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Old October 9th, 2013, 05:18 AM
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Good morning and happy humpy.

A tad nippy out this morning. Gonna be a pretty day.

Congratulations to your aunt, Jamesbo. Watch out for all the golf carts. You driving the Burban all the way down there? You might have to wash dishes somewheres along the way.

Darrell you said sites like this have a lot of viruses sometimes. I don't know about viruses, but there's sure some spyware going on. I just noticed that the little banner ads at the top and the bottom of the pages are showing ads for hotels in Reno I looked up for my last trip out there. A coincidence? Nah.

Clint I'd love to have a Bobcat but I don't think it would do what I want. The backhoe is sort of on hold, because I've been looking for another place to keep my stuff.

Okay gotta get to the Awful house. Yesterday I was a little late and missed everyone. After AH it's Walmart and then home to work on the Corvette. I messed with it a little yesterday and the most I got done was smashing my fingers in the door. I did find out the fuel pump is bad and that's going to be one H of a job.

Have a good one all, I might have to come vent later when the Corvette isn't cooperative. I'm pretty sure it won't be cooperative.
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Old October 9th, 2013, 06:34 AM
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Morning All!

Sunny and cold here - temps at 43 degrees now, heading to 70 later on. Gonna be a nice night for Chick Fil A.

I went down to Sheetz yesterday at lunch time and put air in Tincanio's tires. 2 of them had 30 lbs, one had 22 lbs and one had 28 lbs.! I gave them all 32 lbs. Stupid light went off. Hope it stays off!!!

Nicole is taking Doodle to her vet later today to get checked out and probably cost me a fortune. The dumba$$ got into a fight with something a couple weeks ago and ended up with a lump on his head, face swelled up from a bite on the side of his face. He looked alright for a few days, then the sore on the side of his face popped or something. Anyhow now his eye is all swelled and his face too, on that side. So I told her to take him to where she works and maybe we'll get a discount! We shall see. Usually they give him a shot and give me antibiotics to give him for a few weeks. Always something.....

I have to start looking up haunted houses to go to! Last year we only went to 2 I think. Nicole's friend Nick was here and went with us. I love to go to them! Even though you know it's fake, it's still scary, lol. I think Nicole is going to go to Cedar Point's Halloweekends....

Jamesbo..... have a safe trip and enjoy! I love Steel Magnolias! It's one of my favorite movies. I still laugh and cry whenever I watch it.

Well I better find something to do. God it's so slow and boring! You all have a good hump day!!
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Old October 9th, 2013, 09:40 AM
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Good morning folks,

Nice and frosty up here in the Great White North. should reach a high of 50 for the next few days with lows around 30. Still not bad for this time of year. I think I may get a head start on changing over to the winter tires this weekend. Won't hurt to run them in + temps for a short while.

Jim - thanks for the back exercise tip. That's not a bad suggestion but unfortunately it doesn't work. I don't know what does except time.

Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Went to the doctor Friday afternoon - she said she thinks I just have residual coughing from a bronchial type viral infection, so she didn't give me any antibiotics. She gave me this little pill that's just for 'severe coughs'. It seems to be helping some. I had a chest x-ray. Lungs are clear. I still have episodes of coughing....
Ask her if you might have what's called 'silent acid reflux'. She can prescribe a pill called Nexium for that.

Originally Posted by cutlassgal
That stupid a$$ed low tire pressure thing came on in Tincanio this morning on my way to work. I hate that thing! Now I have to check the tires and see which one is low.
Much as it pains me to say this, if that light came on it means you probably didn't notice how low your pressure is. Why on earth would you be pissed at a safety feature of your car when it's doing what it's supposed to? As it turns out, your TPMS was correct and you still hate it? If you don't like the feature, ask the dealer to disconnect it from the ECM monitoring. Then you'll never have to worry about low tire pressure again till you go out and find a completely flat tire.

Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Check your tires on a regular basis to make sure that thet are at the right psi.
Truer words never spoken. Tires seem to be one of the most overlooked areas of car maintenance I can think of - that and windshield wipers. Tire pressure is critical to safe handling, tire wear and fuel mileage. Low pressure can lead to excessive fuel consumption, premature tire wear, and most importantly - loss of control. I've told lots of folks (stopped at traffic light or in parking lot) their tire pressure was low and pointed to the offending tire. Only about 1/2 of them say they will take care of it. The others just shrug and give banal comments like 'It's not flat yet'. Morons. Driving on a sidewall? That's the weakest part of the tire and will cause overheating/tire failure quicker than they realize.

Originally Posted by CQR
You think you hate TPMS? Try being on the receiving end of the complaints. Temp is the biggest factor for false alarms. Just think. It was snowing last Friday and we almost hit 80F yesterday. How are we supposed to set those damn things for that type of temp swing?
Up here the only peeps who can calibrate the Sonata's TPMS are Hyundai dealers. Wierd. It seems that more cars nowadays have them as a reminder for proper maintenance. I'm not sure how the variances are set, because a tire can start it's day cold and still run up to temps in the 120° or more range depending on location. I didn't know other than dealers could set them. Good info. I did read that the batteries in the TPMS tire units only last about 10 years. So maybe a weak battery could be the source of some complaints?

Originally Posted by cutlassgal
It's $3.19 there this morning. I saw it in Stow last night for $3.07! Some places are now down under three bucks a gallon. Ravenna has it for $2.97!!!
Yay for you guys. The avg price per US gallon here is over $4.00, so 3.19 would be a no brainer for us to fill up on. Your 3.19 = 84¢/Litre, where as we typically are paying 1.10/L across Alberta. I'm one of the lucky ones who can buy it for ONLY 99.9¢ / litre (or 3.78/US gallon.

Ok, done with my safety rant and gas peeves for the day.
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Old October 9th, 2013, 03:02 PM
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Welp made it back safely.

Sandy, You and Larry are gonna go right by Peachtree city on de way to Senoia. He’s gonna really love all de cute antique shops.

BTW, I hope I get shot by a jealous husband. Even though we had a private dining room fer her 99 berfday, De food in my aunt’s retirement home wasn’t fit fer a dog.

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Old October 9th, 2013, 07:12 PM
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Evening everyone. Quiet day here but as always, there's something to do. When I got home from work, I started to de-green my siding. It seems that stuff likes to get mildew all over it in the shady areas. Figured I'd better do it before it gets cold.

Allan - I'm not ready to think about frost and snow tires yet!

Sandy - that's pretty good for gas prices. Best prices around here are around $3.47 for regular.

Mike - yea the banners at the top and bottom of the pages follow me around too. Whatever sites I have been on, now appear on CO. It's amazing right?

Well, have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old October 10th, 2013, 03:47 AM
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Mornin all.

Well, Got the new little skid steer er. bobcat home last night. That little diesel motor sure is quieter than that old Wisconsin 18 horse that's in the other one. Should be a fun little toy. I need to get some lights on it since most of the time I'm plowing in the dark.

Jamesbo, I have a jealous wife you can have. Dang that woman drives me nuts. Somehow there ended up a pair of size 5 ladies jeans in the house that my daughter didn't recognize so she gave them to my bride. Well my bride didn't recognize them either so I get asked if I know whos they are. WTF? Yup thats me. I have my mistress come over at 3:30 a.m.(since thats the only time I'm here at the house unsupervised) so we can get it on, and for some reason, she didn't realize she left without her trousers on. Really?

Allan, quitcherbitchin. at least you have free healthcare right? I know, no politics...

I just got my new snow tire catalog in at the shop. This year they are offering another 5% off if I stock 36 or more sets. Yea, like I have that kinda room, and like I can pick what sizes I'm gonna need. Don't think so.

Sandy, Hope Doodle is fairing ok.

Mike, All sites read the cookies in your puter. Anything you search for will end up being plastered all over forums do to google. Thats why its fun to go to someone elses computer and search for things like "husky Russian mail order brides", or "Gay Midget Bondage ****" and then look at their faces when they start to notice what ads are being displayed.

Have a great Thursday all.
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Old October 10th, 2013, 04:15 AM
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Sorry, doesn't use cookies. You're thinking
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Old October 10th, 2013, 05:39 AM
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Mawn'in all

A little chilli dis mawn'in but should be anutter nice one.

Clint, I carry a flask of diesel fuel in my glove box. If ya splash on a bit behind your ears, de Mrs. won't notice de perfume of de other woman.

Kinda reminds me of dat Movie "Overboard" Whose panties are these? Duh? Yours

Got de garden plowed yesterday.

I'm gett'in a little anxious 'bout all my Olds frineds com'in to Hotlanta. I need to make a dry run to see if I can find de Fox and de zoo still

Mike, I didn't hit a single golf cart in Peachtree City yesterday. Have you ever noticed on de mawn'in weather that dat place is de coldest place around? The whole thing used to be a swamp I think. Low and foggy in de mawn'ins.

Welp Gotta hit de bricks

have a great day Olds frineds
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Old October 10th, 2013, 06:00 AM
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Morning All!

Another cold and sunny start to the day here. NO RAIN today! I can't believe it! It always rains on Thursdays so Bellacino's is canceled! Should be a great evening over there tonight.

Clint! You have me laughing this morning, lol! Thanks.... I needed it!! I probably haven't worn a size 5 jeans since like 5th grade or something.....

Had a nice time at Chick Fil A last night. We had more cars there, which is nice. I bought another sandwich special Darrell.... sorry! Guess what I'm havin for lunch?? We started leaving around 6:45, as it's almost dark by then now.

So Larry is watching the Walking Dead marathon with me the last couple nights, lol. He will never admit that he likes it, but I think he does! First it was 'yep. Just another show about dead people walking around attacking the living'. Then it was ' no wonder people like this show - you can just shoot anyone you want to or bash their brains out'.... But he's liking the story line. But he will never come out and say he likes it. That's how he is...... I told him at least he'll have an idea of what it's about when we take the tour in Hotlanta.

Jamesbo.... I gotta ask.... did you really expect great food in a place like that, lol?? I'm sure it's like hospital food or something. That sucks. Hope you enjoyed your visit anyhow.

My friend Patti, up in our NY office is coming back to work today. She has been off the past week or so because her little 4 year old grand daughter died. I have felt sooooo bad for her. When we were up for the golf outing, Patti was telling us how happy she was that her son moved back to NY and how much fun they were having. I guess her son and grand daughter were living with her for the time being. The son and his wife are in the process of a divorce. I guess the child was at her moms, and the mom was moving into an apartment on the second floor. From what I understand, the child was in the apartment, the mom and whoever was helping her move went out to get another load of stuff to take up, and when they got outside, the child was laying in the driveway, dead. She had fallen out of a window. What an awful tragedy. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. We don't know exactly what happened - I'm sure not going to ask Patti, but from what I know the mom wasn't a careless type person that never watched the child, you know? I think it was just a tragic accident. I sent Patti a nice card - what do you say when something like that happens? I just had no words for what that family had to be feeling. I hope being back to work will help her some, keep her mind occupied.

Well I gotta find something to do, so you all have a great day!!
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Old October 10th, 2013, 09:01 AM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
My friend Patti, up in our NY office is coming back to work today. She has been off the past week or so because her little 4 year old grand daughter died. I have felt sooooo bad for her. When we were up for the golf outing, Patti was telling us how happy she was that her son moved back to NY and how much fun they were having. I guess her son and grand daughter were living with her for the time being. The son and his wife are in the process of a divorce. I guess the child was at her moms, and the mom was moving into an apartment on the second floor. From what I understand, the child was in the apartment, the mom and whoever was helping her move went out to get another load of stuff to take up, and when they got outside, the child was laying in the driveway, dead. She had fallen out of a window. What an awful tragedy. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. We don't know exactly what happened - I'm sure not going to ask Patti, but from what I know the mom wasn't a careless type person that never watched the child, you know? I think it was just a tragic accident. I sent Patti a nice card - what do you say when something like that happens? I just had no words for what that family had to be feeling. I hope being back to work will help her some, keep her mind occupied.
That is absolutely horrible !
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Old October 10th, 2013, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR
at least you have free healthcare right?
No, that's not really true. Maybe for immigrants the feds do that, but I still pay a monthly fee for my health care (whether it gets used or not) even though I'm retired. Now I pay both the employee and employer contributions so it's hardly free. It does discount some meds and some services - but not all - just like your plans do.

Wut wuz eye bitchin bout???
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Old October 10th, 2013, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR
Thats why its fun to go to someone elses computer and search for things like "husky Russian mail order brides", or "Gay Midget Bondage ****" and then look at their faces when they start to notice what ads are being displayed.
Clint, now I can tell my wife it was a practical joke when she finds that on my Google searches --> Thanks for saving my life ...

Getting muggier & muggier down here; spose to hit dern near 90 tomorrow again.... thanks for rubbin' in all that "frosty" stuff, Allan. (Although you can have da' white stuff as far as this Dixie boy is concerned.)

But it was so nice yesterday (and with the furlough still in FULL swing), I rode the bike to N.O. and back, then took a ride in the SF with the top down when I got home. I figured out I might just learn how to live if it weren't for da' salt mine.... And BTW again, both vehicles running "text book" style; how sweet it is. That Olds sure has a nice rumble at low speeds.

Y'all have a great Thursday, folks.
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Old October 10th, 2013, 12:51 PM
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Jim, I think I just 'got' your comment from a couple weeks ago. Thanks for that thought, and good luck - eh? Time to go find something interesting now. Ciao!
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Old October 10th, 2013, 02:52 PM
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Happy Thursday everyone. It's almost over for you all and just beginning for me.

Beautiful day here. The good news is it's going to be nice the rest of the week and also over my weekend.

As I suspected, I got nowhere on the Corvette. Spent all afternoon wiggling and twisting, down below up above and repeat. Just no way to get at those bolts holding the fuel pump on. Having it up on a lift would be wonderful, instead of laying on the ground looking up. I might try chocking the back wheels and putting the front up as high as I can get it. Maybe a chainfall over a tree limb and hang it like the laundry, that might work.

Very criptic, Allan. A couple weeks ago is probably ten pages by now. How can anyone remember that.

Sandy, prayers for your friend. Something like that is just unthinkable.

Jamesbo it looks like your garden is lower on the left side. I don't watch the morning weather. In the mornings I'm more worried about getting my sorry butt home and into bed. After that the weather can do whatever it wants.

Funny you should say something about the SF, John. As much as I like my new Cutlass that I don't ever drive, I've been thinking how nice it would be to have a huge luxobarge to cruise around in. Maybe because I've been driving my big Cadillac lately. If that car were a convertible I'd be set. Might have to think about this for a little while.

And now I must be gone before somebody drops a house on me. Have a good night everyone.
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Old October 10th, 2013, 04:09 PM
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Check this out for "luxobarges"

Originally Posted by slantflat
Funny you should say something about the SF, John. As much as I like my new Cutlass that I don't ever drive, I've been thinking how nice it would be to have a huge luxobarge to cruise around in. Maybe because I've been driving my big Cadillac lately. If that car were a convertible I'd be set. Might have to think about this for a little while.
I seriously considered something like this before I found the SF, Mike. (My other weakness was the late '60s, early '70s Mopar land-yacht convertibles.)

This is a '63, although the video says it's a '62. But I can feel this Italian's pleasure and happiness jump right off the screen.

(Maximize the window and choose 720 dpi.)
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Old October 10th, 2013, 08:16 PM
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Evening everyone. Hope you all enjoyed the day. Not much going on here, just busy working and looking forward to the weekend.

Sandy - that's a terrible story. So sorry to hear that.

Well, time to go to bed. Later.
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Old October 11th, 2013, 03:47 AM
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Morning all.

Sandy, my condolences to your friend. I couldn't imagine...

John. That video has it listed as a 62 and a 61 in the opening title and yes you say its a 63? Maybe its the car Johnny Cash sings about.

Mike, what year is the vette? I'm picturing the last one I did, the pump and sender came out thru the top. No need to drop the tank.

Allan, Just giving you flak. It was in response to your gas prices, post.

Jamesbo, I would have figured the garden would have been downhill from the boneyard for the nutritional value. We live downstream from a big cemetery, and I always tease folks about why our foliage grows so well here in the desert.

Thanks Professur, I'll note that for future reference.

Welp. looks like its gonna be a slow day today. I got a call yesterday that a local memorabilia store is doing a calendar this year with a 60's theme. They want to use my shop and Brit with one of their pin up girls. So I have to get Brit all spiffed up for that tomorrow.

Have a great Friday all
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Old October 11th, 2013, 03:49 AM
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Hardee har, I think I'll take the worm since I got home early and no one has posted yet. Does it count if I've been up all night?

Good Morning everyone! Friday for most. Gonna be a splendid weekend here in the Greater Stockbridge Area. Got a little nippy last night at the airport.

John that's a nice video of the guy driving in the Caddy. I wish I had one like that. Mine's an 87, pretty much an overgrown Caprice Classic. I'm a closet Mopar fan. One of these days I'll have a 62 Imperial.

Jamesbo you off to the mountains?

Like Darrell said, it's time to go to bed. Hope the weekend starts out well for everyone.
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Old October 11th, 2013, 03:51 AM
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Blasted Clint! Ya got me by only a couple minutes.

The Vette is a 78. Everything is tucked neatly up under everything else. No pump in the tank, it's the basic SBC that runs off the cam on the lower right front. If I can get some of the emission stuff off I'll probably have a better time of it.

The 63 and 64 Devilles were pretty much identical, but the 63, like the one in the video, has little round front turn signals, and the 64 has big square ones.

Okay see ya.

Last edited by slantflat; October 11th, 2013 at 03:53 AM.
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Old October 11th, 2013, 05:47 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter nice one

Mike, I' pretty sure Clint sets his alarm, post on CO and goes back to sleep.

De only Vette I give a whip about are de ole Stingrays. I think de call dem C2's today. I like de ones with de side pipes. BUT de ride like a wagon.

John, Cool video, Do you remeber the Imperial Executive model with the death seat turned around 180 degrees and a small table folded down between the front and back seats. I think it had a small lamp on it. Mopar Land Yacht Supremo

Sandy, That's tragic beyond words.

Allan, I'm so sorry, I don't have a clue what you're speaking about. I barely remember what I posted above much less a few weeks ago.

My garden is lower on 1 side, dats why I planted lirope [aka Monkey grass ]in de middle to keep it from washing. I didn't build de garden, it came with de farm house dat's about 100 years old.Should burned it down de day I bought it but........

Welp, Red dog an I are are off to de mountains. Leaving de Super model here with de Frigg'in cats

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old October 11th, 2013, 06:46 AM
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Morning All!

Another sunny and cold morning here. Temps in the 40's now, heading towards 60 today. Tomorrow is supposed to be partly cloudy and in the 70's.... I'm hoping for sun while taking Teepo calendar pics!! We're gonna get an early start and just drive. She will like that!

It was a great night at Bellacino's last night. I won another oil change to Don Sitts, lol. I really need the money...... but that hasn't been in the cards lately. I finally have my $1000 saved for Teepo's seat recover!! I talked to Jay over there last night about bringing her over the weekend of the 19th. He's gonna check with Curly and see if he's booked or not.

So Nicole brought the Dude home yesterday and put him in the garage out back. He has to stay inside for a while - doc is worried about him getting an infection. He has to wear a 'cone' around his neck. Poor guy is freaked out by it. So me, feeling sorry for him being out in the garage last night, decides to bring him into the breezeway where his house is and he's familiar with it. I put a bunch of containers and plants and such () in front of his 'cat door hole' so he couldn't get outside.

Well guess who's missing this morning when I opened the kitchen door??? How in the world he managed to move all that stuff and get out through that hole is beyond me!! Maybe he's bionic? He came back while I was getting ready for work, so I had to pi$$ around and plug that hole back up again; I went out on the deck and pushed 2 big planters in front of it from the outside, and I put more containers and boxes and crap in front of the hole from the inside. His 'cone' collar was laying in front of the hole - it's a wonder he didn't choke himself or something trying to get out - lucky it's a thin flexible plastic cone. It just unsnapped and came off while he was forcing his way out, I guess. I hope he's still in the breezeway when I get home!! I put a litter box with dirt in it in the breezeway for him to use, since he's used to digging in the dirt, lol. I don't think he's used it though.

The doc didn't send any antibiotics home with him, so I guess he doesn't need any. Poor guy looks like Frankencat with the stitches up his cheek. He has a hard time eating with that cone on him. It hits the food before his mouth does and pushes it away, lol.

It's nice in here today without Brian. I have my radio up so I can actually hear it! He's in Columbus today for his 6 mo. checkup. I guess Steve is leaving around 2:00 today, so it will just be Clay and I. Clay is traveling to Minnesota next week. I miss him when he's gone. Clay put Brian's ashtray outside this morning. So I will stay a little busier next week with Clay out. I'm happy for that! God has it been slow....

I coughed all friggin night last night. Hardly got any sleep. I only took 2 of those coughing pills yesterday. It's just a dry hacking cough. If it's still here next week, I'm gonna try to get back to see my doctor again. 19 days today, of coughing, and I am tired of it!!!!! If I want to cough, I'll start smoking again, lol. It's miserable.

Clint.... that's a cool place! I spent a while looking at the website. I didn't see any Oldsmobile things, though.... you should mention that to them!

Well I better get off here, so you all have a nice Friday!!!
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Old October 11th, 2013, 08:40 AM
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Yeah, somebody flubbed the dub at Hagerty with that year, Clint. Maybe Mike remembers that Imperial, Jamesbo.... don't recall that. I remember the original "LS" Olds 98s in the late 60s were like little limousines.... When I worked at the car wash in '72, I learnt sum stuff 'bout dem 60s cars. Got to drive 'bout all of 'em.

Mike, my Uncle Joe had a '64... also, the tail lights/fins were smaller on the '64s, and the backup lights (underneath the "fins") were longer. I was always partial to the '64s, but that's prolly just b/c Uncle Joe had one.

Sandy, what can we say about that tragic story? That there is a situation you can only pray for. Sure hope the kitty gets better.... but you can't really "block" those animals from doing what they want to do... cats or dogs. They have ways of doing things that are beyond our imaginations.... Hope the little booger recovers quickly.

Well, y'all have a great Friday... lemme get busy.
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Old October 11th, 2013, 02:03 PM
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Just blew not 1 but 2 tires yanking "Das Boat" outa de water. F78 14. Got de Whaler loaded pulled out de water an Hisssssssssssssssssss

Wonder how old de are. De don't go [or didn't go] but 1/8 mile twice a year up my drive.

I swear, if it ain't de clap, it's a sore eye

I'm gonna jack it up, put jack stands under both sides and go get sum new ones in de a.m. Oh, Maybe, I oughta go squirt sum liquid wrench on de lug nuts before it get's dark.
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Old October 11th, 2013, 02:37 PM
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Bet you...

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Wonder how old de are. De don't go [or didn't go] but 1/8 mile twice a year up my drive.
I swear, if it ain't de clap, it's a sore eye
I bet a dollar to a donut (not that much difference anymore) that they're 10 yrs. minimum... and I'll take the sore eye , thank you!
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Old October 11th, 2013, 02:41 PM
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Happy Friday evening everyone.

Boy what a great day to sleep. Got home early, got to bed before the sun came up, dogs only woke me up a couple times, and I'm ready for work early. Wow.

Jamesbo those are some old tires. They haven't been called F78's in a long time. Like the 70s.

So lucky me I'm now able to give my cable company an extra 360 bucks a year. Seems my whoppin' deal of 100 a month for TV and internet went up. But now, I have 30 extra channels I didn't have before, like 14 more Nickelodeons, 20 more MTVs, and digital sports channels, and out of all the channels I'm paying extra for, I watch one. DIY. Of course I can't get DIY by itself, well they won't give it to me I'm sure they could do it.

John I didn't realize there were that many differences in the 64 DeVille. To the casual observer (me) they are pretty close. How many people do you think would tell you the fins on a 60 Cadillac are the same as a 59? They aren't the same by the way.

No telling what's in store for tonight, but hey the pressure is off, Monday is over. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Jamesbo good luck with the tires.
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Old October 11th, 2013, 03:40 PM
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Oh, It's no big deal, I'm gonna get up go to de appliance store, buy a fridge, keep the cardboard box, throw away de fridge, put de cardboard box under de boat trailer in de mud. Jack up one side wit a floor/cardboard jack, put sum jack stands under it, Pull the wheels [repeat on utter side] drive 30 miles to a tire store, get sum tires, mount dem in my garage, den put dem on de FRIGGIN boat trailer and [as Jackie Gleason used to say] "AWAY We GOOOO]

I'm WAY too old to do de "Coulda Woulda Shouda drill"
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Old October 11th, 2013, 04:06 PM
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Morning everyone, glad to find some time to catch up a bit on here

Hope all is going well with the shop Clint. Have fun with the bobcat when you pick it up, they are fun as long as you don't have to use one everyday, would get rather boring after a while

Sandy, how did you go with the doc's? did you sort out that cough? Hope your feeling better.

I have been rather busy around here, either from paid work or house work Been setting up a couple servers for home so the home network will be all complete in a week or so, just waiting on a couple parts to turn up then I can finish building the server cabinet and install them properly not just sitting on my desk ebay is a great thing if you happen to be on there at the right time you can find some real bargains.

Banff looks like a real nice place Allan. One day I will see it with my own eyes.

I put some fuel in the Olds yesterday, 95 octane which is the middle octane rating around here and it cost me $6.28 a gallon so it is safe to say I feel your pain with the price of fuel Around here the price goes up on pay day because they know people have more money then and there isn't alot you can do about it unless you are able to wait until it goes down a bit but that is not always the case.

Time to go to the shop and pick up my replacement phone, mine crapped out so they are giving me a brand new one, same model though

Have a great day everyone,

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Old October 11th, 2013, 07:50 PM
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Hey everyone. Happy Friday, hope you all enjoyed the day. Well, I got my first paycheck for my company business and let's just say I won't be retiring anytime soon. I am not giving up on it yet since I pretty much just got started, but I need to do something to bring in additional $$$ since I have bills to pay. I had an interview today with a local car dealership where I'm trying to see if it's something that I could do 3 days/week. It seems like a pretty good deal. Have to wait and hear back from them.

Adrian - $6 a gallon? Wow, we forget that even paying $3+ around here we are very fortunate. I'm sorry to hear that it is that expensive there.

Mike - what are you doing to the Corvette? Is that a Silver Anniversary or Pace Car?

Have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old October 12th, 2013, 03:15 AM
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The worm is MINE
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Old October 12th, 2013, 03:44 AM
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LOL at Jamesbo. I bet he did set his alarm. and then went back to bed.
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Old October 12th, 2013, 05:42 AM
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For now Jamesbo
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Old October 12th, 2013, 05:53 AM
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Good Saturday Mawnin All

It was a mite chilly here this morning. Feels good though and was 49* on my porch at 7am.

Jamesbo I guess it was good that you didn't have the blow out(s) on da Hot 'Lanta Autobahn.

Clint congrats on the photo shoot

I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend
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Old October 12th, 2013, 01:43 PM
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Tadaaaaaaaa, Das Boat is safely outa de lake wait'in fer winter.

I may start a thread 'bout how to use start'in fluid and a match to get new tires to pop out and seat. Course, de video has a guy wit no eyebrows left.

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Old October 12th, 2013, 02:47 PM
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Happy Saturday everyone.

Jamesbo those are some big tires for your boat. How much starting fluid did you use? And people tell me I shouldn't start my bon fires with gasoline.

Darrell I'm putting a fuel pump in the Corvette. Technically all 78s are Anniversary cars, and carry the badges, but mine is indeed a Pace Car. One of I think 200 that are L82 4 speed. I could be doing a better job of keeping up with the car, but I found out over the years it hasn't had an easy life anyway.

Scot it hasn't been that cold up here but it's thinking about it. Last night at work we were out in the run up hole, and the cold winter wind was just whipping down the ramp. We can't get a breeze when the weather is stifling, but we can get gale force winds when it's cold. Go figure.

John I remember reading about the executive Imperial, I think it was a 67 or 68 only bit. The idea was that you get stuck in traffic, if you had others with you you could still have a meeting in the car with that seat turned around.

Adrian last time I was in Victoria petrol was 1.42/litre. I don't remember what gas was. My buddy had a Valiant that ran on both but he never put gas in, just petrol. I asked him why he didn't use gas since it was so much cheeper, and he just said, he couldn't be bothered. Hm.

Okay time for night #3. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
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Old October 12th, 2013, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Darrell I'm putting a fuel pump in the Corvette. Technically all 78s are Anniversary cars, and carry the badges, but mine is indeed a Pace Car. One of I think 200 that are L82 4 speed. I could be doing a better job of keeping up with the car, but I found out over the years it hasn't had an easy life anyway.
Mike - I still remember going with my Mom when she bought her Pace Car, L-82, auto. I was really little, but I remember sitting in the owner's office of the dealership while she took delivery. She held onto it for a few years, I even got to drive it a few times. I loved that car, was upset when she sold it but at 17, I could not afford the insurance.
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Old October 13th, 2013, 02:41 AM
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Now could we please get back to Olds talk
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Old October 13th, 2013, 03:25 AM
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Good Morning everyone! Gonna be about 70 today. Time to take my 70 out for a ride and fill her up with 91 octane no ethanol premium and Stabil and put her to bed for winter. The weather has been great but can change at any minute! Have a great day everyone!
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Old October 13th, 2013, 10:59 AM
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Hi everyone.

Jamesbo, here's some Olds talk. Spoke with a very polite young man last night about a 65 F85. It's been for sale on craigslist forever. In fact it was for sale on craigslist by someone else last year. Anyway, it sounds like either this young man did a lot of work to it(doubtful) or the person he bought it from did. If I remember right, the guy selling it before owned a shop. Anyway, judging from the haphazard description I got, what has been done, and what still needs to be done, all I could think when I hung up was, that's ashame. There's another car in Tampa that's cheep but I don't know if I'm up to the ride down there and back.

Howdy DarrylJ. Glad you stopped in. Nice looking 70 you got there.

Darrell I was 10 when the Corvette Pace Car came out. My Dad took my brother and me to the local Chevy place to see theirs. Each dealer got one. I still have about a million pictures I cut out of newspapers and magazines of the Pace Car.

Another beautiful day here so I think I'll head out to the junkyard. I wanted to do a burn pile but there's no burning on Sunday. So, junkyard today, burning tomorrow. I haven't been in over a month. Hope they got some good stuff.

See you all later. I'll report back later if I come home with a perfect ram air hood or W30 rear end.
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Old October 13th, 2013, 11:08 AM
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Hey all , I was wondering how you can get the avatar under your name to look better . I take the photo ( looks decent ) , shrink it ( still looks decent ) , but when I put it as my avatar , it looks a little fuzzy . I noticed that some avatars on this site have more picture clarity to them . Maybe I should set it up so the photo shows up where you type instead , like some of you guys have it . I have no clue how to do that .
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Old October 13th, 2013, 11:34 AM
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Morning all, another hot one here but that's ok I guess.

Mike gas prices here fluctuate between $1.35 to $1.55 a liter for regular (91), add 8 cents for 95 and another 8 for 98. I put 95 in the Olds and 98 in my bike. I have paid $1.72 for 98 once but usually it is around $1.60 for 98.

Have you had your trip to Hotlanta yet Sandy?

Well time for work, have a good day folks

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