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Old March 27th, 2014, 06:43 AM
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Good Thursday Mawnin All

A little cool this morning but it should be a nice day with Elsie scheduled to arrive just in time for the weekend

Allan I didn't know you were due for surgery My Dad was plagued with back problems after slipping off of the fire truck he was washing and slipped a few discs. After that an 18 wheeler nailed him from behind whilst stopped by the GSP that was attending another serious accident at the time I hope your recovery is swift and your pain is minimal brother.

Whar's Jamesbro? Guess he done snuck up to the mountains again

Clint that floor looks great! Did they have to do much with any residual oil spills that may have penetrated into the slab?

John I've heard of those kits but have no experience with them. Although I did see a show that installed one and it looked really easy. For that kind of dough I'd run black iron for around $1 a foot. Most stores sell it in various lengths and will even thread it for free if you need any cut to length.

Whelp gotta run, y'all have a wondermous Thursday
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Old March 27th, 2014, 06:56 AM
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I'm ere

Gosh, I had alot of read'in to do dis mawn'in.

Allan, I've had back problems fer years but avoided de knife. Heres to a speedy recovery

Sandy, Every mawn'in I wake up to sum TV lawyer say'in sum'in like, "If you took XYZ you may be entitrled to damages" The drug companies own dis country. I'd try anything you can

Clint, I jealous of your floor. What did de seal it with?

Mike, I feel fer ya but I guess it beats de unemployment line. I really never minded work What I hated was school

GTG de chores await me
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Old March 27th, 2014, 11:09 AM
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It's NOT that serious...

Hi everyone, thanks for the kind words and thoughts but it's not that serious. I may have given you the wrong impression based on how I described the problem. The surgery was on my back, but not because of a disc or spine problem. Sorry I wasn't clear about that. I had been waiting (forever, it feels like) for a surgery date, and finally one opened up on short notice so I took it.

I (key word - had) a very large sebaceous cyst that had grown over top of my spine on the upper part of my back and was inflamed/infected and had become quite painful over the past 2 months. It was putting quite a bit of pressure on the muscles and likely disc around T4. The Dr. who did the surgery said it was one of the largest he'd seen or ever removed. LOL - I should live in TX for a comment like that. He showed it to me afterwards and it was about the size and shape of a large summer strawberry you buy from the store. He said it was filled with pus and oil. He had to cut more due to the unexpected size he found as he went further. There wasn't an option to just drain the cyst, the entire sac had to be removed to prevent recurrence. In order to get it all he had to lance it to avoid an even larger incision. It let him get a better grip on it, but it also contaminated the wound. So after it got removed and saline flushed/topical antibiotic applied he had to leave it partly open after suturing to let any junk drain out. Only took around an hour from start to finish.

Can't see the wound because it's all covered with a stack of huge 8" gauze packs and then taped over with some kind of special tape to prevent leaking? I used a hand mirror to look at it and it's nasty looking with a lot of blood and fluid draining into the gauze so I guess it's doing what it's supposed to. I have to get the dressing changed every 2 days for the next week. In the meantime it's antibiotics to keep infection away.

Glad to say the pain factor has gone down quite a bit overnight.
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Old March 27th, 2014, 11:34 AM
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Howdy everyone. Beautiful day here in the Greater Stockbridge Area.

Why Allan, how informative! Glad it wasn't any more serious. My Dad had a disc removed once and he was laid up for weeks. I've got one of those cysts(it isn't on my spine) that I want removed, but the doctor says I should leave it be since it isn't bothering anything. Well it bothers me I think I'm gonna have it removed anyway.

Clint the floor looks great. Did you ever hear back from that guy that wanted to take the engine out of Brit and take her on tour?

I'm sorry guys, I shouldn't moan about my job as much as I do. I'm glad to have it and it keeps us going. Though the company can be rather frustrating at times. I hate when people say, just be thankful you have a job. Being thankful for a job and wanting something better for myself are not related. I've learned that I'm not as flexible as I should be and have a pretty good idea of what I need to do to change that. We'll see what I can come up with over the summer. Jamesbo don't get me started on school. About 5 minutes into it all I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher. Wuh wah wuh wah wah.

Well the dogs want a treat so everyone have a great day see ya later.
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Old March 27th, 2014, 12:05 PM
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Mike - Depends on where the cyst is and how big it is. The other thing you need to consider is whether it's elective (mostly cosmetic) surgery or causing a problem. If it's elective you might end up paying the entire cost of the procedure. Maybe the Doc was trying to save you some $$? If mine hadn't turned into such a problem I likely would have just left it alone. From what I know about them, the skin pore is blocked so if you can poke a sterile needle through the skin it will create a drain and you can likely squeeze out the extra fluid and all should be well for quite some time. (Hey, I'm not a Dr, so get a second opinion)

Your comments about work are well taken. It's a tough balancing act, especially in today's economy. It's not wrong to want something better for yourself, just have to be there when the opportunity comes knocking. Sometimes flexibility is a good thing, sometimes it's not. How cryptic is that? FWIW I'm glad you have a conscientious attitude to getting the job done. Said it before and I'll say it again (because I think you might just need a little pickup), thank you for being one of the people that make airline travel safe. I think up here in Canada too many people take their jobs for granted.

Have fun playing with the pups, and uhhh, sorry bout that comment about them messin on the floor. I know that's not what you were thinking of. Chances are if you put that new flooring in, you wouldn't be able to live in the house for a week till the fumes died down.
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Old March 27th, 2014, 12:41 PM
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Morning all, it is finally raining here. I can't remember the last time it rained, most of queensland was declared a drought a week ago now we have flash flooding in many places.

Glad your feeling better Sandy, hopefully you will get some good news very soon.

That floor looks snazzy Clint but IMHO painting would give it that final finish

Sorry about the job Mike, hopefully you will get one soon. Apparently work will be offering apprenticeships again soon but I am not gonna hold my breath they are good at getting your hopes up then stepping on them

Thanks Allan, might only be a small family but it isn't the size that counts it's the love.

Talkinh about work I should start some take it easy everyone,

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Old March 27th, 2014, 11:10 PM
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Allan, thanks for the clarification, good to see that it wasn't anything serious.
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Old March 28th, 2014, 04:19 AM
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Mornin all.

Adrian, Yes. Paint is on the 'To do' list.The ceiling in the garage is part green and part white on the stamped steel tiles. They are in pretty bad shape, but its better than the fiber tiles (kinda like drop ceiling) tiles that absorb dirt and such.

Mike, No I haven't talked to John for a while. He's been doing some longer distance traveling for the new episodes for the show.

Allan, Hope it heals up quickly.

Jamesbo, Not sure. We hired a company to come in and prep the floor, Epoxy it and seal it.

Scot, They did acid wash and etch the slab. The old tiles were glued with some nasty black tar like mastic. They had to get all that up and etch it for proper adhesion of the epoxy. That was at one time a MIL apt. that had walls and carpeting and stuff. So it was quite the transformation over a 10 year period.

Sandy. Should be interesting. Kind of a shame they have such a short season.

Have a Friday all.
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Old March 28th, 2014, 04:43 AM
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Good morning all happy Friday.

Rain! Guess how I knew it started raining. My girl stood up on the side of my bed and started drooling on me. Hope it doesn't last too long. We even got some thunder.

Thanks Adrian, and everyone, easy come easy go. Life is like a box of chocolates.

Allan I knew you were only funnin'. Actually I've been pretty lucky my dogs have been very good about not going in the house. Maybe a couple accidents here and there, hey, at least it's organic.

Clint and Sandy, I wish I was as into a TV show as you guys are with TWD. The last show I really, really liked was Seinfeld. And that ended, heck, in 1997. In fact I was thinking about having my cable taken out. I just don't watch enough to justify keeping it, although if the cable goes so does my internet. I need to come up with a plan. I like the Netflix idea a lot. I know a guy that doesn't have cable, but his kids watch Netflix, they like it a lot. But he has dial up internet. Oh no.

Well I've got to decide if I'm going to the Awful house this morning. Since it's raining and the dogs are afraid I shouldn't go anywhere, and normally I wouldn't, but a guy that owes me money is supposed to meet me there this morning and I don't want to miss him. Maybe I'll call up there and see if he's there. We made these plans last week he might forget.

Okay I'm gonna do something. Have a good day everyone hope the weekend plans are shaping up.
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Old March 28th, 2014, 05:10 AM
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Mawn'in all

Yep, Like Mikesaid.Rain

I've always enjoyed loading up de truck to head to de mountain in de rain.

Did some one say "Paint" I'd rather bust rocks dan paint. Years ago [in my stupid youth.] I started putt'in up white 4 board fencing. I jes couldn't stop. In de spring when de grass turns green its beautiful only ya gotta paint de dern thing 'bout every other year. Every year if it runs under trees.

Ah the joys of home ownership

Adrian, Glad everyone is doing well. Are ya gettt'in much sleep?

GTG Olds friends.Enjoy de weekend. I'll be slosh'in round in it
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Old March 28th, 2014, 06:01 AM
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Welcome to Friday

Mornin', boys & girl.... Quite the wet, dreary day down in da' swamp. Figures, 'cause tonite is the first Covington Block Party of the season, although all the weather pundits are saying we should be in a lull this evening... then the whole thing starts later tonite, all thru the night. Supposed to be a decent Saturday -- at least beginning in late morning. There's a little car show in Hammond tomorrow which would be nice, but I'm not sure I'll attend (actually, I'll be honest and say the odds are against it). And to cap off the weekend is a show in Baton Rouge, which I know I won't be going to. I need to dig myself out of the backlog of projects around here... at least get my air going, which has been lingering more than I care to admit.

Originally Posted by slantflat
I need to come up with a plan. I like the Netflix idea a lot. I know a guy that doesn't have cable, but his kids watch Netflix, they like it a lot. But he has dial up internet. Oh no.
Mike, Netflix is even marginal with DSL, much less dial-up... But if you manage to keep your Internet, get a Sony Blu-ray player hooked up to it and your TV (I have a wireless connection to mine) and it picks up about 25 Internet channels. Most are not worth watching, but besides Netflix and YouTube, you get Crackle (which hosted Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee -- which has a whole new season now) and a few others with free movies and some fringe subject material you may or may not enjoy.

Whelpt, let me get "crackin" on my air project. I'm hoping to get enough done to warrant a trip to Lowes to buy the connectors this afternoon.

BTW, got this link from a friend. I think I have problems getting parts for old Oldses & Buicks... think how this poor 8A$+erd feels:
Y'all have a great Friday, Oldsmobuds.

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; March 28th, 2014 at 06:06 AM.
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Old March 28th, 2014, 09:10 AM
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Allan I was going to say this before and I forgot. Thanks for the kind words. We seldom see the passengers, it's usually when there's a problem just before departure that the line mechanic goes up on the plane to talk to the pilot, and we're always associated with a problem, not the solution. So I appreciate you saying something.

A friend of mine was a non-rev one time, and he was leaving a station that didn't have Delta maintenance. For whatever reason the captain wouldn't take the plane because a tire had some cord showing. Contract maintenance didn't know how to change a tire on that particular plane, so my friend overheard the problem and volunteered to help change the tire. And in the process got grease all over his nice khaki slacks(the company bought him new ones). When he got back on the plane, all he heard from the other passengers was, it's about time we get this thing going! They didn't realize my friend had saved the flight from being cancelled.

Oh John the Adams-Farwell. That car is in a museum in Reno that I'm a member of. I've polished every bit of brass on that thing and cleaned it from top to bottom. Last time I saw it I cleaned it up so it could be a guest at the Peterson museum in LA. At that point the curator hadn't had it running yet, so I hadn't ever seen it run before watching this video. The car ran when Harrah's restored it in 64 but probably not for long. A formal and static museum is often death to a car when it sits for years not being used. Awesome video I wish I was closer to Reno I'd be there all the time.

So I did end up going to the Awful house. Met the guy that owed me money, saw everyone else and yammered for two hours. The dogs were fine when I got home. It's still raining so inside work for me.

See ya.
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Old March 28th, 2014, 10:36 AM
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What a cool engine!
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Old March 28th, 2014, 11:05 AM
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Friday, Friday, finally Friday NOBODY said it better than George's some bounce to put your life back in step wit de weekend!





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Old March 28th, 2014, 04:46 PM
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Morning all, the place is looking very green which is a nice change from brown

That motor is awesome John, good to see old stuff working like it should.

Allegra is sleeping through the night now, has been since 5 1/2 weeks old. She will have her last feed around 9:30 10 and sleep right through till 5:30 or 6. This morning she slept till 8 so we actually had a sleep in

That sounds about right too Mike. Ignorance is bliss is what they say for situations like that. When we flew from Vegas to Miami we were delayed 45 min because of some maintenance issue. We didn't care as a plane checked OK to fly but late is better then a plane not checked OK. We did miss our connecting flight and the only thing that annoyed us was the fact they didn't tell us till we got to the gate after running from one end of the airport to the other. Such is life

Time to do some things around this place, Have a great weekend everyone,

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Old March 29th, 2014, 06:24 AM
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Saturday and no ones been here yet? Just watching World curling in Bejing Cina. Canada is leading 6-2 after 9 ends. Denmark will probably give up at the end of this end.
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Old March 29th, 2014, 06:28 AM
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Chinese curling????

Wet in de mountains
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Old March 29th, 2014, 06:38 AM
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Morning all.

Holy cow, Allan gets the worm and he's three hours behind everyone? Good show!

Dreary here, but we didn't get our early morning thunderstorms, so I'm hopeful they will bypass us.

Adrian the airlines won't tell people what's wrong on purpose because most wouldn't understand what they were talking about and would get all crazy. But they absolutely should give people regular updates as to estimated time of departure, gate changes, whether or not you'll make your connecting flight, etc. "Ladies and gentlemen, the wing has just fallen off and as soon as our cordless drill is charged up we'll screw it back on."

I watched the Adams-Farwell video again and I remembered I need to email that guy and ask whatever happened to that banana yellow Rolls I worked on last time I was there. They were going to get it running and sell it as a fund raiser. I hope my stunning polish job netted a little extra. By the way, the Adams company is still in business in Iowa making sprockets and stuff like that.

Oh me. Time to get going. I went past a Class C motorhome last night I want to stop and take a look at. I know, I'm not very bright. Have a good day all.
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Old March 29th, 2014, 10:27 AM
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Allan, I feel better. After reading more than I ever had on de subject of Chinese curling. I come to find out de Chinese Curling Coach [try to say dat real fast] is Canadian. [now try to say the whole thing real fast] Canadain Chinese curling coach
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Old March 29th, 2014, 11:40 AM
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Jim - no apologies needed my friend. I tried to get on here to splain some of it, but the iPad was having a kinipshun and wouldn't let me log on...

Not Chinese curling - the Ford World Mens Curling Event is being held in Bejing China this year. Nothing special. It does mean I gots ta git up at 0500 am just to watch it though. I could PVR it, but I like to see it as it happens. Canada did win their match pretty easy - those darn Danes just wouldn't give up. Team Koe (Kooo eeee) represents Canada in these games because they won that right in the Canadian Brier.

Pete Fenson from de US of A took a commanding lead in his game against Sweden by scoring 3 in the first end. Sweden started to come back though and at the 5th end he was in truuuubble. Ol Pete ending up losing to them. Y'all gotta start cheering for your team and let them know you're behind them 100%. Give em some patriotic support. Mebbe its jest me, but I git de mpreshun dat most people in the US haven't even herd of curlin.

Yup, China has Marcel Rocque as their coach. He's on contract and I believe it runs out this year. Marcel curled with the fab 4 (Randy Ferbey rink) out of the Saville where I curl. I've worked with Marcel on some coaching clinics for kids coming in from schools to learn the sport. Marcel is a super guy, and played lead for Randy. Very strong guy too and could sweep better than most anyone now on the market, except the Harnden bros (Brad Jacobs rink)

Mike - yup, I was kind of shocked too. I wasn't even trying to be honest. Just thought I'd catch up on anything I'd missed since yesterday - which was nada. Wanna come up and do a stunning polish job on my car for me??
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Old March 29th, 2014, 12:24 PM
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Let' me werk on my curl'in cheers
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Old March 29th, 2014, 01:18 PM
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Armchair curls work for me too
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Old March 30th, 2014, 04:04 AM
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So [from de little I know] It's kinda like golf in as much as if you burn the stone, ya gotta telll on yourself. Only in golf you may or may not depending on how honest ya are [or how much money is involved.]

Ya'll got a "foot wedge" in curling?

Oh yeah, Worm
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Old March 30th, 2014, 05:04 AM
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I waited for ya to get the worm today....

Burning the rock. There's 2 ways to do it-on delivery or sweeping. The competition rocks have electronic telltale lights. If sweeping burnt rock is touched by sweepers broom, and yes it does rely on honesty.

I'm not gonna say it's like golf because there are 4 peeps working on every shot. With golf it's only one. Both sports have their levels of skill and techniques to get to the winners circle
Btw, mawin Jim!
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Old March 30th, 2014, 05:23 AM
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Lol I just watched dat video! I very much wanted ta try dat sumtims but I couldnt bring myself to cheat. Sides, with sweeping there's 2 guys there and it's hard to hide that.

The wedges you're asking about is called the 'hack' an it's sumpin completely different than a golf hack. It's all one piece btw and most of it is buried under 2" or more ice. It's like the tee in golf. Curlers set up high in the hack for power shots. Only thing is every shot in curling uses the hack. Only 1 though for each golf shot.

Ya knows wit a pain dis is wit an IPad?

Btw Canada iz playin like a goat right now. Down 4-1 in de 5 the end. Wanna drop over? I gots fresh coffe on
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Old March 30th, 2014, 07:04 AM
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Went to the 10th end. China made a lot of mistakes so we won 9-6. But Canada lost to Japan earlier so their record is 2/1 now. Koe won't be able to stay on as Team Canada though because he's replacing Nolan Thiessen and Carter Rycroft with Benny Hebert and Marc Kennedy. They're coming to him after Kevin Martin announced his retirement. Mark an Ben will bring Olympic experience to Koe's team.

Where's de rest of the crowd this morning?
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Old March 30th, 2014, 01:50 PM
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Howdy everyone.

Wind has died down a bit, and the sun is out, nice day. I think the rain is done for awhile.

Allan I'd love to come up and wax one of your cars, or all of them. When should I be there?

John I didn't get your message until late Friday. How did it end? The remains of that airplane[TWA 800] are still in Pan Am's old hangar in New York I've heard. I don't buy the notion that the center fuel tank exploded like they say it did. Never the less, airplanes are having nitrogen suppression systems installed to fill the fuel tanks with nitrogen when they are empty.

I looked up Netfix and was searching around on their website. Surely they have more of a selection than what they are showing. It says I can watch the shows on my TV if it's an HDTV model. Well that's just the nudge I need to get the TV I've been wanting. I'm still watching the Montgomery Ward 19" set my Mom bought me when I was in high school. Gee, 30 years later and it still works fine.

So can anyone tell me if the hood of a 70 Cutlass will fit in the back of a Custom Cruiser? Or perhaps a Cutlass/Vista wagon? One of these weeks I am going up to my neighbor's house to retrieve my ram air hood in New Jersey, and I was thinking about flying up and buying a cheep something to bring it home in. That's an awful drive up there and back, just trying to see what might work.

So my neighbor calls me up and says, I watched this show called Car Hoarders and I thought of you. I said, I don't hoard cars. But when I watched the trailer for the show I thought, hm, that does sound familiar. The premise of the show is these guys show up and they will totally restore one of your cars, but you have to sell your other ones to pay for it. Nah, that wouldn't work around here. I could do that without a TV show.

Work tonight. Won't be so cold and it's going to be warmer at night as the week goes on. Hope everyone's week starts out good. Au revoir!
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Old March 30th, 2014, 04:41 PM
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Evening All!

We had sun today and temps in the 30's. Had rain yesterday which turned to sleet and snow late afternoon. So we woke up to 2 more inches of snow on the ground this morning. Spring?? I think not.

Roads got bad quick yesterday when I was driving back from Tina's friends essential oils and natural supplements meeting way out in Atwater. I crept home very slowly, lol.

It was an interesting meeting.... I think I'm going to take some of the supplements and use some of the oils. They're expensive but I think they'll do me good. My mom was into Edgar Cayce and his natural healing remedies. I read some of her books way back when. I think the natural stuff is more better then these man made chemicals they pump into your body. I feel like a gasoline engine that's getting diesel fuel put into it....

I have some real interesting side effects or something going on now.... I have a huge blue bruise or something on my left foot right under the big toe on the side of my foot. Don't know where the hell that came from. Don't even know if I'd call it a bruise.... then I noticed last night when I got out of the tub, not to get personal but we're family anyhow, lol, that my right boob - that I had the surgery on - is turning blue/purple from the bottom of it going half way up, all the way around! Top half is normal looking. I'm gonna call Rehmus' office in the morning and see if she can look at it before chemo on Tuesday. And if I don't like her answer, I will see Dr. Smith. He's the only one I really trust anyhow. It's scary looking. Like there's no blood flow or something. Could be a clot or something maybe? I have no idea. I've had a few pains in the boob, but nothing I would call unusual. The whole thing is still tender anyhow. But for something like this to show up 3 months after surgery?? I really just want to get the friggin things taken off. It has to be something to do with these damned chemo drugs...

Anyhow... I got all my spring cleaning done. Finished up this afternoon. House looks and smells much better. Just wish I could open the windows and let nice fresh air in. Maybe by July, the way we're going.

Started making my list of car shows. Some are in May. But I may have to have my surgeries sooner than later, depending on what's going on, so I may be missing the first part of show season. I hope not. I am soooo ready!

The finale of TWD is tonight.... someone is gonna die. Then we have to wait 7 months! Not fair.

Well I gotta go get my laundry out of the dryer, so I'll talk to you tomorrow. I'm on my laptop now - I haven't been lugging it back and forth to work like I used to, and a lot of times on my Kindle, I lose my posts. It's not like a computer so I can't copy and save before posting. I get really mad when I lose my posts so I don't get on much at work. Anyhow, Have a good evening all.
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Old March 30th, 2014, 05:26 PM
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Posts: 8,868 That's hilarious!
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Old March 30th, 2014, 09:24 PM
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Mike - anytime you want to come up and polish the cars you're always welcome. I keep special libation ready for guests like you.

Jim - I wuz gonna say 'night Jim-bob', but it sounds too Waltonish. So instead I'll jes say, see ya in dee mawnin. I'll have a fresh potta joe on, so drop over and we'll watch dat nex game tugehter an I'll splain summovit to ya. Might even let ya make sum grits da way yu likem...

Sandy - either you're turing into a smurf or you been watching Avatar too much. Check that out with your Dr. It just doesn't sound natural. BTW neither does your desire to chop off yer *****. Spring cleaning?? You lucky gal! It's still freezing up here. Last night was down to -12. Spring?? Bah humbug!!!

Clint - when ya get a chance. Question about IAC. (96 GM Saturn) I know to test the AB, CD for 20-80ohms, and infinity on AD. If the IAC is malfunctioning could it explain a periodic fluctuation of about 50-75 rpm at idle? I've done an IAC reset and I R & R'd (cleaned) the TB last year because the throttle plate was sticking. Pretty sure I cleaned the IAC pintle and seat but can't remember right now. I know I didn't take it out and test it. Am I looking in the right place for the answer to a idle surge? It only shows up when the engine is at full temperature; in park or drive.
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Old March 31st, 2014, 04:16 AM
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Morning all
Coffee's on Jim, come on over. It's Canada vs. Czech Republic. Did ya get the worm yet?

No I guess not. 2-0 for Czech at end of the 1st end.

De boy is up all night getting a presentation ready for college today. Told him not to leave things to the last minute, but apparently I don't know better? Yeah, I remember how this works.

Last edited by Allan R; March 31st, 2014 at 04:21 AM.
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Old March 31st, 2014, 04:23 AM
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Mawn'in all

Spose to be a beautimus day down ere

Allan, Ya get'in [or always have been] pretty serious 'bout dis curl'in.What the heck time do ya have to get up to watch it in China?

Sandy, sorry I don't know nutt'in 'bout *****. Maybe you should post in the technical section. Or I could search de net fer ya

Mike, I saw Car horders once. De redid a Corvain van and a drop top. Only problem was de drop top had a bum title so de couldn't see it. Bummmer and mucho $$$ down le toilet

I doubt de hood will fit. If ya need a trailer [and want to stand around in de frigg'in Fulton county tag office fer a month,] you're welcome to mine.

Welp,Tis Monday so guess what?
Have a great day Olds friends.
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Old March 31st, 2014, 04:30 AM
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LOL Jim. Yup I guess you could say I've always had a thing for curling. TSN covers just the games Canada plays and broadcasts live starting at 05:00 in de mawin! So I get up about 4:45 to come down and make coffee first.

Hope ya have a great time whacking whitey.

Not much change up here in de weather. Clear and brrrrrrr!
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Old March 31st, 2014, 05:43 AM
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Mornin all.

Went and looked at that red 69 Vert on Saturday. What a disappointment. Not sure how the guy got that type of appraisal.

Well, real busy at home. even more busy here at the shop. gotta get to it.

Have a Monday all.
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Old March 31st, 2014, 05:59 AM
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Wow, that's just insane. Obviously the painter and owner pulled the wool over the eyes of a slightly incompetent appraiser. I'm guessing the interior was equally bad?

You have a great Monday Clint.
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Old March 31st, 2014, 08:31 AM
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Morning all!

Sun and 40's right now. Supposed to get up to like 54. Tomorrow 60 then cool down with rain.

Called Rehmus office and was told to come in about 20 minutes early tomorrow before chemo so she can look at me. Not as blueish
today, just red. Still isn't normal....

AllanR.... if your ***** were trying to kill you, you'd want them off too!!! Believe me I'd rather not, but cancer likes me. You don't get breast cancer in abdominal tissue.

Clint... what'd you think of the finale?? Notice that pile of bones as they were running through Terminus?? Cannibals.... I think Tyrese and Carol will help get them out of the box car somehow. I was so glad to see the rest of the group in the box car. I was worried when that guy had Glenns watch!

Brian just left to take some customers to lunch so it's nice in here. I have to go to the bank at noon. I want to walk when I get back. Last day of feeling good for awhile.

Have a good Monday all.
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Old March 31st, 2014, 08:34 AM
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Kwik Good Mawnin'

Hi, boys & girl. 'Twas a little nip in the air, @ 41*. But spose to get up into the 70s. Been a pretty good spate of weather, and might just last 'til end o'week.

Whelpt, I didn't actually finish anything I needed to, but I'm making progress, b/w air in garage, lawn, landscaping, GS, etc., etc., etc.

Y'all have a real Monday, Oldsmomates.
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Old March 31st, 2014, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
AllanR.... if your ***** were trying to kill you, you'd want them off too!!! Believe me I'd rather not, but cancer likes me. You don't get breast cancer in abdominal tissue.
Sandy - WTH??? You've seen me in the shower?? That would 'splain the comment about my man ***** and abdominal tissue I guess. Kidding aside, I can appreciate how sensitive and concerning a topic that is. Hopefully it's something the Dr. finds a remedy for quickly. I would be scared to death if 'Big Jim' and his twin cousins turned blue from meds I was taking... Hope your day goes well.
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Old March 31st, 2014, 12:25 PM
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Morning all, starting to clear up here which is nice. I don't like rain for days on end.

There is a 69 olds cutlass for sale in Brisbane, looks real nice but I don't have any spare cash

Went to my first ever concert on Sunday night, saw 30 seconds to mars with Tink. Was ok for a first one, will probably go to another one.

Time to start work, have a good day ya'll,

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Old March 31st, 2014, 03:06 PM
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Hey everyone.

What a beautiful day here today. And I saw entirely too much of it. The dogs would not leave me be. Although, they were alerting me to the fact there were geese in the yard, something that I strictly forbid. So they would go out and chase them away. Persistent little ****** the geese would be back in a couple hours. Eh, sleep is overrated.

You know Adrian as much time as I've spent over there I don't think I've ever seen an Oldsmobile. When the Holden people decide they want an American car, do they pick from any of the divisions or do they pretty much keep with Chevy?

I actually know a few ***** I wouldn't mind being black and blue.

Good luck tomorrow Sandy. Hope the doctor is receptive to what you want.

Jamesbo are you in Fulton County? I've heard some bad stories about Fulton County tag offices. Actually my plan is to find a cheep Suburban that I can use for parts to buy up there and drive home and then take it all apart. I know the hood will fit in a Suburban because we moved it in one.

Okay gotta go. Night number two is upon us. Hope everyone's week started out good. Have a good night everyone.
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