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Old November 1st, 2012, 12:33 PM
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Jamesbo you've lost another friend. Pascual Perez passed away today at his home in the Dominican Republic during a violent armed robbery/home invasion
"Considered one of baseball's characters during his career, Perez once missed a start because he was unable to find his way off I-285 which circles Atlanta."
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Old November 1st, 2012, 01:49 PM
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Scot, Yeah I saw dat.

Last weekend de Super model told # 1 son to zig insted of zag when gett'in on I 285. [directions aren't her long suit] an he ended up at de Farmers Market in College Park insted of Sandy Springs.

An hour later he showed up and I called him Perez. [Course I got the old deer in the healights look.]
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Old November 1st, 2012, 05:06 PM
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Hey everyone.

Time again to go make the big bucks. Trouble is my watch is broke

Actually slept pretty good today, in fact I got the same amount of sleep I would have had I not stayed up until 1230, just rearranged a little.

Gotta get gas in the Fiat on the way to work, so I have to leave a little early. I'm about 500 miles away from the second oil change. The suspense is killing me. Maybe this weekend I'll just go circle 285 until I get to 10000 miles then go straight to the place.

Not gonna be quite as cold tonight, but I wouldn't be unhappy if I got to work inside again. Of course, that's a double edged sword. When you work inside that usually means the job is too big to finish in one night, or you have to take too much apart.

Okay everyone have a great night and a better tomorrow.
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Old November 1st, 2012, 06:18 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Can't believe I am already 3 pages behind from my last post. You guys have been busy!

The local transit company is in the process of receiving the fleet of double decker buses they bought. Quite a different perspective when sitting up top. Just have to watch for the low branches. Nothing is going to happen, but still a shock in the morning when a branch smacks against the window right in front of you

Going back to the ice cream flavours, I'm a fan of Cake Batter ice cream.

John, thanks for the answer about the French. I knew there was some connection between Cajun and the Acadians, but have been curious how much of the language was still around.

OLD SKL 69, glad to hear you are ok.

Well, I've got more catching up to do.

Hope everyone has a great Friday.
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Old November 1st, 2012, 07:03 PM
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Thurs can be a day from hell
This is what we're dealing with right now, so Clint - did you jinx us? We got around 10 cm of snow in just a few hours (that's 4") and more on the way. Ho ho ho and all that $hit. I have ice radials on all 4 corners of the cars. Other idiots have slicks on and don't know how to drive.

Been busy all day out on the road and getting the Mrs. to/from work. City is not putting any plows out till after 10:00pm. Buncha dorks! Sanding trucks everywhere but no plows. Welcome to the winter city of Edmonton where chaos reigns in the Transporation department.
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 04:15 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan, No sir that was not me. I'm glad its you and not me. We were in the mid 70's yesterday and will be a few degrees below that the rest of the week. I knew we'd be in a good weather pattern since I put the plow on the hoopdee and with all the snow tires I've been selling.

WB Paul. Sounds like things are good. Glad to hear.

Mike, help me here... Is the service writer cute or sumtin?

Sandy, I hope you get your seat all figgured out.

Well, I'd better get to work, too much to do and a short day as well. The fam and I are headed to the legendary 'Overlook' hotel this afternoon. Hoping for a good time. Have a great weekend Olds friends.
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 05:25 AM
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Anutter nice day down ere. A little chili but not too bad

Allan, Thanks fer help'in me get up every day and thank de good Lord, I'm not your neighbor.

Clint, Safe travels. Is dat de one where de filmed de Shining?

Mike, If ya decide to circumambulate I-285 Honk when ya pass Ga 400

Scot, Whatcha got planned dis weekend?

Sandy, Gots any sun yet?

TGIF Olds friends
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 05:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Thurs can be a day from hell
This is what we're dealing with right now, so Clint - did you jinx us? We got around 10 cm of snow in just a few hours (that's 4") and more on the way. Ho ho ho and all that $hit. I have ice radials on all 4 corners of the cars. Other idiots have slicks on and don't know how to drive.

Been busy all day out on the road and getting the Mrs. to/from work. City is not putting any plows out till after 10:00pm. Buncha dorks! Sanding trucks everywhere but no plows. Welcome to the winter city of Edmonton where chaos reigns in the Transporation department.
YEE-HA!!!...Good old Canadian winter!.... Bring it our way Allan
Overlook hotel?.what is it Clint.......
Fresh venison and potatoes for dinner tonight, can't wait!

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Old November 2nd, 2012, 05:58 AM
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Sounds good Ted!

Yes The Stanley is the hotel that Stephen King stayed at that gave him the idea for "The Shining" Altho not the Hotel Filmed in Stanley Kubricks Movie.
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 06:06 AM
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Morning All!

Another dark cold morning here, but no rain! Yet... they're calling for rain/snow showers through the day. Temps at 40 right now. This gray is waaaaay past depressing already.

It was in the 30's last evening. I went out in the yard and started bringing in the Halloween decorations, and my fingers were frozen right through the gloves. I hate this Raynauds syndrome crap.... Very painful. I didn't get everything brought in. It's gonna take days for the wooden yard signs and such to dry out before I can pack them away. They are just saturated.

This weekend I'll put out the Thanksgiving yard signs and turkey decorations and more scarecrows.

Jamesbo.... the sun did peek out for about 3 minutes last night! It was a beautiful thing to see. I was working out, or I'd have went outside and stood in it, lol.

We set the clocks back this weekend.... Man I hate that. It's so dark this morning it looks like night time.

Allan R.... keep that nasty stuff there, lol!

Paul... glad you checked in!

Clint.... Have fun at the hotel. Is this the same one you went to last year?

I gotta get Stabil when we go shopping tonight so I can get Teepo tucked away. It sure is nice to have a driveway to the back garage! I'd never get her back there until spring as saturated as the yard is right now, lol. Gotta give her a nice coat of wax and condition the rubber and such.

It's quiet in here. Brian is quiet this morning - probably didn't get enough sleep last night or something. I'm not complaining though! I like it......

Well you all have a good Friday! I'm anxious to see what Bedford Auto Trim will have to say when I call them at lunch time.
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 07:26 AM
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Good morning and Happy Friday everyone.

Did the same thing last night that I did the night before. Not much. Inside and out of the wind, which was nice, but two nights in a row working on this paint plane gets a little dull. Well, two more for the week so we'll see what's in store.

Clint I just hate when maintenance is lurking and I know it has to get done but it just can't seem to get here. I'm the same way with the Saturn's tires when it gets close to rotate them. So no, no cute service writer.

Howdy Paul.

Allan that picture is vulgar! And why in the hell is that woman crossing the middle of the expressway?

Okay the nice warm bed is calling. Everyone have a great day.
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 07:30 AM
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Saw this on my facebook. Got a chuckle out of it.

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Old November 2nd, 2012, 08:04 AM
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good morning all

cool but dry for a change. Western Washington is already 5" over where we were at this time last year which came close to a record setting year. If we have high winds again we will see a lot of downed trees. Still its nothing like the devastation on the Eastern seaboard. I sure hop they don't get a second punch
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 08:14 AM
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Happy Friday Mawnin All

I just got back from the youngest daughter's award ceremony at her school. Man I tell you what, kids are the greatest

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Scot, Whatcha got planned dis weekend?
Jamesbo I plan to go to the gun show at the fair grounds this weekend and stock up on ammo and a few targets, we go shooting every now and then and I need to restock on the handgun calibers.

Mike that's a cool pic

Well TTFN and have a safe weekend
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 08:42 AM
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Yay for Friday
The snow is stopped and the plows were out all night. Also called in around 70 contract graders. So that means that all the 2 lane roads will be down to 1.5 and all 3 lane roads will be down to 2.5. I don't know why they just windrow to the side and leave it there to melt in the spring. IMO that's just an asinine way to create liability on the streets.

Mike - that's downtown. She was crossing at an intersection. Not too many out walking yesterday. When I went to pick up Joanne last night I noticed a lot of people in the industrial areas still waiting for buses or walking (dumb) the wrong way on the road instead of facing traffic or using the sidewalks. ???? Cold must have made them brain dead.

Jamesbo - Glad to be motivational one way or another.

Clint - ok, you're off the hook. Send some of that 70° temps our way???

Scot - I got this target for ya! Looks like a meteorologist....

Ted - you're welcome to have the weather. I called Canada Post and asked them to deliver it to ONT. You should see the deal they gave me on air express!!!

Pat - you got 5"??? I'm guessing that would be ..... rain??

Got to go out and buy a new heater for the garage today.

Stay safe and warm everyone. As we've learned over the past week, don't take what you've got for granted.
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 08:54 AM
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The fam and I are headed to the legendary 'Overlook' hotel this afternoon
Redrum, redrum! Say hi to jack for me!
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 12:13 PM
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Friday Greetings, Oldsmofolks

Pretty nice down here lately, although a bit muggy if I HAD to complain... which I guess I do....

I hate like he11 seeing those poor folks struggle up in New England and N.E. I'd never wish nuttin' on nobody, but what a relief to have the storm blow past you.... we're so storm weary down here, we're sicka' even talkin' about 'em.

The only person I don't feel real sorry for up there is the guy I bought my Olds from (near Big Apple)..... although I'd never wish any evil upon the 8A$+URd.

Clint, I just spoke to da' 'new old wrench' and he got all the codes clear... he put new plugs in; said everything else ignition-wise was good; he also had to put a charcoal canister; told me them things list for close to $400! I think he must've given me a break, 'cause he did all that, plus cleaned the throttle body plate and fixed a couple minor coolant leaks and the bill was exactly half a grand... I was tickled pink -- same color as my antifreeze

I just hope when I pick it up all's as he says: no more codes, smooth idle, and no more having to add the $25/gal. coolant anymore. We'll see...
Thanks for yer expertise!

I'm bringing him my F-150 tonite for some A/C work. The A/C in that truck was never worth a plug nickel from day one. Spent over a grand on a new compressor and system flushing about 5 years ago, and it lasted 3 years. We'll see what he says about it.

Still no home for kitty (Yota).... she and wiffey bond more every day... I hope I'm not seeing 4 kittles in the ol' crystal ball. Help!

Y'all have a great weekend, folks.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; November 2nd, 2012 at 12:15 PM.
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 12:20 PM
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Well there's a little sliver of blue over in the western sky!!! Maybe there's hope after all...... It rained again all morning and thru lunch. There were some flurries mixed in when I walked. It's cold out there!! I see where a Noreaster storm is gonna hit the East coast again, and probably us too. Those poor people. It's just horrible they still don't have power, it's cold, they can't get gas and are getting price gouged if they find gas.... what a shame.

I talked to Gary at Bedford Auto trim at lunch time, and he had me email him some pics of Teepo's seats. We'll see what they say. Hope they can do this for me. I emailed SMS again too, and he said the material is on a roll that's 63" wide. I didn't know that. I thought 1 yd. is only 3 ft...... but I didn't know how wide it was, lol. I don't know. What a project!
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 05:30 PM
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Evening all.

Day three of four. Got some good sleep today. Did see that it got up over 70 and was a beautiful day. I don't think that's going to last, though.

John I missed the first part of Seinfeld tonight where George was dating the pianist, and Jerry put the Pez dispenser on Elaine's leg. I love how she laughs and runs out. One of my favorite scenes.

Clint have a great time this weekend. I envy the view you guys have out there. I'd trade my lakeside living for a mountain view any day of the week.

Well have a good night everyone and a great weekend.
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 06:48 PM
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Fun Friday night all

Mike - I'm going to be above 70 tomorrow for the first time in over 2 weeks!! Enough of the frigid cold. Just got an 80,000 BTU heater for the garage. Plan to use the garage fan for extra circulation. I might even be able to wear just short sleeve shirt under the coveralls!

John - Sorry to hear no home for Yota yet. Glad to hear the code problem is 'fixed'. Can't believe you went that long without scheduled mtce though.

Sandy - the first half of any project is the research and planning.

Scot - forgot to ask. What award did she get. I can see the grin on your face from way up here...
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 06:59 PM
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Hey all. Thanks for your thoughts, they are very much appreciated. We have power as of last night but we are one of the few.

Just a update on where things are around here and the damage that Sandy did: Many people on the shore lines have water damage in their homes. My wife's co-worker has a 2 story home near the water and during the height of the storm, the water was 4 feet deep on the 1st floor. Neighbor's house burned to the ground. The neigborhood is ruined. Over 70% of homeowners on Long Island still do not have power and it is getting real cold outside. Power lines down everywhere and the electical crews cannot get the power on until all the damaged trees are cleared. 110 out of 124 school districts on Long Island are still closed and the earliest we are hearing that some start to open is next Wednesday. (I think that is very optimistic since our high school is a shelter and is still full)

To make matters worse, grocery stores are depleted of food and it is almost impossible to find gas anywhere. I went out earlier and better than 95% of gas stations have signs out saying "no gas". I saw one that did have gas and the line was about a 1/2 mile long, no exaggeration. Police officers were there to keep everyone in order. Can't understand why the situation is getting worse and we are not getting help???
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 02:29 AM
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Mawn'in all

I think I "flubbed de dubb" and fell back a day early

Darrel, Sorry to hear there's not much improvement up there. If it were me, I stay at home and let the crazies fight over gas and groceries. I kinda like cold Beenie Weenies

This thing may end up like de NY city black out in 65 & 77. In 9 months thars gonna be a whole lot more little New Yorkers

Mike, If you'd take a day off from buy'in cars and din'in at de Awful House, You could come visit me and have lakeside mountain views all in one.

Scot, Congrats to your young'un. I know your proud as a peacock.

Sandy, Maybe you'll get sum good weather befo de serious winter whin'in sets in. [I sure hope so fer our sake]

John, I ain't never been to La when it t'wernt muggy.

Pat, Glad cha got a dry spell on de Left coast. Kinda reminds cha of your recent trip to Death Valley don't it.

Enjoy de weekend Olds friends
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 07:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo

Darrel, Sorry to hear there's not much improvement up there. If it were me, I stay at home and let the crazies fight over gas and groceries. I kinda like cold Beenie Weenies

This thing may end up like de NY city black out in 65 & 77. In 9 months thars gonna be a whole lot more little New Yorkers
Way ahead of you Jamesbro. We don't want to go anywhere right now if we can avoid it. I hope the last part of a whole lot more little New Yorkers doesn't include us.
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 07:21 AM
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Happy Saturday morning everyone!

Jamesbo you are the early bird. We should change time once a month so it's always light at 9pm.

Work was good last night, but long. Five people on a 767 and only two of us doing the wing lube. I'm wacked. Those are some big wings.

Gonna be 80 today they say. I'll miss most of it, but how nice will it be to get up this afternoon and not have to crank up the space heater. Hope it sticks around awhile.

Wow Darrell the cops having to keep order at the gas station. I heard people were posing as contractors and utility workers and coming into people's homes just to check out what they had, then coming back later and robbing them. Heck you might as well steal from a church. That's just despicable.

Allan I hope that heater isn't going to suffocate you when you're in the garage. I've known a couple people that have fallen victim to that sort of thing. I don't want to know any more. What did you say about sponsoring your own demise?

Ah you know what I missed? Yesterday was 28 years that I've owned my 70 Cutlass. It's not in the best shape these days, but I still have it nonetheless. I need to find a place to get it in and get working on it, I hope it isn't too late.

Okay off to dreamland. Have a great day and weekend!
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 07:33 AM
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Originally Posted by slantflat

Gonna be 80 today they say. I'll miss most of it, but how nice will it be to get up this afternoon and not have to crank up the space heater. Hope it sticks around awhile.

Wow Darrell the cops having to keep order at the gas station. I heard people were posing as contractors and utility workers and coming into people's homes just to check out what they had, then coming back later and robbing them. Heck you might as well steal from a church. That's just despicable.
I wish it was that warm here, would certainly help a lot of folks right now.

There is a few reported issues right now with robberies, especially in the coastal towns where homes are badly damaged. These people are already down and now being kicked for good measure. The police imposed 7pm to 7am curfews in these areas to cut down on this.

Also, while we are waiting for power to be restored here, there are reports of work crews coming from other parts of the country to offer their help and they are being turned away.
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by OLD SKL 69
.Also, while we are waiting for power to be restored here, there are reports of work crews coming from other parts of the country to offer their help and they are being turned away.

Now dat's plain ole fashion nutso. Have you eared WHY?

Wonder how A1Tony is hold'in up? Isn't he from de Jersey Shore?
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Now dat's plain ole fashion nutso. Have you eared WHY?
Not 100% sure of the reason but I have heard that it is because the unions have an issue with non-union workers coming in. I sincerely hope that is not the case, especially in this time with so many people suffering.
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 09:30 AM
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 09:48 AM
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I'm out like a fat kid in Dodge Ball .
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 09:49 AM
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You would think that the areas effected would take any offered help available. Around here if there is a serious problem we all pull together regardless of affiliation.

Here there is foul rainy and cold weather on its way to hit those areas again. Hope it doesn't happen
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 09:51 AM
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That is really disturbing and unbelievable at the same time. This should get more press than it has gotten so far. Thanks for passing that along.
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 09:54 AM
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Originally Posted by citcapp
You would think that the areas effected would take any offered help available. Around here if there is a serious problem we all pull together regardless of affiliation.

Here there is foul rainy and cold weather on its way to hit those areas again. Hope it doesn't happen
I agree about taking any help you can get. There certainly is enough work around here for clean up for everyone.

And yes, they are talking about another Nor'easter coming our way with heavy rain and wind this Wednesday and Thursday. I sure hope they are wrong.
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 12:37 PM
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Glad everything is okay Darrell. I used to work at a company that trimmed trees and limbs away from power line right of ways, and every time there was a hurricane (Hugo to name just one) a lot of guys in the business would go a make some good $$ cleaning up golf courses and residential houses. Albeit some were dishonest and outright crooks, those types were the ones to blame for giving outsiders a bad name and the cause for many new rules to be established throughout the different counties, regions and states that was affected by the hurricanes. I can understand them wanting some order in all of the chaos, and to not letting just anyone in to "help" as they may just be there to make a fast buck, insurance fraud or just plain highway robbers.

Anywho Seinfeld is coming to Macon and this is a poll from the local TV News website

Would you pay $47 to $87 to see Jerry Seinfeld in Macon?

  • Yes
  • No
or View Results

My answer: No I wouldn't. Maybe $20 a ticket but not more than $25 He's funny, but he ain't THAT funny
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 01:57 PM
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Despicable. I'm not sure what the union is worried about here. They say they are trying to protect agains bad work and ripoffs. If I were in New York and saw a truck that said Georgia Power or Alabama something or Florida something I wouldn't worry about ripoffs. And then the guy says, oh we didn't do that. I'm sure all those utility companies made it all up.

Whoa slept pretty good today. And, it's the promised 80* out. Nice! Hope I can get in a good nap at breaktime tonight so I can stay up when I get home tomorrow. That will help make up for the one less day off I have this week. Rain tomorrow, though.

I saw Seinfeld at the Fox several years ago. I don't know what the tickets cost because I was "treated" by a then-friend of mine. We sat probably 10 rows back from the front just off to the left. Excellent seats. It was a good show, because I like Seinfeld, but it was all stuff I'd heard before. Don't know if I'd spend 87 to see anyone.

Bryan what are you out of?

Isn't Tony in Rhode Island? Did they get smacked, too?

Tiime for some din-din.
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Old November 3rd, 2012, 08:17 PM
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Evening All!

Another gray rainy cold day today. I don't think we'll ever see the sun again.

I spent the day bringing in the Halloween decorations from outside so they could dry. Put the dry ones back into their containers. Took the decorations out of the house and got them put away. Schleped some stuff back upstairs in the garage.

Got the house cleaning done. Not a very exciting day, that's for sure.

Larry put some steaks on the grill this evening. They were delicious! Kind of like a taste of summer, lol.

Darrell.... glad to hear from you! So sorry to hear that things are so bad there. I feel terrible for the people. There's no reason power isn't restored yet, its just ridiculous. I've heard stories about the price gouging and people waiting in line for gas. It's just horrible.
That nor'easter they're talking about isn't a good thing. I sure hope you all don't get snow dumped on ya on top of everything else.

Mike.... sure wish you'd send some of that warmth this way! I'd give anything just to see the sun. 9 days without any and counting.... this is soooooo depressing.

I hate to turn the clocks back. It will be dark at 5:00 tomorrow, and that sucks. I'm going to Ravenna in the morning and taking Lin shopping. Hoping to get home early enough to put the Thanksgiving decorations in the yard, and get the other stuff back out in the garage.

Well I reckon I'll get off here and watch the weather. Talk to ya tomorrow. Have a good night all.
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Old November 4th, 2012, 06:53 AM
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Mawn'in all

Really warm and dry yesterday but a little chili dis mawn'in.Feels like it's fix'in to come up a cloud.

Scot, Not NO but H3LL NO Fer dat kinda money, I gonna get more dan a few laughs

Darrel, It's interesting........... Until you mentioned it as a possibility, I hadn't heard squat about de Gawga Power trucks gett'in turned back home.I Goggled it. I've still not heard anything 'bout it on de news.

Guess ya "Can't fix Stupid"
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Old November 4th, 2012, 07:44 AM
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Warm out this morning here. It was 65* and a bluebird day as Jamesbo always says.

Thanks all for the congrats on the youngster's awards. It seems that she is quite the reader and her reading level is off the charts for the fourth grade

Jamesbo that sounds like New York's / New Jersey's version of the good 'ole boy system. You know, keep the revenue in "The Family"

In my best Tony Soprano voice "We got dis."

Allan I thought you liked your Meteorologist
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Old November 4th, 2012, 08:33 AM
Always room for one more
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Mornin' everyone.

Just got back from the Awful house. I was falling asleep at the counter. I got out of work late because I was up in the cockpit helping with some switches while my buddy was on the phone with me, and when he was finished with his checkout I sat back for a minute and fell asleep. Meanwhile, the lead was downstairs telling all the Friday people to pack it in. Well, it was my Friday also but I wasn't going to ask for a favor even though my intent was not sleeping.

Beautiful here today. Forecasts of rain for the afternoon, hope it stays away. Could warm up a little, it's around 65 here.

Got laundry piled high so that's what I'm doing today. Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old November 4th, 2012, 08:45 AM
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good morning all

Cool and wet, time to go rake all of the maple leaves. Supposed to have more rains starting this afternoon. The company I work for laid of 50% of the office support people. The rest of us are now going to have to divide up the work load and keep up. Going to have to work longer days and some Saturdays to keep up. Sign of the times, who says the economy is getting better. Don't know where the people who were laid of will find jobs around here. I feel for all of them as the group had been together for a long time.
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Old November 4th, 2012, 12:05 PM
Just an Olds Guy
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Allan I thought you liked your Meteorologist
Ya mean Nicola boom boom? Naw, she's just got nice boom booms.
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