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Old January 6th, 2018, 06:48 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Well look at me. Home and in bed by 230. That almost makes up for the crap week I had. Tiger was surprised to see me so early, but I didn't hear him complaining.

Jamesbo I've never been to Biltmore, though I'd love to go. John has suggested it several times but it would require more time than I've been able to give. After seeing his pictures I'm not sure I'd be happy with the place, I'd want to see all of it and he hasn't seen all of it yet and he's gone 27 times. Perhaps his infatuation with the place is because he was a Vanderbilt in a past life and lived there. I think he'd scowl at that.

So Allan where would that put me? I'm a good neighbor but my yard looks like $hit. That's by design. It's been long enough that I've heard from the ***** on the one side that I might actually start cleaning up the place this summer. I'm tired of this mess, too, but I believe I've made my point.

Not quite as cold today but still rivals a well digger's heal. There's ice on the lake now which we don't see very often. I'm still partial to my old worn out V8s, but these new cars sure start better in this weather and warm up faster.

Okay Awful house and then I don't know what. Have a good day everyone.
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Old January 6th, 2018, 06:49 AM
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London that looks funny. You say good afternoon and then ten minutes later I say good morning. Good luck with your fence. Don't get over heated in those high temps!
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Old January 6th, 2018, 10:53 AM
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IDK Mike, I'm not your neighbor. I'm sure if you have issues with him you'd say or do something. Your property, your decision. I don't speak with my neighbor about his yard cuz there's no point. In the past he used to have a property maintenance company tidy the yard regularly. Then he decided it was too expensive and he could do it himself cheaper. What a joke. He couldn't even get his lawnmower started. He asked me to help, and it was quickly evident that all the required elements of gas, spark and air were ther. A quick carb rebuild solved the problem and it fired on the first pull. What I said was based strictly on observation. At the end of the season though he did in passing apologize for the mess it had been in all year and then he cleaned it up. Took 2 full 5 ton truck loads to the dump.
Be careful when you decide to tackle the yard. Hopefully there's no Mr. No Shoulders lurking there that could hurt you or Tiger.
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Old January 7th, 2018, 12:05 AM
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Good Morning.

Oooh im so excited, talked with the seller and heard interesting tale. Truly an piece of art/ history! You guys gotta wait to the end of the month to know what im raving about!

Finally it went to freezing temps and snowed more. So its not grey and rainy anymore, now its white and refreshing ( ) outside.

Originally Posted by LondonCutlass
Not much happening today apart from football (with a round ball)

Have a nice sunday everyone!
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Old January 7th, 2018, 03:53 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan, No sir, I worked on Friday. There's no taking time off when there is no one to fill in for me. I'm the head babysitter. Be glad I'm not next door. Even I'm sick of looking at the stuff in the front yard and the house being all tore up.

Mike, I'm making the house look worse at this point, but they say you gotta break some eggs to make an omelette. I'm replacing the upper trim along the gables. and the Previous roofers had the roof decking overhang the trim in spots and had it flush in others. the tin trim pieces covered it up ok, but now that I'm putting these new trim boards up, I need to have it right or it will be very noticeable. that means I can't install them until right before the new roof goes on since I'll have to pull up the shingles to cut the decking flush. Ugh.

London, enjoy the nice weather and I agree I'm glad I'm not dealing with the cold they are seeing out east.

Inline, If you could promise me temps like that year round, I'd be all up for that. What perfect riding weather.

The missus moved the chickens into the horse trailer for a bit. We have to try to thin the rat population out by the coop. Smart little buggars. But she has put on a full assault. Coke, alkaselzter, peanut butter, anchovie paste, and on and on and on.

Welp, Gotta go feed the mules.
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Old January 7th, 2018, 05:16 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Well, supposed to be out of the 30s today. I hope it hurries. The lake is pretty much all frozen over. Though I wouldn't go walking out on the ice. We must have thin water here, it isn't -that- cold.

Clint the difference is your mess is temporary, and mine's been this way for years. Eh, this neighborhood has bigger problems than my stuff sitting around.

Went to Summit to get a new gas tank for the Chev yesterday. I had no idea there were so many tanks for a 57 Chevy. The original one was in decent shape when I pulled it out, oh, maybe a couple years ago, but it was scaly inside. I did the acetone and chain routine, but couldn't get it real clean. Then I bought some sealer and when I actually read the directions there was way more to it than I was willing to put forth. Well, after looking at tanks that cost north of $1100 I said this is stupid I'm just going to put the old one back in and carry around spare fuel filters. Went to get the old tank and it had rusted a big hole in one of the corners. So off to Summit to get a $91 Dorman. They didn't have it so they'll ship it to me next week.

Today the big plans are to go to the shop and jump off the Cadillac. I need to get rid of that guy, it's just going to sit forever. I suppose I could pull the trans out and put it in something, but then I'd be left with a big blue yard ornament. Those big girls aren't worth squat these days, too bad it's a nice driving car.

Okay off to Awful house. Good Sunday to you all.
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Old January 7th, 2018, 06:58 AM
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I wish it would hurry up and warm up but they're calling for rain/snow/ice on Monday

My place too is a mess cause I jes can't keep up with falling limbs/trees etc

I think I'll jes call it 'natural"

GTG funeral soon

Have a great day Olds freiends
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Old January 7th, 2018, 09:53 AM
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Well I decided not to start up the Cadillac but I do have a conundrum. It needs an alternator and a power steering pump. The pump is 45 which is doable, if not a pain to change, but the alternator is 100! The cheepest one I found was a poorly remanufactured one for 87. That car isn't worth 1000 and I sure hate to spend 10% of its value just on the alternator. Pulling the trans out doesn't sound like such a bad idea now.

I did run a couple errands and stopped by Publix. Guess what I found. Durkee's famouos sandwich spread. So Dan PM me your address and I'll send you a bottle of it. Can't wait to make a sandwich with it. Anyone else want some?

Slept really well last night. Went to bed around 1030 and got up at 7. Imagine being able to do that every night.

Was supposed to get over 40 today but I don't think it will. I guess I'll putter around here the rest of the afternoon.

Okay see ya.
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Old January 7th, 2018, 10:44 AM
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Hasn't been near 20° in a couple of weeks around here, single digits for the last few days but, we are supposed to hit the low forties at the end of this week, that's good and bad, good that it will be warmer and easier on the furnace, but bad due to the fact that we have a couple of feet of snow on the ground, and when it melts, it will be a mess. Rain and plummeting temps to follow. Jeesh Mike, that's nice of you!
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Old January 8th, 2018, 04:16 AM
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Good morning everyone,

I had a post all ready to go yesterday and was about to hit send when the dang iPad crashed. Didn't feel like re typing everything.

Took the Malibu and sonata in to the local splash n dash. I didn't do as good a job as I thought on the Malibu so I'll take it back today and get everything clean and proper.

Clint, I'd have no problem with you being a neighbor. I don't even mind the animals. Only thing I don't want is the rats. Where I live it's rat free and the worst I've seen is an over fed mouse from time to time. Have fun with that trim, too bad you have to wait for the roofing to get at it.

Jim, I hope the forecast was wrong and it gets warmer for ya.

Dan, we got a reprieve from that nasty cold for awhile but it's coming back on Wednesday according to the forecast. Oh yay.....

Jouni, freezing temps and new snow? Even better to sauna and drink beer. Do you think that's part of the secret to long life? I keep hearing about how Scandinavia people live longer. Now I think it's more because they stay refrigerated all their lives. Except for the sauna time of course.

Mike, think Kenny Rogers. The gambler.

Having lunch with Adrian and his family today. I'm looking forward to meeting him.

Have a good day everyone.
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Old January 8th, 2018, 06:00 AM
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it's 30 degrees and feels like 65

Mike, Ya ever think it might be time to thin the herd?

Speaking of crap laying around. the way to get the Super model to clean house is wait for the day the maid is gonna show up. I can beg, bitch, scream, cuss and it does no good. but she doesn't want the help to know she lives like Wilbur

Welp, With a VERY slight chance of ice, The pres coming to town and the two SEC schools playing for the odd shaped football championship The idiots have closed down the school. Only this time instead of going to buy bread and milk, everyone is going to watch the game.

FWIW, I went to a school [Emory] that didn't have a football team at all. We used to say it's the only school in the south that the coach only had to show the basketball players the play ONE time. [Meaning they weren't as stupid as most varsity jocks that major in basket weaving 101]

BTW, A gay guy in Alabama is a guy that likes girls better than football

GTG get my ears lowered

Have a Great day Olds friends
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Old January 8th, 2018, 06:13 AM
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Refreshing outside Heated the fireplace, just for the sake of doing something.
Also received Adrian Newey's - How to build a car-book today. Really interesting, i must say. Just needs complet quietness to read it, since its written in english, i need to focus fully to it to understand everything. Hm, i remember when my english teacher hated me, told i wont never learn english. Well, maybe not if it would have been forced, but due to interests it went another way around.

Allan R - I havent even heard before that were thought to live long life
Not atleast on my profession

Jamesbo - Almost same story here. If i want the house cleaned Super clean, i just call friend/ relative to visit, and tell about it to my wife beforehand. Then its squeaky clean I must confess, ive done it maybe twice on purpose..

Okay, have a nice monday everyone. Im heading now to heat sauna->
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Old January 8th, 2018, 08:14 AM
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So, I decided to clean the walkway leading up to the front door yesterday, mind you it was pretty snow free, but I thought that I could go wider and really clean it up with the snowblower. So, I just went to widen it maybe another six inches where snow was piled up from cleaning the roof, and....clanggrind %$$#@. Well I found that landscaping rock that was there, bent up my auger, and it'll have to go to the shop to get repaired $$. I can see a picture of the previous owners gazing around the yard years ago..."Honey, don't you think that we should put boulders along the sidewalk, cuz it would look sooo pretty?" Grass, just plant grass!!, ya don't need fancy smancy rocks for a future homeowner to find with his snowblower!! &%$#! Rant done.
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Old January 8th, 2018, 08:15 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Well a sauna my house is not. Wondered why Tiger was all snuggled in this morning and it's because IT'S 55* IN THE HOUSE. AGAIN. I got two weeks out of the furnace repair, not even. I'm starting to think my furnace has about had it.

No ice or snow or rain over here. And it's even above freezing(not by much). I think the bad weather call was a ploy. If it continues along these lines I'm going to the junkyard.

Jamesbo I do want to get rid of that car but no one will buy it. I had it advertised for 1500, before those parts went TU, and nothing. I thought sure the brothers would want it to put hoopties on, nope.

Allan enjoy Adrian and his family today. I was not yet on the forum when he was down this way.

Okay gonna go do something. It's late so I suggested we not go to Awful house, but Tiger wouldn't hear of it. Have a good day everyone.
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Old January 8th, 2018, 11:44 AM
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Afternoon all. back at the grind today. Got some trim up and actually was just in a T shirt part of the time.

Well the rats have had a ball with all the goodies the wife has left out for them. The first night they cleaned up almost everything except the anchovie paste. But this morning mot much was touched. I'm hoping her generous dinner did a lot of them in. Her bowl full of peanut butter covered alkaselzer tablets was completely devoured and was a lot of the sugar, cornmeal and plaster of paris. Not sure how much coke and seltzer water they drank. Tonight we set all the snap trap they have been eating off of the past couple nights and see if we can put an end to this foolishness.

Have a day.
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Old January 9th, 2018, 04:54 AM
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Mornin all. See everyone is still sleeping in.

Have a day.
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Old January 9th, 2018, 05:08 AM
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Nah, just been lazy to write today. Been surfing the net for various car-related things.
Shouting out really far. Does anybody have any idea does someone have small-block experimental quad-weber IDA manifold? Any ideas? That would be really far-out shout at buying parts section aswell, i know...

Seems like s(*)ummit finally have my package almost delivered to me. Currently at denmark. Not bad, ordered 6th of dec.
Now im having a problem finding a machine shop willing to do it. Seems noones interested to get involved on fitting chevy rods to olds crank ( Olds rods being .937 wide and Chevys .940). Ill soon trash it and buy SBC, lol, few times this has come to my mind.

My heads too. I was buying alumnium heads, seller was willing to ship, we were just discussing about other related items, and then, nothing. So im once again with empty hands on heads too. Really gets my blood boiling, not first nor second time than im trying to buy something from US, and when its time to pay the seller disappears as ash to wind. And i have ZERO idea why

Oh well.. Otherwise lifes good Refreshing weather outside

CQR - Hope you got rid of those rats. Ive heard their annoying. Mouses too, lol. Friend has few, and his annoyed as hell to woke up midnight to hear mouse running inside his houses walls

Okay, have a day all.
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Old January 9th, 2018, 06:21 AM
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A little mist but much warmer

Inline, Your English is much better than most college "educated" [ and I use the term very loosely] football players.

Clint, I use those blue squares that come in a tub and I've actually had mice eat the plastic lid off the tub trying to get to the stuff [I'll have to look but I think it's Tom cat]

Allan, Please give my regards to Adrian and Tink

GTG busy busy busy as the SAD opioid epidemic continues

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 9th, 2018, 08:03 AM
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Happy birthday Mr. Bell!
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Old January 9th, 2018, 08:26 AM
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Bah, couldnt wait until i have my hands over it. Freight is just too slow now, since im all over the walls to get my hands to it

In short, i bought Olds experimental 4x IDA manifold.
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Old January 9th, 2018, 09:33 AM
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Old January 9th, 2018, 12:32 PM
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Evening all

Not much happening here, just busy working. I say busy, what I really mean is that I’ve had a day looking busy.

Off to my building site in the morning to inspect the concrete rafts that’s been put in then I’m going a few miles up the road to go to my storage unit to deposit some more rubbish that I will never use.

London weather report, gray and damp highs of 48, still waiting for the snow.
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Old January 9th, 2018, 03:04 PM
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Hi everyone.

Just sitting here doing some Amphicar stuff and thought I'd send a message early. It's a beautiful day out. Got into the 60s but I think back to 30 tonight. Gonna be nice all week.

I'd also like to wish Happy Birthday to a guy who has the same birthday as my ex girlfriend, and who is also better looking than she is.

London, visual progress is all that matters. To others. My Mom was telling me about her neighbor that put down some stuff called Forever Lawn. It's synthetic grass that sounds a lot like what you have. How's that holding up by the way?

Got the furnace fixed. Saw that the flame detector has a reset button on it and it had tripped. I suspect this is all the fix I needed last time, but the guy did come out on a moment's notice and took things apart and cleaned them. My question is why all of a sudden is this thing rolling back and tripping the sensor? I need advise from an expert and Scot hasn't been on the forum since November. Maybe I'll call him. At least Tiger won't freeze tonight.

Inline what goes on top of that manifold? You need two more so each cylinder has its own carb.

Well tis Monday. No clue what work has in store but I am going to look at my work email before I leave, it cuts down on surprises.

Have a good evening everyone.
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Old January 9th, 2018, 11:45 PM
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Good Morning.

Seems like today my wifes going to hospital to start birthing. 4 days overtime, his been waited. On top of that, after it i can go to garage Now ive been just waiting at home when she needs a drive.

Refreshing weather outside, snows slowly. As i was yesterday cursing getting parts for Oldsmobile, you can quess my reaction when it turned out that one guy has stress-plates for Oldsmobile at Finland! Maybe overkill for street engine, but im going overkill anyways at my build Btw, that book about Adrian Newey is really interesting, i highly recommend anyone with a bit of interest to read it. Yesterday i once again got lost to it.

LondonCutlass - Ever been at Man Island TT? Is it how big thing, considering its next to you? Since my friend is going to watch it at summer.

slantflat - It tops either 4x Weber IDA's, or throttle bodies. It is individual runner design, having 8 runners.

This picture is loaned from ROP, it surfaced on end of OCT. That is small-block version, which is the one i want.

Last edited by Inline; January 9th, 2018 at 11:56 PM.
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Old January 10th, 2018, 04:14 AM
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Mornin all.

Inline, thats real impressive looking. I assume between those short runners and the cam, it's not gonna have a real smooth idle.

Jamesbo, congrats on the anniversary of your Eviction day. Happy belated. She did use a little bit of the blue poison bars, but with all the potential pets in the hood we hate using something that could affect others. Seems they have moved to using a poison that attacks the central nervous system instead of causing them to bleed out. That why she really focused on the GI attack.

We were really disappointed not one snap trap was touched or any of the bait was eaten after Tues night. but we did find one dead stuck in the fence. It seems that maybe the CO2 did work, because we haven't seen any signs of rodents anywhere in or around the coop. We're hoping they all went back to wherever they live and died from a really bad case of gas.

Mike, glad to hear you and Tiger won't end up like Jack Torrance.

Have a Humpday all.
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Old January 10th, 2018, 05:22 AM
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Much warmer

Many thanks for the well wishes. It's truly a miracle I'm still vertical

Inline cool score, Now ya haveta decide a] dick around with new manifold b] take wife to hospital to download baby decisions, decisions

Mike, I've called Scot in the past and he's always been very helpful He really knows his HVAC stuff. Like I mentioned a while back. all my burner needed was a good cleaing with a wire brush to knock some of the rust/ crud o0ff

Clint, Have you ever tried rat poison on any of your wife's relatives. Jes curious

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old January 10th, 2018, 06:01 AM
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Wife was abandoned to hospital

Not really. Came home since nothing interesting wasnt happening, she was just going to try sleep. 15mins per way with car, so i get there pretty quickly if need aroses.

CQR - I bet too If i ever get small-block one, my car is geared so that on street driving it dont need to idle below 2000rpm. Also our first year under any kind of smog-compliance is for cars manufactured at 78', so i have pretty free hands
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Old January 10th, 2018, 12:39 PM
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Inline, nah, never been to the Isle of Man TT. I’m not allowed to be into mobile organ donors (bikes). The wife’s brother had a head on with a big rig on the curves of a mountain and didn’t live to tell the tale, so Ive been warned off of them.

Mike, my artificial grass is looking fantastic, it just stays the same all year round, so while the neighbours are walking around their patches of dirt, mine is always neat and tidy.

Inline, stick with Jamesbo’s option b or you’ll never hear the last of it.

Wife’s driving me mad at the moment, she’s watching loads of Mexican melodramas while I’m in bed trying to sleep, serves me right for getting Netflix in the bedroom.

Meteo de Londres, no cambio!
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Old January 10th, 2018, 03:55 PM
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Hi everyone.

Woke up with a headache and can't seem to shake it. That seems to be all too common these days. Wonder what I've changed in my routine to start this. I need to go for a physical anyway so I'll mention it when I'm there.

So Clint, my friends that live in Highlands Ranch drove to Chicago for Christmas. They said it was -4 and couldn't wait to get back to the warmth of Colorado.

Didn't do too bad at work last night. Out by 4, nothing big, just a bunch of minutia. I'd sure like to do something different. Ah, but I don't have the ***** to quit and start over.

Okay in I go. Hope everyone has a good evening. It's fairly warm here I like it.
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Old January 10th, 2018, 08:02 PM
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Uh, remainds too much working after being again almost 24h awake. Brrr, not yet work, please.

Anyways, today 11th at 3.55am we got an healthy boy
Wifes currently sleeping at hospital, and apparently the child too.
I came home to celebrate with one beer and to go sleep. When the day raises, maybe i have to visit hospital again? So i was ordered to do
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Old January 10th, 2018, 11:38 PM
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Jouni, May I be the first to say congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of your son. At least soon, you will have someone to hold your tools while working on your Olds!
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Old January 10th, 2018, 11:43 PM
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Congratulations Jouni !! You won't sleep again for about 18 years.
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Old January 11th, 2018, 02:39 AM
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Thank you both!

For not sleeping on 18 years, thank god at my workplace i have an option for bed, maybe i need to take it to use....
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Old January 11th, 2018, 02:49 AM
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Look what love the Father has for us.

May you all remain happy and healthy.
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Old January 11th, 2018, 04:17 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike, We get below zero temps, here but even so, -F here are much better than the -F temps of the midwest. Back when my daughter was a baby we visited relatives near Toledo in Feb. I took the missus to see one of the Great lakes. We took a pic on the bank of Lake Erie and it was blowing and -2F. We've not been back for Vaca in the winter since. Did I mention that the lady i made contact with who I thought was my Bio mother (Actually my Aunt) live in Highlands Ranch?

Inline Congrats. Glad it all worked without issue, hope both mom and child are recovering well.

London, I'd love to see IOM in person. They are completely crazy and on another level.

Jamesbo, No I haven't. I figure we have enough equipment around here we could just dig a big hole.

Have a day.
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Old January 11th, 2018, 09:24 AM
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Congrats Jouni, Your son and I can almost celebrate on the same day
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Old January 11th, 2018, 12:11 PM
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Hi everyone,
just time for a quick pit stop to see how everything is going.
Jim, belated Happy birthday, although I did hit ya on FB on yet special day.

Jouni, congratulations on Jouni Jr! Sounds like everything went well, and mom and son are doing well. Have you picked out a name? Hard to tell what is more exciting for you right now, the intake or your son...

I passed on greetings to Adrian from the group. He said he should try logging in sometime to join the conversation.

Have a great day all.
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Old January 11th, 2018, 12:43 PM
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Evening all.

Was a nice day. Woke up mid-day, went back to hospital, stayed there, then came home to celebrate Anyone quess how i celebrated? Yup, good beef, sauna and beer And good music to top it all.
And once again, thanks for everyone.

Jamesbo - When are you celebrating? Have i missed it

slantflat - thank you

Allan R - We have a name already, it was chosen before he born. Wife chose first name, i chose second, so i quess it was fair..? Son vs. Intake is hard decision

Hmm, quite happy at the moment. Maybe i should go read that book ive been telling every day, and take few beers? As i earlier told, i visited today at hospital shortly after i woke up, and stayed there few hours. Great times! Truly great times..
They told they can come home at sunday or monday, depending of babys condition. But they both feel well, and the baby dont even cry. Sad i cant tell him yet to just wait 20 years until real world hits your face

Last edited by Inline; January 11th, 2018 at 12:48 PM.
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Old January 11th, 2018, 03:53 PM
Always room for one more
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Hi everyone.

Been coolish all day today and overcast, and now it's raining. Yuck. It doesn't have to keep doing this on my account.

Did okay at work, though I got out right at 5. That was partly my fault, the lead kept asking for my paperwork and I was talking with a guy and wasn't doing it. Nice kid. I say kid he's almost 30. His family is far away and I don't think he has a lot of guidance.

Must have gotten a broken water main or the fire dept is out opening hydrants. The water in the house is rather brown. Hope it doesn't last long. Not even my Brita water filter can clear it. Yuck again.

Alright one more after this one. Gonna head in a little early. Hope everyone has a good evening.
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Old January 11th, 2018, 10:00 PM
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Snow is almost gone, in the 50's today, but it will be in the 20's tomorrow, so back to winter after the January thaw. Allan, I've been following Adrian on FB, I glad that they are enjoying their trip to Canada, and I am really surprised at how well that they are taking to the cold climate, such a difference from Australia.
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