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Old July 30th, 2018, 05:47 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Jim - 45/44 or if the ground is really hard from the heat 44/43. What would ja ever do if ya par'd the course??? I'm guessing ya got early T times since yer prolly outta the house same time as de supermodel?

Mike - Nope. People are too small to recognize. Maybe circle which one is you. I saw a Velocity show (Wheeler Dealers) where they restored an Amphi. I think they sold it for around $30K and the guy who bought it got 'a crackin good motor'. During the rebuild they replaced a lot of bad repairs and water leak areas, plus installed a new bilge pump. I think it ended up being red.

I think we've been getting Adrian's summer weather here lately.
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Old July 30th, 2018, 08:20 AM
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Nice pic of the amphi cars Mike. I squinted, but still coudn't pick you out. Had a cancer screen today, went smooth. I wonder how much the doc made during his 3 1/2 minute exam?
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Old July 30th, 2018, 08:31 AM
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Good Morning Everybody:
It is a great morning here. We have had a little rain with a very light sprinkle right now. The temperature is 78 degrees and the high today is going to be 87. It is only going to last a couple days but we will take it. This is one of those days I wish I had a front porch with a rocker so I could go sit out in the cool weather, watch it rain and drink my coffee. If the rain stops later I will probably back the Olds out and finish cleaning my work bench off. That is the part of the garage I have not finished. Then I will fiddle with the Sea Doos so I can get this out of here.
Have a good Monday my friends.

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Old July 30th, 2018, 09:05 AM
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Hi everyone.

Took some personal time so I came home at lunch. Gonna go buy a Jeep this afternoon. You know what's funny, the orange Jeep I looked at before was a decent rig, but the guy was annoying. He kept saying how I'd never find another one as good as his for the price. Guess what. I found another one as good or better, and cheeper and closer. The orange Jeep guy called me at work this morning, no doubt wondering when I'll be back up to buy his. I didn't answer. I'll post up a picture this afternoon when I get home.

I took the personal time so I'd have plenty of time to get Tiger. I finished my CBTs, which were hellish, so after a quick hearing test tomorrow I should be good to go.

Kinda looks like rain here, and it isn't too hot. Don't know what the forecast is. Hope I don't get rained on before I get home.

Have a good afternoon everyone.
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Old July 30th, 2018, 09:14 AM
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Mike - it usually works out like that with cars and some sellers. The way those jeeps are contoured I think it will be almost dent proof in a parking lot.

Glenn - you must be liking those temps. It's already 76° here at 10:00 am and we're heading for the high 80's too. Dentist appointment this afternoon at 1:00. Great, right when it's super hot. Oh well gotta get the pearly whites cleaned. I already put it off once so no point delaying.

Got the back lawn cut about an hour ago. I was surprised it had grown almost 2" in only 4 days! I'm leaving the mower at the highest setting so the lawn doesn't get dried out.
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Old July 30th, 2018, 12:14 PM
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Ding, ding we have a front side winner, Sorry Fell apart on the back 46

Mike, Glad it you getting the hearing test. I told my Dr. "I can't hear my wife when she's mumbling under her breath as she walks out of the room " He said, Neither can I, sorry can't help ya with that one"

Spose to rain the rest of the week
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Old July 30th, 2018, 12:34 PM
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I went and picked up the Amish contractor today, to get an estimate on a steel roof. From what he said, they are now comparable in price to asphalt roofing, if that's the case, I'm going with steel. He asked if he had spelled my last name correctly, which he did, along with pronouncing it right. I guess that the Amish having German roots helps. He gave me the definition of my last name (bridge builder), which I had heard as a possible definition when I was in my teens, but never had it confirmed. He threw a couple of German words at me, and how they roll the "R". Nice guy. Fell asleep on the way back to his job site, so I must have been driving in a docile manner. He will call me with the quote.
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Old July 30th, 2018, 02:38 PM
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Well crap I got the Jeep to the shop and forgot to take a picture. I was in a hurry to take the trailer back and go get Tiger. I got a Uhaul and paid 58 bucks for a one day rental. Had it less than 3 hours. Eh, it would have sat around while I was sleeping and I would have been delayed when taking it back on the way to work. Didn't have any trouble other than the straps kept coming off the front wheels. I guess they aren't needed because the truck didn't move.

Dan my last name is latin for smart writer. I do think I write fairly well but I don't really like it.

Don't know what I should do tonight. Play with Tiger. Might break my rule of going to bed when it's light out and hit the sack early. Everything is so behind here. Who cares.
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Old July 31st, 2018, 04:12 AM
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Evening all, been a hectic couple weeks doing a load of overtime so I didn’t know what day was what. Shift Work does that to you at the best of times.

Got my taxes done in there somewhere as well and got a nice return. Helps that a paid an extra $100 a fortnight in taxes for the last year.

If I had of know you wanted a Jeep Mike I would have sold ya mine. It’s an 04 grand Cherokee with the diesel in it. From what I understand the diesel version was not released in North America? Correct me if I’m wrong. If so you’d have a rare one lol.

Kids are back to school now. Had a 3 week holiday just as we moved. Good to get back into a routine for them.

Lunch is nearly over so back to it I guess,
take care everybody,
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Old July 31st, 2018, 04:43 AM
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Well, Got a shower last nite and spose to be more on the way

I've had 3 jeeps, I M-38 A-1, I CJ-5 and 1 Cherokee ltd. The only thing I don't like about them [the military style square ones] it on the highway, they tend to blow ya around. Not very well aerodynamically designed . I used to tow the M-38 A-1 behind the CJ -5 stupid, the military paint made it way twice what the CJ did and ya had to pull it through curves or it would start pushing the tow vehicle

I think you'll really like the metal roof, Only question I have is does the Amish Contractor have a phone??

Allan, A couple of times I've been even but eventually I blow it I'm resigned to the fact, I'm never gonna make the seniors tour. I just like to get out and play

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old July 31st, 2018, 07:17 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Wow! I must have been tired. I slept till almost 7:40 So far the morning looks really good, temps are normal and the predicted high is no where close to yesterday. When I was coming back from the dentists office the car thermometer was registering 91°.

Adrian - Gotta come up for air every so often mate, or you'll drown in work . Good to hear you got a healthy tax refund; that kind of money usually gets spent pretty quick though. I used ours to pay for the home and car insurance. Are the kids in a different school or still the same one. I don't know how far the move was.

Jim - Just messin witcha. I know its just for the fun of the game and personal bests. No one is gonna know that except you, the people you golf with, God, and mebbe us.

Dan - I just hope the metal shingles aren't noisy when it rains or hails. Too funny having him fall asleep on the way back to his job. Have you had other quotes from other contractors to compare costs?
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Old July 31st, 2018, 10:14 AM
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Jim, yes, he has a phone for business purposes. Allan, they use an insulated underlayment, so sound is not a problem, per my co worker who had their roof done by them. Well, gotta go on a statin, as my cholesterol is up, which surprised me, as I had been able to bring it down over the last two visits. One more session of P.T. then I'm done. Not sure if it has helped or not.
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Old July 31st, 2018, 10:26 AM
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Statins made my arms hurt so bad I couldn't play golf
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Old July 31st, 2018, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Statins made my arms hurt so bad I couldn't play golf
hahahahah, I've been on statins for years to control my cholesterol. But I've also changed my lifestyle a lot. I think the statins affect my eyesight. LOL I could golf witchu bud, you could tell me which direction and how far, and I jess swing de club

Dan - Good to know. I won't need to re-roof my house ever in the balance of my lifetime. I got 50 year shingles (high impact for things like hail) installed. Paid around $7K for them even with a senior discount.
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Old July 31st, 2018, 12:32 PM
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Hi everyone.

Today I finished up my CBTs and failed my hearing test. The lead said tomorrow I'll start training on the job for which I was hired. Good news.

Stopped by the shop and got a picture of the Jeep. I'll post it up in a few minutes. Adrian you're right, we didn't get any diesel Jeeps here. There was a guy at the Amphicar weekend that put a diesel in a YJ. That was a cool Jeep. The Jeep Liberty was in the running for the dogmobile, but a friend of mine over your way talked me out of it.

It seems I clicked something I shouldn't have, and now I have a button that says, restore auto-save content. If I click on it, it will erase what I have here and put my previous message up here. I don't see a reason for that to be a thing.

I wanted to mow when I got home but from the looks of the sky that just rolled in, by the time I get outside it will be pouring buckets. Perhaps I'll stay in then.

Well I'll go and do something. Relax probably.

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Old July 31st, 2018, 12:47 PM
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Mike - What? Failed hearing test? Tell them they're wrong. You could have some serious fun with this at work you know. If it was me I would flog it like a rented mule
That restore auto saved content comes up with my screen too but I ignore it. Easier for me to Ctrl A and Ctrl S what I have if I'm in doubt or leaving the page. The auto save thing pops up every so often. Probably every 60 seconds or so when I'm typing. It's just annoying. Especially since I can type pretty fast.
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Old July 31st, 2018, 12:56 PM
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Old July 31st, 2018, 01:01 PM
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Oh, and now that box is gone. Some years ago I woke up in the middle of the night and my left ear really hurt, and there was a tremendous buzzing/ringing in it. Did some Zebrox and that didn't help, went to the doctor and found out it was some sort of virus. I lost all hearing in that ear for several weeks, but was taking medicine and eventually got about 50% of my hearing back. So they make a big deal about hearing protection at work and we have to have annual tests, so the next time I went for a hearing test I couldn't hear but maybe a third of the beeps in my left ear. I figured that was my ticket out of a job I hated, instead they called my test results my new normal. What is the point of the test then? I think it's all a big waste of time, because how often does beep beep beep come up? Should be interesting to see if my new foreman has anything to say about it.
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Old July 31st, 2018, 04:37 PM
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Kids are in the same school for now Allan as they go to a private school so there is no catchment for where you live and whether you get in or not. Next year we are gonna pull em out and send them to the local public school. Private is good and all but at 12K for the pair of them next year we’ll never be moving internationally if they stay there and besides Minette is looking forward to a change and Allegra is entering Prep. Year before grade one.

Thats a cool looking Jeep Mike sorry not big on models on a lot of older American cars.
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Old July 31st, 2018, 09:43 PM
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I actually was prescribed statins several years ago by a former doctor, I quit taking it because it gave my legs a really weird feeling, and I managed to get my cholesterol down on my own. I thought that there was a good substitute on the market, but doc seems intent on giving me the statins. Mike that Cherokee looks pretty solid.
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Old July 31st, 2018, 09:46 PM
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This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 30 seconds
. What the heck was that nonsense? I hadn't tried to post again?
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Old August 1st, 2018, 02:59 AM
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Well, I see we don't have alot of 5:30 Cross fit exercisers in this group

Spose ta rain sum more today. No plans until family comes at 1:00

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old August 1st, 2018, 05:47 AM
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Nope, you'd be right about that Jim. I dunno why you have to get up so early to wake her. She does know what an alarm clock is?

Dan - I've had that too for no good reason.

Might rain but the weather dude has been wrong several days in a row now. Prolly going to have to water again.
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Old August 1st, 2018, 12:03 PM
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Any of you using Windows 10 (probably everyone)
Have you ever had a situation when Windows refuses to shut down? I tried the windows shutdown on the bottom left. No workee. Then I did the Ctrl/Alt/Delete and used that option - no workee. Finally I just held down the puter power button till the thing shut down. I noticed I can now shut it down normally but can't figure out why it wouldn't respond properly to the shut down prompts before.

Got all my morning chores done, including a quick trip to the market. I took the Saturn and noticed that it didn't like being ignored for about a week. The idle was a bit high so I did an IAC reset and it seemed to settle down.

When I got home I needed to cut the grass again as it's growing fast. After the trim and weed whack I usually blow the loose clippings with my leaf blower. Today I treated the new neighbors (read slob neighbors) to a blow job. They've been discarding garbage and cigarette butts all over the front lawn, sidewalk and street. Since most of this ends up getting blown to my yard I decided to blow it all back into their yard before it got a chance to migrate. At this point in time I honestly can say the POS that lived there previously was 100% better even if he didn't cut the grass except 2x a year. Maybe I'll be lucky and they'll be forced to move when the bank forecloses on them. One can only hope.

Glenn - How's the work on the Sea-do's going? Any takers on CL, or mostly tire kickers and low ballers?

Welp, I just decided I've earned the luxury of a small bowl of chips and some couch time watching a bit of TV. There's a whole bunch of series shows on Crave TV I might check out. For some ungodly reason I like watching MAYDAY. Good thing most of those crashes are from a long time ago. Then again, just yesterday AeroMexico crashed just after takeoff, but no one killed thank God. Ok, off to TV land.
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Old August 1st, 2018, 12:12 PM
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Hi everyone.

Today I believe I began the journey to my real job. I had a pow wow with the lead, who quizzed me on a bunch of things I had no idea about, then I sat and watched a guy do the paperwork. Hopefully in the next couple days I'll get my sign-off authority and I can start doing paperwork myself.

It's been raining all day and of course as soon as I mentioned yesterday that I wanted to do something outside. I think I'll go to the tag office and get the new Wagoneer registered. Not gonna drive it very far because it has 14 year old tires and no spare. But at least that will be done. Uh, gotta go get insurance for it first. I keep forgetting that. At least I don't have to have the smog test.

Allan Supermodel can't use the alarm clock because the cat is sitting on it.

Dan what color roof are you going to get? Blue?

Okay gonna finish out the afternoon. Have a good evening.
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Old August 1st, 2018, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by slantflat
Allan Supermodel can't use the alarm clock because the cat is sitting on it.
Mike, Glad someone is paying attention
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Old August 1st, 2018, 01:29 PM
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Good Afternoon Guys:
I took Lucy the golden retriever for her tests and blood work this morning so we can get her spaying done. Other than that it has been kind of a lazy day. I am going out and do a little yard work when I finish here. I have a little trimming and pruning to do and some weeds to get out of the flower beds.
Allan, I got the Sea Doos out and pressure washed them and the trailer late last week. I have one of those low output battery chargers that hooks up to both of them. It is only about 2 amps. The battery on the good one came up and the broke one didn't. Other than that I haven't done anything. I need to get that project wrapped up and the ad started next week. Probably nobody will buy them after labor day. If they don't sell I will donate them.
That is about it my friends. Have a good afternoon.
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Old August 1st, 2018, 08:43 PM
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Allan, I don't have Windows 10, but I have had that happen before, it may be a virus or malware. When it has happened, I run my security. Mike, yup, blue it is, dark blue. My house is a light grey, it should look good with it. I'll paint the front door to match.
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Old August 2nd, 2018, 06:08 AM
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Just for fun, I decided to buy the Super model a new t-shirt for her exercise class.

They were very popular back in the 70's

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old August 2nd, 2018, 06:38 AM
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Good morning everyone,

We got some rain last night along with some boomers and big wind. Who woulda thunk it? Just took out the trash and it's a beautimus morning.

Jim - In such a PC world I'm surprised they sell them still.

Dan - Since I force stopped the puter it's been running fine.

Glenn - How old is Lucy?

Mike - What engine did they put in the Wagoneer?

Tis Thorsday, so off to visit wit de boyz.
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Old August 2nd, 2018, 07:40 AM
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Soooooooooooooooo, there's this new Georgia Law [with a $900.00 fine] that you can't hold your cell phone when driving. And since my old Cheby Pick me up doesn't have all the new electric gizmos for your phone, I had to buy this external speaker/microphone thingy that clips on my sun visor and "syncs" with my cell phone.

Only problem is, when I get in my truck and crank her up, some female voice says "Power on" and I almost pee in my pants
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Old August 2nd, 2018, 08:10 AM
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Just for fun, I decided to buy the Super model a new t-shirt for her exercise class.
And she let you live long enough to post here? I remember those shirts, sheesh, that was a long time ago.
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Old August 2nd, 2018, 09:41 AM
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Jim didn't say he had given her the T-shirt yet. When we see a lapse in his posting on this thread, we will know he gave her the T-shirt.
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Old August 2nd, 2018, 09:53 AM
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Jim - We also have distracted driving law in effect here but it isn't enforced. My son can link his phone to the Malibu's On Star system. Works great for hands free driving. I don't need to use my phone when I'm driving so I just ignore when it rings, unless the missus is with me - then I just hand it to her.

Glenn - I suspect you're right.

There's a new commercial on TV right now that's also close to the line as these shirts.
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Old August 2nd, 2018, 12:18 PM
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Hi everyone.

Another day of watching paint dry. The lead says it should only be a couple more days and I'll be able to do my own work. I certainly hope there's more excitement in doing work myself, or it will be a long 11 months.

Jamesbo is that voice bitchin' Betty? The voice on the MD88 is supposed to be a woman's voice. Douglas thought that in an emergency, a man would be more apt to respond to a woman's voice. I don't exactly see that but then again I'm not flying the plane.

Allan the Wagoneer has an AMC 360. I erroneously believed that when Chrysler bought AMC that they put the Chrysler 360 in them, but in fact they continued with the AMC 360. And I would assume then that they also continued to use the Turbo 400 trans. I'll have to look that up.

It's been raining all day. I think I'll push the couch aside and just watch a DVD. No sense in getting excited over doing anything.

Tomorrow is Friday. This seemed like a fairly long week. Hm, I must be getting used to the new schedule.

Have a good evening everyone.
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Old August 2nd, 2018, 02:45 PM
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Dan, is your roof going to be a brilliant color like this?

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Old August 2nd, 2018, 09:48 PM
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Allan, it will be a dark blue roof, but not the asphalt style steel roof. I got the quote on my voicemail, $7350.00 for the better of the two styles that he does. I'll see if I can dig up a pic online.

Last edited by 1969w3155; August 2nd, 2018 at 10:20 PM.
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Old August 2nd, 2018, 10:25 PM
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like this.
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Old August 3rd, 2018, 05:50 AM
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Well, the monsoons continue

Mike, An Amphi might become my DD

Gonna take a cake down to the fire station and give the guys a little desert

have a great day Olds friends
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Old August 3rd, 2018, 08:10 AM
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Morning, checked the obits, I wasn't listed, so I'm good. Back hurts, nothing new. Car show tomorrow at the Gilmore.
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