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Old May 22nd, 2012, 09:20 AM
Just an Olds Guy
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W'all up here it's "Monday' mornin and dat means a short work week for most everyone. Yesterday the weather guy said it would be raining most of today and tomorrow. So far he's right. Started right around 8 and been drizzlin ever since. That's good though cause it will soak in instead of heavy downpours running off.

Mike - you would like Wolfman, he's a really nice guy from the stuff I've shared back and forth with him.

Blue??? Oh Allan (anudder guy wit a great frist name huh????) C'mon out and play......

Not much exciting happening now, TTYL
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by slantflat

Jamesbo what does a bathtub have to do with the Rolls? Sure you can borry it. But I might make you keep it..

De both "yard art" like de whitewash 'round de bottom of my oak trees, my half buried white wall tires along de drive and my engine crank mail box post.

"I might make you keep it,"

You "might" be my new best friend.
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 05:30 PM
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Scot, would it happen to be the silver thing in this pic?

Attachment 176312
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 06:21 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Why is it I feel more tired after a long weekend then a 2-day one? This weekend was great, but hot. Sunday was up to 90F.

I worked on the Cutlass Saturday then went to a cruise night that evening. Sunday a group of cars from here convoyed to a show down in NY State. Good day and then on the way home, we stopped at a State Park to take in some scenery. A great view of Ontario across the river

Here is a pic of the Delta I took at the State park.

Attachment 176311

Mike, glad to hear the trip home was non-eventful.

Sandy, I hope things go well at the doctor's.

Good to hear from you again Adrian.

Scot and Ken, those are funny.

Don, good to hear your wife is home again.

Allan, let me know when you get photoshop and then I'll send you the instructions.

Have a good evening all.
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 08:02 PM
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Originally Posted by car_designer
Scot, would it happen to be the silver thing in this pic?
Paul, that's exactly what I was thinking about. Take a look at page 8-104 of this link that shows where the fuel lines go into that tank from below.

Scot, does that reference help you too? I know it's from the 71 AM but it will be pretty much the same for 72.
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 05:11 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter pretty one down ere.

WTH is all dis useful information do'in on de "New" Good Mawn'in Thread?

Clint, Glad I never have to move out into de dgo house. I brought my inside as my perminent residence.

I'm a big Q-jet fan. I never have figgered out why ssum folks wanta put a Holley on an Olds. Guess it's like de lady said when she kissed de cow. "It's all a matter of taste"

Car_designer, Dat sho is a pretty car ya got thar in the gravel pit.

Sandy, Good luck at de Doc's

See y'all soon, Have a great day
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 05:33 AM
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Paul, Jamesbo is right. That Delta is one sharp lookin ride.

Jamesbo, It wasn't near as quiet last night. She explained to me in no uncertain terms something I already knew. I would figgur being married for a bazillion years, that she was well aware that the fact that I'm a guy, that I would do stupid stuff not thinking that she would find them insensitive. But it looks like neither one of us is moving out, so I dont have to add that to my 'to do list'.

I sure like how a properly set up Q-jet works. As long as you dont have a motor that needs more fuel than the little fuel bowl can supply, its a great slobber-pot.

My tranny should be ready today, I probably wont be able to put it in until next week.

The kid spent the night on the football field last night Today is her last day of high school. (that is if she can squeek out her passing grades.) I sure wish I could say she was straight A's, but after this past year, I feel pretty good that shes gonna get that diploma on Saturday.

Spose to be about 20` cooler today. High in the 70's and rain and ail this afternoon.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 05:36 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Copy and Paste day ere Simply beautimus once again

Yup I thunk Paul nailed it and Allan showed what it is for. Thanks guys I never woulda thunked it would've been fer da gas ventilation inside the cab Well I guess it actually vents into the trunk. I guess the guys up nort that had to go for a short ride with the Gambino's and a long swim with cinder block shoes prolly didn't care once dey got to the bridge cause of the intoxicating fumes

Q-jets are great if they're set up right, I've always liked em and the Edlebrocks. Never did care for the Holleys myself.

Welp gotta go see the youngest at school, hopefully she'll get an award or sumphin
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 06:58 AM
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Morning All!

Sunny and cool here this morning - in the high 50's. Heading to the 80's though. We're supposed to have a hot humid weekend. I can do without the humidity. I like the hot part!! Today is my last day at work this week!!!! Yayyyyyyy.

Well I went to see this Dr. yesterday. Fought that traffic on 271, and sat in the waiting room for an hour and 5 minutes! I was not pleased. The doc is a very nice young man, friendly. I liked him. He looked at the scans already taken, then drew me a nice picture of my kidneys and showed me the difference between the two. He said he can't tell what that blockage on the one tube is. So I have to have a 'renal scan' with radioactive dye injected to show the blood flow, etc.. through the kidneys. I have to schedule that.

Then..... I have to go back to him and have a "procedure" done - he didn't give it a name, but he's going to go up the uretha with that handy dandy little scope thingy *ouch* and probably put a stent in the tube to open it up. Guess this stent stays in 3 or 4 months, then has to come out. He said he can also do a biopsy while he's in there if necessary. I didn't ask how he can do all this inside this tiny little tube. I really don't want to know, lol. He did say I would be asleep for this. I said good!

He said this could be something I was born with, or it's been there for quite a while and just has never been discovered because I've never had any problems or symptoms. No reasons for anyone to ever have to look at my kidneys. Who knows. I sure hope I don't have problems with it in the future now that they know it's there and are going to be bothering it, lol.

I have a lot of calling to do this morning.......

I got back to work at 4:20 yesterday afternoon. I tell you, I wouldn't drive on 271/480 every day for millions of dollars, lol! That traffic is just scary. Semi's and idiots everywhere, speeding.... Lord!!! I don't like going over there. But that's where I have to go to have all this crap done. I had such a headache when I got back here. Then I had to go to the dentist for the 6 mo. checkup and cleaning last night. What a day!!

Paul..... Beautiful pic of the Delta! I'm so glad I got to see it in person. Just a gorgeous car!!!

Clint.... Congrats on your daughter's graduation! I was sooooo proud when Nicole walked across that stage! It's a great feeling to know they at least made it that far, lol. Brian's son is graduating next week.

Well gotta get something done here, so have a great hump day!!
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 09:08 AM
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Dat's wild . I was born wit de same thing. Only they sent one thingy up my uretha and cut a hole in my leg an sent anutter one up my artery to see if the artery was bas ackwards to my uretha. Crosssed up causing restriction.

Guess my daddy didn't get a good toe hold or sum'in.

Dat's been 50 years ago an I never noticed a thing.

Cept when I went to buy life insurance I had to do a gluclose tollerance test so de Bas*&%^*()ds could charge me mo.

Never had a stent

Good luck wit de procedure
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 10:18 AM
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Quack, quack, quack.....splish's been raining here for over 24 hours now and prolly no let up till later today. Then the sun and skeeters will be coming out to play. Love the sun, hate the skeeters and humidity. Even the worms are complaining about the amount of rain...

Sandy - not being ignorant about this, but if it's never been a problem and its something that you've had for so long - why bother with fixing it now?? Kinda like if it ain't broke, don't fixit. Did the Doc say this would alter your life? Also if it's 'optional' surgery, it's prolly not covered by a health care plan. Hope all goes well however you resolve it.

Scot - always nice to see your children grow up and succeed. Before you know it they'll be movin out and then you'll start missing them? Naw, just an extra room to store parts in.

Clint - sorry to hear 'bout life in the dog house. I actually don't mind being yelled at. What I hate worse is when you do something and they don't talk to you, then you're supposed to just know what you did wrong??? The 3 day silent treatment might be a blessing to some, but not me. Makes me feel uncomfortable. Fortunately doesn't last long. Hope you guys are good.

Paul - Love the COLOR pic of the Delta. It's a great looking car. I miss my 83 Ninety Eight when I see pics like that.

Jamesbo - ah mos fogot. Ya hea bou da agnostic sdylexic? He sez der is no Dog!

Happy humpday to everyone!
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 12:30 PM
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Well Jamesbo.... Don't know if I was born with this or not - they don't know how long it's been messed up. They better not be cuttin any holes in my leg, lol.

Allan R..... I was wondering the same darned thing. It ain't broke.... but they say it is. They tell me I really don't want to live with one kidney, and that's what will happen when the right one gives out. It really doesn't look anything like the left one, lol.

I made my appointments. I have the renal scan on June 1st, and the scope thingy on the 12th. I have to stop my daily aspirin before that procedure so my blood thickens back up I guess. I'll ask the heart doc when I see him on June 4th. I'm about tired of all this crap already!!

Think I'll cruise on over to chick a filet tonight and de stress. Sun is out and it's about 83 degrees out here. Perfect!!!!
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
I was wondering the same darned thing. It ain't broke.... but they say it is. They tell me I really don't want to live with one kidney, and that's what will happen when the right one gives out. It really doesn't look anything like the left one, lol.
I'm sorry to say this, but how many Doctors actually take the time to explain that 1 out of every 750 people are BORN with only ONE kidney and lead perfectly normal healthy lives?? Take the population of USA as about 312 million. That means approx 416,000 people. And that's not counting the good samaritans who donate kidneys, or have one removed because of injury, failure etc. WHY do THEY say it's broke? I always wonder who THEY are. Prolly need to make a payment on THEIR Ferrari or mansion. I read this article on the web you should review. Not saying it's the end all, but do some research and ask that Doc some serious questions. Dang, I'm sorry but I worry about you. Now I'm all worked up.

I wish I was going for chicken with you....All that grease will clog up your blood and arteries real good, so keep on takin your aspirins till your heart doc says not to. I take 2 a day for the same reason BTW.
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 03:55 PM
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Happy Wednesday night everyone.

Sandy I so hope all your troubles get better and all these appointments don't get you down. I like your way of coping... going to a cruise in!

Paul that's a beautiful car. My Grandmother had a 79 Delta two door with a 350. It was that silver that turned awful and had a gorgeous deep red interior. For a big heavy car it would smoke the tires something good.

I'm with Scot about the QJ. They are great carbs and GM spent lots of money on designing them. I find it funny that more often than not the people who complain about them are the ones who mess with them and don't know what they're doing. That being said I have an Edelbrock QJ fake on my 79 Suburban and it too is an excellent carb.

Jamesbo why do you whitewash the bottoms of your trees? I'm thinking the Rolls is headed up to Roswell to a guy to see if he has good luck getting it to run.

First night of work for me. I have a feeling it will feel like a long week, since I don't have anything planned for the weekend. That's okay, I'll have all four to myself since I'm not going anywhere.

Hope everyone is having a pleasant evening.
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 06:47 PM
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Good Evening

Another nice day today. Tomorrow is supposed to be wet. I de-tinted another window tonite. Only 5 to go.

Thanks for all the compliments for the Delta. My Grandfather bought it new.

Mike, did the silver go sort of chalky? The light blue on my Delta did that.

Sandy, good luck.

Come on Allan, speak Canadian... COLOUR!

Scot, I was curious when I first saw that thing behind the rear seat as well. And I am surprised about it being inside the car as well.

Jamesbo, I'll try to limit the useful information I give out in this thread.
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Old May 23rd, 2012, 07:18 PM
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Evening's still raining...sigh....s'posed to stop around midnight. That makes almost 2" of rain in the last 36 hours.

The flyer girl came to the mailbox tonight and I said, "Hey nice tan!" She looked at me and said "That's not a tan, it's RUST!"

Paul, I will tryu tou beu moreu Canadianu andu putu moreu u'su inu foru youu. I know, Queen's English and all that. Colour. There. BTW, I think the the original paint was not enamel, it was lacquer finish on the big cars. My first 83 had to be re-done under warranty because the paint 'crazed' all over the car (less than 10 months ownership) Was your car repainted with enamel? It does tend to go chalky with age, specially if it's not kept waxed/sealed

Jamesbo - saw one of your kinfolk posting on another thread. You should look up his car. You would know zactly what he's sayin. I had a really hard time standin him.

Tomorrow is Graeme's grad. We're all looking forward to it. Hope he feels ok. He's been sick the past 5 days with some sort of summer cold. I think I'm getting sickness from him now...take care, sleep well.
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Old May 24th, 2012, 04:56 AM
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Morning All! Where are you????

Another beautiful morning here. Sunny and temps in the 60's. I'm off today!!! Takin Teepo to Defer to get her degreased at 10:00. Don't know what I'll do the rest of the day. Tomorrow I plan spending working on Tincanio.... she needs washed, detailed, and a coat of wax!!!!! Poor old thing. She's soooo jealous of Teepo, lol.

Had a nice time at Chick-Fil-A last evening! Had 20 cars there, and even a few I hadn't seen before! I took a few pics. Have to download them and all that.

Got home in time to watch most of Idol..... I'm sooooooo happy that Phillip won! The kid deserved it. I really hope he follows through with his career.

Allan R..... I think they (?) are worried that this blockage thing I have on the tube could be cancerous or something, so that's why that doc is gonna go up and snip a piece of it and put in that stent thing. I did call United Healthcare yesterday, and neither the scan or the uteroscopy need a pre approval. If they bill the scan as a 'minor diagnostic' procedure, it's paid 100%. If they bill it as a 'major diagnostic' procedure, they pay 80%, and I pay 20%. The uteroscopy, they pay 80%, I pay 20%. So hopefully the bills won't be too much, lol. I won't hold my breath though.

Gotta go out and fill the bird feeders. The birds are out here and the feeders are empty. Haven't seen any hummers yet so far...... I've had their feeders out for weeks. I love the little hummers...

You all have a great day!!
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Old May 24th, 2012, 05:01 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter nice one.

"Why do I whitewash de bottoms of my oak trees? "

Cause my grand pappy did.

It's a shame 'bout dat beautful 69 W-32's drop top engine ain't it?

Welp, Got a busy day today. Gonna meet an ole frined fer sum ropa vieja at dinner time. [Dat's lunch to you foreigners] "Cuba Si"

Sandy, I gonna have to disagree wit Allan ere. Unfortunately, I think ya need to do it. Ya don't want risk uremic poisoning. In de interium, I think I would drink alot of crandberry juice. I've heared it good fer de kidneys.

As far as de aspirin goes, I take 2 baby ones ever day, but I had to stop one winter when I got a terrible nose bleed dat wouldn't stop.

I might also look to see what Dr Andrew Wheil has to say on de subject. He's kinda de guru of natural medicines, vitamins etc.

Have a great day Olds friends.
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Old May 24th, 2012, 06:04 AM
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Morning guys, what's going on ? Figured I'd pop in and see what was new over here.
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Old May 24th, 2012, 06:15 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Copy and Paste once again day ere. High's should top out around 90ish this eve so yep one mo beautimus day ahead

Congrats to Graeme on his Graduation tomorrow, tell him we said to give him a big pat on the back for us. My daughter has to wait until Saturday since her school has utilized the facilities on Friday two years in a row. They all (Five county High Schools) use one of the buildings at the Georgia National Fairgrounds here in Perry.

Sandy I with Jamesbo on this too, however I would look further into it and talk more in detail with the doctor you spoke with and possibly get another opinion prior to going under the knife. I hope things work out for you.

Jamesbo have fun eating some "Old Clothes"

Well yall have a beautimus Thursday
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Old May 24th, 2012, 02:33 PM
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Morning all, light rain all day apparently

Finished up work yesterday so I came home had a few hours sleep then took the carbs out of my bike to clean and sync them again as they were out more then a bit

Nice pic of the Delta Paul. Bet your happy to be able to drive it now I think they call COLOUR the queens english mate

Good luck with whichever you choose Sandy, just get better and don't be getting worse ya hear

Congratulations on your daughter graduating Clint, been a long road but she got there in the end

Good to hear your TW is home and on the mend Don.

Well gotta go finish those carbs, have a good day everyone,

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Old May 24th, 2012, 05:38 PM
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Hey everyone.

Tony how you doin' ? Glad you stopped in.

Adrian I always heard rain was a stranger to Australia. In fact, I don't think it's rained but once when I've been there all these years. Of course all those floods of recent would tell a different story.

Clint and Allan congratulations on your graduates. From what I see around the greater Stockbridge area graduating is no small feat.

Yes Paul the 88's silver paint chalked, faded, chunked, peeled, and basically looked like crap. They bought it used so there was no recourse. It didn't look bad but definitely needed some attention. My Grandmother asked my aunt to help her buy a new car one day, and my uncle brought over a Ford Taurus and my Grandmother bought it, I think she felt obligated to since he "put himself out." As I understood it, the Olds was just taken, not necessarily as a trade, as in 0 dollars for trade. I was furious.

Scot still looking for the apparently elusive CRJ people.

And now on to Night #2. We're having a shindig at work in honor of Charles Taylor, the Wright Brothers' mechanic and the first credited airplane mechanic. Should be a good time.

Everyone have a great night.
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Old May 24th, 2012, 07:02 PM
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Good Evening Everyone.

Not much to say today.

Congratulations to everyone graduating.

Mike, have fun at the party.

Adrian, I have been driving the Delta for 9 years now (I can't believe it's been that long). But I am getting anxious to start driving the Cutlass.

Sandy, is Teepo's underside all shiny now?

Allan, it was repainted base/clear... shhh, don't tell anyone! It was repainted in 2008, and partially in 2009 (to fix issues from when they painted it in 2008).
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Old May 24th, 2012, 08:27 PM
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Thursday night - anyone still up?
Dropped Graeme off at his Grad tonight. He looked so good in that new suit. I guess both of us were a little nervous, but he has a good head on his shoulders and will do just fine. Right now I'm just sitting around waiting for the phone call to come and pick him up. He's not a party animal so I think he'll prolly just chill with his buds during the dance. Not in a rush for him to come home with a girl friend. Although he did suggest that he might go to an aftergrad party. Told him to call and let me know so I know where he is.

Paul - kinda figured it would be. It's a more durable finish and looks great.

Clint - I just checked my mileage since that alignment was done. Would you believe it increased from 22mpg to almost 25? No difference in driving but I'm happy with the extra distance from a tank of fuel.

Sandy - we loves you. Friday you can crank on the AC Woo hoo!!! Getting ready for the weekend...

Sleep tight peoples.
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Old May 25th, 2012, 04:44 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter nice on dis mawn'in

Allan, Congrats to your son.

I never will forget my gradution nite. I was driving down Piedmont Road [major road in Hotlanta] wit my squeeze de jour and look over an saw a police car. I said, " Isn't day Steve in de back of dat police car?" He was de host of de party. Most de nite was spent rais'in money and notif'in Mom's dat her son/ daughter was incarcerated in de Atlanta city jail.

Mike, Happy Charles Taylor day. I never heared of him befo.
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Old May 25th, 2012, 04:45 AM
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Morning All! Where are you???

I'm not used to being first, lol. It's kinda cloudy here this morning - guess we have a chance of thunder storms coming through later today they're saying. It's breezy and in the 60's. What a gorgeous day yesterday!! Got up to around 88 degrees, it was great!!! We're supposed to have record breaking temps Sunday and Monday. Like 90 and 92!!! But of course with the heat comes the friggin humidity. I'm sure I'll be turning on the AC. I might go to the Riverfront Monday evening. We'll see. I don't know which day we're having our cookout. Saturday is Larry and my 5th anniversary. I forgot all about it, lol. I have to get him a card today.

I'm gonna go to the body shop and talk to Bob and see how the rims are coming along this morning. Then I still want to wash and wax Tincanio. It will rain for sure then, lol. But she's sooooo pollen covered and yucky dirty. Pollen has been just horrible around here.

Took Teepo to Defer's yesterday and sorry Paul, but I haven't even looked underneath her, lol. The guy said he didn't use the pressure on the cleaning stuff like they usually do cause he didn't want to splash it everywhere, so he just kinda hosed her off gently with it and rinsed it off. He said he still thinks it's the rear seal, but it's not leaking enough to worry about. I told him I knew that, lol. So I'm not gonna have anything done. I told him that when she starts using oil or really spewing it out, I'll have the engine and stuff rebuilt then. He said a little oil drip gives her character, lol.

Nicole came and sat with me at Defer, since they live right by there. We brought Teepo home, and then I took her back home in Tincanio. Stopped and got Starbucks and we watched a Vampire Diaries show at their place. I visited awhile and came back home. Puttered around the yard then headed to Bellacino's last evening.

There were 6 Oldsmobiles at Bellacino's last night!! The place was packed. Cars were driving through and then leaving - no place to park!! And that was around 6:00. I'm glad I got there early. I told my friend Dave that next week if it's a night like last night, he better save me a spot cause I won't get there until around 6:00.

Got a call from that urologists office yesterday telling me I have to come in for pre surgery testing before that procedure. I was pi$$ed! I said what for?? She said for like a physical - they'll take blood and ask questions and all that. I said I just had blood taken week before last, can't they use that? My arm is still black and blue where that friggin nurse couldn't get that IV in there for that dye for the ct scan. No one ever has any problems with my veins, but that chickipoo did for some reason. So I scheduled it for the day I go for that renal scan since I'm gonna be there anyhow. I'm fed up with all this already!!! I am not the world's best patient, lol. I called my surgeon yesterday, since I still see him once a year - for the last 22 years - and told him about all this. He's the only one I trust, lol. He said I should have it done. So I will.

Well better get off here and get dressed so I can go talk to Bob. I'll be gone for hours, I'm sure. We like to talk, lol. You all have a great Friday!!
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Old May 25th, 2012, 05:35 AM
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Happy Firday Folks.

Allan, Good to hear of the increase. If you shackle the rear leafs on that hodrod, you should be able to get a lot better mileage than that. (It'll always be going downhill )

Sandy, Glad to hear that cruising is alive and well in your area.

Tony, Welcome to the Morning Thread.

Thanks for the congrats all.

Mike, Using my detective skills, I've deducted you work for Big D and are an A&P? Is that correct?

Adrian, When you get that scoot running, remember greasy side stays down. And aren't you supposed to get those running well at the beginning of summer and not the end?

Jamesbo, Did you ever find out if Steve was a guy or a girl?

Looks like were gonna have a big party tomorrow evening. My wife informed me last night that I will be cooking kabobs, tilapia and doin a seafood boil all on the grill.

This should be interesting. I've never done any of that before (cept the kabobs). Anyones welcome if they want to make the trek. Make sure you snug up your bonnet tho, and they are calling for wind.

Have a safe weekend Olds friends!
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Old May 25th, 2012, 05:51 AM
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Originally Posted by CQR
.Tony, Welcome to the Morning Thread.

He's de goofus who started this thread.
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Old May 25th, 2012, 06:22 AM
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Happy Mem. Day. Friday!

Hey good Oldsmopeeps... long time no post. Well it's been a furnace down here in God's country last couple days.... broke 90 yesterday, and looks like we're in for more o' same the whole weekend. So nobody has to worry about it raining on their grilled steaks!
The better half mosied (moseyed?) up to GA for the holiday weekend; but alas, I couldn't get the miserable time off while still getting a decent vacation for 04 July, which is when I'll have my fun in the sun.
Sandy, I've been following your saga, although passively --> hope everything comes out OK! Our thoughts & prayers are with you.
I plan a very quiet weekend, w/ the highlight being the Indy 500 Sunday, which I'll be able to watch from my own living room for the first time in a few years.... that'll be nice... now if I could only train the kitties to fetch me the hot dogs and iced tea....
Hope everybody has a safe holiday.... especially you folks N. of the Mason-Dixon, who take this weekend to mean the official start of summer (we've been having summer down here since April ).
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Old May 25th, 2012, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo

He's de goofus who started this thread.
Ha! Didn't know that. Hadn't seen him around, and saw that Paul musta re-started the thread after its untimely circular filing.
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Old May 25th, 2012, 08:29 AM
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Good Mawnin All

Anutter copy and paste wondermous Friday ere with the high temps in the low to mid 90's

Clint it sounds like we are cooking the same stuff except my daughter graduates Saturday night and we are having a shindig for her here. She isn't into the partying so she just wanted to invite a few friends and family over for a little bonfire and stuff. The TW wanted a "beach scene" so we got a 1/2 ton of sand, a pavilion for shade and got the pool up and running. Next thing you know she'll want me to go find those little umbrellas to put in her rotten tater and orange juice concoction

Well I have lots to do so TTFN
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Old May 25th, 2012, 09:50 AM
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I love Fridays, cause the next 2 days are Sat/Sun. And for me I get LOTS of Sat/Sun. Graeme got in around midnight - he had a wonderful time. Doesn't have to go to school today, so he gets a long weekend (again). He said the grad was a lot of fun - even the dance.

Up here the day is starting out the way it should - beautiful sun and gentle breeze. Temps will be around 70 today. Gonna finish planting now that the rain has all stopped. Then gotta get some fresh gas for the mower. Wuz out on de deck havin a mawnin koffee (drink and hack). Loved it. Watched the cat crap right where I gotta dig for planting. Figures......

Clint - Rear shackles??? Bud, ya know that it's got coils.... I guess I'll be taking the 72 in for a wheel alignment soon enough. How the heck do they do a 4 wheel alignment on an old car? Doesn't make sense to me. Have fun with the grill, I will prolly be doing that tonight too.

Sandy - Have fun with all that. If they start talking about a Breastoscopy or sumpin like dat? RUN! In da long run its prolly gonna make you say ' What a boob! **** on it, I've had it with this $hit' Have fun at cruise night. How's Nicole? Happy 5th to you and Larry! Time goes by fast doesn't it?

John - summer since April? Sounds just horrible...

Later y'all. Momma finally waked up so we can get started doin stuff outside soon as she has her mawnin tea
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Old May 25th, 2012, 04:43 PM
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Morning all, looks like a cloudy day today oh well.

I went for a jog this morning, first one in about 7 years, I won't call it a run Only went 3 km and that took me 20 min

Clint I ride my bike all year round, little bit of cold weather won't stop me. Only ice on the road would stop me and that doesn't happen in Qld

Good to hear the car scene is going strong for you up there Sandy. It's nice to have people save you a spot when they are so packed

I don't think I will forget my graduation night either Jamesbo, or the bits I remember at least

Hope the rest of your week goes well Mike, enjoy the shindig too

Have a great day everybody,

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Old May 25th, 2012, 05:29 PM
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Hey everyone.

The shindig was good. A local barbeque place comes out and caters it, they're good. Vendors were giving away free stuff and it was nice to do something different for a change. Tonight is my Friday and the weekend is supposed to be nice. Can't beat that.

Adrian I used to know a guy that rode all year long, 'cept for ice, even in the rain. This was up in Chicago. He'd have some nippy rides in sometimes during the winter.

Clint you are correct. Been with Delta 18 years. Started on the ramp throwing bags and worked all the way up to mechanic. Been in maintenance 15 years.

Sandy I want you to be over your maladies, too. My brother had kidney issues when he was little, he recovered and has no sign of ever having trouble.

Allan, glad your son had a good time at the party. Really glad he didn't get shttfaced and cause trouble. Oh wait, I'm thinking of the greater Stockbridge area again.

Scot have a great shindig. Sounds like the party I had when I turned 40. What a great time. I'd do it again if I could.

Hope your wife has a good time up here, John. Haven't heard if there's anything spectacular going on in the big city.

Lots o'people haven't heard of that guy, Jamesbo, but don't feel bad. I ran across someone at work the other day who didn't know who CE Woolman was. He was the founder of the company.

And speaking of work, here I go. Hope everyone has a pleasant evening and a great holiday weekend.
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Old May 25th, 2012, 07:13 PM
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Beautius maximus evening here! Few clouds rolled by and now it's a 65° evening with glorius sunshine and a hint of a breeze. Got lots done today too.

My lazy *** neighbor hasn't cut his lawn or even raked the winter crap out of it, so while he was away today I got out the weed wacker and old lawnmower and cleaned up his front yard. If I hadn't cut his field of yellow we all would be neck deep in dandelions. And there's too many people who suffer from allergies at this time of year.

Adrian - I used to ride my bike everywhere when I was younger. To work, to visit friends, to meet friends so we could all go on a bike ride. Best way in the world to get a good aerobic workout and exercise the legs. I don't run - I'm built for comfort not speed

Mike - Yup, EDMONTON, not Stockbridge He better not get $hitfaced, he's still only 17!! I told him that when he's legal and ready, he can have a drink at home to see what its like. Sounds like you had a great party too!! Now was it BBQ or a grill?? Now dat I knows da difrense

It's weekend time.
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Old May 25th, 2012, 08:09 PM
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Evening all!

Nice to see everyone woke up today. . It turned in to a muggy 88 degree day here. Sun finally came out. It clouded up a few times and got real breezy, but never rained. We had some thunder and lightening around an hour ago and some sprinkles, but it passed over us.

I went and talked to Bob this morning. Hopefully he will be calling me to bring Teepo over next week and get those rims on her! I didn't get back home until almost 11:00, lol. We talk a lot.

Got the eggs boiled for my tater salad when I got back, then went out and spent the whole day cleaning Tincanio. She got washed, waxed and detailed. I discovered she has no wheel well liner inside the rear passenger side! Well she has one. They are actually two seperate plastic pieces - one in front and over the tire and a smaller piece behind the tire. She's missing the front piece. I never noticed it before. I'm not gonna worry about it much. Ain't worth going to a dealer and getting one put in. Maybe later down the road...

I meant to pop the hood and clean a little under there, but by 4:30 I was sweated wet and tired and sore so I said forget it, lol. My fingers are sore tonight!! I took a piece of Never Dull to her wheels and cleaned a few rusty places on them. She looked very nice when I was done. Then of course those few sprinkles tonight spotted her up some. Oh well.

Don't know what I'll do tomorrow. I should clean the house I suppose, and get the pollen off of "the dirtiest one", lol. She doesn't like being dirty!

I should have turned on the AC in here today - it's hot in here. Got all the ceiling fans going.

I got my $1721.00 bill from Akron General today. Guess I'll be calling them on Tuesday and making arrangements to pay it.

I'm watching the weather on the news right now. Looks like a lot of places around us got rain earlier. He's saying we could have thunder storms on and off tomorrow. Its gonna be a hot and humid weekend. Better than some we've had that were in the 60's I think.

Well I'll talk to ya tomorrow...

Last edited by cutlassgal; May 25th, 2012 at 08:12 PM.
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Old May 25th, 2012, 08:13 PM
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Sandy - Colour (just for Paul) me confused. What's Tincanio?? Sounds like another project you're working on.....Got any pics of you all sweaty?
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Old May 26th, 2012, 04:21 AM
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Anutter nice one

Allan, Blue named Sandy's DD Tincanio

Originally Posted by slantflat
Lots o'people haven't heard of that guy, Jamesbo, but don't feel bad. I ran across someone at work the other day who didn't know who CE Woolman was. He was the founder of the company.
Yeah, I guess you're right Mike. Most folks thinks it's an Hotlana company. But one of my ex wives mothers was from Bastrop, La.[ Meanest woman I ever met. Meaner dan a gut shot grizzly.] It's near Monore so I've been to whar de started kill'in boll weevels.Dar ain't a whole lot to do out dare cept murder ducks. and hang out at Walmart.

Since you ain't been ere long ya might not know dat [back when] all de tires came from Gordy Tire Company. Herbert Gordy was Frank Gordy's brother de fella who owned de Varsity.

De y'alls Q come from Smok'in Sams?

Adrian, You guys can have your bikes, De scare de crap outa dis ole cracker.

Have a great weekend. Me an Red is go'in down to de dock, drink sum coffee, munch on a sausage and biscuit an chase a tennis ball. [Well he is anyway]
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Old May 26th, 2012, 05:33 AM
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Mawnin All

Looks like anutter hot one ere with Torpical Strom Beryl heading this way round Sunday eve or Monday I guess we'll just get a half inch or so of rain and lots of wind.

Well today is the big day If yall were ere you'd prolly see a grown man cry Tears of joy that is. I think the graduation ceremony starts around 7 p.m. So that means the shindig starts around 8:30 I'd say Man it seems like yesterday she was just born, this is the one that forever changed me into who I am today Which is a good thing

Well I guess I'd better get crackin if I want to beat the heat Yall have a great Saturday and a safe Memorial Day weekend
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Old May 26th, 2012, 10:55 AM
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Simply gorgeous Saturday. High today will be around 70. Clear sky plenty of sun and nice 10-12mph breeze. Much better than your 90+ heatstroke days...

Jamesbo - Tincanio huh? I get the impression it's an import..Hummm maybe Red should munch on sausage n biskit and you run after de ball

Scot - I know what you mean.

Sandy - Happy Anniversary Girl!
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