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Old November 13th, 2013, 03:46 AM
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Mornin all.

Jamesbo. I ain't gonna try to win that worm. being up at 3 is early enough. You must be posting from the back of the 'burb?

Darrell good luck with the lights. I'm not ready for the holidays. Heck I haven't even come to grips with the fact I need to rake leaves yet.

Sandy you keep that white stuff out there. Spose to be 68 today. but I'd trade todays weather with Sunday. Spose to get ugly and we have a race.

Mike at least you have a hangar to work in. When I'd help my buddy here we were out on the tarmac only every once in a while would Kitty-Hawk Spring for some Hangar time from Continental.

Have a great humpday all.
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Old November 13th, 2013, 04:42 AM
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Top of the (nippy) morining to all you worm-eaters and other Oldsmopartners. Was a frigid 34 when I left the Plantation, but they were expecting it to go down another degree or two before sunrise. 39* in the Big Easy right now.

Originally Posted by cutlassgal
So when I come to see Bruce in Hammond, (Swamp People) I'm gonna be close to you and a good place to eat, huh? Works for me!
Sandy, sounds like a plan. Keith Young's also has steaks to swoon over.
Sorry y'all are gettin' all that early white stuff.... This is the earliest big chill we've had way-down-yonder in quite a few years.

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
De Braves headed fer de hills and now [jes today] our wondeful mayor [whose name I won't attempt to say or spell] says, It's a great opportunity to redevelop the area in housing. Like ere ah, everyone needs a mcMansion in de hood overlooking de interstate.
Jamesbo, sign me up fer one of dem dare McMansions in da' hood. I'm sure all that will still be in the news when we come back up next month.

My usual condolences for your sleeping (or lack thereof?) arrangements and the general feeling of dissonance evoked by the description of your domestic menagerie. At least you'll have a belly full of worms each morning.

Originally Posted by slantflat
John how is Aunt Connie doing in the new digs?
Thanks for axeing, Mike. She's so-so... the wound-care nurse called me yesterday morning to tell me she has yet another cut on her upper leg, and of course, they "really don't know how it got there." I'm starting to think they're all the same. Problem is there's no accountability from the administration to the nurses to the aides. Nobody ever knows who did what.

Additionally, we're not even in the summer and I've been seeing fruit flies zooming around the "new' place, and in her room when she's eating. I'm going to have a talk w/ the administrator this afternoon and at least let him know I'm watching.

I'm supposed to get a copy this week of the formal complaint I filed against the last place with the LA DHH. It'll be interesting to hear what the results will be. Can you believe we yanked her out of that home and they have NEVER even called me or attempted to make contact to ask why? That tells me they know they're guilty as sin.

The social worker at East Jefferson Hospital (where Connie was rushed 3x in one week last month) told me there are no good nursing homes in LA. She said it was a matter of choosing the least of all evils. I think she's right.

Mike, I remember working in the chilly Star Chrysler garage during the winters. One thing's for sure -- it keeps you working! Considering it wasn't air conditioned in the dog days of summer, the prospect of winter never seemed too bad to us... the summers were really miserable. They did have big overhead gas furnaces for winter, but unless you were standing right by one, it didn't seem to make much difference.

Well, let me quit dripping and start working. Y'all have a great (and warm) humpity.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; November 13th, 2013 at 05:00 AM.
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Old November 13th, 2013, 06:47 AM
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Morning All!

Some sun here today, but still cold. Only in the 30's today for a high. Supposed to be in the 60's this weekend, but maybe rainy. Hope not.... I gotta get Teepo back!!!

Had to go to calling hours last night for my friend Sue's mom. Her mom passed away last Friday night. Unexpected heart attack. So we all went to the funeral home. Larry treated Nicole halfway decent, which was nice.

I go see my doctor after work tonight about this stupid cough. 52 days, but who's counting? It's somewhat better, but I still get those spells of just hacking and hacking. I'm soooo tired of it!

Supposed to have dinner with Pam tomorrow night.... unless I decide to go get Teepo instead of waiting till the weekend. I'll see.

Darrell.... I still don't know what's going on with the WD either, lol. I know Rick isn't in any hurry to tell Daryl about Carol, lol. I don't know how he will take it..... Did you see that the Gov is supposed to be back in this week's episode?? I hope Mishonne kills him, lol. I don't like the guy.

Clint.... hope the weather doesn't get too bad for you this weekend! I guess this big chill is over a lot of the country. That's what the Almanac said was going to happen when I looked at it in August. Showed colder than normal temps and early snows.

John... sorry to hear your aunt still is having problems! That sucks. I just don't trust those places. It does seem like no one is accountable for anything. I hope you get somewhere with your complaint.

Jamesbo... I can just see you sleeping at Awful House, lol. Hang in there... it will get better eventually!

Clay is back today. He actually came in late yesterday afternoon and said he's not going back unless they come and arrest him for not showing for jury selection, lol. He was all fired up - the way them Texans get - and was complaining about having to sit in that big room all day long with all walks of life.

Well you all have a good hump day and stay warm!!
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Old November 13th, 2013, 07:44 AM
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Brrrrrrrrr Good Humpday Mawnin All

Yup it's as cold as they predicted Gonna warm up to around the mid 50's and back to freezing tonight

Darrell all is well and thanks for asking. We've been around just haven't had much to say in a positive way so I've been fairly quiet. Basically I've applied to hundreds of jobs and most if they reply say that they are really impressed with my resume, BUT have decided to hire someone else Anywho... We'll keep pressing on as usual but with Christmas approaching fast, I need to find something soon.

Jamesbo you sound like my house, four dogs indoors last night and one cat. We are dog sitting for the oldest daughter and adopted the mother-in-laws old retriever mix so she could move into a pet free apartment.

Sandy I am sorry to hear about your friend's mom. That is always a hard thing to deal with. Make sure you send us pics of Teepo's new duds

Whelp everyone stay warm and have a great Wednesday all
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Old November 13th, 2013, 03:06 PM
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Happy Hump everyone.

Groundhog day. That's what I've decided life is like while I'm working. It is night 3 tonight. Last night we were changing an engine on a 767. Fairly straight forward, and we were inside again, but that isn't always the case. We have one bay we use and two others that we try to wrestle from the paint crew. Or we try to shoehorn our planes into the big hangar whenever we can, but we work outside quite a bit. In the cold, in the rain, etc. Not always fun.

Scot go ahead and vent if you want. I know I sometimes spew some negativity here and there, and my fellow threadmates are gracious and don't call me on it. Threadmates?

Awful sorry about your friend, Sandy. She has my empathy. X2 on the pictures. Maybe you can call an enclosed car service to bring her home if it's bad weather.

Ah, winter at the dealership. John when I was in high school I worked at Shaver Chevrolet-Peugeot-Mitsubishi(try spitting that one out answering the phone) as a service porter. After 5pm I was the only porter there so in between washing the cars I'd have to go pull up cars for service customers when they came to pick them up. Many, many times I'd run outside in the dead of winter with wet hands to get a car. I still feel the effects of that even today. Don't know if it was officially frost bite, but lingering damage for sure.

Jamesbo if you take up at the Awful house, make sure you're in a booth. If you fall asleep at the high counter, it's quite a ways down and it would be a rather rude awakening!

Okay past 6, again, so off to work. Have a great night everyone.
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Old November 13th, 2013, 08:24 PM
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Hi everyone. Just checking in to see what's up. Quiet and cold here today only got up to 38. Supposed to be a little warmer tomorrow.

Scot - sorry I didn't know that you were looking for work. Hope you find something real soon. I understand what you're going through. I got laid off in July 2012, and didn't start working again for another year. Only reason I started again though is because I started my own business. I am still not covering my costs. I'm in the same boat as you as far as Christmas goes, have toys to buy and bills to pay but I'm not sure with what. Holding out hope that it gets better because the next thing I'll need to sell is my Cutlass if I need cash.

Sandy - I hope Michonne kills him too. Between that and Daryl finding out about Carol, it should be an interesting episode.

Well, have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old November 14th, 2013, 03:49 AM
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Mornin all.

Darell and Sandy. the last episode kinda left me flat. I'm thinking its about time for a big change up and I think the Gov may be doing that.

Mike and John, I really don't like working on cars in the winter. too much drippy in the eyes. Summer is better even tho you're working mostly on overheats, I still like it better than the wet and cold.

Scot I'd hire you in an instant if you were a little closer. I hope you find something soon. The guy who runs Bandimere speedway is trying to talk me and the wife to start working for him. Its tempting.

Jamesbo Ida figured youd have gobbled up that worm this morning. I'm kinda enjoying this sleepin in stuff. Made it to 3:30 this morning. About 50F right now with a high of 55 today. But cloudy and windy. odd weather.

Have a great Thursday all.
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Old November 14th, 2013, 04:43 AM
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Top o' the muffin TOOO ya'

(Seinfeld fans will understand the title.)

'Twas a nippy 33* at the Planation this morning... but warming rapidly. It's in the 50s here on the S. Shore already, and the wind has vanished, thank goodness.

Clint, I think I'd be tempted by that as well, although I don't know what it pays. Anytime somebody can be behind you to "stop the buck," life can often be simplified and made more palatable. Think hard!

Sorry about the effects of that frostbite, Mike. We didn't have cold like you guys did, but the shop was sure a mite cool after a couple hours. We'd like to keep the engines running just to put some extra heat in our stalls....

Jamesbo, ur gonna' need an extra helping of grits, sausage, biscuits, and eggs since you missed the worm.

Sandy, I was sorry to hear of your friend's Mom. I feel her pain. I know it takes a lot of time for things to get back on track after an event such as that.

Scot, hang in there.... check in more often even if it's just to vent or rave; we all do it, so what the heck? ;-) I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers as we move toward the holiday season.

Darrell, you gotta' do what you gotta' do, but we all sure hope it doesn't come down to divesting yourself of the Cutlass. That would be a sad day for all of us here....

Last nite I had a dream I had an old Chrysler 300, put it up on my lift, and the whole shooting match fell over. Man, I hate when that happens, to quote Billy Crystal. I told my wife that this type of dream always means I have problems in real life that I have no idea how to solve .... the exact feeling I had in my dream looking at the car on its side with the lift pushed over with oil leaking out of both ....

On that depressing note, y'all have a great Thursday!

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; November 14th, 2013 at 05:01 AM.
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Old November 14th, 2013, 05:04 AM
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Mawn'in all

A little frosty on de pumpkin dis mawn'in

Scot, Vent away. De housing market up here is making a slow come back Maybe the HVAC business will pick up dwon there. Hang in there bud.

Clint, Truth be know, I coulda had de worm but didn't wanta be a hog so, I went to de kitchen and had me a big bowl of grits.

John, I betcha didn't know I studied Jung fer years. Better watch your dreams, They're an important part of your "inner werk"

Sandy, Sorry for your friends loss. But sometimes I think they that go quick are the lucky ones.

GTG, Have a great day Olds friends
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Old November 14th, 2013, 05:08 AM
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Good Thursday Mawnin All

Brrrrrrrrr it's down right cold for this area, even as far as January or February standards go My thermometer is sitting dead on 20*

Originally Posted by slantflat
Scot go ahead and vent if you want. I know I sometimes spew some negativity here and there, and my fellow threadmates are gracious and don't call me on it. Threadmates?
Thanks Mike, but to be honest I like the "Good Morning" part myself. But I'll try to stay connected as much as possible brother.

Originally Posted by OLD SKL 69

Scot - sorry I didn't know that you were looking for work. Hope you find something real soon. I understand what you're going through. I got laid off in July 2012, and didn't start working again for another year. Only reason I started again though is because I started my own business. I am still not covering my costs. I'm in the same boat as you as far as Christmas goes, have toys to buy and bills to pay but I'm not sure with what. Holding out hope that it gets better because the next thing I'll need to sell is my Cutlass if I need cash.
Thanks Darrell I didn't realize you too were out of work that long. I figured you were back at it after only a few months. Good luck with your business my friend, I hope it takes off soon for you.

Originally Posted by CQR
Scot I'd hire you in an instant if you were a little closer. I hope you find something soon. The guy who runs Bandimere speedway is trying to talk me and the wife to start working for him. Its tempting.
Thanks Clint, I would jump on that offer in a heartbeat. The only reason I am not working as a mechanic right now is the fact that I despise working on something someone else has hacked up beyond recognition You see a lot of that shady stuff down here, on top of people never maintaining their cars.... until it breaks that is As far as working for the speedway goes, I would think that the winter and early spring would bring little to no $$ into the equation, unless he has an indoor arena.
Originally Posted by Bee-Oh-Pee
(Seinfeld fans will understand the title.)
The muffin top episode Where Cosmo and Elaine get it handed to them about the muffin "stumps"

Originally Posted by Bee-Oh-Pee
Scot, hang in there.... check in more often even if it's just to vent or rave; we all do it, so what the heck? ;-) I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers as we move toward the holiday season.
Will do brother, we shall hang in there like a hair on a biscuit And thank you for the thoughts and prayers my friend.
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Old November 14th, 2013, 05:53 AM
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Morning All!

Sunny and 28 here this morning, supposed to get close to 40 today!

Thanks for your kind words for my friend's mom. I will let her know.

Well I feel GREAT this morning!!!!! First time I'm not hacking my head off in 7 weeks and 4 days. I slept good and didn't wake up 5 -6 times coughing. I went to my doctor yesterday after work. When I described the (sorry to be gross) clear sticky stuff I seemed to be coughing up and choking on, she said I have a bacteria - the same one that causes Whooping cough! She gave me 2 Advair inhalers - with steroids - and a prescription for Biaxin antibiotic. I have to take 2 pills (1000 mg.) with a meal once a day, and use the inhaler once in the morning and once at night.

I took the pills with supper last night, and I tell you, when I used that inhaler before bed, I could feel that powder going into my airways and instantly could breathe in without coughing! It was like a friggin miracle, lol. I slept so good and I didn't get up hacking! It's a great thing. My chest feels so much better today!

Pam and Nicole and I are going to have our dinner at Appleby's tonight. I'm looking forward to it.

Clint.... I'm with you on the WD. I'm ready for some action, lol.

Scot.... glad you're getting back on here once in a while. You vent all you want on here. Lord knows I do my share, but that's what we're here for. I hope you find work soon. I know that's hard... Something will turn up!

Darrell.... still hoping things get better for you too!

Jamesbo... yeah, Sue's mom had a few heart attacks and a couple little strokes previously, but she was still very active in theatre and such. She made costumes. I guess her and her hubby were on their way home from the theatre when this happened. So I guess she got to do something she loved right before she passed.

Mike.... I like that word - Threadmates! Lol! I guess we are!!

Well I gotta get some cereal, so I'll talk to you all later. Have a great day!!
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Old November 14th, 2013, 07:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
John, I betcha didn't know I studied Jung fer years. Better watch your dreams, They're an important part of your "inner werk"
Sandy, Sorry for your friends loss. But sometimes I think they that go quick are the lucky ones.
Jamesbo, you're right -- "I did not know that," as our deceased buddy, Johnny Carson, used to say. Maybe I'll start calling you "Uncle Carl."

Thank goodness I have no need to get on the Chantix. (And no wonder you got off of it, having to analyze all those crazy lucid dreams morning after morning... that's like a day's work .)

But some words my Aunt Carmie (Connie's 83-y.o. 'baby' sister) said to me when Connie went into the first nursing home in August still resonate in my internal ear: "John, I think our girl is going to linger." At 93, our "girl" could live in her condition for years.

So dittos, Jamesbo. My Mom collapsed in her tracks from a massive cerebral hemorrhage 2.5 years ago and prolly never knew what hit her -- even though it was a horrific thing to witness (which I didn't) and to reconcile. It was a blessing in so many ways. She never had to spend a day tortured in a nursing home.
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Old November 14th, 2013, 11:55 AM
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Hey everyone.

Beautiful looking day out. About 50*. I think I'm gonna go cut some firewood with my sawzall.

Sandy so glad the coughing stopped. I think I just saw something on the internet that said if you coughed for so long you would create enough energy to heat a cup of coffee.

John loved the reference. Mr. Litman, it isn't 'top o'the muffin TO YOU.' Yes Elaine, it is. Last night at work we went to break early and caught the last part of These pretzels are making me thirsty. Nice to have a good laugh at work.

Scot you pedalin' parts at the swap meet this weekend? I'm gonna try to make it down there but I don't know which day yet.

Clint would working at the track be in addition to what you do now, or a replacement? Sounds cool working at a race track.

Okay gotta do something so the whole day isn't a bust. I got into bed right at 8 this morning, and told the dogs to wake me up at noon. So they woke me up at 9. Then I woke up at a quarter to 2. I bet they think they're funny.

Hope everyone is having a great day.
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Old November 14th, 2013, 12:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Scot, Vent away. De housing market up here is making a slow come back Maybe the HVAC business will pick up dwon there. Hang in there bud.
I get it... Vent away- -HVAC LOL Will do the hanging in part
Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Scot.... glad you're getting back on here once in a while. You vent all you want on here. Lord knows I do my share, but that's what we're here for. I hope you find work soon. I know that's hard... Something will turn up!
Thanks Sandy I am praying for something really soon.

Originally Posted by slantflat

Scot you pedalin' parts at the swap meet this weekend? I'm gonna try to make it down there but I don't know which day yet.
No I am not pedalin' parts and magazines this time. Couldn't afford a spot, but I do plan on attending tomorrow ($5 admission) but not Saturday, the mother-in-law is coming for her burpday
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Old November 15th, 2013, 03:46 AM
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Mornin all.

Mike I need an additional job like I need a hole in my head. This would be instead of. This wouldn't be so much of running the tree or announcing. Nothing glamorous like that. this is. Making sure trash barrels are out. Working on cars and equipment. Grading the parking lots, adding more lighting, etc. All the behind the scenes work that people dont see. Scot, there is plenty of work for 6-8 people year round. This is the guy who got burned in that 'bobcat' accident earlier this year.

John, I just hope I know when its time for me to go. I think I want to disappear into the night and that's it. but we are all picked a plan that we have to follow.

Sandy. Glad they found out whats going on. My wife has been using advair for a few years now. It's expensive but it sure seems to be working. We order ours generically from Canada for less than a 3rd of the price. It usually ships out of India or somewhere like that.

Jamesbo. We haven't heard much about the Chantix anymore. Are you all done with that? Still smoke free?

Have a great Friday all.

Here is some reading for you all. Just a customer review on a personal care product. Enjoy.

Last edited by CQR; November 15th, 2013 at 04:00 AM.
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Old November 15th, 2013, 05:17 AM
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Glad you're not busted up worse. The Burban is a mess. Let me know if you need me to look for a rust free Colorado Jimmy.
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Old November 15th, 2013, 05:25 AM
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Holy Cow Jamesbo! Glad you are still vertical! That was some hit to cause that much havoc on da burb
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Old November 15th, 2013, 05:34 AM
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Holy Toledo Jamesbo!

Oh, good morning everyone.

That's quite a hit. You're going to be sore for a while. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you, I'll run right up.

Light rain, don't know where it's coming from. We're supposed to have sun this weekend. Thought I'd take a run to the swap meet in Perry today, as it's supposed to be warmer tomorrow and I want to do some work to the Cadillac. Hope it's not raining south of me.

I feel like I haven't been to the Awful house in such a long time. It's been four days. Headed there in a few minutes.

Scot I wish I was more organized, there's plenty of stuff I could have taken to the swap meet (and tried) to sell. Maybe next time we can split a space. Maybe I'll see you there today.

Okay headed out. Have a great day everyone, glad we're all here to enjoy it.
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Old November 15th, 2013, 05:49 AM
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Holy Crap Jamesbo ! I'm glad your ok !

I had a woman pull in front of me years ago , and I T-Boned her mid 80's Delta Sedan with my 72 Satellite Wagon . There was not much left of my rusty wagon after that . It bent in the middle , and one of the wheels weren't touching the ground anymore . I didn't have my seatbelt on , and almost went through the windshield . I was picking glass fragments out of my forehead for awhile after that . I'm allergic to doctors and ambulances , so I declined the ride to the hospital .

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Old November 15th, 2013, 05:55 AM
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Good Friday Mawnin All

Mike the next show/swap meet is in the spring, I'll keep ya posted. Splitting a space or two sounds good. Just give me a shout when you are down here.

Whelp I better get off here and make sure the camera batteries are charged, last time I missed a '71 W30 that left early TTFN
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Old November 15th, 2013, 06:08 AM
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Lord love a duck!

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Ya know the old expression, “ I feel like I been hit by a Mack Truck “
Gooooo-o-ooo-lee, Sgt. Carter.... you did it good, Jamesbo... Almost wound up as a customer of your own business. .

"Thank the Good Lord" is right. So glad you were in the 'Burban, and not in a Camry, Accent, DumbCar, or God forbid, a Yamaha FJR .

Supermodel needs to take extra special care of you now.... let us know how the Brunswick Stew comes out.

As for way down yonder, 'nuther day, 'nuther dollar. After getting quotes on getting health insurance beginning in January, I proposed to my boss I stay on 2X10's a week into January -- and possibly beyond. If we're gonna' pay over a grand a month for catastrophic coverage, I think I'd rather keep an income for the time being.

BTW, a very similar policy we priced in August would have been a bit over $400 for the two of us.... This really sucks; but like Jamesbo, I have to count my blessings and view the glass as half full... I'm very fortunate to even have this dilemma.

Clint, I hope the race track position all works out for the best. And re: the Veet, I notice after all that you gave it a 5-star review --> Please get the next application on video for us -- although Jamesbo might have to refrain from reading or looking, as I suspect it only hurts when he laughs.... (Dat's sum funny $H1+, cher.... ) And BTW, you seem to have garnered a real fan club in the U.K.

Y'all have a great TGIF, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; November 15th, 2013 at 06:13 AM.
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Old November 15th, 2013, 06:18 AM
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Morning All!

Sunny and warmer here this morning. Temps at 40. Gonna have a heat wave this weekend, but strong thunderstorms on Sunday with high winds, they're saying. Then next Wednesday, snow and 35! Welcome to Ohio.....

Jamesbo!!!!!! How awful! Thank God you weren't hurt worse. That's just horrible. What did the trucker do - run a light or just not stop in time?? On his cell phone??I'm glad you're ok. And you just cleaned your Burban out... I'm sorry.

I'm looking forward to picking up Teepo tomorrow! She's been gone 18 days, but who's counting? Larry has to move his tractors around in the back garage so I can put her in there.

Had a nice dinner with Pam last night.. Nicole and Matt came along. They get bored with us talking, lol. Got home about 9:30.

Tomorrow afternoon I have to go get my eyes checked and get new glasses. I think I'm like 3 - 5 years late for an exam, lol. Sure wish I could wear contacts. I hate glasses....

So is it safe to buy rims? I mean, are they as good as what's on the vehicles? I was looking at new rims for Tincanio cause the ones on her are rusty and I don't like them. I'm talking about buying rims from a tire place, but not Toyota ones, other ones. Toyota ones would probably be real expensive. Guess I'm wondering if they're made just as good or not. Anyone ever get replacement rims? The Intrigue needs them too; the one tire keeps leaking and Defer tells me it's the rim. Guess they've tried grinding off the burrs or whatever, but can't anymore. I'd like to have Olds wheels again on that, but I don't know where to look? Any suggestions??

Another slow quiet day in here... we got paid today, but no bonus check. It will probably come Thanksgiving week. He always gives them by the holiday.

Mike.... I don't know how much energy I've put out from coughing, but I probably could have lit all of Twinsburg up, lol! I"m still coughing every now and then, but not near as hard or as long. I hope these drugs work. If not, she told me to come back. This antibiotic leaves a metal taste in my mouth. Yuck.....

Well better do something I guess. Brian just left for a McDonalds run...

You all have a good day! Jamesbo..... soak in a tub with Epsom salts to help your sore body!
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Old November 15th, 2013, 07:42 AM
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Jamesbo, glad to see that you got through that wreck without too much harm, not a way to end the week. Sandy, post pics of Teepos' new interior when you get her home.
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Old November 15th, 2013, 10:33 AM
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Awwwww.... Jamesbo. That's sad. It won't be the same, but you can get another one. Surely the truckers insurance will have to pay....

Dan.... Oh yeah, I'll be posting some pics! It's hard to take pics of the inside of a car The seat is soooo beautiful!

We got our bonus checks this afternoon. I only got like half of what I got last year, but I am very thankful that the company is doing so well that they can give bonus'. Business has been slow this year, and we've built new facilities, so I'm sure money is tight.

I talked to Bob at noon about detailing Tincanio next Wednesday when Nicole is working for him. She can drive her in. I think I am going to get those rims I was looking at yesterday on Discount Tires website and use them in the summer and use these ugly crappy ones in the winter. Bob said they should be good rims.
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Old November 15th, 2013, 04:53 PM
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WOW Jamesbo, glad your ok after a hit like that. Hopefully his insurance will cover the cost of another one.

Let us know how Teepo turns out Sandy, I have the pick I took of her interior still so I will be able to compare

I have been reading a lot about the new affordable healthcare act you have over there now. I can't believe the way it's set up

We got new anti bikie laws in QLD last month and they are the toughest in the world now but they were pushed through so fast that there are so many holes in it and it targets everyone on a bike sorry no more about that crud

Well a very good friend of ours who lives in southern Georgia was offered a job of Senior Satellite Communications Technician with the US Antarctic Program, you read that right Antarctic. He will be living at the southern most inhabited place on earth for 12 months.

Time for me to get some stuff done around the house, have a good weekend and I hope the weather behaves for you on Sunday Clint,

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Old November 15th, 2013, 05:53 PM
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Glad your ok Jamsbo. You took a hell of a hit sure glad you weren't driving a small car. Sure makes me believe in full size works better
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Old November 16th, 2013, 03:59 AM
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Foggy this morning, and warmish. Around 50. Gonna be upper 60s today and sunny.

Scot I'm sorry I missed you at the swap meet yesterday. I got there kind of late, saw the whole place twice in about 30 minutes, and was home by 5. Just as I got there someone said it was raining(slight, slight mist for a couple minutes is all) and everyone scrambled to cover their stuff. I was gone from my house for 4 hours and three of it was driving.

Jamesbo how you feeling today?

Gonna be early to the Awful house. Might see people I haven't seen in awhile.

Have a great weekend everyone.
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Old November 16th, 2013, 05:01 AM
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Good Saturday Mawnin All

Mike I wish you would've called me, we could have met up and shot the breeze fer a spell. Oh well it sounds like you were power walking like the people at the mall do to be able to see everything twice in 30 mins

Jamesbo glad to hear you are healing so soon. Like Ken Nugent the lawyer says "Big Trucks Carry BIG Insurance" Hope you aren't too sore this morning.

Whelp this is what happens when thugs comes to this end of the woods...

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Old November 17th, 2013, 06:34 AM
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Posts: 8,864 old dog Sandy: better batten down the hatches as some nasty weather is coming through.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 09:06 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155 old dog Sandy: better batten down the hatches as some nasty weather is coming through.

X2 , we have tornandos going on here right now . I'm trying to find my video recorder
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Old November 17th, 2013, 09:55 AM
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Hey, Hay, or Heigh?

Nice and freezing cold, 14" of snow. Swimsuit weather for some, but not for others...

Now ya know why hockey pucks are black - easier to see on telly. We don't need it ourselves cause we're so used to the ice / snow. It's just for others who don't understand where to look.

Jim - Hope you're ok. Now at least you never have to worry bout cleaning dat ting out agin.

GTG - Curling GSC finals starting in 5 minutes.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 02:39 PM
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We had a tornado warning while at work, so we went to the designated areas until it blew over, no touchdown that I am aware of. Got out of work and the sun was shining, and a vibrant rainbow was above my head, whipped out the cell...yep, it was dead. It was one of the times that I wish that I had my regular camera with me, I could have taken a panoramic shot...oh well.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 02:47 PM
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Every time I see pictures like this. I am reminded why I live on the left coast.

Get better soon Jamsbo
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Old November 17th, 2013, 03:04 PM
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Hi everyone.

Allan what is heigh? No matter, that shuttle stacked into the guardrail couldn't have felt good.

Been sort of misty and cloudy here today. Good day to sleep, which I did a lot of. Now it's dark and I don't know what it's doing. Dark before 6pm, disgusting.

I know Scot, I'm sorry. I don't know why I always think Perry is 40 miles from me? It's 94 miles. Not power walking, just not a lot to see when everything is covered up. Hope they had a better day today.

I didn't get the bearings done on the Cadillac like I wanted. I couldn't find my bearing greaser or my wheel bearing grease. Thrown into a box and buried I guess. That isn't expensive stuff I can go get others later. I just won't take that car to Florida like I wanted to. Oh well.

Okay first of three tonight. No idea what's in store. I don't think it's going to be overly cold but there is supposed to be rain overnight.

Sandy the seat looks terrific. Did you keep the old material they took off so you can make things out of it?

Off I go. Hope everyone had a good weekend and has a good start to the week.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 06:04 PM
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Well.... I just lost my long post. That sucks!

We are under a tornado watch now, storms just moved in to our area, winds are strong and gusting to 60. It was windy all day, but warm, in the 60's. Yesterday was warm also, but cloudy. Satellite keeps cutting out. We filled 3 5gal buckets with water in case we lose power. Lots of folks without power around here.

Teepo is home and the seat is beautiful! Windlace pieces look good, package tray looks good, even if it is more of a bluish green. I am pleased with the job they did. I cleaned her up yesterday and she's in the back garage so I could put Tincanio in this garage. Hopefully I can get her to Defer Thursday and get the oil changed. I might have the coolant changed too. I think its been over 5 years since that was done. How often should coolant be changed??

Jamesbo.... glad you're feeling better. You'll probably have all sorts of aches and pains show up for a few weeks.

Mike... thanks. No, I didn't keep her old stuff. Curly asked me if I wanted it, but I didn't figure I'd ever use it for anything.

I cleaned the house today and got the laundry done. Then I went out and detailed the inside of Tincanio. Worked out in the yard some earlier. Felt like spring all weekend. Cold front behind this storm though. Might get a little snow tomorrow night. Hopefully nothing like AllanR has!

Well I'll download interior pics and post soon. Better gather my stuff for work. Have a good evening all and stay safe! Darrell.... it will be heading your way soon.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 06:58 PM
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Hi, boys & girl....

Hope everybody had a decent weekend. Welcome back to your work-week, Mike. Like you, I had more on my plate this weekend than I could chew: still trying to sort our my "new" office at home (painted w/ new floor). This is the first time in over 2 weeks I'm using the home desktop computer. You can see the new color on the wall in the background, along with the new floor tiles. Man, this stuff always takes way more effort than you imagine -- not mentioning money . But we sure needed it.

Sorry you lost your post, Sandy... I truly feel your pain. Did you post pic's of the new uphostery? I must've missed them....

Jamesbo, glad you're feeling a mite better.... Not to pry, but I'd think you'd have to get one of them ambulance chaser lawyers involved to get what's coming to you. However, it sure sounds like you have the right attitude; I'd be mighty grateful myself. I prolly have posted at some point in the past how we almost bought the farm in '93 in Nashville, driving from LA to N. Mich. We totaled the truck and were stranded Friday afternoon in rush hour traffic on I-40 -- with two pets in tow nonetheless. Our springer spaniel mix, Loretta, did sustain a little gash under her eye, but that wasn't as bad as our little bumps & bruises. Just makes you grateful you lived to tell about it.

Whelpt, let me get back to unloading the boxes and replacing all da' stuff in our bookcases + hutches, etc. I'm so happy I cleaned the stuff before I packed it.

Have a great night, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; November 17th, 2013 at 07:49 PM.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 07:20 PM
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Good evening everyone. Long time no see!

Jamesbo, good to hear you are doing ok!

I had my first relaxing weekend in over a month. The weather yesterday was nice, so I took the Mustang for a nice long cruise.

I've been putting a lot of time into working on the Cutlass, and good progress is being made.

Looks like that nasty weather is making it's way up here. No tornado warnings, but high winds are forecast now.

Glad to hear everyone is ok in the storm areas.

Allan, I don't want to see that picture, but I know it is coming, and sooner than I want. They have already been salting the roads around here. Some intersections are white, but from salt, not snow.

Have a great week everyone.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 08:09 PM
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Teepo has a beautiful 'new' old seat! And a newly discovered seat belt, lol.

Attachment 167502

Love the color of your office, John!!

Paul... glad you checked in. Glad you got to take the mustang out for a spin. That's always a good thing.

We still have the high winds blowing, it's cooling off, but the rain has let up.
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Old November 17th, 2013, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Teepo has a beautiful 'new' old seat! And a newly discovered seat belt, lol.

Love the color of your office, John!!

Paul... glad you checked in. Glad you got to take the mustang out for a spin. That's always a good thing.

We still have the high winds blowing, it's cooling off, but the rain has let up.

Wow , that really looks nice Sandy , I would be happy ... as far as the coolant being changed ? I would just look at it , or get it tested . I never change mine unless there's crap in there floating around in there . Then I would get it changed and flushed .
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Old November 17th, 2013, 09:04 PM
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Evening everyone or almost morning I guess. Watching the match up of the week right now, Denver vs Kansas City. Good game, but Manning is showing everyone that he's still the man.

Raining on and off today, in the 60's. Temp is great but all the leaves are falling right now, looks like I did not even work in the yard yesterday. Doing leaves is a thankless job.

Jamesbro - sorry to see you were in a bad accident. Glad you're ok and hope you're feeling better soon. Suburban is replaceable but you're one of a kind.

Sandy - seat came out really nice. Didn't realize your front seat needed repair.

Sandy/Clint - tonight was definitely a different type of episode with the WD. Will be interesting to see where this goes with the govenor coming back.

Allan - Wow, sorry to see the snow's coming down already, and at a good clip. Looks like you'll be having a white Thanksgiving.

Well, have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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