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Old June 9th, 2014, 07:46 PM
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With flying colors Al

The way I figure 2 years ago was 2012. 2012-56= 1956 56+2=58?
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Old June 9th, 2014, 07:59 PM
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Cool video! Where's my 56 Olds?? Your math is good Scot. Wastin away agin in geezer ville....
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Old June 9th, 2014, 09:29 PM
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56? young 'un.
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Old June 10th, 2014, 04:19 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan, Happy Belated and best wishes for your brohams surgery today. Hope all goes well.

Scot It's too dang early for all this math stuff, Lets wait to do that after 5 p.m. when it just don't matter anyhow.

Jamesbo, What business would that be?

Kyle Congrats to you on your little boy. Hope he continues to improve.

Have a day all. (can't member what day it is but have one none the less.)
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Old June 10th, 2014, 05:20 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
56? young 'un.
X 2

Clint, I was think'in 'bout de tow'in biz.. since I already got de catchy name

Was gonna plow betwix de bean rows today but we had a mid night down pour.

Allan, Prayes for your brothers operation

GTG have a Great day olds friends
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Old June 10th, 2014, 12:39 PM
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Afternoon all!

Humid and cloudy here today. Temps in the 70's. Had rain on Sunday all day so I didn't go to the BOP show. They had it in the rain, but it wasn't worth cleaning my car for the $10 entry fee I had mailed.

So I got a lot of work done inside the house Sunday lol. Then Jon shows up (Nicoles boyfriend) to talk to me and Larry. Her and Jon were in Sandusky at one of those convention things when all hell broke lose because of her being with other guys! He evidently confronted her and some of the guys who she never told she was dating Jon, and what a mess! So.... Larry found out what a liar she is and found out that Jon helped her with cash for the down payment on the car and that Jon co signed for it and all sorts of stuff. Oh Lord! I felt so bad for Jon... he really loves her and his heart was breaking. He was at the house for hours! She, meantime, was still in Sandusky with these other guy friends. Anyhow her and Jon are trying to work things out and are friends only for the time being. She will be keeping the car and making the payments. Here I thought they were in love and she was going to be moving to Indiana with him next year and all that. Shows you what I know!

I swear she craves the attention of guys from what she never got from Larry when she was growing up. She never heard compliments from him or nice things. Just drunken criticisms and put downs. I think that's her issue and I told her years ago she needs to go talk to someone about it. She never talks to me. Never has. She never cries. Just acts tough like nothing is bothering her. She holds things in. So now she's embarrassed and ashamed cause she hurt a lot of people. And she should be. I tried to tell her that lying is never a good thing! And she got busted and called out on it. I thought she learned about lying when she took that Colbalt and wrecked it. Guess not!

Im giving her a few days and then I'll ask if she wants to talk about it. I don't want to push her. What a mess. I thought I was done having to worry, that she finally found someone to be all she wants. And she has.... if she doesn't blow it! This is the nicest guy with values and a good old fashioned upbringing who sends her flowers and helps her. I sure hope she can earn his trust again. I was shocked by some of the things he told us that I had no idea about. Guess its her life....

Went to the Riverfront last night. It was packed! I called Don Sitts and had him save me a space. I really wanted that 50/50. Half of it was $500!!!! That would have almost paid off Dr. Smith. But it wasn't meant to be.

Chick fil A is not Cruisin anymore. Just not enough cars. So the DJ is starting another cruise in Hudson on Wednesdays. He used to have one there years ago. That's where I first started going with Teepo. Closer for me.

Had my yearly appt with the heart doc this morning. All is good he said. I gotta see him in 6 months again.

Thursday I go see the breast surgeon lady again. Don't know why since I didn't have the MRI done that she wanted done. We were going to discuss the results. I guess she just wants my $40 co pay. I sent the appeal paperwork back to Cigna about that MRI they didn't think was 'medically necessary'. I asked them what part of having cancer in both breasts didn't they think was medically necessary? So they have 30 days to answer me. I just wanted to see what they would say.

I'm seeing the Cleveland clinic plastic surgeon week after next.

Still depressed and still wanting to go back to Arizona. I still have flats of flowers sitting on the deck and its the second week of June! I usually have stuff planted long before Memorial Day. Between this sucky weather and my lack of enthusiasm they aren't getting planted. I did get some perrineals planted in my front flower bed so the deer can eat them....

Well I better get off here. Its so slow and boring in here. I've been yawning all day! Maybe I'll get some stuff planted tonight if the rain holds off. Have a good evening all.
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Old June 10th, 2014, 03:02 PM
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Howdy all and Happy Friday to me!

Allan been thinking about you guys today and hope everything is good.

Sandy that's a tangled web Nicole has gotten herself into. What was the point of Jon going to see you guys, to tattle on her or to get advice on what to do with her? I hope it works out, he seems like a good fellow. She needs to know that not all guys will treat her like Larry has.

I had this girlfriend once, she had had a few troubled relationships(which should have been the first red flag), and from listening to her they all started to go south at a certain point. Well we got to a certain point and she seemed to start looking for things to be wrong. Since I wasn't the type of guy she normally dated there were no problems. Her obvious solution to that was to get drunk, come to my house and start yelling about nothing in particular. I had to throw her out. I said, you're not coming into my house and talking to me like that. Go figure chicks.

Clint tomorrow you can ask everyone what day it is. "Mike Mike Mike I know you can hear me!"

Scot I'm puzzled. The guy is out on the driveway setting up corn hole, the garage is open and the Chev is clearly sitting right there in front of him, yet it takes someone to come over and say, hey look at your car and the guy falls to pieces. Is the guy normally oblivious to things out of the ordinary? Nice looking car. If I wouldn't have needed a copper car I would have wanted a turquoise one.

Okay time for work. Rain forecast for most of my days off. Have a good evening everyone.
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Old June 10th, 2014, 04:45 PM
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You know Mike, I just read the headline and haven't actually took the time to watch the video. LOL But from what you describe, he was either oblivious that the car was for him or it was staged. I guess I need to watch that video LOL
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Old June 10th, 2014, 04:48 PM
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Oh and I plan to be at Summit Monday if anyone is in the area. Hot Rod Walt & The Psycho DeVilles are playing along with a cool showing of cars. Whether or not I bring the coupe is still in the air....
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Old June 10th, 2014, 10:03 PM
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I know it's late and I'm pretty tired so I'll be brief. Glenn's surgery went well today. It took longer than planned and he was pretty heavily sedated afterwards. It was a triple bypass. Right now he's in ICU and they're keeping him comatose for awhile. Thank you to all for your prayers and support. It's really difficult seeing a younger brother go through this. Dr. Wong says he won't be fully recovered for about 5-7 months.

BTW, Jim and Dan - Scot was right at 58. Maybe I'm younger than you? But sometimes my body says it ain't so.

Happy dreams.
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Old June 10th, 2014, 10:09 PM
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Allan, glad to hear that your brothers surgery went well. 58? oldtimer.
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Old June 11th, 2014, 04:28 AM
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Mornin all.

Jamesbo, Maybe you already posted the name, but is it Jamesbo's Hookers and Tuggers?

Allan, Glad to hear it was a success. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I know how you feel. By best buddy had a Heart attack in his 30's. Makes you really think...

Mike, you should have a sidekick named Watson.

Sandy, Sorry to hear about Nicole. Seems like some girls (mine included) have a way of tossing aside a real good thing when it comes along, and really latching on to things just just aren't healthy.

Hope everyone has a Humpday.
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Old June 11th, 2014, 04:52 AM
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Mawn'in all

I bet Mike's pups tore up his house last nite. We had sum thunderboomers

Clint, scroll up. De name is "Camel Tow." I stole it fair and square from a guy in N.C.

Allan, Glad to hear the surgery went well. Prayers sent for a speedy recovery.

Sandy, Kids....geeze........... Youth is wasted on the young.I told de Super Model [whose son doesn't appreciate de nice girl he has dats crazy about him.] " What he needs is a few years with a high maintenance Witch"

Well let me see, De deer are eating my beans, de coons are eating my bird seed and ground hogs are eating everything. Anutter garden gone south.

Have qa great day Olds friends
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Old June 11th, 2014, 05:07 AM
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Have a great Woden's day

Must've gotten at least another inch or two of rain in last 24 hrs. Last batch came thru around 1 this morning and woke us all up. Got a new mattress and box delivered Friday and I've never been so comfortable; but can't sleep when St. Peter's bowling strike after strike...

Brought the truck to work today to take off the last piece of furniture I want from the old house. Then, I'll have do something about the junk in the attic and figure out what to do with Dad's old bottle and can collection and I'll be cooking with gas... At the rate we're going, the two brothers might get the "for sale" sign up in time for winter....

Allan, my apologies (again, I think) for continuously misspelling your name... I work with two women whose hubby's names are Allen and Alan. Yours is the third spelling, and I was a mite confused. You'd think a guy who's supposed to be a writer could maybe learn how to copy. In any case, glad your brother's surgery went well. Continued thoughts & prayers sent up the Great White North's way.

Whelpt, enough for now -- let me find my shovel and start diggin'....

Have a great one, Oldsmopals.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; June 11th, 2014 at 05:25 AM.
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Old June 11th, 2014, 05:58 AM
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Humpity hump everyone.

Jamesbo gets the prize. Words just wouldn't do justice to the custom work the dogs do to their room. And last night they pulled about a foot of Romex out of the wall as well. I told them they are lucky they didn't get electrocuted. We didn't get any rain at the airport, but it was just starting to storm a little right when I was leaving. They probably did their shredding within the first ten minutes of me leaving.

So I got mad at Walmart the other day when I was there at 5am and they didn't have any check out lanes open. Just use the self ones they said. Nope. So this morning I knew I didn't have any dog food so I stopped at the Awful house and had me a biscuit, and brought the dogs two each quarter pounders. They really liked that. I hope they don't think we're doing that every day.

Allan I'm glad your bro came through the surgery and is doing okay. I'll keep him in my prayers for a nice recovery.

Clint I don't get it. That's okay, I haven't slept in awhile.

John did the better half ever get back from points up yonder? I don't remember seeing that you had gone to the airport to pick her up. I need to go up that direction as I haven't been in a couple years. All my peeps moved to Florida.

Scot I'll miss out on Summit on Monday, I'm working. Since when are they having live music? Boy I hate missing out. June 30 is the next time I can go.

I guess I'll jump in the shower and see if I can't stay up today. I feel pretty good right now, I just drank about a gallon of pop at the Awful house. Probably around noon my brain will go into auto shutdown and that will be that. Eh, it's nice out we'll see. Have a good day everyone.
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Old June 11th, 2014, 06:36 AM
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Pat [Citcapp] is de lectricition but many recepticles are wired in line. Ergo if Fido yanks Romex out one wall it could pull it off another wall down de way or on the other side.

I'd say de werk lucky
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Old June 11th, 2014, 06:40 AM
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need 1970 Cutlass headlight bezels. Any for sale?

In Massachusetts looking 1970 Cutlass headlight bezels esp left driverside. Any help out there?
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Old June 11th, 2014, 06:47 AM
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Hey all!
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Old June 11th, 2014, 07:06 AM
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Mike, I prolly failed to mention picking up the better half from MSY a coupley weeks ago... so yeah, she's back at the Plantation. MIL sez it's cool up there now... unlike down here.... it's like a sauna lately.

Lookin' forward to N. Mich in Aug.! Who from the Good M. thread 's gonna' meet me in Boyne City for the big car show and flea market? (Not everybody at once...)

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Old June 11th, 2014, 08:09 AM
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need 1970 Cutlass headlight bezels. Any for sale?
In Massachusetts looking 1970 Cutlass headlight bezels esp left driverside. Any help out there?
You need to post in the classifieds: parts wanted.
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Old June 11th, 2014, 08:12 AM
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I'm gonna put in for takin' thurs and friday off, replace my front exterior door 'n dilly dally around and go to Homecoming sat.
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Old June 12th, 2014, 03:45 AM
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Cut/copy/paste Warm wit a chance of afternoon showers

wake up clint.

GTG to de big city today. I usually play a game after I get off de Alpharetta Autobaun and onto surface streets. I try to see how many stop lights I hit before sum jacka$$$ sharts blow'in his horn.

Usually make it thru at least one

We'll see

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old June 12th, 2014, 04:16 AM
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Mornin all.

Good luck with all the urbanites Jim,

Have a throw back all
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Old June 12th, 2014, 04:38 AM
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Good morning all.

Jamesbo good luck in the city. I need to go to RBM of Atlanta and get something with their name on it. Every year this guy comes to the Amphi party and tells me he used to go there in the 60s and 70s. All the times I've heard his story I forgot why he did but I'm gonna bring him something that says RBM of Atlanta on it and maybe he'll stop telling me this.

I forgot I need to get all my license plates this week. I get the notices early in May and then forget about them until it's almost too late. Well, the way I figure it I'm wasting money if I pay for them before they actually expire. This is my last chance because my birthday is on a Saturday and I'll be gone next week and I don't want to have to pay their late fees. I really hate getting the one for the Fiat, because I want to sell it, and if I do after I get the tag then I've just wasted two hundred bucks. Hm, maybe that will be my mission for the day.

John I may have to pass on Boyne City this time. That's way up there. I wish the first thing google maps showed was NOT the route/time by airplane. Who needs a map when they're a passenger in an airplane? Odd choice for google if you ask me.

Okay time for the Awful house and some errands. Hope everyone has a fine day.
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Old June 12th, 2014, 04:47 AM
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Saltmine Greetings

'Twas 70 at the Plantation, and humidity not as stifling as it's been over the last couple weeks, so no A/C needed on the way in.

Maybe next time, Mike.... Yes, it is WAY up there -- as far as the lower peninsula goes -- but that's part of what makes it so nice. Summers are fab up there. For a while, we said we were going to retire up there -- as long as we had somewhere to go in winters after screaming "uncle" from too much snow.... But nobody in better half's family wanted to ante up for the 6 grand or so of riparian property, nonresident taxes on the cottage year after year (what a shock!).

Have a safe trip to Hotlanta, Jamesbo.

Whelpt, it looks as if this time it's for real: no renewal of my contract at end of month~! I don't know exactly what I'll be doin' 7/1, but it won't be shovelin' salt. They made it real easy for me -- no offer to decline, or accept, or anything... just end of job. I'll definitely take a breather, and maybe it'll be permanent... We'll just have to see what the future holds.

In any case, I'm more or less breathing a sigh of relief. Now I'm countin' the days, Oldsmobuddies.

Have a great Thor's day....

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; June 12th, 2014 at 05:08 AM.
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Old June 12th, 2014, 07:49 AM
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Who from the Good M. thread 's gonna' meet me in Boyne City for the big car show and flea market?
Hell, I'm closest, but I still won't be there, cuz like, that's "up north" a bit.
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Old June 12th, 2014, 01:21 PM
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You know it's Thor's day when you wake up and every joint and muscle in your body is 'thor'. Robaxacet and Advil seem to cure that.

Pretty nice here today. Yesterday I got burned. Judging at a skills competition and the heat from the tarmac was unbelievable. I think the sun must heat up that stuff to around over 90° because even my feet were feeling the heat. Water didn't cure the problem. Heck the day before it pretty much rained all day and strong winds gave me the chills right to the bone.

Dan - C'mon up north. It's not that far. Besides you'd enjoy the company.

John - Gee, I don't know whether to cheer or say I'm sorry. The end of a career usually is decided by the person who works it, not the employer. Especially when ya put in good effort and deliver great results. Whichever way it works for you, I hope it's for the best.

Mike - You got a better chance of getting stopped by the police than I do. I plumb forgot to renew my DL! So I've been tootin around town the last while without one. Actually I had Graeme drive me a lot. It's good practice for him.

Clint - I'm havin a day and celebrating it by grilling later on. Swing by for a burger and beer. Then we can hit the micro brewery! BTW, what was the outcome of your buddy's HA? I hope he was one of the lucky ones who just takes live a bit better in the slow lane now? You're darn right it makes a guy think about this..

Well, I guess I best go out soon and cut the grass as it's not inclined to do it by it's lonesome...

Jim - So why is it called 'Hot lanta'??
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Old June 12th, 2014, 06:45 PM
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Evening everyone. Lots of stuff going on the last few days, some good, some not so good. The not so good is that we figured out that we were robbed the last time our babysitter was over the house watching our kids. She had been with us for several years and never had any issues until now. She stole a couple thousand dollars in jewelry and cash from us. Turns out she has a drug problem. Had to do a lot of detective work but the local pawn shops helped me a lot. I am not planning on filing any charges unless I don't get the property back. Hope I'll have more on that later.

If that's not bad enough, I've had to deal with kids shooting heroin at the end of my block (I live near the end by the cul-de-sac where there are woods) I have found needles on the ground and obviously I'm worried because kids, including mine, play down there. All of us down at this end of the block are on watch and have had the police here arresting them. So Monday night, I go to walk my dog outside and there are two kids smoking pot right out in front of my home in their car. WTF!? Never have I had problems in this area until the last few months. Between heroin, pill addiction, and pot, this has become a horrible epidemic.

So, trying to focus on the positive, work is showing some promise lately of generating more money. The company relaxed their standards and now we can open up wholesale accounts. That should really help the business model going forward.

Also, been working on the Olds at night, I put all new tower clamps on her, finished painting the top of the engine, and changing out the antifreeze. Still have to change the oil, put back together the A/C system and charge it. Hope to have it road ready by GM Carlisle and bring it there next Friday.

Sandy - Sorry to hear about Nicole. If you read my 1st paragraph, you would know that I am shocked as well by the way a lot of these kids are behaving these days. Hope she straightens out.

Have a good night all.
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Old June 13th, 2014, 03:47 AM
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Mawn'in all

Weather wise .....more of de same

Mike, Be careful out dare, there was a kill'in at de Awful House on I-20

John, Congrats on not werk'in. I'm sure you'll be able to fill up your days wit more fun things dan de salt mine.

The only thing I wanta say about kids and drugs is It's a Darwin thing. Trust me from a guy who was drug up in de 60's. I know a few "Most Likely to Suceeds" dat gotta hold of sum bad acid and now can't count to 10.

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old June 13th, 2014, 05:10 AM
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Happy Friday everyone.

Beautiful morning, don't know what the rain is going to do. Does anyone.

Jamesbo that must be the thing these days, some low-lifes shot and killed an off duty cop at an Awful house in Griffin last week. Wasn't there another killing up north somewhere awhile back, like in Norcross?

Darrell that sucks and I hope it isn't a sign that your neighborhood is turning. Now that school is out we've seen a rather large increase in break-ins, vandalism, undesirables hanging around. And the HOA in their infinite wisdom reopened a private road that cut off the getaway so it's easier than ever to cause trouble and not get caught.

Allan I had to get out my drivers license to see when it expires. I have awhile. Yesterday it cost me 301 at the tag office. Out of five women that work there I always get stuck with the dumb one. First I write the date, 12Jun14, and she thinks it says June 6. Then I write Three Hundred One and xx/100 and she thinks it says three hundred one three. My writing isn't that bad. Then she says, the blue van needs an emission test. No it doesn't, it's a 3/4 ton. It might be worth the extra dollar to send it all through the mail and not deal with the office at all.

And that doesn't include the Fiat. I'm really going to try hard to trade that car today. Can't find a thing I like, so if I have to get plates then I'll just stop looking. I'm not giving the state two hundred free bucks.

John (I think) that's wonderful about the job. We just got word that the company is offering a 55 point retirement program. It includes a "generous" cash payout, travel benefits, and an "easy transition into the health care exchanges." I wish I had something else going, I'd consider it.

Well time to pack heat and head to the Awful house. Be good everyone hope you all have a good weekend planned.
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Old June 13th, 2014, 06:54 AM
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Now dis is cool
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Old June 13th, 2014, 11:01 AM
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Anuther day from hell. Don't ask cause it's making me boil over.

Mike - Needless to say, I've found that GA isn't the only state that has some brainless wonders behind the desk of Motor vehicles. Also on the other end of the telephone. Seems they take special classes in "Dummies 101" or "How to Irritate without Breaking a Sweat". Hope you find a trade for that Fiat. It just doesn't sound like the car you should be wearing...

Jim - Nice vid. I tink ya haz ta be Ayrab or sumpin ta drives one of dem. 0-60 in 2.5 seconds?? Glad I duznt has to pay gas or inshurence. Heck dey don't even use em for reel Poleece werk - dey just shows dem off. Wows de crowd inta submisshen I guess.

Darrell - That really sucks. I'd press charges simply because it was a breach of trust. You're a victim plain and simple. Hope you get all the $ and jewellery back. Time to move....

Still waitin on Home Depot to deliver a whack of building material. I guess it's gonna be this afternoon by the looks of it. LOL, I told them I'd be home all day but I was hoping they'd be here in the morning so I can get cracking on stowing it in the garage and finishing the demolition. HD says the delivery guy will call 1/2 hour before he gets here..I'm such a patient guy....
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Old June 13th, 2014, 11:27 AM
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Casa Depot ain't exactly de best place to buy lumber. I'd pick thru every stick of it and return de crooked boards.

I'm guess you know ya need to put de cupped/crown side down on the deck boards.
and use sprial galvanived nails
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Old June 13th, 2014, 11:27 AM
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Allan, don't worry. Clench your fists and look to the sky and chant "Serenity Now Serenity Now!" Must be the neighbors as well as tardy Home Depot.

The Fiat is a good car and it served its purpose. If I had to keep driving it I wouldn't mind, but even the simplest maintenance is a nightmare because it's so compact. The bill for the work I had done last month was a conservative 700, and if something simple like that goes wrong when the warranty is up I don't want to foot a bill like that. And after 2 1/2 years it's time for something different. Your comment about wearing the car brings to mind a Seinfeld moment. To paraphrase, if I get into a tangle with anything bigger then the car is now wearing me.

Hey Johnny welcome. How you doing with the Rallye? Wish you'd keep it another couple of years. Unless of course you want to trade for a Fiat...

So far no rain, but it's clouding up. We don't need the rain, Clint does so it should go to him. Sorry buddy, but all your neighbors keep saying you need the moisture. My smilies still don't work.

Okay back outside.
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Old June 13th, 2014, 11:46 AM
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Jim - Way ahed of ya. I spent de better part of 5 hours at homo creepo goin through all their stock. I olny took de good bords dat wernt polyitical (crooked). Yup I nose all bout de cuppin and good side up. No nails on dis deck. Its all been done wit gavanized screws. Ifn any of de bords split on me I'll callem up and havem bring by some good ones an dey can take de crap ones back.

Mike - Yeah, good thought but it's not working. More to this than Homo Creepo and de tag office. 700 for mtce on de Fiat?? Robbery son. If you have to take it in for more than 3 or 4 of them cycled mtces, that will cost more than the car!! Ditch it quick - you're a Caddy guy. Go buy a good used 2006-2009 lower mile Sonata, Genesis, or Azera (all with 3.3 V6). One test drive and you'll throw away the Fiat. Those Hyundai's have gobs of power and torque, great comfort and wonderful all around visibility. Plus they have things like ESC, TC, all wheel discs, 8 SRS air bags, and loaded with creature comforts for dirt cheap.
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Old June 13th, 2014, 01:10 PM
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Allen, Gottcha, Didn't no you new as much 'bout carbentery as Oldsmobiles.
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Old June 13th, 2014, 02:05 PM
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Allan, don't worry. Clench your fists and look to the sky and chant "Serenity Now Serenity Now!"
A cold beer does it for me. My car has ESC, but as I haven't been chased by the police, I have no need to escape !
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Old June 13th, 2014, 06:32 PM
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Called Home Depot finally and asked where the order was. It was still sitting there at 2:30 pm. They said Dan would call me when he was ready to head out. Well, he called and was here right when he said he would be. Why he's almost as nice as Dan on our board here... Almost....Took the better part of an hour to unpack and stack all the lumber in the garage. No room at all for anything Cutlass related now. So it's going to be full steam on to git'r done next week. I'm feeling a bit pooped right now. Prolly need to pop a Robaxacet or two.

Dan - I'd like a cold one right now too. Ran out though and haven't had time to restock. Funny you should say that about ESC. I know a lady who thought that was exactly what it meant in her car. BTW, if you turn off the ESC, those FWD cars will roast tires like no ones business.

Jim - Yup, I know you knew that. I know enough about a lot of stuff to be dangerous...

Exkibishon footyball game on de tube now so I think I'll go flake out en watchit. Either that or I;ll check out the inside of my eyelids a bit...sposed to start raining soon so WTH.
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Old June 13th, 2014, 08:01 PM
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Evening guys. Where's Sandy?

I was victorious in purging myself of the Fiat. Okay that's not nice, it was a nice car. It had just served its purpose and was time for a change. I am now the owner of a 2014 Mustang. Not exactly the car I set out for(I wanted a stick shift, leather seats, and a different color) but the salesman said the magic words, would the grey one work if the price was right? It was either this grey one or a maroon one. Red of any kind is never my first choice.

Nice car so far, it has 36 miles on it. Might need a stripe or something to liven it up a bit. I'll take a picture of it tomorrow and post it up.
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Old June 13th, 2014, 08:09 PM
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So Allan, once the load arrived you were relieved of your ire? Or did you say there were other factors causing the foul mood? Well, one problem solved anyway.

Dan, ESC used to mean Electronic Spark Control. It was out in the 80s on Chevy trucks. I remember it was troublesome but don't remember why.

We started hearing thunder around 3 this afternoon, and of course the dogs went bonkers. The it rained around 4 for maybe twenty minutes, if that. When I was ready to leave the house a little after 5, the sun was trying to peak through. The pups went into their room and didn't tear anything up. I guess they decided the storm was a non-issue at that point.

Work tomorrow. I should sleep in tomorrow but I don't think that will happen. Too much to do, maybe I'll call in tomorrow night. We'll see.

It's on the midnight side, so you all have a good night and a nice weekend.
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