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Old October 29th, 2012, 11:47 AM
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Howdy everyone.

Thanks for the well wishes. I had a great trip and had a nice day with family yesterday. Today Mom and I went through some boxes in storage and now we are babysitting my neice's little boy. I'm going to leave for home early tomorrow morning.

Allan be careful in the snow. Boy I don't miss all that. I can think of plenty of winters when the snow was piled up taller than me.

Jamesbo that's the only time the planes get worked on, when they aren't flying. There probably won't be any planes in New York because storms are not easy on them. Way back right after 9-11 there were so many extra planes in Atlanta and of course everything was grounded, we were never so busy because the powers that be figured, heck, the planes are here might as well do stuff to them. So they loaded package after package and the planes were in their best shape since they were new. And we were exhausted. Of course the first couple days we sat and looked at planes and aggressively kept anyone from going close to them, since at that point no one knew just what had happened.

Bryan the dogs will be so happy to see me they won't leave my side for a day or more. That's okay, I miss them too. They are usually pretty good about waiting to go outside. When I'm at work sometimes they have to wait up to 14 hours. That's too much. Most of it is at night, though.

Gas prices here in Pensacola are around 3.35. I filled up in Alabama on the way down for 3.28. When I left home it was 3.37.

My neighbor called me last night and said we were having 35mph winds. I've got a couple trees I'm a little concerned about but there's nothing I can do about it. They'd cost me 1000 bucks apiece easy to have taken down.

Well hope everyone's week has started out well. We carved pumpkins last night and tonight Mom and I will spend a quiet evening. Be back home tomorrow some time see you all then.
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Old October 29th, 2012, 12:27 PM
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Mike the Perry Autofest and Swapmeet is coming up November 9th & 10th, be sure to mark it on your calendar. I'd invite Jamesbo but he's prolly tarred of them from watching all the ones that Sandy posted
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Old October 29th, 2012, 12:30 PM
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Hey Mike!
I'm very glad you have that kind of positive relationship with your Mom. Not everyone can say the same. How old is your nieces son?

So, do you figure you'll be flying or driving? The morning news here said most of the eastern US will likely shut down because of Sandy (the storm not the Cutlassgal). I could hear your pups howling for you last night. NO! Wait - that was the pack o wolves outside doin their rounds.

Man you got cheap gas! I'd love to have those prices. Even with our last drop at the pump it's 4.00/gal (US) here for reg. I don't get how the prices are in such a state of flux. Is there something different in the processes or actual product that makes it so inexpensive down there?

Your trees will be just fine; doan worryboudit!

I'm being careful about the snow. Just finished changing both cars over to ice radials. Took about 2 hours but it's done. Took both for a test drive to see the difference. Night and day! I recommend full 4 wheel winter tire changeover for anyone who has to deal with extreme winter weather. All seasons just won't cut it.

TTYL - carve one pumpkin with the Oldsmobile rocket?
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Old October 29th, 2012, 07:28 PM
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Wow this thread hauls the mail I had to go back 8 pages to quote Jamesbo on this It seems like just the other day he mentioned this and I saw this joke this evening and made me think about what he said

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Scot, When I was a pup we couldn't go fish'in on Sunday. My grand mother was a "deep water" Baptist. [used lakes not immersion pools]
Now think 'bout dis one. How many Baptist Eskimos ya ever heard of? Yep it's gotta be de weather.

I know, I know. No religion but this is pretty darn funny I don't care who you are
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Old October 29th, 2012, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Wow this thread hauls the mail I had to go back 8 pages to quote Jamesbo on this It seems like just the other day he mentioned this and I saw this joke this evening and made me think about what he said

I know, I know. No religion but this is pretty darn funny I don't care who you are

That is a good one.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 05:07 AM
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Good Tuesday Mawnin All

Brrr it's chilly and windy ere. Wow 6.2 milion people w/out power this mawnin 16 deaths and Tropical Depression Sandy is just getting started She is affecting every state east of the Mississippi.

Sandy is it snowing in Ohio?
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Old October 30th, 2012, 05:20 AM
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Mawn'in all

Yep, Chili down ere too.

Yesterday we played golf in a windstorm. We played a best ball scramble and I brought along my "Wringer.'

When you're play'in from de whites and your wringer can hit it 280 off the tee it makes fer alot of birdies 32/31 Wish I could get anywhere close to dat by my lonesome.

Scot, Like I said, Thar ain't no Baptist Eskimos.

Mike, Be sure and go to de coffee cup and get sum "Nassau grits" and/or de Fish house fer sum "Grits a ya ya" also fee free to go to Joe Paddy's and bring me home sum fresh shrimp. I'll be happy to pay ya next Tuesday.

Glad I ain't in NY. I don't much care fer it with power but w/o it would be like a liv'in Hell

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old October 30th, 2012, 05:25 AM
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You mean thar ain't none left? Dey done froze to death
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Old October 30th, 2012, 05:51 AM
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Lol! Morning All!!

Well it's still raining here - no snow in our area, but I did hear around the Mansfield area they are getting some. Nothing heavy though. Temp is 42 degrees. It hasn't varied much at all.

The winds are still quite fierce here. All schools and colleges are closed. There was a lot of tree limb debris in the roads and trash cans blowing into the roads this morning. No power outages here, thank God. In our area. Up around Cleveland and farther is another story. I heard about a couple tractor trailers blown over in the Akron area this morning. Lots of local flooding - standing water in our yards.

Tincanio was bucking pretty good on my way to work. Scared me... The trees were really swaying last night, but thank God they stayed in the saturated ground!! I hope they do today also!! I went out last night and brought in some more Halloween decorations so they wouldn't blow away. The wind was really something!! The trees were making creeking noises. I didn't like it!! Our power flickered some, but never went off.

Our NY shop is open today with no damage. They shut down yesterday at 3:30. I feel bad for those people on the coast. Hope Darryl and his car made it through ok!

I wore pants in, and changed into capri's. Hot in here....... Don't know if I'll be walking at lunch time today or not. I got a little one in yesterday when the winds weren't so bad.

It's supposed to calm down some starting noonish. I have to go to Macedonia tonight and get rid of my skunk line, lol.

Well I gotta check the other threads and see what's goin on in the world of CO. You all stay safe and dry! Have a good day.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
You mean thar ain't none left? Dey done froze to death
Yep,De are as rare as a new pulp wood truck.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 06:01 AM
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Good to hear you are okay Sandy

Jamesbo Wow! Those are uber rare! Kinda like findin chicken's teeth
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Old October 30th, 2012, 07:46 AM
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Hey!!! Help, please..... OK, I got the sample pc. of material from SMS for Teepos seats. Matches nicely! $89/yd. So dark and pretty, lol. Anyhow..... I talked to the guys at the last car show and got a name and number of a guy that will put the seatcover on, if it's made already. Jay suggested that I see if SMS could make the seat cover for me, and this guy would put it on.

So... I sent an email to SMS and Doug answered me. He said the green naugahyde (vinyl) is sold seperately - $49/yd. and if I sent him Teepo's seat cover, they could do all the sewing. Then I'd just have to get it put on.

Has anyone had seat covers made by SMS? Or, have you heard of anyone having seat covers made by them?? I'm wondering about guarantee if they don't fit right, etc.... and if they are gonna tear apart Teepos original seat cover if I send it to them? If they send me back something other than what I'm planning to see lol, I'd like to have her old one ready to put back on if necessary. What should I be asking these people? Thanks guys!! Maybe I should post this in a new thread or something....
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Old October 30th, 2012, 08:06 AM
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SMS is known for high quality work, but they have a waiting list of people getting work done and it can take up to 6 months to get a job done. Call SMS back tell them what you want done (front seat...front and rear seat) and try to get a time frame from them.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 08:15 AM
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Morning all

Jamesbo, Just bring the wringer with you every time you golf and use his drive. Might cost you several beers but you have lower scores.

Yep,De are as rare as a new pulp wood truck, huh???????
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Old October 30th, 2012, 08:16 AM
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Hey Joe P.! things ok in VA.? looks like you got a bit of snow in the mountains.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 08:24 AM
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Sandy like Dan said they will do top notch work, but the waiting time is extremely long. That's why I said to find an upholsterer that will do it all. Just buy what you need and take it to them. Anyone can put a seat cover on with a little patience, but it takes a real upholsterer to take the materials and not only fabricate but replicate exactly what you have. If you are going to do it, I would recommend buying enough material to do front and back. You don't want one good seat to contrast with 40 year old seats A good upholsterer will be able to tell you how much to buy. And yes you will need to buy more than you need but it will be worth it IF you can find a competent upholsterer up there. Just my $0.02
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Old October 30th, 2012, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by GAOldsman
Looks like I've got to go werk on the Crapalier again today It's been giving the second oldest a fit lately. I believe it may be the fuel pump this time The dang pump is going to run me about $250 so I hope it's not the problem
Yeah I have a Crapalier also ( mines a 01 ). I've been lucky with the one we've had so far . It has almost 90,000 miles and no problems yet ( Knock on wood ) I bought a brand new one in 92 ( 5-speed ) , and sold it in 04 with 200,000 miles on it . I think the only had like 2 repairs that cost me a total of $1000.00 with that one . Pretty good if you ask me . I had to replace a ball joint , and a tie rod on the 01 , but the only bad thing that happened to both cars is wheel bearings . I must of replace 6 or 7 between both cars .

Sandy - Wow , your all over the news causing all kinds of havoc ! What's up with that ? I'm dissapointed in you All joking aside , I hope the people on the east coast survive this with all their parts , and possessions for that matter .

Scott - I can't wait till my kids get older !

Jamesbo - This may be from yesterdays entry but .... Good Luck smackin whitey around

Mike - What ? You sleep 14hrs a night ? Wow are you lucky

Well that's all I have time for today .... Busy , Busy , Busy !
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Old October 30th, 2012, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by citcapp
Morning all

Jamesbo, Just bring the wringer with you every time you golf and use his drive. Might cost you several beers but you have lower scores.

Yep,De are as rare as a new pulp wood truck, huh???????

Dis wringer is a hoot to play with.There was a $10,000 hole in one on the 1st par 3. My wringer offered the overseeing judge $2,500 bucks Unfortunately he was unbribe able.

Round these parts [and Scot's too] Ya never see a new pulp wood truck. They're always beat to crap and have de license plate put on with a coat hanger er sum'in.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 11:31 AM
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Afternoon Olds Peeps!

Ickers on the weather still. Oh well, worst case scenario is it could snow and stay cold for the next 6 months....

Sandy - 6 months is plenty o time to strip TPO and get her dressed in time for spring. Just be careful taking the seat out. Making it look new is not going to be cheap. It will feel rich when you're done though.

Mike - I've been thinking about you with Sandy closing down the airports and what not. Just have an extended visit with Mom for a couple days. Phone de kennel and extend the stay a bit. Stay safe.

Scot - and don't forget a good set of hog nose pliers! Kind of wish the repop markets had the 2 material patterns available instead of having to go the way Sandy is. I'm betting the cost will be double.

Jamesbo - oviusly dem judges wuz aready bin bribed by sumone else. Ya gots ta be da early bird to dem. Ifn dey axshully was honst dey woudnt have a snowblls chace in hell o bein a real judge or politishun. Well, dats done. Hopes ya hadda good tiem! BTW ah likes yer statchew ov lady libertee. reminds me of marilyn sumone.

Bryan - no tech stuff on this thread. Only gossip. Otherwise Jamesbo gits upset.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 12:04 PM
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Dan and Scot.... Thanks for the help! I know it's gonna take awhile. I will have to call SMS and see what they say. I've been looking for an upholsterer.... not having much luck. By the time I'm done, I'm gonna have as much money in seat covers as it would cost to put a coat of paint on her, lol!! I don't even know if I can afford all this - I haven't got any prices yet on anything other than the material, and I don't even know how many yards it takes to cover a seat......
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Old October 30th, 2012, 12:31 PM
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Hey everyone. Got home a little while ago. Uneventful trip which is a good thing. I drove Allan because I had a few things to take down there, and also a few things to bring back.

I'm all stocked up now with chili, lasagna, meatloaf, apple pie, brownies, etc. Couldn't bring all this home when Mom lived in Illinois.

Bryan I don't sleep 14 hours, when I'm at work I'm away from home up to 14 hours. I work a 12 hour shift and if I have to stay the entire time, It's almost 14 from the time I leave the house to getting home. Too long to leave dogs but they do okay. Wow sleep 14 hours? Never happen in my house.

Scot that weekend of the swap meet is the alternate weekend I'm going to Denver. Figures, I want to go. Maybe my friend will have something come up and we'll have to reschedule again. I don't know if I could get away with cancelling on him twice. And I don't want to not go out there, I haven't seen them for quite a while. Timing....

Okay gonna get stuff put away and then go get my puppies. I know they miss me and I sure miss them. My niece has a pit/something mix that is the best dog and we had fun playing. Now that the baby is here(he's 5 months) he feels neglected. So he enjoyed the attention. I'll be glad to have my dogs home it makes the place feel like home.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 12:35 PM
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I think it's PARTY TIME at Mikes!!! Yummy good vittles! Dibs on de apple pie. I got a bucket of vanilla ice cream waitin for it.

Glad you had a great trip Mike. Welcome home.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 12:54 PM
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I also had a Cavalier.. mine was a 1994
I got it in 1995 and sent it to the parts heaven in 2011 after 160K miles..
I got it with 22K.. and dumped it with 180K
Bigest problem were head gaskets every 40K
Several breakes /tires.. 1 timing chain at 170K
it had a laundry list of needs for me to keep it on the road. I dumped it and got me a escort that had too many miles on it.. it only lasted 1 year and 18L Miles.. before the tranny went TU..

I now drive an 05 Focus to beat to death delivering Pizzas..
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Old October 30th, 2012, 02:15 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Hey everyone. Got home a little while ago. Uneventful trip which is a good thing. I drove Allan because I had a few things to take down there, and also a few things to bring back.

Bryan I don't sleep 14 hours, when I'm at work I'm away from home up to 14 hours. I work a 12 hour shift and if I have to stay the entire time, It's almost 14 from the time I leave the house to getting home. Too long to leave dogs but they do okay. Wow sleep 14 hours? Never happen in my house.
I'm afraid to ask , I hope it wasn't anything you could get thrown in jail for

I'm just messing around with ya ... Just let me know when I'm getting annoying and I'll stop

In all seriousness I'm glad the trip went well and was uneventfull like you said . Once I get a bigger place I'm thinking about getting a dog again .... I miss them days .

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Old October 30th, 2012, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by crzyjef
I also had a Cavalier.. Biggest problem were head gaskets every 40K
That was one of the only repairs I had to do on mine at about 80,000 miles , but then it went another 120,000 without any problems , except for a computer module repair .... I think the head milling/gasket repair cost $500 and the computer module repair was $600 .... and that was it .

We better quit talking car stuff on here before Jamesbo comes up here and smacks whitey around !
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Old October 30th, 2012, 02:40 PM
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Bryan if you miss having a dog then I don't have to tell you how awesome it is having one. Or more. When my dog died in 04 I was devastated, even though I was expecting it, and couldn't fathom another to replace him. It was four years before I got my two I have now and I can't imagine being without them.

Allan come on over, but leave the vanilla ice cream at home. I put chocolate ice cream on my apple pie!

Jamesbo my Mom and I have become closer over the years that we haven't lived together. At the end we were just two dysfunctional people who seemed to always be on each other's nerves. We went from a nice family of five to just the two of us and neither one adjusted very well. I'm glad that stuff is over.

Jeff one of my favorite jobs was delivering pizza. I worked for Domino's and drove a Corvair convertible. Man did I get great tips, everyone loved the car!

It's under 60 in the house and I didn't get the gas company called in time to get it turned on this week. Guess I'll have to crank up the wood stove tonight. Wish this wind would die down a little.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 04:56 PM
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Jamesbo load up Red we gotta go hawg huntin, they're offering $2 a tail and you keep the rest. That way them Texans can run 85 mph without wrecking

On a sadder note, Sandy has claimed 30 lives and 8 million people without electricity
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Old October 30th, 2012, 07:15 PM
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I'm in for the Hog hunt just need an old pickum uo truck with a rack of spot lights and high seats in the back.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 07:21 PM
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Pat - no ol pickemup fer ya! Take an ol pulp wood truck. Nothin you can dent on it that's already not been dented! I be thinkin sumpin wit style dat y'all can bolt chairs to de deck and shoot on de fly! Also tall enough to roll em under on de hiway!
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Old October 30th, 2012, 08:54 PM
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I put chocolate ice cream on my apple pie!
That's ok...more for me and Allan! You'll share right Allan?
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Old October 31st, 2012, 04:53 AM
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Good Halloween Mawnin All

Clear and cool this morning

Boy did Sandy wreak havoc in the Northeast 50+ is the latest death toll and the Jersey shore will never be the same

As for ice cream make mine vanilla or better yet butter pecan

Have a happy humpday halloween
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Old October 31st, 2012, 05:03 AM
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Mornin all. Hope everyone has a great Halloween. Stay safe.
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Old October 31st, 2012, 05:12 AM
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Mawn'in all

Mite chili down ere dis mawn'in.

Scot, I'd luv ta go hunt'in wit cha. But Red is a bit weak on track'in. He likes his hogs ground up an cooked wit a little pepper and sage in a biscuit. His favorite ride is to de drive in winder of de bank. Doesn't care fer de cash but luvs de dog cookies.

Allan, Dat truck looks way to new to me. Next time I see a good ole pulp wood truck, I'm gonna take a pic and post it. Scot you too.

Woder if Tony Soprano's dance club is Ok? Sure would hate to see a "good shoe" show get shut down by de hurricane.

Sandy, Doesn't Don Stilts know a good upholster shop in your neck of de woods.

Mike, I lost my mom when I was jes a pup. Maybe dat's what's wrong wit me. I dunno. Anywho, Glad ya'll are gett'ing along. It's de only one you'll ever have. Cherish her.


Sum'in flung a crav'in on me fer Fried Chicken livers dis mawn'in. I GTG line up a dinner [ Dat's lunch to you foreigners] wit sum smashed taters an pole.beans.

Happy Hump'in Day Olds Friends
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Old October 31st, 2012, 05:21 AM
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Halloween Check-In

Hey peeps.... boy, I hope everybody in the N.E. recovers as well as possible from ol' Sandy.

Shoulda' known a storm with that name would really mean business.
We sure feel yer pain down here on the Gulf Coast. I think we expect things like that more down here and have the preparation thing down to a science, although there's nothing much to do but evacuate when the BIG ones head your way.

Kitty update: the better half has thoroughly calmed the kitty down... I picked her up and petted her for the first time this morning. I think the attachment has begun! But still, we're firmly resolved not to have 4 cats; so we're still looking for a GOOD home for her.

Wiffey took her to vet on Monday to get quick once-over... learned "he" was a girl (she's way too sweet to be a tom ) and get her first shots; still too young to be spayed... they think she's 9-10 weeks; said best to wait until 12.

We're still keeping her in a kennel in the carport, but go out there 2-3 times/night to play, straighten, and clean.... she's pretty happy; but she needs a real home. Won't be bringing this one to humane society or shelter.... she needs a FAMILY! Hoping to get some pic's of her & better half tonite or tomorrow. I owe y'all some pic's.

Jamesbo, ever eat the fried c/liver dinner at Cracker Barrel? It's one of my perennial favorites... especially w/ the smashed pot's, mustard greens, and corn muffins.

Clint, being the procrastinator I am, I did the next best thing to taking the Camry to the shop: Saturday I stopped at our Auto Zone (which, IMHO, is head & shoulders above Pep Boys and O'Reilly's). The fellow read my codes and 7 of 'em were there! Three were evaporative related and four were misfire related. So we obviously have something more than a fuel cap here... I have the awful habit of filling the tank to the brim, so I'm pretty sure I've fouled the charcoal canister over 170,000 miles; but I haven't changed the plugs (and whatever else they do for a tune-up these days) in (I hate to admit it) in about 80,000 miles, or about 2.5 years. So I definitely need to have that done. I'll keep you posted; I'm still torn re: whether to bring it to the dealer or this guy I just met last weekend about 20 miles away who's been owning a little shop for 30-some-odd years. I'll prolly just flip a coin....

Y'all don't eat too much sugar tonite... that stuff'll rot yer teeth.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; October 31st, 2012 at 05:38 AM.
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Old October 31st, 2012, 05:37 AM
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De Super model volunteers at "no kill" shelter jes outside Cleveland,Ga so we've got cats out de Wazoooooooooo

Dis mawn'in one of dem "bitch slapped" poor ole Red fer no reason. If he'd been a Rockweiler. It would be all over but de mopp'in up fur. But Goldens are so calm, he jes hid his eyes wit his paws and went back to his nap.

You got any pics of a real pulp wood truck dat's not as new as de one Allan posted? Might have to travel up towards Monore/ Bastrop are of La.
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Old October 31st, 2012, 06:01 AM
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Morning All! Happy Halloween!

Hard to believe October is over already. Where did the summer go?

Surprise...It's still friggin raining here! Water is fixin to come over Rt. 82 just past work, here. I noticed on my way in that the ditches are full and water is just laying on the grass waiting to come over the road. It's windier today than it was yesterday! They said the winds would diminish yesterday. Temps in the 40's.

Sure would be nice to see the sun. I've had my fill of gray already. Been 6 days since we've seen sun.... makes me cranky.

Another quiet boring day in here. Larry said work picked up for him, so that's good. Wish it would for us.

So.... I went home last night and Larry had gotten some Romney signs and a few other Republican people signs and put them in the yard.... Along with an empty metal chair! We are surrounded by signs for the "other side" all on our street....

Late yesterday afternoon I get this phone call, here at work. This guy is whispering... he said "how are you"? I said "I'm good, thanks." He said "are you busy?" I said "No, not really, why are we whispering?" He said "who's there?" I said, "the usual. Why are we whispering?" Then I started to laugh. He said "Do you know who this is?" I said, "No, and I don't really care to guess." I said, "I need to put this call on speaker since I'm having a hard time hearing you." He said, "No, don't do that... do you know who this is?" And he's chuckling in the background. Then he says "I should be standing behind you, rubbing your shoulders". I laughed. He said "I should be rubbing your neck." I said "You must really be bored today." Then he said "I should have my hand on your thigh." I hung up then! I have no idea who it was, lol. Probably just some perv..... it made me laugh on an otherwise dreary day, though.

Jamesbo.... I'm gonna talk to Don Sitts and also Bob at the body shop and see if they can give me some names of upholsterer's. I gotta get prices before I do anything.

Scot... I love Butter Pecan ice cream. It's probably my favorite! I can't eat it now though, with this TMJ crap in my jaw. Can't chew the nuts. I haven't had any in 10 months now... I'm not a big ice cream eater. Larry is though!!

John... wish I could take the kitty! Sure hope you find it a forever family.
Well you all have a good day. Stay warm and dry!!
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Old October 31st, 2012, 06:12 AM
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I think it was Blue call'in ya

FWIW I like vanilla ice cream wit nuked peanut butter on it.
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Old October 31st, 2012, 07:11 AM
NOVICE car nut
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Good Morning ....

I don't have much to say today " uneventfull morning " My kids were screwing around to long this morning , and almost ended up being late for school , so I had to yell at them a little .... But , by the time I got them to school they were laughing pretty good though . Dad always seems to have some kind of funny made up song or joke to get them going . Man I love them kids ! Now all I got to do is get them into cars so they can help me . Actually my son always likes to help , but there are a lot of things he's to young for yet .... Someone on here told me once that my sentences and paragraphs are something to be desired , and hard to understand . After reading entries from Clint and Jamesbo , I'm not sure how they singled me out . Don't worry guys , I love you man ! You the ony southaners I kno tat hae such a stong southan draaw , tat it shos up in you typin too . .... Well , I have to go kill myself in the back bathroom sniffing me some POR15 paint . It's to cold outside to paint out there , but thanks god I gots me an exhaust fan

I'll play "Southern man" from Neil Young while I'm painting , followed up with "School" by Supertramp !.... How does that sound ? Crap , that means I'm gonna have to dig albums out

Last edited by oldsguybry; October 31st, 2012 at 07:17 AM.
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Old October 31st, 2012, 07:26 AM
Cutlass Lover
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Here's the answer to the email I sent to SMS yesterday. Scot..... is he accurate on how much material I would need for the seats?? You're smart about this stuff, lol! I don't know if I can afford this. That would be like almost $1700 just for the front seat cover to be made, plus I'd still have to pay someone to put the covers on the seat. Crap... crap.. crap.

Sandy---If we get started soon, March will be no problem. Basically
you have 11/2 yards of cloth plus 2 1/2 yards of vinyl on the front
seat, so that will be your cost of materials. In addition, we will
charge $450--550 to do the assembly. We guarantee that it will be
sewn correctly. We guarantee that we can deliver by end of March (if
you get it going soon).


P.S. If you do front and rear, you will double the material cost and
the assembly will probably run $950.00.
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Old October 31st, 2012, 07:35 AM
Captain Starfire
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Dat soundz good....

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
FWIW I like vanilla ice cream wit nuked peanut butter on it.
I had never heard the phrase "wood pulp truck" until you mentioned it on this site. I've seen many a truck hauling logs and stuff down here and b/w here and Hiawassee; but not sure of the exact definition of that term. Must be a "Southern Yankee" term But I think I catch yer drift, since most of dem log trucks looks like they drive 'em straight thru the forest....

Sandy, don't make any offers unless you're serious! I already offered to drive the little urchin to my mom-in-law in Peoria -- but her darn cat is 20 y.o and continues to live just to spite us all! Seriously, we picked up "Torchy" for her from the Humane Society in Michigan (near Torch Lake - and thus, her name) when we were practically newlyweds.... that cat has hated me since day one....

If you really want to give this youngster a good home, my wheels are already startin' to turn . Wiffey just doesn't want her to be an outdoor kitty... you see, she already has a lot emotionally invested in "Yota," which is the name she gave her b/c the first time she saw her, she stuck her little black head up from the engine compartment of the Toyota.... But obviously, if somebody gives her a good home, naming the little booger will be their prerogative....

BTW, mom-in-law will be 87 soon, so not sure if she'd be interested in adopting a new kitty even if Torchy kicked the bucket....
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