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Old July 10th, 2013, 06:42 AM
Cutlass Lover
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Morning All!

Soggy, stormy and humid here. Had thunderstorms roll in last evening around 7:30 ish, and again this morning. They're supposed to be around today, then moving out in the morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be only in the 70's and wayyyy less humidity. Gonna be nice the next few days. We've had 15 straight days with rain.

A lot of the roads were closed around here this morning cause of flooding. Our backyard has pools of standing water all around. Ditches were full of water flowing pretty fast, this morning. It just sucks.

The Direct TV guy is at the house installing our new equipment. Larry stayed home waiting on him this morning.

Soooo I see on Facebook that Adrian is gonna be a daddy again! For real this time, lol.

Jamesbo... I picked 6 cherry maters last night! I ate 4 of them as I picked them, lol. Man I love maters! The other ones are getting bigger, too. The pumpkin plants are up and are shooting little viney things. Larry picked 3 banana peppers. Something - probably one of the millions of rabbits out back - dug under the fence and ate one of my little green bean plants. I put bricks all around the bottom of the fence last night. Bast*rds!!!

Scot... I was wondering where you were! Hope your daughter is ok. Sorry to hear that happened. Good thing they caught it. Let me know when you're ready to get the peaches, and I'll send you money to Overnight them.

Mike.... I just took a damp ultimate cloth and wiped down the hood on Teepo. It got rid of the smeary marks. I gotta ask Bob about that, cause when I sprayed her last evening, it was smeary again.... gotta be a build up of wax and detailer on her. I don't like it!!

Well you all have a good hump day and stay dry!!!
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Old July 10th, 2013, 12:45 PM
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Well are you all alive out there, lol? No one has posted? odd....

It's dark as night here, all the outside lights are on in the complex. Tornado warnings are out. The tornado sirens went off in Twinsburg about an hour ago or so. The rain is coming down sideways in sheets out here now. It's pretty ugly.... I guess this is the cold front coming through and once it passes, we will be less muggy around here. Had some sun at lunch time, I went out in my chair. No cruisin tonight, lol!!
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Old July 10th, 2013, 03:06 PM
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Sandy, I'm OK you're Ok

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Old July 10th, 2013, 03:35 PM
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Hey everyone.

Scot that's too bad about the little girl. I hope she recovers quick.

As Cheap Trick would say, Mommy's alright, Daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird.

Nice evening. It was a nice morning when I went to sleep, but somewhere along the lines it started thundering and I instantly had two very big chickens in bed with me. No problem, I'll go sleep on the couch. Well, I then had two very big chickens on the couch with me. There's just no knowing what the rain is going to do these days, so the dogs go to the kennel tomorrow afternoon so I can leave early Friday to get the convertible. I can't imagine what they'd do during the day for 14+ hours if there were a storm come up. Oh, yes I can.

Scot do you know of a decent route between Orlando and Atlanta that doesn't take the interstate? I know I can take 42 from near you up home but don't know exactly where 42 starts.

Sandy, it was probably 5 pages ago you first brought up the smeariness. I don't remember if I told you this, wash the car in some fairly heavy soap, like dishwashing liquid. It will take most/all the wax off, then start over with a good coat of wax and go easy on the Quick Detailer. Oh and then go through all the nooks and crannies with Qtips.

If my buddy calls and says the Wheel and Brake shop is open tonight I might run up to work and blast my two rims I've been trying to get done. I hate going to work on my day off, but I need to get this done. The shop has been open the last two nights and my rims were in the car at home with a bad tire. Where's the luck.

Well have a good evening everyone. I look forward to Awful house in the morning.
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Old July 10th, 2013, 09:09 PM
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Well Sandy it's just after midnight so hopefully no damage done by the storms, I have a friend you went to her bros. in Fla. and now I see that they are in the path of a tropical storm. If that "smeariness" is on your windshield, buy some Invisible Glass to clean it with.
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Old July 11th, 2013, 04:04 AM
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Morning all.

Had a nice little rain yesterday, but the sun came out and made it muggy. I think we hit like 50%RH Today is one of our 2 watering days per week, so I have the sprinkler on the front lawn. Our lawn looks like Caca!

Sandy the wife has a mater plant (a Celebrity) but our season is real late this year, I just noticed one mater on it but it still has lots of blooms yet. Glad you didn't get swept to munchkinland.

Jamesbo, I hope you are staying busy. keep up the cessation. we're rootin for you.

Sandy My old buddy who was a porsche bodyman always told us to wash our cars with Tide. He also didn't believe in wax, he had us use 3M hand glaze. Thats what I use on Brittney. (But I do put a light coat of Mothers on just in case).

Speaking of, She is absolutely filthy. I haven't washed her yet from last weekends rainstorm. Been too tired at night. By the time I get home and do chores, its time to take a shower and get to bed.

Scot wishing your kiddo a fast recovery. Glad they found the problem and got it removed.

Great news about Adrian and Tink. I musta missed that announcement.

Mike, Those lyrics fit pretty good! Can't wait to see your new scoot.

Have a great day all.
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Old July 11th, 2013, 04:53 AM
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Mawn'in all

I think I'm gonna move to Ketchcan, Alaska so I can see de sun every now and again.

My garden is a wreck. I bet I've got a hundred tomatoes dat are gonna rot.

Scot, Wishing you girl a speedy recovery.

Mike, Why do you not like to drive on de interstates? I once took de Blue Ridge Pky all de way to de Shenandoah pkwy all de way to D.C. Nice drive, no trucks and took FOREVEr.

Clint, Tanks, Still haven't kilt anyone but a ground hog. However I think I told cha I was 'bout to strangle a kid who said "No Problem" to me.

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 11th, 2013, 06:10 AM
Cutlass Lover
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Morning All!

Well we survived the storms..... God, what a mess trying to get home last night! I went down 82 here to where it turns in to Ravenna Rd. like I always do (I've been avoiding Twinsburg and Rt. 91 since they started construction on it) and there's a big ROAD CLOSED sign where Ravenna Rd. starts. So all of us turned left onto 82 towards Aurora. No choice. I turned down a little side road to get back to the other end of 82 in Twinsburg. There were trees down on people's lawns, trees laying on the power lines... just a mess. All sorts of debris on the roads. I get back to Twinsburg and it's just traffic everywhere. I sat through the light on 82 to turn left onto 91, 5 times! 91 had a little flooding in the low spots.

Our street has standing water in people's yards, ditches over running into the road. We have a ton of limbs and leaves all over the yard. Some of my flowers are broke off. The tall ones like the Sweet Williams, lilies, lambs ears.

Jamesbo! That's just horrible. I'm sorry. Our garden isn't quite that bad, lol. I did pick 3 more radishi and a few green beans from my little garden by the deck last night.

At least the humidity is gone. I shut off the AC and opened the windows in the house this morning. First time in a long time. The electric bill and my wallet will appreciate it. It's gonna be close to 90 several days next week according to the forecast. Looks like a good weekend for the shows I have planned. I figure Brian will be turning down the AC in here next week, cause he will get cold.... I'll be dying!

Well I haven't put water on Teepo in many years.... I hate to wash her! But I suppose I should try it and see if it cuts through the smeariness on her hood. Dammmmmit! When I was washing her, I use McGuires car wash stuff. I've heard not to use Dawn or other 'soaps' on cars????

Well only today and tomorrow left of my vacation from Brian, lol.... this has been the fastest 2 weeks of the whole year so far. It's been sooooo nice without him!

Clint.... Tink (Adrian's wife) posted on her facebook page yesterday about the baby. Haven't heard anything from Adrian in a long while.....

Scot... hope your daughter is feeling better today!

Well you all have a good day and don't get stuck in the mud or anything.
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Old July 11th, 2013, 07:29 AM
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Good Thursday Mawnin All

They are calling for another 80% chance of rain today I think I may invest in a bigger boat soon. An ark would be awesome but that would mean I would have to save the cast of Spartacus as well

Sandy I will ride down to see if the peaches are ready today.

Thanks all for the well wishes for the 19 y/o and she is doing fine.

Jamesbo all you need is the hat and a foo man chu

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Old July 11th, 2013, 07:38 AM
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Mike GA Hwy 42 ends in Byron. U.S. Hwy 41 goes from Miami, Fla to the upper peninsula in Michigan. And was the main thoroughfare for those heading south from Atlanta before I-75 was built. My main issue is the slowing down through towns that is annoying. But if you want to sight see then that is the way to go. You would just need to jut over to Orlando somewhere down that way.
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Old July 11th, 2013, 07:59 AM
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Oh yeah, I forgot. Lighten took out my cable and every Tv
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Old July 11th, 2013, 08:27 AM
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Hey good morning everyone.

Overcast today, I'm over this rain. I think I will take a handful of sleeping pills and sleep through the rain. If it's raining when I wake up I'll take some more. See you all in about 5 years.

Sandy that's why they say not to use dish soap on a car. It strips the wax off. If you have too much wax and want to start over that's the desired effect. Well, that's what I'd do anyway. I use Maguire's car wash as well between waxes.

Scot I should have known 41 is the road to take. That road goes all the way up into Chicago, in fact 41 is the fabled Lake Shore Drive through the city. I want to buy a truck in Orlando that only goes 50 so instead of a long and boring and slow drive on the interstate I thought I'd take the scenic route.

Good for Adrian! He can FedEx us all cigars.

Awful house was quiet today. I've decided the manager there is too slack. I like all the people that work there but the place seems run down. He doesn't keep after them to clean like they should, they are more interested in standing around talking(loudly) than looking after the patrons, and the staff doesn't always exude as much professionalism as they should. As I think they should. Yes I know it's Awful house, but they are there providing service and taking people's money. They should conduct themselves accordingly. Is that why I don't like rain, because it gets in my nose when it's stuck up this high?

Guess I'll do some more running around and then this evening I'm going for pizza. Have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old July 11th, 2013, 09:18 AM
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Happy Thursday

Yeah, boys & girl, was up in da' mountains since Wed. nite da' 3rd. Flew up to Hotlanta and better half picked me up there. Of course, the miserable Delta plane was delayed for over an hour with no explanation whatsoever; but I guess I should be glad I wasn't flying Asiana.

Pretty much rained on & off (mostly on) the whole time; but our spirits weren't dampened. A neighbor had us over for Hooters chicken wings and other delectables on the 4th; we even managed to eat on his deck.
And it's been soooo nice just to get away from the commute and rat race. Drove back w/ better half + kitties Tuesday. Nary a spec o'rain on way home. Stopped for breakfast at Cracker Barrel right north of Atlanta, then once more for gas in MS.

Gee, Mike, tell us how you really feel about Hotlanta .

Jamesbo and Scot and Mike, what dates in October are looking good (or bad?) for the Hotlanta meet-up? Any other takers?

Thanks for the picture comment, Mike & Sandy. That's taken from our front deck. (I obviously love being up there.) Dang week flew by.

Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Tonight is BOP night over in Solon.
Wow, Sandy, sounds as if they're personally inviting me .

OK, let me get back to some semblance of working. Y'all have a great rest-o'day.
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Old July 11th, 2013, 10:52 AM
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Why not wash?

I've found a good washing can't be beat. I wash the Olds every few months to remove the bugs, grime, and dust. As long as you store it in a dry environment, the water you can't towel-dry evaporates pretty quickly; and it looks so good after buffing with that microfiber towel

I've never waxed it; but it gets little to no sun, mostly b/c I hardly ever take it out .

I think it has polyurethane on it now. I had a single-stage polyurethane on the GS when it met its "Water"loo, 'cause it looked more like the acrylic lacquer it came with in '72. The new clearcoats sparkle a little too much for an older car, IMHO. It's like a 90-year-old man with a new set of teeth: Beats the hell out of a green & black smile, but doesn't look natural.

Scot, glad the girl is doing OK. Better half came down with that about 5 yrs ago and had to have immediate surgery when she was visiting MI.

Jamesbo, sorry things are so soggy. It's nuttin' like that down here. We could actually use a little more.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; July 11th, 2013 at 10:58 AM.
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Old July 12th, 2013, 04:07 AM
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Morning all. Quiet yesterday afternoon on here.

John, We don't have much of an issue of water not evaporating quickly up here. After hand washing a car up here, I have to go around and rinse it one last time, because the side I started on is all dry and has left water spots by the time I'm done washing the other side.

Well, It looks like I finally got that 64.5 mudstain sold. Lady whos buying it, is gonna have me get it running so she can run it up to her body man.

Mike, Lake shore? Isn't that the road on the north side of the city that is really upscale? I think thats where my friend took us to watch fireworks several years ago. We were in a house that was way too expensive for my redneckedness. Being in ritzy places like that makes me uncomfortable.

Sandy, You need to make sure you don't wash with dawn or tide in direct sunlight. overcast or shade is ok. My wife tells me I'm gonna wash the paint right off of Brittney. I still haven't cleaned her up from last weekends frolicking in the rainstorm. Sandy, you'd have a coronary if Teepo looked like this.

Jamesbo, Sorry to hear about the TV's. I hope they aren't ruined. We had a nice rain and lightshow last night. we really needed it. The skies had been making a lot of grumbling most of the evening, I didn't expect much (so I watered the lawn for about 3 hours). A big crack of thunder blew me right out of bed a little after 10 so I got up and closed the windows a little to keep from washing the inside of the house. Our old ranch style house doesn't have much in the way of eaves, so if the rain comes down at much of an angle it'll come in thru the windows.

Have a great Friday all.
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Old July 12th, 2013, 07:40 AM
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Morning Clint, lol!

Where ya all at???

Sunny and cooler here. Gorgeous morning, early. It was like 65 and cool... I'm not missin the humidity!!! Supposed to hit 83 or so today, 86 tomorrow. I figure the AC will be going back on in the house.

Hot and stuffy in here. Clay turned the thermostat up out there. He gets cold. 5 degree difference between this room and the front where he and the thermostat are... something wrong with the air flow in this place or something. I'll be turning it down at lunch. It's been 77 in here all morning and I have a hard time breathing.
I'm gonna stop by here tomorrow on my way to a show and turn the thermostat down so it's cooler in here on Monday. Supposed to be like 88 - 89 degrees next week so I know it will get hotter than hades in here. Brian will be back Monday.

I'm about Brian'd out this morning. Nothing but problems with his customers and orders all morning!!! We sell steel plates. We are not in the small parts business. He has more orders that are out for outside processing... cutting, rolling, forming, grinding, whatever. It's crazy!! Just sell the damned steel and let them do their own forming. It's stressful when you have like 4 purchase orders to different places out on one order, and the stuff is due to ship on Monday. No wonder the guy gets so stressed. He makes so much work for himself. But he's a martyr... he likes to complain to everyone about 'how busy he is' so he enjoys getting the sympathy from people. Jesus......

It's been so wonderful not to have to smell his nasty cigarette butts that he puts in the trash can, for the last 2 weeks! I'm gonna fill a can with sand and set it outside the door and ask him nicely if he will use it so I won't gag every time I have to open the trash can. He's not gonna like that.... it's all about him.

Anyhow... had a beautiful night at Bellacino's last evening. Nicole even went with me! It was nice to have company, lol. I didn't win anything at all. I was really surprised there weren't more cars there. It was good to be out though!!

Guess I'll have to break down and wash Teepo.....

Well you all have a great Friday!!
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Old July 12th, 2013, 09:12 AM
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Morning, Clint & Sandy, and the rest of y'all, wherever you are .

Clint, I usually don't have a problem w/ evaporation, even though our relative humidity gets close to the triple-digit. But the temps are usually high; I always wash in my carport, in the shade. You guys have that single-digit humidity

Sandy, atta' girl. Teepo thanks you.

Y'all have a great Friday.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; July 12th, 2013 at 09:25 AM.
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Old July 12th, 2013, 09:20 AM
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Still lurking about! Some o.t. on Saturday, car show in Grand Haven, Mi. on Sunday, their Jaycees have been holding it for 20 years, usually a couple hundred cars...I'll take my camera this time. Comfortable here, 70's...low humidity, won't be that way next week, 90 ish, and humid, works gonna suck.
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Old July 12th, 2013, 11:54 AM
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Sandy, I be runn'in round try'in to figger out how I'm gona get my TVs on? Not sure I can give up de cigs and de TV
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Old July 12th, 2013, 06:05 PM
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Hey everyone. Haven't been on here in a couple of weeks so time to catch up. Was in Lexington Kentucky for the national Riviera/Toronado Owners Association meet. Lots of really nice cars there, over 150 Riv's and 20 Toronados.

I drove my 85 Riv there. Had a lot of work to do on it before it was ready. I did the convertible top, intake manifold gasket, timing chain and motor mounts all within the last 2 weeks before I had to leave. Nothing like waiting until the last minute right?

We stopped at GM Carlisle and then went on to Lexington. I attached the tv's to the back of the front seat and the little ones were very happy. Made for a nice ride. The car averaged 23mpg with the A/C on, at 70-75mph. Not to bad. Here's a pic:

I will post another thread with some pictures of the show.

Hope everyone has been doing well.
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Old July 12th, 2013, 06:18 PM
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Hi everyone Happy Friday.

What a long, long day. Got the car home safe and sound. No trouble with the rig, but I found a new hatred for my GPS. I will trust that there was a reason it took me 60 miles out of my way bypassing Columbia. Got to the kennel with 4 minutes to spare, so the pups are home with me tonight.

Got up at 4am and left around 530. Got to the guy's house and got all loaded up. Just as the front of the car ran up on the ramps, he slipped off the front of the trailer and all's I saw were feet up in the air. He fell backwards right on his ***. He called out, from what sounded like under the car, I'm okay! He got up and didn't seem the worse for wear. Scared the heck out of me. I've decided I haven't lost anything in South Carolina.

So now I just have the trailer, car and all, backed into the driveway and I'll figure out what to do with it tomorrow. I can't wait to crawl all over it and learn things.

Yes Clint, Lake Shore Drive the road is called and it will take you up or down. It actually runs through the city. At the south end when you get on, there's a sign that says "No Trucks." What it doesn't say is pickups are included. Who says the city doesn't have a sense of humor. Or full pockets.

Jamesbo hope the TVs are okay. I have a 27" that weighs about 80 pounds you can have. Nice picture, and if you took the tube out of the cabinet a family of four could live comfortably.

Sandy why don't you put Brian's desk out side the door.

I'm back to babysitting duties. My neighbor and her sister are going to New Jersey for a week, and the brother in law who can't see and can hardly walk is going to stay with my friend who can't walk and can hardly move. They said they don't mind relying on my for everything. Gee that's nice.

Okay I'm gonna hit the sack. Oh, the picture, if it actually comes through, is one that the seller sent me. I'll get some of my own once it's down off the trailer. Have a good night everyone and a good weekend.
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Old July 12th, 2013, 06:22 PM
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Darrell that's a nice looking car! Did those wheels come on it or did you put them on? They look like GN wheels.

I've been to Lexington, nice place. They have both Krystal and White Castle. Guess which one I went to!
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Old July 12th, 2013, 09:03 PM
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Mike, they do look like Grand National wheels. I think the Riv has an offset like the Toronado? Hmmm, maybe the GN has the same style and profile of hub? I've only seen one other Buick Riv with these and IMO they look rather sharp.
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Old July 13th, 2013, 05:55 AM
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Mawn'in all

I got my hat, my fu ma chu and now I'z got'z a water buffalo to help me in de rice paddy.

Darrell, Nice set of wheels ya got there

Scot, How de young'un feel'in?

Mike, Thanks but I've got those 80 pounders all over de place. Ya jes can't seem to throw dem away.

Clint, TV's a shot an so is de coffee maker. What I can't figger out is why de toaster which was plugged into de same outlet as de coffee maker is fine.

Got de cable go'in and hooked up an ole 80 lber to get things kinda sorta werk'in yesterday.

Enjoy your weekend Olds friends

John, Any time in Oct is fine wit me. What cho think'in 'bout?
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Old July 13th, 2013, 08:09 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Just got back from the Awful house and the Post Office. I figured Walmart on a Saturday morning wouldn't be the best idea.

Yet another overcast day. I don't feel like doing squat. I do need to rearrange things so the convertible has its own place.

October for me, I'm off all the Mondays, and all the Tuesdays except the last one, and all the Sundays except the first one, the first three Wednesdays, and the last Saturday.

Jamesbo the coffeepot is dead because it's a highly evolved piece of machinery, and the toaster isn't. What you need is one of them fancy whole house surge protector, like what Mike Holmes puts in all his redo's.

Those Rivieras are some nice looking cars. I wonder why the Toronado never got the drop top.

Guess I'll do some house cleaning today. Or I'll search the internet for an M35A2C W/W. Have a good one everybody.
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Old July 13th, 2013, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Darrell that's a nice looking car! Did those wheels come on it or did you put them on? They look like GN wheels.

I've been to Lexington, nice place. They have both Krystal and White Castle. Guess which one I went to!
Mike - I bet it was the White Castle! We have one of those a couple of miles from our house. Always good when I need my fix!

The wheels were available as a factory option in 81 and 82 and then for 83-85 they were a dealer available option, I believe. I wanted those wheels and was able to locate a pretty decent set. The car originally came with the spoke wire wheels but I hate cleaning them. I think the gn style wheels give it a sportier look.

Allan - glad to see you're back. Hope everything's better.

Jamesbro - thanks! The car is in pretty good shape. It spent most of its life in AZ so the body is rust free. I had to redo the front suspension and chase down a ton of vacuum leaks on the 307 but now it runs great.
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Old July 13th, 2013, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Those Rivieras are some nice looking cars. I wonder why the Toronado never got the drop top.
What an EXCELLENT question!!! The Riviera and Toronado were Buick and Oldsmobile's answer to the Cadillac El Dorado which was offered as a drop top. Notice also the lack of competition for a drop top luxo barge (specialty FWD cars) from Chevrolet and Pontiac? It was a conspiracy I tell ya.....
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Old July 13th, 2013, 01:46 PM
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Weren't the Buick converts. factory, but the Caddy's outsourced conversions?
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Old July 13th, 2013, 01:59 PM
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Weren't the Buick converts. factory, but the Caddy's outsourced conversions?
Dan, I have no way to back up this statement, but I think that El Dorado's were assembled on the same lines as the HT El Dorado's. It would be 'logical' but as we know with GM production that isn't gospel.

This picture (showing the last 76 El Dorado produced) I'm guessing was taken as it rolled off the assembly line? If that's true, it would be reasonable to conclude that caddy verts were part of normal production and not out sourced. Egad! If they were outsourced (like the HO) Fisher Body Works would likely be up in arms about losing that business!

This picture shows a 1953 corvette vert body being lowered to its waiting chassis. Can't see Caddy being really any different. If anything I'd suggest that by 1976 GM had 23 years to perfect the process....
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Old July 13th, 2013, 03:57 PM
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My bad for not clarifying, the last of the "Big Eldos" were factory produced, but I think that the first generation of downsized cars from 1979 through 1985 may have been outsourced for the conversion.
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Old July 13th, 2013, 04:10 PM
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Posts: 8,868 A lengthy article @ Hemmings, which shows ragtop production for the years of 1984 and 1985, but does not indicate that they were outsourced, so it appears that I am wrong.
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Old July 13th, 2013, 04:50 PM
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Don't you just hate it when you go full circle and still can't find a definitive answer? The 84/5 Biaritz production numbers don't categorically state they WEREN'T outsourced, and that's not a lot of production for a year. So you darn well could be right my friend!

BTW, do you remember the 80's series Eldo's that were designed to "look like' they had a vert top but were actually HT with fancy upholstery on the roof?
Here's a link to the Cadillac Data Base Has some pretty nice and some pretty ugly stuff too.
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Old July 13th, 2013, 06:48 PM
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Hey everyone.

Those big Cadillac Eldorado convertibles are one of my favorite. I too thought the 80s Eldo's were converted after the fact, but I don't know that for sure. I know that isn't a foreign concept to GM. The 80s Cavaliers were built as regular coupes and then sent to Cars and Concepts to have the roof cut off and the soft top put on.

So the convertible is still on the trailer. No biggie as I won't be able to register it until at least Wednesday. I did get a number off the engine I hoped someone could tell me what it meant. Cast into the top of the block, just above the water pump, is the number 395558 2. Where is the machined pad that will have the serial number? While it's apparent someone went hog wild with a can of blue paint, but there isn't any sign of gold paint. Hm.

Allan does that picture of the Corvette say if it's in Flint, and if so what number car that is?

Darrell you're right. I sure miss my White Castle. Sometimes I flip out and have to go have a few Krystals, but it's merely a stopgap measure.

Thanks Scot for the advice on my AC. I also want to ask you about adding rear air to my van but that can wait.

Sandy I'm glad you enjoyed your show. Not going to win anything? Haven't you ever heard of stuffing the ballot box and getting trees and dead people to vote?

Jamesbo how are the TVs?

Well work tomorrow. Gonna stay up really late so I can sleep in tomorrow. Can't decide if I want to go to Kalamazoo on Wednesday to a Corvair Foundation meeting. I don't have anywhere to stay yet and since it's the big convention rooms might be a little tight.

Well okay have a good evening everyone.
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Old July 13th, 2013, 07:08 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Cast into the top of the block, just above the water pump, is the number 395558 2. Where is the machined pad that will have the serial number?
Thanks Scot for the advice on my AC. I also want to ask you about adding rear air to my van but that can wait.
1) Oldsmobile 350
2) There will be a pad on the driver's side towards the front of the block.
3) Now that I have no experience in as far as adding to a vehicle, except for my Tahoe has one and from my understanding it has two evaporator coils and two inside fans with one compressor.
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Old July 13th, 2013, 07:11 PM
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I remember those carriage roof? Eldos, and the slant back Sevilles, and oddly enough for some reason I like the slantback style today. Mike, the vin derivative is on a small pad below the #1 spark plug (drivers front) on the block. The 395558 2 indicates a 350 engine.
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Old July 13th, 2013, 08:02 PM
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The Riviera convertibles that were made from 82-85 were shipped from the Linden, NJ GM assembly plant to the ASC conversion factory in Michigan.

The Eldorados were converted by Hess and Eisenhart, not sure where they did their work.

Both were options on the order list, but neither of the cars were converted by GM itself.
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Old July 13th, 2013, 09:09 PM
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And for some reason I like the 1977-1979 Seville.
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Old July 13th, 2013, 10:04 PM
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Mike - No idea where the car was built or what body, sorry.

But on the other hand, here's a picture that shows where to look for your engine stamping pad. This one is from a 1971 350. The large 7 is the head casting number, not the cylinder. This stamping pad is located just below and to the front of the #1 plug; and behind the power steering pump. What did you buy?? Methinks Scot and I are going to ask you to look for some stuff on it which might involve doing some of that fun type MAW maintenance.....jk

Usually this pad is covered with oil and grime. Whatever you do, DON"T use sandpaper to clean it - use a solvent. The numbers aren't stamped in there all that deep in some cases.

For Jamesbo - I know you're suffering enough through the smoking cessation, but you can do it. I've contacted your local course and had them set up the greens for you so you will have a win win time on Monday when y'all go to whack whitey...

and y'all get ta tee off like mo losin dem whiteys no where.
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Old July 14th, 2013, 08:11 AM
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Morning, boys & girl. Not a bad weekend here in the swamp, considering it's mid-July. Gettin' a few real fun things done around here for a change, like filling holes in the gravel road, weed killing and whacking, and house cleaning.

Jamesbo, take a look at the Fox "tour" schedule:
Since Mike is off every Monday in October, whatcha think about shooting for a Monday? Scot, are you still interested? with all you got goin' on, I'm sure we'd understand your plight; but it would be sure nice to meet up. I'm still hopin' some folks from this group outside the Great State of Georgia might rack up a few miles and perhaps a hotel bill for the occasion.

Originally Posted by slantflat
October for me, I'm off all the Mondays, and all the Tuesdays except the last one, and all the Sundays except the first one, the first three Wednesdays, and the last Saturday.
Jamesbo (again): I was sorry to hear of your plight with yer electronics. A lightning strike on our outdoor antenna was one of the "welcome" items we received within our first few months of moving to our current home in '06. We were actually sitting in the living room during a nighttime thunderstorm watching TV, and it sounded as if a bomb (a big one, at that) went off in our front yard , as all of outside lit up like daytime . Then as it darkened again, bits of molten antenna were falling outside like a lava rain. I can honestly say it scared me more than I've ever been scared in my life . Wouldn't wish that on anybody. Strangely enough, however, we didn't lose our new plasma we were watching! . We did lose 3 celing fans, the DSL, a couple receptacles (completely scorched), the upstairs central A/C circuit board, and our home theater subwoofer. Go figure. (My smarter friends tell me that what get's fried is all a result of a little phenomenon called "inducance.")
But we did have all the grounds and stuff properly installed, etc. I think a lightening rod might have helped some, but the electrician we brought out here said that it's not guaranteed. The severe strikes will fry things regardless of how well your house is grounded, or how many lightening rods you have installed.
Hope things are getting back to normal; too bad it couldn't have taken out a couple of dem 80-lb'ers and done you a flavor

Darrell, that is indeed a sweet looking ride. Mike, I likes dem '76 Eldo's myself. They gotta' weigh close to 3 tons. Dad had a '76 Coupe deVille back in da' day and it was quite a barge, as well. Gotta love dem Caddies; Uncle Joe had a '64 Sedan de'Ville, and I really shopped for a '61-'64 Conv't before I bought the Olds. But nothing I could really afford that didn't need a restoration jumped off the screen before the Olds came along.

Y'all enjoy yer Sundy....

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; July 14th, 2013 at 08:38 AM.
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Old July 14th, 2013, 02:34 PM
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Howdy all.

Carbon copy day of the past I don't remember how long. Overcast, then just enough rain to make a mess, then the sun comes out a little, now it's overcast again. Oh look and now it's raining again.

Work tonight. Might as well add a miserable night into the mix. Wednesday will be here soon enough.

I wrote down the picture directions that Allan posted in someone's thread. I'll see if it works. It's a picture of the Atlanta airport circa 1978, and if you look real close you can see a Rallye 350 parked out front.

John I especially like the 73 Eldo that paced the Indy 500. It was so heavy and slow they had to do numerous things to it, one was to take off all the AC stuff. Imagine a Cadillac with no air.

If a Monday doesn't work for everyone in October for the Fox tour, I could probably get a Thursday off, or maybe even a Saturday. Saturdays are a little tough, but one never knows if he is going to come down with something. cough cough hack hack. October isn't that far off, we need to start making some firm plans.

Well time for work. Hope everyone has a good evening.

Edit: Hot damn the picture worked! Thanks Allan!
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