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Old March 31st, 2014, 08:32 PM
Just an Olds Guy
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Evening all, Hey it's 911 here!!! Not emergency - just 9:11 Went to the medical center to get my back dressing changed. Compared to last Wed and Friday it was a visit from hell. I waited and waited and waited -- you get the picture. The staff was rude and I didn't need to see a Dr. for the dressing change; a nurse was assigned to do it. But she wouldn't go it unless there was a Dr. Joseph Heller had this world pegged when he wrote Catch 22. 3 1/2 hours of my life I'll never get back for a 5 minute dressing change. Sheesh.

Seems purty quiet on this page lately - yeah I know. Everyone has to work...

Jim - how'd whitey take that smackin you gave him. Did ya spend any time in the bush lookin fer *****? There's a double header on tomorrow. Not sure if I'll be able to make it for the morning, we'll see.

Clint - I posted some comments on your PB account re:those '442' pics. How much was the guy asking for that?? Didn't see any pics of the interior or engine.

John - right about now I'd be soooo grateful for even 41°. 70° would be a dream. Have ya got the GS fever yet?

Mike - Geese are mean and 'foul' creatures. Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun.

Adrian - Your first concert ever?? You gotta get out more.

Well I guess it's almost time to go pick up the boy at the bus station. He's had a long day and there's no service out here at night. Tomorrow morning will be here too soon. Not sure if I'm going to get up early for the Clown Pants show. I call Thomas Ulsrud Clown pants simply because of the outrageous color combos they wear to these curling competitions. Todays was hysterically funny though.

Isn't this something that Bobby Jones would have worn and be hefting a golf club?

He's on a roll

I think he's trying to be the Elton John of Curling
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Old April 1st, 2014, 04:43 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan, he has it listed on CL for $26K. Its eye catching at 50+ feet, but the paint is far from acceptable as you get up to it. Now my client is looking at the blue vert on e-bay. looks like a much cleaner car. Seems 442's here in CO. are listing for a lot more than other areas. The Engine on this 69 had been rebuilt and stickered but painted incorrectly in red. The interior was very nice. The car was well optioned, tilt, A/C, PDB, P/S, Buckets, Console. Its just too bad the 2 last re-paints were so bad. And the green looked like That bright heavy flake green from the 82-83 ford color. I remember a Ford EXP in the parts area of the local dealership that you could win if you could guess how many Jolly Rancher Candies were in it. They opened the sunroof and filled it up.

Now, Mike, you know no politics are allowed.

Adrian, Concerts seem to be getting so expensive its insane. The venues are selling out so fast and the market is inflating prices so high its unreal. George Strait tickets for $300 each in an 18000 seat arena? I don't think so. Old people bands are much cheaper. The REO speedwagon/Chicago tix my wife got me were about $45 each and thats at the world famous Red Rocks amphitheater. I saw my first concert there in 1982. The Go go's. Lawdy! a pubescent boy and all those little pleated short skirts. Mercy...

Sandy, That episode was a lot of fun. (maybe because of the tequila I had in me.) Did you notice all the paper plates and trash on the way to the boxcar? Seems like Glenn and crew were sent to the car on a full stomach. I wonder if they'll get Kuru? That would be a twist.

They were calling for snow last night but its dry this morning. Still not gonna be a great week weatherwise.

Have a Tuesday all.
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Old April 1st, 2014, 05:09 AM
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Mawn'in all

Spose to be anutter beautimus day down ere.

Yesterday was de pretiest day of de year and I played de worst of de year

A bag Boy yesterday ax me if I could help him get sum Clapton tickets. De frigg'in nose bleed cheap seats were $175 and I think de went up to about $400

Yep, Mike, I'm in good ole Fulton County and I got my lift in de mountain under a tree at a friend's house on a trailer with no tag.

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 1st, 2014, 10:27 AM
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Tuesday kind of day happening all over the place??

This morning the newscast caught a lot of peeps here off guard. The weather report showed our city at 9° and forecast a high of 39° with highs during the rest of the week approaching 45°. That may seem normal to you, but up here we do things in °C which is really different than US standard. What that ^^ converts to is " currently 48F, with forecast high of 101F. End of week highs approaching 112F"!!!

Then on another channel Westjet (a major Alberta air carrier) announced that they would now be converting their standards to entire metric. That means that they no longer will be ordering fuel by the "pound" which I guess is the standard for knowing the weight of the aircraft, but they would also be converting their schedule to metric times.

Clint - There's some issues with that 1970 442 also. IMO if he's looking for a nice driver, he could go that way, although I don't think I'd keep that exhaust system. If he's really looking for something more true to original, I'd keep looking. That blue one is overpriced and not as original as claimed. There are other components that indicate that. I agree the pricing isn't realistic. Doesn't matter if its a Colorado, Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico, California etc car. As long as it hasn't spent any time in the eastern rust belts, IMO he can find better for less.

Jim - ya played worser den a goat?? Sorry t'here dat. I'm witchu n Clint on de cost uv de consirt tikees, thays gone stupid prices fer most uvem. By de by, I did gits up earlier but wuz tired enuff ta jess doze off agin. Kot de last 2 ends of de game (dey will show it agin in at 2 oklok here but we lsoted 9-6. Dropped in de standins to 5 an 2. Clown pants is de overall top dog now wit 6 an 1 rekord. I only gots one more day I kin watch dis befor heddin out on a road trip to de west coast. Dunno if weze takin de ipad. probly a good idee to jes not have enee lectroniks fer a bit. Lookin forward to de boat ride to de island!

Mike - so do you have to take the job in Savanah? I'm not sure I understand what's going on.

Sandy - any news from the Dr? I was talking with a lady patient waiting beside me at the medical center yesterday and she had taken some chemo treatments and other drugs for a muscle problem she had. She said it made her feet and hands start turning a blue color. When they changed the meds, the color went away. Her comments reminded me of you so I thought I'd pass that along.

Adrian - I just checked some of the upcoming concerts in Oz. Not as big a selection as I hoped. Maybe I used the wrong search. They have one concert that celebrates all the big hits of the 80's (probably you were born then??) and the reserved ticket prices are only 29.00 That's decent. Some of the others like the Arctic Monkeys are going for 99.00. Boy I remember when.......Yeah, I'm old....
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Old April 1st, 2014, 01:07 PM
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Hey.... over here at hospital watching the Cytoxen drip in to my body. Been here since noon... Feeling crappy already!

She didn't seem concerned about my boob or my feet lol. Said I could have had a blood vessel break or something. Whatever. So I am arguing about this being the last treatment. She says "the recommended amount is 6". I said I know that. She says I am doing "so good". Yeah.... she's not in my body. Let her ho 14 days without food. Bet her fat *** would lose some weight! !!! Why is it that most doctors are fat?? Oh lird, the ice is already tasting strange. Faster and faster. ...

Its up to a beautiful 73 degrees outside and where am I? In a smelly room with tubes stuck in me. Steve and them would love it over here. It's ungodly hot in this place!

Enough now... have a good evening all.
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Old April 1st, 2014, 02:10 PM
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Sandy, We're wit cha
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Old April 1st, 2014, 03:03 PM
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Hello group. Another gorgeous day here in the Greater Stockbridge Area. And I saw it every two hours. I think my boy just doesn't want me to lay in bed. No geese today, either. Well, it's Friday so I might get a reprieve when I sleep at night.

Sandy what did the dr say about a reduced dosage? I think if you really don't want the two other treatments you shouldn't have to have them. What are they going to do, come to your house and drag you there kicking and screaming? Hope the effects aren't too far reaching this time.

Allan I was offered the job in Savannah and initially accepted it, but couldn't find a place to live that was suitable, and the timeframe was so tight I had no choice but to call the director of mtc there and turn it down. So I'm staying in Atlanta. Sometimes I feel like I gave up too early, but there was no choice that I could see but to buy something, because my dogs would have destroyed a rented place the first thunderstorm we got, and I didn't qualify for buying anything. Humph. And of course it's been demonstrated to me time and again why I wanted to leave in the first place.

Jamesbo are you needing to get that lift down to your house? I can certainly help, it will be easy. Shoot me an email if you want. Allan I know I need to make that trip also, hang in there it will be soon.

Okay running a little late. Hope everyone has a good evening. Friday for me.
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Old April 1st, 2014, 04:39 PM
Just an Olds Guy
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Why is it that most doctors are fat??
Lordy Sandy, that Cytoxen is makin ya right cranky... I can't say I've noticed that situation up here. Most of em are in really good shape and definitely not fat. I'm guessing they know how to look after themselves. BUT, on the otherhand, if you got a fat Dr. think of it this way. She probably doesn't have the luxury of time to get any exercise because she's busy looking after folks that need her. Meds can play havoc with emotions. Hang in there.
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Old April 1st, 2014, 07:59 PM
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Hey everyone. Been busy and not spending that much time on the computer lately. Hope it quiets down a little so I can catch up.

Crazy weather here, it was in the 50's and raining for two days and the weather man said it will end with snow flurries. Well, we ended up with 6 inches yesterday morning. We can all count on them being wrong most of the time. My wife took my truck to work and I had her car. Took me an hour to get it out of my driveway and down to the main road. (Which isn't even a 1/4 mile) I got stuck a few times and kept having to dig out since they never plowed anything.

Sandy - sorry to hear that your dealing with all this. I hope its done soon and you're feeling better.
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 04:31 AM
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Darrell, Winter didn't get the pink slip I guess. We are spose to get 2-4 thru tomorrow. Watch it be a real dumper since I completely removed the entire snow plow assembly from the Hoopdi.

Mike, Looks like spring has a good hold on your boy.Soon, he'll be loungin around in the dog days.

Sandy If it makes you feel better, we are concerned about your feet and the blue spots too.

Allan, I did some research on metric time. and while that is all well and good, this part bothers me. "It does not define the time of day, " What other reason do we really need a time measurement then? The gent is looking for a nice driver and not a trailer queen. there are some issues with that 70 but all in all, it seems to be a bit nicer than what we've looked at. And I think he is going to throw the guy an offer in the mid to upper 20's for it. I haven't heard back about the fender yet. Hes going to question the reason it was replaced.

Jamesbo, do you and ol 'slow hand' go way back?

Have a humpday all.
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 05:02 AM
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Happity Humpity

'Twas a balmy 62 at the Plantation this morning; but goodness knows what it'll be in a week. Strawberry Festival starts on the 11th, so hopefully we'll have some real nice weather for that.

Me gots a lotta' readin' to catch up on for the forum, boys & girl; I been a bit out of the loop lately. Spent about 2 hours at Wally World yesterday buying all the stuff I procrastinate looking at until I have time to really "play" in the store... hopefully, I did my playin' for a couple months....

Still progressing on the Maxair system in the garage, but My Gawd, it's a long process; it's really overkill; I should have just stuck a regulator-filter up there with an old hose and couple brass barbed connectors and called it a day. But at least I shouldn't have any exploding PVC pipes, as I did when I was in Gentilly. Definitely sounded like the house was being bombed a couple times.... (Never use PVC for air! Learned the hard way....)

Been gradually moving back to real food; but I'm trying to chew on my right side -- don't always succeed, however....

Sandy, sorry you're havin' such a tough time of things; hang in there, girl. I know you'll be looking back at the whole thing real soon now. Remember how great the whole world seems when you're sittin' in Teepo's driver's seat. Methinks you should request Jamesbo to do some "Medical" research on ***** on the WWW, and give us all a full report.

Allan, I haven't touched the GS, really, since I brought her home. Something's starting to tell me I bit off a little more than I could chew. I knew it when I bought 'er that I needed 'er like Mike needs his Class C motor home. In any case, she's gonna' need quite a bit of time to get 'er the way I want 'er. I detect a cool toe. Got too much goin' on at the moment. But we'll see.

Mike, that was a great little special on TWA 800. One thing I remember about that event (and that wasn't mentioned in the show) is that Pierre Salinger, JFK's press secretary, was among those saying that a missile (friendly fire?) shot down TWA 780 10 miles off the coast of N.Y. Then apparrently somebody got to him (no doubt, Cancer Man from the X Files) and I think he ultimately recanted. After watching the show, it appears that the whole adventure was the biggest cover up until Benghazi. Which leads us to: WTH is goin' on w/ Flight 370?

Whelpt, have a fab humpity from the salt mine, Oldsmobuds.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; April 2nd, 2014 at 06:10 AM.
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 05:15 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter beautimus day down ere.

Mike, I don't need any help wit de trailer unless ya wanta stand around de tag office. Dat's de problem. I took a chance driv'in it up dare w/o a tag, now all I gotta do is drag it home w/o gett'in a ticket

Clint, Me and ole slow hand ain't personal friends. He's a little later in my music lov'in days. I was drug up with de likes of de Wicked Pickett.
De Super model is a decade and a half younger dan me. So I like to embaress her by say'in [publicly 'round her friends/family] "Ever since Buddy Holly died music has gone to pot. "

But Hey, I'm old but I got to see all de GREAT bands. and I ain't pay'in de kind of money de want now a days anywho.

Sandy, Sure hope you're feel'in OK today

GTG have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 05:46 AM
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Morning all!

Smiling while I can!! A nice morning here. Temps in the high 40's heading to the 50's. We hit 74 yesterday!!!! Had Nicole open the windows in the house when she got home from work. Does a body good. It got windy as heck yesterday afternoon with gusts over 40mph. One of my Easter decorations blew away so tonight I'll be walking in Mr. Stevens yard to see if it's over there.

Proceeding right on schedule unfortunately. Water is not good, my rice crispies were not good, face is beet red. Gonna try to drink as much as I can today before the real yuckys start.

I thought for sure she'd knock yesterdays dose down to 80% but she didn't. I know I'm on the home stretch now, but that doesn't make it much easier. Got to start the shots tonight for 8 days. Hopefully UPS will show up with them today at home. Dealing with those idiots at Cigna when I order them is like pulling teeth!

My ankles were swelled up when I got up yesterday. Still swelled. My lymphedema arm is really swelled too. Holding too much fluid. It gets painful. I pump it and wrap it in the miserable compression bandages but it fills right back up the minute I take them off. But shes not concerned with any of it.....

Mike... she just said that 6 treatments is the norm and she thinks I'm doing good! God, I don't know what they consider to be doing bad unless it's you get to the point where you have to crawl in for your appointments! She just looks at the swelling and bruising and says "yeah that's from the chemo". No **** lady! . My question is what can we do about it??

I'm really not looking forward to my toenails falling off in the coming months. Or my fingernails for that matter.... I'd really like to keep what few eyelashes I have left too, but I don't see that happening.

Anyhow.... I'm good today, it's a nice day and Im going g to enjoy it!!

I have beautiful crocus opening up!!!! I put on my boots Monday night and walked the yard and enjoyed them. Hope the deer stay away. I'm really in no mood for them this year.

Allanr.... it's not the drugs talking about my docs weight, lol. She is short and fat! She has rolls, lol. She was fat 20 years ago too. So is my regular doc, Dr. Bressi. Very hefty women lol.

Well you all have a good day and enjoy the warmth if you're warm!! Darryl.... nice to hear from you.
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 09:41 AM
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Hey everyone happity humpity.

Like Jamesbo says, beautimus here today. I find it amazing I'm not sleeping most of the day away, heck I think I could have stayed up when I got home from work. But I'm up now so I'll go into the garage and forage for more parts.

Sandy I think sometimes it's hard to take a fat doctor seriously. I mean, set an example! It's like a cardiologist that smokes. I don't know what a crocus is, but there are these yellow flowers coming up in my yard. The woman that used to live next door liked them, and I ended up hating her, so when the flowers would come up I'd mow over them. Very pretty.

John, there's no time limit for the GS. One item at a time. You'll be surprised at the progress you make, and won't feel overwhelmed. The RV was a big POS. Looked okay going past at 50, not close up. I am thinking about a camping trailer. I've been thinking about one for awhile, and if I had one now I'd be 13 days away from a new job. I used to think ML370 was at the bottom of the ocean but now I'm not so sure. The stories are still conflicting, countries not sharing information, they're going to have to come up with something or everyone will lose interest.

Jamesbo if your trailer had a correct trailer license plate and was hooked up to a truck that matched it, it could be towed from here to there or anywhere else and no one would be the wiser. Just sayin' .

Well Clint, dog 1, dog psychiatry 0. Today when my boy wanted me to get up I told him scram. And when he came back ten minutes later I told him Scram! About an hour later my girl wanted to go out, so I got up and let them out, and she ran downstairs and my boy sat at the top of the porch with the sheepish look he gets when he thinks he's in trouble. I tell you, sometimes being a dog parent is perplexing.

Okay gotta make something of this day. Darrell chin up, the snow will melt by June. Have a great day everyone.
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 11:26 AM
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Had a nice post ready for ya this mawnin at o dark hundred but the iPad timed out I guess and dumped everything.


Clint - hope that 70 works out for your client. There is more than the fender to discuss with the owner though.

Sandy - glad you're feeling better today. Some Docs parents must had stock in Michelin? Oh well.

Mike - sounds like the pups are back to normal. Bet they're glad you didn't move. Nice one -mowing the flowers.

John - Project cars always take more than first expected. It's the written or unwritten rule of this hobby. Persevere mon ami!

Jim - 15 years diffrence huh? Dat needs sum splainin son....

Off to the coast tomorrow morn. Not going to stay up and watch curling (12pm to 3am) this time cause I got a 600 mile drive ahead. Probably won't be here again for at least a week. See ya then.
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 11:28 AM
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There in lies de rub. I don't use it often and let the tag expire so I gotta go to the stupid tag office to get things straight. I went a few weeks ago and pull # 256 from the thingy and said to heck with spending my day wit the unwashed bodeis that sleep in de tag office.
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Jim - 15 years diffrence huh? Dat needs sum splainin son....
"Lucy, sounds like you got sum 'splainin' to do~!"
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 11:41 AM
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Allan, John is the only guy ya know taller dan she is.

Splain'in? hum? I like tall young long legged woman. Dat's my story and I'm stick'in to it.
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 11:46 AM
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Geez Jamesbo you gonna make me say this out loud? We'll put the tag from my trailer on your trailer, then tow it with my truck that is registered to the same name as the trailer tag and you won't have to go see the unwashed. Now, is that a biblical term or do you just mean they stink?
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 11:58 AM
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Mike, What you need is a trip to de Fulton County tag office. [BTW pack your lunch]

If you think Walmart shopers are bad ya ain't seen nutt'in yet

Tanks fer de offer but I got a better idear. Buy my lift, take your trailer to de mountains, Stay at my house [wit the dogs of course] haul it to Stockbridge Dig a hole wit the track hoe soon to be in your future install the gound lift and you'd have a lovely ouside lift.

Think yard art
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 01:10 PM
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Jim? so you braggin or complainin?? nevr mind, i'm not dat curious. but to be fair, ifn y'all love dat image ya cant complain too much bout her frum nowon. Now I gots dis piture of ya in my head I cant mus be some lukky dude and powerful perswasvie, good lookin or sumpin...

I ditched a GF on time when she let it slip she wuz lookin for a 'father figure', an I dont meen jes a guy who wood give her babies..

has she managed ta change ya yet?? kinda doubt it'll werk...
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 04:15 PM
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Morning all, nice and sunny here today and not too hot so win win for me

I just never saw the value in going to a concert when you can buy the cd for far less then the ticket and parking and dinner. I only went because Tink couldn't get any of her friends to go and she didn't want to go by herself.

I was born in 1982 Allan guess I should get out more but boy howdy does it cost a hell of a lot down here

Hang in there Sandy we are all rooting for you to have a quick recovery.

Time to finish my lunch and get back to it,

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Old April 2nd, 2014, 04:37 PM
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Adrian - Lunch?? We're just fixing to have supper. Must be about 5 hours time zone difference betwixt Oz and the Great White North.

1982?? Lard tunderin jaysus der boy! By 1982 I had already gone through 9 vehicles, all of em new except the first 3, which were donated by my Dad:
67 Cutlass Towne Sedan
72 Cutlass S
73 Chevelle Deluxe wagon
76 chebby chevette
78 Cutlass Calais
78 Ford F250
80 VW Wabbit diesel custom
81 Omega Brougham
82 Cutlass Supreme wit T tops

I guess some of the concerts today may be over-rated. But there's some that aren't. They're just way too pricey. To each their own.

Been watching the horizon and mailbox for some of that warm weather you were supposed to ship up. Still cold as a witches heart here. Sure, I leave and the weather is going to +6° C for the rest of the week. The island is supposed to be T shirt and shorts weather. I can only hope.

Mike - gonna take the Saturn on the road trip. Hope it doesn't 'splode' or anything. That sucker is 18 yrs old now and still only has 95.3K miles on it. I expect it should do pretty good on fuel cause I'm not going to push it hard. Around town it gets close to 35 mpg (Can gallon) so I'm expecting somewhere around 45-48 on the highway. When it was new it got over 60 mpg before Saturn did a 'warranty' adjustment to it. After that it never got more than 47.

Clint - any tips on changing an 02 sensor behind the cat? I know the cat gets hot and I don't want to work on it when it's been lit, so I'm thinking the best way is with a propane torch at the base of the sender where it screws in?
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 07:09 PM
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It is thursday here Allan, so I think it is more like 14 hours different. I would have any one of those 9 cars mate
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Old April 3rd, 2014, 02:49 AM
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Ah mega worm.

I was so tired last night I was in bed and asleep by 1030. Which means of course I was up with the chickens. That's okay. I can get to the Awful house and back and have all morning to get the parts car off the trailer.

Allan you should have a fine trip in the Saturn. My Saturn is so tired, but keeps soldiering on. I really take things light with it because I don't want it to break anything important. Only 7000 miles till rebuild. Wonder what the factory adjustment was.

Adrian it's still Thursday over there, we caught up.

Jamesbo I could plant the lift in the front yard and have a car hoisted on it all the time. I think the neighbors would consider it strangely fitting.

Guess I'll git to gittin' . Have a good day all.
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Old April 3rd, 2014, 04:36 AM
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Mornin', all

Mike, how'd dat mega-worm taste goin' down? Figger it might make you want a beer at 4:49 in da' Greater Stockbridge area of Jawja.

Big salt mine day for me. Prolly won't get home before 8:15 or so tonite after all work is worked and errands run. But dat's OK. All I have goin' on manana is my follow-up visit to the "gums Dr." in Baton Rouge. Almost back to normal, but I havn't done a salad yet, nor would I try to eat beef or pork for about another week or two. I'll live.

Allan, Jamesbo and his long, tall bride make a beautiful couple. They exude an unspoken "wisdom through experience" in their relationship. Also for the record, let it be said that my better half is 5'10", and Jamesbo's is inches above that... Maybe we could establish a Oldsmobud's Better Halves' Basketball League?

Also, anybody who hasn't owned a Chibby Vega in his illustrious driving career has no idea of the joys missed.... I still have nightmares of pouring 30w Rocket and pints of STP down thru that OHC engine's cam cover.

Y'all have a great Thursday, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; April 3rd, 2014 at 05:07 AM.
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Old April 3rd, 2014, 04:47 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan. You can torch it if need be. Usually I'll shoot it down with a penetrant and then start it up and let it heat itself.

Sandy, hope you have a successful day today. It snowed here last night. We have a couple 3 inches on the lawn. Hope your day is better.

Adrian, you're just a pup. I had already learned to drive about the time you were born at the ripe age of 11. Cruising around on Pennsylvania Mountain above timberline in a 1948 CJ-2A That liked to pop out of 1st and 2nd

Mike, Just enjoy the time you have with them. seems they are here for way to short of a time.

Well, we finished trimming the paint on the garage late last night. So we can get the rollers out tonight and hopefully have it all finished up. That way I can get the quads in and get them ready for this Sundays race.

Have a Thursday everyone.
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Old April 3rd, 2014, 05:33 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter beautiful day down ere.

Alllan Jes so you can get a mental picture,

De Super model is 6' barefoot. I think we'd have mo luck wit a talkathon dan a basketball league.

Sandy [sum where in de archives of dis thread] has a pic standing next to her new bumper. De bumper is taller. Larry is a good guy and very friendly but doesn't own a razor.

Mike, Is kinda quiet, [ or chose to listen insted of blabber] but looks like he could be an NFL linebacker.

John is maybe 6'7" + and [like me] loves to eat. I think fried chicken is his favorite

Scot has [de one I saw] beautiful and smart daughter and has forgotten more 'bout HVAC dan most people will ever know

Adrian and Tink are young but super kind folks dat love to travel wit [only 1 when I met them] beautiful energized daughter.

Jeffery [who we lost a while back] was from Miami and drove all the way to Hotlanta to a BPOC show. Was super nice.

And de guy [whose name escapes me] who werks at de nearby Ferrari delaership was kind enough to show me his shop when I stopped by

I'm 5'2" AND HAVE A GIANT WART ON MY NOSE. and a beer belly.

Dat's all [ I think] de CO members I've met.

So when it thaws, I 'd like to shake your hand and break bread
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Old April 3rd, 2014, 06:31 AM
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Allan, maybe that's my height without the scoliosis ;-)

Jamesbo, how did a description of Alice the Goon make it into yer post?

I was going to say something about Supermodel's love of the art of conversation, but fergot....
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Old April 3rd, 2014, 07:53 AM
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Morning all!

Cloudy here and 43* right now. Not going to get a whole lot warmer. Storm chances later on.

I feel yucky today. Headache, tummy upset. I ate a pop tart early so I could take my anti puking pill and have had 2 peanut butter crackers here at work. Had a few sips of water. Hot in here.... fan is on.

Quiet morning. Been doing some dozing already lol.

Jamesbo... accurate descriptions, lol. John, Daria and Isabel are waaayyyy tall!!! And yep... Im shorter than a bumper. I'm fun sized, lol.

Mike... I'll have to post some crocus pics. They're pretty little flowers in white, gold, purple, some with stripes. They're usually the first flowers to come up. Some will come up in the snow. The friggin deer love them.

Well you all have a good day.
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Old April 3rd, 2014, 10:59 AM
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Things were so quiet ere, I had to go to de grocery stow fer sum humor.
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Old April 3rd, 2014, 05:51 PM
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Well I'm one lighter tonight. I sold the Triumph to a guy in Peachtree City. After I got it home I found out the more I drove it the less I liked it. The car in and of itself was fine, I was just too big for it. I guess we linebackers need something a little more broad;-)

So John I hope Pete won't be too upset. I think he thought I would do it up to be a show winner. Well, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done anything with it at this point so best it move on.

Wasn't the best deal but I got out of the car so it wasn't all bad.

Hope Allan is having a good trip.

I'm not really a linebacker. Just fat. Jamesbo I don't remember the big wart. It must have been the guy sitting to your right at lunch:-0 I don't know why my smilies won't work.

All ready for the swap meet tomorrow. I don't really have enough to bother with but should be a fun day. Maybe it's all stuff people just can't live without.

Good night everybody.
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Old April 3rd, 2014, 09:47 PM
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Hey John, can you email me pics of the Buick? I have a co worker who has a '72 GS 455 convertible, and she would like to see the pics, thanks, Dan.
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Old April 4th, 2014, 02:39 AM
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Ah another tasty worm. Good morning everyone!

Ready to head out to the swap meet. Gonna be nice, with some rain maybe later on.

Have a great day everyone, it's Friday!
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Old April 4th, 2014, 03:17 AM
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Good Friday Mawnin All

Good weekend to attend a car show and swap meet I hope he rain stays at bay until Sunday but they change the frocast more dan I change me skibbies

Gotta roll I'll catch up later ciao
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Old April 4th, 2014, 04:14 AM
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Mornin all.

Scot Mike, Sounds like a good time. Wish I was closer. I'd find a way to stop by.

Jamesbo, I'm not so sure if I wouldn't find a new store to shop at.

Allan, Have a safe trip. (altho this is a bit tardy I suppose)

Sandy, Our flowers got drowned out yesterday. There was 7" of snow on the truck yesterday morning and it was still snowing. but by quitting tie the parking lot was only damp. The poop buckets (Muck buckets for the mules) had about 3 inches of water in them so everything got a good dose of water. People are already starting in with the "we need the moisture" crap. We don't need the friggin moisture, It just gives everyone a false sense that its ok that we keep building and increasing the population in the frigging desert! I digress.

John, IDK about a basketball team, the missus is just barely tall enough to reach the ground. I'll be generous and give her 5'4".

John the Vega is one I've really had no interest in owning. Born a Ferd guy, I always wanted a King Cobra which was just as bad. A glorified pinto with lots of plastic bolt-ons. I'm not sure how you could de-tune a 302 that much and still make it run Yeesh. Oh well. I never owned one of those either.

Well all week we have been painting the garage when we got home til bedtime. We rolled it yesterday. I still have a door to paint and the window sills? (the area between the inside window and the storm windows.) but I have to get the quads back over here and get them ready for Sundays race.

Attachment 165198

Have a Friday all.
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Old April 4th, 2014, 05:28 AM
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Mawn'in all

Nice dis mawn'in but fix'in to come up a cloud.

Clint, Beautimus floor. Jes one questions? Whar's all your $hit?

Mike, You'lll be glad you don't own a british sports car when summer comes. I had a Austin Healey 3000 when I was a pup. Hotter dan a $2 pistol

Scot, Good luck at de meet. post sum pics of some stuff I want

Sandy, How ya feel'in dis mawn'in

John, Y'all gett'in hamered down at de swamp?
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Old April 4th, 2014, 05:36 AM
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Mernin', all

It's with a mixture of sorrow and joy that I inform my friends of the passing of Aunt Jean this morning. I had gone to see her after work yesterday and we were expecting it any time. She had completely quit eating and drinking a few days ago, and the CNA was unable to register a blood pressure reading while I was there. May St. Peter open wide the gates! I hope he's got a good joke or two for her, 'cause that'll let her know she's at the right address. What a great lady... a life of complete love, service, and generosity. Your continued prayers are appreciated, and I know she'll be batting for us from the bosom of Abraham.

Thanks to you guys for your support through the course of her illness. Nobody can stay around forever, but Aunt Jean did pretty good -- certainly beating the odds at 91 -- 17 years after the cardiologists recommended she have a bypass operation -- which she refused. I hope I do as well.

Y'all have a peaceful Friday and weekend.... I will try and check back in later and let y'all know what's goin' on.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; April 4th, 2014 at 05:43 AM.
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Old April 4th, 2014, 05:41 AM
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So sorry John for your loss.
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Old April 4th, 2014, 06:27 AM
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Our sincerest condolences John. God speed to Jean.

Jamesbo. You had to ask... It happens to be behind me in the pic. Brit is up at moms, so we had room to move all the junk where she usually slumbers.
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