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Old December 7th, 2015, 04:30 AM
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Mornin all.

London, keep your eyes open and stay safe. Sucha crazy world we live in. I'm not sure if I'm talking about the terrorism or the shopping

So Mike, Sounds like you have a traveling living room. Time to buy another van.

John, Goodness I'd hate to see the bills for those weddings. I think I'll Drive my daughter and her beau to the town hall when the time comes.

Hope the switch failed in the low position, nothing like burning up a pump or popping a pipe due to overpressure.

Have a Monday all.
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Old December 7th, 2015, 05:28 AM
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Mawn'in all

Nice day but cool dis mawn'in

Clint, Got de switch replaced and H2O on again. No problems { I Hope]

Fight'in a cold so in a brief flash of sanity decided not to smack whitey

John, De Falcoons suck a-gain

London, I hate to say it but if sum one comes at me swing'in a machete, I'd drop 'em like a turd from a tall Indian.

Mike, Nope no hand pump plus de well house is in de garage

Think today, I'll do nutt'in and them rest up

Have a GREAT Monday Olds friends
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Old December 7th, 2015, 08:42 AM
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Morning folks. London, are you safe from the flooding? Looked pretty nasty.
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Old December 7th, 2015, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Morning folks. London, are you safe from the flooding? Looked pretty nasty.

We don't tend to get too much of the wet stuff in the South but its pretty grim up North.

Much of the Northern counties and into southern Jockland (Scotland) is under many feet of water, suppose it serves them right for living somewhere so nice!!

We don't tend to get any extremes of weather in London which is quite handy because if we get more than two inches of snow the whole place grinds to a halt and they close schools and airports and people panic buy in the shops, makes me embarrassed especially when I see the weather some of you guys get.
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Old December 7th, 2015, 11:10 AM
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Top o'th'afternoon to ya'..

Flock o'bluebirds day down in da' swamp. Wishin' we had these way more often down here. Not the lowest humidity, but temp in hi-60s w/ decent humidity and a cerulean (I re-learned that word from an X-Files episode) sky. No Elsie arrival 'til Friday, according to the atmospheric pundits.

Whelpt, Mike, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't wash an inch of the truck yesterday. Left it outside all day telling myself I would, but then 3:25 rolled around before I could say "Cam Newton's mother wears Army boots." (Alas, the boys in black & gold fought valiantly, but the superior team prevailed.) Then, it was time to do a modicum of treadmilling, then attempting to keep body & soul together (that's always a problem for me) via a Sunday meal; then I had to catch the 100th Birthday Celebration for Ol' Blue Eyes on CBS. I honestly wasn't expecting much (personally), since it was associated with the Grammy's. But I was pleasantly surprised at the restraint and class exercised in the tribute. They used all the original arrangements and the "big band" was super. Piped it thru the surround sound and basked in a basin of bass and treble. Very nice.

London, now that's a scary story. I'll tell ya' -- walking around the CBD of N.O. on Saturday night, some random but terrifying thoughts certainly cross my mind. Such a shame.

Clint, my brother and his lovely started spending money a year ago, and they ain't done yet. I shudder to think what the final tally will be. As far as my buddy's son's wedding on Saturday, his new bride's dad is some sort of successful banking & financial services adviser -- and I think that's completely appropriate considering what that one day cost him. I'd say somewhere in the neighborhood of 25-30 grand. (Just doing a simple tally, it could not have been less than 20 -- and perhaps a good deal more.) They actually commissioned a portrait artist to attend the reception and paint a portrait of the lovely couple during the celebration. My brother told me that for my niece's wedding, the photographer referred them to a videographer, who informed them off the bat that just for the video, it would cost about $3500. They refused and opted for I-phone and Android snippets.

Originally Posted by Jamesbo
John, De Falcoons suck a-gain
London, I hate to say it but if sum one comes at me swing'in a machete, I'd drop 'em like a turd from a tall Indian.
Jamesbo, I think the Dirty Birds are in the same boat (or maybe even a leakier one) than the Black & Gold. And dat ain't good. It sure would have been sweet to burst the Rivera bubble yesterday, in any case.

And yet ANOTHER Jamesbo phrase to live in posterity, if not infamy!

Y'all have a great day of the moon, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; December 7th, 2015 at 11:22 AM.
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Old December 7th, 2015, 03:02 PM
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Hi everyone.

Another nice day here in the Greater Stockbridge Area. Hope it keeps up because I'm off the next few days. Would be nice to actually do something outside(instead of just talking about it).

Clint don't say that! You know I don't need a reason to buy another car. I'd have a fleet of G20 vans if I had something to do with them.

John I couldn't tell you the last time I washed a car at home. Though this week the Mustang might get a go of it, since I'm taking it to see my Mom next week.

London, my Mom is one who thinks bad things are just around the corner all the time. She is especially worried that a major attack of some sort will happen in Atlanta because they keep saying the airport is the world's busiest(it's not) and the CDC is downtown.

Lots of pictures and things going around about Pearl Harbor. It was long before my time, but in my parents' lifetime. Even at 74 years, the Arizona is leaking oil. The saying goes that she will continue to leak oil until there are no more survivors of the men who died.

So it's Friday. Even though the last two nights have drug on, the weekend seems to have gone by quickly. Though if I'm not careful I'll blink and it will be time to go back to work again.

And speaking of going back to work again, off I go. Have a good night everyone.
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Old December 8th, 2015, 03:24 AM
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Mornin all.

Gonna be mid 60's again. Hoping it gets warm enough to clean the gutters and install the new heat wire.

Have a day all.
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Old December 8th, 2015, 05:52 AM
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Mawn'in all

Chili but spose to warm up to anutter blue bird day

Zo, I go in de bank yesterday and ax de cute young teller. Do you know what today is? I'll give ya a hint. "There's a little nip in the air."
And she turns and looks at de calendar and says December 7th.
De tall well dressed dude next to her says, D- Day.
So I say, Sorry pal you're about 6 months off.
Den she says, Well it's been a while since I studied history. And I say, Yeah, It's been alot longer fer me.

John, Is Kolb's still on de same block with de Roosevelt?

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 8th, 2015, 07:01 AM
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Mernin', Olds friends. As in GA, it's a tad nippy, but a perdy day is in store. In fact (Clint, don't be envious) it's spose to get dern near 80 in da' Swamp.

Just don't blink, Mike, and all will be fine.

Jamesbo, Kolbs has been closed for some time (one of the coolest establishments ever to grace Downtown N.O., IMHO). But I believe it was on St. Charles Ave., while the Roosevelt (which had become the Fairmont for about 40 years) is between Baronne and O'Keefe (which I believe has now been renamed "Roosevelt Way" in the 100 block). They are both in the first block ("100" block) off Canal. Here's a pic I found on the web site from Mardi Gras 1946 -->

When I was a kid (and long before), The Roosevelt used to have the most elaborate Christmas decorations of anywhere I've seen before or since. Folks would come from across the U.S. and even the world to see them. The lobby occupies the length of the city block, and the entire area was decorated to the max. All walls were layered in some sort of cotton batting to simulate snow, and visitors barely had enough room to pass because of the trees and decorations. It was a real wonderland.

But when the Fairmont chain bought them, that went by the wayside. Then recently, with the hotel's restoration, reopening, and reversion to the Roosevelt name, the new owners brought back the Christmas decorations, and I was super excited last week at the prospect of going back to see them.

But alas: the decorations were pretty, but nothing like the old ones. The predominant theme was lights in the form of icicles lining the walls -- no cotton batts, no life-size gingerbread houses, and no giant Christmas trees as of old. But life goes on. It still looked real nice, and kids were smiling from ear to ear.

Anyhoots, 'Why you do me dat,' Jamesbo? You know I can't resist.

Y'all have a great one, N.O. history buffs.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; December 8th, 2015 at 07:05 AM.
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Old December 8th, 2015, 07:24 AM
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Well John, It all started with me thinking about food. I wanta say Kolb's had the best beef stew.

I've stayed in de ole Roosevelt many times. I once ran into Bob Newhart there and yes he was a dry in real life. Nice fella
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Old December 8th, 2015, 08:23 AM
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I really have to wonder if they teach any history at all anymore, Crap I was reading Revolutionary War stuff when I was in school, did a book report on the "Swamp Fox", course, now 40 years later I don't recall much about him.
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Old December 8th, 2015, 08:43 AM
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I can still sing the song an did so when I drove by Francis Marion University on my way to the beach at Topsale. I actually play golf often with a guy who played on their golf team
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Old December 8th, 2015, 09:43 AM
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Seems that there was a TV series in the 70's based on him? Hmm, apparently there was a Disneyfied version in the 50's, maybe they aired reruns.
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Old December 8th, 2015, 10:57 AM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful out. A little cold. Long night at work last night. We were going to repack the left main gear on a 767, and had problems with one of the jacks. However when we had the problem the plane was on the jacks, so we had to get it down. Caused all sorts of problems. Hopefully none that can't be easily fixed.

John when I was little, my grandmother would come visit us at Christmas and we'd ride the train downtown Chicago and walk around on Michigan Avenue. All the stores had elaborate decorations in the windows. It was really something to see. Then we'd have lunch at Marshall Field's in the Walnut Room. Grandma would always buy something so she could get the green shopping bag to show off to her friends. Back in the day Marshall Field's was a big thing.

Dan every year in history class we'd start out talking about the Continental Congress, and George Washington, etc. We never seemed to be able to progress past the Civil War. When I was in 7th grade I asked the teacher why we didn't learn about something a little more relevant, like World War II. She said she was so excited that I was interested in that. Guess what, we went right back to Quakers and Paul Revere and what not. I don't remember much about any of that, either.

Well I best do something so as not to waste the whole day. Hope everyone is having a good afternoon.
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Old December 9th, 2015, 03:23 AM
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Happity Humpity

Just thought I'd have a taste of worm, to keep Clint honest. Not too bad... still prefer fried chicken.

Funny, since I got back from The Hills, I haven't seemed to have stopped, and I haven't gotten done most of the stuff I wanted to do. Go figger. Today we're heading south early to deposit better half at airport to go see Mom, then it's Aunt Carmy on the way home. I'll be lucky to be home for noon. House looks like a tornado hit it, so I guess I should do some straightenin' and cleanin'. Then I just might be able to take a swipe at these cars in the garage.

I'd love to have seen The Windy City back in the day, Mike. I do know that Downtown N.O. at Christmastime when I was a kid was spectacular. Every single store (there were a hundred) had some sort of decorations. The big ones like Maison Blanche, D.H. Holmes, Godcheaux's, and Sears (mostly all hotels now) had huge display windows with Christmas themed displays. Maison Blanche had live animated (puppets & marionettes) shows at the top of each hour for the kids, and of course, you could get your picture taken on Santa's lap. We still have a few of those snapshots with me and my two brothers. Fun memories...

As for history, I hate to admit it, but when I was a kid, I hated it. We were studying all the European explorers way back in the 4th grade. At least I learned the definition of "circumnavigate" back then. (Was that Magellan?) I kinda' had to become a geezer to appreciate all the old stuff. Kids generally have no perspective, so I know my case wasn't usual. Just seems like such a waste.

My Dad was always a huge WWII buff and it more or less turned me off. Now, I wish I would have picked his brain about it a little more. As Aunt Jean used to rhetorically quip: "What does kids know?"

Y'all have a great Wednesday, Oldsmofriends.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; December 9th, 2015 at 03:28 AM.
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Old December 9th, 2015, 05:26 AM
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Mawn'in all

A nutter nice one

Mike/ John, If y'all had been drug up in Hotlanta, ya coulda rideen de Pink Pig around Rich's every Christmas

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 9th, 2015, 08:17 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Been to the Awful house, and also Walmart, which was its usual annoying trip. Nice out, almost 60. And it's car washing day.

Jamesbo why a pink pig? Was that Rich's mascot or something, or something goofy some marketing guy thought up? Why is it outside now?

John hope Better Half has a good trip to P-town. Hope Aunt Carmy enjoyed her stay with you. Your brother, too.

Let's see, who can we conjure up that hasn't been here for awhile. Adrian, Pat, what about Wolfman. Anyone ever heard from that guy? He had a bad back if I remember, lived up in Nova Scotia. Or 1A Tony. I was looking at his website the other day, but he didn't have much for Saturns.

Okay gonna do something. Have a happy hump everyone.
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Old December 9th, 2015, 08:28 AM
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Mike, Considering Richard H. Rich was Jewish, but had the largest Christmas tree in Atlanta and rode little kids on a pink pig. I'd have to guess it was brilliant marketing.

Here's a pic of the lighting of the Rich's tree on the bridges between the 2 stores. Each level of the bridge was lit up with high school choirs until it reached the top and the tree was lit. Quit an event for years and years

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Old December 9th, 2015, 02:22 PM
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Old December 9th, 2015, 03:07 PM
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Jamesbo, is that right by The Varsity?

Thanks, Mike. Just heard better half arrived safely in the Greater Peoria Metropolis.

It was like a little vacation for Aunt Carmy in Ponchatoula last week. She and I watched "History of the Mills Bros." on Amazon (I had watched it twice before and knew she would love it); she was tickled pink. One night we had a dinner with all her favorites (turkey, mashed taters, etc.). I catered to her every whim.

Thank goodness, she's still riding high.

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Old December 9th, 2015, 06:04 PM
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Jamesbo that's a good one. I'll go get it for you if you want.

John I'm glad there's a little joy left for Aunt Carmy. Hope Better Half doesn't experience a lot of snow while she's there.

Got it up to 84 in here last night, gonna try for that again tonight. My firewood is old pine and scrap whatever, so there isn't a lot of energy. But it's fun trying. The fire looks nice in the window.
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Old December 9th, 2015, 06:05 PM
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Hi everyone, another day in the 50's here, been like that most of the month. We actually saw snow flurries in the middle of October but that was the coldest day we've had so far, otherwise it has been above normal. Hope it stays that way a while longer, I'm enjoying the warmth when working and I still can keep driving the old cars.

Dan - my wife teaches American History and she definitely has a passion for it. So at least in her classroom, kids are learning it.

Clint - I just cleaned out the gutters before I put the icicle lights up, definitely not an enjoyable job to do.

John - that's a nice story about the Paramount. Also great that they brought back the traditions that help define it.

Mike - yes happy hump day to you too. I told my wife it was hump day and she just rolled her eyes. Hope you got a better response than I did.
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Old December 9th, 2015, 10:17 PM
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Mike, keep your chimney clean, that pine has a lot of resin & sap in it, and can build up in there in a hurry. Darrell, glad to hear that history is being taught somewhere, today's kids seem oblivious to it.
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Old December 10th, 2015, 03:28 AM
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Mornin all.

Got Brit out yesterday to show my uncle who's in town. He said he still has the drag mags off the 67 my Granddad gave to my cousin. He said he'd think about selling them to me.

Hope all is well.
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Old December 10th, 2015, 05:04 AM
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Good morning everyone.

I thought it looked like rain, but it's just a little hazy out. Now that I'm out of the cave I call my bedroom I can see blue sky.

Dan I have brushes and get up on the roof occasionally and clean the chimney. In my other house where I had a fireplace, I had a guy come out and all the creosote that came out looked like freeze dried coffee. He said it was a fire waiting to happen. I had just moved in, needless to say I kept up with it.

Didn't make it to 80 last night but wasn't far off. Still nice and cozy in here. The wood stove is the best thing I've done so far.

Might go work at the shop today, I haven't been there in awhile. I really need to fix the roof. Doesn't sound like fun but it needs to be done.

And now, Awful house. Have a good day everyone.
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Old December 10th, 2015, 05:30 AM
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Mawn'in all

Like Mike said weather wise

Clint, Tanks, I'd be on that like white on rice but I sold the 69 442 project last year. That's kinda my life's story, Day late and a dollar short

Mike, Thanks for the offer why don't you go get it and let me borrow it

John, Nope It's way south of the varsity. Almost parallel with the capitol but further west. In it's day, it was about as far south as ya wanted to go.

Does anyone know if those logs that are "Susposed" to rid a chimney of dangerous soot, Really werk?

Welp, GTG Have a great day Olds friends
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Old December 10th, 2015, 09:10 AM
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Bottom of Thor's day morning to ya', gang. Pretty good quorum this mornin' with Darrell chimin' in last nite.

Oh, well, Jamesbo. My Hotlanta geography ain't what it should be.

Mike, there could be a lot more joy in her life if she could get a clue of the meaning of being a "guest" at my brother's house. She's the tail who wants to wag the dog... has to have the last word if it kills her... I do feel sorry for her, as she genuinely doesn't get it. I've quit preaching. A little joy every now and again will have to do. She actually got up & danced a few numbers with my cousin.

Also just FYI, yesterday they broke ground for a new Awful House right at my Interstate exit - 5 minutes from me. WH/AH is conquering Louisiana.

Have a great Thursday, Oldsmofriends.

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Old December 10th, 2015, 10:26 AM
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John, Did you post this on FB?
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Old December 10th, 2015, 06:00 PM
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Hi everyone, another warm day here, 58 and sunny. Got home from work today and had some time to go out to the garage to work on the 85 Riv, changing out the tie rods and steering box. My original box was leaking, so I replaced it with a box from Rock Auto. It was very tight, not anything like the one finger turn box that was originally in there. I like the tighter feeling in the Cutlass, but not in this car. It had the same part # as the Jeep Grand Cherokee so that probably explains why it feels the way it does. I resealed the original and hope to get that finished by tomorrow. Then do the homemade toe in alignment and I'm done, well at least with this project anyway.

Jamesbo - that's funny! My wife wanted me to tell you that she usually has to send kids to the principal's office for far worse things.

Have a good night all!

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Old December 11th, 2015, 05:52 AM
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Mornin. Have a weekend all.
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Old December 11th, 2015, 11:30 AM
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Think I'll follow Clint's lead and keep it brief today. Hope everybody's doin' peachy whether they're in The Peach State or not....
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Old December 11th, 2015, 12:30 PM
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John, It's like 58 in de mountains beautimus
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Old December 11th, 2015, 02:51 PM
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Hi everyone.

Monday for me. Been nice all week, hope that keeps up. I failed in my mission to find a Christmas present for my mother.

Took the Dodge van to the shop, since the Mustang being out takes up an extra space, so I'll be driving the Cadillac to work all weekend.

Okay have a good evening.
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Old December 12th, 2015, 05:27 AM
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Kinda froggy in de mountains
Enjoy de weekend OLds friemds
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Old December 12th, 2015, 07:16 AM
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Very overcast, warm, & muggy in da' swamp. What a surprise.

No rain predicted for today, but tomorrow (Sunday) we're supposed to get a front movin' thru with wind, rain, and cooler temps at its tail.

Looking forward to those 58* "peachy" hills later in the month, Jamesbo.

Y'all have a great weekend, Oldsmofriends.
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Old December 12th, 2015, 03:00 PM
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Hi everyone.

Foggy this morning driving home. It was so humid last night, it looked like it poured, but it didn't. Looks like it's going to be a carbon copy night.

Slept most of the day, night number 2 is upon us.

Have a good night everyone.
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Old December 12th, 2015, 06:39 PM
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Evening everyone. Was 69 here and sunny, set a new record. Tomorrow promises to be the same. I think we've only had 5 days so far under 50 this fall. Since its been so warm, I have to mow the lawn again. Never mowed it this late in the season before.

Speaking of amazing, I got home yesterday and there was a message on the answering machine from someone supposedly belonging to the IRS. I called them back and I was told that I was going to be brought up on tax evasion charges for the year 2010 and was threatened that as soon as we hung up the phone, my case was going to be handed over to the treasury dept. When they asked me if I had any questions, I said, yeah, who gives you the right to call me up and threaten me like this? This is the first time I've heard of any problems with my tax returns. He responded that the IRS sent me two letters in the mail and I have not responded to them and they have proof of delivery. I said, Oh yeah, since I have not signed for any registered letters, where's the proof. He hung up at this point.

My accountant said these people are scammers and they want you to get scared and ask them how much money do I owe and how can I pay this to avoid getting arrested. I figured I would pass this on to my Oldsmofriends so you could be aware of it in case you get one of these morons on the phone.

Didn't finish the Riv today, got sidetracked with family stuff, hopefully I can get some of it done tomorrow.

So that's my fun. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and football.
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Old December 13th, 2015, 07:01 AM
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Mornin', all.... Similar weather down here to GA & NY: warm & muggy. But the "Big Front" is due to arrive this evening and change all that -- so they say. (It does look quite formidable on radar, so maybe they know what they're talking about.)

Darrell, as soon as I read the first few words of your story, I thought "Scammers." Thanks for the warning. What a bunch of lousy vermin.

Mike, I'm sure you needed that sleep. Glad you got ur rest, hombre.

We had our annual gathering of alumni of my H.S. last night in Metairie. It was a small turnout, but it was good to see some guys I hadn't seen in 45 years.

Boys in black & gold play the Buccaneers at Tampa. I'm going to be indisposed, so maybe that will be a blessing. Speaking of blessing, the Saints probably need one.

Y'all enjoy the rest of your weekend, Oldsmofriends.
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Old December 13th, 2015, 11:12 AM
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I was kinda hoping de Falcoons would have a buy week so they wouldn't loose.
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Old December 13th, 2015, 02:58 PM
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Hi everyone.

Nice today, a little hazy. Gonna be warm tonight and that's in preparation of it raining tomorrow. Well, it's been a good, dry run for awhile.

John I'm sorry your favorite sport is causing you such consternation. What if you only listened to it on the radio while you attended to other things, that way it's not in the forefront and you might not get so overwhelmed with the bad playing or inane comments.

Jamesbo don't know if I'm headed your way tomorrow yet. My sister is in town to work at the home office of her job this week, and wants to have dinner tomorrow. Haven't heard from her in a few days so don't know if she's still coming. I forget where her office actually is, off Peachtree Industrial I think.

Okay it's Friday for me. The last two nights have been okay, but the night had dragged on. My friend said I'm wishing my life away by wanting work to go so fast. I said no, it's counteracted by me wanting my days off to go slow.

Have a good night everyone, happy new week tomorrow.
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