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Old August 21st, 2013, 10:51 AM
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Old August 21st, 2013, 11:25 AM
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Wednesday. Is it Wednesday?? Having trouble remembering what day it is....yah, must be Wednesday...

Yesterday was loooonnnggg. Got an early start if you call getting everyone out of bed and into the car by 7:10. From there it went downhill. Started the car and the dang seat belt lights wouldn't stop flashing. I can live with that. So away we go. 2 minutes later the battery warning light starts flashing. Then it comes on and stays on. Crap! Pulled over and got out the Owners manual for the Sonata. Sometimes it pays to look stuff up on newer cars. HA! They say check the serpentine belt which I did. It's fine and tensioner is doing it's thing. So the only thing left is the charging system. Alternator? Battery? Something else? And I don't have any tools with me.

Programmed the GPS for the closest Hyundai dealer and just as I got there the warning lights went out and stayed out. WTH??? Asked the less than knowledgeable service guy if he knew what might be the cause. It could be ANYTHING was his reply. NOT what I wanted to hear. Then he tells me there will be no techs in till at least 8:00 and they MIGHT be able to squeeze me in sometime that morning. So I called BS on that and left. Took my chances that it was just the battery had low voltage. It seems like I was right because once the car was running for some time everything was normal. Didn't want to buy a battery there because I have a new one I just bought for my 98 2 years ago before the cancer called it back to it's creator. Need to do a voltage test on the battery later today.

Got home at 10:30 pm. It was a very long drive and I was glad Graeme did somewhat more than half of it. He's turning into a good driver. On one of his passes yesterday though he had to pass 2 semi's and wound the car up to around 95 mph, but seemed to be in total control. Now I know what my Dad must have felt when I was learning to drive.

Sooooo nice to be home. It's wonderful to sleep in my own bed. In fact I decided to re-a quaint myself with it till after 10:30 this morning. Also nice to wake up and not have 3 screaming kids running around. They're ok to visit, but it would be a bit much to handle all the time for me right now. We just sic em onto Graeme - he's so tolerant and understanding with kids.

Guess it's time to make a pot o koffee and start planning the rest of my day. Lots of yardwork to be done and then I think some time in the garage.

I did go to the garage last night to tell my car I was back. It told me it missed me. Patted it on the fender and it felt better.

Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Al you are a master of all trades, huh? Pretty cool for what you did though. I commend you for that brother. Good karma for sure.
No grasshopper, not a master. But we all chip in and help where we have abilities to do that right? Same as you helping out with the AC, so right back atcha bro!!

Originally Posted by CQR
Allan, Have a safe trip home. You just can't sit still, can you? Did you wear your plumbers shirt?
LOL, Clint that thar's right funny!! Nope I don't let it get to that.

* Nasty ugly looking sender. If the tank looked like that? No brainer to replace. How were the fuel lines?
* LOVE the look of the center console cup holder/storage. Looks like it was made just for her.

Originally Posted by 1969w3155
I'm gonna jump on the "pick on Allan", Allan will you have period correct snow tires on the Olds when it's done? yuk yuk yuk
The only snow this baby will ever see will be in pics!! Y'know though they just don't make them old bias ply knobby snow tires anymore so the 2 I still got (which would be period correct BTW ) I could probably list on ebay and get some coin for something I'll never use again. Thx for reminding me!!!
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Old August 21st, 2013, 02:45 PM
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Howdy everyone.

Work tonight. I have to work all three this week. I know poor me.

Allan glad you made it home safely. It's nice to get away, but like you said, it's nice to get back. Kudos to Graeme for a job well done.

Well the RV is gone. A guy came to look at it, with a look in his eye I recognized instantly, last week and he'd call and give me updates as to how much money he had and when he intended to come get it. Today was the day. He was pleased as punch to have it, and I was pleaseder to have it gone.

Nice article Clint. I didn't know you were a mobile mechanic as well.

Jamesbo we all expect traditional, unadulterated, and common treatment in October.

Sandy have fun at the cruise. Maybe that 50/50 will swing your way.

John if I had that dashboard I'd still be playing with it. In fact I still have my Take Apart Car I got for Christmas when I was 2. I don't play with it, in fact I don't even know where it is. In some box somewhere, but in the house nonetheless.

Okay off to work. Sunny out now so I hope it stays a nice evening. I still get to end the week with the rest of you so that's cool. Have a good night everyone.

Oh, Happy Birthday to Oldsmobile. Today, back in 1897, is when it all started, officially.
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Old August 21st, 2013, 08:48 PM
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Allan, glad to see that ya survived your trip, I only go to a dealership when something is covered by a warranty, the service writers are clueless, but are more than happy to get you in (whether it's a long wait or not), and separate you from your money while treating you like you are a gullible s.o.b.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 05:38 AM
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Mawn'in all

Guess what? It isn't raining

Weed eated an cleaned up 'round de dump yesterday. Looks a little better.

Allan, Glad cha got safely home. It always feels good to me to sleep in my own bed.

Gotta bake sum cookies an take over to de grande open'in of de city's new Senior Center.

Dear Lord, Please let me get shot by a jealous husband before I'm left to a life of drool'in on my Bingo card.

Have a Great day Olds friends
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 06:17 AM
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Morning All!

Sun and clouds this morning, humid. Supposed to have storms later between 2 and 5 they're saying. I dunno about Bellacino's tonight.

I went to Chick Fil A last night. Only had about 25 cars. But I enjoyed sitting in my chair and listening to the music. I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat anything over there. Came home and schleped the garden hose way out to the garden and gave it a drink. The mosquitos are bad back there. Everything was so dry. I picked another bunch of green beans and froze them, and picked a couple more maters. I finally have a little pumpkin growing back there!

Dawnel went over to Jr's to visit last night. She came home and was crying because he was drinking, and she can't be around that. Larry got kind of loud with her because he doesn't understand. (and God forbid anyone say anything about Jr...) I felt bad for her. She goes to Alanon meetings and such. She's a sponsor out in Seattle for drinkers and druggies. So we looked online and found a meeting for her to go to tonight. She said she needs it!! She begged Larry not to say anything to Jr., so I hope he doesn't.

I'm gonna go to the hair dresser tonight if Bellacino's gets rained out. I'm debating going to a show on Saturday, or cleaning Teepo good for the Olds show. Her engine needs some washing, lol. I don't know. I'm gonna take Lin with me to Alliance, since I have to go by there anyhow.

I still haven't opened the box and checked out my seat material. I have to do that in case it isn't right.

Jamesbo.... enjoy the dry day!

Well you all have a good day.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 07:25 AM
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Me, too, Mike.

Big post to cyber purgatory. Maybe it will make it to heaven one day....
Y'all have a great Thursday, Oldsmofriends.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 02:22 PM
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Good afternoon groupies.

So I guess I'm the one who's started the epic post deletion trend this go-round. I'm sorry.

Really slept well today. It was hot and sunny. Got to bed around 8, the dogs woke me up around 11, then the mowers next door woke me up at 330. I'd call that a sleeping success.

Work was a pain last night. Literally. Me and another guy changed overwing slide bottles on a 757. They are forward of the aft cargo pit bulkhead. Not so easily accessible. Wrestled with those things all night long and got them changed. Tonight I have a different, but equally as bad, lead. We have a weight room built into one of the vent rooms on the side of the hangar bay, and he goes in there and flexes for himself in front of the mirror instead of helping us with the airplane.

So this friend of mine has about a 63 Ford Galaxie with a 390 and three on the tree. This car is huge. I don't know why but I love this car. I'm not a Ford person by any stretch, but man, this car is it. Faded red paint, white interior, just a plain old used up car. I wonder if he'd trade me for a Cadillac with little hail dents all over it.

Okay! That time again. Hope everyone has a good evening. Tomorrow is Friday!
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 09:29 PM
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Mike, I believe that this is a '62 Ford that shows up at the Gilmore Car Museum, and he showed up at a local show in my town last weekend, turns out that he is from my neck of the woods, he bought it new 51 years ago, said he has always kept looking like this. 390 three on the tree. A really sharp car.
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 03:51 AM
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Morning all.

Nice looking ferd. I don't care for the lo-pro tires, but the rest sure is sweet.

Mike, I hope work was better than expected.

Sandy, Pardon my ignorance, but who's Jr.? I gathered that Dawn is Larry's daughter, but I get lost with all these people you speak about.

John, my mother has all my hotwheels and matchbox cars and lets my nieces and nephew play with them when they are over. I still have my Pinewood derby car from cub-scouts on the shelf.

Jamesbo, I'm sensing a little organizational obsession if you are cleaning up the dump

Allan, hope you're catching up on your sleep. We ran a can of carb & choke thru the line on the stang. Told the lady she may need to change the filter a time or 2 after everything flushes out. The car ran out nice, the tranny has a little bearing growl until you put her in 4th. Not bad, but may have to go thru that. I'll let her bank account recover a little bit before we make a decision on that.

Scot, happy berfday to whichever one of the ankle biters it pertains too.

We got little rain yesterday morning then the sun came out and BAM was it muggy! Then a healthy rainstorm yesterday afternoon with pea sized hail. The Johnnie Popper rain gauge my bride got me said we got about 3/4 of an inch. Thats not too bad since we only get about 15 inches total all year.

Well looks like we are heading out to Chicago next Saturday to deliver some steaks. This'll be a quick 3 day trip . I hope Britney pulls it off without a hitch.

Have a great weekend all.
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 04:49 AM
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Happy Friday, all...

Got to work at 0-Dark-30 this morning after dropping better half at airport in the middle of the night (or so it seemed). No rain, but muggy; expectin' scattered T-storms in afternoon, increasing in frequency over weekend. Prolly have to make most activities indoors over next coupley days.

Clint, my other favorite toy as a kid was my Crusader 101. I was wild about it until I lost my klutz-like balance and leaned on it suddenly whilst I was kneeling and playing with it, immediately breaking off one of the wheels.... I think I shed a tear.

But there was no fixing it; it went to the toy boneyard in the sky.

Talk at you later, Oldsmofolk.
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 05:09 AM
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Mawn'in all

Not rain'in to day either, mus be haded fer anutter drought.

I saw were one of the Mitchell [a la Mitchell Motors] passed away. Jimmy Mitchel was younger dan Me [or is it I?]

Nice look'in Ferd. De were plent of dem in my youth.

Clint, If de truth be known, I vasilate between excessive and not giv'in a $hit

John, Is de better half headed to God's Country? I saw dis Prof from LSU do a study on why Kathrina did so much damage and de levy system. Best I can figer out, it could happen again cause de dirt is silt and the pilings won't hold no matter what the corp does. Glad ya'll are on high ground.

I dreamed we got anutter cat. Guess what? 2 showed up in de barn. I think they're fix'in to make a Andrew Lloyd Weber musical in de barn.

Mike, De way cars come and go at your place, ya need to put up a sign dat says, "NOBODY WALKS" Everbody rides and open a tote your note lot. You do have a hook out dare to repo don't cha?

Welp, Gotta get crack'in

Have a great day Olds friends.
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 05:16 AM
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Fer you Jawja (and future Jawga) folks:

Nope, Jamesbo; gonna' see Momma in IL. She's slated to head for the hills next week, tho'.... (lucky girl).

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; August 23rd, 2013 at 05:18 AM.
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 06:13 AM
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Morning All!

Sunny and still humid here. Humidity is slowly going away, as a cold front comes through. Gonna be just a gorgeous weekend they're saying. Which is good for the shows!!! I'm looking so forward to the Olds show Sunday.

I didn't go to Bellacino's last night. It was muggier than heck, and cloudy with some hazy sun. I didn't trust that it wouldn't rain. So I went to Macedonia and got my hair done, lol.

Clint.... Jr. is Larry's son, Larry junior. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Larry took Dawn and bought her the new Iphone5 yesterday. She is all happy now. He stayed home today too, I don't know what they will be doing. I've been trying to stay away as much as possible.

Nicole is still working. This is the 2nd week, lol. She said she is understanding things better at work. I just keep encouraging her to ask questions and such.

Steve is off today and Brian is back. It's like muggy in here.... I don't get it. The AC is on, but it feels wet....

Mike.... you sound like my nephew David, lol. You'd get along real well with him. He has cars everywhere.... always scraping and trading, lol.

Blue....... where the heck are you, bud????

Jamesbo..... are you still not smoking? Dawn is puffing on one of those electronic cigarettes. It's pretty cool, lol. She says it's water vapor or something.

Well you all have a great Friday.
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 07:30 AM
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Hey everybody.

Nothing new going on so not much to say lately.
I've been bummed out since learning my 12 year old little girl dog Heidi has the C word and just haven't been in the mood. My wife's latest medical scare put thing more into perspecticve but the dog is still like one of my kids. I've been trying to act like my goofy normal self but it's just an act. I'm getting an attitude and don't like it too. I just just can't take nasty Obummer voters taking over the rest of this site, and if they aren't they sure act like them.
Now they'll call me a racist and get me banned for criticizing his majesty and being political.

When I cheer up some I'll check back in if I'm allowed to.
Don't let me depress you and I'm not looking for sympathy. I'll be fine, just need some time to cool off and count my blessings.
I have a great family and friends here and I'm not on the street yet.

Thanks for bearing with me.

- Allan
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 08:14 AM
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Blue....... I'm sorry. I'll bring Teepo out and you can clean up her underneath, if that will cheer you up, lol. It will give you something to do. Just trying to make you laugh.... things will get better dear, just hang in there. I don't know how I stay as sane as I do, with all the fighting and stress and crap I have going on all the time. If I'm sane, lol...... matter of opinion I suppose.

Don't pay any attention to the political crap on here. Believe me, I'm tired of hearing about it all the time myself. I live with it every day at home too. It is a bummer and it's just gonna get worse, and there ain't a damned thing we can do about it. You know I feel just like you do. We have to adapt and we shouldn't have to, and I don't like it!!!

If you're gone too long though, you know I'll be paying you a visit! Love ya!!!
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 08:25 AM
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Believe me, I'm tired of hearing about it all the time myself
Can't agree with you more! that's why the "Good Morning Thread" is the place to go, much more laid back, more humor, and a good bunch of people.
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 09:34 AM
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Blue, I’m so sorry. The Golden I had before Red got cancer in the mouth. I had it cut out twice but the vet didn’t hold out much hope. During the summer when I was working in the garden., if I pitched a rotten tomato out, she go and eat it. [ I guess she knew it had antioxidants] Anyway, when the garden stopped producing,, I fed her a can of whole tomatoes every day and she’d eat them like popcorn. I renamed her Lazarus from Amber. I really believe the tomatoes help her live longer.
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 10:26 AM
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Yesterday was fun. Spent the whole day with Graeme doing things together and having a great time. Lots of driving around and getting stuff for the upcoming college year. Also got replacement cabinet hinges (lifetime warranty) for 5 that had failed. We even stopped into the college and picked up his universal transit pass. (What a deal! Unlimited transit use for 35.00/month) Didn't have his course book list so I temporarily dodged a bullet not going to the bookstore there. Have to start preparing now for the eventuality - it's going to break my heart when he moves out of here some day.

Allan H - I just went through that too last fall and this spring so I can appreciate how devastating it is with a pet or family; and it's hard not to let it affect attitude or behavior. It takes a lot to get to the point where you can cheer up or be motivated when there's just bad news around. Kind words from friends help, but they don't erase the hurt you're dealing with. A good support network really helps but you already know everything has to resolve itself to your satisfaction before you can really move forward. Time helps, but it's not the cure. FWIW I'm still dealing with some of my demons too, you're not alone in trying to find ways to cope. I don't know if you're a religious man, but I'll say prayers for you to help ease the hurt you are going through.

Political issues? A spade is still a spade, maybe even a frickin shovel. Call em as you see em. I thought this site didn't allow political or religious discussion....

Clint - glad to hear the fuel lines weren't plugged. Must have got some ugly looking crud coming out of them though.

Jim - happy to report we're still in the low 80's up here. Still waiting on Sears to call so I can cut my hay field now. They've had my swather for over 2 weeks now and still no phone call to come pick it up. Ha! Some warranty - drop it off and get charged for a free fixit? Friggin last time I'll ever buy a mower from them. BTW? Where exactly is God's Country? I hear so much about them golden fairways, no hazards and auto holes in one I just gotta know....

Hope your Friday ends sooner than later - the weekend beckons.

Mike / John - WTH??? I went to submit this and the site froze!!! Got it back by hitting 'refresh'. Something to keep in mind for the future
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 11:34 AM
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Allan R, I got some kind of "Site Busy" message after I hit "submit" or whatever, and it was g-o-n-e. You have to hit "Back," else that zany message page will remain displayed. Then when you hit "Back," POOF! Gone. 90% of the time I copy stuff to the clipboard, but not yesterday.

So sorry to hear of your plight, Blue. I'll join Allan R in his prayers. We lost Loretta (the pup) around 2000 and Buster (the kitty) a couple years later and they both left a hole in my heart. I've always been a dog-lover, but I'll tell ya', the three kitties we have now sure grow on ya'. Feeney's the oldest at 11, but they all seem to have a few good years left. Now my MIL's sorry cat is 20 --> she slowed down in the last couple years, but stays around just to spite the poor old woman.

BTW, not that I'm anxious to join, but exactly where do these "political" discussions take place? I've not seen 'em ... although I haven't looked.

Clint, also just fer the record, I ain't never seen nuttin' lookin' like that sender in all my born days. If I pulled a sender out of a '65 Wildcat that had been sittin' in the Mancelona (MI) bone yard for 30 years, I might have expected dat.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; August 23rd, 2013 at 11:53 AM.
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 11:41 AM
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Speak'in of CO SNAFUS Fer 'bout a week when I go to my favorties and hit CO Subscriptions, It takes me to the supscriped threads page but the Mawn'in thread would be like 6 pages back even after I hit last page.
Today, it fixed itself w/o be do'in nutt'in.
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 02:24 PM
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Happy Friday everyone.

Beautiful day here. Hot. Hope it continues over the weekend.

Work last night really sucked. We finished the plane by 930 and then sat and did nothing the rest of the night. We watched as guys walked out all night long, and our lead just let us sit. Then at 430 we had to go sit through two hours of some new director toot his own horn. I hope I didn't snore too loudly.

Blue that really sucks about your puppy. You have my empathy. You've still got some time for treats and belly rubs. For the dog I mean.

Sandy was Dawn upset because Jr was drinking at all or was he really boozing it up? Is this new to her not knowing her brother drinks? Shouldn't he know to cool it when she's around? Thanksgiving at your place must really be interesting.

That's a beautiful car, Dan. I know my friend's is newer, but not by much. I need to go see the Gilmore museum one of these days.

Well this has taken me longer to bang out than I had intended, and I'm running behind getting ready for work. Hope everyone has a good evening and a fun weekend.
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Bee-Oh-Pee
I got some kind of "Site Busy" message after I hit "submit" or whatever, and it was g-o-n-e. You have to hit "Back," else that zany message page will remain displayed. Then when you hit "Back," POOF! Gone. 90% of the time I copy stuff to the clipboard, but not yesterday.
John, I haven't seen 'Site Busy' but I've seen 'waiting for CO'. When that happens DON'T hit 'back'. There should be 3 icons - back, forward (usually blanked out) and 'refresh' looks like a C with an arrow to the right? Use the 'refresh' to avoid losing stuff. Worked for me. I'm using google Chrome. Don't know if it's the same for other browsers.

- bout the political discussions? Not worth the effort to look for them. That's sort of like stirring the hornets nest or tossing a chicken to a nest of hungry gators... I don't like political BS so I just avoid it. If it shows up in a subscribed thread I have no problem reporting it (use that little red framed triangle in side of the thread next to your 'on line status' light. Admins can't be everywhere monitoring this site but they sure do respond quickly to one of those bs sessions when it gets reported.
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Old August 24th, 2013, 04:21 AM
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Bad Dog News Weekend

Well you guys aren't going to believe this. My girl has jumped out the window of her room and has run off. Again. My boy is still here. We had a fairly loud storm roll through here about 2am.

I had plywood laying on its side secured against the window. There was FOUR INCHES between the plywood and the glass and she tried to get in there, and it popped the glass right out and she would have fallen right out onto the front yard. Lots of blood on the wood and the window frame. The glass isn't broken. The room is a shambles.

I'm embarrassed to say, make that ashamed to say I never did get the dogs their tags. She still has her collar on with the rabies info so anyone who sees that hopefully will call the vet.

I got home from work early and drove around but saw nothing. Now that it's light I'll go out again. Dammit this really sucks.
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Old August 24th, 2013, 05:06 AM
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Mawn'in all

Spose to be a nice day

Mike, dat sucks ..........good luck wit de hunt

Politics, I was gonna post a piece about how congress is one "Weiner leaner " but decided it wasn't in good taste.

I try NEVER to get into politcs of Religion round anyone........ Especaillly relatives, I've got dem on both sides of the aisle an it doesn't cause nutt'in but trouble.

Got de horse pasture mostly bushoged yesterday, Gotta finish up dis mawn'in

Den gotta go to de overly educated neighbor's and move sum muck she got piles up sum where. I swear "Sum people are educated beyond their level of intelligence"

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old August 24th, 2013, 05:28 AM
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Dang Mike. Hope you find her and she is ok.

Blue, hope to see you back soon.

Thanks Sandy, I'm gonna have to start takin note.

Have a day everyone.
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Old August 24th, 2013, 09:05 AM
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I went out to look for my girl and was gone a little while, and when I got home she was there waiting at the front door. I hoped she wouldn't go far since she was by herself.

She's as muddy as can be, but doesn't seem hurt. I guess the blood on the walls was from her teeth from chewing on the plywood. I don't get her.

Nice day here today, don't know if I should do anything or sleep for a little while. If I go to sleep now I'll sleep the rest of the day, but if I don't my brain might go into auto-shutdown and I'll fall down. Maybe some lunch will help.

Hope everyone is having a good day. My day just got loads better.
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Old August 24th, 2013, 09:34 AM
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Glad to see her back home.
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Old August 24th, 2013, 11:52 AM
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2 games on today and I wanna watch both of em. There's also a car show. Damn! Everything good happens at once.

Jim - y'all can come an bushhog my pasture any time now. Sears (buncha dumbasses anyway) sent me mower 200 miles away to get fixed cause the lamebrain service guy overbooked their service (an I use that term very loosely). Now they say it might be Toosday or Wed. After a promise of 8-10 days it's turning into likely 21 or 22. I'll never buy from them agin! Turns out I could have bought the auto choke coil for 30.00 retail and had it installed within 15 minutes. So much for Sears service and quality. IMO it sucks worse than a cheap vacuum.

Mike - Best get those tags for the pups in case they decide to do more Houdini routines. Glad to hear she's back. (one of the few times you can say that about wimmen huh?)

Off to de races now.
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Old August 25th, 2013, 05:25 AM
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Good morning everyone. Nice and sunny, gonna be a nice, hot day. No rain!

First things first, I need to fix the window in the dogs' room. Luckily the glass didn't break, the whole pane popped out. I think I can just tap it back in. My only clue right now is to completely block off the window. I'd hate to do that, but the girl will try that same thing again since she knows it gets her out of the room.

Allan I need a push mower, too. But I'm going to buy a cheep one off craigslist so when it breaks it goes to the recycler. Sears' stuff is all chinesium now anyway I haven't shopped there in years.

The MOPAR club had a big show at Summit last night. It was a fund raiser for, I think, Wounded Warriors, or a similar group. Big turnout. Two Oldsmobiles, a Brittany clone and a 68 Cutlass convertible. The 67 looked nice, but has some weird Crager wheels. Sounded nice when it drove past. I used to be a member of that club when I had my blue Valiant. I'd like to join again, but the meetings are all the way in Lawrenceville and Saturdays are hit or miss to get up there. Besides, any Chrysler worth having at all is priced in the stratosphere.

Okay gonna get to it. Have a good Sunday everyone.
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Old August 25th, 2013, 07:46 AM
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Mawn'in all

Beautimus day down ere

Mike, "First things first" get de dogs tagged an chipped

Did chew see dis in de WSJ?
You could cut/paste it fer de news letter [I'm sure de WSJ won't mind]

Welp, finished bushogg'in de horse pastre and went to help neighbor. Basicaly what the poor soul has done is piled up hay in her gate to feed her horse fer a year. What's she's got is about 3 feet of mud/ hay mixture. I tried to scrape it off down de hill but got stuck. Had to put de Burban on dry ground and yank de tractor out. I guess sum times ya can't fix stupid


I'm doing a upgrade and de sent me de wrong stuff. Customer NO serivce hung up on me after I pushed de right buttons on de phone and say, "Dis line is for service for exist'in customers. After dat happened 'bout 6 X I went to on line service dat says, My social doesn't match dare records so de can't help. I ax dem HTF I got the shipment but Patel could help.

Their $hit is gett'ing very close to gett'in flung out de winder.

Welp, enjoy de rest of de weekend Olds Friends
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Old August 25th, 2013, 04:04 PM
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Found out dat God's country is really 'the bone yard'. There were a lot of good ol cars there when I stopped in today. Didn't need much, but I missed out on a 200 -4R by only a little bit. Good price too only 125.

Seems like it's been pretty quiet on here yesterday and today. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Seriously hope Sears calls tomorrow and tells me to come pick up that piece o' crap mower. My grass is so high I thought I saw Earl hiding in it.

Clint - have a great trip! The car looks like it's rarin to go. Drive safe (and watch out for the idiots that don't) and get back here safe ok?

Jim - should have just set fire to it all. Sorry bout de crap wit comcast. Mebbe find someone else and tell em to shuvit.
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Old August 25th, 2013, 07:46 PM
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Evening everyone. Been a few days so just catching up here. Been in PA the last couple days hanging out with some friends at a car show. Had a great time and heading back home tomorrow.

Hope everyone is well. Have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old August 26th, 2013, 03:50 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan, Not leaving until Saturday (Friday if I can talk her into it) But with our schedules, there isn't much time to get stuff ready during the week. I had to get her cleaned up. We went to a 25 year reunion on Saturday night ( and as soon as we hit the highway, we ran into rain. )
Are you thinking about an OD switchout?

Mike glad to hear your girl is home.

Gonna be hot and dry this week, but the weekend lookd fairly clear. hope to put 2200 miles on the Olds in 3 days.

Have a great week all.
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Old August 26th, 2013, 04:39 AM
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Mawn'in all

Beautimus day down ere to smacky whitey round.

De days are already gett'ing shorter so I got up late

I'm off like a herd of turtles to de course

Have a great week Olds friends.
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Old August 26th, 2013, 06:27 AM
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Morning All!

It was a beautiful weekend here, sunny and in the 80's. Humidity is creepin back today and it's gonna be a hot muggy week. But that's ok. August is supposed to be like that, lol.

My God.... Brian is on the phone with the ins. company AGAIN talking about the overspray on his friggin Ferd and how the body shop needs to have it all listed as to where they remove it from..... I am soooo tired of hearing about that friggin car! I'm really not sure I can stand to be in his car with him for that long drive to NY....

Had a great time at the Olds show yesterday. Bob, from the body shop, and his dad and friend came down. They didn't bring a car, just came to look, drool, and buy parts. I told his dad he should of brought his 442....

I couldn't believe we won first place in our class! I am soooo proud! I didn't take as many pics at the show as I usually do for some reason. I took Lin with me, and we walked and walked. Talked to Bob and them several times. Saw Kurt (wmachine) but didn't get to talk to him. Another fellow from on here introduced himself to me, but to save me I can't remember what his name is. I hate my memory.... Very nice guy though. And his wife was nice too.

We were looking at the red 70 442 that just got done with a 3 year resto, I think the owner said he had $60,000 in it!!! Just beautiful. Everyone was taking pics of it's underneath side and such. His wife said that now they trailer it all the time. I would too, lol. The sad thing was that it didn't have the old car smell anymore. It smelled like plastic. He won in his class and also got best of show, of course!

I think I heard them say there were 149 cars at the show. The Olds club posted pics on facebook if you want to look. I should of took the Intrigue. There weren't any there. Would have won 1st place in that class, lol.

Mike.... glad your dog came home! When I read your first post on facebook I thought... Oh no not again!! But it worked out this time. And yes, Dawn knows that Jr. drinks, but I guess she thought he wouldn't do it around her knowing how she feels about it. I don't know. She's kind of different. She gets real emotional about things and tries to figure everyone out, lol. She flew back to Seattle yesterday morning. She was already gone when I got up at 7, so I didn't get to say bye. But I texted her.

Clint.... I musta missed it.... where you going to be heading in the Olds??

The show on Saturday at the KOA campground out in the boro was a nice show. They didn't get a whole lot of cars, but there was that big Hillbilly Nat's show that Don Sitts puts on, there was a Pops show, and a ton of other shows around on Saturday. I'm thinking bout going to the Ox roast show in Warren next Sunday, again. That's where I first met Blue and Laura back in 2009. I'll have to see if anything closer to home pops up. That's a great show, though. Everything is free.

Well guess I've rambled enough, lol. You all have a nice Monday.
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Old August 26th, 2013, 06:33 AM
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Our plaque!!

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Old August 26th, 2013, 07:41 AM
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Good Monday to everyone,

Jim - even a terd of hurtles can get in a good game...I also noticed the shorter days are creeping up. Yesterday it got dark before 9 pm. Looking for an 84 from ya

Clint - now that I have 3.42's in the car I'm leaning more heavily to the OD trans. Should be a good combo for both city and highway. That's why I was asking about yours because I remembered you swapped in a 200 4R. I'd probably have it installed at a shop just for warranty.

Crap! It just started raining...
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Old August 26th, 2013, 08:42 AM
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Good morning everybody.

Just got back from the Awful house and a couple errands. Beautiful here today. The convertible needs a good cleaning so I can take it to Summit tonight.

Had a weird "blowout" on the expressway last night. Was driving the blue van and I kept hearing what sounded like rocks hitting the side of the body. Then as I was slowing down to take a ramp I here this noise like a baseball card in a bicycle wheel times a thousand. Pulled over and saw that the tread on the right rear had come off and beat the hell out of the quarter panel. The tire still had air in it, how funny. Even though it was dark enough cars were going past I could see what I was doing. Not a fun feeling changing a tire on the side of a busy highway.

Sandy that's a nice plaque and you and Teepo deserve it. Did you look at your carpeting yet? I can't believe you'd even consider riding in a car with Brian for that long, alone or otherwise.

So at Walmart today I was looking at the Hot Wheels and they have them so jammed in you can't see what's behind the first in the row. I said to the little girl standing there, who was putting them up, if you'd make a little more space they'd be easier to be seen, or you could put all the ones that are the same in the same row. I was really half kidding(which meant I was half serious) but was met with such indifference it annoyed me. Still have never seen the Amphicar. I'm going to Publix this afternoon maybe there will be one there. Scot isn't that where you saw one?

What's the oil filter number for an Olds 350 nowadays? It used to be a PF24 but that was years ago.

Got plenty to do today, and it's my last day off so it all has to count. Got the lawn mowed yesterday, all of it. It's the first time this season the whole lawn has gotten cut. Some of the grass was pretty tall. The mower did great but the extension cord hot a little hot...

Okay have a good day everyone hope the week is starting out well.
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Old August 26th, 2013, 08:49 AM
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What's the oil filter number for an Olds 350 nowadays? It used to be a
PF24 but that was years ago.
That's still one to use Mike.
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