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Old January 7th, 2012, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by citcapp
My wife is the baker in the family. I know she uses part cake flour and part white flour for her biscuits and they are great. She's gonna make some southern cats head biscuits. I see if she has anything else special.
I knew that Koreans ate dog as a delicacy, but I didn't know this about Americans....did you know this Adrian, "Norton"? I suppose northern cats are too fast.
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Old January 7th, 2012, 04:21 PM
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Naw, thar too salty from all the road salt once I runned over em up ere

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Old January 7th, 2012, 04:24 PM
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Happy grilling Ken!

Mike, My father used to go to Alaska and send back about 100# of Halibut every year. He got us a whole cookbook on Halibut from Homer, AK. one of our favorites is 'poor mans lobster'

Cut halibut into bite size pieces. in a large pot, boil 1 quart of water with salt/pepper and garlic salt to taste plus 1 cup of sugar. When water boils , add halibut, when fish comes back up to the top it's done. To eat: dip fish in melted butter and lemon juice.

Halibut au gratin

1 cup mayo 1/4 cup minced onions 2 cups grated cheddar cheese
2 lbs. halibut fillets salt & pepper to taste

Cut halibut in small pieces (dry with paper towels if it has been frozen). Mix mayo and onions. Salt and pepper fish to taste. spread mayo mixture in bottom of casserole dis; place halibut pieces (side by side). sprinkle cheese on top. Cover with foil bake in oven @350 degrees for 25 minutes. remove foil and bake for 5 minutes more or until cheese is melted.
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Old January 7th, 2012, 06:37 PM
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Evenin All!

Twas a lovely day here today! We had sun and 46 degrees or so. I cleaned the house, then went out and started Teepo and let her run about 35 minutes. I noticed a little coolant puddle on the engine right behind the thermostat housing when I checked her out before I started her.... I didn't like it! Don't know why it was there. I sopped it up with a paper towel. Didn't see anything leaking from the hose or anything? I'm not gonna worry about it at this point. It was 40 degrees in the garage when I went in. When I shut her off, it was up to 60 in there! She sure heats it up! She fired right up and idled away.

Larry is talking about putting a driveway out there this summer!!! What a wonderful thing that will be. I knew if I whined long enough....

Actually it's because he almost got stuck in the yard with the tractor when he had it out plowing during the snow storm - it tried to sink, lol. The yard is nothing but water and mud, and he made some pretty deep ruts out there. The ground hasn't froze yet. Teepo may not get out of the garage until June if it stays wet through the spring.

Guess we're gonna be around 35 degrees tomorrow. I went out and washed the windows in the front breezeway doors this afternoon. 40 little panes of glass, inside and out, so I guess I cleaned 80 panes, lol! I've never washed windows in January as far back as I can remember, lol. I filled up the birdfeeders too. It was just too nice to be inside.

Tomorrow I should probably go to Lins and get those drapes hung up and take her shopping. I'll see. The price of gas shot up again in the last couple days. One day it's $3.09, the next day up to $3.45 and higher!! No reason for it.

I like fish!! I like biscuits too, lol. My brother in Florida used to catch Snook in a net. That's a good fish from what I remember. White and flaky. I really liked it. We buy those Gorton fish fillets - I know, nothing like fresh - but they're good. I like the italian herbed and lemon butter. Larry likes the cajun blackened. I never heard of a cats head biscuit!

We had steaks on the grill for supper and I had my baked sweet tater. They were good. I ate way too much!

Jamesbo... surprise... Nicole texted me today, so I guess she isn't as mad as I thought she'd be. Maybe she figured out I'm right..... I'm still mad though. Poor Dave.

Well have a nice evening all!
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Old January 7th, 2012, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
I never heard of a cats head biscuits
Huh? Probably never heard of "titty bream" either I'll bet. Scot can splain.

Clint, Jes go to de stow, buy ya sum Campbell's chunky vegetable soup, cut de fish into chunks, ad sum Tabasco sauce, and toss de fish chunks into the veggie soup. I'll guaran-dam-teee ya it'll be great.

Scot, In honor of your wife, I'm a gonna give out my sardine and onion dip recipe tomorrow. Never did figger out why woman don't care fer "fishy fish"

We jes polished off anutter meat loaf, Yummy
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Old January 8th, 2012, 09:11 AM
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Cool Okay I'll start

Hello everyone. Happy Sunday. It's Elvis' birthday, uh uh huh!

After noon and no one here. Reminds me of the joke why Chicago is empty on Sunday.

So, I need some help. Some little peckerwood woodpeckers are destroying the side of my house. Anyone know of a good way to get rid of them? I mean, a -practical- way? I've already though about dynamite and flame throwers. I want to retain the house.

Cloudy today, feels warmish. It's only 60 but it's humid. I'll take it; it's better than cold. Might go rummage around in the garage today.

Thank you, thank you very much.

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Old January 8th, 2012, 10:35 AM
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Good morning all

Well it's still morning here on the left coast.

Good news about the driveway Sandy,

Cool but clear here might take the 57 to the Club meeting today. Get to say hi to the new president. I sure don't miss that job.

have a great Sunday all
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Old January 8th, 2012, 11:33 AM
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Rain'in and kinda warm but icky wet crap.

Pat, I did some 007 werk and found dis web site 'bout maken layered bisucits.

Sounds like a giant PITA to me. I'd be curious s to what your bride thinks 'bout it.

Clint, Whatcha do wit de fish?

Sandy, I'm glad Nicole has you back in de loop. One of des days, I'm gonna show you sum historic "Fails" dat come from us'in "auto correct' while tex'in. It should be de end of my destinguished career as Moderator.
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Old January 8th, 2012, 12:01 PM
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Does sound good Jamesbo. I was just postin a couple recipes for slantflat for the halibut he got. my dad hasn't been to AK for a few years. hes been dealin with a lawsuit for the last coupla years.
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Old January 8th, 2012, 03:04 PM
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Top o' the afternoon to ya'

Well, that new job haz me pretty busy during the week... nuttin' to do for 2 months; now I meet myself coming & going... feast or famine! Gloomy weather in Ponchatoula these days, but at least it's not cold... we're getting a little break... just no top-down driving in the Starfire (or anything else)... on & off rain for days, it seems....
But the good news is I completely finished the lift last week, and used it today (F-150). I really can't lift it hi off the ground, 'cause I didn't build the garage w/ high ceilings... but I can sit underneath it anyhowz... and I'll be able to get the cars higher than the truck, fer sure. It has one little hydraulic leak I will fix, and that's it.... works like a champ... and I had the thrill of doing it all my myself~!
If anybody's thinking of getting a four-poster, I can share my lessons learned, which are fairly extensive.... you pretty much become an expert in the assembly process.
Y'all pass a good week... I prolly won't be checking in much during the week due to a zany workload + zanier commute times....
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Old January 8th, 2012, 03:18 PM
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Morning all, another day that you all would prefer over me already 80 deg and its only 9 am

Hope you get that driveway in the summer Sandy. Have fun hanging those curtains. We are hoping that Nicole sorts her stuff out soon too

I didn't know that either Ken, learn something new everyday

Taking the car for a decent drive later today, haven't gone too far yet. If all goes well with the long drive I will take it to see my grandparents on Wed. They are a 3 hour drive away. That will let me know just how good I did with the whole thing lol

Time for some yard work now just stop growing grass and I will be a happier person

Take care everyone,

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Old January 8th, 2012, 05:27 PM
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Evening All!

It was sunny today and 38 degrees. Not too bad at all! I went up to Lin's. Took her shopping. Didn't bother with the curtains - just left them up there until Jean can come down and help. Lin's daughter Bobbi Jo is staying there for a couple weeks. She had surgery on some vertabre last Thursday, so I really didn't want to mess around up there.

Well I drove through an apartment complex in Streetsboro on my way to Lin's, where I know Nicole has some friends and thought she might be staying out there. Drove around until I saw the Intrigue. Stopped and looked at the mailboxes, and sure as heck, her name is on one of them with a guy named Charlie!!!! Wonder how long this was going on? Charlie was a neighbor of her and Dave in the apartment complex. He's about 35 or 36, and has a 4 or 5 year old daughter. And he's bald!!!!! WTF??? I met him once. Evidently she left Dave and moved right in with Charlie. Poor Dave. I feel so bad for him. I'm sure he knows. I don't know what she's thinking. I guess it's her life and I should probably butt out, but she's got some 'splaining to do! I really need to understand this....

I stopped at the car wash and cleaned the salt off of Tincanio too! She liked it. Spent about $8.00 but well worth it. We're supposed to have nice weather until Thursday. Then we have snow comin again. Got to go to the oral surgeon on Thursday with Nicole for a consultation to see about getting those wisdoms out.

Well it's back to work tomorrow already. Hope this week goes a little faster! I better get off here and get stuff ready. Have a great evening all!
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Old January 9th, 2012, 05:09 AM
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John. Congrats on the lift. I'd like one, but I too, have low ceilings.

Adrian, No fair using the cruise word, while we're all hibernating up here.

Sandy, Sorry to here that Dave is getting crapped on, Hate to see it, especially when your hands are tied.

Did a little plowing yesterday. Didn't get more than about 2 inches, but have another storm coming in weds. May not be much snow, but it is getting down to the single digits.

Finally got another guy hired. I guess I can take down my Help wanted sign.It's only been up for a little over a year and a half. He's gonna start next Monday. I hope it works out alright.

Everyone have a fabulous Monday.
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Old January 9th, 2012, 05:32 AM
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Mawn'in all

Warm an wet. No smack'in whitey round today.

Happy Berfday to me. Happy Berfday to me.

Know what I gonna do fer my berfday? Change de oil and put a new thermostat in de Super models car. How's dat fer excitement.

John, Congrats on gett'in de lift put together. I wish I had ne but hine site on garage ceillings prevents one.

Sandy, Maybe Charlie's like me and wore all his hair off on the head board.

Adrian, I'm consider'in dual citizenship. How much is a round of golf down thar?

Clint, I'm ole and have ta think a while. Ever time ya talk 'bout "plow'in" I picture you werk'in in de garden, Den a little lite bulb comes on and I go "Oh yeah, SNOW"
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Old January 9th, 2012, 05:37 AM
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Happy Monday everyone!

Two more days off for me, then I have to drag myself back into work. Guess I'll start the week by going to the Awful house.

Sandy I looked up Twinsburg on the map. I thought maybe you'd be close to Celina. The Amphicar club goes to Celina every year for the big swim in. You are, however, close to Solon. When I was a kid we'd go there every year for my dad's company's annual picnic. He worked for Black and Decker. Don't remember much about it, just know that it was a really long drive from the Chicago area.

We got a good bit of rain yesterday so everything is soggy today. Guess I'll stay in and work on the house. I'll probably look at the internet all day and get nothing done. I've been looking for a Cutlass for about 4 months now, haven't had luck finding what I want. Well, found a couple but the sellers were jamokes. Not sure if that's how you spell that.

Maybe I'll go find me a truck today. I have a Suburban and a Chevy G-van, but I need an open back truck. I'm guessing I won't find anything I like in that department, either. There really needs to be a used car factory.

Hope everyone has a great day. And Happy Birthday Jamesbo!


Last edited by slantflat; January 9th, 2012 at 05:40 AM. Reason: Jamesbo posted while I was still typing
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Old January 9th, 2012, 06:32 AM
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Morning All!

Crisp and sunny this morning. 29 degrees, heading to 40!! I'll take it!

Happy Birthday, Jamesbo!

Sounds like you have an exciting day planned, lol! Well, I hope you have a good one!

Clint.... glad you didn't get dumped on with snow! Nice to hear you hired someone too. Hope it works out. Thanks for your thoughts also....

Mike..... I'm not familiar with Celina - never heard of it, lol! Yes, we are close to Solon. They have a nice cruise in on Tuesday nights over there in the summer!! It's a big one. I don't go every week, but they get a lot of cars.

It's starting out to be another quiet week in here.

Well you all have a great Monday!
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Old January 9th, 2012, 07:05 AM
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I'm older dan dirt
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Old January 9th, 2012, 07:18 AM
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...And Twice as dusty...

Happy Birthday ol man.
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Old January 9th, 2012, 07:44 AM
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You're funny, Jamesbo! Mike..... nice avatar! I like your dogs, lol!!
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Old January 9th, 2012, 10:10 AM
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Hippo Burpday Jamesbo! "You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred. "
~ Woody Allen ~

John that sure is a nice lift there, I have the ceiling room in my 2400 sf 3 bay shop but not enough dough saved up for one of those.

Yall have a good Monday afternoon

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Old January 9th, 2012, 10:11 AM
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Thanks Sandy. It took me long enough to figure out how to put that up. They are the love of my life! Now I just need to come up with something clever to replace "registered user."

Warm here today, almost 70, but overcast and everything is still wet. Aside from a quick trip to the post office, I was right with my earlier guess. I've been looking at the internet all day. Maybe I should clean house.

Gee, if it were May, tonight would be the first weekly cruise in at Summit Racing.

I'm up to page 37 in the New Good Morning thread. Wow, I hate suspense.

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Old January 9th, 2012, 01:37 PM
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Morning all, another hot one on the way. Yesterday it peaked at 105

I just realized I am a little like Sandy when it comes to the weather, the only difference is I hate the hot and Sandy hates the cold D

Try not to stress too much about it all Sandy, like you said your hands are tied

Average round of golf is around 30 but the real ritzy courses can go over 100 If you find one you like Jamesbo just join the club and you pay your membership and can then play everyday if you want, not too bad

Happy Birthday Jamesbo, hope you didn't do too much. Only day where I get to say nope not doing that today come back tomorrow

Nice hoist there John, just cut a hole in the roof and wall up whichever room the car lands in

Hope you find that car Mike

Good luck with the new employee Clint, lets hope he's a keeper

Well I took the old girl for a "drive" yesterday. She is running a little lean but other then that did well for the 70 miles we traveled

Back to some yard work today, only got half the yard mowed yesterday before I gave in from the heat

Have a good day ya'll

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Old January 9th, 2012, 02:09 PM
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Good mid-afternoon

Belated happy birthday to you
Gee Jamsbo another year has passed by and you still have one project car to complete. Working on the super model's car is just a warm up. Time for the trifocals and warm milk


Sounds like your getting the kinks out of the Olds. A little more tuning and you'll be fine. Sounds like the new radiator took care of the overheating problem that's a good thing.
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Old January 9th, 2012, 06:41 PM
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Good evening to everyone.

I fixed my halibut tonight, using Clint's method. It was easy and I didn't have to go buy anything special. I'm not a big fish eater, but it was pretty good. The cup of sugar and the melted butter helped.

Adrian, the car I -really- want is a VH Valiant Charger E49. Not a big chance of finding one of them over here. I go to Chryslers On The Murray every year in Albury and drool over some of the cars that are there. Heck I'd settle for a Charger that just looked like an E49.

One more day off before I have to go back to work. It seems like forever that I've been off, but when I get back it will seem like I never left.

I didn't get squat done today, just like I thought. Didn't find a truck, didn't clean the house, didn't do anything. I did play with the dogs.

Jamesbo I hope your day was a success.

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Old January 10th, 2012, 04:54 AM
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Good morning all.

Boy it was hard to get up this morning. Just wanted to keep sleepin' Gonna be close to 50 today. Then 3-5" of snow expected for tomorrow.

Adrian, Is it a 'dry heat'? Or do you have lots of humidity there? Looking at the google map of Oz, is shows to be really brown in the center, like its a bit over cooked. Is it dry and deserty, like sand dunes or like dirt with brush and scattered trees and a monsoon season that greens everything up for about 2-3 weeks before it all dies and dries out?
Good to hear the Olds was able to take the heat.

Scot, Are you relaxin a little now that the x-mas rush is over?

Mike, Sure wish we had a few more Oz cars over here. An acquaintance of mine brought over 2 XB falcons and converted them into Mad Max interceptor look-alikes. He has them for sale for an outrageous price and I've heard he is trying to sell them as numbered movie cars . I would really like to have an XC cobra. (yes, in the classic white w/ blue stripes ) What a conversation piece that would be at the local cruise. But I suppose I'm gonna have to get the Missus a cruiser first before I get anything else. She fell in love with a Z28 at the dealership where I bought my 10.

Glad you liked the fish. That is a easy recipe, and if the fish is fresh it tastes almost like the name. I got home last night and the missus had a big ol fillet in the oven. It was yummy and the steamed asparagus went well with the salmon.
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Happy Tuesday.
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Old January 10th, 2012, 05:44 AM
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Mawn'in all

Warm an foggy as all get out dis mawn'in.

De Super model took me out fer me berfday dinner las nite. Yummy,

Petite Filet Pittsburgh blue, wit sum bearnaise sauce, roasted fingerling taters, haricot verts, [fer you crackers dem is young tiny pole beans dat by sourthern standards are barely cooked. De kinda squeaky when ya eats dem and don't gots no fat back in dem. ] and a creame brulee wit a candle in it fer desert.

Speak'in of Halibut [an Alaska] Did I ever tell y'all 'bout Taku Lodge.

Ya takes dis wild sea plane ride over a glacier to de middle of no where and eat Salmon, baked beans, cole slaw and cheep wine. [an hope de bears don't eat you.] De cook de salmon based with butter and brown sugar and de bears tend to like it pretty good.

Dang ids thread makes me hungry
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Old January 10th, 2012, 05:45 AM
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Morning All!

Sun is out and it's a beautiful morning here! Crisp and cold. Heading to the 40's today, then we get rain tomorrow and it turns to snow Thursday as the cold air comes in and temps drop to the 20's.

I am sooooooo bored, and it's only 8:30 ish!!! Thought yesterday would never end. Today is gonna be another one.......

Adrian..... good to hear the car is running well! That's a great thing. Isn't it nice to just get out and drive them, lol? I'm ready for spring.

Clint.... that fish looks really yummy!!!!!

Well you all have a good day! Wish Wolfie would join us again. I worry about him.
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Old January 10th, 2012, 07:26 AM
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Good morning all

Hungry as usual after reading all the threads about food. Nothing new on the home front, just more work to get done. Have a good day all
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Old January 10th, 2012, 08:02 AM
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Howdy everyone!

Nice day so far. The lake in my back yard is as smooth as glass right now. It's actually a lake, and not a lake like what forms in Sandy's back yard.

"Sure wish we had a few more Oz cars over here." Clint, I want to bring over an early Valiant. Their early Valiants look the same as ours(the Road Toad), how much fun would it be to sit at a car show with one next to an American Valiant and listen to the comments about some fool converting it. Well, I think it would be fun.

No Awful house for me today, I just had toast. I'm out of fancy food for my supper so I guess it's back to soup. I thought I saw something about tater mater soup somewhere back in the thread. I might have to look it up. Oddly enough I know more than one person named Tater.

Think I'll hit the junkyard today before it rains. I haven't been there in about a month. Hasn't been anything good for a long time, but you never know.

Have a good one everybody.

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Old January 11th, 2012, 04:37 AM
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Okay I'll try to post again.....

Good Morning All!

Raining and breezy here. We need it, though I wished it would've waited a day or two since today is my "Saturday"

Not too much going on here, except the TW and I plan to call and set up someone to measure for new carpet in the living room and hallway today. The existing carpet is 19 years old and has served us well Anywho, she has really taken care of it and it shows. She is a clean freak, but I ain't complaining and there isn't a day that has gone by that it was either vacuumed and/or deep cleaned. But it needs replacing because it is faded and there is a tear in the hallway where it was seamed together almost 20 years ago.

Yall have a good day I thunk I'll make an omelet, put on a pot of coffee and watch the rain fall.

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Old January 11th, 2012, 05:11 AM
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Morning all. Currently expecting it to hit 50 for a high today....but starting tomorrow, here comes the snow, by Friday we are supposed to get about 9.5" by the Lake Michigan shore "only" 4-8" inland, Oh joy!
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Old January 11th, 2012, 05:20 AM
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Morning, not good, but morning anyhow. Snowing and blowing this morning. Oh, Joy.. They've downgraded it to 1-3" but its still gonna bet wet and cold. Supposed to get into the single digits tonite

Have a great day all.
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Old January 11th, 2012, 05:26 AM
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Mawn'in all

Warm and rain'in

Got to go to de big city today, Nutt'in like a nice relax'in drive down de Alpharetta Autobaun [Ga 400] in de rain to calm your nerves.

Mike, Since you didn't go to de "Awful House" maybe der'll be sum room left fer me to get sum Scattered,smothered and Covered. Ya don't mind if'in I take your seat do ya?
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Old January 11th, 2012, 05:32 AM
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Happy belated Bday Jamesbo! Got a few relatives up there in the 50th state, one of them a guide for a few decades. I wuz born in Anchorage. My cousin that is a guide up there was mauled by a grizzly while scouting for an upcoming hunt, they were amazed that he made it back to his truck and to a Ranger station for help. He was so tore up that his best friend, who happened to be at the rangers station, did not recognize him! It took awhile for him to get back out there from what I was told, and who can blame him.
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Old January 11th, 2012, 05:36 AM
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hiddy ho all

low 30's this morning but clear. Don't have awful houses around here. but we have the pancake house which is along the same lines. Used to go there after a heavy night of drinking for a 3 am breakfast. The grease would help praying to the porcelain god before going to work later. Man I sure don't miss those days.
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Old January 11th, 2012, 05:47 AM
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Morning All!

Well the clouds are moving in already and killing the beautiful sunrise we had! Supposed to get rain here, and quite a bit of it they're saying. Turns into snow tomorrow afternoonish and supposed to have very high winds tomorrow night... I'm thankful to have had the weather we've had for this long!

Glad I'm not in Alaska where they have 18 feet of snow! They were talking about it on the radio this morning. I guess boats are sinking and breaking from the weight of the snow on them. That sucks, lol!

Scot.... I got new carpet in the house back in July of 2008. The old stuff just started looking worn and tired, and it came apart at the seam in the hallway also. I don't know how long it was in the house when we bought it in 1999, lol. I went to Home Depot, and they did an excellent job! I had no problems with anything. The installers they sent out were very good and very nice. I got DuPont Stainmaster I think, and Larry paid for the "best" carpet padding they had. I got different colors in each room. It's worn nice so far. I cleaned it this summer and it looks nice. I believe I paid $3,000 for it back then.

Worst part was moving ALL the furniture out of the house, and then lugging it back in!! I also took a crowbar and a hammer and ripped out our old ugly old fashioned baseboards before they came to lay the carpet, and I bought new pretty white tall baseboard and put through out the house after the carpet was in. It looks very beautiful!!! Great investment!!

Well I'm going to see an allergist tomorrow. I'm tired of my nose just constantly running all the time!!! It gets so sore from having to wipe it all the time. I keep threatening that I'm gonna go see an allergist "one of these days" so I made an appointment last week. I'm anxious to see what I'm allergic to. Doesn't matter if I'm inside or outside, or what month it is. The nose just runs enough to make ya crazy, ya know?? So this should be interesting. I have to go before I take Nicole to the oral surgeon for the consultation. They said it would take about an hour.

Well it's another quiet boring day in here. I played computer games from about 9 am yesterday morning, through the day! That's sad...... At least it's staying light a little longer now in the evenings. Not that there's anything to do outside, but it's nice!

Have a great hump day all!!
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Old January 11th, 2012, 06:08 AM
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Cool one this morning. Winter is here....if only for a few days, back above freezing by the weekend. At least I don't have to shovel. Happy belated BD Jamesbo!
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Old January 11th, 2012, 06:08 AM
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What a coincidence the carpets came apart at the seams in the same place Sandy. I guess that is a major traffic area that cannot hold up at the seams. I have a small ranch style house and it is as old as the carpet, but I don't need to change baseboards just yet. LOL I bet your looks great now with the taller trim.

Jamesbo you be careful out there, I have to try to make that run on dry days so I can hang with the city folk on de autobahn de gawga

Man, I almost complained about the rain again until I read about the snow and single digit temps Yall can keep that stuff Although the kids would love it tremendously.
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Old January 11th, 2012, 07:39 AM
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.....Happy belated BD Jamesbo!

Ken.... isn't your birthday today??? Happy Birthday, if it is!!!!

Scot.... our house is a small 3 bedroom ranch style as well, built in 1958, lol! The hall way is a high traffic area. The new carpet is also seamed there in the same place, lol. Hope it lasts as long as the other did!!
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Old January 11th, 2012, 10:27 AM
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Hey everyone. We got a thunderstorm around 530 this morning. My dogs went nuts. It always puzzles me, they could take someone's head off on a whim yet when it thunders they shiver and shake and then run and hide. Finally got back to sleep and only woke up a little bit ago.

So, first night back to work tonight. I've been off 8 days. Hope the rain is done, since I work outside.

Gotta run a few errands. Hope everyone's day is going well.

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