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Old April 20th, 2020, 03:45 AM
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Old April 20th, 2020, 04:12 AM
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--Ah, yes Van Gogh. I don't know why his story stuck with me after hearing it in 4th grade or so....
--Night before last the wife got up about 1 AM and closed the blind by the bed, She said it was odd that the neighbor's light was on. Yesterday morning she got up and started looking on her phone at Facebook and saw pics posted by the neighbor of a HUGE black bear in their yard between the lake and their place. I mean this thing is gimungous! I was guessing 400 lbs. This is only 100 ft or so from our house! Wife went over there and talked to neighbor yesterday and she said bear had ate bird food and destroyed bird feeders Wife found a big bird food bag all ripped to shreads! WOW! I don't have the pics or I'd post 'em. I'll see if I can get them.
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Old April 20th, 2020, 04:43 AM
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Greg, Those pesky things will do a number on a bird feeder. We have all over the place in the mountains. Never leave a bag of dog food in your garage, they'll rip the doors off
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Old April 20th, 2020, 09:02 AM
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Greg, my sister in Branch has had a 500 lb bear in the back yard, and on her deck. The go after her bird feeders as well. the DNR confirmed that they have a couple of bears in that area at that weight.
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Old April 20th, 2020, 10:13 AM
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Here are my Up North bear stories: we bought a cottage in Prudenville (right next to Houghton Lake, MI). First spring we owned it (2015), was driving down M55 about 4 miles east of town, and saw a big black bear just out of the brush, approximately 10 feet from the road. It didn't occur to me to pull over and take some video from the safety of my car, but I did blare the horn when I was next to it to scare it back into the brush and away from the road.

Fast forward to spring of last year, and the neighbors told me that a black bear came out of hibernation awfully hungry, and ate everything in their bird feeders. It also decided that it would try to eat all of my solar lights. Bastard chewed up 3 of them, and busted up 3 others. It was seen around Lake James for several days before moving on.

I wonder what the typical southern-most "boundary" would be for them. I know we've had the occasional random sightings south of M46, but those are rare.
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Old April 20th, 2020, 10:20 AM
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Cubs, from two years ago.
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Old April 20th, 2020, 10:22 AM
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Wheezer. we have had them down in Muskegon, as well as Grand Rapids. Usually in the spring when the young males are looking for their own territory.
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Old April 20th, 2020, 01:46 PM
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Hi everyone.

Stayed until 11 this morning. That's the longest we've stayed in a long time. Wheels came sporadically, and we were all just taking our time. Probably won't be as bad tomorrow, since we're caught up now from the weekend.

That guy out in California has a lot of problems with bears. I haven't seen him post about it in awhile, wonder if the bears contracted lead disease.

Jamesbo that's the funniest thing I'm gonna see all week.

My neighbor is packing up and has a bunch of people over helping her. I told her I'd help, she never asked. So I'm just staying inside. I guess she's gonna take a hike and not wait for closing. The whole thing just makes me sad.

Beautiful out. When I was a kid, teenager years, I'd go up on the roof of the house and lay in the sun. My sister thought that was a great idea and one day got out the ladder and went up for a tan. She couldn't get back down. I laughed for days.

Okay the pressure is off. Monday is over. Have a good evening everyone.

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Old April 20th, 2020, 06:25 PM
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Got the bear pics...

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Old April 20th, 2020, 10:21 PM
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That's a big one!
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Old April 21st, 2020, 04:16 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
That's a big one!

Yep, That's a Big one

Before I head out to Puerto Backyarda, I'm having a BIG bowl of grits with butter and red eye gravy.

Mike, I'm not sure if the Aweful House has red eye gravy but you should try it

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 21st, 2020, 08:08 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Finished up by 9 this morning then I hiked down to the nurse for an eye test, which I promptly failed. Oh are you going back to the eye doctor? I said what kind of a question is that no I'm not running right out to the eye doctor. Seems I need this test to keep doing the inspection thing, that I probably won't be doing anymore. I only failed the near sided part. She said she was going to send an email to my foreman(presumably to tattle) but since he won't be back until June 1 I ain't worried about it.

Greg that would make quite a rug.

Jamesbo the Awful house doesn't have red eye gravy. They have what they probably think is sawmill gravy. I'd just call it sausage gravy but usually it's just gross.

So apparently my neighbor is all packed up and hit the road. The moving truck is gone, all the cars are gone, I'd be real disappointed if she left and didn't say goodbye. Her favorite trick is to get a couple hours away and then call on the phone for two minutes. Whatever.

So it's beautiful out, and I think I can mow this afternoon. Might do some tinkering on a car or two as well. But first, lunch. Hope everyone is having a good day.

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Old April 22nd, 2020, 04:02 AM
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we've got the makings of a beautmus day down ere

Mike, What did cha do to run Norm off?

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 22nd, 2020, 07:56 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Done around 830, not a bad deal. Went back to the nurse and took the eye test again with my contacts out. Oddly enough I passed with flying colors. I said, by faking out the test it has no integrity. She didn't care.

Jamesbo I hope I didn't do anything. Norm come back.

So driving home this morning there was a car fire on the other side of the expressway. Traffic was backed up a couple miles. About half way through the backup there was a car that had ran into the back of a rollback. The wheel lift thing hit about mid-hood and the hood was mangled and the windshield smashed. I'm guessing the driver of the car suddenly started having a bad day. That's something you don't see too often, an accident in accident traffic.

Turns out my neighbor is home. I guess the people who took the truck also took her car. I saw the other car in the garage. I spoke with her a little and asked if she was now living in an empty house. No, it's still full. I guess she should have gotten a bigger truck.

Nice out, a bit cool. Gonna rain tomorrow. Don't know what I want to do today. Be a good day to go tailgate at the Awful house. Then I'm sure not to get anything done I'd be there all afternoon.

Well have a good day everyone.

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Old April 22nd, 2020, 02:11 PM
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So I went up to see a guy this afternoon. I happened to mention to someone that I liked Sunbeam Alpine's and thought they were cool but never really checked one out. He said go see my friend(he's about 30 minutes from me) he's got one he'll show it to you. So I called the guy and drove up to his work after lunch and he was very happy to show the car off.

But I thought this was weird. He comes out and makes a big deal about not being able to shake my hand. I said that's fine. We're walking all around the car and he says get in so I got in and we were talking and I stood back up and he says I'll take you for a ride. So we both get in and he's driving around and we're talking. Now, he won't shake my hand but we're riding together in a car the size of a Miata. When I went to leave he says, do you want a Clorox wipe? I said no I think I'll be okay. He says ya me too.

This guy is probably borderline genius. He works for a place recreating accidents in animation for people who are in court. When I talked to him on the phone my impression of him was he looked like a mad scientist. When I met him I wasn't far off. Nice fellow but he had a skewed outlook. Oh well, go figure people.

It was a cool car.

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Old April 22nd, 2020, 02:51 PM
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Mike - The Alpine is a fair mediocre sporting vehicle. It was designed to appeal to a wide consumer audience. The engine lacks ***** - most referred to it as an old lady's sports car. They managed to perform fair in some of the Sebring and other endurance races when heavily modified, yet the appeal as a true driving sports car did not compare to the likes of the BMC sports cars which were primarily w/in the same class. They're modestly priced, but you'll garner mostly glaring stares by true sports car enthusiasts whilst driving an Alpine. Personally, it sounds like the Alpine is a perfect match for its current owner based upon your description of the genius.

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Old April 22nd, 2020, 03:10 PM
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Get a Tiger [If ya don't already have 2]
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Old April 22nd, 2020, 03:39 PM
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Norm that sounds right up my alley. I don't want a go fast car, per se, just a nice top down cruiser for the summer. And I've been looked down on by "true" sports car people for years. I drive Corvairs. Now Jamesbo, on the other hand, with his big Healey...

I'd love to have a Tiger, but they are above my pay grade. This guy today his car has a Ford V6 and a 5 speed, the V6 being a little warmed over. He said it would whoop a stock Tiger no problem. It was a pretty quick car. I of course already have a Tiger

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Old April 22nd, 2020, 05:04 PM
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Spring has arrived.

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Old April 22nd, 2020, 09:03 PM
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Spring has arrived.
Why, bless you sir.
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Old April 23rd, 2020, 04:05 AM
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i knew Norm wouldn't leave us hanging
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Old April 23rd, 2020, 09:38 AM
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Hi everyone.

Finished up at 8, left around 9. We were waiting for some others to finish up. Rushed home to rain. Oh well. Got a couple errands to run this afternoon.

So Norm, I'm gonna be in Durham on Saturday, which I know is a few hours from you. Going to look at another mediocre sports car. Gonna bring my assistant with me.

Don't know if you guys have seen this, it cracks me up I've probably watched it a hundred times. Okay that didn't work.

Okay off I go. Have a good afternoon everyone.

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Old April 23rd, 2020, 09:41 AM
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I know I'm working on it. Damned technology.
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Old April 23rd, 2020, 09:46 AM
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Mike - You sure do get around man. That's a hike from ATL. Should you happen to drift near my neighborhood by all means stop by! If you need a place to stay you're welcome to crash. I'm 10 hours from ATL, 3 hours from Raleigh & 3.5 hours from Durham. My only committments are golf Saturday and Sunday morning @ 7:00AM.
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Old April 23rd, 2020, 09:46 AM
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Old April 23rd, 2020, 09:49 AM
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Thanks Norm. It's about 6 hours from me, won't be a bad ride with the puppy along. I've found out that by waiting for things to happen close by, things will never happen. The far reaching internet helps things get closer.

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Old April 23rd, 2020, 09:50 AM
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Mike - Bad APU.
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Old April 23rd, 2020, 10:49 AM
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Norm, With out a hall pass they won't let Mike in your city
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Old April 23rd, 2020, 10:54 AM
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James, oh yeah I forgot. Our Supreme Leader (bless his heart) of Beaufort, NC silently removed the single entry/exit LEO checkpoint & barricades last Saturday night & opened up the other two entry/exits into our PoDunk town.
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Old April 23rd, 2020, 10:31 PM
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See you boys somewhere on down the road!

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Old April 23rd, 2020, 11:29 PM
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Ya know, I think the jet just needs the pilot to pump the gas a bit and it will fire right up. Speaking of jets, we were told that both Boeing and General Electric are starting to ramp up production, but we are not calling anyone back just yet. Our supervisors will each be off for two weeks on a rotating basis. They are making all of the higher ups take time off as well. The really bigwigs, including Elliot management, our owners, are taking a pay cut for the time being, but, I ain't crying for their loss, it just means that they will have to buy a smaller mega-yacht this year, ya know, a 150 footer instead of 200'. I had a co worker that had a Alpine Tiger (289) back in the 80's. I saw it at work in around 1979, then he restored it and refused to drive or even start it up. I wonder if he cashed in on it at some point, or if it just deteriorated after sitting for so damn long.

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Old April 24th, 2020, 03:11 AM
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Well, I woke up to see a pi$$ing match going on and don't have the foggiest idear Where it started

Seriously thinking about heading norte

Mike, Are ya sure they will let you in N.C.? I know they won't let you into highlands Maybe it's jes the small towns that have road blocks. I can't imagine a road block on an interstate going to Raleigh

BTW, If ya get and e-mail titled 'Knock Knock" don't open it, It's a Jehovah witness working from home

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old April 24th, 2020, 06:44 AM
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Enough Brian.

Good morning everyone.

Storms have moved on. We didn't get big storms yesterday, rain showers and a little thunder. I'm not complaining. Every other time I sit at the computer the thing says rain tomorrow, and then sunny tomorrow. Who knows.

Jamesbo if they don't let me in look at all the money I'll save.

Dan I don't know why Boeing would be ramping up with production, no one is going to be buying airplanes for a while. Unless it's the Saudi's or whoever, with their government subsidies. I read that since our 88/90's are going away the company wants to trade the 717's on 737 Max's. I think that would be a grave mistake. See what I did there? The flying public is far too acquainted with those planes, not a good way to get people back into the seats. But what do I know. Our CEO thought it would be a good idea to go on vacation instead of to a meeting put on by the President, who wanted to talk about helping us out. And he announced he was going to buy I don't know how many A350s right after we got bail out money. Ain't that a bitch, spending our American tax dollars on foreign equipment.

I need to go get a couple tires for the trailer today. It will then be ready for the road. Might be a good idea to wash the truck, I don't want this guy tomorrow to think I'm some sort of bum.

Okay gotta get this day started. Hope everyone has a good one.

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Old April 24th, 2020, 06:48 AM
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Old April 24th, 2020, 08:19 AM
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Mike, we make airfoils and blades for G.E. engines that are used in Airbus jets, so we get the business either way. Boeing has had cancellations due to the 737-Max fiasco and covid19, but they still have a commitment to build 70 aircraft for a least one carrier.
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Old April 24th, 2020, 10:35 AM
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Well here's me being a dumbass. I went to Tractor Supply(twice) to get a rim for the trailer. I needed two but they only had one so I picked the lesser of the two rusty ones and took the new rim and old rim/tire to the shop and dropped them off. On the way home the guy called and said by the way, the one rim is 14" and the other 15" . Which one do you want to replace, and are you going to bring another rim of the correct size? I said I didn't realize it was a 14, it was in the slot marked 15 and bigger than the one next to it, so I grabbed it. I don't want to run all the way back so I'm gonna get the other rim off the trailer and just have two rusty rims. I can swap them out later but I need the trailer tomorrow. Sheesh.

Dan there's a big GE place only a couple miles from my Mom in Pensacola. I think they do jet engines there but I'm not sure. There are round pods that look about the size of a CF6 sitting out in their lot. I really hope we don't get those 737s. Of anyone, we'd be the ones that would have the best training and get the best service out of them, but I don't see the passengers getting on the plane if they knew it was a Max. Of course half of the people are oblivious. I was on a plane once, it was a DC9, and a little kid said Grandma, what kind of a plane is this? Grandma said, I don't know, it must be a 747.

Okay back to the tire store. Beautiful out. I was beginning to wonder, it was cloudy all day but it's really warmed up and the sun came out.

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Old April 24th, 2020, 12:14 PM
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This is for Greg. Not sure about the skull, though.

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Old April 24th, 2020, 03:45 PM
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Mike, actually went social distancing today- on Quads though. Even here in central Michigan the snow is finally gone. Our Governor has forbidden us to use our power boats, but allowed us to use our ATVs...
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Old April 24th, 2020, 03:51 PM
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Hey Slantflat, are you a Delta Mechanic?
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Old April 24th, 2020, 03:54 PM
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I am indeed.

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