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Old July 22nd, 2013, 08:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Darrell, good luck with whatever venture pans out the best for you. What kind of business did you start?
Thanks Allan. I started a company that sells medical and pharmaceutical related products and services to hospitals, physician offices, clinics and pharmacies for independent manufacturers. Good to be your own boss, but the downside is that the job is 100% commission. I got tired of the stress of going through layoffs and getting laid off. I think 5x in 7 years is enough for anyone.
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Old July 22nd, 2013, 10:55 PM
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Thanks everyone, it still hasn't kicked in yet that I am gonna be a dad again Tink looks after a friends 6 month old once a week and Minette is always helping out when ever she can, so she can get ready for when her sibling comes along. Her words not ours lol.

Good to hear from you Allan. When we are over in the States again we want to see the west coast. I reckon if we plan it right we could pop over and say hi on our way across the top end

Allan is right John, you need to get up and stretch and walk around for a bit if you have to sit in front of a computer for that long.

So have you extended the house yet Sandy so you can fit all your trophies in yet?

Good luck with which ever you choose Darrell.

Take care all

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Old July 22nd, 2013, 11:31 PM
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Adrian, is that you on Facebook (Adrian Madden)?
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Old July 23rd, 2013, 04:27 AM
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Morning all.

Sandy, I was thinking the humidity had more to do with Teepo, than with you. I understand now. I ended up with the Galaxy S4. so far its a nice phone. A little bigger, but lighter than my old HTC. The good thing is I can go all day without killing apps or charging it. It was getting to the point with my Evo, I could make it about 4.5 hours without having to find a charger.

Adrian, why does it seem you always mess with your scooter in the winter? Is it too hot to ride in the summer?

Good luck Darrell.

Allan, I have to X2 on the Reba thing. She's something else.

Scot the big 40. It's all downhill from there. I have many friends from my class that are 'Grands' of some sort. I'm glad my little girl has spared me from that so far at least.

Jamesbo. I can't recall if I had cramps or not. I have had cramps in my calves, off and on, my whole life. Usually happen at night. Makes me sit straight up in bed and the covers go flyin! I increase my potassium when they show up. seems a little better now that the missus has changed us to 'lite' salt and I try to have at least one banana a day. I was looking at that same phone. But it cost extra to have to have Sara connect me to Howard Spragues office.

Mike have a good weekend. Hope the weather is good enough to drop the top and go for a cruise.

Well, I found out an Internet friend of mine from Germany received a trip to Colorado from his wife yesterday for his birthday. She made him a cake decorated like Colorado's flag. I'm glad he knows english, cuz my german sucks.That should be fun.

Also, I received a message on FB from a guy I sat next to on a plane in 1986. We had a good chat on that flight and I wrote him an actual paper letter for a class project I think. He had come across that letter last week and looked me up. He was an FBI agent at the time. Whoda ever thought back then that FB would have made that type of communication possible.

Have a great Tuesday all.
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Old July 23rd, 2013, 04:53 AM
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Mawn'in all

Well anutter "cut & paste" day of clear mawn'ins and wet afternoons.

Darrel, Why not do both an not tell anyone.

Adrian, Are ya add'in on to Minette's house?

John, Ya need to take a 1 iron to werk, get up every 5 min and swing de thing.

Well, Anutter fun filled day of speak'in to Patel about my FUBAR cable
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Old July 23rd, 2013, 06:14 AM
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Morning All!

Slightly less humid here, had fog this morning. Temps in the 70's now, still chances for rain the next few days.

Another quiet morning. I think we had a total of like 5 phone calls yesterday.... emails were quiet, so was the fax machine. I sure hope it picks up. Larry is slow too. Scary....

Went home last night and waxed Teepo. She was happy, lol. Got all the water spots off. I hate rain on my car.... gonna vaccum out the trunk tonight and she'll be good to go. I'm hoping it doesn't rain on Thursday - we have the appointment to get her AC charged....

Girl question...... is she gonna run hotter when I'm using the AC? Like is there a risk of her overheating or popping a hose or something if I get stuck sitting in traffic in 100 degree weather, lol?? I don't remember these things from my younger days, lol.

Mike.... the ashtray is working wonderfully!!!!! I cleaned the butts out of it last Friday night before I went home. The kitty litter scooper works well. The temp in here has been staying around 74, but it feels 'wet' in here, like the humidity is up in here or something. I could have it at 72, myself. The thermostat still shows 68 degrees in Clays area, 74 in here. God only knows what the temp is in this place!

Darrell..... nice to hear from you! I hope all goes well with whatever you choose, lol. I'd go listen to the job offer too, and see what they say. Can't hurt!

Clint.... Nicole got the galaxy S4 last night. (I think.) This SIII of mine had a 100% charge last night when I went to bed at 11:40, and this morning it was down to 43%??? What the heck? I've been reading tips online on how to conserve battery, and I have the brightness turned way down, I shut off the GPS, etc.... I don't know! There are a lot of complaints about the battery life, online. I have it plugged in now. My God I'd hate to be without a charger, lol. I have to see if my car charger plug will fit this phone. Larry's iphone didn't come in yesterday, so he still has his old phone. The girl is gonna hold the sale price and such for him, so that's nice. I hope you enjoy your new phone.

Jamesbo.... that stupid friggin groundhog dug under the gate of the fence around the garden last evening and got in! The only place we didn't have bricks put down. Larry zapped his a$$ with the pellet gun, but he must have tough hide cause he's been zapped before and it doesn't seem to phase him much. He'll leave and come right back a few minutes later. I told him I'll zap it with the 22!

I picked lots of cherry maters this morning. Brought some in for Clay. Our grapes are terrible this year. They're drying up on the vines for some reason. They were out so green and pretty, then started getting black spots which consumed the whole grape, and they went to hell from there. I doubt if we even get a handful this year. Our Bartlett Pear tree has lots of pears, though. If the birds aren't picking them, lol. I haven't been out there to look lately. Larry's blackberry bushes have lots of berries on them, but they're red. I hope he didn't get raspberries that were marked blackberries, lol. That squash thing in the lily bed is taking it over now, and it's out in the yard too! It's everywhere. It has no squashes on it though.....

Adrian.... glad to hear Min is excited about the new baby. Sometimes the older ones get jealous. I hope Tink is feeling good and everything progresses just fine! Yeah, I'm about out of room for Teepo's Treasures, lol.

Well I guess I better do something, so I'll talk to ya later on. Have a great day!!
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Old July 23rd, 2013, 07:35 AM
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Mike, Here's a pic I found of the OLD Atlanta airport's resteraunt
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Old July 23rd, 2013, 11:22 AM
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That would be me Dan

Just seems to be that way Clint lol. I'm still riding to work though, just on the monster in laws bike as she no longer rides.

Nah I'm not adding to Minettes clubhouse. That would make it harder to move when we do. Don't want to be here too much longer.

Time for me to get to work, have a great day everyone

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Old July 23rd, 2013, 12:39 PM
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Howdy, folks.... got in a rut today... will check in extensively tomorrow... be forewarned ;-)
Have a goody Tues-day.
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Old July 23rd, 2013, 06:01 PM
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Clint/Sandy - thanks for the well wishes.

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Darrel, Why not do both an not tell anyone.
Jamesbro - it might be possible. I hope to find out more about what is involved with the job during the interview on Thursday. Ya never know. I am pretty excited about the company I started and really want to give it 100% to see how successful the business can be. At this point, I prefer to be independent.

Hope everyone had a great Monday.
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Old July 23rd, 2013, 06:07 PM
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Clint / Sandy - thanks for the well wishes!

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Darrel, Why not do both an not tell anyone.
Jamesbro - ya never know, it might be possible. I will know more about what is involved with this job on Thursday. At this point, I really want to give the company I started 100% of my efforts to see how successful it can be. I prefer to be independent at this point.

Hope everyone had a great Monday.
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Old July 23rd, 2013, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Girl question...... is she gonna run hotter when I'm using the AC? Like is there a risk of her overheating or popping a hose or something if I get stuck sitting in traffic in 100 degree weather
Guy answer..........Nope, it shouldn't. If you have your cooling system in good shape it won't overheat anymore than any other car that has AC. The old style AC in your car uses a piston compressor which will rob some hp and gas mileage but that's about it. Any car running in 100° heat runs the risk of overheating unless it's maintained. When was the last time you had the cooling system flushed, t-stat changed and new coolant added?
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Old July 23rd, 2013, 07:37 PM
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Good evening everyone.


I was away for a few days, then back to work yesterday.

I took the Cutlass to the Syracuse Nationals car show on the weekend. That is a huge show. I've heard that they've been known to get 7000+ cars. I had a great time, and even the rain that hit on Saturday didn't upset me. Although it was a challenge to get out of the car once the rain stopped.

The best part is how well the car ran. The overheating looks like it's fixed. The new gauges worked and looked good so I must of done the wiring right

Attachment 169480

Oh... and the key tumbler for the trunk decided to break once I arrived at the hotel and we couldn't get the trunk open After trying a few things, some friends managed to get it open without damaging anything.

Sandy, the Galaxy SIII is a good phone. If you have dimmed the screen way down and it's too dark, I think there is a way to set the screen to brighten temporarily when you touch the screen for a set amount of time, then dim again.

Darrell, good luck with the new company, or whatever you chose to do.

Mike, nice looking car there.

Now that I'm back, I'll try to check in at least every couple of days.
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Old July 23rd, 2013, 07:56 PM
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Hey everyone.

Nice day here today, been getting some light rain this evening but I already was in from getting ice cream for the dogs so it isn't bothering me. Well, as much as rain doesn't bother me.

All set for my trip up north tomorrow. It will, of course, start off with the Awful house, because as far as I know, there are none in the town I'll be in. I'll have to consult the website. Maybe I'll plan to visit the Awful house museum next week.

Paul that's sort of a cool picture. The reflection of the front of the car looks a little menacing. Cool. I've always wanted a car I could take and show off, now I can.

Darrell best of luck with the new venture. Hard work yes working for yourself, but you never have to worry about an unruly boss.

Jamesbo that's a good picture. Is that really Uncle Remus? I thought he only existed in Disney stories. Even though Dobbs sold out years ago, there's still people around that call the caters, Dobbs house.

Okay gonna hit the sack. Have a good night all.
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Old July 24th, 2013, 04:55 AM
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Mawn'in all

Well, it’s anutter cut paste day wit afternoon showers.

The moron cable guy almost joined the groundhog yesterday. My appointment was form 8:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m. and de jacka$$ shows up at 5:30 p.m with out the common courtesy of a phone call and den had de gall to say, “He couldn’t fix de problem”

So, while I was cooling my heels, I thought, there are sum advantages to owning your own cemetery. I could cap the cable guy, drag out de track hoe and plant him. Since he’s running 9 hours behind schedule, dat would give me plenty of time to dispose of his panel truck. Before anyone ever noticed he was missing.

De Chantix makes me think like dis.

Welp, GTG

Have a great day Olds Friends
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Old July 24th, 2013, 05:52 AM
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Morning All! Happy hump day!

Jamesbo.... you make me laugh!!!

Cloudy and CHILLY here this morning, lol. Temps dropped to the 60's overnight, so after all these days of heat index in the 100's it feels downright chilly outside. I shut off the AC at home and opened the windows this morning. Nice cool fresh air! Got that nice northern wind coming down from Canada, eh! Soooo nice to have the friggin humidity out of here. Supposed to be sunny today and only 74.

Should be a nice night for Chick Fil A, finally. Haven't been there in 3 weeks!

Didn't do much last night, went to Target to see if I could get a new battery for this phone, but they can't do that, she said. I'd have to get a whole nother phone. I like this red one I have, and they are out of red ones. She gave me some more tips on how to save power. But all the new phones use lots of battery, I've been reading. I can order another battery with extra juice off of ebay or something, I suppose. I did order a phone case on ebay yesterday, and one for Nicole and some screen savers.

Paul... great picture! She sure turned out beautiful!

AllanR...... thank you! Teepo's coolant and t-stat was all changed back in 2010, I believe. It was around the time Blue painted the engine. He had the t-stat in upside down or something, it was dripping coolant, so Don Sitts guys put in a new one. She never uses any coolant, and it's pretty green/yellow to look down in to the radiator, lol. Knock on wood, I've never had her overheat or anything. Just thought I'd ask!

Adrian... I like that "monster in law", lol!!

Mike..... safe travels! Wish we could meet up.

Brian's stress levels are up already, lol. Gonna be one of those days!! I got his panties in a bunch yesterday when the fire marshall came by for the annual walk through. I mentioned that our breaker box is in the garage part of the unit (All these units have a garage bay/storage area) and we don't use ours, so the unit next to us rents it from us for like $20 a month. They sealed off the door that goes from inside here (our unit) into the garage part, so we have no emergency exit and no access to the breaker box. Unless you go outside and walk all the way around to the back of the unit - we have a key to get in. So the fire marshall is gonna check and see what the codes are. Brian got all shook up because the landlord might get in trouble. I told Brian "don't loose any sleep over it", lol. If we're not safe, we're not safe! With all the boxes full of papers stacked up everywhere in here, if there was a fire, it would go up quick!!! We look like a storage unit in here. Boxes stacked everywhere! Sometimes people stop in and say " oh, are you moving?" Nope. Just no where to put anything.

Well you all have a good day!!
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Old July 24th, 2013, 05:59 AM
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LOL, Jamesbo, As long as its only thoughts and not actions...

Morning all.

Paul, the car looks great.

Adrian, Do you all have an overabundance of KZ1000's down there? Seemed to be the motorcycle of choice back in the late 70's

Sandy, As Allan said, It shouldn't run hotter, but in my experience, it probably will. mine runs about 10* hotter with the A/C on. and I have a 4 row, and run a 170* thermostat. If I get stuck in traffic on a 95* day, My temp will push 215* then I turn off my A/c. if I'm moving I don't have a heating problem. I can't find a good fan clutch and I know that is most my problem.

John, I'm braced for impact. Let 'er rip!

Sandy I'm digging the S4 I have. so far I can go all day (16 hours) and still have 56% battery left.
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Old July 24th, 2013, 06:17 AM
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Ere's de recipe fer de Dobb'sHouse Black Bottom pie

It'll make cha slap you mama
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Old July 24th, 2013, 08:00 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Jamesbo if you were from Chicago you wouldn't need Chantix to think like that!

Got the dogs taken care of and Awful house over with. In about a minute I'm headed out the door for the thriving metropolis of Celina, OH. One of these times I'll have my car with me. Actually the first time I went, in 2000, I had my car. Even got about 10 seconds of air time on My Classic Car. Didn't meet Dennis Gage but I saw him around a lot.

Well I'll try to check in while I'm gone, otherwise you guys have a good week and I'll be back Sunday.
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Old July 24th, 2013, 11:29 AM
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Morning all, lets say the day will be cold as they are these days but as it is still dark out I don't know if I will get wet or not, will let you know

Car came out looking top notch Paul, well done.

Only problem with that Jamesbo is that you told us about it

Have a good safe trip Mike.

Well sometimes it is true and this is one of those times Sandy.

Time for work again have a great day folks

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Old July 24th, 2013, 02:16 PM
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Hello everyone!

Very nice day here but it feels like Sunday....

Tomorrow Ted and I are heading out to whack whitey. This will be my first time at the links in a couple years. Better I should top up all my fluids before I go out...

Sandy - one other thing about your cooling system. The coolant can look pretty and green, but you need to have it tested with a hydrometer to find out whether it's broken down or good. I know Teepo doesn't have extra cooling fans like the new cars, but does she have a fan shroud to channel the air over the rad?

Time to head out to the garage and play. Just finished repairing my compressor. The unloader line blew out so I had to go get new fittings, valves and replace that nylon line with metal. So far it's holding in just fine.

Paul - looks like you parked the Cutlass in a lake. Sure does look pretty and it's pretty obvious you waxed it nicely.

Jim - if you did away with the cable guy and the truck none of us would say anything. That's a crappy 2 hour window they promised and broke. I don't think I'd need to be on Champix to have the same thoughts.

Hope everyone had a good day
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Old July 24th, 2013, 03:11 PM
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Allan, It's easy, Hit the ball ...go find it ...and hit it again. [sum times de find'in get's a little ruff]
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Old July 24th, 2013, 07:48 PM
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Good Evening Everyone,

The heat finally eased up and the temperatures cooled off quite a bit around here.

Allan, there was no lake there when I parked the Cutlass. And I think that fresh waxed look is due to the rain, or at least the detailer. Good luck on the links tomorrow.

Thanks for the compliments on the car everyone.

Adrian, did daylight arrive, or was it rainy?

Safe trip Mike.

Sandy, we'll share some of that cool Canadian air with you, but me and Allan will have to figure out how much, so we keep enough for ourselves
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Old July 25th, 2013, 04:03 AM
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Morning all.

Been too busy at the shop. Doesn't seem anyone has any of the parts I need. I have an Audi S4 looking for a radiator. The whole front end is ripped off of that. 5 days out. I'm waiting on a proportioning valve for a 51 chevy 5 window. I have a Ranger waiting on Cylinder heads in the shop. Nothing seems to be moving like it should.

I need to post some pics of that cheby in the other thread on here about mechanical disasters. I wish I woulda known about the cluster**** before driving the truck at high speeds

Spose to have had rain yesterday so the wife didn't go for a load of hay. tomorrow is spose to be dry so she rescheduled for then. It'll probably pour.

Allan, hope you have a good time out with Ted. Is he getting along alright?

Mike have a safe trip. LMK when you're headed to Highlands ranch.

Well, There's been lots of dreadlocks in town. Looks like Red Rocks is hosting the String Cheese incident. Funny seeing some of these nasty looking hippy wannabe's getting out of their >3 year old european cars and pay for their purchases using a gold card.

Have a great day all.
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Old July 25th, 2013, 04:29 AM
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Mawn'in all

Guess what? It didn't rain yesterday afternooon.

We'll see 'bout today.

Clint, I'd take a brake.when ya get back all dem parts will be sett'in oon your door step.

Mike, Have a safe trip. boy you so do travel alot.

Paul, Nice ride

Well, De woods are lonely dark and deep and I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 25th, 2013, 04:49 AM
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Wow, That chantix is wiggin you out...
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Old July 25th, 2013, 07:03 AM
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Morning All

Sunny and cool here again today. Definitely feels like September out there now.
The dry air is nice, but it really doesn't need to be this cool. It was 52 this morning. Got chilly last evening at Chick Fil A. Everyone had jackets on...... too early for that! Summer this year has just sucked around here. I walked over to Panera Bread last night at the cruise and had a bowl of broccoli soup and a bagette. I just had Chick Fil A for supper Tuesday night, so I didn't want it again last night, lol. It was a good evening for soup.

Leaving today at noon to get Teepos AC charged. Of course they have road construction over there and one intersection is closed, so I guess I follow detour signs. Hopefully I can make it over there by 1:00 so he has the 4 hours he said he would need to do this. From there, I'm just gonna go right on over to Bellacino's. Should be a nice evening for cruisin!!

AllanR.... Yes, Teepo has a fan shroud. Maybe I'll ask the guy today if he can test the coolant and see how it is. I do expect her to run a little hotter, since she'll be pulling more.

Clint.... Nicole got the S4 the other night and she loves it too!! My battery stayed up pretty good yesterday. I dimmed the brightness, turned off the GPS and the WIFI since I don't need it sitting in here, lol. The girl said the other night to plug it in every night and let it charge.

Nicole got a call yesterday on the answering machine from the lady at Speedway! Said she has a few more follow up questions for her. They called the 2 people Nicole put down as references too, so hopefully they will hire her!!!! And more hopefully, Nicole will KEEP the job! Arrrggghhhhh....... one can always hope!

Jamesbo..... you make me wonder about you, lol!

Well have a great day all!
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Old July 25th, 2013, 11:19 AM
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Morning all, daylight arrived yesterday and brought with it a nice cool day. Pity I was in the shed all day from sun up to sunset lol.

Hope Nicole get the job Sandy.

So did you get the cable fixed Jamesbo or do they need to send out a repair guy as the last one "just didn't turn up"

Have fun on the course to day Allan, been a few months since I was out come to think of it.

Lets hope those parts turn up so you can get those cars out of the shop Clint.

Have a good day peeps

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Old July 25th, 2013, 12:58 PM
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Howdee doodee -- at long last

Whelpt, you'd swear I was busier than a 1-legged paper hanger in an ****-kicking contest ; but 'taint really so; a lot of really small stuff, with folks coming in & out of my Dilbert cube morning, noon, & afternoon.
Hot as the blazes down here; it's been a full 80* in the mornings, with about 90% humidity. It's a sauna.

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Anywho las nite we had frigg’in 4 legged horses in my dreams. BTW I hate de suckers
Jamesbo, what dat' 4-legged horse stuff about? I ain't seen no 2-legged ones lately...

Originally Posted by cutlassgal
John... Hope your neck feels better.
Thanks, Sandy. It's about 90% recovered. I'd be in the hospital if it weren't.

Originally Posted by Allan R
John - You're supposed to take breaks from looking at that screen. 8 hours is way too long. Also be careful of the carpal tunnel you could get from using the keyboard. Sitting like that for long stretches can hurt your back and knees. Git up and circulate every 15-20 minutes...
Allan, I get up about every hour, and try to move around while I'm sitting here. But you're right; I need to move around even more. This is an awful occupation for you physically, but you try to compensate. Sometimes, it just catches up with you.

Originally Posted by OLD SKL 69
I started a company that sells medical and pharmaceutical related products and services to hospitals, physician offices, clinics and pharmacies for independent manufacturers.
Congrats, Darrell! Best o'luck with the new venture.

Originally Posted by CQR
Well, I found out an Internet friend of mine from Germany received a trip to Colorado from his wife yesterday for his birthday. She made him a cake decorated like Colorado's flag. I'm glad he knows english, cuz my german sucks.That should be fun.
Originally Posted by CQR
John, I'm braced for impact. Let 'er rip!
Clint, here it finally is!!
Y'all pass a good time, cher. You need some levity and fun, given all the other ap-cray it sounds like you're dealing with -- from too-old pickups to dreadlocks.

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
John, Ya need to take a 1 iron to werk, get up every 5 min and swing de thing.
Jamesbo, I always wokdered about that. Now I noze da' secret for physical well-being at work!

Originally Posted by car_designer
I took the Cutlass to the Syracuse Nationals car show on the weekend.
Beautiful car and color, Paul! My F-150 is a similar color and I've always liked it.

Originally Posted by slantflat
Even got about 10 seconds of air time on My Classic Car. Didn't meet Dennis Gage but I saw him around a lot.
Well I'll try to check in while I'm gone, otherwise you guys have a good week and I'll be back Sunday.
Mike, wow, Dennis in the flesh! Seems like such a nice guy. Have a safe trip.....BTW, do you think you could plan on a Saturday? (Not sure if you'll be checking the board while you're away.)

Scot, yeah, we're talking some time in October. I think we'd just be touring the Fox and then going to a restaurant Jamesbo recommends for some victuals. As soon as I hear back from Mike, I'll propose a day in Oct. Is any particular Saturday, for example, better for you? I'd vote for one of any one except 10/5. Jamesbo, you "in" regardless of the day, barring having to pall-bear that day?

I'm off manana, so y'all have a great weekend ifin' I don't check in. But I'll see if I can stick my nose in at some point.
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Old July 25th, 2013, 06:18 PM
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Evening folks,

Today was a lot of fun in spite of getting a little wind burned. There were more good shots than bad ones and the company was fantastic. The 19th hole was a special celebration as it turns out that Dan's brother John was celebrating his 60th birthday with this outing!! He did very well for an 'old guy'. Not posting my score.

Clint - Ted is doing very well all things considered. We teamed up against Dan and John. Ted and I share a long work history and a longer personal history so the day flew by really fast and the conversations were lively and funny! All days should be like this.

John - You're right. That was a duesey! I can relate to the amount of puter time and need for breaks. I was bad that way at work - putting my head down and just plowing through. After the fact I found out how much it damaged my lower back and eyes.

Adrian - thank you! If you ever to make it up here whilst on vacation we'll head out and compare handicaps! Never mind - you win automatically. My handicap is I'm not a great golfer.

Paul - As you read it was great! Even better was the weather. Bit of a stiff breeze at around 20-30kph, overcast, but stayed around 18-20° all day. No bugs to be seen. Perfect for golfing in shorts and T shirt. I don't really want to give any of this nice weather away.....

Jim - you need to go on a voyage with Captain Morgan to forget about the Champix. I know that's kind of like stomping on your toe to forget about the nail in your thumb but I really don't know what to suggest that will help - except - we're all pulling for you. Funny thing is I can relate to dreams of horses with 4 legs...

Hope everyone stayed safe and had a great day - Remember, tomorrow's Chinese Airforce Day!
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Old July 25th, 2013, 07:34 PM
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Good evening everyone.

Another nice day here today. Now that the Cutlass is "finished", I am finally getting to do things I've been passing on for the last month or more.

Tonite was Mustang club meeting night at a local Ford dealership in town. We had a surprise at one point, when a mother duck with a bunch of her ducklings were strolling through the dealership parking lot.

Allan, good to hear you and Ted had a great day today.

John, it might not just look like the colour of your truck, it may BE the colour of your truck. It is a blue oval colour.

Jamesbo, thanks for the compliment.

Have a great Friday everyone!
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Old July 25th, 2013, 09:29 PM
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Evening everyone. It was only 65 today, felt more like October than July.

Paul - nice car. Glad the water did not get any deeper. How many cars were at the show? Did they get close to 7,000?

Jamesbro - good luck with quitting smoking. I heard about Chantix causing nightmares, but not thoughts about burying people in your own cemetary.

Sandy- Chick Fil A is great, too bad we don't have any around here. Hopefully you got Teepo's A/C recharged, even with the cold temps.

My update...I had my interview today with the device company but it was cut short due to the interviewer having to leave early. Did not get a lot of info about the company, the job description, and what the pay looks like. I do know that part of the job is standing in the O.R watching and assisting on orthopedic procedures. So, at the moment, my best option is to still keep working at building my business.

Hope everyone enjoyed their day.
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Old July 26th, 2013, 04:01 AM
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Morning Oldsmobuddies

Darrell, I'm with you. Sounds like doing your own thing is the way to go. I'm not into watching someone get cut up. I've butchered and shot many a living thing, but watching someone get stitched up or worked on like that sometimes makes my knees a little weak.

Paul, Hows the job going?

Allan, Glad to hear it was a good day. Did you at least keep it under 3 digits? I know I wouldn't.

John and Jamesbo. I don't care for the horses either, but I married into it. So I'm kinda stuck with it. I'm thinking I'm gonna go look at a Bobcat on Saturday. I have to admit the Case I bought, may need a little more work and energy than I'm willing to put into it. We noticed a leak when we bought it and thought it was just a hose. I hotsy'd the thing off and found that the rear corner of the machine looks to have been ripped away from the main 'frame', and re-welded. (About 3/4" of fill with what looks to be a stick welder. Even tho its an ugly weld it looks sound. Underneath a hidden brace there is a crack in the hydraulic tank (also serves as the rear bucket arm pivot) it looks like I may have to cut that brace (1/4 plate) just to weld up the bottom of that tank.

Sandy, I don't think I've ever seen a phone that doesn't use a battery real fast when the GPS is on. What a power sucker that is. I downloaded a speedometer app so I can tell how fast we are going in the Olds. I need to get her speedo calibrated with this new transmission. I think I may be 8-10 MPH off at highway speed. I was a little disappointed at the lack of useful apps on the S4. I need to get a flashlight app, and I had to get a calculator app. But at least I have my 'bacon reader' app.

Y'all have a great Friday!
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Old July 26th, 2013, 06:06 AM
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Morning All!

Cool and crisp again here this morning, temps at 52 heading to 80 today. Supposed to have some rain tomorrow afternoon. God forbid the ground dry up any this 'summer', lol. It's so wet.....

Well let me tell you what a nice guy this Mark is who did Teepo's AC yesterday! We talked for hours!!! He's like 66 years old, and he has this little old garage that you'd never find if you didn't know where to look for it, lol. It's down behind Tallmadge Glass. He works by himself. Just the nicest person I've met in a long time. We talked about small business, the gubment, cars, etc.... He just had cancer removed from his bladder, and he starts chemo today. I told him I would pray for him!

Teepo had a lot of freeon still in her. He only put in 1-1/4 lbs. and charged me $105 which I didn't think was bad. He explained the 'scale' thing that he was using, showing me and telling me what he was doing the whole time. Pretty interesting! He oiled the caps before he put them back on the Teepo's connections or whatever they were, that he had his hoses connected to. Lots of valves on the equipment he was using, lol. He filled her nice and slow. He said a lot of people charge their systems too fast. But she has nice freezing cold air now!!! It took him about 2 hours or so. We were so busy talking, that I really didn't pay attention, lol. I asked him about doing the Intrigue's AC too, so I'll have to call him on that. He has a very nice 1978 Delta. Blue. I sat in it!! Jean had one just like it that I used to drive. I took some pics with my phone, I tried to email them to my laptop so I could post them - I'll have to see if it worked, lol.

I left his shop and headed on over to Bellacino's. I stopped at Swenson's drive in and ate me a Galley Boy and some onion rings on the way. God it was sooooo good! I burped those onion rings the rest of the night though. I like them, but they don't like me!! I hadn't ate since my bowl of cereal I had in the morning, so I was hungry!! Got to Bellacino's right around 4. About 4:30 the cars really started rolling in. If I hadn't been there early, there would have been no parking space for me. It was a great night for cruisin!!

I picked the last of my beautiful lillies last night when I got home. They were soooo beautiful this year! Well, they are every year, lol. Should make Brian happy that I won't have anymore to pick and bring in here. He was complaining to Clay that "it smells like a funeral home in here", lol. They 'don't do such things at home'. Well I'm really sorry that they don't pick flowers at home and take in to their house. That's just sad. He's soooo ****!! I figure God gave us beautiful lillies to pick and enjoy, so I do. I wait a whole year to enjoy them, and that's what I'm gonna do!!

It's been nice without Steve this week. Still slow, though. I hope it picks up. Larry has slowed way down too....

So Darrell.... are you like a doctor or something? You have medical training? Just wondering since you said 'assist' in procedures, lol.

Well I better do something, so I reckon I'll chat with you later. I'm gonna see if I can meet up with Mike over the weekend since he's in Ohio. Have a great Friday!!
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Old July 26th, 2013, 06:39 AM
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Nice dis mawn'in but looks kinda like it's fix'in to come up a cloud.

Got a new washer an dryer on the way. De ole one went TU.

I'm begin'in to like dis Chantix excuse. I was in Walmart at de crack on dawn and dis bimbo was driv'in her buggy jes as fast as she could wit her ear glued to her cell phone.

So I shouted out in de empty Walmart.


Felt wondeful

Well have a great day Olds friends [jes don't cross me]
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Old July 26th, 2013, 07:26 AM
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Don't tell Jamesbo....but I think that we may have to do an intervention!
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Old July 26th, 2013, 07:28 AM
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Lol!!!!! Now that's funny!
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Old July 26th, 2013, 07:42 AM
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Anyone need any mater?
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Old July 26th, 2013, 10:16 AM
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Finally Friday Olds fans!

Jim - I'd love a duz or so of em, but dey would be overly ripe by de time dey gets here. Hmmm, mebbe I could use the Champix excuse ta shout at de post office guy gettin em here so slow. Yer a funny guy and yer Walmart story cracked me up. I think probly everyone has wanted ta do that at one time or another.

Sandy - glad your AC problem is resolved and you're happy with the service/results.

Clint - re: GPS. I get why, but wouldn't it be easier to change the speed gear adapter on the 200-4R? Almost 10 mph is a huge variation I just know the local police won't overlook too easy. Up here they'll give about 5 mph tolerance but that's it. Sorry to hear about the bobcat issue. Hate it when you find hidden damage. On the + side you're a real handy guy with fixing things. Just for you (102) so I'm right in there with ya! My son's Galaxy has some issues with battery too if he runs too many apps. I bought him a 3 pack of extra batteries and he always carries a spare just in case.

Darrell - Yup we got's ta help out Jim, but I'd rather see him fall off de wagon than something like this:
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Old July 26th, 2013, 11:33 AM
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Howdy Doodee, boys & girl

Originally Posted by car_designer
John, it might not just look like the colour of your truck, it may BE the colour of your truck. It is a blue oval colour.
Paul, my truck is a Y2k and is called Deep Wedgwood Blue. It has just a slight tint of purplish in it. Yours looks like a truer midnight blue, but you can't really tell once it goes thru the digital camera and monitor rendering.

Jamesbo, I'll take a 'mater or 2 (Sir ).

Hot as da' blazes again down here, with little or no chance of a visit by Elsie & her pet rock. But dat's good, 'cause we're s'pose to take the Olds to the Covington Block Party tonight, where they cordon off practically the whole downtown area and turn it into a classic car and pedestrian mall. I went last month and it looked like fun (there were over a hundred cars on display); so I'm taking the car this month.

We'll eat dinner at a little restaurant there, since we'll be barricaded in for about 4 hours . That's the only real down side for me, but I'm sure it'll go fast. I'll try & get some pic's.

Y'all have a great one....
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