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Old August 12th, 2021 | 05:43 PM
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Here is my wife's re-purposing of one of the Singer sewing machines. It's a combo coffee/wine station. It looked better when she staged it for her sale pics last night because our coffee machine was sitting on the tan placemat. Hook rack for coffee cups up top and two racks for wine glasses, one rack below each set of drawers. Lot of truth in the saying on the sign on top!

Old August 13th, 2021 | 12:59 AM
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Norm, That's a great handicap. I know you know this but I'm going to remind you anyway. Golf is a game you can't win only play. Glad you haven't foundered on the Cajun's Choice

Mike, Have you ever inventories all the stuff that's gotten thrown in the lake? You're going to miss it aren't you?

Chris, I REALLY like your wife's work and creativity. The only thing that jumps out to me is many homes won't have the room for a coffee/wine bar

Headed norte
Old August 13th, 2021 | 02:11 AM
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James - I'm not much in the mood for cleaning raw locally caught shrimp since by the time I'm done buttering bricks I'm exhausted. Last night I cooked w/ frozen raw wild caught tiger shrimp from Argentina. Great recommendation on Cajun's Choice - loving that seasoning mix. Enjoy the weekend up North.

Chris - The repurposed sewing machine looks very nice. It's the type of item you might see in a B&B.

Mike - Enjoy your weekend in Florida.

Dan/Greg - I watched that frontal system move across Wisconsin & Lake Michigan the other (Wednesday?) night. I was messaging w/ a friend in Milwaukee who said the $hit was about to hit the fan - and, it did. A solid line of severe thunderstorms/tornadoes extending North to South the entire length of Lake Michigan - quite impressive. They were w/o power for about two hours.
Old August 13th, 2021 | 02:53 AM
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Norm, You should be put in jail for using frozen shrimp when fresh are available to you

I'll come up and peel them if I can eat half
Old August 13th, 2021 | 06:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Chris, I REALLY like your wife's work and creativity. The only thing that jumps out to me is many homes won't have the room for a coffee/wine bar
James - Thanks for the compliment on her work, I'll let her know! Agree with you 100% on the space issue. Apparently, folks that have 3 or 4 seasons rooms are using them alot out there, especially if their kitchen area is quite a ways from the room. Same kind of reasoning if folks have a finished basement, but have not put in a formal bar down there. We have no place for one in our home.

Safe travels north!
Old August 13th, 2021 | 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
Chris - The repurposed sewing machine looks very nice. It's the type of item you might see in a B&B.
Norm - Thanks for the compliment, I'll let her know! I can definitely see it sitting in a B&B close to the serving table.

Last edited by Dream67Olds442; August 13th, 2021 at 06:27 AM.
Old August 13th, 2021 | 06:41 AM
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Good morning guys,

Well the Sh*% hit the fan around here about 7:30 last night when a strong front moved through. We were on the southern edge and only had moderately strong winds, lightning, and heavy rain for about a 1/2-hour. Our power flickered a couple times, very briefly, but enough to disrupt clocks and internet. It was much worse in other areas north of us, with reports of 60K people without power in the greater St. Louis area.

Got to get out and mow sometime today, not sure if that's going to be as soon as the dew burns off, or this evening. Also, a couple little things to do on the car for the show tomorrow. I'm on doggy duty this morning while my wife's down the street cleaning for our neighbor.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Old August 13th, 2021 | 08:33 AM
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Chris, the sewing machine conversion looks pretty cool. Norm, I think that Wisconsin got hit harder than we did. Lake Michigan seemed to tone down the winds a bit, max gusts were 57mph, when they were predicting 70+. At one time, 800,000 were w/o power. Pleasant out now, and good for tomorrows car show.
Old August 13th, 2021 | 08:53 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Chris, the sewing machine conversion looks pretty cool. Pleasant out now, and good for tomorrows car show.
Dan - Thanks for the compliment on my wife's work, I'll let her know, she really appreciates all of you guys' comments! Have fun at the car show! I'm looking forward to the show I'm entering my car in tomorrow, it's only the 2nd judged show I've had it in this year. I'm just glad the temp is supposed to be in the low 80's because the judged shows last so long if you plan on staying for the results. Have a great weekend!
Old August 13th, 2021 | 09:03 AM
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Last family picture before they split up fo

r good
Old August 13th, 2021 | 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Last family picture before they split up for good

Is the guy in the foreground the "red headed step-child"?
Old August 13th, 2021 | 12:05 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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Hi everyone.

Ug. Holy Cow did the day drag on. Lots of big wheels that take a long time to fill. Lots of lackluster performance by the people doing the work. They don't even care that it's Friday and we leave as soon as we're done. I had walked next door to get something to drink and I heard someone yell 5 more! I thought that's strange, I need 5 more and everyone else needs at least that. Turns out the bad lead lowered our number so we could get out before the end of the shift. Oh, the bad lead is leaving! He took a job in another department. I know, better the devil you know. Well, I can't imagine anyone being worse. Famous last words...

So gotta finish getting things together and hit the road. Nice day here, a little warm and alternating sunny/overcast. Should be a good day for driving.

Thanks Norm.

Jamesbo I've tried for years to get the powers that be to drain the lake completely. There's probably a couple cars down there, some boats, a fortune in fishing gear, lots of Christmas trees, as well as car batteries, cigarette butts, tin cans, various litter. I know Robert's cell phone is down there. And I know there's a real estate lock box down there. When I was president of the HOA I tried my best to get it through that we drain the lake and then dredge, clean, reshape, but no one wanted to do that. We could have gotten money from the county, the state, we had an endloader/backhoe we could have done a lot ourselves. The lake would have been so much better for it. Short-sighted people.

Okay gotta get moving. No nap on the couch today. Hope everyone has a good weekend. I don't know what I was thinking planning an extended trip to my Mom's in the summer. If we're lucky the house will be 81*. If the AC goes out my Mom won't notice, but Tiger and I will be sleeping in the car.

Old August 13th, 2021 | 12:23 PM
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Mike - You'd best get on the road or you'll be in ATL for the next two hours fighting Friday rush-to-go-home rush-hour traffic.
Old August 13th, 2021 | 02:18 PM
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Good evening guys,

Surprise of surprises, less than 24-hours and I received a response from my State District Representive, here is her response:
"Mr. Nixon,

I am so sorry this has happened to you. My office will contact the Department of Revenue and work to try to get this resolved for you. I have cc’d my assistant, Aubrey, on this email as well.
Becky Ruth

State Representative
District 114
201 W Capitol Dr. Room 206A
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Guess I'll just have to see what happens next?

Finished getting the car ready for the show tomorrow. There's multiple periods of rain forecast throughout the night. Just hoping the roads are dry by 0730 tomorrow morning. Planning to go out and start mowing around 6:00 or 6:30 after the temp starts to drop a bit. Gotta let my dinner settle a bit too, got Chinese takeout for dinner since my wife had to clean for our neighbor today.

I hope everyone had a great day and is looking forward to a nice weekend. I will try to take pics of cars that you haven't seen before at the show tomorrow.

Last edited by Dream67Olds442; August 13th, 2021 at 02:27 PM.
Old August 13th, 2021 | 02:44 PM
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Chris - I'm certain State Representative Becky Ruth has more substantial "issues" to address than researching historic license plates, but you couldn't have been luckier than to have Ms. Ruth as your State Representative as she is the current Chairperson for the Missouri House Transportation Committee. You'll have to see if Aubrey can pull her weight.
Old August 13th, 2021 | 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
Chris - I'm certain State Representative Becky Ruth has more substantial "issues" to address than researching historic license plates, but you couldn't have been luckier than to have Ms. Ruth as your State Representative as she is the current Chairperson for the Missouri House Transportation Committee. You'll have to see if Aubrey can pull her weight.
Norm - You're correct. I researched her before I wrote my letter to her, and discovered she has been at the forefront of pushing through several key pieces of legislation pertaining to motor vehicle operation. Got lucky that my particular issue seems to fall smack dab in the middle of her wheelhouse! I hear what you're saying about Aubrey, and we both know it always falls on the staff to get the grunt work done!
Old August 13th, 2021 | 03:41 PM
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You're absolutely right Norm, that's why I'm staying home tonight and leaving early in the morning. It got later and later, and I still wasn't ready, and I would have been arriving at my Mom's after 10. That's not very polite. So I called her and said I'd be there mid morning. She thought that was a great idea.

On the one hand I'd agree with you, there are better things for a State Representative to worry about other than someone's license plates, but on the other hand, anything that is important to a constituent should be important to the State Representative. Chris even if you hear nothing further from any of this you've still gotten farther than most. Good job. The squeaky wheel as they say.

Went over to the house for just a minute then went to talk to another neighbor. Decided since I didn't have any food at the house I'd hit the Awful house for a cheeseburger. Now I get to get everything together without setting Tiger off and then get up before the chickens to hit the road. Work is going to work both Saturday and Sunday, I hate missing out on the double time but this trip is more important.

Okay back to work. See ya's.

Old August 13th, 2021 | 04:32 PM
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Well, it will be interesting for Chris. If Aubrey does make a call it could help. Unfortunately Missouri DMV is privately owned and falls under the Department of Revenue.
Old August 13th, 2021 | 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
Well, it will be interesting for Chris. If Aubrey does make a call it could help. Unfortunately Missouri DMV is privately owned and falls under the Department of Revenue.
Norm - I do hope the State Rep. or her staff find out what the hell is going on and get me my plates without this escalating any further, but if they don't get anywhere, this is far from over. Like I said before, if this doesn't work, the next step is a local news action department if they'll take the story. This issue is well beyond just my plates at this point, the whole system is F'ed up. First, why is the only place you can get Historic plates from, the DMV headquarters? Why can't you just get them from your local DMV like any other plate? Why do they ship license plates, of all things, via regular USPS, with no way of tracking shipment? Why do you have customers waiting an hour and a half to speak with a representative when that is the only way for them to get answers to certain questions? Why do you have DMV representatives promising to give customers a call back and then do not?

If I don't hear back from the State Rep., and can't get a news action agency to take the story, the next step is a personal visit to Jefferson City and a loud knock on the DMV's door, looking like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining"! Jefferson City is only a couple hour drive, no biggee!
Old August 14th, 2021 | 04:52 AM
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Chris - I wish you the best of luck on the plates. Have an enjoyable day at the show. I'll be buttering the last of my bricks. I hope to begin the HCl wash today.
Old August 14th, 2021 | 04:57 AM
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Norm - Thanks, it's supposed to be a great day for the show, partly sunny and a high of 82, with essentially no chance of rain. Good luck with the rest of the bricks, I'm sure it feels good knowing you're close to finishing that part of the wall! Can't wait to see pics of the final structure.
Old August 14th, 2021 | 09:00 AM
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Chris, the red headed step child is a piece of junk. It was dented and rusted out so I practiced body work on it ( bondo) I going to throw it in Mike's lake
Old August 14th, 2021 | 01:28 PM
slantflat's Avatar
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Hi everyone.

Nice trip this morning and now I'm taking a break from being at my sister's house. I said I had to come back and let Tiger out. This should be good for an hour or so.

Chris make too much fuss over those plates and you'll have grief forever more. Someone will tag those plates as you being an agitator and some evening when you're out cruising a cop will be behind you and randomly run your plate, and that's what he will see. On come the lights and he will attempt to get you to say something, so he will have something to do the rest of the evening. If he is unsuccessful, word gets around. Mess with the green Olds. Let bureaucracy run its course.

Jamesbo that might be the first one of them down there. Bring it on over.

Norm I hope you get to your wash today. That would be major.

Guess it's about time to go back. My brother should be there by now. It will be good to see him and his family. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Old August 14th, 2021 | 01:42 PM
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Mike - I totally agree with you washing would be major. The extremely good news is this. I am completely finished buttering bricks. I laid the last brick about two hours ago and finished making the cap on the last column. Y'all have no idea just how happy I am at the thought of being done with building the columns. I believe I'll call it a day. Honestly, my butt has really been dragging lately getting these to the finishing point.

Remember a little over one month ago when my 88 year old widow neighbor had the big tree limb break & crash into the old swinging seat swing-set in her backyard - the one which I cutup and hauled off for her? The following weekend when her boys were in town we were all kibitzing and I mentioned my Mom used to make each of our family members their favorite meal on each of our birthdays. I said my Mom used to always make a German Chocolate cake for me on my birthday. Well, Holy Snot Rockets - my widow neighbor just called and stopped by with a German Chocolate cake for me. She said she's never made one before and said it won't be as good as my Mom's. What a sweet thing to do for me. I eat like a King tonight. I have a hard time convincing people they don't need to return favors because I help them. What a great neighbor. My house was the home of her late husband's parents where all the children were born.

Last edited by Vintage Chief; August 14th, 2021 at 01:57 PM. Reason: sp
Old August 14th, 2021 | 05:11 PM
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Norm, that is nice of your neighbor. Oddly enough, my brother's wife asked me a couple of years ago if i would like a cake for my birthday, I said "sure, german chocolate." It was good! Well, the car show was pretty decent, probably 300 cars there. As I was still having problems with the camera, I switched memory cards, but to no avail. A bit of vignetting as I stacked the UV lens and polarizer together. I will post pics after I try to clean them up a bit. I may have to head over to the B&H video website and see what kind of price I can get on a new Nikon.
Old August 14th, 2021 | 06:57 PM
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Just got back from my sister's. We had a really nice visit. My brother and his family were there, I haven't seen them in years. They're going home tomorrow, Illinois side of the St. Louis area.

Norm the cake looks scrumptious. I miss my next door neighbor making me stuff. She was one that I couldn't do something for them without her doing something for me back. I guess she thought she'd be beholden to me. Not the case, but anyone who sees me can see I don't turn down food.

Tomorrow will be Awful house and a couple errands, then I have several things I want to accomplish. But now I'm beat. Gonna hit the sack here in a minute. Hope everyone has a good evening.

Old August 14th, 2021 | 07:02 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat

Chris make too much fuss over those plates and you'll have grief forever more. . . . Let bureaucracy run its course.
Mike - So, what do you suggest I do, nothing??? It's been over 2-months since they received my application, and a month since they cashed my check. I spent over 3-hours on hold speaking.nicely with two people that should be able to give me answers but couldn't. I've been running my car on expired plates for 2-weeks. I had played nicely every step of the way until I emailed my State Representative. I would sincerely like to hear your suggested solution???
Old August 14th, 2021 | 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief

Norm - Very sweet gesture by your neighbor, literally! That sure looks good!
Old August 14th, 2021 | 07:27 PM
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Good evening guys,
Just settling in after cleaning my car off a little and putting it away. The show was great, the weather perfect. My best guess is around 200 cars, the highest # car I heard for attendance prizes or awards was car #186. Cars of all years were allowed, format for awards was simple, top 20 cars received trophies. Best of show, best paint, best engine, and People's Choice received larger trophies. My car was in the top 20, YooHoo!

I only tried to take pics of cars I thought you hadn't seen before. There were several cars there today I hadn't even seen before which was really nice!

Old August 14th, 2021 | 07:28 PM
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Everyone is welcome to stop by and have a piece of delicious German Chocolate cake.
Old August 14th, 2021 | 07:39 PM
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Chris - Great pictures, thanks for sharing. The 1957 Ford Skyliner Hide-Away Hardtop is my favorite.
Old August 14th, 2021 | 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
Chris - Great pictures, thanks for sharing. The 1957 Ford Skyliner Hide-Away Hardtop is my favorite.
Norm - You're welcome. Those retractable roofs on those Skyliners were pretty miraculous in their day weren't they! Cool cars!
Old August 14th, 2021 | 08:20 PM
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Good cake.

Every Skyliner I see at shows is always in that "car show" position with the roof half up.

Yesterday I borrowed some chain falls, then rented a big pickup, then drove it home, then Ubered back to Enterprise for my little pickup. Dicked around, had dinner, then drove the big pickup 100 miles north to Terre Haute. Nice new Ram 2500. BIG. Checked on the damaged house and my 442. Overnighted in hotel.

This AM, I went to Uhaul dealer and got auto-carrier trailer. Went to grandma's house, parked out front, then loaded truck with the very last stuff in the house. Had lunch, fired up the 442 after having it on charge and got it warm and happy. Drove truck and trailer around back, and filled the truck bed with 90% of what is leaving from there. Pole lights, fans, fluids, shop vac, power cords, etc. Moved truck and trailer off alley and parked on side street and rigged trailer for load. Got the 442, eyeballed it twice, drove right up. Secured the 442, pulled around front. Jumpered the switch pad (no switches installed) to make driver's front window go up. That sucker had power with key off, which is odd, then I duct taped the door to quarter panel windows on each side as they have no seal pieces.

Drove 100 miles home, evicted my van, loaded the stuff and the 442 (jumpered the window back down, no interior door handles either) in that unit. Drove van home, got Tacoma, drove back, put it on trailer, then drove to Enterprise and dropped off my little truck. Drove to the local uhaul and dropped off the trailer. Dropped off the chain-falls, which were never needed, then drove to Enterprise, dropped off big truck, then went home. I am bushed, but at least the 442 finally Escaped The Hood.

Old August 14th, 2021 | 08:28 PM
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John - I'm exhausted just reading about your day. You managed to squeeze the day for all it was worth.
Old August 14th, 2021 | 08:32 PM
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John - Sounds like a whole lot of running, but glad it all worked out and you got the 442 home safely!
Old August 14th, 2021 | 10:41 PM
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Car show pics link.
Old August 15th, 2021 | 01:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Dream67Olds442
Norm - You're welcome. Those retractable roofs on those Skyliners were pretty miraculous in their day weren't they! Cool cars!
Nice pics Chris , like the -59 Ford Skyliner ( 1959 Fords has always been one of my favorites )

Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Wow there was a lot of nice cars and bikes , thank,s

Saw this 2 door -65 Olds for sale here and just love the 2 door model :

Old August 15th, 2021 | 04:12 AM
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Originally Posted by GCH
Nice pics Chris , like the -59 Ford Skyliner ( 1959 Fords has always been one of my favorites )
Wow there was a lot of nice cars and bikes , thank,s

Saw this 2 door -65 Olds for sale here and just love the 2 door model :

Glenn - Thanks! Is that '65 a Delmont 88? That's a beauty. I saw one like that for sale not too long ago here at a classic car dealer that I just loved. Is it close to you and are you considering possibly purchasing it?
Old August 15th, 2021 | 04:49 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Dan - Wow, what great pictures, thanks for sharing! Looks like a great show, wide diversity of cars. My favorite was the '67 Buick GS Vert. I don't know how many of those were built, but it's the 1st one I've seen.
Old August 15th, 2021 | 06:45 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Boy did I sleep good. I must have really been out of it. Surprising to me is that it's comfortable in here. That helped immensely.

Dan I think my favorite out of that bunch is the VW Microbus. Close second, the white retractable.

I had a 59 retractable about 20 years ago. It was copper and beige. Sounds dull but it was actually nice looking. Had some deluxe interior with gold foil around the edges and "Starburst" hubcaps. I was in the retractable club and that's standard practice to show the car with the roof like that. They even called it show position.

Chris I gave you my opinion. Let it ride. Renew your current plates, the new ones will come with their own renewal, and don't sweat it. I know it's frustrating, but when does the state ever give a $hit. Every time you call they look for your application and it goes to the bottom of the pile.

Koda good job with all that. That big Dodge looks like a nice ride. It surprises me that Enterprise would let you tow with it. I heard they put a sticker over the receiver and if it's broke they charge you a huge fee. Did you used to live at your grandma's place or was Grandma a mechanic?

Norm I have a feeling that by the time I make it to your place the cake will be gone. I still need a chocolate malted.

Okay! Lots to do today. Gonna be a nice one. Have a great day everyone.

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