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Old July 28th, 2014, 10:36 AM
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Here's anutter one - from Mark Chesnutt. Always liked this when it was a regular on the air waves....

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Old July 28th, 2014, 05:28 PM
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Hi everyone.

Well I didn't get to pick up the Mustang today. Called the guy who said he'd take me and couldn't get ahold of him. I hate having to depend on people. It's my fault, if I would have gotten the VC off the trailer by now I could have gone by myself. Eh maybe tomorrow.

Didn't make it to Summit tonight. I didn't want to leave the dogs as soon as we got back home. I did go out and do some mowing, not all of it, but a lot of it. Now we're gonna watch some TV and go to bed early.

Work tomorrow. And that's about all I gots to say about that.
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Old July 28th, 2014, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Work tomorrow. And that's about all I gots to say about that.
Good night Forrest Want some more chockits? A Sprise in every mouthful...
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Old July 28th, 2014, 08:19 PM
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Celina Lake Fest

This was a huge hit. I brought the pool, Larry supplied the car. It was announced all afternoon that the car was in the pool and people flocked to see it. The local radio station said something about it as well. What a hoot.
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Old July 28th, 2014, 09:12 PM
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Mike, that's pretty cool!
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Old July 28th, 2014, 09:14 PM
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What would be cooler is bikini clad amphi car attendants in the pool with the car!
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Old July 29th, 2014, 04:54 AM
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Mornin all

Thats a neat way to show the car off.

Sandy, I haven't seen it yet. I'll look for it.

Hope everyone is having a good slumber. Daylights a burnin.

Only gonna be a high in the 70's today, then tomorrow not gonna get out of the 60's.

Have a Tuesday.
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Old July 29th, 2014, 05:22 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Clint I think I have to agree with you. Dreams and REM sleep is supposed to purge your brain of excess stress and help you sleep better. Man I was dreaming all night and woke up, after 7 hours, just as tires as when I went to bed. I should be sleeping right now but I have to go get the car, which will be tricky because I don't have a ride. Maybe I can take a taxi.

Ya the car in the pool was a lot of fun. It just means though that I get to bring it every year. I wish I had a level spot in my yard to set it up, I'm not one for swimming but it would be nice to lounge around on a pool chair.

Okay gotta get something done so I can go back to sleep. Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old July 29th, 2014, 05:40 AM
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Mawn'in all

Nice cooler mawn'in

Clint, I had to run to de stow. De Super model get's cranky when she outa milk fer her cereal

Mike, I love de Amphi display but how do ya get it outa de pool?

Sandy Congrats on de big win.

John, I'd rather bust rocks dan paint.
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Old July 29th, 2014, 05:45 AM
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Good morning all,

Clint - I'll swap you weather in a heartbeat. With humidex today it's going to be in the 90s and tomorrow over 100. That's just too hot. Makes me wish I had AC or a pool like Mike.

Only another week to wait before the Sonata goes in for a facelift and skin peel.

Guess I should go out soon and water.
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Old July 29th, 2014, 06:48 AM
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Jamesbo we drained the water out of the pool and drove the car over the side. Here's a picture of the pool filling up.
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Old July 29th, 2014, 07:21 AM
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So a fickle question about Amphi's Mike. How often do they have to be treated for corrosion. I can't imagine a car that's designed to swim not getting rusty after a short while.

We used to have a pool like that when Graeme was young. It held a LOT of water and took 2 hoses around 8 hours to fill. Draining was a piece of cake though, just collapse a side and it was like Niagara Falls. Then a wet/dry vac to get the last bit inside before folding it up. It was a blast in hot weather!
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Old July 29th, 2014, 08:46 AM
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And Ken's long gone!
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Old July 29th, 2014, 09:16 AM
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Allan while the smarter people will realize they shouldn't take their cars in salt water, the company never really came out and said not to. Just that if you did you needed to thoroughly rinse the car to get the salt off.

For a fresh water only car the best way to ward off rust is to keep it clean. Don't let mud or sand build up anywhere and make sure any water that gets inside is drained out.

The biggest concern is keeping it greased. The motor and trans are sealed off from the water, assuming the seals are working, but the steering is in the water so it needs to be greased often, as well as the propeller shafts in the back.

The whole car is painted inside and out, even the floor, so as long as the paint is kept nice it shouldn't rust.
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Old July 29th, 2014, 10:51 AM
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That makes perfect sense Mike. You know there's gotta be at least one guy who'll decide to coat the car though with that rhino guard inside and out.

Funny, IIRC when I was kid I'd swear I saw commercials of the Amphi being driven into the ocean?

I didn't realize they were double hulled, had a bilge/bilge pump and navigation lights. Can you imagine what these babies would do if they had a 350 in them? LOL probably sink at the back end...I know, they're not performance or off road vehicles because of their high center of gravity. Still a really cool idea for its time though.
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Old July 29th, 2014, 02:58 PM
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Ah time for work. Haven't been there in ten. I hope the company is somewhat the same as it was when I left.

For awhile everyone was using POR15 on the inside of their cars, or some stuff called Glovit. I don't know what came of all that but I don't think anyone is doing that anymore. I'm going to make sure on my car the issues are dealt with and then paint the inside like God and Amphicar Corp. intended. My apologies to General Motors for that last line.

Still haven't gotten the car. Called the guy again that was supposed to take me up there, and he still didn't answer. But he's sending funnies over the email so I know he's around. Methinks I've just been blown off. This weekend if I still haven't gotten it I'll get the VC off the trailer and go get it myself. I hate having to depend on people.

Okay off I go. Hope everyone has a good evening. We're well on our way to the weekend.
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Old July 30th, 2014, 04:11 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike, If I were closer, I'd take ya. Maybe you need to invest in a tow truck?

Rained almost an inch last night and it's still coming down. We don't get this often, so it's probably no big deal to most of you, but it's kind of nice for a change.

Have a Humpday all.
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Old July 30th, 2014, 04:27 AM
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Mawn'in all

Kinda chili dis mawn'in In de 60's

Yeah, I think Ken trade de ole Barbie hag in on 2 -25's

I wish I had am Amphi, I think de are 'bout a coool as ya can get.

Well, Y'all can mark your calendar, Today I'm gonna do sum'in I NEVER do. I'm going to a meeting at city hall. I'd rahter go shopping wit de Super model.

Wish me luck dat I don't strangle sum bureaucrat

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 30th, 2014, 07:18 AM
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Morning all.

Anutter hot one here today. At the wake up it's almost 70 and humidity at 90%. I don't know how you guys in the hot climes get used to it. Based on yesterday's accurate forecast, today should get up to over 100.

Jim - Good luck. If ya hafta take down one pollytishiin take em all I say. The world will thank you. Kind of like the old joke: What do you call a plane load of politicians that crashes and kills them all? A good start.

Clint - Doesnt the air smell cool and fresh now? Enjoy that while you can.

Mike - Definietly time to get the VC off the trailer.

Scot - How'd the move go?

Paul - Just found out my Uncle had an auction in June and one of the cars he put on the block was an 87 Calais with full load. It also had the ground effect trim, but had a dented left front fender. Dang! Just 6 weeks too late.

Dan - Gee, I dunno. Looks like she married the Michelin man and is quite happy with life. I think only a very small % of peeps stay slender when they get to that age.

Adrian?? Where are ya and what's up bud?
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Old July 30th, 2014, 08:09 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Last day before school begins. It seems they are starting school earlier and earlier each year. Thankfully our youngest is starting middle school and the next oldest is a senior this year.

Al the move went without a hitch. Thankfully I might add. Funny thing is that once we got there, we went straight to the U-Haul place where my B-I-L had reserved an enclosed double axle trailer. THEN went to my niece's and she had little to nothing but a few boxes and a queen size mattress, which would've all fit inside the Tahoe with a little persuading. Oh well. LOL

Right now I am having serious issues with my second eldest daughter. It seems as if all of the manners and respect I have taught her for over twenty years has went by the wayside.

Anywho what's this talk about a Mustang Mike? I guess I need to catch up a bit.
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Old July 30th, 2014, 08:20 AM
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Wth? School starts August the oneth in GA? That's totally weird. When did that happen?
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Old July 30th, 2014, 08:28 AM
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No Al July the thirty-firsteth
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Old July 30th, 2014, 08:34 AM
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Even Worse! I'd hate to be a kid living there. Sounds like cruel and unusual punishment.

Sup with the daughter that she's rebelling? Is it the crowd she's hanging with?
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Old July 30th, 2014, 10:15 AM
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No doubt. I remember having to start school like a few days before Labor Day. They have it where they have more breaks throughout the year and start early like this and end a few weeks before June 1st.

It's a complicated, long and drama filled short story I'd have to write/type to even begin to explain... But long story short, she was about to tie the knot at the JP without my fambly or his fambly even being there, just her mudder. 'Nuff said 'bout the mudder The fiance personally axed my permission last Nov, but is not ready and it seems she has an ulterior motive. (I could write a soap opery with this one)

Anywho my dearly departed Granny used to have a saying... something 'bout "Wants the whole world in the palm of her hand but ain't got a pot to wizz in or a winder to chunk it out of."

If you catch my drift
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Old July 30th, 2014, 03:07 PM
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Howdy doody everyone.

Seems the computer wants to play games today. I can receive emails but not send or reply to them, and now the return doesn't work on making this message, but it will show up when it posts.
Scot I don't know where you've been, I've had the Mustang over a month. Oh Paul, I think I figured out the build date by the window sticker. Look at the middle of the sticker and on the very last line, there will be a bunch of numbers, the last set of the line should be the build date. The sticker in the door jamb of mine says 4/14, and the numbers on the sticker say 04 22 14. So that's my deduction. I'm still trying to get a copy of the MSO from the salesman.
Thanks Clint. Funny you should mention tow truck. I came this close to buying a ramp truck some time ago. I'd use the hell out of one of those. Or a rollback. I at least need a new trailer, which you might recall me bellyaching about.
Jamesbo how was the meeting?
Scot I hope the girl straightens out. This must be the one I met at the swap meet. I didn't know you still had young'uns in school. I thought they were all grown up.

Well time for work. We're on the down hill slide. Have a good night everyone.
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Old July 30th, 2014, 07:29 PM
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Scot, that sounds horrible. Maybe the 'mudder' is the instigator? Sorry to hear that you're now dealing with a whole new turn of life that I'm sure you weren't looking to inherit. So technically these 2 aren't really fiancée's? They're just lusting teenagers who don't want Mom and Pop around to tell them what they can or can't do? Sad part is they likely aren't open to discussion.

Mike - cool detective work. You going to keep the documentation or do you think the Stang will last in your herd that long?
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Old July 31st, 2014, 04:52 AM
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Mawn'in all

Spose to be nice today

Scot, Ya gotta bermember [not really but it helps me sum times] We were young and not so bright once upon a time

Getting more school'in jes don't help. Like Ole Jerry used to say, "Sum folks are educated beyond their level of intelligence. "

Mike, I'm sorry sorry but I have officially given up on try'in to keep up with your fleet

Speak'in of giving up. I went to de stupid city meeting an I heard the fat lady singing an shall never return. Politicians, bureaucrat and consultants make me wanta pitch my cookies. I feel rather insulted when sum one wants me to believe total BS.

Well onward and upward, Tomorrow is anutter day
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Old July 31st, 2014, 05:53 AM
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Whelp the first day of school has begun. Yay!

Mike that is the one. She is the second oldest at 20. We have a senior in high school next at 17 and the one that started middle school at 12. And the oldest is 22.

Allan you are right the mudder is the whole problem.

Jamesbo you are right but we did have some sort of common sense. This one must've missed that bus.

Oh well what can you do? Technically she is grown, mentally not so much.
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Old July 31st, 2014, 09:34 AM
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Scot, My dear departed mother used to say, "If you won't listen, you must feel"

Meaning,When I tell ya not to touch de hot light bulb................ya better pay attention.
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Old July 31st, 2014, 11:35 AM
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Thors Day to John and all the rest of ye!

It's God awful hot. Why yesterday my dogsled team croaked and the runners on the sled melted. So much for running the Iditarod race dis year. If this heat hit the polar regions I think a lot of real estate would be under water shortly.

Just got back from de God Awful House and brunch wit de boys. Not much happening in their world either except complaining about the heat. One of em just bought real estate on Vancouver Island. Nice big 2500 cape cod house with car port on large lot for 280K. Up here that's considered a steal. Might have to look at the island with a renewed sense of financial culpability.

Scot - Kinda figured that. Is there a picture of her in the dictionary under 'nasty'? There's always one in everyones fambly, isn't there. Ya want I should sent Ma, Vinny and da boys ta bust her knee caps and spread the word???

Jim - Ha! You and my Dad both taught the same lessons with the same phrases..So when don't ya ever hear a fat lady or fat man singin when it comes to pollytishuns? They're all so full of crap it boggles me that they haven't been thrown in the compost pile to air out a bit.

Mike - You want I should pop down and ride shotgun to pick up your Stang? I wanna drive the M40 down there. Never had a chance to learn double clutching and that thing would be perfect! Don't worry if the brakes aren't working well, I plan to roll over top of anything in front of me moving slower than I am....
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Old July 31st, 2014, 03:01 PM
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Hello and Happy Friday to me. I was afraid these days would go slow because I just came off vacation, but alas, even with some less than stellar jobs it's gone fast. That's not to say tonight won't be a snail. I hope not.

Allan come on down. I plan to change the oil in the Deuce this weekend, would love some help. I don't double clutch that guy, just shift slow. Of course everything is slow on that anyway.

Jamesbo there's some guys at work that try to keep count of the fleet. They always get it wrong. I say, come on over and count them yourself, then you'll know. No one ever has. Maybe after I mow the yard and uncover some of them I'll take a count and post it up here.

I'm going to borrow a friend's flatbed some time this weekend and fetch the Mustang myself. I don't know how long it will stay in the fleet, although I did do something I usually don't, and that's get an extended warranty. Even though it overlaps the regular one, I won't have a repair bill for as long as I'm paying on it. That was the Fiat's biggest downfall. My warranty was up and it's an expensive car to repair.

Okay off to Big D. Hope everyone has a good night, one more and it's the weekend. Hope it doesn't rain. Ya right.
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Old August 1st, 2014, 04:09 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Not claiming worm because I haven't been to sleep. Just got home from work a little while ago.

Looks like rain all weekend. Drats. Gonna hit the Awful house and talk to that guy about his trailer. Hope everyone has a good day, it's Friday!
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Old August 1st, 2014, 06:02 AM
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Mawn'in all

Welp, me and Red Dog are batch'ini t. De Super model went to visit one of her 6 sisters. [De one that's currently speaking to her]

Was gonna take Red out to de shoe show but I had a flash of sanity and decide to stay home and read a book

Many go to de Giant Whole food store today, I got a hanker'in fer sum shrimp and grits

Enjoy de weekend Olds friends
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Old August 1st, 2014, 07:51 AM
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Good Friday Mawnin All

Elsie is here and there for the duration it seems. Sure do need to get the yard(s) mowed again. Wish I could get a farmer down by the shop to bale that stuff down there, because its about a 1/2 acre of prime Bermuda/Bahia mix. And that would cut down on mowing time and increase the other yard work time I have when I go down there.

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Scot, My dear departed mother used to say, "If you won't listen, you must feel"

Meaning,When I tell ya not to touch de hot light bulb................ya better pay attention.

Love it Jim. I may use that if you don't mind. Sounds like exactly what is going on.

Originally Posted by Allan R
Scot - Kinda figured that. Is there a picture of her in the dictionary under 'nasty'? There's always one in everyones fambly, isn't there. Ya want I should sent Ma, Vinny and da boys ta bust her knee caps and spread the word???
Fugetaboutit Al, ya wanna I should take 'em for a ride?...

Anywho let me get off of here before I hang my dirty laundry out in public

Have a great weekend Oldsmofriends
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Old August 1st, 2014, 08:02 AM
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It's kinda a Faulkner thingy down ere
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Old August 1st, 2014, 08:06 AM
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Amen brother
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Old August 1st, 2014, 11:00 AM
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Freya Friday to y'all. John? Where you been hiding out?

Went and got my blood work and ECG done this mawning. The cardiologist phoned while I was out, so I expect she will be calling back a bit later. Good news for me, I was hoping to hear from her sooner than later.

What a beautiful day today. First night in over a week I had a decent sleep. Woke up at 8:38 feeling very rested. Temps were fantastic at only 64°, although there's still a lot of haze in the air. Looks like a cooler day in store. This weekend is a long weekend up here; we celebrate 'Fambly Day' (dat was just for you Scot) on Monday. And so far, the gas prices haven't gone up.

The police were just here about an hour ago. They saw me watering and stopped to chat, and I don't even look like a criminal. They were just driving by looking for a stolen vehicle. Nice officer with a nice big gun.....actually it was Dale from across the street doing a drive by. Nice to have police living in the hood.

Enjoy yer batch weekend Jim.

Get some sleep Mike.

Whatever floats yer goat Scot. I'm gonna say nuthin....

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Old August 1st, 2014, 01:05 PM
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Afternoon all!

Sunny today and humidity coming back. Stupid rain on the way... of course.... its the weekend! Temps in the low 80's now. Been rainy and cold until today.

So I just got a text from Bob at Highland Rd Auto Body and be and his dad are in Cincinnati at the Nationals. Guess who he just ran in to there? Our Paul and his blue Cutlass!! How cool is that?

He texted me a pic of all the Cutli there! They are beautiful!! Said they're going to the dragstrip tonight. I'm so jealous..... I wanna be there.

Jamesbo... my mama always said that too. If you don't listen, you'll feel! God knows I did my share of feeling, lol. I have used that so many times on Nicole. She feels too..... that's one of my favorite sayings.

Not much going on around here. Been a quiet week without Clay. Brian is stressed today and whining.

Monday I go to Dr. Cha Ching Banks at 12:45 and see what he wants to do to me. Then I have to go home and get Teepo and drop her at Don Sitts so he can park her at the Riverfront for me, then Larry and I will head to Akron and Dr. Rehmus to go over the breathing tests, then get this port flushed, then back to the Riverfront! Lord! I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything.

Dr. Bressi ordered bloodwork for me so I should fast tonight and go do that in the morning. Lab is open till noon. I was planning the Pops shown in Wadsworth tomorrow but with a 50% chance of storms in the afternoon I don't know. No where to go on Sunday. This weather sucks.....

I filled Dr. Bressi in on everything I have going on. She feels so bad for me, bless her heart. I really like her.

Did make it to Bellacinos last night. Great evening for it! Pam passed out the flyers for my benefit on the 14th. The place was full last night. Some cars left. I hope its decent weather on the 14th. And it will probably be full! Wish I could post a pic of the flyer. Pam did good job. I so appreciate my friends.

So Larry bought a 1947 chebby pickup out in Iowa - sight unseen - his brother told him about. For $2500.00. Don't know much about it. Richard sent some phone pics but not close up. Its a light blue color. Doesn't have the original motor. Larry seems to think he can sell it and make a profit as it sits. I don't know.... hes going to Iowa next Thursday and trailering it back.

Well I guess I'll get off here. Just wanted to check in. I've just been too tired to get on everyday. Have a great evening all!
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Old August 1st, 2014, 01:06 PM
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Hi everyone.

Wasted day. I went to the Awful house to meet my friend, and he didn't show. Turns out he was working. He drives a dump truck and has to take work when he can get it. Feast or famine. So then I came home and slept until 3. Gonna meet said friend when he gets off work.

Nice, nice day here. Cool. Sunny. Almost like fall, which is right around the corner I hate to say. Hope the pleasant conditions stick around tomorrow.

Hope I can get up to the Ford place by 7, I don't have any place to keep that trailer. Things are a little tight around here.

Here's a question. Has anyone towed with an S10 pickup? Not really looking just thinking out loud. I'd be towing about 4K. I've seen others with one but haven't ever talked to anyone. I'm trying to come up with a tow rig that won't cost me a Franklin every time I pull out of the driveway.

Okay see ya.
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Old August 1st, 2014, 05:30 PM
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Mike, I don't think an S10 pickup would make a good tow truck. Too small and no power, plus it's a lightweight suspension.

I just got in from working in the sun for the last 6 hours, I think I'm gonna go puke my guts out. Heat and sun stroke does that to me.
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