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Old April 16th, 2014, 06:34 AM
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Old April 16th, 2014, 08:08 AM
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Happity (3 guesses what the next word is) Humpity

Mornin', Oldsmopals. I arose pretty late in the hills, and it was 31 here. Heat ran pretty much all night. I ran down and turned on the propane for the fireplace and cranked up that baby. Had us warm as toast in minutes in the den (but other rooms freeze!).

Looks to be a gor-joo-us day otherwise. Very dry and sunny. I'm hoping to make it to Tail of the Dragon on Saturday... it's about 75 mi. from here, and it's something I've always wanted to do. Plus, temp is going to be closer to sanity on Sat., they're saying. I'm sure it will be crowded.

Jamesbo, I'm leaving it up here for now. Not sure I'll ever put it back on that rinky trailer again; gave me a couple pretty hairy scares, and it actually started listing once. I really don't feel comfortable with it. Thus, I took it off the trailer just north of Mobile and rode it up the rest of the way (~450 mi.). If I tow it again, I'll have to invest in a "real" trailer. This POS says it will hold bikes to 700 lbs, but they're being optimistic... kind of like towing capacities they advertise for half-ton pickups. And nice video.... I first thought it was going to be something about the rigid work ethic of yung-'un's.

Clint, what kind of 'cycle didja git?

Mike, your "negativity" is more like what I call "reality." I can be terribly "negative" at times.

Jamesbo, you're a great diplomat. The "Ears = Mouth X 2" equation is indeed a maxim to live by.

Hope things keep improving, Sandy. Glad the lavender juice is pleasing to yer tootsies....

Have a fab humpity, gang.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; April 16th, 2014 at 08:54 AM.
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Old April 16th, 2014, 07:36 PM
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Good evening everyone!

Posting twice in one week, how did I manage that?

We are into the playoffs for my bowling league. Had 2 good games, but just couldn't do anything right in my third. Not sure where we are in the standings this year. Last year we won the playoffs by I think 2 pins, in the last frame, of the last game by the last bowler. Just a little bit of suspense.

I am giving up on waiting for spring this year. I think we had our summer for 2014 on Monday before the snow came back. We went from a high of about 25*C (77*F) down to about -10*C (14*F). That was the biggest temperature drop within 24 hours that the city has ever seen. Most of the snow has melted now though.

Now the roads are salt covered again

John, enjoy the Tail of the Dragon. I've heard about it, but never driven it.

Sandy, have fun colouring the eggs.

Scot, any luck finding the paddles?

Mike have a good trip.

Professur, would that plane trip you have the urge to take be to somewhere warm, without snow?

Clint, they are predicting spring should be back in a couple of days... but I won't get my hopes up.

Have a great rest of the week everyone.
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Old April 17th, 2014, 04:45 AM
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Mornin all.

Paul Good luck at the lanes. Tori has her banquet tonight. Looks like her season is over.

John, I sold my CRF250R To a kid that use to work for me, and I wanted something with a majic button and a headlight for our trail rides. I bought a CRF250X. It is titled, so if I ever decide I can plate it and ride it on the streets.

Sandy, Have you seen this?

Scot I hope you brought your paddle.

Jamesbo. That site I spoke of is mostly politics and as long as you don't take it personally, you'll be fine. I used to get kinda worked up about things but then I saw a cartoon once and it sure put things into perspective.

Darrell, Hope you are alright, and the same for Scottwithtwot's.

Allan, Not really approving of your FB post from yesterday. Hope you are as right as rain.

Have a Thursday all.
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Old April 17th, 2014, 05:34 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Not quite as nippy as last morning but still nippy nonetheless.

Paul I found the paddle shop but they were fresh out of paddles

I bought a motor instead, couldn't remember how to crank the paddles anywho

Clint that is funny right there. My Dad used to get bad allergies about this time of year due to pollen.

Whelp gotta go mow the grass at the shop today. Looks like Elsie is bidding to return tomorrow afternoon Y'all have a wonderful Thursday
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Old April 17th, 2014, 06:21 AM
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Mawn'in all

Cool but not as chili as yesterday

Clint, Don't get me started on people's opinions

I want a GREAT Big button dat says GROW UP

I mean really de things sum folks get their panties in a wad over
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Old April 17th, 2014, 06:32 AM
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Boy, it's a good thing no men ever have to do this ......
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Old April 17th, 2014, 09:50 AM
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Well gang nice to see you are still kicking the can around

My trip to the west went well. First stop and I have a temporary job, maintenance on oil pump jacks. Start May 5th, not sure when the pipeline will fire up again. Some BS to deal with next week, hope all goes well.

Finally some above freezing weather, low to mid teens the next couple of days. Spring is on it's way again. Hope it stays around this time.

Have a good one guys and gals. Cheers
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Old April 17th, 2014, 10:45 AM
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Friday comes early this week, Doesn't it? Everyone got plans for Easter? Been out and bought all the choklit and eggs for the big hunt on Sunday. Ever wonder what Mr. Monopoly's pet looks like? It's called a Labbit (no chit) and they're hot sellers apparently. My son just bought one of them for his GF's BD. They're very plush and comfy to hold, but it was pricey!

Been kind of dismal and cold here the last couple of days. Snow, wind, snow, wind, cold...I'm ready for another trip to Mexico or the Island. This is getting really depressing. Roger sent me an email asking if I had the Cutlass out for a spin yet. Nope, not happening till the weather is right and I have a chance to overhaul the cooling system. The MAW's on that car never end. I do have a line on a replacement 3 row rad from OldsmobileDave. He's just about 150 miles away and he's not asking a lot for it. Came out of a 72 so it should be a slam dunk install after I pressure test it and clean it out.

Scot - What's this thing you have with Schitt Creek or $hit Creek?? I got paddles up here son if y'all want ta borrow em. Wouldn't want you stuck somewhere in a world of hurt brother! Now aren't you glad you didn't 'step in it'?

Jim - Only opinion that counts is your own right now. Oh, dat and de supermodels....oops, I got ya started agin dident eye?

Clint - It is what it is. The numbers aren't good and that's a real concern. LOL right as rain? Here the rain is cold and coming down in white flakes, so no thankee.

Paul - Steeeerrriiiiikke! Hopefully you pulled a few of those out of your hat.

Well, time to get motivated or sumpin..
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Old April 17th, 2014, 03:50 PM
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Allan no worries brother. It's just the fact that it is Easter and guess what? Yup you guessed it, the cast of Spartacus is about to descend upon my humble abode Last figure I heard was 20+ We get the privilege of entertaining and feeding the masses

I guess I will need to utilize my new EZ-Up and swap meet tables since it'll be tough to make a trough indoors LOL
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Old April 17th, 2014, 03:55 PM
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Gotcha! Let the feeding frenzy begin. I'm sure they will enjoy whatever spread you put on for them. They should have to bring their own wine or beverages though. Hope the weather holds up nicely for ya. It could get a might crowded inside with all those folks.

Friday might be a mix of showers and high 60's but the rest of the Easter weekend is looking good for you and the cast!
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Old April 17th, 2014, 04:02 PM
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Yup, let Elsie come warsh the remainder of the Death Star away on Good Friday and Easter weekend looks quite marvelous It's definitely BYOB but the cork will stay intact until the crew disperses. Then it's on to unwind fo sho my friend
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Old April 17th, 2014, 04:34 PM
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That pic comparing the Death Star and Pollen was priceless. Makes ya kinda go Hmmmmm, doesn't it? Watch out for mini TY fighters zooming around the trees...
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Old April 18th, 2014, 04:52 AM
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Mornin all.

I guess my daughter is right. I am a Star Wars nerd. I've been in denial and she's bought me Star wars stuff, That honestly really wasn't anything I wanted, but used (A Darth Vader hoodie, Millennium Falcon Lego set, etc) because I didn't want to hurt her feelings. Oh well.

Allan, You need anything from Cali besides a 70 442 drop-top? thats already sold(well will be once I hand over the payment.)

Scot, Best wishes on your endeavor. You know what they say, When in Rome...

When did the death of ones savior become a celebration and a reason for a day off? Sorry I missed that memo. I'm such a nasty boss making Coby work today.

Kyle Congrats on the job. hope it works out til Pipelining is back in gear. Are you a welder?

Jamesbo. Allan is right. In order of importance. The Supermodel, Yours and then everyone elses.

Off to Cali Tomorrow, and Yea! we don't have to brand on Sunday.

Have a Friday all.
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Old April 18th, 2014, 05:43 AM
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Mawn'in all

A mite chili dis Good Friday

Gonna head fer de mountains soon. Gotta get my Easter fix'ins ready. Ham, tater salad, deviled eggs, stuffed celery and pickled peaches are our Easter standard It's one of my very favorite meals.

Clint, FWIW De Super model is soooooooooooo viseral, it's hard to keep track of what she's think'in 'bout. Kinda like try'in to follow a drunk Jack rabbit down the line of thought trail.

Scot, Fer reason I don't fully understand. De yeller stuff never bothered me one bit. Sept when it makes my Trophy blue drop top look kinda Exercist pea soup green

Given de Holiday, I'm gonna go on a sabatacal from Mod'in over childish arguments.

Have a great day and Happy Holiday Olds friends
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Old April 18th, 2014, 07:15 AM
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Morning everyone and Happy Easter

As always, easter supper at our place. Usually we have it on Saturday's but my friends social is tomorrow night. Something I can't miss cause I am in the wedding party. We are down 8 this year for supper. Only 13 for supper, more for leftovers I guess. lol

Kyle Congrats on the job. hope it works out til Pipelining is back in gear. Are you a welder?

Thanks, no I am not a welder on the pipeline. I wish, them boys pull in big dollars. 2200.00 a day. They do have some expense, supply their own rig and helper. Kinda wished I would of stuck with welding in school too, did good in the class but young and didn't know which direction to go. Oh well live and learn

They are calling for more snow again, up to 8 inch's, Allan I feel your pain. The way this year is starting, think we are going to jump to fall in a month.

Anyways everyone have a Good Friday, looks to a Good Friday as well, gloomy outside today.

Cheers boys and girls
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Old April 18th, 2014, 07:27 AM
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Happy (good) Friday everyone!

It's so peaceful, and white here today. As I type, there's even more white coming down. Forecast is another 3-5 " of purity to shovel before the day is done. Good thing I didn't put the 'special wearther' shovel away.

Clint - sounds like you had a good trip. Do you also make him work on Christmas? Sure, now you ask if I need something frum Kaaly four Nya . Maybe next time.

Jim - I don't envy de moderating job, although I could use the huge $$$$ a lot of jaccalopes seem to think it pays. By de bye, eyes watching Matt Kutcher doin a great job at de Malaysian open dis mawnin. So far he's de leader but is onlee de sekond round. Enjoy de mountains. Hmmm, does de supermodel have ADHD?

Crap, it's coming down even harder now. I guess our spring is over and winter has re awakened.
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Old April 18th, 2014, 09:57 AM
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Mornin', all... Hope all have a good Easter weekend.

Went to KY yesterday to see my old, flooded GS that a guy bought and rebuilt after Katrina. Beautiful! I don't like every particular detail, but he did a nice job. Only thing I'd never have done was to put a "hot" cam in it. Driveline's really takin' a woopin'. He made me an offer to buy it; had I not just bought Copper, I'd probably just do it withought much more thought -- although I'd have to change cams.

I'm still thinkin' on it, but I'd likely take a little hit on Coppertone if I went to sell her just the same way I bought her. So we'll see. I'm just not ecstatic about what the drivetrain has been enduring with that high idle and crazy cam for the last few years, although I think he's only put a total of about a thousand miles on Ol' Red. He even admits the cam was a mistake. But at least the power brakes work fine, and the cam ain't gonna' get changed unless I buy it.

Took TN-68 for about 50 miles of the trip -- GOTTA do this one on the cycle! It's a quintessential "mountain twistie." It was actually still fun in the monster F-150. It was almost holding its own among the VWs and Toyotas! But it ain't easy getting 4600 lbs to change directions all that quick. I was amazed that it did as well as it did.

Whelpt, let me get back to waiting for the rain . Hopefully will dry up soon (it ain't wet just yet) so's I can get that bike out to the Tail of the Dragon or Cherahala Skyway before we had back to the Swamp.
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Old April 18th, 2014, 10:26 AM
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Allan, I haven't left yet. I leave tomorrow a.m. at o'dark thirty. Then get back tomorrow night just before midnight.
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Old April 18th, 2014, 12:03 PM
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Ohh! Didn't realize that. Should have read more closely. OK now! Yeah, you can bring me back a nice long legged supermodel like Jim's - but she can't have ADHD or compulsive habits that would drive me wonky. I probably will have plenty of 'splainin' to do when she gets here though....

I'm guessing it's a quick trip to pick up the car? Not much time to do shopping or visit the boneyards. Thanks for the offer, it was very kind of you.
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Old April 18th, 2014, 05:41 PM
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Hey everyone.

Got back from California a little while ago, picked up the dogs, and just as I was getting home my neighbor called and said she had some food for me. Which was a good thing because there isn't much in the house.

Had a great time. I was in Long Beach, and attended my niece's wedding. Nice weather, beautiful ceremony, nice to see my family. Odd my Mom and my sister live in Florida yet I go to California to see them.

Clint good luck tomorrow and safe trip. Don't take your pocket knife.

I'm gonna do a little catching up and then hit the sack early. Hope everyone had a good week.
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Old April 19th, 2014, 04:32 AM
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Drizzling in de mountains but spose to blow outa ere in de afternoon.

Mike, Welcome home. Did ya ever think of moving closer to de Awful House

I wouldn’t listen to Allan. Leave dem California girls out there wit the black roots showing under der bleach blonde hair. If ya need sum’in high maintaince…………..
jes buy a Ferrari

Welp, gotta get stuff’in eggs fer tomorrow

Happy Holidays Olds friends
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Old April 19th, 2014, 05:59 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Cold and rainy, but no pollen. So why am I sneezing all morning?

What a positive effect on one's outlook a good night's sleep in your own bed gives. And my own shower. It's nice to go places, but it's nice to be home.

Jamesbo I'm only a couple miles to Awful house as it is, how much closer do you want me to be? There was this one guy who lived at the Awful house in Rex off 675. He had a little hut set up in the woods out back, and he'd bathe in the sink in the bathroom.

John it seems the only solution to your dilemma is to buy back the red one and have them both.

Hope Clint has a good trip today, I'm guessing he's winging off to the land of fruits and nuts right now. Did he say where in CA he was going?

I wanted a Ferrari for a long time. One like Magnum's. Then my neighbor moved in and told me he had one and it cost 5K for a tuneup. Suddenly I didn't want one so bad.

Well I'm gonna HTB. Hope everyone has a good day, and Happy Easter. By the way, what is today called? We have Good Friday and Easter Sunday, what is Saturday?
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Old April 19th, 2014, 07:38 AM
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Morning gang,

Happy Easter to all. We had our supper yesterday, was great as usual. The party tonight we have to go, then the Easter Bunny has to make an appearance.

Winter showed up again, snowing some big flakes. At least it isn't very cold.

But got to go hang with the family, everyone have a safe weekend and enjoy.

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Old April 19th, 2014, 07:47 AM
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Happy Holy Saturday to the Oldsmogang

(At least that's what we traditionally call it.)

Cool and very damp in da' hills. Drizzled most of the night, but Elsie is taking a minor breather at the moment. No Cherohala Skyway today -- that's fer sure. Monday would be the only day possible for a cycle tour at this point.

Clouds are so low, you can breathe them (see pics below).

Originally Posted by slantflat
John it seems the only solution to your dilemma is to buy back the red one and have them both.
That's what I'm torturing myself with at the moment, Mike. If I did do that, I'd get Coppertone 100% legal and driveable and prolly sell her for about what I paid for her.... or maybe a wee bit more if I held out and stuck my nose in the air. We'll see... but my two brothers and I have a house to clean out and put on the market. We went thru it once when Mom & Dad passed, but this time it's for real. We're figuring 3-4 good weekends for us all, including doing a few things to make it more attractive. But with all the floors, baths, and countertops being 36 y.o., whoever buys it will definitely have to plan on putting a good $40 - 50k into it to bring it up to date. One thing of note: It has a beautiful wood burning fireplace that has never had so much as a match struck in it... I can only imagine the bees' nests that have accumulated in that flue & chimney .

Have a safe trip to where Mike said, Clint....
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Old April 19th, 2014, 08:02 AM
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Good Saturday Mawnin All

T'wasn't a good Friday here, it flat out rained and rained and rained. If it was hurricane season, we had the equivalent of a torpical depression yesterday. Looks like another 40% chance of Elsie hanging around today and hopefully she is outta here by Easter

Welcome back Mike Sounds like a great wedding

Have a safe trip Clint, make sure to took some pics fer us to drool over

Whelp, I think we've figured out the menu for tomorrow. We're having honey baked spiral sliced ham, a couple of wild chickens the MIL ran over in Fitzgerald (Wild Chicken Capitol of GA) broccoli casserole, green bean casserole, hashbrown casserole, deviled eggs, potato salad and a few pies for dessert. MAN, I think I just drowned my keyboard with drool

Y'all have a great day out there in Oldsmobileland
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Old April 19th, 2014, 01:34 PM
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Jim - you crack me up! Don't need any extra Testarosa in my diet thankee kindly sir!

Scot - Sorry bout the weather brother. Hope it clears up for the rest of the 'performance'. Hope your keyboard survived the slobber....I read that this mawnin on my wife's iPad and lucky for it, it's slobber proof. Yummy meal my friend!

Kyle - good on ya. A job is a job till the one you want comes around. Kinda mucky in the patch now with breakup going on huh?

Mike - Naw, trust me you don't want a red Ferrari like that. What would you do with all the supermodels it would attract??? The pups would be jealous. Don't lissen to a bus instead....stirrin de pot to see what happens...

GSC is back on so I'm back outta here!
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Old April 20th, 2014, 04:22 AM
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He is risen
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Old April 20th, 2014, 04:29 AM
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Yes he has Jim Happy Easter All

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Old April 20th, 2014, 05:23 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Beautiful day. The sun shining through the windows is brighter than the lights.

Scot good luck with the cast.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old April 20th, 2014, 06:38 AM
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Happy Easter y'all.

Quiet and drizzling here so far. A somber day to reflect on the significance of the day.

All my curling heroes are fallen after today. So long to Glenn, Jeff, and Kevin. They leave big shoes to fill.

Have a great day everyone.
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Old April 20th, 2014, 07:18 AM
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Clint how'd you do yesterday?
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Old April 20th, 2014, 07:57 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike, I handed over a large check for a nice, but not great 70 Vert. It's a solid car but the paint is not great 6/10 and the interior and top are far from great. But it drives well and the drivetrain feels good and tight. The documentation is great. It comes with a 97% intact build sheet, and has been on the cover of OPGI and a tv show.

I left the house yesterday morning at 3am and got back a little before 11 last night. Long day. I flew into LAX and had to drive north to Santa Clarita to look at the car. I assume it'll be shipped to the shop here in the next couple of weeks. So we can get a few things straightened out.

Got a busy day today. Going over to MIL's for Easter Pizza and Beer and Then to sisters house for Mom's B-day.

Have an Easter Sunday all.

Last edited by CQR; April 21st, 2014 at 03:52 PM.
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Old April 20th, 2014, 10:37 AM
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Clint - what kind of work are you being commissioned to do on that 70? Make sure you scan and post that build sheet for us to have a looky see, ...Please?...

Hope you enjoyed the MIL's Easter Beer and Pizza.

Happy BD to your Mom!
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Old April 20th, 2014, 10:47 AM
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Old April 20th, 2014, 10:59 AM
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That's what happens when ya turn into a gobble gobble..

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Old April 20th, 2014, 12:35 PM
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I hate to cause mo confusion but..............I jes remembered where a stage 1 ,4 speed, rop top is Jes in case ya wanta think 'bout options
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Old April 20th, 2014, 01:00 PM
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Happy Easter all,

Finally a nice spring day. Sun is shining, birds are chirping. Things are looking up.

Sounds like everyone is doing well, have a wonderful day

Peace and love to all
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Old April 20th, 2014, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
He is risen
Happy (somewhat belated) Easter to all my Oldsmobuddies! Couldn't have had a more gor-ju-us day in the hills than today. Warranted a 5-mile hike in
Jackrabbit Mountain Bike and Hiking Trail

Hayesville, NC

Easter blessings to all.

Put a couple ribeyes on the Weber and felt sorry for the poor folks eating Ruth's Chris . Don't get no better den we ate today, complete w/ baked taters, asparagus, corn on cob, and salad. Lent is over, brothers & sister. Amen.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; April 20th, 2014 at 06:43 PM.
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Old April 20th, 2014, 06:33 PM
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Jes what I need - mo' options ....

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
I hate to cause mo confusion but..............I jes remembered where a stage 1 ,4 speed, rop top is Jes in case ya wanta think 'bout options
thanks for da' thought, Jamesbo... The way it's lookin', I'm gonna' be the (temporary) owner of 2 '72 GS455s at some point.... A third would land me straight to divorce court -- she's flirtin' w/ it now.

But jes b/c I'm Buick nut, I'd love to see some pic's and mo' info ;-)
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