - I'll catch you in a few. Arriving at outdoor lounge water closet, I was finally able to spread some mulch. After the round I was sleeping on the couch w/in 5' of walking in the backdoor of my house. Some form of food poisoning is all I can figure. Ate nothing but split pea soup the entire day yesterday. Appointment w/ my massage therapist @ 9:00am this morning. I played hookie from golf the past two days. I am so ready to beat the living $HIT out of all 352 dimples.
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Old January 28th, 2020, 09:59 PM
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Norm, there has been some nasty **** going around this year (no pun intended). I have been on an Immodium diet for a couple of days. There was a stomach virus at Michigan State last week that shut a few tings down, and a middle school about 35 miles from me that is closed until next week, due to a "bug" that had 147 kids absent on 1/28. Mike, take your time to find what you want in a new house. Patience is key.
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Old January 29th, 2020, 01:50 AM
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Dan, thanks for the intel. I just read the article regarding MSU - sounds like another round of Norovirus. That's a nasty critter.
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Old January 29th, 2020, 05:24 AM
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mike, Y a ever thought about buying an abandon car dealership and putting a bed in the managers office?

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Old January 29th, 2020, 01:02 PM
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Hi everyone.

Jamesbo I would love, love to have an old car place like that. Saw an old VW place in Jackson years ago that was for sale. It had (at that time) most recently been someone's campaign headquarters. But Jackson is over an hour to work. Certainly nothing like that in Henry County or the surrounding areas. I did drive past a place a few weeks ago that looked like an old timey car agency. Painted bricks, big front window, one door service department. It was just off I85 not too far from the Newnan airport. I looked it up. They wanted 2M for it. Obviously to knock down the building and build some high tech complex.

By the way, what is in Mitchell Motors' building these days? I have never seen that place, I don't go into the city if I can help it.

Norm that sucks when you don't feel good and can't do anything... How did all those dimples do today?

The retriever broke at work today, so no one had tires for about an hour. I asked why someone didn't crawl back on the racks and throw them down. No one was available. Once the thing went into tilt mode everyone was too busy on their phones to actually contribute to a solution. In the interim I read about Pan American World Airlines. Also read about Eddie Rickenbacker. I'll read about Eastern Air Lines tomorrow. Ol' Captain Eddie was quite a guy.

Kind of gloomy today. I wondered why my gas bill has been over 100 the last two times. It's because I had the Tstat set at 67. Holy Toledo no wonder I wake up in the middle of the night with hot flashes. It's back down now to 64. The stove can warm things back up without rivaling the national debt.

Okay off I go. I need to figure out a creative way for a dumb guy like me to electronically transfer things to the loan shark. Have a good afternoon everyone.

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Old January 29th, 2020, 01:20 PM
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Mitchell Motors was on West Peachtree, It's probably under sum high rise now. I haven't been near that area in years. BTW in the mid 60's they were alos the Rolls Royce dealers

Re New digs:
I'd d check around Stewart ave.[ I think it's now called Metropolitan pky ]Where the original Nalley Chevrolet was located. Ya could get a cheep old car dealership right next to a strip club and ya could get Tiger a dozen Rottweilers to play with as they patrolled you fence in new pad..

All of your random gun shots ya hear now would promptly be delt with by Atlanta's finest [as they patrol that area heavily for the nightly strip club argument/parking lot shooting ]

Problem solved

You're welcome
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Old January 29th, 2020, 02:35 PM
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Well Mike, I came out of the gate spanking the Dicken's out of the dimples on the front nine - shot 3 over (39). The back nine appeared to have more trees than the front nine as I couldn't navigate around three of them - 46 (10 over) for the back nine = 85
I play the next two days (Th & F); then, I'm in a SuperBowl SuperBall tournament on Sunday - shotgun start @ 12:30PM.

I've never seen so many weeds in my yard as last year and again this year. I just spent a couple hours spraying (killing) the little pecker heads. It's been a gorgeous winter thus far - we definitely deserve a nice winter. Three years ago we had 2.5 weeks of 25°F temperatures in March, one year ago hurricane Florence, and this past September hurricane Dorian. I'm really, really sick of swinging a chainsaw and managing hurricane preparedness & cleanup thank you very much.
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Old January 29th, 2020, 09:24 PM
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More shots in the back on 1/29. Had an epidural, we'll see how that works. I go back on April 1st when I will probably get a Rhizotomy, supposed to be good for two years. Dang head cold or something is my current nemesis, sinuses are on a roll. Went to the store to pick up some odds n ends before making a batch of white chili, and jeesh, I felt like I was on fire. seems to have calmed down a bit. took some nighttime cold n flu medicine, so I won't be up too much longer.
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Old January 30th, 2020, 03:10 AM
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Still chili,

Dan, I suggest ya stay home and rest [maybe with a fat girl ta keep ya warm]

Norm, Don't cha know trees are 90% air,

Do we have any Notre Dame fans here?

Mike, I'm not sure buying a house really makes anyone "Happy" " No mater where you go, there you are"

My Ex always wanted to go "Somewhere" We were sitting on a plane waiting to take off and she said to me, "You know where I would like to go sometime" And I said, " I hope Bermuda cause that's where his plane is headed"

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 30th, 2020, 04:50 AM
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Dan. I hope you're feeling better now. I'm sure back pain is one of the worst as far as affecting your whole being... I know we are actually down on snow this year but it sure seems like the winter blues are on full bore. Cold, dreary, icy,slippery, on and on.....I'm guessing this year won't be like last year as far as snowmobile riding. Last year was a lot of snow and almost refreshing each time a new snow came. This year the old snow got melted some and then refroze as hard bumpy grey stuff. Well It still can change, lots of winter left...I am getting a lot done on my old truck and sure enjoy my new shop. Have a good one, guys!
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Old January 30th, 2020, 12:04 PM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful out and not too chilly. Supposed to be nice for the weekend.

Jamesbo it's been many years since I've been down Metropolitan Parkway. Didn't lose anything there, no need to go back. Did Nally go out of business or move someplace else?

Greg I envy you having a nice shop to work in. We'll see what transpires in the next few days, I might get a nice shop to work in as well. That all depends on the annoying finance person.

Work was slow today. Somehow we finished right after second break. It wasn't because I signed off a lot of wheels! I was going to tell my wall guy he needed to step it up a little bit. Even though it's none of my concern, I don't sign his paycheck. The lead came over and looked at my list. He didn't say a word. Later I saw him talking to the wall guy. Don't know if it was about that or not, but there was no improvement. Ah well.

Dan what is white chili?

I feel motivated to do something outside today. It's spring-like. Have a great afternoon everyone.

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Old January 30th, 2020, 12:26 PM
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42/41 - Tee time was 8:00AM this morning. It was 42°F w/a 14 mph wind - a tad chilly.

James - I had a free lesson w/ our Pro after my round (we scheduled this lesson several days ago). Holy $hithouse Mouse did he find and help me correct my fundamental flaw. I spent about another 30 minutes working on it on my own and what a fantastic improvement! This could be a significant game changer for me.

Dan - While I'm not familiar w/ the Rhizotomy procedure (other than what they're going to severe and why), I am familiar with the roles of both GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) and acetylcholinesterase. Cholinesterase (an enzyme) stops the firing of the neurons (nerve cells) which integrate into muscle cells to allow the neurons (nerve cells) to return to a relaxed state. Without the proper functioning of cholinesterase, the nerve cells remain in an excited state - much like a muscle spasm. The Rhizotomy procedure I believe cuts or cauterizes the ends of the neurons (nerve cells) so they don't continuously fire. This is taking my brain back to mountains of biochemistry and molecular biochemistry classes - where I lost far too much sleep. I am catching up on the sleep I lost during retirement however.

Greg - Oh hell yes to your new shop. I recall the year I built my 30' x 40' man-cave. Absolutely no looking back on that one - what an absolute gold mine to have my shop. Enjoy.

James - When your ex asked: "You know where I would like to go sometime"...I was expecting you to say "...probably not the same place I'd like to send you..."
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Old January 30th, 2020, 01:12 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Jamesbo it's been many years since I've been down Metropolitan Parkway. Didn't lose anything there, no need to go back. Did Nally go out of business or move someplace else.
BTW "White chili" is made with chicken and navy beans. Our old departed friend Pat [Citcapp] game me a wonderland recipe years ago

Nope, Jim Nalley' s kids have dealership [other than Chevy] all over the metro area. Jag, Acura etc

Norm, I hope it werks for you. In my experience, I fix one thing and the check engine light comes on in another area of my game.

Guess we don't have any Fighting Irish fans here. Anywho, I had lunch with George Kuntz's [Ex falcon 69 1st draft pic and Notre Dame] son today. Very nice young man who was on our city council but [had a flash of sanity ] and got out of politics

I think it appropriate to thank people when they can't do any thing for you and congratulate them for making the decision to live longer and avoid political non sense
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Old January 30th, 2020, 09:39 PM
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The Rhizotomy procedure I believe cuts or cauterizes the ends of the neurons (nerve cells) so they don't continuously fire.
Correct. I'm still trying to figure out how it will last up to two years, and not be permanent. I would think that once the nerve is cauterized, that's it, as nerves don't regenerate.
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Old January 30th, 2020, 09:52 PM
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There ya go Mike. Got it from a co worker about 30 years ago.
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Old January 31st, 2020, 03:03 AM
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Well, The Super model's Pathfinder has a check engine light on. Gotta figger WTH that's about before heading norte

I've got sum kinda critter [ in the mountains] wandering around in the basement lay in ceiling. Seems to enjoy munching on the plastic hose removing humidity.

The sucker evidently never hits the floor cause I've several trap [baited with peanut butter] waiting for him/her. The "plan de jour" is to put sum sticky traps on a few ceiling tiles [and mark with tape on the bottom so I remember where I put them]

I've patched the line twice and the critter keeps eating it like popcorn. I've replaced the entire line wrapped in aluminum tape. If that doesn't werk, I guess the next step is to run sum electrical conduit to hold the plastic line [which I REALLY don't want to do]

Speaking of which, I've never understood why the building codes for office/retail require electric conduit and the residential codes don't I mean really how many people sleep in the nail salon?

Why does this remind me of a Road runner cartoon?

Mathew 6 : 19-21 keeps ringing in my head

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 31st, 2020, 06:28 PM
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Hi everyone.

Just got back from the airport, for the second time today. Some friends were flying through and I went up to meet them. They had a two hour layover so we grabbed a bite and chatted. Really nice time. So here's the thing. There's no longer any way for me to get from the landside to the airside without going through security. And you have to have a boarding pass to get through security. So I listed for a flight, checked in and went through security with my seat request card, and when my friends got on their plane to go home I went back out to the parking lot. A total ruse. All this in the name of "security."

And when I went to leave, the machine that takes the parking ticket said my card was expired(it actually expires tomorrow). The fee for two hours was 10 bucks. So two minutes later I'm at the cashier at the exit and the fee is 14 bucks! So I said something to the woman in the booth, who looked like she'd just downed a fifth, and she said, call the number on the ticket. The machine spit out my receipt and it said Thank You. I said thank you my ***, I just got ripped off! I have a feeling the woman says call the number a lot. Oddly enough I stopped for gas and used that same card, no problems.

Jamesbo run the plastic line on the floor. Then the critter will come down. My suggestion to you about the Pathfinder is if you do the paperclip test to get a code, wear gloves.

Dan I don't think I'd ever get past the making of the chicken tenders.

Going up to Marietta tomorrow for pizza. Gonna meet a friend up there. Hm, I never knew I had so many friends. Gonna skip out on the Awful house, Tiger isn't going to like that. Maybe we'll go there for our supper.

Well have a good evening everyone. I think I'll stay up really late, and sleep in tomorrow. Like maybe after 7 woo hoo.

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Old February 1st, 2020, 12:03 PM
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Wow a flurry of activity.

How's everyone this afternoon?

Just got back from pizza. Man that stuff gets better every time I'm there. Had a good visit with my buddy. Traffic wasn't bad. All around a success.

Cloudy but no rain. They keep saying nice tomorrow. Whatever. It's one day closer to spring, and Daylight Saving Time.

Gee I have the rest of the afternoon to myself, wonder what I should do. I'm sure I can find some sort of trouble to get into. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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Old February 1st, 2020, 12:20 PM
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Dragging butt today. Managed to throw a load in the washer, and vaccum, that was probably the highlight of the day.
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Old February 2nd, 2020, 09:35 AM
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Got the dock expansion layed out with sum grading stakes and spray paint, Now it's jes a race against time. The water starts back up today and will be only 8" down in a month.

My Track hoe buddy said the get to it as quick as he could I sure Hope he get the holes dug so I can pout the footings

Mike, Once again you win the award for traveling the longest distance for a pizza. What's the name of the place that's worth and hour drive?

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old February 2nd, 2020, 11:26 AM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful out. Need to cut some wood outside and stain it.

The name of the pizza is Aurelio's. If I have to drive an hour every so often to get my favorite pizza, I'm doing pretty good. Before this place opened I had to drive 13 hours. Didn't make it quite so often.

Awful house was fairly quiet today. This one fella that works there, he's a big tall guy, burly but very soft spoken. This guy cracks me up. When he calls his orders, he sounds like Paul Bunyan. Not something you'd expect after listening to him converse. Not gonna make Walmart today and I don't have a lot to eat in the house, so Tiger and I might mosey on back there for our evening comestibles. I don't usually take Tiger there twice in one day, I don't want him to get spoiled.

Okay gotta get to my trim. Hope it comes out okay. See ya's all later.

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Old February 2nd, 2020, 01:42 PM
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Mike, I know you're not gonna believe this, bit I ate in the very 1st Pizza joint in Atlanta, It was name Gigi's and was on Piedmont across the street from the Marta station [and GoldClub[ ]

I like Pizza and make it at home occasionally but I'm not an Expert by any means. But I have sum intown friends that think Antico in midtown on Hemphill is the GREATEST
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Old February 2nd, 2020, 02:20 PM
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Obviously your friends have never had Aurelio's. But in all fairness, I'll check out Antico and see what I think. Is GiGi's still in Atlanta? We should meet at these places. Where are we gonna meet in Alpharetta for country cooking?

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Old February 2nd, 2020, 02:37 PM
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No, Gigi's went home to glory and was replaced by 10,000 other pizzerias. Everybody's [near ]Emory was another all time favorite

I like the Midway meal House in [believe it or not Midway] betwix Alpharetta and Cumming
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Old February 2nd, 2020, 02:56 PM
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I’m eating pizza at this moment @ No Name Pizza - it’s a good pie. I used to attend Piedmont Festival each year w/ my friend who went to John Marshal Law School. Then, he moved to Marietta, the the Centennial bombing happened, then they quit Piedmont Fesitval as I recall. Then he moved back to FL. I spent many years with customer
engagements in Hotlanta after that. What’s the name of that place (Brazilian?) where you have a card at your table and they bring the meat and carve you off more meat at your table? I used to eat three with some frequency.
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Old February 2nd, 2020, 05:20 PM
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Fogo de Chão
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Old February 3rd, 2020, 01:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
Fogo de Chão
A Carnivores delight

That's right down the street from where the Super model has werked for 35 years [booking parties for the rich and famous.]

Norm a few years ago when the private jet convention was in town, They sold $50,000 in wine in one night. I guess if you're entertaining a client that may buy a Gulfstream the sky is the limit

Off to smack whitey, Spose to be a beautimus day

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old February 3rd, 2020, 05:22 AM
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James - I ate @ Bones once, ~16 years ago. There were ~16 of us. We won a large engagement to migrate a customer off of Banyan Vines (UNIX) network to Microsoft Windows 2000 Server network. A public display of men fondling their *****, slapping their asses & padding their heads. I believe our bill for the evening easily topped $4200.00 not including tip. I recall two bottles of wine w/ a cost of ~$1000 each were served at our table. It was stupid. I suppose it was a paltry amount compared to winning a multi-million dollar migration.
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Old February 3rd, 2020, 11:54 AM
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Norm, The 38.95 petite fillets add up fast

Chil mawn'in left us the prettiest day of the year [so far]

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Old February 3rd, 2020, 01:26 PM
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I played golf like a goat - absolutely miserable: 51/40 - a day from hell.
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