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Old July 14th, 2013, 06:57 PM
Just an Olds Guy
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You're welcome Mike!
Something just for you - which you may or may not have seen? Seems to be the thing to have for pickin up babes....

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Old July 14th, 2013, 07:29 PM
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Good Evening Everyone,

The Cutlass is almost finished. I am still waiting for the rear "door" panels to come in and I need to put in the rear shelf, but other than that the car might just be finished. I took it for a nice long 200km run today and it ran nicely.

Driving along, I saw an older car catching up to me. He ended up passing me at one point. What are the odds of seeing a blue 1972 442 while I'm out driving my 1972 Cutlass?

Attachment 169609

Attachment 169610

Attachment 169611

Mike, I'll have to check out that airport picture.

John, enjoy all those fun things

Allan, I might actually be able to do good golfing like in those pics.

Those Sevilles don't look bad.

Have a great week everyone!
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Old July 14th, 2013, 08:32 PM
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Evening all!

A hot sticky weekend here. Finally a week of summer in mid July! Its 81 degrees outside right now, lol. The humidity is awful. Gonna be in the 90's here this week.

Well I had a losing weekend at the shows. Nothing yesterday or today. I'm surprised... I've won at Walton Hills the past 3 years but not today. Oh well. It was a great weekend to be out with the cars.

So Larry and I made Brian an ashtray, lol. I bought a little trash can with a floppy lid and we filled it with some bricks and sand, and took it down to work this evening. I'm going to ask Brian tomorrow if he will please use it. I'll clean the butter out each week. It's just gaggy to smell those wet cigarette butts he puts in the trash can daily and they sit in there all week. It was great the last 2 weeks when we didn't have to smell them! I'm sure he will get all defensive and probably not use it though. We will find out in the morning!

I stopped at Blues house yesterday on my way home from the Chesterland show. Garage door was down and a white Sunfire sitting in the drive, which I think is his daughters. I knocked on the front door twice and waited, but no one answered. I did not hear the dogs barking either. So I wrote a note and left it under the gate latch in his back yard - I figured they'd see it there quicker than in the front door. I'm hoping he will message me or something.

Mr. Mirrored Chebelle - Blues neighbor - was at the show today. I asked him if he's seen anything of Blue and he said no. Said the garage door is always down, or when its up, he doesn't have time to stop. He won today of course...

Jamesbo... hope you get your Tv's going! Hang in there and don't smoke!!! I picked some green beans tonight and froze them. Theres more on the plants but I'm waiting for them to get bigger. Got some bloom on the green pepper plants. I have to take another pic of this squash or whatever it is growing in my lily bed. The sucker is huge!!!! It gets blooms, but something breaks them off or they're breaking off by themselves...

Well I'm tired so I'm gonna get to bed. Talk to ya tomorrow.
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Old July 15th, 2013, 03:50 AM
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Mawn'in all

Jes fer my dear Olds friends, I will not smacky whitey round on Monday and will meet ch'all at de Fablous Fox.

Sandy, I see sum gazpacho is my near future.
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Old July 15th, 2013, 04:20 AM
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Morning all. Dang, Jamesbo, up an at em early this a.m. Hope it's not cause of them weird dreams.

Well another weekend shot in debutt.

Paul, the car looks good from what I can see, The 442 looks nice too.

Mike I can't get your pic to work of your car. I did see the airport tho.

I don't think I'm gonna be able to make the meeting in Oct. That's about 40 hours of round trip I just don't think I can scrape together.

I have a customer that has a 95 Eldo convertible. What a conversion! All the extra frame bracing, and the welding in the doors, the micro switches, to make sure the windows are down, etc. etc. A lot of work. And to top it off with the top up, its one big blind spot.

Well, been like Louisiana around here this weekend.Saturday, I took the kid to a horse show, then came home and took the truck down to the local hand carwash. Found some of the crew rooting thru the glove box. I had an SFK right there. Guess I wont be taking anything back there. Then came home and gave Brittney a good scrubbing. when I was just about done drying her off, it started to spit rain. I pulled her inside just in time. Elsie had a full bladder, and let loose. Its been a long time since its rained that hard. I notice the water just rushing over the eaves. I ran out there and started unplugging the downspouts and was drenched in no time. it rained hard for a little over an hour. I looked to see what the official rainfall was and they said an inch. I have a flat bottom stock pot outside that I use occasionally to water the dogs, and it had just shy of 3 inches in it. It probably wasn't completely empty, but I would say we got a little more than 2 inches out of that storm. worked in the yard yesterday (and fully cleaned the gutters) and boy was it muggy. woke up to close the windows at 1:15 this morning when it started raining. It looks like we are at 94% humidity right now, with rain off and on this morning.

Had dinner at our favorite mexican place last night. The missus had a Cabo Margarita. I think they placed a lime near it when making it. I think that is the closest anything besides Tequila got to that salt rimmed glass. She was laughing and giggling all the way out of the restaurant. I had to pour her back into the truck to get her home.

Well, have a great week all.
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Old July 15th, 2013, 05:53 AM
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Morning All!

Tropical humidity here, heading towards 90 today!

Brian is back.... oh the drama, lol! Always something. Nothing has been said about the ashtray yet.... Seems his son got into a fender bender in Cincinnati on Friday night. Brian ain't happy, lol. He's been on the phone all morning with insurance companies trying to get an adjuster to go there and look at the car and yadda yadda...... the car is still in Cinci. So I'm sure the ashtray is gonna go over like a lead balloon today, lol...

Not much else going on. Quiet in here. I might go to the Riverfront tonight, I dunno. The humidity makes it hard for me to breathe.

Well you all have a good Monday!
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Old July 15th, 2013, 02:11 PM
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Hey everyone.

Nice afternoon here in the Greater Stockbridge Area. We got about one minute of a light shower and now the sun is out. It must have rained at some point during the day because I woke up and my girl was crowding me out of bed. She gets all nervous but if she gets up on the bed she'll go to sleep and won't hear another peep out of her.

Sandy didn't Brian's son wreck his car sometime a little while ago? This sounds familiar. Maybe it's just all his drama flowing into itself. What happened with the ashtray?

Paul the car looks great. Does the 442 live around you? How cool to have a twin. I hope he isn't in the habit of knocking over convenience stores with that car.

Jamesbo why do you want to eat cold soup? I learned that Gazpacho is Spanish from the Soup ****.

Clint I'll get some good pictures of the car on my next days off. Looks like the RV is going away, so I'll have a little elbow room on the driveway.

Well time is slipping away fast for work. I don't mind starting at 7, but I sure don't like being rushed in the afternoon when I wake up. Hope everyone's week started out good. Have a good night.
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Old July 15th, 2013, 07:56 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Not much new today, just work and working on the Cutlass again.

It has been hot here lately and it's getting warmer tomorrow

Clint, thanks. I couldn't believe the odds of seeing another 1972 with the correct 442 stripes. Most people seem to upgrade to the OAI hood.

Mike, I've never seen it around here before, and where we met up is about 45 minutes away.

Did you make it to the Riverfront tonite Sandy?
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Old July 16th, 2013, 05:16 AM
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Morning all.

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Dark out too this a.m. without any moon.

Have a great day.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 05:39 AM
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X2 Clint

Mike, I like cold soup. My all time favorite is vichyssoise.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 06:16 AM
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Morning All!

Steamy as hell here, hard to breathe. Heading to 93 today. They're saying it's a heat wave because of 3 consecutive days of above 90. I just wish it was a dry heat.....

Went to the Riverfront last night. Nicole and Matt came along with me. I should have stayed home. I really had a hard time breathing, heart was beating fast, just felt wet. The humidity was horrible. I am not going to the BOP cruise at Solon tonight. I can't take the humidity when it's this high. This heart pill makes me short of breath anyhow. It sucks!!

It's 76 friggin degrees in here. I have a wet paper towel on the back of my neck. AC has only kicked on twice. Don't know how high up they have it set. I went out to Clay's area and sat against his filing cabinet awhile to cool off. My nose is all plugged. Just no air movement in here. Oh well.... guess I've put up with it for 5 years.

The ashtray went over well!!!! I was surprised! I waited until he went out to have his first smoke and I soooo sweetly said " Larry and I made this for you to use, if you would be kind enough to do so". I explained how the trash and the whole place smelled awful. Brian said he didn't like it either. I said "well no one has cared enough to bring you an ashtray in all these years, (like he couldn't have done it himself, but this is how you have to talk to him, lol) "they would just rather bitch about the smell but do nothing to help". So he asked if they complained, and I told him that Clay has complained since I started working here. I told him I will clean the butts out with a kitty litter scooper, I used to do that at my other job where we had buckets of kitty litter and sand for the guys to use. Brian told me to have the girl in NY order an outside ashtray for him. Now..... he could have done this a long time ago all by himself! So I was thankful he didn't get all defensive like smokers usually do. I told him that being an ex smoker myself, I understand this stuff.

Larry said he will get an ashtray like he has outside our building for me from McMaster Carr here in Aurora. I'll have to check Grainger's website. They might have them too.

I went out and watered my little garden and all the plants on the deck this morning before I came into work. Soooo dry!! The hydrangea bush really loves water. That thing wilts quick.

Larry took his big tractor down the road to a neighbor's last night and leveled off a big pile of dirt she had in the yard. Tonight he's going back and taking down a couple trees for her. Our neighbor across the street told her about Larry, so she called him. Making some extra money!

Mike.... no, this is Brian's sons first accident. Maybe you're thinking about Nicole's friend Tony who backed into the Intrigue....... He's had a lot of accidents!

Clint.... hope you get over to the good side before the day's end.

Well you all have a good day and stay safe in this heat!!
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Old July 16th, 2013, 06:53 AM
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Jamesbo.... look at this thing now! It's taking over....

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Old July 16th, 2013, 07:19 AM
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Jamesbo.... look at this thing now! It's taking over....
Sandy, is that a pumpkin? if so, it will take over, and they need lots of water!
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Old July 16th, 2013, 07:41 AM
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No, it's not a pumpkin. That's what I first thought. I have pumpkins planted out back, and the leaves are different. Unless it's a different type of pumpkin, I don't know! I set pumpkins and gouards on the bricks in the fall for decorations, so I figure a seed got started out of one of them, lol. I don't want to pull it - I'm curious now.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 11:06 AM
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Clint - mornings are ALWAYS like that till ya open yer eyes! Sounds like you should take the Mrs. for Mexican food more often.

Sandy - that's a zuchini. It's not that big. BTW you can cut them back no problem. Ours have nice fruit already that cook up really nice in a pan or into zuchini bread (sort of like banana bread).

GTG - the lawn is calling and it's a beautiful day here.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 02:55 PM
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Hey everyone.

Clint I hope your day shaped up.

Allan I've seen that amphib before. Looks like a lot of fun. The guy wants I think 150K and then you still have to put the motor in and finish assembly. That gets him around the rules of selling a completed vehicle. You can't beat an amphibian, though.

Sandy glad the buttcan went over well. Maybe if you expand it a little that can be his time out. He whines too much, sit in the buttcan.

Friday for me. Lots to do over my weekend, which is actually the week middle. I go back Saturday. After next week's three I'm off for 9 and headed to Ohio.

We did just about squat last night at work, so I was able to sand blast(actually aluminum oxide blast) my rims I've been toting around. They came out wonderfully! They will get a quick coat of zinc primer and a nice coat of industrial Rustoleum Gloss White, and on to the Rampside they go with new tires. I've got a garage full of rims that need to be broken down and blasted.

Was a nice day here today. I hope it continues. Hope everyone had a good day. See you tomorrow everyone.

Last edited by slantflat; July 16th, 2013 at 06:34 PM. Reason: changed out iron for aluminum. I wasn't blasting with rust, I was blasting -the- rust.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 06:19 PM
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Mike, you serious? 150K for a shell?? You could turn both of your 70's into concourse cars for that kind of money.

LOL yes, amphibians would have been a highly desired car in the early part of July here when everything flooded.

Glad you got your wheels looked after. Does the zinc primer work as a sealer?
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Old July 16th, 2013, 09:10 PM
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Mike, when do we get pics of the new Olds?
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Old July 17th, 2013, 04:23 AM
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Morning all.

Glad to see I'm not the only one chomping at the bit to see mikes new ride.

Jamesbo, The best cold soup I've had was on the cruise on our honeymoon. It was a cream of watermelon soup and was surprisingly quite good. What day are we on now?

Allan, Thanks, but my eyes have been open most nights, and it doesn't seem to make it much better.

Mike and Allan, Are Amphibs like boats? The 2 best days are the day you buy it and the day you sell it?

Sandy, Glad the buttcan worked. I used to hate when the wife would smoke half a butt then but it back in my pack. (I carried them in my shirt pocket, so the raunchy smell was right below my nose. ) Hmm, just talking about it makes my mouth water. Odd.

Well, I'm a little less crabby today, but I don't expect that to last. I should be at the shop already. Customer brought in a 71 Mark III yesterday, and I need to get that carb soaking. The kid went to work today with her new company issued purple shirt. So found out yesterday she did get the promotion to supervisor. I guess we won't be bombarded with the teamsters newsletter anymore.

Have a great day all.
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Old July 17th, 2013, 04:44 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Pictures of the car are forthcoming! Let me get a couple hours sleep and then I'll go out and get everything situated.

Clint what I meant by amphib is amphibious car. I've had my Amphicar almost 20 years. It's in bad shape now but I'm keeping it for the duration. Just think. You go to the lake, drive right in, no trailer fussing or ramp fees. Well, if they can catch you you might have to pay.

Allan I went back to their website and it's only 135K for the turn key car. 106 for everything but the motor and trans, and 76 for about a half a car. I must have been thinking about a Batmobile. They are 150.

Changed a motor on a 737NG last night. Got about 3/4 done. Only one guy had ever changed one before so it was slow going. That and the stand it came on was a cluster. Obviously whoever designed it had no idea what it was supposed to do.

Happy Hump Day everyone.
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Old July 17th, 2013, 05:10 AM
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Clint Dis is day 2 of week 3

Sandy, I had squash caserole, green pole beans, taters and a poke chop last nite. De poke chop was de only thing from de store.

Mike, IMHO, Amphi's are way too high fer what they are. They're cool but Geeze Louise Course, When I look at Austin Healey 3000's I jes shake my head also
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Old July 17th, 2013, 06:47 AM
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Good Humpday Mawnin All

Well for now I believe the rain has subsided, along with some of the humidity.

I've been extremely busy these last few days trying to catch up on my yard work. And once again for the third time this year I broke the belt on the mower due to the thick grass (bermuda/bahia mix) at the shop I wish I could bale it and send it to Clint

Sandy I checked on the peaches and the Elberta's are not ready quite yet. But I will keep you posted.

Congrats Jamesbo on the third week being smoke free

Well happy humpin y'all
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Old July 17th, 2013, 07:11 AM
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Morning All!

Still hot and sticky here. Chances of storms in the afternoon. We had rain yesterday around noon (of course) and it just got sooooooooo miserably humid. We hit 93 yesterday again. Supposed to be the same today. All sorts of health and ozone alerts issued.

So I backed Teepo out of the garage last evening and washed her hood and fenders with a little liquid Tide in a bucket of hot water. Rinsed her off and then got sweated wet drying her off. I covered the engine and under the hood with plastic so all my detailing wouldn't get messed up. Worked well, lol. She was traumatized - or maybe it was me - by my putting water on her... intentionally! She couldn't believe I was doing such a thing, lol. Of course the wheels got wet too, so I had to dry them, and under the bumper..... I was not happy! If I wanted to sweat, I'd have went to the BOP at Solon.

I pulled her back in the garage and put a coat of wax on her hood and fender tops a couple hours later - used that NXT next generation Tech wax 2.0 by Meguiars. It wasn't drying well, probably because of the humidity, so I left it on overnight and will wipe it off tonight. I swear to God if I see smears, I'm gonna scream loud enough you all will hear me, lol!!!!! I shoulda used the Nu-Finish wax I have. I use that most of the time, but I had bought this Meguiars so I wanted to see how it works. We shall see tonight.....

That's about all I got accomplished last night. I did pick a big handful of green beans. . I didn't have time to walk out back and check the maters. I made some rigatoni and put canned diced tomatoes on it, for supper. It was refreshing.

Brian is having a bad morning.... what else is new, lol?? Telling everyone how overwhelmed he is, how not much got done while he was on vacation, Clay should have done more, yadda yadda yadda! It is sooooooooooooo nice not to have that gaggy cigarette butt smell in the trash can, though!

Jamesbo..... that squash/zuchini plant - the blooms are wide open in the mornings, and they close at night? Is that supposed to be how these things work? I've never had a plant like this, so I don't know. Isn't it the bloom/flower that turns in to the squash??

Well you all have a great day and stay safe in this heat!!!
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Old July 17th, 2013, 08:31 AM
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Morning, All.... kwik check-in. Jamesbo, hope the road to video recovery is going well, as well as the puffing cessation. I have faith in your ability.
Clint, hope you can get back in bed today and exit from the other side. Glad at least something reminds you of our great state of Louisiana (!)
Mike, sounds like a daunting job to change out one of those engines. Does the old one just go back to the factory for remanufacture? What's the "NG"?
Me not a fan of da' gespacho. I'd prolly at least eat it when it presents itself, but me no likes cucumber atol.
Sorry no new trophy, Sandy. Better luck next time. Hope the wax comes off good. I've always heard leaving wax on for hours is bad business, but as long as it's completely out of the sun, you're prolly OK. Next time, just put a fan out there aimed at Teepo and leave it for half an hour or so.
Y'all have a great humpity....
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Old July 17th, 2013, 11:18 AM
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John, NG means "Next Generation." The 737 gas been around since the 60s, and the latest version has glass cockpit, upgraded avionics, more powerful engines, and many more changes. We had -200 and -300s for years, they were like flying bricks. The old engines go to either our own shop there at the Jet Base, or they are shipped out to a contractor to be rebuilt.

Jamesbo I agree with you whole-heartedly that Amphicars are waaay over priced. When I got mine, the most top-dog resto, done by Gordon in California, was 50K. I really don't know what people get for their cars but typical asking prices these days are 60-70. Ridiculous.

I just saw that Robert Lutz is donating and campaigning to save the Willow Run plant in Ypsilanti. The new owners want to demolish the whole place because they say all the buildings are a detriment to selling the place. Wait until they do an EPA survey and find 72 years of funk in the ground and have to clean it all up. I believe B-bodies and Custom Cruisers were built at Willow Run for awhile.

Okay rested up and cleaned up, gotta go do something.

Last edited by slantflat; July 17th, 2013 at 11:21 AM.
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Old July 17th, 2013, 11:43 AM
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John.... God love ya for living with this kind of humidity, lol!! No way could I do it. When I ever get that way to visit Troy and the swampers, I gotta come in early spring or fall when there is no humidity.... or at least when it's tolerable to us northerners! We have heat advisories out until 9 pm, the 'feels like' temp is 105! And it sure does feel like it. I ain't a goin to Chick Fil A tonight. The humidity is tropical. I sat in the shade in my chair at lunch and sweated like a pig, lol.

I think the wax on Teepo should be ok.... she's in the garage - no direct sunlight through the window until evening cause it's on the west wall. I'll be wiping it off soon as I get in the house and change my clothes, when I get home.
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Old July 17th, 2013, 09:46 PM
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Hey Sandy, what's that disclaimer or whatever that you posted on on facebook?
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Old July 18th, 2013, 03:42 AM
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Morning all.

Sandy are your smears gone?

Jamesbo, We may have to work on that store bought poke. Sounds like you need a few feeders frolicking around the compound.

John, Cukes are the bomb. That will be one of the items we have lots of room for in the garden next year. The Wife is building a raised bed and has her heart set on a garden, so that is this winters project.

My attitude is slowly improving. should be good by the weekend. Noticed about a 10* drop in overnight temps in the last week or so. I think I know what that means, but I'm not going to encourage it.

Have a great Thursday all!
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Old July 18th, 2013, 04:36 AM
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Mor rain las nite but spose to be a hot one today

Clint, I used to feed out a few pigs every year. I had a pin right next to de garden. But de vet told me de pigs were actually loosing wieght fighting over de rotten tomatoes or other veggies I tosssed outa de garden.

Besides, de bang'in of dem opening a closing de feeders lids went on 24/7

Sandy, How cha got rid of dem nasty swirls.

Soct/ Mike, Y'all game fer meeting John at de fox?
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Old July 18th, 2013, 04:54 AM
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Howdy doody everyone.

Nice out this morning, but that is subject to change. Just about the time I want to get out and work on the driveway. The yard is a lost cause.

Jamesbo I'm game for the Fox, just need to know a date. I don't think most people realize the Fox was almost Atlanta's Penn Station.

We're missing a couple people. Where's Bryan been? And Udo hasn't been here for about a year. Hope everything is okay. Sandy did you ever hear from Blue?

Clint glad you're feeling better. What does a 10* drop mean, hurricane? Can't be snow, it's July. It doesn't matter what time of year it is, just the mere mention of snow gives me the heebie jeebies.

Well tag office and credit union this morning. Headed to the Awful house now. Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old July 18th, 2013, 05:32 AM
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Howdy doody, all.... pretty typical July weather in the swamp, but actually a bit cooler than average for 7/18. 'Twas 74 at the Plantation. But high humidity, with the standing water still evaporating after a brief deluge yesterday. Not spose to rain today (20%).

LOL -- Sandy, I'll keep givin' my weather reports and just come down to see the swampers one nice fall or spring . I keep tellin' 'em you're on yer way.... & they're runnin' outa' patience.

Was listening to a replacement DJ on the radio this morning; regular guy is on vacation. The "new" guy is originally from Syracuse, NY, and goes back up there and to NYC regularly. He said when he got on the plane in Syracuse Tuesday, it was 94*, and when he landed in Kenner (N.O.), it was "only" 88*. He said the folks in Syracuse don't have A/C, so they just sweat it out with fans. Reminds me of when we used to drive up to N. Mich every year; we didn't have A/C, and sometimes, it got downright hot in the summers. Just wasn't the norm.

Jamesbo, I think Mike said we should count him in; so we at least have a quorum. It'll be here before we know it.

Clint, cukes are one of VERY few foods I try to avoid. They downright confuse my tastebuds; taste like a wierd unripe watermelon or something and totally overpower what is otherwise a great salad. Get them stinkin' things outa' my salad!!! (I know I'm in the minority .)

Y'all have a great Thursday, Oldsmobuddies.
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Old July 18th, 2013, 05:48 AM
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Mike, "Penn Station" Whatcha tal'in 'bout?
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Old July 18th, 2013, 06:58 AM
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Morning All!

Another tropical miserable high humidity day here. Heat advisories out, feels like temp supposed to be 104 today. Why can't we just get hot without all the humidity?? Actual temp supposed to be 91.

Well I took the wax off of Teepo and saw some smears still on passenger side fender... I dunno. I'm not washing her again!! The light isn't real good in the garage, so I'll know better when I get her out in the sun and lift the hood. That's when I noticed the other smears. Wonder if it could be my rags/towels?? I wash them with just a little 'free of everything' liquid soap powder and rinse them twice, no fabric softener.... just a thought.

I made an appointment for next Thursday to take Teepo over to Tallmadge and get her AC checked for leaks and charged. The guy has the old freeon and he is licensed. He said it would be about $185. My friends Criss and Pam with the Buick had their air done there.

That thing I posted on facebook I copied off someone else's site. I guess you have to tell them you don't want them using your pics or anything from your site. I'm not sure how it works, lol.

Mike.... I stopped by Blues last Saturday on my way home from a show out his way. No one answered the door - I knocked twice. His daughter's car was in the drive. Garage door was down. I left a note on the gate in his back yard, cause they use that entrance all the time. But I haven't heard anything.

Cucumbers....... yuck! just the thought gives me indigestion, lol. I'm not nuts about them, but they really don't like me....

Jamesbo... the pumpkins have orange flowers on them and are trailing all around. I picked a few more cherry maters last night. Getting some green peppers starting now. The green bean plants I put out there in the big garden have bloom finally.

Soooo.... here's an interesting tidbit!! Seems last night after we all left and Brian was in here by himself, he noticed the vent in the ceiling in here making a rattling sound. So being **** like he is, he got up on his chair and was messing with the vent. Lo and behold the vent cover comes off, and he finds a couple switch like things or something, up there, so he opened another one in here. He brought his ladder in with him this morning so he could reach. He went out to Clay's office and took the cover off the vent out there and closed one of the switch things in that vent. Soooooo... so far it is staying a nice comfy 73 degrees in here! I kept trying to tell him it's the air flow.... if it's 70 out there, it should be 70 in here! Hopefully this will fix the problem. Unless they hike the thermostat....

Well you all have a good day and stay cool!!!!
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Old July 18th, 2013, 10:11 AM
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Penn Station in New York City was an enormous and beautiful depot that was built in 1910 and demolished in 1963. The Penn Station that is there now is just a regular looking place. Everyone loved Penn Station and when the then current owners said they were going to tear it down and build a new one no one believed it, until the wrecking ball came in. Fifty years later people are still griping about losing the original.

Enjoyed Awful house today but when I went to the credit union I noticed the check I wanted to cash was made out to the Amphicar club, not me. So of course they wouldn't take it. So I went to Wells Fargo, where I'm the account owner for the Amphicar club's account. They wouldn't cash it. They said it wasn't made out to me it was made out to a business. I said, I'm the account owner. They said, yes but... I said, I am the business. Sorry. So I deposited the check and then immediately withdrew the same amount. They said thanks for coming in. I said thanks for wasting my time.

Then I went to the tag office and got a nice woman who's been on the job two days. She didn't know how to process a South Carolina title, so I was there 45 minutes while she learned. And with the new way Georgia does things, instead of paying $4 for the ad valorem tax I paid 210 because now it's based on the value of the car. Except the value of my car was far less than what I paid for it(according to the State) so I got to be taxed on what I paid for it. My disdain for this land increases. Sure we're crooks in Illinois but we don't change the rules twice while someone is standing in front of us.

Sandy if it gets too cold in there the heaters will come back on.

There's a guy at work that eats cucumbers like pickles. Just gnaws on them. I like cucumber on salad but they have to have lots of dressing on them.

Okay off to do something outside while the sun is still out.
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Old July 18th, 2013, 10:51 AM
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It's down to a glorious 72 in here now!!!! I'm loving it! Of course Clay came back from lunch with his jacket on, and he was sternly talking to Brian about it being cold out there..... Brian shut off the thing in the vent in the mens room because Steve said it was too cold in there. I swear to God these guys would complain if you hung them with a new rope!! Brian told Clay that he's trying to make everyone happy. He's trying to find out where the ducts run so he has an idea of shutting off what will effect what. All I know is it's a helluva lot cooler in this room and I love it!!!

Mike.... Steve turned on his heater at 10:30, lol. It's off now.

Think I might drive over to Bellacino's tonight in Tincanio. Too humid to take Teepo out. Can't believe I'm missing cruise in's because of the humidity....
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Old July 19th, 2013, 04:04 AM
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Morning all. Well we made it to the end of the week. gonna be hot again today, but a higher chance of rain. We can use it I guess.

Sandy, Help me with the reason not to drive in the humidity? Sorry I'm from the desert so I don't know about these things.

Mike the state is looking for money anywhere it can. The charges for plates around here are insane. Our toyhauler is over 10 years old (so its as cheap as its gonna get) and it costs $65 a year to plate. Its a friggin' trailer people! I think my '05 Chebby is down to about $280.
Mike the temp drop means we are on the slippery slope towards the cold, dark, doldrums of winter. I'm not anywhere ready for that yet.

John, no worries on the cukes. Just more for me. The kid brought some home from the MIL last night. Fresh out of her garden.

Scot, Bandimere is hosting the Mile-hi Nationals this weekend. Cruise on up and watch your favorite car go about one second slower than it would down at sea level.

Jamesbo, I'm down to my last package of bacon, and were out of sausage. Good thing the fair is in a couple of weeks. Just in time to butcher up some childs pet.

Have a great weekend all.
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Old July 19th, 2013, 04:38 AM
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Mawn'in all

Welp, I spose to hot again wit a chance of afternoon shower.

Yesterday, I called Joe P. come down and look at my barn find. It’s a true 69 442. Unfortunately it’s a 344879 instead of 679] It’s got tons of paper werk an is/ was a salesman’s demo model of a prototype. I’ve never seen anything like it.

I think it was made for Car shows/displays. On the drivers door is a round sign that says, Oldsmobile and moves in and out when you flick a switch.

Instead of the W-30 under bumper scoops, the scoops are on the lower front fenders and are hydraulically opened and closed.

Joe P. is a great guy and said, he’d never seen anything like it. He wants to buy it if I don’t.

Chantix makes ya goofy.
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Old July 19th, 2013, 04:59 AM
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Danggit Jamesbo!

Were you dreaming again?
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Old July 19th, 2013, 05:58 AM
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Happy Friday everyone.

Nice day so far and purportedly gonna be the second day in a row without rain. I must have gone to sleep and woke up in Oz.

Jamesbo you can drive your demo prototype to the Fox. They're both fabulous!

Not sure what I'm gonna do today. There's so much I don't know where to start.

Clint nothing the State does should surprise me. Georgia didn't take any of that stimulus money, and then in an oh shtt moment the governor decided to raise all the fees(rather sneakily it seems) to make up for, as Little Texas would say, what might have been. I'll show them, I'll keep this car the 50 years it will take to best them.

I heard that Shoep the dog died. He's the one that had arthritis and his owner took him into the lake to ease his pain. Shoep turned 20 last month.

Okay I'm late for the Awful house. Hope everyone has a good Friday and fun weekend.
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Old July 19th, 2013, 06:23 AM
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Morning All!

Another tropical day of high temps and humidity. Should be the last one. I'm looking forward to the storms tomorrow to bring in the cooler drier air. Sunday is looking good. I'm trying to decide between 2 shows that day. Parma is closer, but Alliance sounds like a better show.....

I went in Tincanio (in the AC) to Bellacino's last night. Only 10 -12 cars there. I asked if it was canceled, and the one guy said Bob the DJ showed up, but he didn't unpack or anything, he left. Just too humid for folks to be out. My friend Pam came though, and we went inside and had dinner and sat and talked for about 3 hours. It was nice. We left about 9:45 and headed home.

Clint.... It's just that Teepo puts out sooo much heat, and I have an awful time breathing in the humidity since I've been on this beta blocker for my heart. She's been out in the humidity plenty of times, believe me. Once I get her AC charged next week, I'll be able to breathe in her, lol. If it was just hot, and no humidity, I'd be out and about in her. Hopefully next week we will have 'dry' heat!

Nicole is going to the open interview this morning that they are having for the new Speedway they are building right by the house. Hope something turns up for her! There are a couple ads in the paper I'm gonna tell her about too. She got a call from the Macedonia Vet yesterday saying they hired someone with 'more experience'. She was mad! "How am I supposed to get experience if no one will hire me?" I said I understand, and let her rant. She will be staying at someone's house dog sitting starting Sunday, for 2 weeks.

I'm taking the Intrigue over to Bob on Saturday. I talked to him Wednesday. He said he should have the door in on Tuesday. So hopefully it won't take him very long. He said 4 days, before... I hope Nicole doesn't need much toting around.

Jamesbo..... Sounds to me like you should be grabbing that car!! Blame the Chantix!

Mike, I saw that about the dog. Sad, but I guess it was time. Poor thing.

Well you all have a great Friday!
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