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Old December 17th, 2014, 06:58 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

Well I finally got de tree and trimmings done yesterday. Looks real pretty if I do say so myself.had some nice piano music going while I decorated it and found that very soothing.

Mike, I think you're right about black animals in general. I tend to favor blondes and brunettes

Not much goin on here dis mawnin. Had one o de best sleeps I ever had since I slept at a Holiday Inn. Woke up smarter den ever!

Ok time fer koffee. Enjoy your day.
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Old December 17th, 2014, 03:01 PM
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Hi everyone.

Beautiful here today, saw quite a bit of it. Gonna be nice tonight, but cold. Hopefully I can have a day or two of outside work done before the rain comes back. I see the lake has crept back up a couple inches.

Went next door to get some pea soup and rice, and talked for thirty minutes. So now it's time to go. Friday for me, it's really gonna suck when I have to work my whole week again. I could get used to this extra time off.

Okay have a good Hump Night everyone, see you tomorrow.
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Old December 17th, 2014, 06:49 PM
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Evening everyone. Nice day here, was 53 and sunny.

Not much noteworthy going on today except that I ordered a new set of ABS bumper fillers for the Riv. The previous owner installed the fiberglass ones in the front and when my bumper got pushed in from the accident it cracked one of them pretty good. Really didn't like the look of them anyway. Supposedly they are redesigned and fit like the originals. We'll see.
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Old December 17th, 2014, 07:13 PM
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Good Evening Everyone

My what a beautiful day we had today. Wish I were fishing instead of delivering but I might as well get it while I can.

Originally Posted by CQR
Scot. Seems every manufacturer has a product line that really sucks. Maybe they should have called it the Chevy Kirby.
No doubt and I'd say so.
Originally Posted by OLD SKL 69
Scot- I understand reliability, I certainly never want my wife getting stuck either. I'm not sure why people still think foreign is better, my friend owns a garage and he's complaining about most of the repair issues he's seeing lately is from japanese cars and how expensive they are to fix.
I hear ya Darrell. The thing with the Mrs is that once it is out of the warranty, it's time for a new one Those new cars are all fairly pricey if something major happens or goes out.
Originally Posted by Jamesbo

Scot, How's ya hold'in up?
Quite well now or on the top side of being about 85-90% healed. I haven't wore my knee brace in two days but am still sore. I have my own route now, so it's do or die This is what my knee felt like happened

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Old December 18th, 2014, 04:20 AM
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Mornin all.

Scot maybe with your experience you could be the kicking champion?

The gas company came and checked the meter for leaks last night(It's in the basement). The guy had the personality of a sour grape. Like its' my fault I have to work and can't be home until 6.

Well have a Thursday all.
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Old December 18th, 2014, 04:54 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Work sucked last night and I can't get past it. At least I'm gone from there for a few days.

See ya's later.
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Old December 18th, 2014, 05:37 AM
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Mawn'in all

Chili down ere

Sandy, GET OFF FB and join your Olds friends

She's baking cookies and mak'in me hungry

Scot, Glad your still limp'in along. De season will be over soon. Jes be sure to take it easy on your knee.

Mike, Sorry 'bout werk but dat's why de call it werk and not play.

Allan, I need sum grammatical help ere. Does one say, "How'd you curl las nite?"
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Old December 18th, 2014, 06:37 AM
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Either I've got cataracts real bad or it's very foggy outside. Was a bit late getting up this mawnin so I missed putting out the recycle but de trash guy I left a present.

Clint, some peeps are just like that. Don't worry boudit.

Mike, don't worry boudit.

Scot, don't know if dats worse den an **** kicking contest.

Jim, dats zactly wut yew say! Den I would say we kerled like goats

Darrell, good luck with the new fillers. Hope they fit perfectly.

Time fer koffee. Enjoy your day!
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Old December 18th, 2014, 06:42 AM
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LOL, I just looked at those annoying ads at the bottom of the page. One for Scot - a knee brace, and one for me - a 'koffee kaddy' fer a motorcycle. Too bad I don't own one.
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Old December 18th, 2014, 08:55 AM
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Either I've got cataracts real bad or it's very foggy outside. Was a bit late getting up this mawnin so I missed putting out the recycle but de trash guy I left a present.
No comment from me. Sandy's making cookies!!! WTH, get back over here right now!!!
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Old December 18th, 2014, 12:28 PM
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Hey Dan, any comment including one that says no comment is good. That way we know yer still alive and kickin!
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Old December 18th, 2014, 08:47 PM
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Evening everyone. My son only had a half day of school so I spent the morning shopping and the afternoon with him at the grandparents making Christmas cookies.
Not going to say how many we sampled while making them.

Scot - we're out of warranty now on both of our everyday vehicles so I try not to think about it. My Mrs has been driving my truck since September. Don't think I'm getting it back anytime soon. lol

Allan - I hope the fillers do fit well but I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. The last set I bought for an 84 Eldo were terrible. I had about 10 hours into filling inperfections, sanding, priming and painting.

Well, off to bed, happy Friday everyone.
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Old December 18th, 2014, 09:15 PM
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Mike, something to consider buying to add to your fleet.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 03:29 AM
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Mornin all.

Darrell, IIRC the fillers never really seemed to fit right from the factory. If you make them fit right won't that look odd?

Allan, Whos the 'Smokin Smiley' for?

The news from the missus just seems to be gettin worse. Not sure how you could sleep at night with a job like that.

Mike enjoy the days off. Curious, will you listen to Pink Floyd when you are building the wall?

Have a Friday all.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 05:27 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Looks like it will be a beautiful day. Got some errands to run after the Awful house, then this afternoon I'll work on my wall. Clint it's a block wall so I'll have to sing a block song. Do you know any?

Dan the article says they're being sold as "off road only." They are wider than a parking space. I heard you could register it as a Suburban, but the VIN number would show that it isn't. Hm.

Jamesbo if work was only about the work I'd be fine. It's the people who think they are bigger than the rest of us and cause drama that I've had enough of.

Time to hit the road. Hope everyone has a good Friday.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 06:20 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

Just catching up with some mawnin news on de tube. Weather is just on an ol Daintree is lookin mighty foxy dis mawnin. Got a 10:30 appointment at de body shop that repaired the Sonata in August. Warranty on defective or improperly applied product. I checked with Hyundai parts and the product lists for 35.00 retail, but the body shop billed out to insurance as 200.00! I wonder if they know what 'ethics' means?

Clint? What smokin smiley? Hey if it's a 'smokin' smiley my friend, den its fer you and Lynn. Real sorry to hear the job woes are still being so stressful. Wish I could do something to make things better.

Mike, with the size of your new lot you could definitely use that humvee as a general purpose truck. Build your own dirt obstacle course and let er rip. Wonder why they are not road worthy? Maybe they need inspection and certification to meet standard?

Darrell, who's the vendor on those Fillers? Do you know if they use OEM parts to design the molds? From what I remember of those fillers, they were "general" fit and not meant to be perfect. Had them on my 83 Regency Brougham and they stayed flexible all the time I owned it . Sold it back in 2003 after 20 yrs of comfort to buy project agony. I still see these big boats in the boneyard from time to time. Maybe I should start taking the fillers? Don't think there's a huge market though.

Jim, wanna come spare fer me at kerlin on de sabbath? Den you kood say yew kerled like a goat too! Naw I nose, ders not enuff beer in de world ta git ya to do dat

Scot, hope you're de epitome of great service, an congrats on getting your own route! Got a delivery from UPS yesterday. I don't think the driver knows what a doorbell is or how to knock on a door. He left the parcel on the front steps and buggered off. Anyone could have picked it up and amscrayed with it. Fortunately de hood is in good stead since de HA's moved out. Good to hear the knee is getting better too. I can relate to your journey with it.

Hmmm, don't like this koffee. It's not dark roast nectar of de Gods. Gotta put dat on my choppin list.

Enjoy your day!
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Old December 19th, 2014, 06:26 AM
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Head to de mountainss,

John you up DARE YET?

Allan, I was jes think'in dis mawn'in 'bout curling. Who prepares de ice? I mean could sum one foul up anutter teams game by messing wit de ice?
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Old December 19th, 2014, 06:30 AM
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Ah hahahahahahaha...good one! I typed dis on company time Dat duzent look nothin like Scot doh.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 07:45 AM
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Well, we're having our Christmas dinner at work tonight, it's catered and we pay for it, but it's somebody's inlaws er somethin' like that, who have the companies approval to serve us bland food every year, so a few in our dept. are ordering from Applebees' and will have it delivered. I got lazy and ordered xmas cookies to bring in for our first break (Sandy how ya do it?) from the local bakery. Got to buy two more gifts and I'm done.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 07:54 AM
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General question: are any of you feeling like something's missing from your (supposedly festive) holiday season? I can't shake the feeling that something's missing and it seems like just going through the motions. I think I need help.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 08:02 AM
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Allan I was thinking about getting a farm truck exclusively for the shop, that would certainly fit the bill. As for not roadworthy, I think it's because they are bigger than a regular car or truck and they probably don't have safety glass or seat belts. Who knows why the Govt does anything.

Jamesbo I got a text from John. They're up at the mountain getaway but he says he won't be online unless he travels to a "hot spot."

Walked out the door and forgot most of what I needed to bring for my errands. Eh, I'll get to them later.

Sandy I just got a smattering of cookies my Mom made this year. Since she lives with my niece, she didn't want to give me too many so there would be enough for all the people my niece wanted to give cookies to. Well I'm not worried about the other people. Do you make K candy? That's my favorite.

Okay gonna work on the wall. All in all.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 08:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo

Allan, I was jes think'in dis mawn'in 'bout curling. Who prepares de ice? I mean could sum one foul up anutter teams game by messing wit de ice?
yup, you called it. Curling ice is special, much more effort and technique than flooding hockey ice. No Zamolinis allowed on curling ice. Even the smallest amount of dust or fluff can affect the rocks. Ice makers and maintenance crews have to pass certications to prepare and maintain culing ice. It's considered an 'art' with the rink perimeters being the frame. You wouldn't believe it unless you saw it in action. I'll see if I can get you a vid of it.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 10:13 AM
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Mike, You're preaching to de choir. When I owned a real-estate/property managment company, I come to werk sum days and 2 of my ladies would be in de parking lot scratch'in each other's eye ***** out cause one of dem took de utters park'in space

Allan, I guess what I'm try'in to politely ax is, Has anyone ever paid [under de table] fer an ice crew to mess up an opponents ice. or an oppsing team [when finished ] messed wit de ice before anutter team starts to curl ??

Kinda like a curling spitball ya know
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Old December 19th, 2014, 02:00 PM
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Allan - Here's the company I bought them from: They are a manufacturer of the ABS type and they supposedly used original moulds to make them. We'll see.

Clint- the original fillers actually fit well on the 85 Riv I had years ago. The first reproduction ones were made with extra pieces and the poor quality only compounded peoples frustrations with getting them to fit right. This is the second generation and supposedly they are made better.

Dan - that would be great if I had the space and the roads around here were wider. They are barely big enough for my RAM.

But if I had the money, I wanted to buy this:

Last edited by OLD SKL 69; December 19th, 2014 at 02:09 PM.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
I guess what I'm try'in to politely ax is, Has anyone ever paid [under de table] fer an ice crew to mess up an opponents ice. or an oppsing team [when finished ] messed wit de ice before anutter team starts to curl ??
Easy to answer. No. There's ethics involved and the ice crews are paid by the facility. They would actually report a request like that and likely have the team 'spoken to' by the rink mgmt or even banned from curling. They take their job seriously and have a lot of pride in what happens to it.

Far as another team trashing the ice? It gets swept, re-pebbled and shaved prior to every game - by the ice maintenance folks. So again - no.

The ice makers do have a chart to determine the settings on the blades used to scrape the ice (which determines the amount of swing there will be) and are careful to keep those settings absolutely secret. When they park the scraper they also reset the blade so no one knows what setting it was previously on. Not even the competitive curlers get to know what's been done to the ice - it's part of the game to figure out the amount of curl and speed of a rock.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 04:17 PM
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Darrell that's a nice looking car. I don't know why but I see original Riv in the back end.

Man I thought I hit the lottery this afternoon. After I dug a bunch of mud out of the wall I went to get more cement. I thought, I need like 20 bags. So I go to Lowes and there's a cart with 23 bags on it just sitting there. No one else was around so I pushed the cart up to the front. The guy just looked at me. So I go to take it to my truck, of course I had to bring the tall truck, and a couple guys with a fork lift came and said, we're going to help you stack the cement. Someone stacked it on the cart and then didn't buy it and we've been dreading all day putting it back, you've done us a huge favor. I asked them if they'd come to my house and transfer it into my van so it didn't get rained on, but they declined.

Clint, school me on 4 wheelers. Since I can't afford a Gator, I thought about getting a 4 wheeler to drag branches and whatnot around in the back yard? Will this work out? Could I put a rack on it somehow to move rocks around? Pull bushes out of the ground with it? One machine better than another?

Rain after midnight. So I have five hours to get the cement into the van. I might make it.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 08:32 PM
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Darrell, I like those years of Rivs' but the roadster top has to go.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Darrell, I like those years of Rivs' but the roadster top has to go.
Dan - that was the first one I've ever seen with the roadster top on it. I was undecided as to whether or not I liked the look but the car was the right color and condition so I could learn to live with it. Not sure what they do to the body to put that on but it really doesn't matter since I'm just dreaming right now anyway.
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Old December 20th, 2014, 03:17 AM
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Worm from de mountains

Allan, Dat's interesting. So De surface[ice] changes from one game to anutter and de players [wit experience] have to "read" the ice kinda like a golfer reads a put Right?

Dan, I may get baned but I likek Rivs more better dan Toros [wrong wheel drive]

Mike, I got a 6X4 Gator wit a dump bed dat has been used like a rented mule. I "Think" sum golf courses lease dem and John Deere has sum used ones fer auction sum times, It really is de best tool in my box

Enjoy de weekend Olds friends
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Old December 20th, 2014, 05:44 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Rain started about 10 last night. Rained all night long but it's stopped now. This may affect more work on the wall today.

Late for the Awful house so I'll see you all later.
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Old December 20th, 2014, 07:38 AM
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Dan, I may get baned but I likek Rivs more better dan Toros [wrong wheel drive]
Well, ok, but they were fwd starting in 1979. Just drive backwards 'an you'll be good!
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Old December 20th, 2014, 08:10 AM
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Hi again. Glad I made the Awful house when I did, or I would have missed Joe and Robert. I had to see Steve as well, but I kept my distance.

Went to Walmart (again) to get some Google game card for my Mom. She has a tablet and didn't want to buy apps and charge them to her credit card. The place wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be, and I got some antifreeze as well.

When I was a kid I worked at a Chevy place and someone there liked those canvas tops, so all the Monte Carlo's got a Carriage Top. I thought they looked hideous. They'd blank out the quarter windows and the top of the car would look like a tent. I don't remember them not selling so enough people must have liked them.

Got all my cement moved last night before the rain. Of course the last one had to break so now I have cement all over the back of the van, and concrete forming in the back of the pickup. Perhaps all the oil that was spilled in the pu will ease in removing it.

Inside work today. I could put on my boots and work in the mud okay, but everything else is yicky so why bother. I got about 200 more envelopes to address to send out the annual gift to the Amphi club.

Okay see you's all later. The dogs want a treat.
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Old December 20th, 2014, 08:18 AM
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Morning Rocketeers

Yesterday was fun if you count spending $$$$$ as fun. De missus and de boy piled into the Sonata wit me an we zoomed out to de mattress store. Bought him a new queen size bed for Krimmitz. It was too good a deal to pass up and it was on our horizon of 'to do' things anyway. Sealy posturpedic pillow top thingy. Free delivery too so that was nice.

The outside LED house lights had a section about 8' long that didn't work so I cut them out and soldered up the connection to the plug. Works perfect now. So the new neighbor won't get his side lit up, I'm ok with that.

Jim, you take red dog witcha? I Wuz thinkin bout him - if I had a dog I think I would choose a re dog or gold dog. Yew are unneestandin ice purty good der son. Now add frost conditions, wear on pebbles (from sweeping and peeps using the same glide path etc) an yer analogy to whackin whitey is not bad. An yer right, ice is not an easy read because it looks flat an even everywhere even though it has unseen break lines.

Darrell/Dan, I always saw Rivs and Toros as competitive personal luxury coupes. Only have 2 favorite Toros. The 70 GT and the 77 XSR with that cool rear wrap around glass. I guess since I love the big cars so much the Electra 225 would have been my ocean liner of choice, even over the Ninety Eight. Buddy Jim Hlady had a 76 and it was the nicest car I ever rode in. Next to it, the next in line was buddy Kim Taylor's 76 Mercury Marquis brougham. Seems I got spoiled an influenced at an early age.

Clint, you guys ok? Thinking about you and your bride.

Well, only 4 days till Santa roasts his hiney coming down our chimney cause de fireplace will be going. A fire always seems to cheer up a room. Unless of course it's the room that's on fire.

Koffee, den Costco. Enjoy your day.
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Old December 20th, 2014, 08:46 AM
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Mornin all.

Allan, We are ok. Altho life right now is not worth the paper its printed on, we have each other and the kid. Seems our relationship is stronger than I first thought. Not sure what they want to take yet, but I'm guessing it will be this week when we find out. And then there will be a long drawn out battle.

Jamesbo Enjoy the mountains til the phone rings. (Didn't you say thats the way it works?)

Mike. That would work fine. There are many that would suit your needs. You just need to find out what needs you have. You want at least 400 CC's and then you need to find out if you want power steering, 4wd, manual or automatic, efi or carb, , etc. etc. The big 4 are great and Can am is gtreat but a bit pricey. Arctic cat makes good utes, and polaris is good too altho my least favorite.

Off to go do my Commercialized winter holiday shopping

Have a weekend.
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Old December 20th, 2014, 09:12 AM
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Allan, I'm qit cha a Deuce and a quarter was a fine car

Clint, Did I miss something? Has it gotten to that stage yet?
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Old December 21st, 2014, 06:06 AM
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Mornin all,

On the phone app. Man there are a lot of pop ups.

Jamesbo I guess this is what makes life interesting.

A customer of mine has a 95 Eldorado that looks like a roadster roof. But it is actually a true vert. GM never offered it but a place called coach builders did the conversion.

Have a Sunday all.
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Old December 21st, 2014, 07:19 AM
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Good Sunday Mawnin All

Rainy and dreary weekend here in the deep south

Not much going on except my eldest is planning to move yet again This time to the big city of Savanny. I sure worry about her but it doesn't do any good.

Whelpt have a great day Oldsmofriends
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Old December 21st, 2014, 07:19 AM
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Good morning everyone.

It's the first day of winter. Oddly enough, the start of the dark season and the days will start getting longer.

Slow to get going today. Skipped the Awful house this morning, but might take them in for lunch if I can get going before the church crowd gets there.

My phone doesn't have any apps or pop ups. Of course, here is my phone

Overcast today but no rain that I know of. Guess I'll have to get on boots and go work on the wall. Time is a-wasting and it isn't going to fix itself.

My Mom sent me home with some presents so I had to get out my Christas tree. It's about 8" tall and ceramic, but I don't have a light bulb for it. At this point it doesn't have to be out very long.

Have a good day everyone. Last day off for me.
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Old December 21st, 2014, 08:36 AM
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Ya how to ruin a mountain/ lake weeekend ?

Rush home to go to a family Christmas party.

Blood is thincker than water but syryp is thincker dan blood

Zo, Pancakes are more important dan family
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Old December 21st, 2014, 09:03 AM
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Mawnin Rocketeers

Spoda snow an rain tonight. Great, just in time for the drive to and from curling tonight.

Jim, life's funny dat way.

Clint, you buy any good commercials yesterday?

Scot, nothin to do but hope for the best.

Mike, aaacccckk!!!!! You dint go to awful house? I'm havin de big one......

Fresh potta koffee waitin. Enjoy your day.
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