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Old July 7th, 2019, 09:23 AM
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Hi everyone.

Did much better today at work. Done by 930, out by 10. Awful house wasn't busy. Beautiful out.

So the seller of the car I want to buy agreed to send a copy of the title to the CU. That should make my friend there happy. Probably go get it in a couple weeks.

Dan there was a big mall by me all the time I was growing up, that did not fare well once the internet started up. Stores got less and less and then it closed. Now it's being knocked down. I don't think the mall idea is dead. Just look at Mall of America.

My Mother doesn't want me to drive her car anymore, unless I register it in my name here at my house. Seems she got a letter with her registration renewal saying the state needed verification of her insurance. So she called the tax assessor's office and they told her I couldn't have her car at my house registered to her. One of the reasons was if I got into an accident, she could be sued and lose everything. I almost told her so what, you don't have anything. But I didn't. The calculator on the county's website says that car is worth 24K and the tax to register it will be 1700. Dumbasses. It didn't even cost that much new, 11 years ago.

Okay gonna go find something to do. Tiger is driving me crazy. Has a fit to go out, then is out one minute and wants to come in. Five minutes later, same thing. Have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old July 7th, 2019, 10:36 AM
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Good Morning Guys:
I think I have recover from all the 4th and all the yard work last week. I am just taking it easy today. I have some smoke detectors to replace upstairs and that is about it for the day. I am thinking about going to Sprouts and getting something to cook on the grill later today.
Mike, malls in this country are dead. Amazon and the internet have done them in. When I was working I managed a portfolio of foreclosed real estate being office buildings and industrial properties. When that was pretty much over was when I was laid off and retired. The folks doing retail (shopping centers and malls) are still busy. Mall of America is unique and an exception. There are some that are still hanging on but I a sure have seen vacancies increase. After they are foreclosed and then taken to market they sell for a fraction of what it cost to build them. Most are being redeveloped. They are obsolete and the land is worth more than the developed property.
It is going to be in the mid to upper 90's today and all of next week with the heat index of about 104. If I put out the last two pallets of sod next week it will be in the morning. I just want it to keep raining after I get all this stuff out.
Have a good day guys.
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Old July 7th, 2019, 01:51 PM
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Gee, I didn't know you were in the property management also.

I'm so glad I don't do that any more My new "Tenants" never complain or move out

Mow mow mow your grass [before golf day]

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 8th, 2019, 12:35 PM
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Hi everyone.

I thought it would be a good day back at my desk job. About half way through the morning I got locked out of my operating system. This happens about once a month. Except this time the help desk deleted all my access instead of resetting it, so I couldn't do any work. I spent the rest of the day sitting around. I helped a little with the tires but that's about it. Another guy had the same trouble. Everything has to be resubmitted and when approved the foreman has to approve it locally. He'll be back Wednesday. So I put in for a couple days off. I could use them since I worked all weekend.

Glenn I agree with you about the black 88 you were commenting on. I've always liked those cars. I thought maybe you had him convinced that a low price would sell it quickly, until that other dillweed had to pipe up and say, oh it's worth 6200 according to Hagerty! If he'd sell it for under 4K it would probably end up in my driveway.

Quiet in here today. It's beautiful here and I don't think rain is forecast.

Where is a good place to buy body stuff these days? I need a rear bumper for my pickup. LMC seems a little high but the other places I've seen don't guarantee very good quality. Wonder if I missed someplace.

Okay Summit tonight. Get to stay out a little later now. See you's.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 04:37 AM
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Thanks for the ideas, Norm and Jim. I think I am going to make pockets for a 2x4 to slide into, and then make a total of 4 (2 on each side) lift out walls. The lift out walls will be about 6' long and 2 on each span as the span is about 12 1/2 feet. No it won't be to code as far as spacing and little kids like on a deck but should be strong enough. I'm also thinking of making a hand rail that will be cut and will come off with the upper wall when it is slid out. I finished painting the shop area yesterday. Looks so nice and bright and clean. I think I'm going to order the lights today. I think I have given up on the overhead door company, Its been a month since they came out and measured. Now that I know a little more about doors I think I can do it myself. It's strange that my neighbor and I were all decided to have that company install a overhead door, and 3 door openers between the 2 of us, we had our wallets open and were going to do it, but they took so long to come out and are now taking so long to give us a quote that we have both decided to go elsewhere! I wonder if we're not big enough no mess with....
-- Not many people have posted lately, Where you at?
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Old July 9th, 2019, 06:51 AM
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Greg, sounds like ya got it figgered out

WTH is Allan

Norm, Played like a goat, 1 bird dog a few pars and several blow ups I'm going for a lesson on Thursday, I got the shanks and can't get rid of them. They're only about 300 different opinions.

Mike, The city fathers are "Thinking about stopping firewerks. Seem it scares the horses. Gee I wonder how long it took them to figger that out.

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 9th, 2019, 07:22 AM
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Good morning everyone.

My stars what a luxury to sleep in until 7. The sun was out when I woke up, lots of light shining through the bathroom window when I was getting ready, going to the Awful house and seeing people I haven't seen in forever. Tell me again why dayshift is such a big deal?

Went to Summit last night. Not very much there at all. Saw a friend of mine I used to work with. He has some weird kind of arthritis and has lots of pain all the time. Took permanent disability from work. Although he has a pro street pickup that he races and autocrosses. Not sure how that works, but I guess if I had to be in pain all the time, I'd rather be working on trucks than going to work.

I see Allan from time to time around here. Remember his son is on safari, so maybe he's got some extra time for other things, which don't include the internet. Usually.

Greg glad you have the barn moving along. Maybe install a fire pole in the corner for coming down from the second floor.

The Corvair deal is dead. The CU wanted a signed bill of sale and, rightly so, the seller said he wouldn't give one until he had the money. The CU told me they wouldn't issue a check without it. So I told them they just cost themselves making a loan. I told the seller the car didn't match the criteria. It really doesn't, somehow they didn't know that the Corvair is more than 15 years old. Not sure I'd have been happy with that car anyway. Manual top? The horror.

Got plenty to do, I just need to focus and get something done. I feel like I'm playing hooky. Like Bender says in The Breakfast Club, sometimes being bad feels good.

Have a good day everyone.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 08:36 AM
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Old July 9th, 2019, 09:21 AM
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Good Morning Guys:
It is hot as blue blazes this week with heat warnings out today. The high is supposed to be 98 with the heat index up to about 105. No sod going to be laid this week. I went out for the walk at 7:30 this morning and it was already 79 with the humidity in the 80's. The high next Monday is supposed to be 91 so I will be back to the remainder of the sod laying project. I need to put new bushings in the rear springs on the 54. It has a squeaky squeaky sound. I have the bushings and may attempt that today. I can turn the car around and back it in the garage. I have a big wall mounted fan, two ceiling fans and then one of those small squirrel cage fans I can put on the floor. It will still be hot but I will be in the shade and the air will be moving.
Mike, you might send the guy a PM and offer him $4,000 for the car. He wants to get rid of it. I know he said he would not consider anything less than $5,000. It does look like a pretty solid old car. Was the Corvair the one in Waxahachie?
Allan is kind of like Car 54. Where are you?
Greg, you might check at Northern Tool or somewhere like that for the pockets for the 2x4's. They used to sell those to put on a trailer so you could put temporary sides on them. They shouldn't cost very much. Attach them with some lag bolts and you are ready to go.
That is all I have today. Have a good day Olds friends.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 09:49 AM
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LOL! I remember watching Letterman when that aired. That was a long time ago.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 10:24 AM
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I wonder if The Lone Ranger did stuff like that a lot. How funny.

Glenn this was a car in Florida. I let the car in Waxahachie go. It too was a manual top, and I got a rather ambiguous answer when I asked about rust in the floors. Both cars seemed nice but not nice enough to "settle" for.

Going to see a Valiant today. I don't remember if I mentioned this car I saw on craigslist a couple weeks ago. I emailed the guy, never heard back. Kept emailing, got one very short, out of context answer, then nothing. Kept emailing got nothing. I couldn't let this go. I went to Gmail and created another account, went to his ad and emailed him brand new from my new account. The guy answers almost instantly, has had good contact, and wants me to come see the car today. I was astounded. So I was afraid that he'd recognize my phone number so I told him my phone was broke, and I was doing all this on my desktop at home. So he emails his address and says no problem, just tell me when you think you'll get here, as I have dogs. What a dumb story. Wonder if I'll come home with it.

Okay lunch is over. Had a good morning so far, Awful house and sanding in the bedroom. Might be ready for a coat of paint tomorrow.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 10:41 AM
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36/42 = 78

James - Since returning from the 2019 Women's U.S. Open Championship I have changed my middle name to "Tempo" - it's paying off big time. I hear you about 300 opinions - don't rush coming down on the back swing - nice even tempo - might work for you, also?

Greg - As Glenn suggested they do sell both aluminum & galvanized 2" x 4" brackets at the hardware stores - they're more or less 2" x 4" stud braces/brackets. I'd install two/post - one higher than the other. I like the way this is coming along. If you do elect to put in a fire(mans) pole in the corner, ensure to hire some cute females to give it a test run (call me before the test run begins).

Mike - that's a funny story. Would the real Mr. Mike please stand up! New gmail account & a totally different conversation. Crazy.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 12:13 PM
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Norm, I don't have any problems with a driver or a 3 wood off the deck. What Pi$$$ me off is I can't hit the easiest club in the bad 9 iron
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Old July 9th, 2019, 12:40 PM
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I own a club every a$$hat golf sports announcer states no amateur should ever own - a 63* wedge - I hit it like Phil every time. My 52*, 56*, PW, 9 & 8 are the best irons in my bag. I don't own a single hybrid.

Tell me - what is the greatest issue w/ the 9 iron?
Hit it thin?
Top the ball?
Hit behind the ball?
Ball flight is too low? (Ball flight not high enough?)
What distance are you trying to make your 9 iron a go-to club?

My 9 iron is between 125 - 140. I realize 15 yards sounds like a lot of variance for one club, but @ 125 yards it's a slow, best tempo, methodical, 80% full swing. While between 130 - 140 it's a full-on shoulder completed rotated 100% swing. My 8 iron is a normal 135 yard, 80% swing w/ good tempo or 145 yds with a full-on shoulder 100% swing.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 12:43 PM
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dead right shank. I'd like to hit it a] straight b] 110-115

BTW Yous a big strong boy, I 'm a fat old man
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Old July 9th, 2019, 12:47 PM
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No what? I thought you were going to say you right shank the ball.

That's a super easy fix.

One - you are FAR, FAR, FAR too - handsy.

Did I mention you are FAR, FAR, FAR too - handsy?

I forgot if I mentioned you are FAR, FAR, FAR too - handsy.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 12:51 PM
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And, here is why you are far too handsy - you obviously know you are chicken-winging it when you shank to the right.

But the key is why are you shanking to the right?

Because if you look at TOP of your trailing hand, your trailing hand is pointed to the ground. Take a full swing and ensure that the TOP of your trailing hand points UPWARDS - UPWARDS - UPWARDS.

One take to (possibly) correct for this is to hinge your wrists much sooner on your backswing so that when it comes time to hit the ball on your downswing, you are rotating your hands over, and not trying to LIFT the ball to the hole - keeping your trailing hand pointed to the ground and shanking it right. It might feel more comfortable to you hinging sooner.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 12:55 PM
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When I say upwards, I'm talking about upwards after you hit the ball, not during impact. I'll lay you 100:1 your trailing wrist is pointing downwards towards the ground on your follow-through after impact.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 12:56 PM
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Tanks, i"ll give it a try

No hybrids in my bag either

My home course is a Fazio design [DEEP bunkers]

Oddly enough, I don't have any problem picking a ball out of a fairway bunker with and 8 iron
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Old July 9th, 2019, 12:58 PM
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I've heard this one over the years which is a good mental image for the short irons and helps you stay clear of the right shank or blocked short iron shot - "HIT" the ball to the hold, don't "LIFT" the ball to the hole. That helps to continue to turn the wrists over at impact. Lifting the ball to the hole on the short irons is generally met with right hand block/shank shots.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 01:02 PM
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Somebody told me to throw the club [release it] and let it fly might help
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Old July 9th, 2019, 01:05 PM
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I have no issues w/ bunkers at nearly any distance. My personal rule of thumb is four-fold for short bunker shots: (1) Feet securely planted INTO the sand - I twist and find secure terra firma; (2) Get as low to the ground as you feel comfortable in standing - knees bent almost like you're going to take a $HIT standing up; (3) Take a 100% complete full swing with COMPLETE shoulder rotation, (2) shift ALL/100% of your weight to your leading foot. The only thing I vary on short bunker shots is the distance I choke down on the club and the speed of my swing - but it's always a full swing with 100% weight on my leading foot.

Long distance bunker shots aren't really an issue - ONLY one rule - BALL FIRST!!!
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Old July 9th, 2019, 01:10 PM
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Yes, that is one theory which might work - I've heard it. But, be careful how you throw it. DO NOT throw it with any form of an under-arm delivery. Throw it with a sideways throwing motion - club out to your side when you throw it. You're already hitting the ball with an under-arm delivery that's why the top of your trailing hand is pointed towards the ground on your follow-through after you hit the ball. Check it out next time. You'll see that golfers who try to attempt to LIFT the ball to the hole on short irons like the SW, PW, and 9 will shank to the right because they don't break the hinge-set at impact - they continue to try to lift the ball to the hole - bad idea. Hit the ball to the hole don't lift the ball to the hole.
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Old July 9th, 2019, 01:16 PM
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James - this is you at 6:35 in the video

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Old July 9th, 2019, 01:20 PM
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At the 3:00 minute mark - your wrists are in the cupped position instead of hinged and you attempt to compensate during the downswing - ball heads to the right.

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Old July 9th, 2019, 04:11 PM
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Hi everyone.

Hate to interrupt the golf lesson. Just got back with my new Valiant. This is cheating, it's a picture from the ad.

Okay this is odd. It isn't as nice as I had hoped, but it's well worth what I paid for it. The guy was just an old codger and was pleasant enough. He had lots and lots of cars jammed together in his yard, which looked like it might have been some sort of service area back in the dark ages. Said the county got after him to get rid of some stuff. Anyway got a whopping 50 bucks off his asking -price, loaded up and hit the road. I just pulled into the shop and left everything. I've been gone all afternoon so I came home to see Tiger, and I'll go back tomorrow and get it all tucked in to it's own spot in the mud.

Beautiful out. Must have rained north of where I was while I was at the car. There was a wreck southbound and traffic was all backed up. Now, I usually offend Jamesbo when I mention things the southern drivers do that I find odd, so today it's when the highway is jammed, and the drivers back up on the shoulder and drive the wrong way up the on-ramp. I actually did that one time, when the National Guard told me to. Anyway, no issues driving home, always appreciated.

Brought home some papers I found inside the car, that I'm going to look over this evening. There's stickers on it from the Chicago Motor Club. No wonder I like it. Really no rust to speak of, it's been rust-proofed. But it should be interesting to see what's in the envelope.

Okay have a good evening everyone.
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Old July 10th, 2019, 04:28 AM
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--Mike- love the old Valiant, bet it has a slant 6! Good idea on the fire pole.
--Norm and Glenn, I have seen the stake pockets, they're about $5.00 each and I need 16- would be alot easier. I will check Northern tool, but what I have found so far is there are 2 types, one type is tapered and is smaller than a 2x4, and the other is straight but, according to the reviews, fits sloppily around a 2x4. I want a straight slot but it needs to be a snug fit or the "walls" will be loose and wobbly. Thanks for the ideas!
--What beautiful weather we are having!! Have a good one!
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Old July 10th, 2019, 04:55 AM
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Mike, Love the Valiant, Lee Iacocca said, "They never wear out so nobody buys a new one"

Greg, I;d also check out the joist hanger section at Casa Depot, They got all kinds of stuff that might werk

Norm, Tanks fer de video[s] We'll see

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 10th, 2019, 07:15 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Just got back from the Awful house. It's nice out now but supposed to rain this afternoon.

I can't tell you how I enjoyed yesterday. Not rushed at all, did what I wanted, even doing regular stuff seemed nicer. Today is starting out the same. But I have to go to bed early so I can go to work tomorrow. That's okay.

Yes the new Valiant has the Leaning Tower of Power. It even has power steering, something you don't see on that vintage Valiant very often. I've seen that quote from Lee Iacocca several times, but wonder why he would have said it. He wasn't part of Chrysler until the 80s and the Valiant went out of production in 76.

Well daylight is burning. Tiger gets a bath today, but before that I need to get more of his shampoo, and I need to mow where I'll set up the water troughs. I don't think he's going to enjoy this.

Have a good Hump Day everyone.
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Old July 10th, 2019, 09:35 AM
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Mike the Valiant is going to be a simple fun car. Those old slant 6's run forever. Great engine.

Really wondering where Allan is. Hope all is well.

It is going to be another very hot day today with the forecast of 99 and heat index of 107. Didn't get the bushings replaced on the springs on the 54 yesterday. I am going to at least get the back ones replaced. The front has the shackles and it is more bushings on there.

Have a good day guys.

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Old July 10th, 2019, 09:48 AM
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Like the Valiant Mike. Were these ever available with the small V-8, like the 273? Well I got most of what I wanted done while I was off, except for pulling the interior out of the Olds. My back just ain't having it.
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Old July 10th, 2019, 10:10 AM
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Mike - I think I'm late to the party. Did I miss the post regarding the type & color of flowers you intend to plant?

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Old July 10th, 2019, 10:20 AM
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Norm I should so do something like that.

Dan the Valiant came with the 273 early on, and in 68(which is what this one is) the 318 was available. I've never driven a V8 Valiant. It's a light car I bet it screams. Interesting side note, to me anyway, the reason they brought out the bigger, squarer car in 67 was because they couldn't fit a big block in the 66 and they wanted the Barracuda to have a big block. That's right, strip away the coke bottle bodywork and you have a Valiant. Okay by me.

Glenn I can't help it. Here's my George Costanza imitation of the day. But you are Blanche! You are in the shackles!

Got to the store but have done little else. My typical non-focusness has kept me looking stupid things up on the internet. But now I'm going out to do something for sure. See ya.
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Old July 10th, 2019, 10:35 AM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Got to the store but have done little else.
There are times when I go to the grocery store and it appears there is some type of social event where all the women with blue hair meet in one isle. I either navigate around the gaggling flock, or make a dash for another isle. When I'm done shopping I head to the checkout line only to find the same flock now occupies all of the checkout lanes. A ten to fifteen minute trip now takes about one hour.
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Old July 10th, 2019, 10:49 AM
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I usually find that group in the Personal Hygiene section. Go over to buy soap, and wait a half hour because people take turns camping out in front of what I want. Today was an anomaly because I don't think I was gone from the house for 20 minutes. It should be like that always.

Okay, NOW I'm going out. I got caught up poo-pooing Jaunty's thread about an article he thought was nice, then told people not to disagree with him.
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Old July 10th, 2019, 09:38 PM
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Mike, if an old ratty looking tanker truck shows up in your rear view mirror while driving the Valiant.....FLOOR IT!!!

Last edited by 1969w3155; July 10th, 2019 at 09:43 PM.
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Old July 11th, 2019, 05:24 AM
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I like going to the grocery store, it's one of my favorite things to do. Yoga pants watching time

Going for a lesson

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 11th, 2019, 06:36 AM
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I've been known to spend time in the produce section watching the gals pick out fresh cucumbers.

A lesson? Good on you James. When I began playing again after retirement I signed up for a series of 8-9 one hour lessons w/ Nina Foust (ex-LPGA Pro) - she owns The Golf Farm about 15 miles from me. She teaches fundamentals. It helped.

Enjoy your lesson.
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Old July 11th, 2019, 10:19 AM
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Course after I drive 30 miles I figger out its next Thursday
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Old July 11th, 2019, 10:33 AM
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