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Old February 2nd, 2018, 02:53 PM
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Hi everyone.

Just got back from the Awful house. Sort of an end of the week treat for being a good puppy. And Tiger likes it, too

Best night of the week so far last night. We had a new lead who hasn't learned how to be a jerk yet, so he just gave us all the work and said do what you want. Me and another guy chose the Triple 7 that had like 20 items on it, took us all night but we got everything done and still got out a little early. We also did a couple small things on other planes first. Talked to another lead when we were done. He sent my buddy home because it was his Friday, and he asked me if it was my Friday. I said no it's my penultimate Friday(that's not technically correct). He gave me the deer in the headlights look. I said it's my next to last day. He said, oh. You're one of them educated boys. After that he didn't know what to do with me so I went home too.

Allan we use the STAR type of interview, Situation, Task, Action, Result. You get asked a bunch of questions and you have to figure out what to respond with that will make you look like a hero as well as making your coworkers sound like jerks. The interviewers are mainly interested in what did you do to turn in your buddy when he screwed up. It's the classic tell them what they want to hear bit. I've never been good at that on the fly. That's why I'm a bad liar. You have to have an element of screw the other guy in you, deceit, underhandedness, to pass the interview and it shows in the quality, or lack thereof, of who we usually get as lead.

Dan one time when I worked in the hangar we had a fire alarm. I thought, hm I don't know when we're getting back in I better go to the bathroom first. I was the last guy out and the lead got mad. I said, well it turned out to be a false alarm. He said what if it wasn't? I said I would have gone faster.

Jamesbo is this guy coming to look at the hardwood grove or the cemetery? Send us the link to the article. Always like seeing your smiling face.

Okay Friday. Cold. No idea what the groundhog saw today, but judging from today's forecast we're going to have 6 more months of winter.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old February 3rd, 2018, 06:12 AM
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Well now I gots the crud

Mike, It was a "she" college kid from Athens. working on sustainability paper not sure if she's gonna "publish or perish" as they say in the academic circles

Have a great weekend Olds friends and say sum incantations over a candle for me
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Old February 3rd, 2018, 10:15 AM
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Jamesbo, sounds like you need some chicken soup, then maybe a little brandy later to take the edge off.
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Old February 3rd, 2018, 10:28 AM
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I'm taking a little lemon, honey and bourbon.

After a couple more cups of courage, I'm gonna fly down to Mexico and kick Allan's a$$ for posting FB pics of 90 degree sun and surf.

He keeps FB messaging me beautiful beach pics but the SOB won't send me any pics of the topless babes.

Me thinks he's forgotten I'm a mod, I 'd hate for him to return home to -20 degree O Canada and be banned form CO
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Old February 3rd, 2018, 11:24 AM
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Hi everyone.

Jamesbo you want me and Tiger to come up and take care of you? Is Super Model still sick? We'll fix you up in no time.

I'm thinking my days of gravy Fridays are over. The Monday lead on my Friday is a total douchebag and he makes sure I've got the most work and am last to leave. That's okay. The next time he wants me to put on a non-effective part I'm calling the foreman at home, I don't care if it is Friday night. First he wanted me to break into the seat shop and "find something that will work." Then he gives me a part that isn't remotely correct and says, make it work. Nope. Somehow we found something that was acceptable and got the job done. I'm gonna have to watch this one for awhile because I have a feeling it will come back and bite me.

So sunny out, but no 90* temps. Got a long list of stupid things I keep putting off, I might have a look and see what I can get done. It's the first weekend in a while that I have to myself. Gonna try to have some fun as well.

Okay off to it. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
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Old February 4th, 2018, 05:37 AM
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Like a cow on a flat rock down here in the not so sunny south.

I appreciate the offer Mike, but I'm fine, The Super Model went to the mountains w/o me so I can be a couch potato with my bourbon, lemon, honey mixture

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old February 4th, 2018, 07:20 AM
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Hi everyone.

Rain. Wasn't raining at 3, but it was pouring at 7. Yuck.

Okay Jamesbo, but Tiger has secret medicinal powers. Not sure they are stronger than bourbon, though.

Just got back from the Awful house. Somehow they had an extra chicken so that got cut up and given to Tiger. This in addition to his hamburger, I'd say he ate better than me.

Inside stuff for today. I wanted to move one of the wrecks over to the shop, but not doing that in the mud. Maybe if it clears up this afternoon I can do it tomorrow.

Well good Sunday to you all.
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Old February 4th, 2018, 09:54 AM
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A little SNL humor for super bowl Sunday

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Old February 4th, 2018, 11:32 AM
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He keeps FB messaging me beautiful beach pics but the SOB won't send me any pics of the topless babes.
Now, that just ain't right. On the flip side of Allan's warm retreat, we've got abut 8" of fresh snow since yesterday. Oh joy.
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Old February 4th, 2018, 03:33 PM
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Hahahaha, Jim you keel me. Ok, I promise no more nice pics from mexico for you. Don't hold your breath on the topless babes either. If ya wanna ban me fer dat, oh well.

Mike, I get why you don't want the lead job. I'd hate to have an interview like that too. The lead you have now sounds pretty dangerous if he's inclined to jury rig parts. Play it carefully.

I found out I get free calls to Canada and USA here. They use magic jack. Called some people already to see if it works and yak a bit. Works well, and they said the calling number was from MD and LA. Wierd but good that I don't get billed for it.
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Old February 5th, 2018, 12:11 AM
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Was a nice weekend.. Ice fishing, friends, sauna, lots of beer.... Now its back to regular schedule. I remember few previous years monday-news were filled with super-bowl craze after it, now nothing. Not that it would touch me, just an observation.

Pretty refreshing outisde ( ) and snowed at weekend. Hmm. Not much else.
Even Allan R gets soon put back to us mortals on cold world

Okay, have a good new week everyone!
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Old February 5th, 2018, 04:13 AM
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Still 'Dank" [Inlime that's cold and wet and miserable]

Allan, Truth be known, I've never banned anyone. Not even Bad Andy Who, I'm fairly certain holds the record for the number of forums he's been banned from IMHO if you're in business [in his case polishing valve covers] seems like you wouldn't want to P.O. the world

You can continue to send me bird and lizard pics if ya want, I was jes trying to spic up my life a little

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old February 5th, 2018, 08:34 AM
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Hola from hella

Well not really hell,but hot enough to be. Yesterday got up to around 94° and truth of the matter is I'm just not used to that kind of heat. It tends to dehydrate me and give me heat stroke. This morning was a concern because I had a touch of hypoglycemia according to my meter and test strip.

Jouni, yeah strange as it sounds I miss the cold and snow. When it's a major part of my life for over 60 years it becomes ingrained. I also miss my curling terribly and can hardly wait to get back in the game.

Jim, kinda figgered that. Don't worry, once you've seen it you've pretty much seen it all. Everything here is almost boringly consistent.

Dan, I hear ya on the snow. We got over a foot back home too. The boy is shoveling so the place doesn't look deserted. I think the difference is our snow isn't heavy like the stuff you get.
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Old February 5th, 2018, 12:11 PM
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Hi everyone.

Just got back from the doctors. He didn't seem too concerned about my high blood pressure but wants me to continue on a different medicine. Wants me to lose weight. Wants me to have a physical. Demanding fellow.

Beautiful here. Still a little cool but the sun is out and I was over at the shop doing work and started sweating. Seems when I backed the trailer into the brush to turn it around I ran over a small tree that got wedged under the trailer and the tires on the truck just spun. So I was under there in the mud trying to saw off the tree. Sheesh.

So this afternoon I'm going to get one of the wrecks up on the trailer and take it to the shop. Of course this one is actually blocking access to the side yard, but the plan is to build a fence. That should happen soon.

Okay gonna get to it. Have a good day everyone.
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Old February 5th, 2018, 12:24 PM
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Evening all

Allan, how can you complain it’s too hot?
Too damn chilly here. 36F but still no snow. Been busy working outside today so now I’m at home I’m gonna have a nice long hot bath to defrost my bones.

Mike, you do need to keep an eye on your blood pressure and remember to listen to the doc.
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Old February 5th, 2018, 01:24 PM
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Mike, you remind me of me some times

Years ago, I was driving down a country road and saw 2 wooden 105 howitzers boxes leaning up on a tree with a "For Sale " sign on them. I called the number the next day and inquired about the price, "Would you like more than 2?" he inquired. "How many ya got? I asked"

Long story made short I bought 50 and put them neatly in an out building. Haven't been moved since
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Old February 5th, 2018, 01:50 PM
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Ya gotta realize that when we get temps like this back home it's only a short time and then average summer heat is around 21-24° C Right now it's almost 35° C here which is 95°F. I'm.just not conditioned for that and I'm very prone to heat stroke. Its spoda stay hot like this till we leave next Monday. I'm a creature of colder weather but de Mrs isn't. This extended hot streak is mostly for her. I'm sort of here to make sure she takes her meds on time and doesn't get lost. Damn, I miss my car.

Mike, if the Dr isn't worried about your blood pressure I guess you shouldn't be either. IDK how much you weigh and it's not my business. I do know that last year I list 35lbs and I still could afford to lose another 20. That would put me 2lbs more than when I got hitched almost 26 years ago. The only thing I'd pass along and you can be your own council - most overweight people run the risk of diabetes. I know cuz it happened to me. Good luck with whatever plan you decide on.
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Old February 5th, 2018, 01:55 PM
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Allan, That;s why god made the ocean and pools

jump in
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Old February 5th, 2018, 05:38 PM
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I guess I could have put that a better way. The doctor is of course concerned with my blood pressure, he just didn't have a fit about it like the other guy. He did remind me that it's been steadily going up over the years and if I want to avoid trouble I'll do something about it now.

Allan I'm a big fat man and love to eat. Huge sweet tooth. I thought my picture was up here somewhere from when we went to the zoo. I've been very fortunate to have had good health my whole life and don't want to push my luck. So I'll make a good effort to lose some weight and eat a little better. I told him I don't drink coffee so I drink pop. He said I should drink coffee. I said that would make me lose because I'd be barfing all the time. He just looked at me.

Jamesbo what does a howitzer box look like? Are these boxes for ammo or the gun itself?
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Old February 5th, 2018, 10:06 PM
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Not much going on here (snowing), I couldn't read any emails earlier today, damn Yahoo wouldn't open them up, said I had no internet connection, yet I was on Yahoo's homepage and FB, go figure. Allan, the snow depends on the temperature, light and fluffy as of late because it has been in the 20's (Fahrenheit) or lower for the most part of this winter when it has snowed, otherwise it's heavy at 30° plus. March is when it's a real pain when it snows, as the temps start getting into the mid 30's and above, and it will clog up the snow blower as it's too heavy. You certainly don't want to shovel it then, as if you don't throw your back out, you'll have a heart attack.
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Old February 6th, 2018, 02:50 AM
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Behold the 105 howitzer sell box[s]
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Old February 6th, 2018, 04:14 AM
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Mornin all.

Sure looks nice down there Allan.

Jamesbo, will you get healthy twice as fast if you make it a double?

Mike good luck on the weight loss. Doesn't seem that there is anything harder.

Have a day.
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Old February 6th, 2018, 05:47 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR
Jamesbo, will you get healthy twice as fast if you make it a double?

Clint, Capital idea, I'll give it a shot [or two] and report back
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Old February 6th, 2018, 04:05 PM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful out. The phone says it's 69* right now, but it doesn't feel like it. Fifty nine maybe. But a beautiful day it was nonetheless.

Day 1 of the weight loss was about a bust. I slept until 2 then lollygagged around and then ran an errand. But all was not lost, I figured out the walking path in the back yard so tomorrow we'll see how the routine schedule of work/sleep will do. Years ago when I was thin it worked great.

Jamesbo what was your intent when you got those boxes? Or did you just think they were cool and wanted some? Feeling any better today?

Not much else. I can only imagine what's in store for me at work tonight. Hope everyone is having a good week.
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Old February 6th, 2018, 05:29 PM
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Stupid internet. Dan what did you do to me????
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Old February 6th, 2018, 11:26 PM
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Dan what did you do to me????
Uh,it's so cold here that your internet froze up?
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Old February 6th, 2018, 11:33 PM
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Snowing outside. Not so cold anymore. Still refreshing, tho.
Today ill heat the sauna, and thats pretty much it all for today. Just lazying around.

Have a day all!
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Old February 7th, 2018, 04:04 AM
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Still fighting the crude

Mike, I have this illusion/delusion of getting organized for a long time. So I put some stuff in some of them, gave some to the boy scouts and some are still stacked up. I like boxes but my OCD got the best of me and now I have building full of empty boxes.

The really are kinda cool, you can stand them on end and make shelves out of them. I nailed 1X6 to make separate bends to store nails in [ only it now weights about 200 lbs]

Originally Posted by Inline
Snowing outside. Not so cold anymore.
I may have to ponder this for a while

Allan, I'm woke up anxiously awaitng my towel folding pic

I sure do miss John, Wonder if he's really doing alot of work on his car?

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old February 7th, 2018, 11:09 AM
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Happy hump day y'all,

I don't know what happened yesterday. I had a post and either the internet or internet Brands dropped it. So I redid it and "poof!" There goes the dang thing again. That's why I thought Dan had put an internet curse on me....

Jim, de missus is sick as a dog with a cold. IDK how she does that. Happened 2 years ago in the Dominican Republic when we stayed longer than a week. Since she's feeling poorly, she won't let the towel guy in to sprize me with a new offerings. Sorry bout dat. BTW I got a leg/foot massage (50min) yesterday from a beautimus young talented Mexican lady with very talented hands and fingers. Good thing they put a blind over my eyes cuz she was getting dangerously close to waking Mr Happy on a few occasions.....

Mike, good luck with the walking path. I also remember when I was a lot thinner. Aging does seem to make some of us heavier each year. It's a struggle and I can appreciate how difficult your journey may be.

Jouni, you wouldn't need to light the sauna here. It's hit and humid outside enough to sweat in the sun. I have to come inside every so often, or as Jim days jump in the pool or Sea.
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Old February 7th, 2018, 04:04 PM
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Hi everyone.

Lots o' rain. Started raining just as I was going to bed this morning and rained all day. Tiger didn't even want to get up until after noon. The lake is up into the back yard and Tiger goes running through the water. He thinks that's great fun. Of course he's a mess when he comes in.

Jamesbo organized to me is when the piles get smaller.

I miss John, too. He was up this way and I didn't get to go see him. I think I can imagine how much work he's doing to his car.

Well night 2. Last night wasn't so bad, not getting any warm fuzzies about tonight but I don't expect anything different.

Okay have a good evening everyone.
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Old February 7th, 2018, 11:00 PM
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So, Tues. night I made a deep dish pan pizza, ya know, homemade pizza sauce, hand grated Parmesan cheese, hand sliced mozzarella cheese (not the already grated & bagged stuff), deli pepperoni, black olives, green peppers, Italian sausage, for the guys that I work with, and sit at the same table at break. Did I mention how sensitive that my Hyundai's key fob was? ya know, put it in my pocket and the doors will lock with out my knowledge, or while bending over to put my shoes on, it will activate the car alarm, ya know, the charming crap. So, the pizza, small paper plates, heavy duty plastic silverware, are in a bag that I am carrying out to the Hyundai in the garage, and wouldn't you know it, the door is locked, and now I have to reach into my jeans to get the fob out, to unlock the drivers door.....and out comes the pizza, SPLAT on the garage floor. Did you know that I can swear in technicolor? My buds want me to make another pizza, maybe I about ten years.
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Old February 8th, 2018, 12:35 AM
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Damn i slept bad. Some snow-work ahead it seems. Yesterday i finally ordered almost all the stuff to my fuel-system. Just need to buy hard-line locally. One 25ft roll of 3/8 hard-line increased shipping-cost from scummit By 160$ For that price i can get it done with gold-plating
Unbeliavable how much money sinks to that Cutlass.. I now reached about what i thought the whole crap will costs, and im still short of cylinder heads and whole valve-train... Well, double the budget works again And its not a bad idea to re-work 40-year old fuel-lines, i think..

Jamesbo - Not so cold means its now hovering around 20-25F's outside

1969w3155 - I can imagine those 10 seconds it took Althought, pizza did sound really delicious! Maybe you can start slowly gather ingredients, 10 years went By fast

Allan R - Sounds you have really good time there. Shame about your wife. Maybe she lets you next time alone to vacation?

Okay, have a day all! Week has went fast, thursday already.
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Old February 8th, 2018, 04:23 AM
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Really tired of watching TV all day

I need to get out of Dodge

Allan, So they have two different kinds of "Magic Jacks" in ole Mexico In Nam they had Miss 'Love you long time" Glad you survived the lack f a daily folded towel. Hope the Mrs. Get's better and enjoys her vacation. Summer [ hot weather ] cold can be brutal. If it were me I hit the salt water for a cure

Mike, I'm with ya, Several times I've pondered cleaning up with a little gasoline ad a match

Dan, I would have been tempted to pile it back together and blow off any excess dirt/dust with air and go for it. There is this 30 second rule

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old February 8th, 2018, 10:07 PM
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Hi everyone.

Got out of the house late because my neighbor called and asked if I wanted pasta and meatballs. Of course I do. Got to work and got right to work. Tonight I'm working with a new guy and he's off doing something, so I thought I'd take a break and weigh in.

Not bad so far, a few little things here and there, and the one big thing flew back out. Don't mind that.

Dan is that you in the Domino's commercial? What did you do with the second pizza you made? Because no one ever makes just one pizza.

Okay back to work. Was nice this afternoon but the rain comes back for the weekend. That's just not right.

Have a good morning everyone.
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Old February 8th, 2018, 10:18 PM
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Dan is that you in the Domino's commercial? What did you do with the second pizza you made? Because no one ever makes just one pizza.
Uh, no, and what?
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Old February 9th, 2018, 04:15 AM
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Old February 9th, 2018, 05:09 AM
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Headed norte

Mike, I thought I might go 15 seconds w/o seeing that commercial. They run it over and over

I have no clue how I'm going to exist w/o Allan's daily towel rolls pics. I wonder how long you have to stay before the start repeating rolls,

Mike, I love it when the "Problem" takes off and leaves without you.

Enjoy the weekend Olds friends
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Old February 9th, 2018, 05:40 AM
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Mornin all.

Snows a comin.

Have a day.
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Old February 9th, 2018, 06:05 AM
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Good morning
Beautiful here right now at a.nice 74°. My kind of weather. Too bad it's spoda get real hot later. Not as bad as Brisbane where Adrian is though. They're in a bad heat wave with warning out. Temps there around 98°!!

Jim, I kinda wondered that myself. Yes you will survive. Ya always do. Enjoy de Norte

Mike, we don't get that commercial up north. Have fun breaking in the new guy. I love pasghetti and meatballs too but only in small amounts.

Dan, just tell.the Hyundai dealer they owe ya for a couple pizzas and have them fix that stupid remote. It shouldn't be doing that.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old February 9th, 2018, 07:52 AM
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Went to sell rims from Cutlass. Dropped the car from jack that one time i wasnt using jackstands, was just taking rear-wheels off. Impaled atleast gastank.. Great..
Now to heat sauna.......->
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