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Old September 27th, 2013, 05:38 AM
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Mawn'in all

Spsoe to be nice today

It's a good think Clint is with us on de mawn'in thread or we'd have to go to use CO fer it's intended purpose. Dis way, we can fiddle phart 'round every mawn'in and still get techno questions answered.

I can tell but I'm pretty sure, you having dat dead bird is a Federal Crime.

Course, I won't tell, Eagles taste like chicken to me.

Mike, I think ya kinda need a Rolls from Florida. But I would sure as heck check de trunk to make sure Don Aronow wasn't hid in there.

Darrell, When dat guy stick out de cash, make him draw back a nub.

Allen, Thanks so much fer add'in sum'em worth while ere. I was begin'in to feel quilty 'bout what was being posted ever day.

GTG, TGIF Olds friends
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Old September 27th, 2013, 05:46 AM
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Happy Friday everyone.

Beautiful day here. The dogs wanted to go out extra early this morning, so I crawled back in bed and got up again after 8. Nice.

So the class last night was a bunch of statistics of people getting hurt at work, lift with your legs, etc. I guess "industrial athlete" is the new term for people who work for a living. Got four hours overtime for it since it was my day off. Also had that retake for my hearing test. Which I still failed but not as bad. Hm.

Clint that sort of looks like an owl. I don't get birds. They are at the top of a tree and want to go to the top of another tree. Why don't they just fly over there instead of swooping down and flying in front of a car?

Darrell if you actually sell the Eldo will you still have to sell the Cutlass? Give us the guy's info and we'll persuade him to finish the deal.

If all goes right I'll be chopping some firewood today. Didn't get to see the backhoe yesterday, the guy didn't call me back until late and then he says, oh I'm off all day Thursday but I have to work all weekend. Sheesh. There's another one in Dahlonega I called about, maybe he'll call me back.

Okay gonna git to gittin' . Hope everyone has a good day and good plans for the weekend.
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Old September 27th, 2013, 05:48 AM
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Jamesbo I thought we weren't allowed to talk about anything technical.

I don't know where you come up with these people I've never heard off. You must have a powerboat up in the mountains.

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Old September 27th, 2013, 06:51 AM
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Morning All!

Sunny and cold here again this morning. Temps in the 40's heading to the 70's. Boy it sure gets chilly fast when the sun starts to set.

It was cold at Bellacino's last night. But we had a good time. Gonna keep cruisin as long as weather permits. I won another Don Sitts oil change.

I have to take Tincanio over to Don's and drop off Tuesday morning. That thunking sound is back. I don't like it!! The way I drive, I sure don't want something breaking underneath and causing it to roll over....

Boy is my voice croaky today, lol. I sound like Kermit the frog with croup! I feel ok, but my voice, and I cough. I woke up at 4 am coughing and coughing. I just took some Mucinex.... never took it before, so I'll see how it works. I'm eating throat lozenges like candy just to keep my throat lubricated so it doesn't tickle and make me cough. I don't usually get colds, so I don't know how I got whatever this is!

Clint...... I don't know what kind of bird that is. Almost looks like a little hawk? Or a little owl? Pretty little thing.

Darrell..... I hope you don't have to sell the Cutlass. But I understand you have to do what you have to do.... I'd be driving the Eldo every chance you get, lol!

Well have a great Friday all!!
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Old September 27th, 2013, 07:58 AM
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Hmmm, too bad about the bird, but it appears to be a Western Screech Owl.
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Old September 27th, 2013, 02:22 PM
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Yeah, me neither me

Originally Posted by slantflat
Jamesbo I thought we weren't allowed to talk about anything technical.
I don't know where you come up with these people I've never heard off. You must have a powerboat up in the mountains.
2 Ditto's, Mike. Me never hearda' dat guy neither.

Went to start the Vette this morning and got the 99.99% dead battery syndrome.... seemed like just an instant and complete short .... But I'm almost glad --> it happened in the garage, and the battery is "only" 9 yrs old --- a true testament to the virtues of a Battery Tender ;-)

I'm no bird spotter, Clint, but that sure was a purdy thing.... shame he met his Waterloo. Since he's fresh, maybe give him (or her) a quick pluck job, throw a little olive oil & garlic on his carcass, and see if it's better or worse than Bald Eagle.

Y'all have a FAB weekend, Oldsmobuddies. Slightly warm, but generally a glorious day and weekend in the DEEP, DEEP South.

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Old September 28th, 2013, 04:17 AM
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Mornin all.

Well snowed just above us last night.

I have to haul straw bales to the towns 'Ciderfest' today. Then I have a willow tree to take down and cut up. Got down to 60F in the house this morning. Had to turn the furnace back on. Time to bundle up I guess.

Never did find a pic of a bird that really resembled the one the missus hit. oh, well.

Have a great day oldsmopeeps
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Old September 28th, 2013, 05:27 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter cool but beautimus day

Dat's what I love 'bout de net, I can look at all de pretty pics of snow and not get out in de stuff.

Or fer dat matter, I can look at de pics of a charg'in rhino and not get run over.

Anyone besides me watch'in Breaking Bad maraton? I fell sleep and had a dream sum one was gonna a knock me off.

I thought Aronow was kinda a well known dude. He'd make these fast as all get out boats, den sell em to drug smugglers, den make a faster one and sell it to de Guvment to catch de drug smugglers, den make another faster one and sell it to drug smugglers and on an on an on. Til sumone got PO'd

I used to have a Donzi and it would flat out "Get it. "

Anywho, enjoy your weekend Olds friends
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Old September 28th, 2013, 08:46 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Bright and sunny, though a tad nippy this morning. Can't beat it. Didn't have to have the furnace on in the house but did put on some heat in the car on the way to the Awful house.

Well you can just color me stupid. I purposely drove to the north side of Atlanta yesterday at dinnertime to pick up a couple of tires for the Deuce. My GPS was analyzing the traffic and kept sending me on out of the way routes. Wasn't so bad coming home, I talked with the guy for a little while then stopped for a bite, and still got home around 730. And now I have new front tires for the truck and the ones on there now are spares. I'm happy!

Glad it snowed above you, Clint. Because that's way above me. How's the cleanup at the store going? Is Willow any good for firewood?

After I cracked up my Corvette and got it back from the shop, the battery kept going dead. And the right turn signal wouldn't work. I thought it might be a bad alternator so I changed it, no help. So I just leave the battery unhooked. I hate that car. Maybe if I did some work to it it would act a little nicer. I may have to take it to a garage and get it running right, though I hate to do that because they will just throw a bunch of parts at it until they think they have enough of my money. Doesn't look like I'm going to get to it any time soon, it's a tradeoff.

Where you at today, Sandy? You should put a hitch on Teepo and carry all your trophies to the shows in a trailer. Sort of like a mobile museum. What sort of stuff are you displaying in the trunk these days?

Going to look at that backhoe on Wednesday. Guy said he'd sell me the backhoe and the big trailer it goes on for 7K. That sounds good, I guess. Wish he'd send me the pictures he said he had of it.

I took tonight off so I could have an extra day to do stuff. Today I'm going to wash the black truck, clean up those tires and paint the rims, and this evening after it gets dark pull down some drywall in a room in the basement.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.
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Old September 28th, 2013, 09:44 AM
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I love Saturdays! In fact I loves pretty much every one of them days where you get up on the green/brown/ or white side of the grass.

Clint - NICE!!! I know that's coming our way soon so I'm ready for it. My girl is already covered for the winter and put away early. I'll try those tips you gave me on that sway bar adjustment. Still not too fat to get under her and do that stuff. Now if she wasn't on those dollies it might be a different story.

Jim - LOL, I look at pics or newscasts that show how others are getting the brunt of mom nature (which sometimes is us too) and it makes me glad sometimes I don't live in some places or hafta go out unless I feel like it.

Mike - Just go buy that sucker and be done with it. When the neighbor asks you to cut their grass, just dig it out and pile it in a corner of their yard. Problem solved. Besides, you like big machinery or you wouldn't work on planes...

John - whattaya expect from a 9 year old battery?? You need a Doctor here, not a new battery

On a very sad note. One of the C.O. members I've developed a long distance friendship with over the past 2 years sent me a very distressing email on Thursday. He was diagnosed with advanced cancer and was given less than a year to live. I'm still trying to come to grips with that. I say prayers for him every night but he's already resigned himself to the inevitable. He had shared that he'd been treated locally for a throat infection, but he didn't really say anything beyond that till now. I really don't know what to do or say; and I know his wife is devastated; they've been married for over 40 years. This guy is fairly private so I won't divulge his name, but if any of you want to say a prayer or 2 for him, God will know who it is intended for. Thank you everyone for what you bring to the table everyday. You may not realize how important it is just to be on the sunny side, regardless of what's happening in your life.
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Old September 28th, 2013, 10:06 AM
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Mike, Ya shoulda called me. I woulda bought cha lunch.

Bye the bye, A few years back down in Peachtree City. A pilotgod got tired of paying fer water fer is sprinkler system. Tried to dredge out a storage slough in his back yard next to de lake. He got PO'd cause de backhole operator was do'in it the way he should. Jumped on, turned over and promptly got kilt in his own back yard.
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Old September 28th, 2013, 10:39 AM
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Prayers for your friend, Allan. That's a tough one. I have also noticed a high number of people talking about having heart attacks on here lately.

After leaving the Awful house this morning I headed to Walmart for a few things, and noticed my pants don't really fit anymore. Which is a bad thing because all my blue jeans quit fitting right and I've been wearing my work pants everywhere. Now if they're out I'm toast, so I guess it's time to do something about it. No not get bigger pants. After I get a pizza tonight, I'm going to start exercising and eating better. That will be tough but I have to do it. I'd say I'm a good 50 pounds over weight. That would be a good start, anyway. I used to be thin when I walked around the lake every day. But our neighborhood doesn't have sidewalks and walking in the street makes you a target. I'll have to figure out something. Wish me luck.

Jamesbo I didn't know you were close to Dunwoody. First time I'd ever been there. It wasn't lunchtime I was there, it was around 5pm. Alls I can say is you can have that traffic. I used to have a friend that lived off Steve Reynolds Blvd. It didn't matter what time of the day or night you were there, the roads were jam packed.

Got the truck washed and the new tires/rims ready for paint. Beautiful, beautiful day out. I'd call and take tomorrow off also but I already know the book is full.
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Old September 28th, 2013, 11:14 AM
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Dumpwoody aint' too fer PLUS, it's home of the 2nd [besides Tucker [Northlake area] remaining Hickory House.
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Old September 28th, 2013, 03:31 PM
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Weekend upon us....

Hope yer havin' a fab weekend, Oldsmopeeps.

Looks like da' Dawgs are givin' da' Cats a real run for their money. Not sure if the Bayou Bengals can pull this one out in Athens.

Alan, that's a great little compilation! But I'm afraid I DO need a new battery... alas. Poor Bones has been pushing up daisies for a while now. Anyhoots, geezer Kirk is 80, and poor Spock looked 90 in the new movie; but at least they're vertical.

Mike, Mary Mac's oughta' help da' waistline! ;-) Last weekend and this one have really been hazardous to mine.... it's dangerous when standing in buffet lines becomes the norm....

Y'all enjoy the beautiful (and nippy) weather, boys and girl....

Last edited by Bee-Oh-Pee; September 28th, 2013 at 03:38 PM.
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Old September 28th, 2013, 06:58 PM
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Evening everyone. Hope you all enjoying the weekend so far, sunny here and around 75. The great weather continues. Not a lot going on here with me, just trying to get caught up on some house projects today.

Allan - that's a tough situation, sorry to hear about your friend. He is in our prayers.

Well, have a good night everyone.
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Old September 29th, 2013, 11:36 AM
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WTH?? It's afternoon and I got the worm? Anybody out there?

Cool and rainy here today. My missus is so happy; last night when she got home I had the big door open for her and she could park inside again. She gave the Cutlass a good 5' of clearance for when she opens her door.

Glad I got all the yardwork caught up yesterday. It would be a little on the messy side today.

We're taking off for a short 4 day vacation in Banff. Just the Mrs. and me. Graeme will have the house to himself. Hope he learns to cook and clean up after himself. Oh yeah, he better be able to catch his bus on time. I've been patiently making sure he does for the past month.
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Old September 29th, 2013, 12:46 PM
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I'm watching the Breaking Bad maraton
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Old September 29th, 2013, 02:04 PM
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Hey everyone happy Sunday.

Slept until about 130 this afternoon, but it wasn't good sleep, the dogs were restless all morning, don't know why. Maybe I can sneak in a nap at breaktime tonight.

Allan have a good trip to Banff. I've never been there but it sounds quite fetching. My next trip will be to St. Augustine, FL, the first weekend of November.

Well I had my pizza last night, from Pizza Hut, and of course the leftovers when I woke up. So that's it for awhile. According to my bathroom scale, which is old and questionable, I'm a svelte 242. We'll see what I can do about that in the next month. I don't know what I'm going to do about the Awful house.

Oh you know what else, I was putting air in tires last night and found out one of the trailer's tires has some sort of staple in it, and it doesn't hold air. Great. This tire is also pretty dry and cracked, and no shop will put on a patch or plug it. So here is the dilemma, do I get new tires for it and then I'll have to keep it, or do I go get a new trailer? I've wanted a new trailer for awhile, mine is crusty and doesn't have brakes. Hm, an easy decision, but not one I wanted to make just now.

Time to start getting ready for work. Another night of fun awaits I'm sure. Or not. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and has a good start to the week.

Last edited by slantflat; September 29th, 2013 at 02:55 PM.
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Old September 29th, 2013, 05:07 PM
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Jim - You'll go crosseyed watchin dat much jellyvizion. Nevr cud git usta dat show so i nevr watches it.

Mike - local tire store could mount a decent used tire for you? Then just sell the old rig and buy a new one. Easier to sell as a rolling trailer than one that has a flat. Thx for the well wishes, I promise to behave. 242?? BRO!!!! We could be fullbacks. I prefer to think of that as 'built solid as a rock'.
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Old September 29th, 2013, 07:30 PM
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Good evening everyone.

Life has been busy lately and it doesn't look like it will settle down anytime soon.

I went to a friend's wedding yesterday, and even drove them from the hall to their hotel in the Delta. They liked the room in the back seat. It was a fun day, but I can't remember when I last danced that much.

Unfortunately, I do not think my Good Morning Thread attendance is going to improve any time soon. I'll try to check in, but probably won't be posting much for a while. If I can, I might just post a hello every now and then.

It seems like I must be the only person who actually enjoys Pizza Hut pizza. I'm not saying it's the best, but I do enjoy it and sometimes actually want it.

Allan, have fun in Banff! Safe trip.

And sorry to hear about your friend and CO member.

Hi to everyone else!

Hope everyone has a great week!
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Old September 29th, 2013, 08:51 PM
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Hey everyone. Just checking in to see what's up. Quiet day today, sunny and in the low 70's. Mostly spent it playing tennis for about 3 hours. Surprised I'm still awake.

I have not had pizza hut pizza in a while. The one up the road from here makes 'em extremely greasy so actually kind of gross. Maybe the ones around you are much better. We have some of the best local pizza places in the country so not sure how the chains survive.

Well, have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 03:33 AM
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Mornin all.

Darell, I agree. Too greasy for me. and I don't like their crusts. We have a small chain here called Blackjack. They seem to do a pretty good job. we also have Papa Murphys, Dominos, and Pudge Bros. don't care much for any of those. The wife could live on Pizza, Me not so much. Once or twice a month is plenty for me.

Paul, good to hear from you.

Allan, Have a good mini vacation. So did you get the Olds out for a drive? I hadn't heard that you did.

Mike, I wish my retirement fund would increase as fast as my waistline. You've been hinting for a while about a replacement for that trailer. Why not fit the Deuce up with a rollback? Problem solved.

Jamesbo, Everyone says I'd like that show. I havent watched it yet. It was really getting going when the kid was having her issue. I didn't think watching a show about a teacher turned meth cook would be a positive experience for an impressionable teen just out of rehab. Maybe someday.

John, you have a Vette also? Dang Sounds like everyone on here is as 'Car Poor" as me. What year?

Dan, I can't find a pic that matches that bird. I think the eyes were too far off to the side for an owl, And the tail looked like a raptor, but nothing seems to come up close.

Sandy I've been a little froggy lately too. I think its allergies for me. I would assume we have a high mold index right now. The Mushrooms are going wild right now. I can't believe how green everything is for the end of Sept. The leaves better get with it before it snows, otherwise we're gonna have a lot more limbs to deal with.

Fell that willow on Saturday. That took much longer that I expected. That was a big dang tree with lots of crappy little shoots and branches. But saved the fence and the neighbors garage. Then went and picked up the straw bales yesterday morning.

Then went to Ma's for a memorial for a long time neighbor growing up. He actually was one of the first in the 'hood back in the late 50's or early 60's He had 4 daughters that were older than I and at least 3 of them babysat my sister and I. He was just in the shop about 3 weeks ago. He fell and they found his abdomen was full of fluid. Once they got him drained they found all the cancer and he was going into renal failure. Mom told me they gave him a week, but he was gone the next day. His wife died about a year ago I guess.

The new neighbors got moved in next door. So far, we're hitting it off pretty good. They are from AZ. And have only lived in CO since Feb. Makes me wonder how this winter is going to treat them?

Have a great Monday all.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 04:10 AM
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Mawn'in all

Nice cool mawn'in. spose to warm up so I'm off to smakcy whitey

Breaking Bad was one of dem shows, I caught part of every now an den. Past my bed time most nites. So it got a mite confusing "who shot Nelly in de belly'

When de had it back to back fer 3/4 days it was easier fer me to follow.

Clint, It's prety graphic but it shows how FUBAR de drug business can get. Violent wit everone out to get de other one. Kinda reminds me of the 6:00 news. Kinda a trail on senseless killings fer nutt'in


Have a great Monday everyone.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 06:22 AM
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Morning All!

Cloudy and a little rainy here this morning, supposed to clear up later on. Temps in the 60's right now. We're supposed to be around 80 on Wednesday, but now it's looking like rain on Saturday for the Rockwell show down here on 91.

I didn't go to any shows over the weekend........ I know, right? I just felt crappy. I got my stuff together Saturday morning and was gonna head out, and then it was like, no, I just don't feel good, and I didn't feel like driving 40 some miles one way. I should have went though. It was an absolutely beautiful day. Sunny and warm. Instead, I schleped Halloween and fall decorations down from upstairs in the garage and started decorating the yard. Worked on that all day yesterday too.

I feel better today.... at least my voice isn't as croaky as it was. Still coughing my head off though.

Brian is back today.

I used to like Pizza Hut pan supreme, but the last couple I've had around here, it's like there's no sauce on it! I like lots of sauce. All I can taste is crust. Not very good. So we haven't eaten there for a while. I like Domino's, but we don't have one here anymore. There's one in Streetsboro and one in Ravenna.

I have to tell Steve I'll be in late tomorrow morning. Gotta drop Tincanio off over at Don's. I hope it's nice by the end of the day today for the Riverfront. I have to go over and get Teepo's picture! I was planning on taking her to Curly and Jay to get the seat done, after the show next Saturday. But we'll see now that they're calling for rain. They will have her about a week.

Clint... I Do Not like that pic, lol!!! It's very green around here too for this time of year. Leaves are just starting to fall off some of the trees.

Well I gotta get off here and do something, so I'll talk to you later! Have a good Monday all.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 07:41 AM
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OK.. While I appreciate the Pizza Hut comments.. ( Yes I work there as a Delivery driver part time)
I have found over the past 6 years.
the best crust is either the hand tossed or thin. otherwise the crust is way to oily / greasy. (Yes I know that is what you like) Sandy - you can ask for extra sauce - they don't charge extra for it..

OK.. I will get down off my delivery bag now
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Old September 30th, 2013, 08:38 AM
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Mornin', Oldsmogang. Dreary and dank down in the Swamp, but still mild temps. Got about a 50% chance of an Elsie visit practically the whole week.
Sandy, hope you get better soon... maybe get all that frogginess out of your system before end of month.... ;-)

Funny... I've never seen an episode of Breaking Bad... but Bryan Cranston will always be Dr. Tim Whatley (in Seinfeld, of course) to me -- what a great character!

Clint, the Vette is an '04 -- the last C5. Only has 5k miles on it, which might explain why the battery lasted 9 years. It just sits on the tender 99% of the time, just like the Olds. I think I still have your e-mail address from your Jazz Fest trip.... I'll send you a little pic of the Black Beauty. ;-) (It's just an LS1 hatchback-targa.)

Whelp, I'm off this week, so lemme go get a few things done, friends. Y'all have a great Monday.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 02:21 PM
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Hey everyone.

Friday for me. Last night wasn't too bad. Worked on two planes and still got out early. The dogs have been a major pain these last couple of days. Coming to get me every half hour. I got this big pile of wood in the back yard that I planned on cutting up for firewood. It's mostly wood from the old steps, old lumber, some branches, but the burning ban ends this week so I think it will all go up in smoke. The ground squirrels go in there and the dogs try to dig them out and that's all they want when they come to wake me up. I'm tired of it.

So I looked up Banff. It's a resort town close to Lake Louise. I've had a huge picture of Lake Louise for years. Pretty. Wouldn't mind going up there some time.

Funny about Pizza Hut. I wasn't going to drive all the way up to Marietta and PH had the best online deals that night. Bad pizza is good pizza as far as I'm concerned. I, too, would eat if every day if I could.

Clint, it's been more like whining about a new trailer than hinting. I've been trying to come up with something that will do all things, like an enclosed trailer that is long enough, wide enough, heavy enough to do everything I could possibly want a trailer to do. I don't have space to put something like that, so I've decided just to get a flatbed that will do what my trailer does now. If it does more, so much the better.

Jeff I delivered pizza for Domino's when I was a kid. Not a bad job. I used a Corvair convertible as my delivery car. Everyone loved it and I got way more tips then everyone else.

I've never seen Breaking Bad, in fact I had to look it up to see what it was about. Dr. Tim Whatley as the bad guy? I could never take that show seriously. I'd always be waiting for him to ask Chrissy for a shtickle of fluoride.

Darrell how goes things with the Eldo?

Paul, don't work too hard. Your friends couldn't have had a better wedding ride than in a nice looking Delta, that's for sure.

Okay everyone, time to start the ritual. Gonna be another cool night but it's warming up this week. I can handle wearing a sweater. Have a good Monday night everyone.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 07:59 PM
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Hey everyone, hope you've enjoyed the day. Really nice weather again here, another sunny day around 70. Supposed to warm up this week and get up to 80. Who says it's October?

Darrell how goes things with the Eldo?

Hi Mike, thanks for asking. I still have it, the guy is still interested, but it is still here. Supposedly wants to fly in here now and pick it up in about 3 weeks.

I drove the Cutlass today, and I put a for sale sign in it. A guy saw it and asked me a lot of questions. Turns out he had a Cutlass in the past and wanted another. He seemed very interested so we'll see.

Honestly if I had the room and money, I would not sell anything. I really need something that I can use everyday that's economical, and hopefully not an appliance either.

I'm watching MNF, really great if you're an New Orleans fan as they're blowing out the Dolphins.

Well, have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old October 1st, 2013, 04:36 AM
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Mornin all.

Darrell, Sorry to hear about the Cutlass. In a weird way I hope you ask too much and no one wants it.

Mike I've been looking for that same trailer. The one that does everything I need in every situation. But alas, I still have 3 trailers.

John, Very nice. I wish you still had the GS. If she had to take one, I wish she would have taken the Vette. Also I'll send you a pic of a beautiful CBX that was parked in front of the shop a few weeks back. Holy Motor!

Sandy this weekend is supposed to be THE weekend to go up and look at the colors. Meh, I got stuff to do.

Jamesbo, I thought the Zombie show was a little depressing. BB sounds like a jolly time.

Have a day all!
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Old October 1st, 2013, 05:14 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter nice one down ere

Played like a goat yesterday. Breaking Bad [check] Golf [check]
don't have the foggest what's up today.

Did ch'all sed dem bikes attack dat dude on the video?

It's Mad mad mad mad world [I may have left out a few Bad's]

Speak'in of de boob tube. If there's one thing I can't stand it's canned laughter. To me it's somehwere between running your finger nails down a blackboard and the sound of a "Test " signal on TV. Dirves me crazy, so I never watch any sit coms.

Mike, I could use a few more trailers also. Dang things are either too big or too small fer what cha need.

Donny showed me a BIG Ransome Ridding mover de golf course was gonna sell. Had 3 floating decks and more hydrolics dan anything I ever seen. I think it was a 6' cut. How in de world you'd ever get it on my trailer I'll never know.

I haven't had a pizza Hut Pizza in 40 years. Dare was a gal I went to highschool wit who used to werk at one in Sandy Springs. And we used to go there sum. Come to think of it, we never ate pizza jes downed flagons of free draft beer.

GTG do sum'ne productive

Have a great day Olds friends
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Old October 1st, 2013, 07:11 AM
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Morning All! Happy October....

Clouds and sun here this morning, after a foggy start. Temps in the high 60's right now. Beautiful morning.

I got here around 9:20 this morning after dropping Tincanio off over at Don's. Stopped at Dunkin Donuts and got me a ham, cheese and egg croissont, which I ate on the way in. Calorie overload!!!! But it sure was good, lol. I'm driving the Chrysler 200 again now till Tincanio gets fixed. The low tire pressure light is on in that car, so I hope I don't have a flat!!

Larry rode over with me to the Riverfront last night to pick up Teepo's pic. I took Tincanio. We walked around and looked at the cars. It was Corvette night. He gets irritated when all the guys come up and talk to me....... There weren't a whole lot of cars over there, it was very cloudy out. Then we left there and went to Swensons drive in and had burgers. Then headed home.

Quiet in here. Clay is reading a magazine. Scary...... Sure hope it picks up. I think people are afraid of what's going on in DC.... or what isn't going on and should be. I don't know.

I've been trying to scope out places to take Teepo pics for the calendar. We just have no real good places around here. I'm gonna try to get out and take pics this weekend if it isn't rainy.

I never watched Breaking Bad but I've heard it was good. Lot of people liked it. Walking Dead comes back on on the 13th!!

Well I better do something, so you all have a good day!
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Old October 1st, 2013, 05:25 PM
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Good evening everyone.

Nice of the site to tell us they were doing system maintenance in the middle of the day. After an epic post I hit post and got a giant message, come back later. And of course the epic post was gone.

I spent all afternoon tending to a burn pile. Had a hard time getting it going because I piled on too much green stuff, so a little gasoline helped things along. Yes I still have my eyebrows. Got a lot of stuff taken care of, and got some trimming done in the yard as well.

Got a nastygram from the state saying my insurance on the Deuce was terminated. Actually what happened was when I paid my money State Farm never put the policy through, they said it was still pending. Though they cashed my check. I told my insurance agent he needs to get this taken care of post haste. And no I'm not paying the State $25 for not having insurance.

Sandy I've lost track. Did you take Tincanio to Don's for a free oil change or for the latest clunking sound? Have you heard from Blue lately? I hope he's okay.

Time to relax. Big day tomorrow. During the conversation with the insurance guy today he said the company needs pictures of my truck, would I mind driving it up there for him to take pictures. Actually he sort of intimated that he'd come to the house, but I really don't want him here, so I said I'd take it up there. Hey any excuse to drive that guy. Then I'll stop at the Awful house on the way home. Tomorrow afternoon I'm supposed to drive down to Macon to see a backhoe. Somewhere in there I also need to stop by the credit union and deposit my state refund check that I just got.

Well have a good night everyone.
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Old October 1st, 2013, 08:59 PM
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Evening everyone. Wow, another amazing weather day here, 81 and sunny. Tomorrow, it is supposed to be even hotter. It has been almost as warm here in September as it was in August. Guess I took down the pool too early.

Clint - thanks, but it also would be great if I asked too much and someone bought it. In all seriousness, I would prefer not to sell it but the money would be very helpful. We will see.

Mike - That's terrible about the car insurance. Hope they fix it and take care of the charges for you.

Sandy - well, the stock market didn't think too much about what's going on in DC, think it finished up today.

Well , have a good night Oldsmofriends.
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Old October 2nd, 2013, 02:56 AM
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Mornin all,

Darrell, Thats a better way of lookin at it.

Mike, Have a good time drivin the truck. That has to be kind of a hoot. I bet the guy who got caught up in that motorcycle gang in NYC wishes he had a deuce. I hear the family of one of the injured gang members is squeeling a sob story on how he may be a paraplegic.

So Jamesbo, You getting a new mower?You have a buddy named Boomhauer that could come over and chat about it?

Sandy, Sounds like they are already picking pics for the claendar. I don't have the time to get any of Brit. Maybe next year.

Have a great humpday all.
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Old October 2nd, 2013, 05:36 AM
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Mawn'in all

Anutter nice one down ere in de sunny south

Clint, I'm still scratch'in my head over de mower. It's got more hydrolic hoses dan a 747. The rear wheel drive is actually hydrolic.

Mike, Ya need to take one of dem ole tires off de trailer and toss it in de burn pile. Dat should keep it go'in. Might get cha anutter nasty gram from de EPA but WTH

Sandy, I been ponder'in my naval 'bout driving my drop top while y'all are down ere. Cause you said you wanted to see one of my cars. de more I think about it the more afraid it might not werk so good parked out at de zoo [Cyclorama] It's not located in de best of neighborhoods.

BTW one of your favorite Zombie's has gone viral 'bout health care but it's too political to post ere.

De cotton pick'in black walnuts are start'in to fall. I hate gett'in dem up.

Enjoy hump'in Olds friends
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Old October 2nd, 2013, 09:15 AM
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Howdy all.

Nice day here. Sunny, just like Jamesbo said. Was a little cool this morning but has warmed up and I think headed towards 80.

Just got home from morning errands. Took the Deuce up to the insurance guy. He said he could hear me coming. He said he took care of that letter. Stopped at the credit union then Awful house. Had to park at the QT and walk across the road because Awful house's parking lot is so small. This afternoon I think I'll wash a couple cars and clean up on the driveway a little. I'm supposed to go look at a backhoe, don't think I'm gonna.

Darrell I don't remember, was the Cutlass a family heirloom or something like that, or just a car you liked bought it. Not that either makes it any easier to sell, you do what you gotta do. Hopefully that guy finishes up the deal with the Caddy so you don't have to worry about that anymore.

Well I best get to doing something. Hope everyone is having a good day.
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Old October 2nd, 2013, 10:33 AM
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Mike, I was wonder'in how that thing was gonna fit in one of those tiny Awful House parking lots.

Did cha check de back when ya left fer any illegal aliens.
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Old October 2nd, 2013, 12:34 PM
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Afternoon All!

Sunny here this afternoon after a pretty cloudy morning. Its about 78 degrees now.

I took a sick day today. Still coughing like crazy and I didn't feel like sitting in there bored all day coughing! I feel alright except for this cough. I'm drinking Mucinex every 6 hrs or so to help break up the crap. If I have to cough, I'd like it to be productive!!

Going to Chick Fil A around 5. I didn't do much today. Puttered around inside the house. Went to Wal Mart and got more throat lozenges and such.

Rob over at Dons called yesterday afternoon and said it was the link on the rear stabilizer on the other side this time on Tincanio. Don't know why they just didn't replace them both back in August when the first one broke..... guess they cant just do that. I haven't heard from him today; it would have been nice to go get it today while I'm home instead of having to take off early tomorrow or whenever they get it fixed.

Jamesbo.... bring the car somewhere safe and I'll come see it! I'll have time Friday when we get there or Sunday before we leave.... I really want to see it. I'd hate to have to whine like a girl, lol! But I will! . So which one of my zombie killers is political? I haven't heard. Evidently Larry hasn't either or I'm sure he would make me aware....

He was flinging the F word at Nicole last night over her making supper. Hes been nice to her since his daughter was here, but I guess that's over now. We knew it wouldn't last. Sad. So she left last night and I went to the garage and cleaned Teepo. Came in late and didn't say a word. It must suck to be him... I sure hope he behaves himself on the trip out there. I think the weather might be a safe topic we can talk about, lol.

I filled my birdfeeders last week and there's not many birds around? I think they miss our maple tree. I haven't seen the cardinals or bluejays. Just a few sparrows and chickadees. Hmmmm.

Well I reckon I better move my chair to the sun. its in front of the house now. Talk to ya later.
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 03:14 AM
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Mornin all

Sandy. I think Maybe Jamesbo is referring to that Zombie meme I posted on FB? Sorry to hear Larry is back to his old self. I get pretty heated, but I hope people don't see me like that.

Jamesbo, I bet it takes a bit of time Mowing out there. How often do you have to mow the boneyard? Speaking of hydraulics, I'm pretty sure I made a big mistake buying that 'bobcat'(Case skidsteer). I have a leak at the bottom of the tank for the hydraulic fluid. There is a crack in it, but since it is also part of the frame structure it will need to be cut apart to get to and weld the crack and reassembled. I'm not sure I have the patience for it.

Mike today sure would be a great day to spend at the AH. Boy did I wake up in a sour mood this morning. Don't know what woke me up but been up since about 12:30am.

Have a Thursday all.
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Old October 3rd, 2013, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by 1969w3155
Hmmm, too bad about the bird, but it appears to be a Western Screech Owl.
Looks more like a Whip-Poor-Will....a night hunter that is rarely seen.....and feeds mainly on insects in flight...listed as threatened here in Canada.
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