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Old April 10th, 2019, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
The next time he calls/texts you tell him she is now toast sitting on your desk.
Ask him to bring a coffee can w/ him.
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Old April 10th, 2019, 12:06 PM
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Hi everyone.

Busy day at work. Signed off lots of wheels. Going in early again tomorrow.

Absolutely gorgeous out. Gonna mow in a little bit so Tiger's feet can turn green.

Jamesbo where is Mom during all these delays? You make it sound like she's been waiting weeks.

And just like that, pollen season is over. We didn't do too badly this year.

Well have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old April 10th, 2019, 02:15 PM
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Mike,/ Chief

I have no idea where mom is,[it's a funeral home we never have dealt with] but since you axed. Early this week the guy calls and wants me to pick out alot, he;s going to download my contact and send it to me with a credit card for a whole body burial the next day.BIG hurry

So I go out and mark the grave and call the opening and closing comp nay to come early the next morning for a service the next afternoon

I don't get a contract [via e-mail] and the dude won't return my calls or text, so I call and cancel with the opening and closing company

The next day [about the time the canceled service was spose to happen\, I finally get a call and he says " I've been busy with the family, I'll call you back in 10 minutes, I'm sending the contrast over right this minute. Can we have a service tomorrow

Once shame on them, twice, shame on me So I'm not gonna call the closing company again until I get the contract

A contract comes but won't open so I call and text the idiot again without any answer/response

So, I figure the idiot is long gone

So, the next day I get a "new" call form a guy who needs to come up, pick out a spot for some ashes

These 2 dudes show up pick out a spot for some ashes and come inside to fill out the paperwerk. When i look at the paperwerk under name of deceased .IT'S THE SAME MF NAME .

But dis tar baby don't say nutt'in..And they want to bury de ashes tomorrow [today] at 10 a.m.

So, I go out a mark another [smaller] grave for ashes and call the opening and closing company and schedule an ashes burial for today at 10

Get it, got it, good

Except this MF text me this a.m [ like he didn't know yesterday] and says, The funeral home won't have the ashes in time for a 10:00 service can we postpone until further notice"

naturally, I cal the opening and closing company and cancel again [btw he's pissed]
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Old April 10th, 2019, 02:40 PM
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Ah, I thought it was a family member giving you the run around. You should suggest she be buried at sea. You're not that far from Lake Lanier...

Got some mowing done. It's beautiful out. Had a bite to eat and I'm thinking seriously about hitting the sack. At 530 you say? Well, by the time I get everything wound down and actually get there it will be well past 6, and that eats into my full 8 hours of beauty sleep. Obviously I haven't gotten any of that in a long time.
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Old April 10th, 2019, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
The next time he calls/texts you tell him she is now toast sitting on your desk.
Don't bother calling this MF. Place a note taped to the bottom of this sign which reads: "Ashes are in the Folger's Coffee can on my desk - door is open"

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Old April 10th, 2019, 09:41 PM
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A friend of mine is going to be on Jerry Springer next week, should be interesting. Wondering if i should take this computer in, or just buy a new one. Took 20 minutes to get it started tonight. It ran a repair program/disk repair. Dell's seem to last about eight years, maybe time for another brand. Allan, what did you buy? I don't even know what's out there anymore. The only place around here to get one is Best Buy. I bought my Dell's online from Dell. Wet, driving snow coming home tonight, pretty much done though. Thunderstorms to follow tomorrow.
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Old April 11th, 2019, 12:39 AM
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Most interesting parliament elections ahead here, at sunday is the main day to vote, and they release the results that evening. Two main points have been dominating current elections; climate change and immigrants. Worst fear is the next parliament is made of "communists" and greens coalition. Then you can say bye bye to our country for the next 4 years atleast. And its pretty possible outcome even, 50/50. Another possible outcome is coalition with conservative parties, non pro-immigrants.
We have 19 different parties to vote for, so that differs "a bit" of US elections, but we have 4 big ones, usually getting ~70% of all given votes.

Okay, thats about it. But im eagerly waiting sunday. Not much else. Yesterday it snowed again…………. Now its shining outside, but temps still on minus.
Soon ill go light sauna, day-time sauna this round.

1969w3155 - Whats Jerry Springer? Your comp lasts really long if it lasts 8 years. Max 4 years hear and its trash-stuff.

Jamesbo - Good s**t ! Thanks for good story

Okay, have a day all!
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Old April 11th, 2019, 05:27 AM
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Well, Dan woke up to snow this morning, coming down pretty good- tired of it. They toned down our forecast also saying maybe a inch. How is it on the Lake Michigan side? My last laptop was bought at Walmart. We always went to Circuit City or Best Buy before but last time my wife bought this one at Wallys as a gift for my birthday. It was about $400 and has worked good, except for the usual viruses/worms, which we always get. It's a HP. I take mine into a small computer shop that cleans it out for $55.00. Then it works better until it gets funny again. I have the free Avast antivirus but stuff still gets thru. I dunno....
Went to the barn yesterday and got the riding lawn mower fixed up for spring. It's funny that old Craftsman mower has taken a beating. I bought it new about 12 years ago, used it until about 8 years ago and gave it to my son who used and abused it until about 3 years ago. Then I got it back and really abused it widening the trails out on my land. Then we moved and now I plan to use it again as a lawn mower here at this place. It still runs good and has been welded up and bearings replaced etc.etc. The front wheels are really toed out and I can't see how to fix that- there's no tie rod going across to adjust like there used to be. Oh well I guess I'll just run it though the front tires are completely bald and eventually will wear thru completely.
I started my old 56 F100 yesterday also, about time to get it out after this snow is gone. I haven't messed with the Olds yet, It's still sleeping all covered up...
Finally found a spare wheel for the f 150 I just bought. They sit up there under the bed and the wheel gets ruined by all the road salt. Most all the trucks come with 4 aluminum wheels and one steel spare. The late model recycle yards know this and want to put their kids thru college with the profits! Most spare steel wheels with tires were $100. each.! I bought a wheel for $25 and put a tire I took off the truck on it. Just want something that will hold air.... I think I finally got the 05 Furd to my liking now that I shouldn't need 4WD until next winter.
Wow! enough for me.. Have a good one! Greg.
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Old April 11th, 2019, 05:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Greg Rogers
Finally found a spare wheel for the f 150 I just bought. They sit up there under the bed and the wheel gets ruined by all the road salt.
Greg- I have a 2003 F250 6L Diesel Lariat SuperCrew 175K miles - purchased new 2003. Had a flat tire (2006) on it while traveling. Thankfully I had the owner's manual & the little tire bag in the glove box. Completely stumped how to get the spare tire carrier to come down, I sat in the cab reading the tire change procedure. Now, that's an interesting way to stow a spare tire (which I had never experienced before) which requires that special adapter for the turn-down @ the license plate in the bumper. Having been raised in the Great White North I can appreciate how the road salt could accumulate and rust not only the spare wheel but also that spare tire carrier.
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Old April 11th, 2019, 06:45 AM
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Regarding my carburetor rebuild.

Originally Posted by Vintage Chief
I'm sure I'll find a couple things which might annoy me or need further attention
Success! I found a couple things which do annoy me and need further attention.

The rebuild was no issue - removal, disassembly, meticulous cleaning, reassembly & installation w/o a hitch.
1971 CS 350 sbo had no working choke - stove pipe tubing broken, rusted and inoperative - car was running very good (I did an R&R on the intake manifold gasket, rebuilt the distributor, R&R oil pump, etc.)
I have a Rochester Quad 7041251 (1971 4bbl 455 carburetor) installed on car - the correct carburetor should be a 7041250 (1971 4bbl 350) - Allan pointed this out centuries ago. There are some subtle differences in design between these carbs but no real biggies.
I set the dwell angle to 33* @ 1100 RPM per CSM (January, 2019)
I set the timing @ 12* BTDC per CSM (January, 2019)
I installed a new carburetor vacuum diaphragm pull-off.

I installed new ILT stove pipes & for the 1st time the carburetor has a functioning manual choke - with, I might add, vacuum now operational at the choke (which obviously it was not when there were no stove pipes connected to the choke).
Test drove - carburetor is smooth as silk, kick-down into secondaries is awesome, no hesitations anywhere.
The annoyance is the fast idle is set far too high & I can't seem to bring it down and adjust the choke correctly.
The fast idle indents and linkage move freely; yet, I'm not quite certain (at this point) the linkages of the fast idle are set (bent) correctly for when there is now vacuum being applied to a functioning choke (where previously there was no vacuum).
I did not change/adjust either the LH or RH A/F mixture needles.
I pulled vacuum numbers in January and the vacuum was outstanding (unfortunately I forgot to write them down).
So, yeah - success - I've found my annoyance. While I understand the operation of the Quadrajet, adjusting the choke has always (in many years past) been a meticulous annoyance to me.
I always tune vehicles in this sequence: Dwell>Timing>Carburetor and that isn't going to change.

With that said, I'm thinking my 1st sequence of adjustments should be:
(1) Run the A/F mixture needles all the way in (CW);
(2) Back both A/F mixture needles out to ~4 full turns (CCW);
(3) Start vehicle;
(4) Take vacuum reading (from manifold port) when the engine reaches normal operating temperature;
(3 Adjust A/F mixture needles to highest vacuum.

So, in my mind (in theory) the carburetor A/F mixture should be set to the highest manifold vacuum before moving further to make adjustments of the choke assembly.
I see no reason to double-check dwell & timing - they should be fine; and, car starts within one second of hitting the IGN.
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Old April 11th, 2019, 07:25 AM
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Good morning all,

No snow in the forecast here but cooler temps will prevail. As long as it's still plus temperatures I don't mind at all.

Jouni - Good luck on your elections. 17 parties running for power? WOW! Here in Canada we have only 3 real contenders but most people choose between the other 2. One is soft (liberals) and the other is more toe the line principles (conservative). The current Liberal gov't has screwed us royally and given Canada a bad name overall so I think they're on their way out. That happens in Oct which seems to be forever away. Locally our province is electing a new gubment in just 5 days. That's the hope anyway. Right now the socialists have a majority gubment and rules with a tyranny that would make Joseph Stalin proud. Hey! Guess what? Curling starts today - again!! Woo hoo!!! And it should be a great day because Edin and Koe go at it in a rematch of the Gold medal game played Sunday. GSOC (Grand Slam of Curling) Players Championship = Event 6 of 7 goes to the end of Sunday. My favorite - Niklas went straight into this after winning the WMCC on Sunday. If you're interested: Players Championship Standings

Dan - I bought an Acer. I was on the fence about what brand to buy too. I'd had HP products in the past and the one that gave up the ghost was 12 years old when it died. Like your puter it would need to run a restore program fairly often when it booted and would take up to 5 minutes to be work ready. This new Acer is fast. It boots in less than 30 seconds and ready for work. A friend who is a tech geek recommended the product line and said that Acer is no worse than other brands offering "generic" puters to the population. Admittedly I was also influenced by the price. It was $970 but marked down to $700. Been working flawlessly for the past year. This puter is also very quiet. I use a wireless mouse, keyboard and printer as peripherals and it's really nice not to have all those cords running around everywhere. Good luck with your decision.

Greg - Good to hear your Craftsman works well. Mine is a POS that needs maintenance like a spoiled millennium having a temper tantrum. Mostly it's the autochoke that's bad and I've replaced it once and had to clean and adjust it 2x. When Sears went to Kohler for their small engines that was the worst decision ever. Should have stayed with Honda or Briggs & Stratton.

Jim - Ya know how people are when they are in times of crisis. That doesn't make it easy for anyone who they deal with even though there's a lot of emotional baggage in the loop. Good luck with that guy. Hope your opening and closing company knows this isn't you pulling the strings. That's pretty strong language for this thread isn't it?
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Old April 11th, 2019, 09:11 AM
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I suspect everyone is having better day than Julian Assange
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Old April 11th, 2019, 09:23 AM
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Jim - Ya know how people are when they are in times of crisis. That doesn't make it easy for anyone who they deal with even though there's a lot of emotional baggage in the loop. Good luck with that guy. Hope your opening and closing company knows this isn't you pulling the strings. That's pretty strong language for this thread isn't it?[/QUOTE]

Actually I redacted alot of it.

Allan, I deal with people kn this situation daily, there's a BIG difference between the way this dude handled himself and most others in a confused state of grief.
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Old April 11th, 2019, 09:43 AM
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Greg, we ended up with about 1", so they really backed off from what they thought initially. We have had 59 mph wind gusts though just to keep it interesting. Unfortunately that system hit S.Dakota an Minnesota, as they really got hit hard. It went Northeast instead of east, so we lucked out. Jouni, It's a white trash TV program with a lot of hype & B.S. Dell is still well rated as far as computers go, but I will look around a bit first.
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Old April 11th, 2019, 12:00 PM
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Old April 11th, 2019, 12:23 PM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful out. It was over 70 in the house this morning and I knew it would be warm today so I turned on the AC. I told Tiger if it was over 80 inside I'd turn on the air. Well, it's 81 out now but the house is a cool 71. The thermostat isn't the most accurate. So I adjusted it a little, but opened the back door so it should stay nice in here and the AC not come on. I usually keep it set around 79 or 80.

Jamesbo now I'm really confused. It was in fact the bereaved making all this trouble? Not the undertaker? The undertaker should have known better. One has to wonder what Mom would have thought of all this.

I have a Dell laptop I use at home and for the past couple years it's done okay. The best computer I've ever had was in the beginning, some little shop that assembled it from various parts and I used dial up. Sure it was slow, but that one was the most reliable of any of them since. This was somewhere around 97-98.

Norm I got real good at rebuilding Rochester 1 barrels. I had a Corvair that had four of them. I also rebuilt the Rochester 2-Jet in my green Oldsmobile a couple times, but I don't do Quadrajet.

Chiropractor today and a couple errands, then Friday tomorrow. It's been a quick short week. Never have heard back from the Deuce guy. I'd like to have my truck back but I think I'll hold off calling him. He's a great guy and excellent mechanic but it irks me that he's stretched out a two week job to over a month, and hasn't been forthcoming with the info.

Well have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old April 11th, 2019, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Norm I got real good at rebuilding Rochester 1 barrels. I had a Corvair that had four of them. I also rebuilt the Rochester 2-Jet in my green Oldsmobile a couple times, but I don't do Quadrajet.
Mike- Check out the image in this thread>>>
Speculation it may be from a Corvair - I don't know.
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Old April 11th, 2019, 04:23 PM
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I wouldn't rule out a Corvair application, but the only center mount carb adapter I've ever seen is for the 140, which is the 4 one barrels. That would necessitate two outlets in the back as well.
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Old April 11th, 2019, 04:36 PM
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Success. Removed the choke housing, examined where I had it set. The Rich/Lean scribe on the choke housing is nearly illegible from 48 years of usage. I actually had it set FAR too lean when I installed the choke last night. Applied a fine line of Ivory Cream paint w/ a brush from my Indian motorcycle touch-up paint to the scribe position. Adjusted carburetor choke plate to a position of ~1/4"-1/8" open (cold engine). Reinstalled choke cover housing w/ choke spring established at this position. Hooked up a T-Coupler & vacuum gauge into the AT modulator line from the intake manifold. Adjusted both A/F mixture needles to maximum vacuum. I was able to achieve 18.5" Hg. Adjusted fast idle cam. Adjusted slow idle set screw. Adjusted accelerator linkage diaphragm pull-off thing-a-ma-bob. Took for test drive. Absolutely screams. Cruising @ 65mph I punched it & the secondaries screamed opening up until I backed off @ 95mph w/ plenty more overhead remaining. I don't plan to ever 'get-on' this vehicle as I did in my youth. I know all too well how 'getting-it-on' works on rear ends, propeller shafts & timing chains. None-the-less, very impressive for a 2.56 cruising rear end.

I'll have to admit though, the front-end of this car is NOT tight AT ALL. I believe I found next winters project - steering box, suspension & control arms.

Additionally, as I spent about 15-20 minutes adjusting the choke & A/F mixture needles, the coolant boiled over and out of the discharge line onto the floor. This has occurred several times on this vehicle. I have a brand new temperature (idiot light) sensor, I've replaced the thermostat twice (originally w/ a 195* then back down to a 180*). The fan turns just fine, the water pump gasket looks nearly brand new, I can feel pressure in the radiator line coming off the thermostat but IMO, I don't feel the pressure in this radiator line as I would expect there to be when the engine reaches temperature; so, I'm suspecting I may need to service this radiator. It only appears to boil over when idling for extended periods and not when cruising.

Never a dull moment. One battle at a time.

Last edited by Vintage Chief; April 11th, 2019 at 04:40 PM.
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Old April 11th, 2019, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
I wouldn't rule out a Corvair application, but the only center mount carb adapter I've ever seen is for the 140, which is the 4 one barrels. That would necessitate two outlets in the back as well.
Agree- I kinda researched what others were considering and found the type center mount carb adapter you're referring to & indeed they had two additional outlets in the back. Just thought I'd share it w/ you.
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Old April 12th, 2019, 03:41 AM
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Headed norte

Norm, I don't see your name on the leader board at Augusta, Quit messing with carbs and get the little white ball in the hole

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 12th, 2019, 03:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Norm, I don't see your name on the leader board at Augusta, Quit messing with carbs and get the little white ball in the hole
Just under Ángel Cabrera
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Old April 12th, 2019, 04:42 AM
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Goooooooooooooooooooood afternoon

Praise the lord, at monday BACK TO WORK!!!!! WOHOOOOOOO!!!!! Im already full of family-life Reason to celebrate for sure; ribs to grill, warm up sauna and take few beers…..

Did i hype enough?

Vintage chief - Nice to hear you got your carb sorted out. Always something left to do.. Like front-end next

Allan R - Forget the curling, theres F1 race this weekend Yeah, actually news from Canada has reached even here, havent read too through-oughtly, but ive been left with the impression that Trudeau is in for deep s**t..?

1969w3155 - Watched like 5 minutes of that Jerry Springer.. Not kinda my kind of stuff

Okay. have a magnifient weekend everyone! Even sun is shining now
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Old April 12th, 2019, 06:01 AM
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Norm, Maybe your radiator cap isn't holding pressure? I remember back in the 80's I had a 70's Olds that had a hole in the radiator. I had it repaired at a radiator shop and the guy gave me a brand new 7lb cap to use. He said that will be safer with the weaker/older radiator. The car would blow out the coolant to the point I thought it had a blown head gasket. I put the 15 lb cap back on and all was fine. Those Olds engines need the pressure.
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Old April 12th, 2019, 08:40 AM
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1969w3155 - Watched like 5 minutes of that Jerry Springer.. Not kinda my kind of stuff
Not mine either. Well, at least the sun is out, that is until the next round of rain hits. I guess that it is safe to put sta-bil in the snow blower tomorrow, and crank up the lawn mower.
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Old April 12th, 2019, 10:26 AM
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Hi everyone.

Just got in from the Awful house. Wasn't busy and had a good time talking. Got out of work right at noon. Busy morning but not bad. Lead says there will be lots to talk about on Monday, some policy changes, procedure changes, that sort of thing. I can hardly wait.

Nice out, ran into some rain just as I was getting to the airport this morning. It wasn't supposed to rain until Sunday, so I didn't know where that came from. Now they are saying rain off and on all weekend. Doesn't look like it rained here, but I have lots to do outside this weekend. Eh, you know how that goes.

Speaking of radiator caps, I always seem to get into an argument with the parts guy when I'm trying to buy one. If you hold the cap up with the spring going down, the little metal disc at the very bottom is not supposed to be loose, it's supposed to sit tight up against the rubber. I've seen very few that were correct. Not sure what happens when the disc is loose, but since I know it's wrong I won't buy it.

Well, time to get something done. I bought a powered post hole digger, maybe I'll fire that thing up and try it out. I'll have fence posts everywhere. Hope everyone has a good afternoon.
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Old April 12th, 2019, 11:40 AM
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Finally Friday,

Not much new here.

Dan - JS is kind of a crap shoot isn't it? I was surprised that 'she' said I'm a man. I thought it would be better if she said " I IS a man"

Jouni - Forget about it? Are you nuts? That would be like saying forget about F1.

Mike - Why would you buy one instead of just renting it from a tool rental company?

Norm - Front end work? You'll love it depending on how much you want to do. Be sure to replace that rubber fuel line that runs through the front frame.

Time for the trip to Costco. Anyone else notice the gas prices have already gone up in advance of the long weekend?
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Old April 12th, 2019, 06:38 PM
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Got some mowing done today. Would have finished but the mower pissed me off. It has a lame plastic chute that clips under a spring-held cover, and it falls off repeatedly. My cheep mower from Walmart did that, so when I got a new one I paid up for a nicer one, a Troy Bilt, and it has the same thing. I'm going to bolt the two pieces together so it doesn't come off again. I'm also going to email Troy Bilt and tell them how disappointed I am that their premium priced mower has the same POS side chute as the cheapies. They won't care but I have to do it.

Allan I have a lot of use for a hole digger. I actually went to the rent-all place and the guy said yes he had one, but it was a piece of junk and wouldn't go through the soil that we have around here. There are a couple places around here I want to put up fencing, and a couple places at the shop, and I also want to take it to Florida for some fencing at my Mom's house.

When I worked at O'Hare we'd see Springer in the terminal all the time. He's from Cincinnati and he'd fly back and forth. Not real exciting for me, I don't watch him. We'd also see Evander Holyfield once in a while, flying back to Atlanta. And also Jesse Jackson, yawn. I flew on the same United Express plane as Willard Scott one time, from Chicago to Moline. He was trying his best to be incognito until some kid recognized him and yapped the whole trip. He was very gracious and talked with the kid and his parents, but as soon as the plane landed he high-tailed it off the plane and to the limo counter and was off to wherever.

Okay! Gonna hit the sack soon. Maybe sleep in tomorrow and go to Awful house at my leisure. If it doesn't rain tomorrow there's plenty to do outside. Have a good night everyone.
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Old April 12th, 2019, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Greg Rogers
Norm, Maybe your radiator cap isn't holding pressure? I remember back in the 80's I had a 70's Olds that had a hole in the radiator. I had it repaired at a radiator shop and the guy gave me a brand new 7lb cap to use. He said that will be safer with the weaker/older radiator. The car would blow out the coolant to the point I thought it had a blown head gasket. I put the 15 lb cap back on and all was fine. Those Olds engines need the pressure.
Hmmm? I'll have to consider this option. I'm not completely certain I'm following you - although it's late & I just updated my BIOS, Chipset, SATA RAID controllers, and I'm onto the Audio Drivers & USB drivers on my PC - so, I'm a bit bonked right now.

(1) Ya know, I have not been able to figure out on this 1971 Cutlass just where in the world the 'fill' mark is located on the radiator - is there even a 'fill' mark located somewhere. I believe the CSM refers to one but I sure haven't found it.
(2) The radiator cap isn't holding pressure? So, if the radiator cap wasn't holding pressure, it might allow coolant to escape out the overflow hose line? I don't have a hole in the radiator, at least not an external hole I can visualize and see coolant discharge. You think there may be a hole in one of the internal coolant tube lines? I'll take a look at the pressure rating of the current radiator cap tomorrow and see what it is rated. You're thinking if I have a lower pressure radiator cap (say 7lb), the radiator isn't capable of holding pressure any greater than 7lb and it will overflow if it exceeds 7lb? But, there may be the chance if I do have a say 7lb radiator cap, and I increase the radiator cap to 15lb the radiator might not overflow? I'll look in my CSM to see what the radiator cap is supposed to be rated. Thanks.

Last edited by Vintage Chief; April 12th, 2019 at 07:32 PM. Reason: sp
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Old April 12th, 2019, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Speaking of radiator caps, I always seem to get into an argument with the parts guy when I'm trying to buy one. If you hold the cap up with the spring going down, the little metal disc at the very bottom is not supposed to be loose, it's supposed to sit tight up against the rubber. I've seen very few that were correct. Not sure what happens when the disc is loose, but since I know it's wrong I won't buy it.
Hmmm. I'll check the 'condition' of my radiator cap along w/ the pressure rating. Thanks.

Last edited by Vintage Chief; April 12th, 2019 at 07:34 PM. Reason: sp
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Old April 12th, 2019, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Allan R
Norm - Front end work? You'll love it depending on how much you want to do. Be sure to replace that rubber fuel line that runs through the front frame.
I replaced the front-end of my 72' 442 back in the day (1975) when I was in the USAF & when I used to seriously BEAT the daylights out of vehicles. It was the first time I actually used a coil spring compressor and I was let's say 'scared shitless' during the entire time I was compressing the coils and while just looking at those 'bombs' laying on the concrete floor after they were both removed from the front-end. The rest of the front-end isn't so bad except, in particular, I think the steering box can be a PITA sometimes as I recall. I'll have to do more research to ensure I purchase the correct one to drop-in. I've read several threads on CO to gain some familiarity with the various brands, ratios, settings etc. The rest of it is basic nuts, bolts & washers, presses, etc. to change out the control arms, and assorted linkages.

I'm not certain which rubber fuel line you're referring to and whether I need to replace it. I 'think' I might know which one you're referring to though. I noticed after my purchase there was a wafting of fuel and not-so-good gas mileage from the vehicle. So, my first floor creeper expedition while on jack stands was to examine fuel lines. The rubber fuel line which came from (I believe) the inside of the frame on the passenger side running towards the rear hooks up into the stainless steel fuel line somewhere right behind the wheel assembly (as I recall). The end of that rubber fuel line was deteriorated and had some cracks in it where it coupled to the stainless steel fuel line inside the frame. I replaced that area of the rubber fuel line and it solved that issue. Is that the rubber fuel line you're referring to? I believe it runs from the coupling where it meets the stainless steel, then through the frame and up into the fuel pump? I'll need to look again to follow you on this.

Last edited by Vintage Chief; April 12th, 2019 at 07:35 PM. Reason: sp
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Old April 12th, 2019, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Greg Rogers
I put the 15 lb cap back on and all was fine. Those Olds engines need the pressure.
Greg- Alright, I figured out what you were saying - it's late, I'm zonked. I went out to the car, the radiator cap is rated @ 15lb. The radiator cap looks to be in good condition, but without a method to test the pressure of the spring itself, I can't say with certainty the cap is functioning correctly @ 15lb. It's a pretty simple task to grab a new radiator cap though which I'll do.

I drained the radiator after I purchased the car last year in July. I don't see any leaks anywhere. I wouldn't say I 'flushed' the system, but from what I visualized in the antifreeze coolant as I drained the system, I didn't see sludge, particulates, debris etc. This of course does not mean there is a blockage in one or two of the core lines in the radiator though. Also, I didn't specifically test the coolant solution w/ my hydrometer to ensure it was rated at least -20*F. When I refilled after draining the system, I simply refilled w/ a 50%:50% antifreeze:water solution.

I'll drain, do a thorough flush, refill, test solution w/ my hydrometer for a minimum of -20*F, and install a new 15lb radiator cap to see what that buys me. If after this, I'm still getting any boiling over I'll perform a pressure test on the cooling system.
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Old April 13th, 2019, 12:31 AM
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Norm, the fill line on your radiator should be about 2" below the fill neck. Some have "fill" embossed on them.
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Old April 13th, 2019, 12:46 AM
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Morning guys.

What a thrilling qualifying at F1, and Bottas to the pole! :Cool:
New York times had article about our elections. They didnt do their homework. Assumptions and words taken out of context.
So yesterday i was looong at sauna, drinked few beers too much(?), watched movie and ate godly pork ribs. Today again
Today some house-work before that.

See you later, have a day all.
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Old April 13th, 2019, 06:07 AM
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Yep, that's what I meant, Norm. I may be completely off base- just a possibility. You can take the cap to a radiator shop and I'll bet they will check it for you, probably free. If you want originality you may want to keep it. My 71 Cutlass (recently- as a classic old car) only got hot 2 times, once when my wife left it idling and walked away from it at a parade setup ( how embarrassing), and once inching in a traffic jam. I found the clutch fan wasn't operating properly- basically it just freewheeled. I replaced it with a new one from the parts store and never got hot again. I also replaced the one on the 70 Vista I had. But then both cars have so much roar from the fan until it releases. I will put up with it but you sure can hear me coming! I had the radiator recored a few years ago also- that wasn't cheap!
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Old April 13th, 2019, 07:17 AM
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Good morning everyone.

A little early to the Awful house and it wasn't crowded at all. There were a couple dumbass people at the high counter that screwed everything up.

Norm if you're losing antifreeze and it's not leaking on the ground, it's either going into the engine or the transmission. Neither one is optimal. You can always put the cap on the first click only and it won't build any pressure, but then you have to keep an eye on the temp.

I was supposed to go look at a Mustang today, but after a week of the guy blowing me off he said he's going to keep it, and maybe sell it in a month. Sure I said. Let me know. I'm not having luck finding a convertible at all. I'm supposed to go look at two Metropolitans tomorrow, one a convertible and both projects, but I may pass. I want a car I can drive now and not work on forever and not drive, I got enough of them. I may just stick to looking for an Imperial. Those don't seem to grow on trees, either.

Well whatever I need to do outside I'll be dodging the rain. Eh, plenty to do inside as well. I do need to check out the shop and see what's going on there. Nothing I hope. Have a good day everyone.
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Old April 13th, 2019, 04:00 PM
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Dan- Cannot find a fill mark line on the radiator. Radiator is most likely aftermarket non-OE. I understand where 2" below the neck is located & I'll use that as the reference point. Thanks.
Mike- I've only had a couple boil overs resulting in loss of coolant via the overflow drain tube (onto the ground).
Greg- Thanks for mentioning the radiator cap. What seems like an insignificant part, is in reality not insignificant at all & because you mentioned it I'm glad I moved towards that line of reasoning first.

I purchased a new 16lb radiator cap this morning (before playing golf). I examined the radiator cap. The small, I believe what it's called is the pressure/vacuum valve (stem) which is at the very bottom of the radiator cap and protrudes up into the center of radiator cap large pressure spring was non-functional. It was hanging w/ no pressure on it whatsoever. I examined the new radiator cap before leaving the auto part store and that small pressure/vacuum valve (stem) does have the slightest amount of movement under pressure associated w/ it - much like a 'plunger' if you will. In any case, I examined the radiator w/ more detail inside & out - and, the external cooling fins are in excellent condition, the internal cooling cores look like they're in excellent condition, as well. Several months ago I left the cap off and waited for the engine to reach a running temperature and could visualize excellent coolant flow internally. While the engine is cold the coolant remained at the top, until when the engine warmed up to running temperature (at idle in park) & the coolant lowered to ~1/2 it's normal volume (4 gallons) w/ great coolant flow. I believe this is normal as the coolant only moves into the engine coolant passages when the engine reaches a certain temperature (which I believe is determined by the thermostat if I'm correct). So, w/ a 180*F thermostat I wouldn't expect coolant to leave the radiator until 180*F is achieved.

Thanks everyone. I may have found the $6.00 (radiator cap) issue - fingers crossed. The amount of coolant which boiled over yesterday while adjusting the carburetor I would estimate as about one quart (+/- a pint). I filled the radiator to 2" below the neck this morning and it took ~ the exact same amount. I suspect if there was a coolant reservoir on the car it may have been able to siphon under vacuum that same amount back into the radiator from an overflow coolant reservoir.
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Old April 13th, 2019, 07:11 PM
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Ah good evening. Been a busy day. Went to the shop and moved a few things around, went to Walmart, went to Lowes, worked on the house a little, painted some things outside. My phone has an app that turned itself on that tells me how far I walk each day. Today was 3.88 miles. Amazing.

Remember when I flew to Vermont and bought that truck and little car and drove all the way home, and the truck broke down and it cost me 1300 bucks to get it fixed, before it actually killed me? I just found all my emails to that guy, and I think I still have a year left that I can sue him. I'm thinking about doing that. It isn't the money that is driving me to this now, it's the principal of it. The only thing is I'd have to fly back up to Vermont and the little burg he's in the airport only takes these little single engine planes, and I was scared to death flying in there before. Luckily I was too scared to talk so I didn't tell anyone.

I think I am going to go look at those Mets tomorrow. The guy assures me they are road ready, that they only need tires and a battery. Tires for that car are about 30 bucks. Don't know if I should take Tiger. He doesn't ride real well in the pickup, because the seat belt sticks up right where he lays, and he can't get comfortable. I wish the dogmobile had a little more oomph, I'd take it and a tow dolly. Not sure a Met would fit on a tow dolly.

Okay gonna hit the sack here in a little bit. Hope everyone had a good day and has a better tomorrow.
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Old April 13th, 2019, 11:48 PM
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Good Morning everyone.

Last day before work starts; magnifient. Only thing im really disappointed is our machineries; i left my heads to headguy October... November? if i remember correctly. Not ready.
I left all the last pieces to balance the engine month ago. Not ready. I had 4 month vacation with all the time in my hands to build the engine. Now if i get them before christmas from machineries, i have only weekends time to build it, with pipe-work, yard-work and child borning. Couldnt be fore dissatisfied with them. Better be good balancing and heads………...

Greg Rogers - Heh, od RWD Volvo's sounded like a windmill coming too, when the fan was turning.

slantflat - Whats the whole story on the pickup? Cant remember. Is it that bad?

Okay.. Wifey left to some happening with her friends, im alone with the little guy. Soo ill go watch after that little destroyer, have a day all!
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Old April 14th, 2019, 08:26 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Rain. That's nothing compared to tornado's and all that. Not going to see those cars in the rain, I'll go another time. The guy didn't want to show me them in the rain anyway.

The deal with the truck was I wanted to buy a car in Vermont, so the plan was to buy a truck as well and haul the car home on a Uhaul trailer. The seller of the truck said it just had a bunch of service done and it should make the trip with no problems. Turns out the truck had been in a flood. The rear brakes were rusted clean off the backing plate, the frame was so rusted the gas tank was barely hanging on, it had electrical problems, and the fuel pump decided to give it up about 100 miles into my trip. When I was finally able to stop in New Jersey, the shop that I took it to said the truck was downright dangerous. And when I got home I saw copper tubing used for brake lines. It's been sitting for three years and now I can't even get into it, the locks have rusted and the key won't go in.

Plenty of irritating people at the Awful house today. To go order people taking up space at the counter. People sending their food back multiple times. And the best one when I was sitting giving Tiger his hamburger, this guy comes running out to the car next to me(it was pouring down rain) and slams his door into the side of my car. He just jumps in and takes off. The manager is going to hear about this one. He isn't going to do anything about it but I'll tell him I'm going to stop coming in until I've saved that much money to get my car fixed. He'll have a fit.

Well, inside stuff today. It's really raining out. Early to bed tonight so I can get up for overtime tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good day. Glenn hope the tornado's weren't close to you.
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