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Old October 30th, 2014, 09:54 AM
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Ouch indeed! Hope it heals soon Dan. Rule of thumb: Bad things happen in the night when you don't turn on the light. Your feet, or head is saying 'Turn on the light, turn on the light'. Your pride says "Naaaww, I got this...."
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Old October 30th, 2014, 10:46 AM
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Hi everyone.

Was running a little late this morning so I said, ah, I'll post when I get home from the Awful house. I had to meet the guy that was working on my chain saw. Well he gets there after me, we hang around for awhile, go outside to hang around for awhile, finally he says lets go get that new chain. So we get a new chain, go back to the Awful house and put it on, then hang out some more just jawing. I got home after 1pm. Now, I was fit to be tied, thinking of all the things I should be doing, but this guy is retired and not in a hurry, and he did me a favor by fixing my saw, so I didn't say a word. I figured this was my punishment for not knowing how to fix it myself.

Dan I've done moves like that before. Hope the noggin heals up quick. Give yourself a nickel every time someone says, what did the other guy look like.

Allan if you don't like these people call the police. If they aren't being loud and only bothering you, make noise back.

I went to order some 1 1/2 steel round stock for my closet rod. I was afraid black pipe would bow in the middle. The guy assured me this round stock will not bow at -only- 8 feet long. It better not, it cost me 112 bucks. This is for 20 feet.

Okay gotta get to work. It's beautiful here, if not a tad chilly. Once the sun hits the back yard it will be a little better.
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Old October 30th, 2014, 12:03 PM
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Allan, dis werked to kill aliens in "Mars Attack" Try it real loud on de neighbors

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Old October 30th, 2014, 12:16 PM
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Jim, I couldn't take it myself. I thought the Mars Attacks thing was Slim Whitman:
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Old October 30th, 2014, 08:46 PM
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Evening everyone. My day started at 4am today when my dog got sick and threw up in our bedroom. If that wasn't good enough, he dropped diarrhea all over the house when I went out to work. Looked like a scene out of the Exorcist. This is the third time this year that happened to him. Vet can't nail it down as to why it keeps coming back. Once he's on antibiotics, it usually gets better. The fun of having an old dog.

I was having an issue with my 85 Riv where I had a vibration on the highway and I thought it was a tire. I brought it to a local place and had them rebalance my tires. Turns out it was one of the rear air shocks. They are holding air but the gas had leaked out of one of them causing the tire to lose contact with the road. No signs of leakage so who knows when it happened. Changed them out tonight and the car rides great again.

Originally Posted by slantflat

10SNE1? Saw that on a license plate once.

Mike - I like that! If I was into personalized plates, I would have to look and see if I could get that. I admit I am addicted to playing the sport.

Speaking of personalized, the other day, I was behind a pick up that had those stickers on the back window that usually show your family except for him it was all the guns he owns. On the other side window, he had another sticker that said, "You have your family and I have mine." Would have expected that in upstate NY or rural america, not around here. Lol

Well, I'm tired so off to bed. Got a busy day with trick or treating tomorrow. I'll try to take a pic of the kids and put it on here. Good night all.
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Old October 30th, 2014, 11:17 PM
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Just finished up making cream cheese filled pumpkin spice muffins for work tomorrow, food and treats day for Halloween. Hmm, ones missing? go figure.
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Old October 31st, 2014, 03:41 AM
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Mawn'in all

Mite chili

Dan, I cut myselof open twice like dat. I think it's de bone cutting the skin.
Allan, don't laugh but I went ice sakting once in de 7th grade and fell an de bone cut above my eye. Had ta get sewed up. Dat was de last time I went [intentionally on ice]

Sounds like your pup's got a virus to me

Speak'in of road rage and personal plates
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Old October 31st, 2014, 04:30 AM
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Mornin all.

Jamesbo, I used to skate a bit when I was younger, seemed I always had a gooseegg on my noggin somewhere. Some are permanent. I guess I wasn't very good at skating.

Darrell. Sorry about the sick pooch. We went thru that and finally the wife had enough. Thats why the dogs have the garage to call home. It's nice rolling out of bed and odds are against putting your foot into a squishy wet pile of something.

Dan, Did you see who took it? or was it on the bad eye side? Hope you heal quickly.

Allan, The Z is getting a built 383 and a 700R4. This is a very popular swap and fairly cut and dry. The big thing is getting the car to cool. Should be interesting.

Well, I took a lot of the day to go get plates on the new toyhauler. That was about as much fun as a root canal. Now I'm $2700 lighter but I got a sticker that say I can drag it around until next year.

Also learned of a longtime customer is no longer in remission. Had prostate cancer a few years ago, now its in his bones and theres no stopping it. Second customer this week with bad news like this.

Well, Have a happy and safe All hallows eve.
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Old October 31st, 2014, 05:41 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Nice morning out, but it's 40 outside and 60 inside. Tough to get going. I may have to call the gas company early this year to have it turned on. Well, the earlier it gets turned on the earlier it can be turned off next spring.

Clint that's a steep bill for a trailer registration. Was some of that the sales tax you didn't pay in Iowa?

Darrell I hope the pup gets better quick. My vet told me to give my dogs Imodium when that strikes them. I get the generic stuff and it works fine. Old dogs are the best, by the way.

So Halloween on a Friday without rain. I fully expect mayhem to come to the neighborhood tonight. The only thing that might save us is it's going to be cold. The degenerates are sissies.

Time for Awful house. Have a good Friday everyone.
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Old October 31st, 2014, 06:44 AM
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Yes, Mike a chunk was. But it was still over five bones just for the tags on a trailer.
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Old October 31st, 2014, 07:30 AM
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Morning everyone

Yesterday was a good visit with my cardiologist. Things are improving but there's still a ways to go.

Clint, even after the tax that seems pretty high for tags. Maybe a different application but when I registered my boat trailer years ago, the tags are a one time shot and they're good forever. At least till new plate design comes in I expect. Been running them since 92. I'm guessing the Z is also getting a suspension upgrade?

Mike, WTH? Why would you have the gas company turn the gas on/off? Isn't there a fee for that? Up here gas is never turned off except for emergencies. Our hot water tank is gas fired. If it's only 60 in the house, you need that turned on pdq.

Jim, not laughing. I skated and played hockey a lot when I Wuz a kid. My first venture back on skates some 35 years later I did zactly de same ting. Onee I smacked de back of my head. Dere was blood all over de ice an I got a monster egg out of it. Fortunately der Wuz a fire station right across de street from dis open air arena. It def Wuz a WTH owchy moment, not to menshun dang embarrassing.

Darrell, good sleuthing to find that shock problem.

Late morning. Gotta do koffee, then curling, then visit sister. What else? Oh yeah. Scare some kids tonight. Make Sleepy Hollow proud people! The reign of ghouls, goblins, aliens and undead are about to be unleashed on us. Fortunately they can be vanquished with sugar.......
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Old October 31st, 2014, 08:00 AM
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I think it's de bone cutting the skin
Jim I agree with that.
or was it on the bad eye side?
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Old October 31st, 2014, 09:49 AM
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Allan the only thing gas-fired at my house is the furnace. And at about 40 a month for the "fees," it's cheeper to pay the fee to turn the gas on every fall than to just leave it going all summer. One of the bogus charges we get every month is the pass through fee. I was told that's rent the gas companies pay Atlanta Gas Light for using their pipes. Well AGL charges the fee as well so who the hell knows. It's all pocket lining.

Clint do you have to pay that same amount every year or is it like the ad valorum tax that is a percentage of the vehicle's value?

Picked up my steel rod(s) this morning. Man that stuff is heavy. It only comes in 20ft sections so they cut it in half. I'm going to fine tune it with my Sawzall. No way is this stuff going to bend in the middle. I may need to build support on the sides for it.

Okay got a date with the chain saw.
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Old October 31st, 2014, 12:09 PM
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Errrrrr Mike, Not to be a party poopper but what ya gonna hang/mount 50 lbs of pipe on?
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Old October 31st, 2014, 02:13 PM
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Jamesbo I'm way ahead of you. I'm gonna screw 2x4's to the corners of the closet, and run another across the two. I'm going to have two levels so the upper rod will be built the same way on top of the lower rod. If I decide that will make it too heavy I'll make the bottom one 4x4's.

Why 16 feet of hanging space you ask? I hang most all my clothes, and this way I can have my work clothes, winter clothes, Tshirts, pants, etc pretty much all in one spot.

Going out to get pizza before the degenerates start coming around. If they see activity here they will work their way past the cars and the barricades I've put up and come to the door thinking they'll get something. Then later, like around midnight, I'll go to Walmart to get groceries. They should be in by then.
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Old October 31st, 2014, 06:33 PM
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Night, all....

Mite chili here in da' hills, but spose to really cool off tonite w/ flurries... gee, I didn't bargain for this.... But if it had to happen, glad it weren't this mornin' -- I took the Yamaha to the dealership to have two recalls that they've been pesterin' me about for 5 or more years. Runs like a top; just need to have the cosmetic crap fixed from when I dropped it going up Brasstown Bald earlier in the year. One step at at time.

Finished the pressure washing (only took me 3 days -- uggh ); but I can't paint the deck and railings until I get a spate of warmer and dry weather -- hopefully beginning Sunday. And that's OK, 'cause the Boys in Black & Gold put the hurt on the Panthers Thursday (even though it was on the stinkin' NFL Network, which I don't get). So I won't need to be watchin' no football Sunday.

Darrell, sorry the pooch has the poops... I know it's no laughing matter whatsoever. Hope at least another round of antibiotics puts him (her?) back in the pink. On animal note #2, MIL's 22-y.o. kitty had to be put to sleep this week. Sad, but littley Torchy was a complete mess for the last week, and became totally lethargic. A time for everything under the heavens. A new full-grown kitty is on order -- seriously. Animal issue #3: Mike, I hate to bring this up, but have you been watching the Hotlanta news this week? Did you hear anything of the miscreant who whooped up on his unfortunate dog? At least his anus is sitting in jail now; but that's all I'm going to say here.

BTW, Mike, what exactly is the spec on that pipe/rod you bought? I'm looking for something similar to that myself for a purpose I shall later reveal. Price? Where'd you get it?

Allan, glad to hear the ticker is doing good! One of my aunts used to have to wear a halter monitor and you're right... what a PITA. But I guess it serves a porpoise.

Clint, if memory serves me correct, when the original 240-Z came out, it was really quite a nice little sports car and it was advertised at $3995. How times change... I think every change in displacement meant a hundred or two pounds heavier and a little more detuning (i.e., emissions control). Hope you can get that 383 to cool. Will it have electric fans? On another car note, I was originally surprised to learn that the newer cars (Avalon included) have electric-motor power steering. What B next?

No degenerate children up in the hills -- or any kids at all, for that matter; only us geezers -- and most of the Florida geezers (our neighbors) headed for more moderate climes when the double threats of white stuff and freezing temp's reared their ugly heads... It's a ghost town up here! We walked thru the mountains in the "neighborhood" this evening and it was eerily quiet, except for the billions of cubic feet of leaves falling, and blowing in every conceivable direction. Besides the leaves, there was a mist in the air.

Anyhoots, we haven't had a single trickertreater at the Plantation since our "good" next-door neighbors with 5 kids moved away about 3 years ago. Not that we've encouraged any, however.

Hope all are OK... Have a happy Halloween and a fabulous (and hopefully warm) weekend, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; October 31st, 2014 at 06:57 PM.
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Old October 31st, 2014, 08:30 PM
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Just a quick visit:

Happy Halloween!
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Old October 31st, 2014, 09:12 PM
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Happy Halloween All!

Cold here today, temps in the 40's and cloudy. The rain didn't start till around 5. It's pretty yucky out there tonight.

Didn't do much today. Re painted most of the hallway trim. Still have more to do tomorrow.

Yesterday I took some stuff down to work. Clay didn't recognize me when I walked in lol. He was amazed at how thin I am these days. He asked me if I was eating, lol. Steve's heater was blasting, thermostat was set at 71* but it showed it was 73* in Clay's area. I about died standing there talking to Steve! I had sweats on and a sweatshirt. Went in and sat in my chair and talked to Brian some. He said our ceiling vent is halfway open - he just adjusted it the day before, he said. I'm sure he adjusted it to his advantage! My fan was still there. He got a new 'toaster' Flex. It's a 2013 but it has all the bells and whistles he said. Each to their own. I left there and went down and visited with Bob awhile. I need him to seal those window vent things on Tincanio. There's a small gap on the drivers side and rain still gets in. He said the tape on those things loses its stickiness and dries some over time. They did sit in the garage for a year. So he's supposed to let me know when to bring it in and he will redo them.

Nicole is having allergies to her new cats. She texted me today and said she was having to use her inhaler. That's not good. I called the pharmacy and of course her prescription expired cause it wasn't something we filled very often cause she didn't use it. So now to get a new script, she has to become established with the new doc who took her old docs place. I told her I'd make her an appt. in January when she has to come back to go to her dentist. In the meantime I told her I'd give her my inhaler when she comes at Thanksgiving. She made an appt. to have Enzo fixed the day before Thanksgiving, and he'll stay at docs for a day or two, so she won't have to bring him here. I'm hoping she gets rid of the cats, but I'm sure she won't. She loves her animals and will suffer through. I told her that their dander is in her carpet, on her furniture, on her clothes now. At work, she only had to be around them for a short time so they didn't bother her.

I'm going to make a pot of veggie soup tomorrow. It's supposed to be rainy and snowy.

Well I guess I better get to bed. Now I can say Happy first day of November, all!
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Old November 1st, 2014, 03:57 AM
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Mornin all.

Sandy, I sure understand the suffer thing with animals. Tori's allergies I'm sure are going to get real bad this winter. So far she is handling it ok, but having to spend time in stuffy barns is going to be an issue.

Hi Paul.

John, looks like we are going to use an aluminum radiator with dual electrics on it.

But you can see how nicely the motor fits in there.

We are already seeing whats next. Cameras and sensors to slow down and steer away from accidents. And we all thought ABS was bad and taking the power away from the driver.

Mike, Allan, The cost of plates will slowly go down as it depreciates, then after 10 years they will just price it on GVW. Doesn't make sense to have to pay 7% sales tax and then turn right around and $400 in ownership tax. Its a complete sham. The Gov redid the way plates are charged a few years ago to fix the roads and bridges. Well My old toyota(1986) plates went from $26 a year to $68. and our old trailer went from $63 to $115. And as you can guess the roads didn't get any better, but All the CDOT facilities got new garages to house their new trucks.

Well had about 25-30 little monsters demanding candy last night. down from last year, but still way up from years ago.

Have a day all.
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Old November 1st, 2014, 04:43 AM
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In de mountains wit Red Dog

De kids FINALLY closed on their house and in rather typical fashion, Step son goes hunt'in, Girl friend and mom move in new house. I swear what dat boy needs a about a month with a high maitenance Witch. Den he'd appreciate his girl friend.

No flurries down ere John , but I becha a dollar to a doughnut ya paint'in project is on hold fer a while

De deck will be here next spring [when the pollen will stop ya from painting]

I got a bamboo stand you're welcome to pic thu fer a closet rod.

Mike, Why do you hand t-shirts?
Not to be a construction know it all, but are you bracing up de closet floor? Jes kidding

Sandy, Sorry, I'm having a little trouble follwoing Nicole's career. Isn't she werking as a vet assistant? Cat alergies + vet could be a problem

Darrel, How's de pup?
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Old November 1st, 2014, 07:58 AM
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Morning after everyone.

Nothing to spectacular about Halloween yesterday. It rained and that prolly kept the numbers Down. About the same as Clint. Got plenty o leftovers but I'm staying away from them.

Had a real good visit with my sister yesterday. She gave me a Sterling silver coffee set that my Grandfather won as a first prize in a bonspiel back in 1927. I also read the news clipping that went with it and saw a picture of the team. Way cool to get that right after going to curling.

Anyone book passage on the Virgin strato plane that crashed?

Afternoon rush hour traffic sux around here. Glad I don't have to be in it anymore.

Jim, interesting comment about HM witch......

Clint, looks like you're almost done on that 260z. I didn't think that striker would fit so well.

John, I think Jim is right. Enjoy some down time.

Grand slam of Curling winds up this weekend so you know where I'll be hiding out. Koffee time for now. Enjoy your day.
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Old November 1st, 2014, 08:35 AM
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John, Jes went fer a walk wit Red dog. Kinda breezie in de mountains dis mawn'in. Don't get blowed off your deck as my mama would say, "I ain't got time to take ya to de hospital"
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Old November 1st, 2014, 10:51 AM
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Hi everyone.

Colder than a well digger's heal today, and windy. Cold in the house, too. Guess I'll be calling Monday for the gas man. Till then it's strategically placed space heaters.

Jamesbo I have hundreds of Tshirts. That's my souvenir when I go places. I learned a long time ago that if I keep wearing the same shirt it wears out and I don't have it anymore. So when I do laundry the clean shirts go in the back of the closet and I always take the first one. Pretty much all my clothes are the same way. I'm not one that enjoys laundry, but I have it down to a science.

John the bar stock I got is 1.5" and it comes in 20ft lengths. The place cut it in half for me. I got it at a place in McDonough, which is where I get the metal sheets to put in the dogs' room. Cost was 105. I'm going to have two pieces ~24" long left over if that will help you.

Clint that engine fits nice in there, but how will it be to work on ie spark plugs, water pump, etc?

Guess I'll do something before it's time to get ready for work.
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Old November 1st, 2014, 11:22 AM
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Old November 1st, 2014, 11:37 AM
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A mite chili up here, to coin a phrase....

Took a ride this mornin' and some parts towards Blairsville were downright covered in snow... except for the roads, thank goodness. But all the lawns and parked cars had what appeared to be about an inch of accumulation. Only got down to about 32* (it's still in the 30s), but tonite it's sposed to get into the 20s.

No worries, guys... no painting today -- or tomorrow, if the forecast is correct. Spose to only get to 53. It has to be 50 to paint, so I ain't chancin' it. But after doing all that pressure washing, I'll be whipped if I don't put the paint on ... else I'll have to do it again. Hopin' to have it all done Monday & Tuesday; then I can get back to the Plantation & breathe a sigh of relief that I ain't gonna' have to do nuttin' to da Mountain deck for the foreseeable future.

Goin' for about a 5-mi hike at Jackrabbit Mountain this afternoon. We ate a late breakfast that was enough for man or beast, so it needs time to "go down," as they say.

Avalon is swell... that keyless system takes a bit of gettin' used to, since it does all the thinkin' for you... Sometimes it's a battle of wits, and the Toyota's usually wins. You just have to learn to carry the fob around with you. I think I will like it OK once I use it for a few months. It's nice not having to shove a key in a slot and cranking the starter; just put yer foot on the brake and touch (not even hold) the button, and VOILA! We have ignition.

Allan, today for the first time I saw a KIA K900. What a yacht! 5 litre V8, $55-60K, 4500 lbs, and 420 hp. Didn't even know this existed 'til I saw one parked in the Ingle's parking lot. It had your name written all over it, Allan.

Mike, thanks for the info. I want one to hang a long tarp from in the carport section of my garage, which I originally built as a place to wash cars; but now since better half has commandeered a section for her Weight Watchers inventory, I can't really hose in there; I have to pull the car onto the apron, and get eaten by the mosquitos. So, I'd like to hang a big "shower curtain" across her section to resume my car washing activities as before.

Clint, that engine bay is pretty as a picture. Thank goodness no A/C, eh? Is that a Griffin?

Sandy, sorry Nicole has the sneezies... hope it all works out for her, and hope you get Teepo all sealed up for the winter.

Here are a few pic's of the beautiful fall foliage up here -- taken by better half BEFORE the snow.

Got a lot of comments wearing my LSU parka in da' grocery this morning.... Honestly, there are as many FSU fans as GSU up here. The fact that LSU put the hurt on FSU a few weeks back made me a real persona non grata. But today, LSU is taking a breather and the big SEC game is GA vs FL, played in a (supposedly) neutral Jacksonville. Hmmm....

Y'all have a warm Saturday.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; November 1st, 2014 at 11:52 AM.
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Old November 1st, 2014, 03:04 PM
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Hi everyone.

Time for work. Man is it going to be cold. Seems as soon as winter sets in the airport gets windy as can be. Where is this wind when it's stifling out in the summer?

John I think the metal rod would be a little overkill for your project. I've got the wooden 8ft rod you can have if you can figure out how to get it back to the swamp. Love that view by the way.

So last night it rained later in the evening. No mayhem in my part of the neighborhood, yay. My neighbors had a few kids but not many. You know what that means, I get all their leftover candy.

Okay time for my Monday. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Old November 1st, 2014, 07:59 PM
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Evening All!

Cold today, temp at 38* and dropping tonight. Had a few snowflakes floating around late afternoon, but nothing stuck.

I hate to set the clocks back tonight. These next 4 months will take forever to get here when we set them up again.

John... beautiful pics! is that Gawja??

Jamesbo... Nicole was working as a vet assistant until she had to quit to move to Indy. She's unemployed again now. She was only around the cats at the clinic when she was assisting doc with surgeries, then they'd get put in the cages. Their dander didn't really bother her there because she wasn't around them constantly. Now that she has 2 of them in her house, their dander is everywhere and she's constantly breathing it and is exposed to it. She takes Singulair and Zyrtec every day. She has for years, but the dander still gets to her. I haven't heard from her today so I don't know how she's doing. I know they were going to a party tonight.

I made a big pot of veggie beef soup today. I bought a little roast last night and baked it this morning and used the meat in my soup. I think that tastes better then stew meat and it's more tender. Soup was delicious!! Great day for it too.

I got all the yellow trim repainted. I started at 10:30 after I got the soup simmering, and I finished around 7:00 tonight. My knee and thigh hurt and burned so friggin bad when I was crawling along as I was painting the baseboards in the dining room, and when I had to get on my knees to do the bottoms of the door frames. I'd have never let him do this lymph node thing if I'd have known I'd be in pain.....

I'll redo the door frame in the spare room tomorrow. Had Home Depot mix me up a container of 'warm sun' paint last night for that room. I had nothing left at all from previously.

We got no trick or treaters last night. We never do. I've always wanted just one kid to show up. I usually have the yard all decorated so they know we're into it, but no one ever comes. It was raining anyhow. I took down the Halloween flags this morning, and put my pretty Cardinal flags out.

I sent an email to the township trustees because our street light is out. It's been out over a week now, and it's really dark out there! It's between us and our neighbor Steve's house. They answered back that they notified Ohio Edison so hopefully they will get out here and get it going before too long.

Well time to get off of here I guess. Have a great evening all.
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Old November 1st, 2014, 08:15 PM
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John - Beautiful pictures! BTW I checked out the K900 up here and it's not in my price range. Lists up here in the 70,000.00 range.
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Old November 2nd, 2014, 02:31 AM
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Man and I gett'in old, Las nite I fell asleep watching Basic Instinct

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Old November 2nd, 2014, 04:14 AM
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Sandy...does Nicole get any dander help from better (the best) furnace filters?

Milwaukee trick or treated last Sunday...the first couple of groups came in and out of an SUV idling down the middle of the street. I turned off the porch light and walked the family beagle. Our neighborhood assn. trick or treated in the dark on Halloween. The oldest "kid was 11-12 or so, and all of the little ones had masks and shepherding parents. A good night for all, 'tho cold (windy, and in the low 20's).

Time to rearrange the garage after storing #1 son's Cutlass yesterday.

Now, about the l/o candy. Have a good Sunday everyone.
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Old November 2nd, 2014, 04:27 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Cold as a mother last night. And of course there's no heat in the hangar, for reasons unknown to us. So even inside with the doors closed it was not nice. At least we were out of the wind.

Supposed to be nice today, then cold again tonight. All we ever heard when I worked at O'Hare was, Atlanta is a warm weather station. Sure, in the summer!

Have a good day everyone. I'm now headed for my 100* bed.
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Old November 2nd, 2014, 06:13 AM
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Morning everyone.

Jim, you'd like the GRand Slam of curling.this round is called "The Masters". Expected better from some of the teams. Some major upsets I don't think a lot of peeps saw coming.

Mike, you have a 100* bed? Or does it just seem that way after a night in the cold?

I really don't like the auto correct on this iPad, it changes to many things and I need to go back and fix them. If I don't they look like Jims posts.

This DST is stupid. Why should a body have to change their sleep patterns 2x a year for a stupid clock? Read yesterday the Spring back causes more problems than it's worth.i agree.

Time to put on a pot o koffee. Enjoy your day.
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Old November 2nd, 2014, 07:02 AM
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Morning guys and gal!!
Everyone here is doing okay it seems for the most part, except for walking into ghe cabinet. That was me, I would of ripped it off the wall.
Well home for a day, back west tomorrow again. Road touring in the estevan parts.
Lots of moose on the loose down there, never expected that.
Be calgary bound next sunday after work, pick up my 371 and 394 hi comp. Time to get those home, same as the starfire and 57 88 before the snow flys.
Been nice at home and at work, most days well above freezing.
Nice to see the price of gas falling, but its a double edged sword. Price of oil drops to 75, the patch starts to shut down.
Hope Halloween was good for all
Amazing, this year is almost done. Just wow.
Anyways enough for me this morning, enjoy the family with a coffee.
Peace to all
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Old November 2nd, 2014, 02:37 PM
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Hi everyone.

Sunny and 50s today. And with my space heaters going it almost got to 60 in the house. Every year it's the same. I put off calling the gas company, knowing full well that the cold weather will sneak up on me, and every year I wait too long. Eh, the dogs have fur coats, and I've got flannel jammies.

Allan I sleep on a waterbed. Have since I was a kid. I keep it at 100 or a little above. Heavy comforter as well. This is year round. If I get too hot I turn on the ceiling fan.

Kyle there's a trade off for everything. You know I don't believe I've ever seen a moose in person. Just in pictures and cartoons.

Jamesbo how is the truck doing? You should have it back by now. Ditto Paul, did I miss where you got it back already? Your highway mishap was quite awhile ago.

Okay out with the dogs then off to work. The dogs do okay in their room when it's this cold, but I'm going to find a blanket to put in there in case they want something a little warmer than the floor to lay on. I need to find another couch so they each have their own.

Well happy Sunday to all, hope your week starts out good.
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Old November 3rd, 2014, 04:12 AM
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Mawn'in all

oA mite frosty down ere

Mike, Thanks fer ax'in. I got de truck back and it shines like a new penny. Jes in time fer de Super model to help de kids move [and trash de inside with her crap]

Allan, Do de serve pimento cheese sandwichs at your "Masters"

John, i bet your deck in de mountain is a new color w/o ya hav'in to paint it. WHITE [from de snow las nite]

Welp tis Monday so guess what?
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Old November 3rd, 2014, 04:47 AM
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Mornin all.

Jamesbo, Looks like you lucked out and got the truck back before having to install studded snows on the vert.

Mike, hope it warms up for you. Looks like all you SE'terners are chillin like a villain.

Allan, I wish they'd just split the difference and leave it year round. In stead of 7:00 make it 7:30 and all it good. That way it could still be light enough late in the summer and light enough early in the Winter.

100f? Goodness Mike. Thats toasty.

Well had the last race of the series yesterday. fun course. Sore today. Gonna be worse tomorrow I'm sure.

Have a Monday all.
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Old November 3rd, 2014, 06:52 AM
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Morning everyone

Sailed on the Titanic last night at the curling rink. It's getting frustrating having a front end that wastes four rocks. New team in my gunsight for next year.

Jim, uh... No whackin whitey today unless ya got colored *****. Sheesh, dat jes comes out wrong.

Clint, I'm with you. Apparently ol,Benjamin Franklin is to blame for this concept. US has been using it for about 100 years. Up here the provinces get to decide whether they will use it or not. Strange enough there are some areas within each province that are split on using it, so some areas ate DST, others are not. Makes for a confusion fest.

Mike, well I guess that no matter what temp the house is you'll be toasty in bed. Personally I like my bed nice and cool when I climb into it. Also burns calories keeping it warm all night.

John, enjoy dat white scenery! It means no painting in de near future. I like places that are deserted and quiet.

Gotta dentist appointment at 10:00. Just a cleaning so shouldn't be too bad or long.

Koffees ready. Enjoy your day.
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Old November 3rd, 2014, 02:33 PM
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Hi everyone.

This is no longer the Greater Stockbridge Area. It's the Frozen Tundra. It was cozy sleeping today, though. Well, until my boy decided he wanted to be sick and had to go outside to eat grass. Sorry Allan, I sleep alone these days so there's no calorie burning going on.

We're down to the minutia in the real estate talks. I need to stick to buying cars. This would have been done long ago if the seller and I could have gotten together and hashed it out, then had the realtor draw up the contract to say what we agreed on. This "he said she said" bit has grown long in the tooth. I'm sure I'll end up paying more than I want to, like I always do, but this is a nice place and is sure to benefit me greatly.

Last night of work. I see I have the doofy Monday lead so I'll be there till the end. I'll keep my eye on the prize. Lots planned for my weekend.

Okay going out with the dogs a little early so I can stop and put gas in the car on the way. Gas is down to 2.74, which I honestly was wondering if we'd ever see again. Supposed to keep going down, too, which is fine by me.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old November 3rd, 2014, 06:00 PM
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Mike, sorry bud. You have no idea what frozen tundra is.

If you don't live like this, you ain't in de tundra.

Possibly one of Clints friends with a 'frozen tundra'.
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Old November 3rd, 2014, 07:01 PM
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Good evening everyone. We had a cold, rainy and windy snap for a couple of days but its warmer outside now. Even though it got down close to freezing at night, it did not kill my garden. Just picked more peppers and cucumbers this afternoon. More still growing and should be able to pick soon, just need it to stay warm enough.

Pooch update - he seemed to be better on Friday and Saturday, but yesterday he unloaded everything on the kitchen floor again. Today he is better, but I guess it is day to day when you have a dog that is 13 years old.

The kids are off for election day tomorrow so no work for me. Will get to hang out with them and enjoy their company. Remember to go out and vote tomorrow!

Kyle - Yes its about time that gas prices fell. They have fallen here from about 3.75 to 3.19 for a regular gallon of gas. Still way to high IMO.

Have a good night everyone.
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