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Old August 5th, 2013, 11:50 AM
Cutlass Lover
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He's baaaack! Ya better stick around this time, bud!

Tuxteepo? Mmm....mmm...mmm.. I did so enjoy my visit with you and Laura! I miss her. And you too, lol. It was great to see you guys. I forgot my manners and didn't ask how Redgoat is doing??

Your Cruiser sure is a nice car! Very pretty. And clean. And shiney...... I like it! I mailed in my registration for the Apples and Autos show today. You should come! It's on the 18th. Only $12 for pre registration. Now I hope it doesn't rain that day....

I was thinking of going to the Riverfront tonight, but it's been clouding up all afternoon. Sun was out early. I didn't think we were supposed to get rain until tonight. Gee.... more rain! Imagine that....

Scot... I just had another one of those scrumptious peaches. Man oh man are they delicious!!
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Old August 5th, 2013, 11:57 AM
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Howdy all

Whelp, no two ways about it, it's hot.... and humid

Welcome back Blue! You have been missed fella.

Sandy that's good to hear, they were good. I bought a half basket like for us the same time and they were ate up quickly.

I've been busier than a one legged man in a you know what lately. And today is the middle daughter's 16th Berfday, so you know what that means Yall have a beautimus Monday afternoon!
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Old August 5th, 2013, 12:06 PM
Just an Olds Guy
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Hope everyone is having a good Monday.

Mike, that 4.08 you paid is still less than what we pay. Your regular station at 3.49 works out to 92¢/L which is cheap compared to the 117 or 143/L we pay up here. Enjoy it while you can.

Jim - Good shooting! It's consistent and that's better than booger golf!

Scot - Happy Berfday to her, Happy Berfday to her.....

Allan H - Nice to see you again! Sounds like your life was pretty full and hectic for quite a while. Glad it's all good.

GTG spend some money and buy some parts for my starter. Have a great Monday all.
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Old August 6th, 2013, 03:45 AM
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Morning all.

Allan, Do you plan on driving her before the white stuff flies?

Scot. I don't know, but it sure seems like you are having someones b-day every week. You must be keeping Betty Crocker in business. Hope she had a great day.

Sandy, I had to get the axe out and the stump. she was so weak I didn't even need the 2 nails. Poor thing. The same day our little JRT killed 5 of the MIL's chickens. I'm about fit to be tied with all these critters around here.

Nice game Jamesbo. I remember when we had to ship that beer back to Ohio every Christmas because you couldn't buy it out there. Now I'm not sure if its even made here or up in Canada anymore.

WB blue.

Mike, growing up I thought that Cessna was the only company that made small prop planes. And Until just a few years ago, I had no idea they made any jets. I thought they were prop planes only. My buddy in Chicago works on one of their more expensive (altho older) jets. I guess the thing is still worth +$1M.

But then again, I still think a million bucks is still a lot of money.

John, He seems like a good kid, but I just would have expected the scouts to have prepared him a little better. I have a pretty good internal compass, but that being said, I still know how to use one with a topo map. I guess if I don't hear from them by Thursday late, then I'll head up there to try to find them.
As far as the worm thing I'd probably win everyday. haying season is almost upon us, and the missus has that alarm set for 2:40. I keep telling myself that its ok, but my brain sure thinks otherwise.

Have a great Tuesday all.
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Old August 6th, 2013, 04:28 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter hot one but now showers [I hope]

Wit Blue and Allan back it feels like old home week.

Blue, I've still got de Vista rear air foil thingy you gave me. But I haven't installed it. I'm too chicken dat it'll make de roof leak.

Congarts on being a grand pa [ and having a family at full employment]

Clint, Everyone home safely yet?

When my boy tried his first time on the COPE course [high wires/ropes etc] We had to let him down from the monkey vine. [standing on a rope with short ropes hanging down from a higher parrel rope] He got scared and teared up. Course now, he's an Aiborne Ranger and loves jumping out of perfectly good airplanes.

Yeah, Isn't dat crazy 'bout Coors. People used to risk going to jail importin de stuff to de east coast. Billy Carter once said, " Mara jarijuana is like Coors Beer, If you could get it no one would want it."

Scot, Ya gonna get her a Olds fer her 16th berfday?

Mike, Naw Haven't found anything exciting but I think I've got enough loose change to buy 25 Mickey D's hash browns @ $1.07 a pop

John, thanks fer your efforts, I'll find sum one who knows him sum how. I you would ax fer crawdads at de stow, de wouldn't know you were a foreigner.

Sandy, Don't let Blue rag you 'bout your ragged seats..

Here's sum redneck abs fer your viewing pleasure Sandy

Have a great day Olds friends.
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Old August 6th, 2013, 04:39 AM
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Good Morning!
Thanks for the warm re-welcome all.

Sandy, I didn't hear the part when you told her that your "little friend" isn't loaded,
what's the use???
I want her to get a friend, my son-in-laws brother came down with a bad case of road rage and made swiss cheese out of an airport limo van on 480 a little while back. Now his "little friends" are for

I'm heading to the boneyard today, they got a Custom Cruiser in like mine yesterday which is unheard of , the cars were rare when they were new. I'll get some undercover pics, no photography is allowed in those yards but I'm taking Redgoat with me and he's a real scofflaw.
The fruit farm show looks good Sandy, I may give it a go if I can come up with enough cash to put gas in the goat. I won't pre-register or it will rain for sure, my car won't be judged so you won't have to worry about losing to me...again.

Last edited by Bluevista; August 6th, 2013 at 04:43 AM. Reason: spelink
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Old August 6th, 2013, 04:51 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Scot hope the little girl had a good birthday. I know what it means, it means the cast of Sparticus will be descending on you. And a new car.

Clint where does your buddy work in Chicago, was it DuPage or one of the big airports?

Blue I don't think I've ever seen a CC in the junkyard by me. I do need to go there as I've noticed a couple new rows as I drive past every day on my way home from work.

Looks like some of that rain is going to happen on the southside. It should be bright and sunny by now but it ain't. An indoors day for sure. Well, after I get back from you know where. Have a good one everybody.
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Old August 6th, 2013, 06:13 AM
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Mornin', all. 'Nudder hot, steamy one in da' swamp. Was 78* before the crack of dawn. Heat index spose to be up around 110* today. I wish Elsie would make an appearance, but it's lookin' pretty iffy.

Jamesbo, I did a quick White Pages search of the surname "Wood" in Hiawassee and I got about 50 results. You wouldn't know a first name, "wood" you? Even an age would help in the search, using this engine.

Originally Posted by CQR
The same day our little JRT killed 5 of the MIL's chickens. I'm about fit to be tied with all these critters around here.
As far as the worm thing I'd probably win everyday. haying season is almost upon us, and the missus has that alarm set for 2:40. I keep telling myself that its ok, but my brain sure thinks otherwise.
Wow, Clint. You got me beat by a coupley hours. I'm usually headed up to the bedroom on 'school nights' with some daylight showing; I hope you're doin' the same.

And yeah, I remember in the mid-70s we had crazy kids here driving out west and coming back with trunks full of Coors beer. No slight, but I've never liked the stuff. Almost as bad as Dixie (which many of my relatives & friends drank exclusively). I haven't had a beer in over 20 years, but in my day, I was a Bud or Mickey guy (nuttin' with the word 'light' or 'lite' would ever do fer me.... although Dixie tasted to me as if it had been mopped up off the brewery floor).

Y'all have a great Tooze-day.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; August 6th, 2013 at 06:16 AM.
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Old August 6th, 2013, 07:37 AM
Cutlass Lover
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Morning All!

Cool and cloudy here, rain chances later on. Temps at about 65 right now.

I took Tincanio over to Don Sitts and dropped her off this morning. They gave me a Chrysler 200 to drive until they get Tincanio fixed. It's pretty nice. The drivers seat was leaning way back, and I couldn't get the darned thing to move, so I drove to work sitting straight up as far as I could, lol. Now my back hurts. The friggin traffic in Hudson was just horrible coming back North. I got off of 91 and on to the back roads as soon as I could. Still didn't get here until 9:10. Didn't miss anything though. It's still slow and quiet.

The guys head to NY for the sales meeting Thursday at noon, and will be gone all day Friday! I'm looking forward to being here by myself. Hope it's nice, I'll put my lounge chair out here on the sidewalk and soak up the rays... car won't be judged so you won't have to worry about losing to me...again.

'Scuse me..... sir? You're bein a shi*!!!!!! If you look at the classes, and I think there are 19 of them, we'd be in different ones. I had to enter in class 19 "cars not included above 1970 - 1988". I got 3rd place there last year. That's the one where they make you roll up and down the windows, turn on the lights, blow the horn, etc... picky!! Ohhhh... and my 'little friend' has none in the chamber, but a full magazine, lol. Just needs a round chambered.

Jamesbo..... thanks for the pic, lol!

I remember when Coors first came to this area. My God you'd have thought they were giving away gold or something, the way people were flocking to the stores!

Well I guess I better do something, you all have a good day!
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Old August 6th, 2013, 10:00 AM
Just an Olds Guy
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Tooney Tuesday to everyone!

Jim - dem dere 6 packs is my kind of thang! Now jess need sumone ta turn on de juice on dat lectric fence! Some day I gots ta lern how to shoot golf as poorly as yew

Clint - yes sir! I plan on being behind the wheel before the snow flies. With all the stuff that's been done so far, I literally am running out of things to restore on her now. Soon as I finish grinding the frame and painting it, re-assembly shouldn't take terribly long with all new/reconditioned parts. I have a CO buddy who lives close by who is willing to help with anything that may require 2 people. So far I'm quite proud of having done most everything myself. It's been a tremendous learning experience and I've had fun and Chantix dreams about some of it. So far though it's all good. I know perfectly well that part of driving it means it's gonna get dirty again. That's ok though because I'm not quite **** enough to get under the car to wash......

Sorry bout yer chicken.....and the JRT's passion for blood?

Redgoat - Don't let Allan H hold ya back from taking lots of good pics. I hear they hid that CC close to the flying monkey's hideout....

Mike - this is special for you (hee hee hee). #Coors Light, I love you. #Beer, the alternate to water. #De Plane is as plain as plain can be. #I hate hashtags!

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Old August 6th, 2013, 10:53 AM
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I took the CS for a spin today , and took a new avatar photo of changes I made in the last year . I was wondering where the engine knock went . I drove it around for a while , and there is no knock to be heard after the engine was heated up .... anyone have any ideas what would cause it to come and go ? It seems a little strange that once I let it sit for a spell , the knock is gone for a while . ( top end knock )

edit .... The photo did not turn out as well as I would have liked it . I will have to try another one later .

Last edited by oldsguybry; August 6th, 2013 at 10:55 AM.
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Old August 6th, 2013, 11:12 AM
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Brian, you might have a tappet that was stuck and loosened up again.
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Old August 6th, 2013, 11:29 AM
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Happy Tuesday Afternoon All

Thanks all for the birthday wishes for the middle one Yes she "inherited" the X-Terra from the oldest since it is a gas hawg It took $100 round trip from college to home and back to college in the X-Terra So we were able to score a newer low miles Cobalt from an older lady out in the "country" (sticks) It's an '06 and it is "majestic amethyst metallic" in color and it will only take $30 round trip. I know the color because she literally lived in the sticks because her driveway was overgrown. Therefore shallow scratches here and there and I bought the paint pen(s) for her to touch-up as needed.

Whelp yesterday was hectic to say he least. I had to diagnose a friend's A/C, get parts to fix the A/C, fix the A/C, shop for new radio for the X-Terra (CD player went kaput), get the parts to fit a single DIN radio and adapter harness, install new radio, go back to town and pick up 40 chicken strips and 20 hot wings and 6 birthday cake milkshakes (for the kids) from Zaxby's (Berfday girl's choice). And got it all done before 3 when she got off the bus. Whew!

She don't get her license until Friday, if she passes the written and driving tests. I believe she just missed passing by a question the first time she took her test for her learner's permit. Here in GA they make you wait 3 days if you fail a test the first time before you can retake the test. So she is sad that she won't get a good parking spot in school because they issue the permits to seniors the first week and permits to juniors starting tomorrow. As of right now she'll have to wait until Monday to get her permit, unless she fails then she'll have to wait longer.

Clint and Mike you guys nailed it! Yes there seems to be a berfday very often, we have stock in Betty Crocker as well as a new addition to the fluctuating stable of mine. Our insurance payment is like a small house payment Time for her to get a license and a job!

Sandy you got any peaches left?

Wow Blue, I think Sandy just said your Goat ain't even in the same class as Teepo I better watch it, I keep forgetting she's packing now

Have a great afternoon all!
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Old August 6th, 2013, 12:44 PM
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Burban update

Making head way on de burban clean out

One light bulb trashed but turned into a case of 12 new ones [nicely box]
Ate 3 Ritz peanut butter crackers so I don't to 1 pack on the front seat
Filled bird feeders so the bird seed is gone
Got bar oil so de 3 chainsaw files are nicely store in tool shed.
Gave away 2 more coke cardboard flats of maters so dat pile is dwindeling down

I may try to werk from front o back.
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Old August 6th, 2013, 01:28 PM
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Well crap! Brian is over here typing an email to the owner asking to "be excused" from going to the sales meeting in NY. Dammmmm.... I was gonna be enjoying it here by myself. He must have to go to Cinci to pick up the car his son wrecked. Hope he does it on Friday and I will have that day, at least. I couldn't read the whole email when I walked behind him, lol. He's been hinting that he may have to miss the meeting.....

Speaking of wrecked cars, lol..... The Intrigue is FINALLY PAID FOR!!! I talked to Tony's dad last evening and he said he would call Bob today and give him his credit card info over the phone to take care of the bill. Bob dropped the price to $1100 something, from $1228. He said he was able to get the door cheaper. That was nice. Nicole went and got the car. I can't wait to see it!

When I was talking to Bob earlier, his office girl is on vacation and shop guys or whoever has been answering the phone.... I teasingly told him that he should have asked Nicole to come in and temp for him, lol. So he asked her when she went in! She goes in tomorrow at 8 am. ! Be nice if he'd keep her. He likes me..... lol!

And get this.... Nicole told me that Tony (who backed into her car) backed into his dads truck earlier today! He was backing out as his dad was pulling in, lol.! That poor kid. He needs remedial driving or something. As mad as his dad has been over my car, as mad as he was last night, I can just imagine what he wants to do to Tony at this point. Worse than Larry! I feel bad for Tony in a way, lol. I'm just glad my 5 months of frustration are at an end! I will never do this again, that's for sure.

Scot.... glad the berfday went well. Yeah, I have a few peaches left. I had to share them. Lol! ready to send some more?
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Old August 6th, 2013, 01:45 PM
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Me again.... well I just got a call from Don's. It was a broken link in the rear stabilizer bar or something that was making that thumping sound in Tincanio. It is covered by my service contract. I'm gonna have to look through the recall notices I have.... seems to me there was one for the rear stabilizer and I took it to the Toyota dealer back in the winter and they said all was good..... hmmmmmm.... so now I guess I'll be late again tomorrow morning so I can go pick it up.
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Old August 6th, 2013, 05:03 PM
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I got a new stick of deodorant today, it had an interesting shape! The instructions said: Remove cap and push up bottom. Now I can barely walk but whenever I fart, the room smells lovely.
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Old August 6th, 2013, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
I got a new stick of deodorant today, it had an interesting shape! The instructions said: Remove cap and push up bottom. Now I can barely walk but whenever I fart, the room smells lovely.
Old Spice ?

You are probably right about the tappet on the CS motor . That makes sense . I think the inside of that motor is pretty dirty . Maybe time for some Seafoam .
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Old August 6th, 2013, 08:17 PM
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Good evening everyone.

Why can't people pay attention when they are driving? I got to really test out the handling and braking of the Mustang on the way home tonite avoiding the SUV trying to change into my lane right where my car was. I can say that it brakes and handles VERY well!

Other than that I had a good day. Went to a cruise night with the Delta and actually saw a few other Oldsmobiles.

Sandy, glad to hear that the Intrigue is finished. And good luck to Nicole!

Jamesbo, keep at it with the Suburban clean up.

Allan, how about when the Cutlass is done, you drive it out here for a nice fall cruise with Tony and me and we'll see how many other CO members we can get out?

Welcome back Blue. I actually saw a CC the same generation as your's in a salvage yard up here once. And the strangest part is that they were never sold in Canada.
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Old August 6th, 2013, 09:04 PM
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I got a new stick of deodorant today, it had an interesting
shape! The instructions said: Remove cap and push up bottom. Now I can barely
walk but whenever I fart, the room smells
Allan, I think you have too much time on your hands!
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Old August 7th, 2013, 05:04 AM
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Yummy!! Delicious worm! (Where y'at, Clint?)
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Old August 7th, 2013, 05:26 AM
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Mawn'in all

Me thinks it's fix'in to come up a cloud

Well, The front seats are empty cept 1 lonely Ritz peanut butter cracker pack.

Rear seats are empty cept puter and brief case.

3rd seat we won't talk about

same with cargo area

If i keep moving things toward the rear, I may jes leave de barn doors open fer a few miles while I try to reach 100 mph

I wonder if Jimmy Hoffa is back thar sumwhar?
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Old August 7th, 2013, 05:35 AM
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Allan, go eat a big meal of sweet potatoes, artichoke casserole, and pork roast with garlic and you'll think you're lying in a glade....

Y'all have a great humpity day, friends.

p.s.: Jamesbo, nobody's interested in where Hoffa is unless you can bust up at least 100 sq. ft. of concrete to look....
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Old August 7th, 2013, 05:42 AM
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Mornin all.

Sorry John, Already at the shop starting my third Monday of the week.

Allan, you crack me up dude. too funny.

Sandy glad to hear they found Tincanio's ail's

Have a great day all. I better get back to yesterdays work, so hopefully, by tomorrow, I can get todays work started.
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Old August 7th, 2013, 06:23 AM
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Good Morning!

I defeated Teepo at the Ox Roast Sandy, so did everybody else.
Please don't shoot me.
That was pre engine detailing so I'll give you a pass. I might have shot my own self in the foot doing that engine if you do beat my goat at a show, "No good deed goes unpunished" is so true.

I'm dragging my butt today, it got hot at the boneyard and the car had a lot of good parts so I got carried away. They did have a giant cooler of that soap flavored country slime lemonade inside on the counter for the customers so at least I didn't perish from dehydration.
The car was a base version '92 with a cloth interior and not many options. I got the rear hatch glass, side cargo covers, front door cladding, rear courtesy light, arm rests, front bumper cover, unused ash tray and lighter, owner's manual with the original window sticker in the pocket, all the Custom Cruiser emblems, rear speaker cover sections, and a lot of scratches and abrasions.
My best find was a set of original carpeted blue floor mats in good shape. They're a little dirty but my Little Green Machine should take care of them fine.
Now watch out for the pop-up green machine ads on this page.
I found a lucky 1992 penny last Wednesday on the floor in my house and since then two Custom Cruisers have shown up at the boneyards and I found some parts I''ve been looking for for a couple of years online.

Now on to a heavier note, I did notice a real baditude by some longtime members in responses to some posts now, not in the Good Morning thread of course.. What happened?
Does anybody remember good old Norm?? He was a pussycat compared to some of these guys.

Redgoat got a pic of the car at the yard, I hid behind it so my face wouldn't be in the pic for legal reasons.
It was in good shape but had a lot of rust undrneath, only 113,00 miles, too bad.
I was underneath it and some guy crawled under there with me to B.S. about wagons, I'm glad Redgoat was there to protect me.

Attachment 73359
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Old August 7th, 2013, 06:32 AM
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Blue, I think Norm went home to glory sum time ago.

Mike, I'd watch wtf I had to eat at werk.
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Old August 7th, 2013, 07:29 AM
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Morning All!

Sun/clouds here this morning, humidity is creeping back in. Supposed to get bad storms this afternoon with high winds and hail possible. Hope they miss us!

Got in to work at 9:20 this morning. Went and got Tincanio. Had to stop and put gas in the rental car before I took it back, then since gas was cheaper over that way I filled Tincanio on the way back. Got me a Krispy Kreme jelly donut for breakfast, lol. So no thumping sound anymore! Tincanio is happy. Saved me $124.00 by having the service contract.

Nicole was all nervous about going to Bobs to work today, lol. I told her don't be afraid to ask him questions. She'll have the phone system down pat by noon, I'm sure.

The Intrigue is beautiful!!! He did a great job. Paint is blended perfectly. He buffed her out, cleaned up the rims and wheel wells.... I am very pleased!!! He's such a good guy.

Well Brian got the ok to miss the sales meeting, so he will be here tomorrow afternoon and Friday. He's going for his car on Saturday. Dammmmmmit! I needed the break.

Blue........... watch it bud! I'm a pretty good shot with my Glock, lol. I won't shoot you. Yet..... I'm sure your Goat would kick Teepo's butt anytime, lol. I don't read many of the other threads much anymore..... sometimes the bickering and know it all attitudes get to me and I don't care to hear it. Things are changing everywhere.... and not for the better, lol.

Well guess I better get something done since I'm here, so have a great Humpday all!
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Old August 7th, 2013, 08:33 AM
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nobody's interested in where Hoffa is unless you can bust up at least 100
sq. ft. of concrete to look....
Hmmm, I need a new driveway
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Old August 7th, 2013, 08:41 AM
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Howdy all.

Oh it's going to be one of those days. The dogs got me up at 630, so I fixed their breakfast and went back to bed. Then they woke me up again, at 11! Eh, so what, I've already missed Awful house and now it's raining, so I'm not going anywhere.

Jamesbo there's a few places I won't eat at the airport. Went to Subway by my work one night and a fly kept landing on the bread of my sandwich. I said, more than once, get rid of the fly don't let it land on the bread. Then she put the meat on the bread and covered up the fly. That was the last time I went to Subway.

Blue that's a good score on the CC parts. When I go to the junkyard I have a list for each car of things I need to look for. Some of the parts have eluded me for years.

Clint you sound like me. Back in the dark ages when I had to work 5 days in a row I'd say it was my first Monday, my second Monday, etc.

Allan, oh Allan.

Well I guess I'll figure out something to do inside today. The dogs are calm right now, wonder if I could duck out for lunch at the AH. Have a good day everyone.
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Old August 7th, 2013, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Hmmm, I need a new driveway
With your being in Michigan, the front loaders & jack hammers would be there in 2 hours....
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Old August 7th, 2013, 12:15 PM
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Well Elsie arrived here with a vengence before lunch. Rain stopped for a while, then started again. I think this is the 6th Wednesday we've not been able to cruise at Chick Fil A. It sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a pic of the Intrigue all fixed up.

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Old August 7th, 2013, 12:22 PM
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Wednesday's aren't supposed to be all rainy are they? Hmmmm well at least I don't have to water the grass and flowers today. Won't be doing any painting today with all this humidity.

Jim - sounds like you're going an interior restoration of the burb. Takes time to sift through all that stuff and make decisions doesn't it? I guess when you're sitting in the drivers seat, if you don't see what's in the back it shouldn't matter. Hope you don't get discouraged before the end is in sight.

John - ummm, no thanks. I can't eat those big meals anymore. Only eat a bit every so often so the 'bloated' feeling stays away. Sounds like a good recipe though!

Blue - That CC looks like it has a lot of good parts still on it.

Mike - what? oh what? You already knew I was a sick puppy...
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Old August 8th, 2013, 02:09 AM
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Mornin all.

Yup. Nuther worm today. John, you are welcome to them anytime you want.

The kid and her beau made it out of the wilderness yesterday. They spent the last day of their trip in Glenwood springs. They should be home today sometime.

Mike, My buddy works out of Waukegan Regional

Have a great day. Time to go make some lunches.

Last edited by CQR; August 8th, 2013 at 04:49 AM.
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Old August 8th, 2013, 04:37 AM
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Mawn'in all

Welp, De cow may have left de area fer a spell

Note to self; Allways check to see if all de parts are in de box before you waste 2 hours of your precious life trying to assemble a POS Ames Hose reel from Lowes.

Burb has taken a slight step back. Now has a partially assembled POS hose reel in de cargo area .Fear not it's on it's way back to Lowes

GTG to de big city today

Have a Great Day Olds friends
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Old August 8th, 2013, 05:13 AM
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Mornin', all... Ran late this morning; just about everything that could take extra time took it. Hate to admit it, but whenever the better half is trying to leave at the same time as me, it throws me for a loop. I get out of my morning groove. I guess that means I wasn't groovy this morning.

Then I had to get gas, since I blew it off on the way home last night due to the station looking like they were giving it away. So this morning, it's coming out of the pump like molasses in January.... in Nome, AK. Glad I had a Camry and not my brother's F-250 PowerStroke.

Sorry to hear of the hosereel plight, Jimbo. Sam's used to sell a house-mounted fiberglass one that was tops... but I don't think they have had it for a while. I think it's still attached to our Katrina house and working fine. Now, Sam's has the metal wheeled reel that works OK, but the wheels rust and go bow-legged after about a year. (Not an Ames, however.)

Be careful in da' big Hot.

Clint, I haven't even eaten breakfast yet and you're on lunch... man, you really deserve the worm.

Sandy, you ain't havin' much luck with dem pic's lately... can't see nuttin'.

Y'all have a good Thursday.
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Old August 8th, 2013, 05:30 AM
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Me thinks, i've got em [Lowes] by de short hairs. De say "We'll put together ANYTHING fer 10 bucks. I gonna short sell there stock before I take dis POS back. You tube is waiting fer me to post them putt'in this crap together
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Old August 8th, 2013, 06:46 AM
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Good Morning.

Sorry to hear that about Norm, he was cratchety but did know his stuff. I never set foot near his posts and was never called out by him thankfully.

I thought one of the Tincanios drive Hamsters may have gone lame, glad to hear it it was just a stablilizer bar link. Are you sure one of the critters didn't escape and chew on Teepo's front seat Sandy??
Redgoat's GTO is filthy next to Teepo, the shoemakers children never have shoes. That's an AACA show so make sure all your I's are dotted and your T's are crossed for judging, they're brutal, and friendly to other AACA members.

I may go back and get a few more parts off that OCC if anything's left. I can't afford to have all that cash tied up in spare parts though, have to find stuff to sell to pay for the parts I keep to maintain a balance. I'll have to take Laura and have her bring a big purse next time, think they would notice a tailgate sticking out of it when we're leaving???
I did restore the cargo covers yesterday, I'm getting good at fixing plastic since I bought the OCC. A strategically placed heat gun will eliminate all those nicks and scratches if they aren't too deep, anybody in the market for a melted speaker cover??

Jamesbo, what happened to that cool SS wheel hose holder you had?
Jack up one of your cars and attach it to the rear end and it will reel in hoses at record speed, in forward or reverse.

Redgoat just asked me what deodorant is used for.
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Old August 8th, 2013, 07:04 AM
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Funny you should ax. After fool'in round wit dis piece of junk I almost went an de tired a SS II to use. De one I got hung on de outside of de garage is bent to kingdom come and has enough balance lead in it to make a few good size cannon *****
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Old August 8th, 2013, 11:22 AM
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Afternoon All!

Well.... I'm a little late today, lol. Been doing maintenance and clean up on this laptop all morning. Had to download things and scan and scan...... finally back to normal.

We've had several visits from Elsie today already. So tropical outside.... It's 80 degrees. I don't know if Bellacinos will be on later or not. Probably not. I took Lin shopping instead of going to Chick Fil A last night. I didn't get home until after 10. I was tired.

NICOLE GOT THE JOB AT THE SAGAMORE ANIMAL HOSPITAL!!!!!! WOOT WOOOOOO... Now, lets all join hands in prayer and pray that she will keep the job and not get fired! Please???? She starts next Tuesday, part time of course. I'm not sure what all she will be doing. The lady called her yesterday. She is enjoying her job with Bob at the body shop this week, lol. He is such a sweetheart. She wants to fix him and I up.... I keep telling her we can't do that, lol. Not that the thought hasn't crossed my mind.... She is friends with his shop guys already.... gee, imagine that! Wish she could permanently work there, she would enjoy it.

Clay and Steve took off at noon for NY. Just me and Brian here now. I was already wanting to kill him this morning. He was on the phone BS'ing with everyone, telling the 'Tyler wrecked the car' story over and over and over. My God I wanted to scream at him just to shut up! I can recite the story word for word. It's been a month since it happened.....

I don't know why my pics keep going away?? They are there when I look after I bring them over from Photobucket, then they're gone! I don't get it.... I will try again.

Blue.... you crack me up!! Make sure you show Redgoat what deodorant is for, lol!!

Well you all have a good day!!

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Old August 8th, 2013, 11:58 AM
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Sandy, I'll say sum incantation over a candle tonite fer Nicole
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